Пример #1
 public function __get($name)
     $deps = registry::get_const('short_' . get_class($this));
     if (isset($deps[$name])) {
         if (is_array($deps[$name])) {
             return registry::register($deps[$name][0], $deps[$name][1]);
         } else {
             return registry::register($deps[$name]);
     if (is_array($deps) && is_int(array_search($name, $deps))) {
         if (isset(registry::$aliases[$name])) {
             if (is_array(registry::$aliases[$name])) {
                 return registry::register(registry::$aliases[$name][0], registry::$aliases[$name][1]);
             } else {
                 return registry::register(registry::$aliases[$name]);
         } elseif (registry::class_exists($name)) {
             return registry::register($name);
     if ($const = registry::get_const($name)) {
         return $const;
     return null;
Пример #2
 public function __get($name)
     $shorts = static::__shortcuts();
     if (isset($shorts[$name])) {
         if (is_array($shorts[$name])) {
             return registry::register($shorts[$name][0], $shorts[$name][1]);
         } else {
             return registry::register($shorts[$name]);
     if (is_int(array_search($name, $shorts))) {
         if (isset(registry::$aliases[$name])) {
             if (is_array(registry::$aliases[$name])) {
                 return registry::register(registry::$aliases[$name][0], registry::$aliases[$name][1]);
             } else {
                 return registry::register(registry::$aliases[$name]);
         } elseif (registry::class_exists($name)) {
             return registry::register($name);
     if ($const = registry::get_const($name)) {
         return $const;
     return null;
Пример #3
 public function ajax_check_database()
     header('content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8');
     if ($this->in->get('host') != '' && $this->in->get('user') != '' && $this->in->get('pw') != '' && $this->in->get('name') != '') {
         $error = array();
         try {
             $db = dbal::factory(array('dbtype' => registry::get_const('dbtype')));
             $db->connect($this->in->get('host'), $this->in->get('name'), $this->in->get('user'), $this->in->get('pw'));
             //Schreibe die Daten in die Config
             $this->config->set('cmsbridge_host', $this->crypt->encrypt($this->in->get('host')));
             $this->config->set('cmsbridge_user', $this->crypt->encrypt($this->in->get('user')));
             $this->config->set('cmsbridge_password', $this->crypt->encrypt($this->in->get('pw', '', 'raw')));
             $this->config->set('cmsbridge_database', $this->crypt->encrypt($this->in->get('name')));
             $this->config->set('cmsbridge_notsamedb', 1);
             echo "true";
         } catch (DBALException $e) {
     echo "false";
 public function get_filled_output()
     $this->dbtype = registry::get_const('dbtype');
     $this->dbhost = registry::get_const('dbhost');
     $this->dbname = registry::get_const('dbname');
     $this->dbuser = registry::get_const('dbuser');
     return $this->get_output();
Пример #5
 public function get_filled_output()
     $this->ftphost = registry::get_const('ftphost');
     $this->ftpport = registry::get_const('ftpport');
     $this->ftpuser = registry::get_const('ftpuser');
     $this->ftproot = registry::get_const('ftproot');
     $this->use_ftp = registry::get_const('use_ftp');
     return $this->get_output();
Пример #6
 public function __construct($strEncryptionKey = '')
     include_once $this->root_path . 'libraries/aes/AES.class.php';
     if ($strEncryptionKey == '' && registry::get_const('encryptionKey') == '') {
         $this->core->message('Encryption Key is missing. Please take a look at our Wiki.', $this->user->lang('error'), 'red');
         $this->strEncryptionKey = '';
     } else {
         $this->strEncryptionKey = $strEncryptionKey != '' ? $strEncryptionKey : registry::get_const('encryptionKey');
         $this->strEncryptionKey = md5($this->strEncryptionKey);
Пример #7
 public function _inpval()
     switch ($this->returnFormat) {
         case 'relative':
             return str_replace($this->environment->link, registry::get_const('root_path'), urldecode($this->in->get($this->name, '')));
         case 'in_data':
             return str_replace($this->pfh->FileLink('', 'files', 'absolute'), '', urldecode($this->in->get($this->name, '')));
         case 'filename':
             return pathinfo(urldecode($this->in->get($this->name, '')), PATHINFO_BASENAME);
         case 'absolute':
             return urldecode($this->in->get($this->name, ''));
Пример #8
function getAvailableParsers()
    $parser = array();
    $parse_path = registry::get_const('root_path') . 'plugins/raidlogimport/includes/parser/';
    include_once $parse_path . 'parser.aclass.php';
    $parse_ext = '.parser.class.php';
    $parser_classes = sdir($parse_path, '*' . $parse_ext, $parse_ext);
    $parser = array();
    foreach ($parser_classes as $parser_class) {
        include_once $parse_path . $parser_class . $parse_ext;
        $parser[$parser_class] = $parser_class::$name;
    $parser['empty'] = register('user')->lang('parser_empty');
    return $parser;
  * pre_install
  * Define Installation
 public function pre_install()
     // include SQL and default configuration data for installation
     include $this->root_path . 'plugins/eqdkp_sso/includes/sql.php';
     // define installation
     for ($i = 1; $i <= count($eqdkpSSOSQL['install']); $i++) {
     //Create uniqueID and masterKey
     $masterKey = sha1(generateRandomBytes(48));
     $uniqueID = sha1(generateRandomBytes(48));
     $data = "<?php \nif ( !defined('EQDKP_INC') ){\n\theader('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found');exit;\n}\n\n\$eqdkp_sso_uniqueID = '" . $uniqueID . "';\n\$eqdkp_sso_masterKey = '" . $masterKey . "';\n\n?>";
     $this->pfh->secure_folder('config', 'eqdkp_sso');
     $this->pfh->putContent($this->pfh->FolderPath('config', 'eqdkp_sso') . 'config.php', $data);
     //Insert this master as slave;
     $crypt = register('encrypt', array($masterKey));
     $arrQuery = array('name' => $this->config->get('main_title') != "" ? $this->config->get('main_title') : "This Master", 'domain' => $this->env->server_name, 'uniqueid' => $uniqueID, 'db_type' => 0, 'db_host' => '', 'db_user' => '', 'db_password' => '', 'db_database' => '', 'db_prefix' => $crypt->encrypt(registry::get_const("table_prefix")), 'cookie_name' => $this->config->get('cookie_name'));
     $this->db->prepare("INSERT INTO __plugin_sso :p")->set($arrQuery)->execute();
Пример #10
  * Initialize the Bridge Database Connection
 private function connect()
     if ((int) $this->config->get('cmsbridge_notsamedb') == 1) {
         try {
             $this->bridgedb = dbal::factory(array('dbtype' => registry::get_const('dbtype'), 'debug_prefix' => 'bridge_', 'table_prefix' => $this->prefix));
             $this->bridgedb->connect($this->crypt->decrypt($this->config->get('cmsbridge_host')), $this->crypt->decrypt($this->config->get('cmsbridge_database')), $this->crypt->decrypt($this->config->get('cmsbridge_user')), $this->crypt->decrypt($this->config->get('cmsbridge_password')));
             $this->status = true;
         } catch (DBALException $e) {
             $this->bridgedb = $this->status = false;
             $this->pdl->log('bridge', 'Connection error: ' . $e->getMessage());
     } else {
         try {
             $this->bridgedb = dbal::factory(array('dbtype' => registry::get_const('dbtype'), 'open' => true, 'debug_prefix' => 'bridge_', 'table_prefix' => $this->prefix));
             $this->status = true;
         } catch (DBALException $e) {
             $this->bridgedb = $this->status = false;
             $this->pdl->log('bridge', 'Connection error: ' . $e->getMessage());
Пример #11
 public function __construct($pre_check = false, $handler = false, $pdh_call = array(), $params = null, $cb_name = '', $url_id = '')
     parent::__construct($pre_check, $handler, $pdh_call, $params, $cb_name, $url_id);
     if (registry::isset_const('url_id')) {
         $this->set_url_id($url_id != "" ? $url_id : registry::get_const('url_id'), registry::get_const('url_id'));
     //Build Path
     $strPath = $this->server_path;
     if (!intval($this->config->get('seo_remove_index'))) {
         $strPath .= 'index.php/';
     $strPagePath = strlen($this->page_path) ? $this->page_path : $this->env->path;
     if (strpos($strPagePath, "/") === 0) {
         $strPagePath = substr($strPagePath, 1);
     $strPath .= $strPagePath;
     $this->strPage = $this->page;
     $this->strPath = $strPath;
     $this->strPathPlain = str_replace($this->server_path, "", $strPath);
     $this->action = $strPath . $this->SID . $this->simple_head_url . $this->url_id_ext;
     $this->tpl->assign_vars(array('ACTION' => $this->action, 'PATH' => $strPath));
Пример #12
 public static function load($classname)
     if (isset(self::$loaded[$classname])) {
         return true;
     self::$loaded[$classname] = true;
     if (!isset(self::$locs[$classname]) && !class_exists($classname) && !(self::get_const('lite_mode') && in_array($classname, self::$lite_igno))) {
         $data = debug_backtrace();
         foreach ($data as $call) {
             echo 'file: ' . $call['file'] . ", line: " . $call['line'] . "<br />";
         die('call to not listed class: ' . $classname);
         //use pdl here later
     if (!class_exists($classname)) {
         $lite = registry::get_const('lite_mode') ? 'lite/' : '';
         $path = self::$const['root_path'] . self::$locs[$classname];
         if (!file_exists($path . $lite . $classname . '.class.php')) {
             $lite = '';
         include_once $path . $lite . $classname . '.class.php';
Пример #13
 public function __get($name)
     if (isset($this->_class_index[$name])) {
         $obj = registry::grab($this->_class_index[$name][0], $this->_class_index[$name][1]);
         if ($obj) {
             return $obj;
     if (!$this->_shorts_loaded) {
         $this->_shorts = static::__shortcuts();
         $this->_shorts_loaded = true;
     $obj = false;
     if (isset($this->_shorts[$name])) {
         if (is_array($this->_shorts[$name])) {
             $obj = registry::register($this->_shorts[$name][0], $this->_shorts[$name][1]);
         } else {
             $obj = registry::register($this->_shorts[$name]);
     } elseif (isset(registry::$aliases[$name])) {
         if (is_array(registry::$aliases[$name])) {
             $obj = registry::register(registry::$aliases[$name][0], registry::$aliases[$name][1]);
         } else {
             $obj = registry::register(registry::$aliases[$name]);
     } elseif (registry::class_exists($name)) {
         $obj = registry::register($name);
     if ($obj) {
         $this->_class_index[$name] = array(get_class($obj), $obj->class_hash);
         return $obj;
     if ($const = registry::get_const($name)) {
         return $const;
     return null;
Пример #14
 public function get_latestposts($params, $body)
     $intNumber = intval($params['get']['number']) > 0 ? intval($params['get']['number']) : 10;
     $myOut = $this->pdc->get('portal.module.latestposts.exchange.' . $intNumber . '.u' . $this->user->id, false, true);
     if (!$myOut) {
         //Try a database connection
         if ($this->config->get('cmsbridge_active') == 1 && $this->config->get('dbmode', 'pmod_' . $this->module_id) == 'bridge') {
             //Bridge Connection
             $mydb = $this->bridge->bridgedb;
             //change prefix
             if (strlen(trim($this->config->get('dbprefix', 'pmod_' . $this->module_id)))) {
                 $mydb->setPrefix(trim($this->config->get('dbprefix', 'pmod_' . $this->module_id)));
         } elseif ($this->config->get('dbmode', 'pmod_' . $this->module_id) == 'new') {
             //Another Database
             try {
                 $mydb = dbal::factory(array('dbtype' => registry::get_const('dbtype'), 'debug_prefix' => 'latestposts_', 'table_prefix' => trim($this->config->get('dbprefix', 'pmod_' . $this->module_id))));
                 $mydb->connect($this->crypt->decrypt($this->config->get('dbhost', 'pmod_' . $this->module_id)), $this->crypt->decrypt($this->config->get('dbname', 'pmod_' . $this->module_id)), $this->crypt->decrypt($this->config->get('dbuser', 'pmod_' . $this->module_id)), $this->crypt->decrypt($this->config->get('dbpassword', 'pmod_' . $this->module_id)));
             } catch (DBALException $e) {
                 $mydb = false;
         } else {
             //Same Database
             try {
                 $mydb = dbal::factory(array('dbtype' => registry::get_const('dbtype'), 'open' => true, 'debug_prefix' => 'latestposts_', 'table_prefix' => trim($this->config->get('dbprefix', 'pmod_' . $this->module_id))));
             } catch (DBALException $e) {
                 $mydb = false;
         if ($mydb) {
             $black_or_white = $this->config->get('blackwhitelist', 'pmod_' . $this->module_id) == 'white' ? 'IN' : 'NOT IN';
             // include the BB Module File...
             $bbModule = $this->root_path . 'portal/latestposts/bb_modules/' . $this->config->get('bbmodule', 'pmod_' . $this->module_id) . '.php';
             if (is_file($bbModule)) {
                 include_once $bbModule;
                 $classname = 'latestpostsmodule_' . $this->config->get('bbmodule', 'pmod_' . $this->module_id);
                 $module = new $classname();
                 if (!$module || !method_exists($module, 'getBBQuery')) {
                     return $this->pex->error('boardmodule not available');
             } else {
                 return $this->pex->error('no boardmodule selected');
             // Create Array of allowed/disallowed forums
             $arrUserMemberships = $this->pdh->get('user_groups_users', 'memberships', array($this->user->id));
             array_push($arrUserMemberships, 0);
             $arrForums = array();
             $visibilityGrps = $this->config->get('visibility', 'pmod_' . $this->module_id);
             foreach ($arrUserMemberships as $groupid) {
                 //only load forums for which actual settings are set
                 if (!in_array($groupid, $visibilityGrps)) {
                 $strForums = $this->config->get('privateforums_' . $groupid, 'pmod_' . $this->module_id);
                 if (method_exists($module, 'getBBForumQuery')) {
                     $arrForums = array_merge($arrForums, $strForums);
                 } else {
                     //comma seperated IDs
                     $arrTmpForums = $this->config->get('privateforums', 'pmod_' . $this->module_id) ? explode(",", $this->config->get('privateforums', 'pmod_' . $this->module_id)) : '';
                     if (is_array($arrTmpForums)) {
                         foreach ($arrTmpForums as $forumid) {
                             if (trim($forumid) != '') {
                                 $arrForums[] = trim($forumid);
             $arrForums = array_unique($arrForums);
             $strQuery = $module->getBBQuery($arrForums, $black_or_white, $intNumber);
             $myOut['forum_url'] = htmlentities($this->config->get('url', 'pmod_' . $this->module_id));
             $strBoardURL = $this->config->get('url', 'pmod_' . $this->module_id);
             if (substr($strBoardURL, -1) != "/") {
                 $strBoardURL .= '/';
             $myOut['posts'] = array();
             $sucess = false;
             $objQuery = $mydb->query($strQuery);
             if ($objQuery && $objQuery->numRows) {
                 $sucess = true;
                 while ($row = $objQuery->fetchAssoc()) {
                     $myOut['posts'][] = array('member_link' => htmlentities($strBoardURL . $module->getBBLink('member', $row)), 'topic_link' => htmlentities($strBoardURL . $module->getBBLink('topic', $row)), 'topic_title' => $row['bb_topic_title'], 'topic_replies' => intval($row['bb_replies']), 'topic_lastpost_date' => $this->time->date('Y-m-d H:i', $row['bb_posttime']), 'topic_lastpost_timestamp' => $row['bb_posttime'], 'topic_lastpost_username' => $row['bb_username']);
             } else {
                 $myOut['posts'] = array();
             if ($sucess) {
                 $this->pdc->put('portal.module.latestposts.exchange.' . $intNumber . '.u' . $this->user->id, $myOut, 300, false, true);
         } else {
             return $this->pex->error('connection error');
     return $myOut;
 *	by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *	(at your option) any later version.
 *	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *	GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 *	You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 *	along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
if (!defined('EQDKP_INC')) {
    header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found');
include_once registry::get_const('root_path') . 'maintenance/includes/sql_update_task.class.php';
if (!class_exists('update_shoutbox_033')) {
    class update_shoutbox_033 extends sql_update_task
        public $author = 'Aderyn';
        public $version = '0.3.3';
        // new version
        public $name = 'Shoutbox 0.3.3 Update';
        public $type = 'plugin_update';
        public $plugin_path = 'shoutbox';
        // important!
         * Constructor
        public function __construct()
Пример #16
 * @link		http://eqdkp-plus.com
 * @package		eqdkp-plus
 * @version		$Rev: 12583 $
 * $Id: infotooltip_feed.php 12583 2012-12-13 17:49:38Z hoofy_leon $
define('EQDKP_INC', true);
$eqdkp_root_path = './../';
$noinit = true;
include $eqdkp_root_path . '/common.php';
registry::add_const('root_path', $eqdkp_root_path);
//init our db-class
require $eqdkp_root_path . 'core/dbal/dbal.php';
require_once $eqdkp_root_path . 'core/dbal/' . registry::get_const('dbtype') . '.php';
registry::$aliases['db'] = array('dbal_' . registry::get_const('dbtype'), array(array('open' => true)));
header('content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8');
include $eqdkp_root_path . 'infotooltip/infotooltip.class.php';
$itt = registry::register('infotooltip');
$in = registry::register('input');
registry::$aliases['bridge'] = 'bridge_generic';
/* Itemfetching
 * Parameters accepted:
 * 	- name => item_name OR item_ID if game_id = true
 *	- lang => language of item (short version, e.g. 'en', 'de')
 *	- game_id => see name
if ($in->exists('data')) {
    $direct = $in->exists('direct') ? $in->get('direct', 0) : substr($in->get('data'), 0, 1);
    $data = unserialize(base64_decode(substr($in->get('data'), 1)));
Пример #17
 *	by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *	(at your option) any later version.
 *	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *	GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 *	You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 *	along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
if (!defined('EQDKP_INC')) {
    header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found');
include_once registry::get_const('root_path') . 'core/html/html.aclass.php';
 * available options
 * name			(string) 	name of the textarea
 * id			(string)	id of the field, defaults to a clean form of name if not set
 * value		
 * class		(string)	class for the field
 * readonly		(boolean)	field readonly?
 * size			(int)		size of the field
 * js			(string)	extra js which shall be injected into the field
 * spinner		(boolean)	make a spinner out of the field?
 * disabled		(boolean)	disabled field
 * autocomplete	(array)		if not empty: array containing the elements on which to autocomplete (not to use together with spinner)
 * colorpicker	(boolean) 	apply a colorpicker to this field
class hfiletree extends html
Пример #18
 public static function init($root_path, $lite = false)
     try {
         self::$const['scriptstart'] = microtime(true);
         self::$const['root_path'] = $root_path;
         self::$const['lite_mode'] = $lite;
         // switch to userdefined error handler class
         set_error_handler(array(registry::register('plus_debug_logger'), 'myErrorHandler'), intval(ini_get("error_reporting")));
         register_shutdown_function(array(registry::register('plus_debug_logger'), "catch_fatals"));
         // User Levels
         define('ANONYMOUS', -1);
         define('USER', 0);
         define('CRONJOB', -2);
         if (self::$const['dbtype'] == "mysql") {
             self::$const['dbtype'] = "mysqli";
         include_once self::get_const('root_path') . 'libraries/dbal/dbal.class.php';
         require_once self::get_const('root_path') . 'libraries/dbal/' . self::$const['dbtype'] . '.dbal.class.php';
         self::$aliases['db'] = array('dbal_' . self::$const['dbtype'], array(array('open' => true)));
         include_once self::$const['root_path'] . 'core/core.functions.php';
         if (!registry::register('config')->get('server_path')) {
         self::$const['server_path'] = registry::register('config')->get('server_path');
         self::$const['controller_path'] = self::$const['server_path'] . (!intval(registry::register('config')->get('seo_remove_index')) ? 'index.php/' : '');
         self::$const['controller_path_plain'] = !intval(registry::register('config')->get('seo_remove_index')) ? 'index.php/' : '';
         require self::$const['root_path'] . 'core/auth.class.php';
         $auth_method = 'auth_' . (registry::register('config')->get('auth_method') != '' ? registry::register('config')->get('auth_method') : 'db');
         require_once self::get_const('root_path') . 'core/auth/' . $auth_method . '.class.php';
         self::$aliases['user'] = $auth_method;
         registry::fetch('user')->setup(registry::register('input')->get('lang', ''), registry::register('input')->get('style', 0));
         define('USER_INITIALIZED', true);
         if (!defined('MAINTENANCE_MODE')) {
             //Maintenance mode redirect for non admins
             if (registry::register('config')->get('pk_maintenance_mode') && !registry::fetch('user')->check_auth('a_', false) && !defined('NO_MMODE_REDIRECT')) {
                 redirect('maintenance/maintenance.php' . self::get_const('SID'), false, false, false);
             //Maintenance Modus for admins
             $task_hash = registry::register('mmtaskmanager')->get_task_hash();
             //redirect if there are necessary tasks or errors from pfh
             if (!registry::register('config')->get('pk_known_task_hash') || registry::register('config')->get('pk_known_task_hash') !== $task_hash) {
                 registry::register('config')->set('pk_known_task_hash', $task_hash);
                 if (registry::register('mmtaskmanager')->status['necessary_tasks']) {
                     registry::register('config')->set('pk_maintenance_mode', true);
                     if (!defined('NO_MMODE_REDIRECT')) {
                         redirect('maintenance/index.php' . self::get_const('SID'), false, false, false);
             //activate and redirect to mmode if pfh-errors exist|
             if (count(registry::register('file_handler')->get_errors()) > 0) {
                 registry::register('config')->set('pk_maintenance_mode', true);
                 if (!defined('NO_MMODE_REDIRECT')) {
                     redirect('maintenance/index.php' . self::get_const('SID'), false, false, false);
             //check if version in config needs update (no db update existing, since no task necessary at this point)
             if (!defined('NO_MMODE_REDIRECT') && !registry::register('config')->get('pk_maintenance_mode')) {
                 if (version_compare(registry::register('config')->get('plus_version'), VERSION_INT, '<')) {
                     registry::register('config')->set('plus_version', VERSION_INT);
         // Set the locale
         setlocale(LC_ALL, registry::register('config')->get('default_locale'));
         setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "en_EN", "en", "eng");
         // Populate the admin menu if we're in an admin page, they have admin permissions
         if (defined('IN_ADMIN') && IN_ADMIN === true) {
             if (registry::fetch('user')->check_auth('a_', false)) {
         if (!$lite) {
             //Get Info about mobile/desktop
             if (registry::register('input')->exists('toggleResponsive')) {
                 $arrAllowed = array('mobile', 'desktop');
                 $strView = registry::register('input')->get('toggleResponsive');
                 if (in_array($strView, $arrAllowed)) {
                     set_cookie('resp', $strView, time() + 3600 * 24 * 30);
                     registry::add_const('mobile_view', $strView == 'mobile' ? true : false);
             } elseif (registry::register('input')->getEQdkpCookie('resp', '') == 'desktop') {
                 registry::add_const('mobile_view', false);
             } else {
                 registry::add_const('mobile_view', true);
             //initiate PDH
             $strPageLayout = registry::register('config')->get('eqdkp_layout') ? registry::register('config')->get('eqdkp_layout') : 'normal';
             $strPageLayout = registry::register('config')->get('mobile_pagelayout') && strlen(registry::register('config')->get('mobile_pagelayout')) && registry::register('environment')->agent->mobile && registry::get_const('mobile_view') ? registry::register('config')->get('mobile_pagelayout') : $strPageLayout;
             //EQdkp Tour
             if (registry::fetch('user')->check_auth('a_', false)) {
             include_once self::$const['root_path'] . 'core/page_generic.class.php';
         //Restore Permissions
         if (registry::register('input')->get('mode', '') == 'rstperms') {
             redirect('', false, false, false);
     } catch (DBALException $e) {
     // maybe find a more elegant solution later on
Пример #19
 * Date:        $Date: 2012-05-30 23:41:49 +0200 (Mi, 30. Mai 2012) $
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 * @author      $Author: wallenium $
 * @copyright   2008-2011 Aderyn
 * @link        http://eqdkp-plus.com
 * @package     shoutbox
 * @version     $Rev: 11795 $
 * $Id: sb_vertical.class.php 11795 2012-05-30 21:41:49Z wallenium $
if (!defined('EQDKP_INC')) {
    header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found');
if (!class_exists('sb_style_base')) {
    include_once registry::get_const('root_path') . 'plugins/shoutbox/includes/styles/sb_style_base.class.php';
  | sb_vertical
if (!class_exists("sb_vertical")) {
    class sb_vertical extends sb_style_base
         * __dependencies
         * Get module dependencies
        public static function __shortcuts()
            $shortcuts = array('user', 'config', 'pdh', 'html');
            return array_merge(parent::$shortcuts, $shortcuts);
Пример #20
 * Date:        $Date: 2012-06-05 17:53:50 +0200 (Di, 05. Jun 2012) $
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 * @author      $Author: shoorty $
 * @copyright   2010-2011 Aderyn
 * @link        http://eqdkp-plus.com
 * @package     eqdkp-plus
 * @version     $Rev: 11807 $
 * $Id: status.class.php 11807 2012-06-05 15:53:50Z shoorty $
if (!defined('EQDKP_INC')) {
    header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found');
if (!class_exists('mmo_realmstatus')) {
    include_once registry::get_const('root_path') . 'portal/realmstatus/realmstatus.class.php';
  | rom_realmstatus
if (!class_exists('rom_realmstatus')) {
    class rom_realmstatus extends mmo_realmstatus
         * __dependencies
         * Get module dependencies
        public static function __shortcuts()
            $shortcuts = array('user', 'pdc', 'puf' => 'urlfetcher', 'env' => 'environment', 'tpl');
            return array_merge(parent::$shortcuts, $shortcuts);
 public function display()
     // Show an error Message if no ID is set
     if (!$this->url_id) {
         redirect($this->routing->build('calendar', false, false, true, true));
     // Show an error message if the event is not a raid
     if ($this->pdh->get('calendar_events', 'calendartype', array($this->url_id)) != '1') {
     $eventdata = $this->pdh->get('calendar_events', 'data', array($this->url_id));
     // check if roles are available
     $allroles = $this->pdh->get('roles', 'roles', array());
     $rolewnclass = false;
     $drpdwn_roles = array();
     foreach ($allroles as $v_roles) {
         if (count($v_roles['classes']) == 0) {
             $rolewnclass = true;
     // get the members
     $notsigned_filter = $this->config->get('calendar_raid_nsfilter');
     $this->members = $this->pdh->maget('member', array('userid', 'name', 'classid', 'memberid'), 0, array($this->pdh->sort($this->pdh->get('member', 'id_list', array(in_array('inactive', $notsigned_filter) ? false : true, in_array('hidden', $notsigned_filter) ? false : true, in_array('special', $notsigned_filter) ? false : true, in_array('twinks', $notsigned_filter) ? false : true)), 'member', 'classname')));
     // get all attendees
     $this->attendees_raw = $this->pdh->get('calendar_raids_attendees', 'attendees', array($this->url_id, $this->in->get('raidgroup_filter', 0)));
     $userlist = $this->pdh->get('user', 'id_list', array());
     $attendee_ids = is_array($this->attendees_raw) ? array_keys($this->attendees_raw) : array();
     $this->unsigned = array();
     if (is_array($userlist) && count($userlist) > 0) {
         foreach ($userlist as $user_id) {
             $user_chars = $this->pdh->get('member', 'connection_id', array($user_id));
             $tmp_chars = array();
             if (is_array($user_chars) && count($user_chars) > 0) {
                 foreach ($user_chars as $char_id) {
                     $char_status = $this->pdh->get('calendar_raids_attendees', 'status', array($this->url_id, $char_id));
                     $tmp_chars[$char_id] = $this->members[$char_id];
                     // if one member of this char is in the raid, remove the members and go to next user
                     if ($char_status != '4') {
                         $tmp_chars = array();
                 if (count($tmp_chars) > 0) {
                     $this->unsigned += $tmp_chars;
     // Guests / rest
     $this->twinks = array();
     $this->guests = $this->pdh->get('calendar_raids_guests', 'members', array($this->url_id));
     $this->raidcategories = $eventdata['extension']['raidmode'] == 'role' ? $this->pdh->aget('roles', 'name', 0, array($this->pdh->get('roles', 'id_list'))) : $this->game->get_primary_classes(array('id_0'));
     $this->mystatus = $this->pdh->get('calendar_raids_attendees', 'myattendees', array($this->url_id, $this->user->data['user_id']));
     $this->classbreakval = $this->config->get('calendar_raid_classbreak') ? $this->config->get('calendar_raid_classbreak') : 4;
     $modulocount = intval(count($this->raidcategories) / $this->classbreakval);
     $shownotes_ugroups = $this->acl->get_groups_with_active_auth('u_calendar_raidnotes');
     $this->raidgroup_dd = $this->pdh->aget('raid_groups', 'name', false, array($this->pdh->get('raid_groups', 'id_list')));
     // Build the attendees aray for this raid by class
     if (is_array($this->attendees_raw)) {
         $this->attendees = $this->attendees_count = array();
         foreach ($this->attendees_raw as $attendeeid => $attendeedata) {
             if ($attendeeid > 0) {
                 $attclassid = isset($eventdata['extension']['raidmode']) && $eventdata['extension']['raidmode'] == 'role' ? $attendeedata['member_role'] : $this->pdh->get('member', 'classid', array($attendeeid));
                 $role_class = $eventdata['extension']['raidmode'] == 'role' ? $attendeedata['member_role'] : $attclassid;
                 // we need a roleID or a classID. If not, the char is not shown but counted
                 if ($role_class > 0) {
                     $this->attendees[$attendeedata['signup_status']][$role_class][$attendeeid] = $attendeedata;
                     $this->attendees_count[$attendeedata['signup_status']][$attendeeid] = true;
     } else {
         $this->attendees = array();
     // build the roles array
     if (is_array($this->attendees_raw)) {
         foreach ($this->attendees_raw as $rolecharsid => $rolecharsdata) {
             // generate the twink array
             $this->twinks[$rolecharsid] = $this->pdh->get('member', 'connection_id', array($this->pdh->get('member', 'userid', array($rolecharsid))));
             // add the attendees to the roles dropdown
             $drpdwn_roles[$rolecharsid] = $this->pdh->get('roles', 'memberroles', array($this->pdh->get('member', 'classid', array($rolecharsid))));
             // add the twinks to the roles dropdown
             if (isset($this->twinks[$rolecharsid]) && is_array($this->twinks[$rolecharsid]) && count($this->twinks[$rolecharsid]) > 0) {
                 foreach ($this->twinks[$rolecharsid] as $twinkids) {
                     $drpdwn_roles[$twinkids] = $this->pdh->get('roles', 'memberroles', array($this->pdh->get('member', 'classid', array($twinkids))));
     //The Status & Member data
     $raidcal_status = $this->config->get('calendar_raid_status');
     $this->raidstatus_full = $this->raidstatus = array();
     if (is_array($raidcal_status)) {
         foreach ($raidcal_status as $raidcalstat_id) {
             if ($raidcalstat_id != 4) {
                 // do not use the not signed members
                 $this->raidstatus[$raidcalstat_id] = $this->user->lang(array('raidevent_raid_status', $raidcalstat_id));
             $this->raidstatus_full[$raidcalstat_id] = $this->user->lang(array('raidevent_raid_status', $raidcalstat_id));
     // not signed in output
     if (in_array(4, $raidcal_status)) {
         $a_js_disable = array();
         // sort the array
         foreach ($this->unsigned as $k_unsigned => $v_unsigned) {
             $sort_names[$k_unsigned] = $v_unsigned['name'];
             $sort_class[$k_unsigned] = $v_unsigned['classid'];
         if ($this->config->get('calendar_raid_notsigned_classsort')) {
             array_multisort($sort_class, SORT_ASC, $sort_names, SORT_ASC, $this->unsigned);
         } else {
             array_multisort($sort_names, SORT_ASC, $this->unsigned);
         // build the json data
         foreach ($this->unsigned as $us_key => $us_classdata) {
             if ($us_classdata['userid'] > 0) {
                 $myrolesrry = $this->pdh->get('roles', 'memberroles', array($us_classdata['classid']));
                 $array_json[] = array('id' => $us_classdata['memberid'], 'name' => $us_classdata['name'], 'active' => (int) $this->pdh->get('member', 'active', array($us_classdata['memberid'])), 'level' => $this->pdh->get('member', 'level', array($us_classdata['memberid'])), 'class_id' => $us_classdata['classid'], 'class_icon' => $this->game->decorate('primary', $us_classdata['classid'], $this->pdh->get('member', 'profiledata', array($us_classdata['memberid']))), 'userid' => $us_classdata['userid'], 'roles' => ($this->user->check_auth('a_cal_revent_conf', false) || $this->check_permission()) && isset($eventdata['extension']['raidmode']) && $eventdata['extension']['raidmode'] == 'role' ? $myrolesrry : '', 'defaultrole' => strlen($this->pdh->get('member', 'defaultrole', array($us_classdata['memberid']))) ? $this->pdh->get('member', 'defaultrole', array($us_classdata['memberid'])) : '');
         $attendee_json = json_encode($array_json);
         $this->tpl->add_js('var unsigned_attendees = ' . $attendee_json);
     $status_first = true;
     foreach ($this->raidstatus as $statuskey => $statusname) {
         $this->jquery->Collapse('#viewraidcal_colapse_' . $statuskey);
         $statuscount = isset($this->attendees_count[$statuskey]) ? count($this->attendees_count[$statuskey]) : 0;
         // add the guest to the confirmed count
         if ($statuskey == 0 && isset($this->guests) && is_array($this->guests) && count($this->guests) > 0) {
             $statuscount = $statuscount + count($this->guests);
         $this->tpl->assign_block_vars('raidstatus', array('FIRSTROW' => $status_first ? true : false, 'ID' => $statuskey, 'NAME' => $statusname, 'COUNT' => $statuscount, 'MAXCOUNT' => $eventdata['extension']['attendee_count']));
         // the class categories
         $act_classcount = 0;
         $user_brakclm = true;
         $number_break = 0;
         foreach ($this->raidcategories as $classid => $classname) {
             // the break-validation hack
             if ($user_brakclm) {
                 $mybreak = false;
                 if ($act_classcount % $this->classbreakval == 0) {
                     $mybreak = $number_break < $modulocount ? true : false;
             $this->tpl->assign_block_vars('raidstatus.classes', array('BREAK' => $mybreak ? true : false, 'ID' => $classid, 'NAME' => $classname, 'CLASS_ICON' => $eventdata['extension']['raidmode'] == 'role' ? $this->game->decorate('roles', $classid) : $this->game->decorate('primary', $classid), 'MAX' => $eventdata['extension']['raidmode'] == 'none' && $eventdata['extension']['distribution'][$classid] == 0 ? '' : '/' . $eventdata['extension']['distribution'][$classid], 'COUNT' => isset($this->attendees[$statuskey][$classid]) ? count($this->attendees[$statuskey][$classid]) : 0));
             // The characters
             if (isset($this->attendees[$statuskey][$classid]) && is_array($this->attendees[$statuskey][$classid])) {
                 foreach ($this->attendees[$statuskey][$classid] as $memberid => $memberdata) {
                     // generate the member tooltip
                     $membertooltip = array();
                     $memberrank = $this->pdh->get('member', 'rankname', array($memberid));
                     $membertooltip[] = $this->pdh->get('member', 'name', array($memberid)) . ' [' . $this->user->lang('level') . ': ' . $this->pdh->get('member', 'level', array($memberid)) . ']';
                     if ($eventdata['extension']['raidmode'] == 'role') {
                         $real_classid = $this->pdh->get('member', 'classid', array($memberid));
                         $membertooltip[] = $this->game->decorate('primary', $real_classid) . ' ' . $this->game->get_name('primary', $real_classid);
                     if ($memberrank) {
                         $membertooltip[] = $this->user->lang('rank') . ": " . $memberrank;
                     $membertooltip[] = $this->user->lang('user') . ": " . $this->pdh->get('user', 'name', array($this->pdh->get('member', 'userid', array($memberid))));
                     $membertooltip[] = $this->user->lang('raidevent_raid_signedin') . ": " . $this->time->user_date($memberdata['timestamp_signup'], true, false, true);
                     if ($memberdata['timestamp_change'] > 0) {
                         $membertooltip[] = $this->user->lang('raidevent_raid_changed') . ": " . $this->time->user_date($memberdata['timestamp_change'], true, false, true);
                     if ($this->config->get('calendar_raid_random') == 1 && $memberdata['random_value'] > 0) {
                         $membertooltip[] = $this->user->lang('raidevent_raid_memtt_roll') . ': ' . $memberdata['random_value'];
                     // Per game additional tooltip stuff
                     $additionalTTdata = $this->game->callFunc('calendar_membertooltip', array($memberid));
                     if ($additionalTTdata) {
                         $membertooltip = array_merge($membertooltip, $additionalTTdata);
                     // Twinks in the tooltip
                     $main_id = $this->pdh->get('member', 'mainid', array($memberid));
                     if ($main_id > 0) {
                         $membertooltip[] = '';
                         $membertooltip[] = $this->user->lang('mainchar') . ': ' . $this->pdh->get('member', 'name', array($main_id));
                         $twinkarray = $this->pdh->get('member', 'other_members', array($main_id));
                         if (count($twinkarray) > 0) {
                             $twinknames = array();
                             foreach ($twinkarray as $twinkid) {
                                 $twinknames[] = $this->pdh->get('member', 'name', array($twinkid));
                             $membertooltip[] = $this->user->lang('twinks') . ': ' . implode(', ', $twinknames);
                     //Hook for Tooltip:
                     if ($this->hooks->isRegistered('calendarevent_chartooltip')) {
                         $arrPluginsHooks = $this->hooks->process('calendarevent_chartooltip', array('member_id' => $memberid));
                         if (is_array($arrPluginsHooks)) {
                             foreach ($arrPluginsHooks as $plugin => $value) {
                                 if (is_array($value)) {
                                     $membertooltip = array_merge($membertooltip, $value);
                     $drpdwn_twinks = $drpdwn_members = $this->pdh->aget('member', 'name', 0, array($this->twinks[$memberid]));
                     if ($eventdata['extension']['raidmode'] == 'role') {
                         $memberrole = $this->jquery->json_dropdown('charchange_char', 'charchange_role', $drpdwn_twinks, 'roles_json', 0);
                         $charchangemenu = array('chars' => $memberrole[0], 'roles' => $memberrole[1]);
                     } else {
                         $charchangemenu = array('chars' => new hdropdown('charchange_char', array('options' => $drpdwn_twinks, 'value' => '0')), 'roles' => '');
                     // put the data to the template engine
                     $sanitized_note = str_replace('"', "'", $memberdata['note']);
                     $raidgroup = $this->pdh->get('calendar_raids_attendees', 'raidgroup', array($this->url_id, $memberid));
                     $this->tpl->assign_block_vars('raidstatus.classes.status', array('MEMBERID' => $memberid, 'MEMBERLINK' => $this->pdh->get('member', 'memberlink', array($memberid, $this->routing->simpleBuild('character'), '', true)), 'CHARISAWAY' => $this->pdh->get('calendar_raids_attendees', 'attendee_awaymode', array($memberid, $this->url_id)), 'SHOW_CHARCHANGE' => count($twinkarray) > 0 || $eventdata['extension']['raidmode'] == 'role' ? true : false, 'CLASSID' => $this->pdh->get('member', 'classid', array($memberid)), 'NAME' => $this->pdh->get('member', 'name', array($memberid)), 'RANDOM' => $memberdata['random_value'], 'GROUPS' => new hdropdown('groupchange_group', array('options' => $this->raidgroup_dd, 'value' => $raidgroup)), 'TOOLTIP' => implode('<br />', $membertooltip), 'ADMINNOTE' => $memberdata['signedbyadmin'] ? true : false, 'NOTE' => trim($memberdata['note']) ? $memberdata['note'] : false, 'NOTE_PUBLIC' => trim($memberdata['note']) && $this->user->check_group($shownotes_ugroups, false) ? $memberdata['note'] : false, 'NOTE_TT' => trim($memberdata['note']) && $this->user->check_group($shownotes_ugroups, false) ? htmlspecialchars('<i class="fa fa-comment"></i> ' . $sanitized_note) : false, 'RAIDGROUP_TT' => $raidgroup > 0 ? htmlspecialchars('<i class="fa fa-users"> ' . $this->pdh->get('raid_groups', 'name', array($raidgroup))) : false, 'GROUPCOLOR' => $this->pdh->get('raid_groups', 'color', array($raidgroup)), 'DD_CHARS' => $charchangemenu['chars'], 'DD_ROLES' => $charchangemenu['roles']));
         $status_first = false;
     $this->tpl->add_js("var roles_json = " . json_encode($drpdwn_roles));
     // raid guests
     if (is_array($this->guests) && count($this->guests) > 0) {
         foreach ($this->guests as $guestid => $guestsdata) {
             $guest_clssicon = $this->game->decorate('primary', $guestsdata['class']);
             $guest_tooltip = '<i class="fa fa-clock-o fa-lg"></i> ' . $this->user->lang('raidevent_raid_signedin') . ": " . $this->time->user_date($guestsdata['timestamp_signup'], true, false, true) . '<br/><i class="fa fa-user fa-lg"></i> ' . $guest_clssicon . '&nbsp;' . $this->game->get_name('primary', $guestsdata['class']) . '<br/><i class="fa fa-comment fa-lg"></i> ' . (isset($guestsdata['note']) && $guestsdata['note'] != '' ? $guestsdata['note'] : $this->user->lang('raidevent_no_guest_note'));
             $this->tpl->assign_block_vars('guests', array('NAME' => $guestsdata['name'], 'ID' => $guestid, 'CLASSID' => $guestsdata['class'], 'CLASSICON' => $guest_clssicon, 'TOOLTIP' => $guest_tooltip));
     // Dropdown Menu Array
     $nextraidevent = $this->pdh->get('calendar_events', 'next_raid', array($this->url_id));
     if ($nextraidevent) {
         $nextevent = $this->pdh->get('calendar_events', 'data', array($nextraidevent));
         $this->tpl->assign_vars(array('S_NEXT_RAID_EVENT' => true, 'U_NEXT_RAID_EVENT' => $this->routing->build("calendarevent", $this->pdh->get('event', 'name', array($nextevent['extension']['raid_eventid'])), $nextraidevent), 'NEXT_RAID_EVENTID' => $nextraidevent, 'NEXT_RAID_EVENTNAME' => $this->pdh->get('event', 'name', array($nextevent['extension']['raid_eventid'])) . ', ' . $this->time->user_date($nextevent['timestamp_start']) . ' ' . $this->time->user_date($nextevent['timestamp_start'], false, true)));
     $prevraidevent = $this->pdh->get('calendar_events', 'prev_raid', array($this->url_id));
     if ($prevraidevent) {
         $prevevent = $this->pdh->get('calendar_events', 'data', array($prevraidevent));
         $this->tpl->assign_vars(array('S_PREV_RAID_EVENT' => true, 'U_PREV_RAID_EVENT' => $this->routing->build("calendarevent", $this->pdh->get('event', 'name', array($prevevent['extension']['raid_eventid'])), $prevraidevent), 'PREV_RAID_EVENTID' => $prevraidevent, 'PREV_RAID_EVENTNAME' => $this->pdh->get('event', 'name', array($prevevent['extension']['raid_eventid'])) . ', ' . $this->time->user_date($prevevent['timestamp_start']) . ' ' . $this->time->user_date($prevevent['timestamp_start'], false, true)));
     $optionsmenu = array(1 => array('name' => $this->user->lang('raidevent_raid_edit'), 'link' => 'javascript:EditRaid()', 'icon' => 'fa-pencil-square-o', 'perm' => $this->user->check_auth('a_cal_revent_conf', false) || $this->check_permission()), 2 => array('name' => $eventdata['closed'] == '1' ? $this->user->lang('raidevent_raid_open') : $this->user->lang('raidevent_raid_close'), 'link' => $eventdata['closed'] == '1' ? $this->strPath . $this->SID . '&amp;closedstatus=open&amp;link_hash=' . $this->CSRFGetToken('closedstatus') : $this->strPath . $this->SID . '&amp;closedstatus=close&amp;link_hash=' . $this->CSRFGetToken('closedstatus'), 'icon' => $eventdata['closed'] == '1' ? 'fa-unlock fa-lg' : 'fa-lock fa-lg', 'perm' => $this->user->check_auth('a_cal_revent_conf', false) || $this->check_permission()), 3 => array('name' => $this->user->lang('raidevent_raid_transform'), 'link' => "javascript:TransformRaid('" . $this->url_id . "')", 'icon' => 'fa-exchange', 'perm' => $this->user->check_auth('a_raid_add', false)), 4 => array('name' => $this->user->lang('raideventlist_export_ical'), 'link' => $this->strPath . $this->SID . '&amp;ical=true', 'icon' => 'fa-calendar', 'perm' => true), 5 => array('name' => $this->user->lang('raidevent_raid_export'), 'link' => 'javascript:ExportDialog()', 'icon' => 'fa-share-square-o', 'perm' => true), 6 => array('name' => $this->user->lang('calendars_add_title'), 'link' => 'javascript:AddRaid()', 'icon' => 'fa-plus', 'perm' => $this->user->check_auth('u_cal_event_add', false)), 7 => array('name' => $this->user->lang('massmail_send'), 'link' => $this->server_path . 'admin/manage_massmail.php' . $this->SID . '&amp;event_id=' . $this->url_id, 'icon' => 'fa-envelope', 'perm' => $this->user->check_auth('a_users_massmail', false)), 8 => array('name' => $this->user->lang('view_logs'), 'link' => 'javascript:ViewLogs(' . $this->url_id . ')', 'icon' => 'fa-book', 'perm' => $this->user->check_auth('a_logs_view', false)));
     if ($this->hooks->isRegistered('calendarevent_raid_menu')) {
         $arrPluginsHooks = $this->hooks->process('calendarevent_raid_menu', array('id' => $this->url_id));
         if (is_array($arrPluginsHooks)) {
             foreach ($arrPluginsHooks as $plugin => $value) {
                 if (is_array($value)) {
                     $optionsmenu = array_merge($optionsmenu, $value);
     // preselect the memberid if not signed in
     $presel_charid = $this->mystatus['member_id'] > 0 ? $this->mystatus['member_id'] : $this->pdh->get('user', 'mainchar', array($this->user->data['user_id']));
     $drpdwn_members = $this->pdh->aget('member', 'name', 0, array($this->pdh->get('member', 'connection_id', array($this->user->data['user_id']))));
     if ($eventdata['extension']['raidmode'] == 'role') {
         $memberrole = $this->jquery->dd_ajax_request('member_id', 'member_role', $drpdwn_members, array(), $presel_charid, $this->strPath . $this->SID . '&eventid=' . $this->url_id . '&ajax=role');
     // jQuery Windows
     $this->jquery->Dialog('AddRaid', $this->user->lang('calendar_win_add'), array('url' => $this->routing->build('editcalendarevent') . "&simple_head=true", 'width' => '920', 'height' => '730', 'onclose' => $this->strPath . $this->SID));
     $this->jquery->Dialog('EditRaid', $this->user->lang('calendar_win_edit'), array('url' => $this->routing->build('editcalendarevent') . "&eventid=" . $this->url_id . "&simple_head=true", 'width' => '920', 'height' => '730', 'onclose' => $this->strPath . $this->SID));
     $this->jquery->Dialog('ExportDialog', $this->user->lang('raidevent_raid_export_win'), array('url' => $this->routing->build('calendareventexport') . "&eventid=" . $this->url_id, 'width' => '640', 'height' => '540'));
     $this->jquery->Dialog('EditGuest', $this->user->lang('raidevent_raid_editguest_win'), array('url' => $this->routing->build('calendareventguests') . "&simple_head=true&guestid='+id+'", 'width' => '490', 'height' => '280', 'onclose' => $this->strPath . $this->SID, 'withid' => 'id'));
     $this->jquery->Dialog('TransformRaid', $this->user->lang('raidevent_raid_transform'), array('url' => $this->routing->build('calendareventtransform') . "&simple_head=true&eventid='+eventid+'", 'width' => '440', 'height' => '350', 'onclose' => $this->strPath . $this->SID, 'withid' => 'eventid'));
     $this->jquery->Dialog('AddGuest', $this->user->lang('raidevent_raid_addguest_win'), array('url' => $this->routing->build('calendareventguests') . "&eventid='+eventid+'&simple_head=true", 'width' => '490', 'height' => '280', 'onclose' => $this->strPath . $this->SID, 'withid' => 'eventid'));
     $this->jquery->Dialog('DeleteGuest', $this->user->lang('raidevent_raid_guest_del'), array('custom_js' => "document.guestp.submit();", 'message' => $this->user->lang('raidevent_raid_guest_delmsg'), 'withid' => 'id', 'onlickjs' => '$("#guestid_field").val(id);', 'buttontxt' => $this->user->lang('delete')), 'confirm');
     $this->jquery->Dialog('ViewLogs', $this->user->lang('view_logs'), array('url' => $this->routing->build('calendarevent') . "&logs&eventid='+eventid+'&simple_head=true", 'width' => '900', 'height' => '600', 'withid' => 'eventid'));
     // already signed in message
     if ($presel_charid > 0) {
         $sstat_mname = $this->pdh->get('member', 'name', array($presel_charid));
         switch ($this->mystatus['signup_status']) {
             case 0:
                 $alreadysignedinmsg = sprintf($this->user->lang(array('raidevent_raid_msg_status', 0)), $sstat_mname);
             case 1:
                 $alreadysignedinmsg = sprintf($this->user->lang(array('raidevent_raid_msg_status', 1)), $sstat_mname);
             case 2:
                 $alreadysignedinmsg = $this->user->lang(array('raidevent_raid_msg_status', 2));
             case 3:
                 $alreadysignedinmsg = sprintf($this->user->lang(array('raidevent_raid_msg_status', 3)), $sstat_mname);
     // Build the Deadline
     $deadlinedate = $eventdata['timestamp_start'] - $eventdata['extension']['deadlinedate'] * 3600;
     if (date('j', $deadlinedate) == date('j', $eventdata['timestamp_start'])) {
         $deadlinetime = $this->time->user_date($deadlinedate, false, true);
     } else {
         $deadlinetime = $this->time->user_date($deadlinedate, true);
     $mysignedstatus = $this->pdh->get('calendar_raids_attendees', 'status', array($this->url_id, $this->mystatus['member_id']));
     // the status drodown
     $status_dropdown = $this->raidstatus;
     if (isset($status_dropdown[0]) && $mysignedstatus != 0) {
     //Notify attendees, raidlead and admins on new comments
     $arrUserToNotify = $this->pdh->get('calendar_raids_attendees', 'attendee_users', array($this->url_id));
     $arrRaidleaderChars = $eventdata['extension']['raidleader'] > 0 ? $eventdata['extension']['raidleader'] : array();
     $arrRaidleaderUser = $this->pdh->get('member', 'userid', array($raidleaders_chars));
     if ($arrRaidleaderUser && is_array($arrRaidleaderUser)) {
         $arrUserToNotify = array_merge($arrUserToNotify, $arrRaidleaderUser);
     $arrUserToNotify[] = $this->pdh->get('calendar_events', 'creatorid', array($this->url_id));
     $arrAdmins = $this->pdh->get('user', 'users_with_permission', array('a_cal_revent_conf'));
     if ($arrAdmins && is_array($arrAdmins)) {
         $arrUserToNotify = array_merge($arrUserToNotify, $arrAdmins);
     $arrUserToNotify = array_unique($arrUserToNotify);
     $this->comments->SetVars(array('ntfy_user' => $arrUserToNotify));
     //RSS-Feed for next Raids
     $this->tpl->add_rssfeed($this->config->get('guildtag') . ' - Calendar Raids', 'calendar_raids.xml', array('po_calendarevent'));
     $arrRaidgroups = array(0 => $this->user->lang('raidevent_raid_all_raidgroups')) + $this->raidgroup_dd;
     $intCategoryID = registry::get_const('categoryid');
     $arrCategory = $this->pdh->get('article_categories', 'data', array($intCategoryID));
     $strPageTitle = sprintf($this->pdh->get('event', 'name', array($eventdata['extension']['raid_eventid'])), $this->user->lang('raidevent_raid_show_title')) . ', ' . $this->time->user_date($eventdata['timestamp_start']) . ' ' . $this->time->user_date($eventdata['timestamp_start'], false, true);
     $this->tpl->assign_vars(array('RAID_CLOSED' => $eventdata['closed'] == '1' ? true : false, 'NOTEPERMISSION' => $this->user->check_group($shownotes_ugroups, false), 'RAID_DEADLINE' => $deadlinedate > $this->time->time || $this->config->get('calendar_raid_allowstatuschange') == '1' && $this->mystatus['member_id'] > 0 && $mysignedstatus != 4 && $eventdata['timestamp_end'] > $this->time->time ? false : true, 'NO_STATUSES' => is_array($raidcal_status) && count($raidcal_status) < 1 ? true : false, 'ROLESWOCLASS' => $rolewnclass ? true : false, 'EVENT_ID' => $this->url_id, 'MEMBERDATA_FILE' => $eventdata['extension']['raidmode'] == 'role' ? 'calendar/viewcalraid_role.html' : 'calendar/viewcalraid_class.html', 'S_NEXT_OR_PREV_RAIDEVENT' => $nextraidevent || $prevraidevent, 'S_NOTSIGNED_VISIBLE' => in_array(4, $raidcal_status) && ($this->user->check_auth('a_cal_revent_conf', false) || $this->config->get('calendar_raid_shownotsigned') || $this->check_permission()) ? true : false, 'IS_OPERATOR' => $this->check_permission() || $this->user->check_auth('a_cal_revent_conf', false), 'SHOW_GUESTS' => $this->config->get('calendar_raid_guests') && ($this->user->check_auth('a_cal_revent_conf', false) || $this->check_permission() || count($this->guests) > 0) ? true : false, 'SHOW_RANDOMVALUE' => $this->config->get('calendar_raid_random') == 1 ? true : false, 'IS_SIGNEDIN' => $this->mystatus['member_id'] > 0 && $mysignedstatus != 4 ? true : false, 'NO_CHAR_ASSIGNED' => count($drpdwn_members) > 0 ? false : true, 'COLORED_NAMESBYCLASS' => $this->config->get('calendar_raid_coloredclassnames') ? true : false, 'SHOW_RAIDGROUPS' => $this->pdh->get('raid_groups', 'groups_enabled'), 'IS_STATUSCHANGE_WARN' => $this->config->get('calendar_raid_statuschange_status', 0) == 1 ? true : false, 'IS_STATUS_CONFIRMED' => $this->mystatus['signup_status'] == 0 ? true : false, 'SHOW_CONFIRMBUTTON' => in_array(0, $raidcal_status) ? true : false, 'MENU_OPTIONS' => $this->jquery->DropDownMenu('colortab', $optionsmenu, '<i class="fa fa-cog fa-lg"></i> ' . $this->user->lang('raidevent_raid_settbutton')), 'DD_MYCHARS' => $eventdata['extension']['raidmode'] == 'role' ? $memberrole[0] : new hdropdown('member_id', array('options' => $drpdwn_members, 'value' => $presel_charid)), 'DD_MYROLE' => $eventdata['extension']['raidmode'] == 'role' ? $memberrole[1] : '', 'DD_SIGNUPSTATUS' => new hdropdown('signup_status', array('options' => $status_dropdown, 'value' => $this->mystatus['signup_status'])), 'DD_MODSIGNUPSTATUS' => new hdropdown('moderation_raidstatus', array('options' => $this->raidstatus_full, 'value' => '0')), 'DD_MODRAIDGROUPS' => new hdropdown('moderation_raidgroup', array('options' => $this->raidgroup_dd, 'value' => 0)), 'DD_RAIDGROUPS' => new hdropdown('raidgroup_filter', array('options' => $arrRaidgroups, 'value' => $this->in->get('raidgroup_filter', 0), 'js' => 'onchange="window.location=\'' . $this->strPath . $this->SID . '&amp;raidgroup_filter=\'+this.value"')), 'DD_NOTSIGNEDINSTATUS' => new hdropdown('notsigned_raidstatus', array('options' => $this->raidstatus, 'value' => '0')), 'SUBSCRIBED_MEMBER_ID' => $this->mystatus['member_id'], 'ATTENDEES_COLSPAN' => count($this->raidcategories), 'RAIDNAME' => $this->pdh->get('event', 'name', array($eventdata['extension']['raid_eventid'])), 'RAIDICON' => $this->pdh->get('event', 'html_icon', array($eventdata['extension']['raid_eventid'], 40)), 'RAIDLEADER' => $eventdata['extension']['raidleader'] > 0 ? implode(', ', $this->pdh->aget('member', 'html_memberlink', 0, array($eventdata['extension']['raidleader'], $this->routing->simpleBuild('character'), '', false, false, true, true))) : '', 'RAIDVALUE' => $eventdata['extension']['raid_value'] > 0 ? $eventdata['extension']['raid_value'] : '0', 'RAIDNOTE' => $eventdata['notes'] ? $this->bbcode->toHTML(nl2br($eventdata['notes'])) : '', 'RAID_ADDEDBY' => $this->pdh->get('user', 'name', array($eventdata['creator'])), 'RAIDDATE' => $this->time->user_date($eventdata['timestamp_start']), 'RAIDTIME_START' => $this->time->user_date($eventdata['timestamp_start'], false, true), 'RAIDTIME_END' => $this->time->user_date($eventdata['timestamp_end'], false, true), 'RAIDTIME_DEADLINE' => $deadlinetime, 'CALENDAR' => $this->pdh->get('calendars', 'name', array($eventdata['calendar_id'])), 'RAIDDATE_ADDED' => isset($eventdata['extension']['created_on']) && $eventdata['extension']['created_on'] > 0 ? $this->time->user_date($eventdata['extension']['created_on'], true, false, true) : false, 'PLAYER_NOTE' => $this->mystatus['note'], 'COLUMN_WIDTH' => isset($user_brakclm) && count($this->raidcategories) > $this->classbreakval ? str_replace(',', '.', 100 / $this->classbreakval) : str_replace(',', '.', 100 / count($this->raidcategories)), 'GUEST_COUNT' => count($this->guests), 'L_NOTSIGNEDIN' => $this->user->lang(array('raidevent_raid_status', 4)), 'L_SIGNEDIN_MSG' => $alreadysignedinmsg, 'CSRF_CHANGECHAR_TOKEN' => $this->CSRFGetToken('change_char'), 'CSRF_CHANGENOTE_TOKEN' => $this->CSRFGetToken('change_note'), 'CSRF_CHANGEGRP_TOKEN' => $this->CSRFGetToken('change_group'), 'U_CALENDAREVENT' => $this->strPath . $this->SID, 'MY_SOCIAL_BUTTONS' => $arrCategory['social_share_buttons'] ? $this->social->createSocialButtons($this->env->link . $this->strPathPlain, $strPageTitle) : ''));
     $strPreviewImage = $this->pdh->get('event', 'icon', array($eventdata['extension']['raid_eventid'], true));
     $this->social->callSocialPlugins($strPageTitle, $strPageTitle, $this->env->buildlink(false) . $strPreviewImage);
     $this->set_vars(array('page_title' => $strPageTitle, 'template_file' => 'calendar/viewcalraid.html', 'header_format' => $this->simple_head, 'display' => true));
Пример #22

 * Project:     EQdkp Shoutbox
 * License:     Creative Commons - Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported
 * Link:        http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Began:       2008
 * Date:        $Date: 2011-09-02 10:09:49 +0200 (Fr, 02. Sep 2011) $
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 * @author      $Author: Aderyn $
 * @copyright   2008-2011 Aderyn
 * @link        http://eqdkp-plus.com
 * @package     shoutbox
 * @version     $Rev: 11183 $
 * $Id: lang_main.php 11183 2011-09-02 08:09:49Z Aderyn $
if (!defined('EQDKP_INC')) {
    header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found');
$lang = array('shoutbox' => 'Shoutbox', 'sb_shoutbox' => 'Shoutbox', 'shoutbox_name' => 'Shoutbox', 'shoutbox_desc' => 'Shoutbox ist ein Plugin mit dem User kleine Mitteilungen austauschen können.', 'sb_short_desc' => 'Shoutbox', 'sb_long_desc' => 'Shoutbox ist ein Plugin mit dem User kleine Mitteilungen austauschen können.', 'sb_plugin_not_installed' => 'Das Shoutbox Plugin ist nicht installiert', 'sb_php_version' => "Shoutbox benötigt PHP %1\$s oder höher. Dein Server läuft mit PHP %2\$s", 'sb_plus_version' => "Shoutbox benötigt EQDKP-PLUS %1\$s oder höher. Die installierte Version ist %2\$s", 'sb_no_view_permission' => "Du hast leider keine Berechtigung, um Shouts zu sehen.", 'sb_manage_archive' => 'Archiv Verwalten', 'sb_written_by' => 'geschrieben von', 'sb_written_at' => 'um', 'sb_delete_success' => 'Einträge erfolgreich gelöscht', 'sb_settings_info' => 'Weitere Einstellungen für die Shoutbox findet Ihr unter den <a href="' . registry::get_const('root_path') . 'admin/manage_portal.php' . registry::get_const('SID') . '">Portalmodul Einstellungen</a>', 'sb_use_users' => 'Benutzernamen anstatt der Charakternamen verwenden', 'sb_use_users_help' => 'Beim Ändern von Charakteren zu Benutzern werden die bestehenden Einträge aktualisiert.<br/>Beim Ändern von Benutzern zu Charakteren werden die bestehenden Einträge gelöscht!', 'sb_convert_member_user_success' => 'Alle Charaktere in den Einträgen wurden erfolgreich zu Benutzern aktualisiert.', 'sb_convert_user_member_success' => 'Alle bestehenden Einträge wurden gelöscht', 'sb_config_saved' => 'Einstellungen wurden gespeichert', 'sb_header_general' => 'Allgemeine Shoutbox Einstellungen', 'sb_output_count_limit' => 'Maximale Anzahl an Shoutbox Einträgen.', 'sb_show_date' => 'Zusätzlich das Datum anzeigen?', 'sb_show_archive' => 'Archiv anzeigen?', 'sb_max_text_length' => 'Maximal erlaubte Textlänge eines Eintrags', 'sb_input_box_location' => 'Position des Eingabefeldes', 'sb_location_top' => 'Oberhalb der Einträge', 'sb_location_bottom' => 'Unterhalb der Einträge', 'sb_autoreload' => 'Zeit in Sekunden nach der die Shoutbox automatisch neu geladen werden soll (Standard 0 = Aus)', 'sb_autoreload_help' => 'Wird 0 eingetragen so wird das automatische Neu Laden abgeschalten', 'sb_no_character_assigned' => 'Es wurde kein Charakter verknüpft. Es muss ein Charakter verknüpft sein bevor Einträge gemacht werden können.', 'sb_submit_text' => 'Absenden', 'sb_save_wait' => 'Speichern, bitte warten...', 'sb_reload' => 'Neu laden', 'sb_no_entries' => 'Keine Einträge', 'sb_archive' => 'Archiv', 'sb_shoutbox_archive' => 'Shoutbox Archiv', 'sb_missing_char_id' => 'Es wurde keine gültige Charakter ID angegeben', 'sb_missing_text' => 'Es wurde kein Text angegeben', 'sb_about_header' => 'Über Shoutbox', 'sb_credits_part1' => 'Shoutbox v', 'sb_credits_part2' => ' von Aderyn', 'sb_copyright' => 'Copyright');
Пример #23
         header('Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8');
         echo registry::register('socialplugins')->getSocialButtonCount(rawurldecode(registry::register('input')->get('url')), registry::register('input')->get('target'));
     case 'styles':
         header('content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8');
         $out = '<table class="table fullwidth colorswitch hoverrows">';
         $intCurrentStyle = register('user')->style['style_id'];
         foreach (register('pdh')->get('styles', 'styles', array(0, false)) as $styleid => $row) {
             $plugin_code = $row['template_path'];
             if (file_exists(registry::get_const('root_path') . 'templates/' . $plugin_code . '/screenshot.png')) {
                 $screenshot = '<img src="' . registry::get_const('server_path') . 'templates/' . $plugin_code . '/screenshot.png" style="max-width:200px;" alt="" />';
             } elseif (file_exists(registry::get_const('root_path') . 'templates/' . $plugin_code . '/screenshot.jpg')) {
                 $screenshot = '<img src="' . registry::get_const('server_path') . 'templates/' . $plugin_code . '/screenshot.jpg" style="max-width:200px;" alt="" />';
             } else {
                 $screenshot = "<img src='" . registry::get_const('server_path') . "images/global/default-image.svg' />";
             if ($styleid == $intCurrentStyle) {
                 $current = " <i class='fa fa-check-circle fa-lg'></i>";
             } else {
                 $current = "";
             $url = filter_var($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
             $link = sanitize(preg_replace('#style\\=([0-9]*)#', "", $url)) . (strpos($url, "?") === false ? '?' : '&') . 'style=' . $styleid;
             $out .= '<tr><td width="10"><a href="' . $link . '">' . $screenshot . '</a></td><td><a href="' . $link . '">' . $row['style_name'] . $current . '</a></td></tr>';
         $out .= '</table>';
         echo $out;
 *	(at your option) any later version.
 *	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *	GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 *	You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 *	along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
if (!defined('EQDKP_INC')) {
    header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found');
if (!class_exists('wowstatus_style_base')) {
    include_once registry::get_const('root_path') . 'portal/realmstatus/wow/styles/wowstatus.style_base.class.php';
  | wowstatus_style_gdi
if (!class_exists("wowstatus_style_gdi")) {
    class wowstatus_style_gdi extends wowstatus_style_base
        /* Base image path */
        private $image_path;
        /* cache time in seconds default 24 hours = 1800 seconds */
        private $cachetime = 86400;
         * Constructor
        public function __construct()
    public function display()
        if ($this->in->exists('mcsavevote')) {
        $arrPathArray = registry::get_const('patharray');
        if (is_numeric($this->url_id)) {
            //For URL: index.php/MediaCenter/Downloads/MyFileName-17.html
            $arrMediaData = $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'data', array($this->url_id));
            if ($arrMediaData != false && count($arrMediaData)) {
                $strRef = $this->in->get('ref') != "" ? '&ref=' . $this->in->get('ref') : '';
                $intMediaID = $this->url_id;
                $intCategoryId = $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'category_id', array($this->url_id));
                $intAlbumID = $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'album_id', array($this->url_id));
                $blnShowUnpublished = $arrPermissions['change_state'] || $this->user->check_auth('a_mediacenter_manage', false);
                if (!$arrMediaData['published'] && !$blnShowUnpublished) {
                $arrCategoryData = $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_categories', 'data', array($intCategoryId));
                $intPublished = $arrCategoryData['published'];
                if (!$intPublished && !$this->user->check_auth('a_mediacenter_manage', false)) {
                //Check Permissions
                $arrPermissions = $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_categories', 'user_permissions', array($intCategoryId, $this->user->id));
                if (!$arrPermissions['read']) {
                    message_die($this->user->lang('category_noauth'), $this->user->lang('noauth_default_title'), 'access_denied', true);
                $arrTags = $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'tags', array($intMediaID));
                //Create Maincontent
                $intType = $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'type', array($intMediaID));
                $strExtension = strtolower(pathinfo($arrMediaData['filename'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
                $arrPlayableVideos = array('mp4', 'webm', 'ogg');
                $arrAdditionalData = unserialize($arrMediaData['additionaldata']);
                $strPermalink = $this->user->removeSIDfromString($this->env->buildlink() . $this->controller_path_plain . $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'path', array($intMediaID, false, array(), false)));
                if ($intType === 0) {
                    $this->tpl->assign_vars(array('MC_MEDIA_DOWNLOADS' => $arrMediaData['downloads'], 'MC_MEDIA_FILENAME' => $arrMediaData['filename'], 'S_MC_EXTERNALFILEONLY' => $arrMediaData['filename'] == "" && $arrMediaData['externalfile'] != "" ? true : false, 'MC_MEDIA_EXTENSION' => pathinfo($arrMediaData['filename'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION), 'MC_MEDIA_SIZE' => human_filesize($arrAdditionalData['size']), 'MC_EMBEDD_HTML' => htmlspecialchars('<a href="' . $strPermalink . '">' . $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'name', array($intMediaID)) . '</a>'), 'MC_EMBEDD_BBCODE' => htmlspecialchars("[url='" . $strPermalink . "']" . $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'name', array($intMediaID)) . "[/url]")));
                } elseif ($intType === 1) {
                    $blnIsEmbedly = false;
                    if (isset($arrAdditionalData['html'])) {
                        //Is embedly Video
                        $strVideo = $arrAdditionalData['html'];
                        $blnIsEmbedly = true;
                    } else {
                        $strExternalExtension = strtolower(pathinfo($arrMediaData['externalfile'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
                        if (strlen($arrMediaData['externalfile']) && in_array($strExternalExtension, $arrPlayableVideos)) {
                            $this->tpl->css_file($this->root_path . 'plugins/mediacenter/includes/videojs/video-js.min.css');
                            $this->tpl->js_file($this->root_path . 'plugins/mediacenter/includes/videojs/video.js');
                            $this->tpl->add_js('videojs.options.flash.swf = "' . $this->server_path . 'plugins/mediacenter/includes/videojs/video-js.swf"; ', 'docready');
                            switch ($strExternalExtension) {
                                case 'mp4':
                                    $strSource = '  <source src="' . $arrMediaData['externalfile'] . '" type=\'video/mp4\' />';
                                case 'webm':
                                    $strSource = '  <source src="' . $arrMediaData['externalfile'] . '" type=\'video/webm\' />';
                                case 'ogg':
                                    $strSource = '   <source src="' . $arrMediaData['externalfile'] . '" type=\'video/ogg\' />';
                            $strVideo = '  <video id="example_video_1" class="video-js vjs-default-skin" controls preload="none" width="640" height="364"
						      poster="" data-setup="{}">
						    ' . $strSource . '
						    <p class="vjs-no-js">To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that <a href="http://videojs.com/html5-video-support/" target="_blank">supports HTML5 video</a></p>
                        } elseif (in_array($strExtension, $arrPlayableVideos)) {
                            $this->tpl->css_file($this->root_path . 'plugins/mediacenter/includes/videojs/video-js.min.css');
                            $this->tpl->js_file($this->root_path . 'plugins/mediacenter/includes/videojs/video.js');
                            $this->tpl->add_js('videojs.options.flash.swf = "' . $this->server_path . 'plugins/mediacenter/includes/videojs/video-js.swf"; ', 'docready');
                            $strLocalFile = $this->pfh->FolderPath('files', 'mediacenter', 'absolute') . $arrMediaData['localfile'];
                            switch ($strExtension) {
                                case 'mp4':
                                    $strSource = '  <source src="' . $strLocalFile . '" type=\'video/mp4\' />';
                                case 'webm':
                                    $strSource = '  <source src="' . $strLocalFile . '" type=\'video/webm\' />';
                                case 'ogg':
                                    $strSource = '   <source src="' . $strLocalFile . '" type=\'video/ogg\' />';
                            $strVideo = '  <video id="example_video_1" class="video-js vjs-default-skin" controls preload="none" width="640" height="364"
						      poster="" data-setup="{}">
						    ' . $strSource . '
						    <p class="vjs-no-js">To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that <a href="http://videojs.com/html5-video-support/" target="_blank">supports HTML5 video</a></p>
                        } else {
                            $strVideo = 'Cannot play this video type.';
                    $strEmbeddHTML = $blnIsEmbedly ? $arrAdditionalData['html'] : '<a href="' . $strPermalink . '">' . $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'name', array($intMediaID)) . '</a>';
                    $this->tpl->assign_vars(array('MC_VIDEO' => $strVideo, 'MC_EMBEDD_HTML' => htmlspecialchars($strEmbeddHTML), 'MC_EMBEDD_BBCODE' => htmlspecialchars("[url='" . $strPermalink . "']" . $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'name', array($intMediaID)) . "[/url]")));
                } else {
                    $strThumbfolder = $this->pfh->FolderPath('thumbs', 'mediacenter');
                    if (file_exists($strThumbfolder . $arrMediaData['localfile'] . '.' . $strExtension)) {
                        $strImage = $strThumbfolder . $arrMediaData['localfile'] . '.' . $strExtension;
                    } else {
                        $strImage = $this->pfh->FolderPath('files', 'mediacenter', 'relative') . $arrMediaData['localfile'];
                    $arrImageDimesions = getimagesize($strImage);
                    $strImage = str_replace($this->root_path, $this->server_path, $strImage);
                    $strOtherImages = "";
                    $arrOtherFiles = $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'other_ids', array($intMediaID, $strRef != "" ? true : false));
                    $this->jquery->lightbox(md5($intMediaID), array('slideshow' => true, 'transition' => "elastic", 'slideshowSpeed' => 4500, 'slideshowAuto' => false, 'type' => 'photo', 'title_function' => "var url = \$(this).data('url');\nvar title = \$(this).attr('title');\nif(url == undefined){ url = \$(this).attr('href');}\nvar desc = \$(this).data('desc');\nif(desc == undefined) { desc = ''; } else { desc = '<br />'+desc;}\nreturn '<a href=\"' + url + '\">'+title+'</a>'+desc;"));
                    foreach ($arrOtherFiles as $intFileID) {
                        if ($intFileID === $intMediaID) {
                        if ($this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'type', array($intFileID)) === 2) {
                            $strName = $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'name', array($intFileID));
                            $strOtherImage = $this->controller_path . $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'path', array($intFileID));
                            $strDesc = $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'description', array($intFileID));
                            $strDesc = strip_tags($this->bbcode->remove_bbcode($strDesc));
                            $strOtherImages .= '<a href="' . $strOtherImage . '&image" data-url="' . $strOtherImage . '" data-desc="' . $strDesc . '" class="lightbox_' . md5($intMediaID) . '" rel="' . md5($intMediaID) . '" title="' . sanitize($strName) . '"><img src="" /></a>';
                    $this->tpl->assign_vars(array('MC_IMAGE' => $strImage, 'MC_MEDIA_FILENAME' => $arrMediaData['filename'], 'MC_MEDIA_IMAGEDIMENSIONS' => $arrImageDimesions[0] . ' x ' . $arrImageDimesions[1], 'MC_LIGHTBOX' => md5($intMediaID), 'MC_OTHER_IMAGES' => $strOtherImages, 'MC_DESC_STRIPPED' => strip_tags($this->bbcode->remove_bbcode($arrMediaData['description'])), 'MC_EMBEDD_HTML_BIG' => htmlspecialchars('<a href="' . $strPermalink . '"><img src="' . $strPermalink . '?image" alt="" /></a>'), 'MC_EMBEDD_HTML_SMALL' => htmlspecialchars('<a href="' . $strPermalink . '"><img src="' . $this->pdh->geth('mediacenter_media', 'previewimage', array($intMediaID, 2, true)) . '" alt="" /></a>'), 'MC_EMBEDD_BBCODE_SMALL' => htmlspecialchars("[url='" . $strPermalink . "'][img]" . $this->pdh->geth('mediacenter_media', 'previewimage', array($intMediaID, 2, true)) . "[/img][/url]"), 'MC_EMBEDD_BBCODE_BIG' => htmlspecialchars("[url='" . $strPermalink . "'][img]" . $strPermalink . "?image[/img][/url]")));
                    foreach ($arrAdditionalData as $key => $val) {
                        if ($key === 'size') {
                            $val = human_filesize($val);
                        } elseif ($key === 'CreationTime') {
                            if ($val === 0) {
                            $val = $this->time->createTimeTag((int) $val, $this->time->user_date($val, true));
                        } elseif ($key === 'FNumber') {
                            $val = 'f/' . $val;
                        if ($key == 'Longitude' || $key == 'Latitude' || $key == 'Orientation') {
                        if (!strlen($val)) {
                        $this->tpl->assign_block_vars('mc_more_image_details', array('LABEL' => $this->user->lang('mc_' . $key), 'VALUE' => strlen($val) ? sanitize($val) : '&nbsp;'));
                    if (isset($arrAdditionalData['Longitude']) && isset($arrAdditionalData['Latitude']) && (int) $this->config->get('show_maps', 'mediacenter') == 1) {
                        $this->tpl->assign_vars(array('S_MC_COORDS' => true, 'MC_MEDIA_LONGITUDE' => $arrAdditionalData['Longitude'], 'MC_MEDIA_LATITUDE' => $arrAdditionalData['Latitude']));
                $nextID = $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'next_media', array($intMediaID, $strRef != "" ? true : false));
                $prevID = $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'prev_media', array($intMediaID, $strRef != "" ? true : false));
                $arrInvolvedUser = $this->pdh->get('comment', 'involved_users', array('mediacenter', $intMediaID));
                $arrInvolvedUser[] = $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'user_id', array($intMediaID));
                $arrInvolvedUser = array_unique($arrInvolvedUser);
                $this->comments->SetVars(array('attach_id' => $intMediaID, 'page' => 'mediacenter', 'auth' => 'a_mediacenter_manage', 'ntfy_type' => 'mediacenter_media_comment_new', 'ntfy_title' => $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'name', array($intMediaID)), 'ntfy_link' => $this->controller_path_plain . $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'path', array($intMediaID)), 'ntfy_user' => $arrInvolvedUser));
                $intCommentsCount = $this->comments->Count();
                //Reset Notifications
                if ($this->user->is_signedin()) {
                    $arrCommentIDs = $this->pdh->get('comment', 'filtered_list', array('mediacenter', $intMediaID));
                    if (count($arrCommentIDs)) {
                        $this->ntfy->markAsRead('mediacenter_media_comment_new', $this->user->id, array_keys($arrCommentIDs));
                    $this->ntfy->markAsRead('mediacenter_media_new', $this->user->id, $intMediaID);
                $arrToolbarItems = array();
                if ($arrPermissions['create'] || $this->user->check_auth('a_mediacenter_manage', false)) {
                    $arrToolbarItems[] = array('icon' => 'fa-plus', 'js' => 'onclick="editMedia(0)"', 'title' => $this->user->lang('mc_add_media'));
                if ($arrPermissions['update'] || $this->user->check_auth('a_mediacenter_manage', false)) {
                    $arrToolbarItems[] = array('icon' => 'fa-pencil-square-o', 'js' => 'onclick="editMedia(' . $intMediaID . ')"', 'title' => $this->user->lang('mc_edit_media'));
                if ($arrPermissions['delete']) {
                    $arrToolbarItems[] = array('icon' => 'fa-trash-o', 'js' => 'onclick="$(\'#del_articles\').click()"', 'title' => $this->user->lang('mc_delete_media'));
                if ($arrPermissions['change_state']) {
                    if ($this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'published', array($intMediaID))) {
                        $arrToolbarItems[] = array('icon' => 'fa-eye-slash', 'js' => 'onclick="$(\'#set_unpublished\').click()"', 'title' => $this->user->lang('article_unpublish'));
                    } else {
                        $arrToolbarItems[] = array('icon' => 'fa-eye', 'js' => 'onclick="$(\'#set_published\').click()"', 'title' => $this->user->lang('article_publish'));
                $jqToolbar = $this->jquery->toolbar('pages', $arrToolbarItems, array('position' => 'bottom'));
                $strAlbumEditID = $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'album_id', array($intMediaID)) ? $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'album_id', array($intMediaID)) : 'c' . $intCategoryId;
                $this->tpl->assign_vars(array('MC_MEDIA_PREVIEW_IMAGE' => $this->pdh->geth('mediacenter_media', 'previewimage', array($intMediaID, 2, false, 'mcPreviewImageBig')), 'MC_MEDIA_PREVIEW_IMAGE_URL' => $this->pdh->geth('mediacenter_media', 'previewimage', array($intMediaID, 2, true)), 'MC_MEDIA_NAME' => $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'name', array($intMediaID)), 'MC_MEDIA_LINK' => $this->controller_path . $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'path', array($intMediaID)), 'MC_MEDIA_VIEWS' => $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'views', array($intMediaID)), 'MC_MEDIA_AUTHOR' => $this->pdh->geth('user', 'name', array($this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'user_id', array($intMediaID)), '', '', true)), 'MC_MEDIA_DATE' => $this->time->createTimeTag($this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'date', array($intMediaID)), $this->pdh->geth('mediacenter_media', 'date', array($intMediaID))), 'MC_MEDIA_ALBUM' => strlen($this->pdh->geth('mediacenter_media', 'album_id', array($intMediaID, true))) ? $this->pdh->geth('mediacenter_media', 'album_id', array($intMediaID, true)) : '', 'MC_MEDIA_DESCRIPTION' => $this->bbcode->toHTML($this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'description', array($intMediaID))), 'MC_MEDIA_TYPE' => $intType, 'MC_BREADCRUMB' => $intAlbumID ? str_replace('class="current"', '', $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_albums', 'breadcrumb', array($intAlbumID))) : str_replace('class="current"', '', $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_categories', 'breadcrumb', array($intCategoryId))), 'S_MC_TAGS' => count($arrTags) ? true : false, 'S_NEXT_MEDIA' => $nextID !== false ? true : false, 'S_PREV_MEDIA' => $prevID !== false ? true : false, 'U_NEXT_MEDIA' => $nextID ? $this->controller_path . $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'path', array($nextID)) . $strRef : '', 'U_PREV_MEDIA' => $prevID ? $this->controller_path . $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'path', array($prevID)) . $strRef : '', 'MEDIA_NEXT_TITLE' => $nextID ? $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'name', array($nextID)) : '', 'MEDIA_PREV_TITLE' => $prevID ? $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'name', array($prevID)) : '', 'MC_MEDIA_SOCIAL_BUTTONS' => $this->social->createSocialButtons($this->env->link . $this->controller_path_plain . $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'path', array($intMediaID)), strip_tags($this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'name', array($intMediaID)))), 'MC_MEDIA_RATING' => $arrCategoryData['allow_voting'] ? $this->jquery->starrating($intMediaID, $this->controller_path . 'MediaCenter/' . $this->SID . '&mcsavevote&link_hash=' . $this->CSRFGetToken('savevote'), array('score' => $arrMediaData['votes_count'] ? round($arrMediaData['votes_sum'] / $arrMediaData['votes_count']) : 0, 'number' => 10)) : '', 'MC_MEDIA_COMMENTS_COUNTER' => $intCommentsCount == 1 ? $intCommentsCount . ' ' . $this->user->lang('comment') : $intCommentsCount . ' ' . $this->user->lang('comments'), 'S_MC_COMMENTS' => $arrCategoryData['allow_comments'] ? true : false, 'MC_COMMENTS' => $this->comments->Show(), 'MC_TOOLBAR' => $jqToolbar['id'], 'S_MC_TOOLBAR' => $arrPermissions['create'] || $arrPermissions['update'] || $arrPermissions['delete'] || $arrPermissions['change_state'], 'MC_MEDIA_ID' => $intMediaID, 'MC_CATEGORY_ID' => $intCategoryId, 'MC_PERMALINK' => $strPermalink, 'MC_S_PUBLISHED' => $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'published', array($intMediaID)) ? true : false));
                $this->social->callSocialPlugins($this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'name', array($intMediaID)), truncate($this->bbcode->remove_bbcode($this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'description', array($intMediaID))), 200), $this->pdh->geth('mediacenter_media', 'previewimage', array($intMediaID, 2, true)));
                if (count($arrTags) && $arrTags[0] != "") {
                    foreach ($arrTags as $tag) {
                        $this->tpl->assign_block_vars('tag_row', array('TAG' => $tag, 'U_TAG' => $this->controller_path . 'MediaCenter/Tags/' . $tag));
                //Update Views
                if (!$this->env->is_bot($this->user->data['session_browser'])) {
                    $this->pdh->put('mediacenter_media', 'update_view', array($intMediaID));
                if ($arrPermissions['create'] || $arrPermissions['update']) {
                    $this->jquery->dialog('editMedia', $this->user->lang('mc_edit_media'), array('url' => $this->controller_path . "EditMedia/Media-'+id+'/" . $this->SID . "&aid=" . $strAlbumEditID, 'withid' => 'id', 'width' => 920, 'height' => 740, 'onclose' => $this->env->link . $this->controller_path_plain . $this->page_path . $this->SID));
                if ($arrPermissions['delete'] || $arrPermissions['change_state']) {
                    $this->jquery->dialog('deleteMedia', $this->user->lang('mc_delete_media'), array('custom_js' => 'deleteMediaSubmit(aid);', 'confirm', 'withid' => 'aid', 'message' => $this->user->lang('mc_confirm_delete_media')), 'confirm');
                    $this->tpl->add_js("function deleteMediaSubmit(aid){\n\t\t\t\t\twindow.location='" . $this->controller_path . $this->page_path . $this->SID . '&mcdelete&link_hash=' . $this->CSRFGetToken('delete') . "&aid='+aid;\n\t\t\t\t}");
                // -- EQDKP ---------------------------------------------------------------
                $this->core->set_vars(array('page_title' => $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'name', array($intMediaID)) . ' - ' . $this->user->lang('mediacenter'), 'template_path' => $this->pm->get_data('mediacenter', 'template_path'), 'template_file' => 'media.html', 'display' => true));
            } else {
                redirect($this->controller_path_plain . 'MediaCenter/' . $this->SID);
        } elseif (isset($arrPathArray[1]) && $arrPathArray[1] === 'tags') {
            $strTag = $this->url_id;
            //Items per Page
            $intPerPage = $this->config->get('per_page', 'mediacenter');
            //Grid or List
            $intLayout = $this->in->exists('layout') ? $this->in->get('layout', 0) : 1;
            $hptt_page_settings = array('name' => 'hptt_mc_categorylist', 'table_main_sub' => '%intMediaID%', 'table_subs' => array('%intCategoryID%', '%intMediaID%'), 'page_ref' => 'manage_media.php', 'show_numbers' => false, 'selectboxes_checkall' => true, 'show_detail_twink' => false, 'table_sort_dir' => 'desc', 'table_sort_col' => 3, 'table_presets' => array(array('name' => 'mediacenter_media_previewimage', 'sort' => false, 'th_add' => 'width="20"', 'td_add' => ''), array('name' => 'mediacenter_media_frontendlist', 'sort' => true, 'th_add' => '', 'td_add' => ''), array('name' => 'mediacenter_media_type', 'sort' => true, 'th_add' => 'width="20"', 'td_add' => ''), array('name' => 'mediacenter_media_date', 'sort' => true, 'th_add' => 'width="20"', 'td_add' => 'nowrap="nowrap"'), array('name' => 'mediacenter_media_views', 'sort' => true, 'th_add' => 'width="20"', 'td_add' => '')));
            $start = $this->in->get('start', 0);
            $page_suffix = '&amp;layout=' . $intLayout;
            $sort_suffix = '&sort=' . $this->in->get('sort', '3|desc');
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            $strBaseSortURL = $this->strPath . $this->SID . '&start=' . $start . '&layout=' . $intLayout . '&sort=';
            $arrSortOptions = $this->user->lang('mc_sort_options');
            $arrMediaInCategory = $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'id_list_for_tags', array($strTag));
            if (count($arrMediaInCategory)) {
                $view_list = $arrMediaInCategory;
                $hptt = $this->get_hptt($hptt_page_settings, $view_list, $view_list, array(), 'tag' . md5($strTag));
                $this->tpl->assign_vars(array('S_IN_CATEGORY' => true, 'S_LAYOUT_LIST' => $intLayout == 1 ? true : false, 'MEDIA_LIST' => $hptt->get_html_table($this->in->get('sort'), $page_suffix, $start, $intPerPage, null, false, array('mediacenter_media', 'checkbox_check')), 'PAGINATION' => generate_pagination($this->strPath . $this->SID . $sort_suffix . $page_suffix, count($view_list), $intPerPage, $start)));
                $arrRealViewList = $hptt->get_view_list();
                foreach ($arrRealViewList as $intMediaID) {
                    $this->tpl->assign_block_vars('mc_media_row', array('PREVIEW_IMAGE' => $this->pdh->geth('mediacenter_media', 'previewimage', array($intMediaID, 2)), 'PREVIEW_IMAGE_URL' => $this->pdh->geth('mediacenter_media', 'previewimage', array($intMediaID, 2, true)), 'NAME' => $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'name', array($intMediaID)), 'LINK' => $this->controller_path . $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'path', array($intMediaID)), 'VIEWS' => $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'views', array($intMediaID)), 'COMMENTS' => $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'comment_count', array($intMediaID)), 'AUTHOR' => $this->core->icon_font('fa-user') . ' ' . $this->pdh->geth('user', 'name', array($this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'user_id', array($intMediaID)), '', '', true)), 'DATE' => $this->time->createTimeTag($this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'date', array($intMediaID)), $this->pdh->geth('mediacenter_media', 'date', array($intMediaID))), 'CATEGORY_AND_ALBUM' => strlen($this->pdh->geth('mediacenter_media', 'album_id', array($intMediaID, true))) ? ' &bull; ' . $this->pdh->geth('mediacenter_media', 'album_id', array($intMediaID, true)) : '', 'DESCRIPTION' => $this->bbcode->remove_bbcode($this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'description', array($intMediaID))), 'TYPE' => $this->pdh->geth('mediacenter_media', 'type', array($intMediaID))));
            $this->tpl->assign_vars(array('MC_CATEGORY_NAME' => ucfirst(sanitize($strTag)), 'MC_CATEGORY_MEDIA_COUNT' => count($arrMediaInCategory), 'MC_LAYOUT_DD' => new hdropdown('selectlayout', array('options' => $this->user->lang('mc_layout_types'), 'value' => $intLayout, 'id' => 'selectlayout', 'class' => 'dropdown')), 'MC_SORT_DD' => new hdropdown('selectsort', array('options' => $arrSortOptions, 'value' => $this->in->get('sort', '3|desc'), 'id' => 'selectsort', 'class' => 'dropdown')), 'MC_BASEURL_LAYOUT' => $strBaseLayoutURL, 'MC_BASEURL_SORT' => $strBaseSortURL));
            // -- EQDKP ---------------------------------------------------------------
            $this->core->set_vars(array('page_title' => ucfirst(sanitize($strTag)) . ' - ' . $this->user->lang('mediacenter'), 'template_path' => $this->pm->get_data('mediacenter', 'template_path'), 'template_file' => 'tags.html', 'display' => true));
        } elseif (strlen($this->url_id)) {
            //For Category-View: index.php/MediaCenter/Downloads/
            //Also Subcategories possible:
            // index.php/MediaCenter/Blablupp/Sowieso/Downloads/
            $arrPathParts = registry::get_const('patharray');
            $strCategoryAlias = $this->url_id;
            if ($strCategoryAlias != $arrPathParts[0]) {
                $strCategoryAlias = $this->url_id = $arrPathParts[0];
            $intCategoryId = $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_categories', 'resolve_alias', array($strCategoryAlias));
            if ($intCategoryId) {
                $arrCategoryData = $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_categories', 'data', array($intCategoryId));
                $intPublished = $arrCategoryData['published'];
                if (!$intPublished) {
                //Check Permissions
                $arrPermissions = $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_categories', 'user_permissions', array($intCategoryId, $this->user->id));
                if (!$arrPermissions['read']) {
                    message_die($this->user->lang('category_noauth'), $this->user->lang('noauth_default_title'), 'access_denied', true);
                if ($this->in->exists('map') && (int) $this->config->get('show_maps', 'mediacenter') == 1) {
                    $arrMediaInCategory = $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'id_list_for_category', array($intCategoryId, $blnShowUnpublished ? false : true, true));
                    $intCount = 0;
                    foreach ($arrMediaInCategory as $intMediaID) {
                        $arrAdditionalData = $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'additionaldata', array($intMediaID));
                        if (isset($arrAdditionalData['Longitude']) && isset($arrAdditionalData['Latitude'])) {
                            $this->tpl->assign_block_vars('mc_media_row', array('LNG' => $arrAdditionalData['Longitude'], 'LAT' => $arrAdditionalData['Latitude'], 'NAME' => $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'name', array($intMediaID)), 'LINK' => $this->server_path . $this->controller_path_plain . $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'path', array($intMediaID)), 'PREVIEW_IMAGE' => $this->pdh->geth('mediacenter_media', 'previewimage', array($intMediaID, 2))));
                    $this->tpl->assign_vars(array('MC_CATEGORY_NAME' => $arrCategoryData['name'], 'MC_CATEGORY_ID' => $intCategoryId, 'MC_BREADCRUMB' => $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_categories', 'breadcrumb', array($intCategoryId)), 'MC_CATEGORY_MEDIA_COUNT' => $intCount));
                    // -- EQDKP ---------------------------------------------------------------
                    $this->core->set_vars(array('page_title' => $arrCategoryData['name'] . ' - ' . $this->user->lang('mediacenter'), 'template_path' => $this->pm->get_data('mediacenter', 'template_path'), 'template_file' => 'map.html', 'display' => true));
                } else {
                    $arrMediaInCategory = $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'id_list_for_category', array($intCategoryId, $blnShowUnpublished ? false : true, true));
                    $intMapCount = 0;
                    foreach ($arrMediaInCategory as $intMediaID) {
                        $arrAdditionalData = $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'additionaldata', array($intMediaID));
                        if (isset($arrAdditionalData['Longitude']) && isset($arrAdditionalData['Latitude'])) {
                $blnShowUnpublished = $arrPermissions['change_state'] || $this->user->check_auth('a_mediacenter_manage', false);
                $arrChilds = $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_categories', 'childs', array($intCategoryId));
                foreach ($arrChilds as $intChildID) {
                    $this->tpl->assign_block_vars('child_row', array('CATEGORY_NAME' => $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_categories', 'name', array($intChildID)), 'CATEGORY_ID' => $intChildID, 'CATEGORY_LINK' => $this->controller_path . $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_categories', 'path', array($intChildID)), 'MEDIA_COUNT' => $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_categories', 'media_count', array($intChildID)), 'S_HAS_CHILDS' => count($this->pdh->get('mediacenter_categories', 'childs', array($intChildID))) > 0 ? true : false));
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                //Grid or List
                $intLayout = $this->in->exists('layout') ? $this->in->get('layout', 0) : (int) $arrCategoryData['layout'];
                $hptt_page_settings = array('name' => 'hptt_mc_categorylist', 'table_main_sub' => '%intMediaID%', 'table_subs' => array('%intCategoryID%', '%intMediaID%'), 'page_ref' => 'manage_media.php', 'show_numbers' => false, 'selectboxes_checkall' => true, 'show_detail_twink' => false, 'table_sort_dir' => 'desc', 'table_sort_col' => 3, 'table_presets' => array(array('name' => 'mediacenter_media_previewimage', 'sort' => false, 'th_add' => 'width="20"', 'td_add' => ''), array('name' => 'mediacenter_media_frontendlist', 'sort' => true, 'th_add' => '', 'td_add' => ''), array('name' => 'mediacenter_media_type', 'sort' => true, 'th_add' => 'width="20"', 'td_add' => ''), array('name' => 'mediacenter_media_date', 'sort' => true, 'th_add' => 'width="20"', 'td_add' => 'nowrap="nowrap"'), array('name' => 'mediacenter_media_views', 'sort' => true, 'th_add' => 'width="20"', 'td_add' => '')));
                if ($arrPermissions['delete'] || $arrPermissions['change_state']) {
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                $strBaseSortURL = $this->strPath . $this->SID . '&start=' . $start . '&layout=' . $intLayout . '&sort=';
                $arrSortOptions = $this->user->lang('mc_sort_options');
                $arrMediaInCategory = $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'id_list_for_category', array($intCategoryId, $blnShowUnpublished ? false : true, true));
                if (count($arrMediaInCategory)) {
                    $view_list = $arrMediaInCategory;
                    $hptt = $this->get_hptt($hptt_page_settings, $view_list, $view_list, array('%link_url_suffix%' => '&amp;ref=cat'), 'cat_' . $intCategoryId . '.0');
                    $this->tpl->assign_vars(array('S_IN_CATEGORY' => true, 'S_LAYOUT_LIST' => $intLayout == 1 ? true : false, 'MEDIA_LIST' => $hptt->get_html_table($this->in->get('sort'), $page_suffix, $start, $intPerPage, null, false, array('mediacenter_media', 'checkbox_check')), 'PAGINATION' => generate_pagination($this->strPath . $this->SID . $sort_suffix . $page_suffix, count($view_list), $intPerPage, $start)));
                    $arrRealViewList = $hptt->get_view_list();
                    foreach ($arrRealViewList as $intMediaID) {
                        $this->tpl->assign_block_vars('mc_media_row', array('ID' => $intMediaID, 'PREVIEW_IMAGE' => $this->pdh->geth('mediacenter_media', 'previewimage', array($intMediaID, 2)), 'PREVIEW_IMAGE_URL' => $this->pdh->geth('mediacenter_media', 'previewimage', array($intMediaID, 2, true)), 'NAME' => $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'name', array($intMediaID)), 'LINK' => $this->controller_path . $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'path', array($intMediaID)) . '&ref=cat', 'VIEWS' => $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'views', array($intMediaID)), 'COMMENTS' => $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'comment_count', array($intMediaID)), 'AUTHOR' => $this->core->icon_font('fa-user') . ' ' . $this->pdh->geth('user', 'name', array($this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'user_id', array($intMediaID)), '', '', true)), 'DATE' => $this->time->createTimeTag($this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'date', array($intMediaID)), $this->pdh->geth('mediacenter_media', 'date', array($intMediaID))), 'CATEGORY_AND_ALBUM' => strlen($this->pdh->geth('mediacenter_media', 'album_id', array($intMediaID, true))) ? ' &bull; ' . $this->pdh->geth('mediacenter_media', 'album_id', array($intMediaID, true)) : '', 'DESCRIPTION' => $this->bbcode->remove_bbcode($this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'description', array($intMediaID))), 'TYPE' => $this->pdh->geth('mediacenter_media', 'type', array($intMediaID)), 'S_PUBLISHED' => $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'published', array($intMediaID)) ? true : false, 'S_CHECKBOX' => $arrPermissions['delete'] || $arrPermissions['change_state']));
                $arrAlbums = $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_albums', 'albums_for_category', array($intCategoryId));
                foreach ($arrAlbums as $intAlbumID) {
                    $view_list = $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'id_list', array($intAlbumID, true));
                    $this->tpl->assign_block_vars('album_list', array('NAME' => $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_albums', 'name', array($intAlbumID)), 'LINK' => $this->controller_path . $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_albums', 'path', array($intAlbumID)), 'S_PERSONAL' => $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_albums', 'personal_album', array($intAlbumID)) ? true : false, 'S_ALBUM' => true, 'MEDIA_COUNT' => count($view_list), 'USER' => $this->pdh->get('user', 'name', array($this->pdh->get('mediacenter_albums', 'user_id', array($intAlbumID)))), 'ID' => $intAlbumID));
                $strPermalink = $this->user->removeSIDfromString($this->env->buildlink() . $this->controller_path_plain . $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_categories', 'path', array($intCategoryId, false)));
                $arrToolbarItems = array();
                if ($arrPermissions['create'] || $this->user->check_auth('a_mediacenter_manage', false)) {
                    $arrToolbarItems[] = array('icon' => 'fa-plus', 'js' => 'onclick="editMedia(0)"', 'title' => $this->user->lang('mc_add_media'));
                    $this->jquery->dialog('editMedia', $this->user->lang('mc_add_media'), array('url' => $this->controller_path . "EditMedia/Media-'+id+'/" . $this->SID . "&aid=c" . $intCategoryId, 'withid' => 'id', 'width' => 920, 'height' => 740, 'onclose' => $this->env->link . $this->controller_path_plain . $this->page_path . $this->SID));
                if ($this->user->check_auth('a_mediacenter_manage', false)) {
                    $arrToolbarItems[] = array('icon' => 'fa-list', 'js' => 'onclick="window.location=\'' . $this->server_path . "plugins/mediacenter/admin/manage_media.php" . $this->SID . '&cid=' . $intCategoryId . '\';"', 'title' => $this->user->lang('mc_manage_media'));
                    $arrToolbarItems[] = array('icon' => 'fa-pencil', 'js' => 'onclick="window.location=\'' . $this->server_path . "plugins/mediacenter/admin/manage_categories.php" . $this->SID . '&cid=' . $intCategoryId . '\';"', 'title' => $this->user->lang('mc_manage_category'));
                $jqToolbar = $this->jquery->toolbar('pages', $arrToolbarItems, array('position' => 'bottom'));
                $arrMenuItems = array();
                if ($arrPermissions['delete']) {
                    $arrMenuItems[] = array('name' => $this->user->lang('delete'), 'type' => 'button', 'icon' => 'fa-trash-o', 'perm' => true, 'link' => '#del_articles');
                if ($arrPermissions['change_state']) {
                    $arrMenuItems[] = array('name' => $this->user->lang('mc_change_state_publish'), 'type' => 'button', 'icon' => 'fa-eye', 'perm' => true, 'link' => '#set_published');
                    $arrMenuItems[] = array('name' => $this->user->lang('mc_change_state_unpublish'), 'type' => 'button', 'icon' => 'fa-eye-slash', 'perm' => true, 'link' => '#set_unpublished');
                $this->tpl->assign_vars(array('MC_CATEGORY_NAME' => $arrCategoryData['name'], 'MC_CATEGORY_ID' => $intCategoryId, 'MC_BREADCRUMB' => $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_categories', 'breadcrumb', array($intCategoryId)), 'MC_CATEGORY_MEDIA_COUNT' => $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_categories', 'media_count', array($intCategoryId)), 'MC_CATEGORY_DESCRIPTION' => $this->bbcode->parse_shorttags(xhtml_entity_decode($arrCategoryData['description'])), 'MC_LAYOUT_DD' => new hdropdown('selectlayout', array('options' => $this->user->lang('mc_layout_types'), 'value' => $intLayout, 'id' => 'selectlayout', 'class' => 'dropdown')), 'MC_SORT_DD' => new hdropdown('selectsort', array('options' => $arrSortOptions, 'value' => $this->in->get('sort', '3|desc'), 'id' => 'selectsort', 'class' => 'dropdown')), 'MC_BASEURL_LAYOUT' => $strBaseLayoutURL, 'MC_BASEURL_SORT' => $strBaseSortURL, 'MC_PERMALINK' => $strPermalink, 'MC_EMBEDD_HTML' => htmlspecialchars('<a href="' . $strPermalink . '">' . $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_categories', 'name', array($intCategoryId)) . '</a>'), 'MC_EMBEDD_BBCODE' => htmlspecialchars("[url='" . $strPermalink . "']" . $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_categories', 'name', array($intCategoryId)) . "[/url]"), 'S_MC_TOOLBAR' => $arrPermissions['create'] || $this->user->check_auth('a_mediacenter_manage', false), 'MC_TOOLBAR' => $jqToolbar['id'], 'MC_BUTTON_MENU' => $this->jquery->ButtonDropDownMenu('manage_members_menu', $arrMenuItems, array("input[name=\"selected_ids[]\"]"), '', $this->user->lang('mc_selected_media') . '...', ''), 'S_MC_BUTTON_MENU' => count($arrMenuItems) > 0 ? true : false, 'S_SHOW_MAP' => $intMapCount && $this->config->get('show_maps', 'mediacenter') ? true : false));
                // -- EQDKP ---------------------------------------------------------------
                $this->core->set_vars(array('page_title' => $arrCategoryData['name'] . ' - ' . $this->user->lang('mediacenter'), 'template_path' => $this->pm->get_data('mediacenter', 'template_path'), 'template_file' => 'category.html', 'display' => true));
            } else {
        } else {
            //-- Index Page of MediaCenter --------------------------------------------
            $this->tpl->js_file($this->root_path . 'plugins/mediacenter/includes/js/responsiveslides.min.js');
	        auto: true,
	        pager: true,
	        nav: true,
	        speed: 3000,
			timeout: 5000,
			pause: true,
			namespace: "mc_featured",
		', 'docready');
            //Get Categorys
            $arrCategories = $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_categories', 'published_id_list', array($this->user->id));
            foreach ($arrCategories as $intCategoryId) {
                if ($this->pdh->get('mediacenter_categories', 'parent', array($intCategoryId)) == 0) {
                    $this->tpl->assign_block_vars('category_row', array('CATEGORY_NAME' => $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_categories', 'name', array($intCategoryId)), 'CATEGORY_ID' => $intCategoryId, 'CATEGORY_LINK' => $this->controller_path . $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_categories', 'path', array($intCategoryId)), 'MEDIA_COUNT' => $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_categories', 'media_count', array($intCategoryId)), 'S_HAS_CHILDS' => count($this->pdh->get('mediacenter_categories', 'childs', array($intCategoryId))) > 0 ? true : false));
                    $arrChilds = $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_categories', 'childs', array($intCategoryId));
                    foreach ($arrChilds as $intChildID) {
                        $this->tpl->assign_block_vars('category_row.child_row', array('CATEGORY_NAME' => $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_categories', 'name', array($intChildID)), 'CATEGORY_ID' => $intChildID, 'CATEGORY_LINK' => $this->controller_path . $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_categories', 'path', array($intChildID)), 'MEDIA_COUNT' => $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_categories', 'media_count', array($intChildID)), 'S_HAS_CHILDS' => count($this->pdh->get('mediacenter_categories', 'childs', array($intChildID))) > 0 ? true : false));
            //Get featured files
            $arrFeaturedFiles = $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'featured_media', array());
            $arrFeaturedFiles = $this->pdh->sort($arrFeaturedFiles, 'mediacenter_media', 'date', 'desc');
            $arrFeaturedFiles = $this->pdh->limit($arrFeaturedFiles, 0, 5);
            foreach ($arrFeaturedFiles as $intMediaID) {
                $this->tpl->assign_block_vars('mc_featured_row', array('PREVIEW_IMAGE' => $this->pdh->geth('mediacenter_media', 'previewimage', array($intMediaID, 2)), 'NAME' => $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'name', array($intMediaID)), 'LINK' => $this->controller_path . $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'path', array($intMediaID)), 'VIEWS' => $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'views', array($intMediaID)), 'AUTHOR' => $this->core->icon_font('fa-user') . ' ' . $this->pdh->geth('user', 'name', array($this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'user_id', array($intMediaID)), '', '', true)), 'DATE' => $this->time->createTimeTag($this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'date', array($intMediaID)), $this->pdh->geth('mediacenter_media', 'date', array($intMediaID))), 'CATEGORY_AND_ALBUM' => $this->pdh->geth('mediacenter_media', 'category_id', array($intMediaID, true)) . (strlen($this->pdh->geth('mediacenter_media', 'album_id', array($intMediaID, true))) ? ' &bull; ' . $this->pdh->geth('mediacenter_media', 'album_id', array($intMediaID, true)) : ''), 'DESCRIPTION' => $this->bbcode->remove_bbcode($this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'description', array($intMediaID))), 'TYPE' => $this->pdh->geth('mediacenter_media', 'type', array($intMediaID))));
            //Get newest files
            $arrNewestMedia = $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'newest_media', array(6));
            foreach ($arrNewestMedia as $intMediaID) {
                $this->tpl->assign_block_vars('mc_newest_row', array('PREVIEW_IMAGE' => $this->pdh->geth('mediacenter_media', 'previewimage', array($intMediaID, 1)), 'PREVIEW_IMAGE_URL' => $this->pdh->geth('mediacenter_media', 'previewimage', array($intMediaID, 1, true)), 'NAME' => $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'name', array($intMediaID)), 'LINK' => $this->controller_path . $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'path', array($intMediaID)), 'VIEWS' => $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'views', array($intMediaID)), 'AUTHOR' => $this->core->icon_font('fa-user') . ' ' . $this->pdh->geth('user', 'name', array($this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'user_id', array($intMediaID)), '', '', true)), 'DATE' => $this->time->createTimeTag($this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'date', array($intMediaID)), $this->pdh->geth('mediacenter_media', 'date', array($intMediaID))), 'CATEGORY_AND_ALBUM' => $this->pdh->geth('mediacenter_media', 'category_id', array($intMediaID, true)) . (strlen($this->pdh->geth('mediacenter_media', 'album_id', array($intMediaID, true))) ? ' &bull; ' . $this->pdh->geth('mediacenter_media', 'album_id', array($intMediaID, true)) : ''), 'DESCRIPTION' => $this->bbcode->remove_bbcode($this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'description', array($intMediaID))), 'TYPE' => $this->pdh->geth('mediacenter_media', 'type', array($intMediaID))));
            //Get most viewed files
            $arrMostViewedMedia = $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'most_viewed', array(6));
            foreach ($arrMostViewedMedia as $intMediaID) {
                $this->tpl->assign_block_vars('mc_mostviewed_row', array('PREVIEW_IMAGE' => $this->pdh->geth('mediacenter_media', 'previewimage', array($intMediaID, 1)), 'PREVIEW_IMAGE_URL' => $this->pdh->geth('mediacenter_media', 'previewimage', array($intMediaID, 1, true)), 'NAME' => $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'name', array($intMediaID)), 'LINK' => $this->controller_path . $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'path', array($intMediaID)), 'VIEWS' => $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'views', array($intMediaID)), 'AUTHOR' => $this->core->icon_font('fa-user') . ' ' . $this->pdh->geth('user', 'name', array($this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'user_id', array($intMediaID)), '', '', true)), 'DATE' => $this->time->createTimeTag($this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'date', array($intMediaID)), $this->pdh->geth('mediacenter_media', 'date', array($intMediaID))), 'CATEGORY_AND_ALBUM' => $this->pdh->geth('mediacenter_media', 'category_id', array($intMediaID, true)) . (strlen($this->pdh->geth('mediacenter_media', 'album_id', array($intMediaID, true))) ? ' &bull; ' . $this->pdh->geth('mediacenter_media', 'album_id', array($intMediaID, true)) : ''), 'DESCRIPTION' => $this->bbcode->remove_bbcode($this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'description', array($intMediaID))), 'TYPE' => $this->pdh->geth('mediacenter_media', 'type', array($intMediaID))));
            //Get last commented files
            $arrLatestCommentMedia = $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'last_comments', array(6));
            foreach ($arrLatestCommentMedia as $intMediaID) {
                $this->tpl->assign_block_vars('mc_lastcomments_row', array('PREVIEW_IMAGE' => $this->pdh->geth('mediacenter_media', 'previewimage', array($intMediaID, 1)), 'PREVIEW_IMAGE_URL' => $this->pdh->geth('mediacenter_media', 'previewimage', array($intMediaID, 1, true)), 'NAME' => $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'name', array($intMediaID)), 'LINK' => $this->controller_path . $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'path', array($intMediaID)), 'VIEWS' => $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'views', array($intMediaID)), 'AUTHOR' => $this->core->icon_font('fa-user') . ' ' . $this->pdh->geth('user', 'name', array($this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'user_id', array($intMediaID)), '', '', true)), 'DATE' => $this->time->createTimeTag($this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'date', array($intMediaID)), $this->pdh->geth('mediacenter_media', 'date', array($intMediaID))), 'CATEGORY_AND_ALBUM' => $this->pdh->geth('mediacenter_media', 'category_id', array($intMediaID, true)) . (strlen($this->pdh->geth('mediacenter_media', 'album_id', array($intMediaID, true))) ? ' &bull; ' . $this->pdh->geth('mediacenter_media', 'album_id', array($intMediaID, true)) : ''), 'DESCRIPTION' => $this->bbcode->remove_bbcode($this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'description', array($intMediaID))), 'TYPE' => $this->pdh->geth('mediacenter_media', 'type', array($intMediaID)), 'S_MC_TOOLBAR' => $arrPermissions['create'] || $this->user->check_auth('a_mediacenter_manage', false), 'MC_TOOLBAR' => $jqToolbar['id']));
            //Get Best rated files
            $arrBestRatedMedia = $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'best_rated', array(6));
            foreach ($arrBestRatedMedia as $intMediaID) {
                $this->tpl->assign_block_vars('mc_bestrated_row', array('PREVIEW_IMAGE' => $this->pdh->geth('mediacenter_media', 'previewimage', array($intMediaID, 1)), 'PREVIEW_IMAGE_URL' => $this->pdh->geth('mediacenter_media', 'previewimage', array($intMediaID, 1, true)), 'NAME' => $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'name', array($intMediaID)), 'LINK' => $this->controller_path . $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'path', array($intMediaID)), 'VIEWS' => $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'views', array($intMediaID)), 'AUTHOR' => $this->core->icon_font('fa-user') . ' ' . $this->pdh->geth('user', 'name', array($this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'user_id', array($intMediaID)), '', '', true)), 'DATE' => $this->time->createTimeTag($this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'date', array($intMediaID)), $this->pdh->geth('mediacenter_media', 'date', array($intMediaID))), 'CATEGORY_AND_ALBUM' => $this->pdh->geth('mediacenter_media', 'category_id', array($intMediaID, true)) . (strlen($this->pdh->geth('mediacenter_media', 'album_id', array($intMediaID, true))) ? ' &bull; ' . $this->pdh->geth('mediacenter_media', 'album_id', array($intMediaID, true)) : ''), 'DESCRIPTION' => $this->bbcode->remove_bbcode($this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'description', array($intMediaID))), 'TYPE' => $this->pdh->geth('mediacenter_media', 'type', array($intMediaID)), 'S_MC_TOOLBAR' => $arrPermissions['create'] || $this->user->check_auth('a_mediacenter_manage', false), 'MC_TOOLBAR' => $jqToolbar['id']));
            $arrToolbarItems = array();
            if ($arrPermissions['create'] || $this->user->check_auth('a_mediacenter_manage', false)) {
                $arrToolbarItems[] = array('icon' => 'fa-plus', 'js' => 'onclick="editMedia(0)"', 'title' => $this->user->lang('mc_add_media'));
                $this->jquery->dialog('editMedia', $this->user->lang('mc_add_media'), array('url' => $this->controller_path . "EditMedia/Media-'+id+'/" . $this->SID, 'withid' => 'id', 'width' => 920, 'height' => 740, 'onclose' => $this->env->link . $this->controller_path_plain . $this->page_path . $this->SID));
            if ($this->user->check_auth('a_mediacenter_manage', false)) {
                $arrToolbarItems[] = array('icon' => 'fa-list', 'js' => 'onclick="window.location=\'' . $this->server_path . "plugins/mediacenter/admin/manage_categories.php" . $this->SID . '\';"', 'title' => $this->user->lang('mc_manage_media'));
            $jqToolbar = $this->jquery->toolbar('pages', $arrToolbarItems, array('position' => 'bottom'));
            $arrStats = $this->pdh->get('mediacenter_media', 'statistics');
            foreach ($arrStats as $key => $val) {
                if ($key === 'size') {
                    $val = human_filesize($val);
                $this->tpl->assign_vars(array('S_MC_STATS_' . strtoupper($key) => sprintf($this->user->lang('mc_statistics_' . $key), $val)));
            $this->tpl->assign_vars(array('S_MC_SHOW_FEATURED' => intval($this->config->get('show_featured', 'mediacenter')) && count($arrFeaturedFiles), 'S_MC_SHOW_NEWEST' => intval($this->config->get('show_newest', 'mediacenter')) && count($arrNewestMedia), 'S_MC_SHOW_CATEGORIES' => intval($this->config->get('show_categories', 'mediacenter')), 'S_MC_SHOW_BESTRATED' => intval($this->config->get('show_bestrated', 'mediacenter')) && count($arrBestRatedMedia), 'S_MC_SHOW_MOSTVIEWED' => intval($this->config->get('show_mostviewed', 'mediacenter')) && count($arrMostViewedMedia), 'S_MC_SHOW_LATESTCOMMENTS' => intval($this->config->get('show_latestcomments', 'mediacenter')) && count($arrLatestCommentMedia), 'S_MC_TOOLBAR' => $arrPermissions['create'] || $this->user->check_auth('a_mediacenter_manage', false), 'MC_TOOLBAR' => $jqToolbar['id']));
            // -- EQDKP ---------------------------------------------------------------
            $this->core->set_vars(array('page_title' => $this->user->lang('mediacenter'), 'template_path' => $this->pm->get_data('mediacenter', 'template_path'), 'template_file' => 'mediacenter_index.html', 'display' => true));
Пример #26
 public function sendToMaster()
     $arrValues = $this->config->get_config('eqdkp_sso');
     //Decrypt some values;
     if (isset($arrValues['master_key'])) {
         $arrValues['master_key'] = $this->encrypt->decrypt($arrValues['master_key']);
     if (isset($arrValues['db_host'])) {
         $arrValues['db_host'] = $this->encrypt->decrypt($arrValues['db_host']);
     if (isset($arrValues['db_user'])) {
         $arrValues['db_user'] = $this->encrypt->decrypt($arrValues['db_user']);
     if (isset($arrValues['db_password'])) {
         $arrValues['db_password'] = $this->encrypt->decrypt($arrValues['db_password']);
     if (isset($arrValues['db_database'])) {
         $arrValues['db_database'] = $this->encrypt->decrypt($arrValues['db_database']);
     if (isset($arrValues['db_prefix'])) {
         $arrValues['db_prefix'] = $this->encrypt->decrypt($arrValues['db_prefix']);
     //And now encrypt them with MasterKey
     if (!$arrValues['master_key'] || $arrValues['master_key'] == "") {
         return false;
     $dbtype = $arrValues['db_type'] == 0 ? 0 : 1;
     $crypt = register('encrypt', array($arrValues['master_key']));
     $arrQuery = array('name' => $this->config->get('main_title') != "" ? $this->config->get('main_title') : $this->env->server_name, 'domain' => $this->env->server_name, 'uniqueid' => $this->sso->get_uniqueid(), 'db_type' => $dbtype, 'db_host' => $crypt->encrypt(registry::get_const("dbhost")), 'db_user' => $crypt->encrypt(registry::get_const("dbuser")), 'db_password' => $crypt->encrypt(registry::get_const("dbpass")), 'db_database' => $crypt->encrypt(registry::get_const("dbname")), 'db_prefix' => $crypt->encrypt(registry::get_const("table_prefix")), 'cookie_name' => $this->config->get('cookie_name'));
     //Connection to Master
     $mydb = $this->sso->createConnection($arrValues['db_type'], $arrValues['db_host'], $arrValues['db_user'], $arrValues['db_password'], $arrValues['db_database'], $arrValues['db_prefix']);
     if ($mydb) {
         $objQuery = $mydb->prepare("SELECT * FROM __plugin_sso WHERE uniqueid=?")->execute($this->sso->get_uniqueid());
         if ($objQuery) {
             if ($objQuery->numRows === 0) {
                 $mydb->prepare("INSERT INTO __plugin_sso :p")->set($arrQuery)->execute();
                 $this->core->message($this->user->lang('es_sendto_master_success'), $this->user->lang('success'), 'green');
             } else {
                 $mydb->prepare("UPDATE __plugin_sso :p WHERE uniqueid=?")->set($arrQuery)->execute($this->sso->get_uniqueid());
                 $this->core->message($this->user->lang('es_sendto_master_success'), $this->user->lang('success'), 'green');
     $this->core->message($this->user->lang('es_sendto_master_error'), $this->user->lang('error'), 'red');
Пример #27

/*	Project:	EQdkp-Plus
 *	Package:	Language File
 *	Link:		http://eqdkp-plus.eu
 *	Copyright (C) 2006-2015 EQdkp-Plus Developer Team
 *	This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *	it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
 *	by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *	(at your option) any later version.
 *	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *	GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 *	You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 *	along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
if (!defined('EQDKP_INC')) {
    die('You cannot access this file directly.');
$lang = array("LANG_VERSION" => VERSION_INT, "XML_LANG" => "de", "ISO_LANG_SHORT" => "de_DE", "ISO_LANG_NAME" => "Deutsch", "style_time" => "H:i", "style_date_long" => "j. 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Deine alten URLs sind nun nicht mehr gültig.", "user_sett_fs_auth_accounts" => "Verknüpfte Konten", "auth_accounts_help" => "Verknüpfte dein Benutzerkonto mit dem Konto bei oben genannten Anbieter, um dich damit anmelden zu können", "auth_connect_account" => "Account verknüpfen", "auth_connect_account_error" => "Es konnte kein Account gefunden werden oder der Account ist bereits mit einem anderen Benutzer verknüpft", "user_sett_bridge_note" => "Da dieses Feld durch die CMS/Forums-Bridge aktualisiert wird, kannst du es nur in deinem CMS/Forum ändern.", "user_sett_f_send_new_pw" => "Neues Passwort senden", "user_sett_f_help_send_new_pw" => "Sende dem Benutzer ein neues, zufälliges Passwort", "user_sett_tab_profile" => "Profilinformationen", "user_sett_fs_profile" => "Profilinformationen", "user_sett_f_gender" => "Geschlecht", "gender_m" => "Männlich", "gender_f" => "Weiblich", "user_sett_f_country" => "Land", "user_sett_f_birthday" => "Geburtstag", "user_sett_fs_user_avatar" => "Avatar", 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"Wenn der Abwesenheitsmodus aktiviert ist, werden in diesem Zeitraum keine neuen Raidanmeldungen getätigt und deine Charaktere rot hervorgehoben.", "user_sett_f_awaymode_startdate" => "Abwesend von", "user_sett_f_help_awaymode_startdate" => "Das Start der Abwesenheit", "user_sett_f_awaymode_enddate" => "Abwesend bis", "user_sett_f_help_awaymode_enddate" => "Das Enddatum der Abwesenheit", "user_sett_f_awaymode_note" => "Bemerkung", "user_sett_f_help_awaymode_note" => "Eine Notiz oder Bemerkung zu deiner Abwesenheit", "calendar_awaymode_enabled" => "Statusänderung des Abwesenheitsmodus", "calendar_awaymode_startdate" => "Starttag der Abwesenheit", "calendar_awaymode_enddate" => "Endtag der Abwesenheit", "calendar_awaymode_note" => "Notiz", "calendar_log_awaymode" => "Kalender Abwesenheitsmodus", "calendar_awaymode_start_tt" => "Starttag", "calendar_awaymodeend_tt" => "Endtag", "calendar_user_is_away" => "Abwesenheitsmodus aktiv", "calendar_eventparticipants" => "Teilnehmer: ", "calendar_event_open" => "Öffentlich", "calendar_event_private" => "Privat", "calendar_event_detail_invitedby" => "Eingeladen von", "calendar_event_detail_createdby" => "Erstellt von", "calendar_event_button_attend" => "Teilnehmen", "calendar_event_button_maybe" => "Vielleicht", "calendar_event_button_decline" => "Absagen", "adduser_send_mail" => "E-Mail senden", "adduser_send_mail2" => "E-Mail  an \"%s\" senden", "adduser_send_mail_subject" => "Betreff", "adduser_send_mail_body" => "Nachricht", "adduser_send_mail_suc" => "Die E-Mail wurde erfolgreich versendet.", "adduser_send_mail_error_fields" => "Es wurden nicht alle Felder ausgefüllt.", "adduser_passwordreset_note" => "Achtung: Bitte gebe das Passwort erneut ein, damit der Benutzer kein zufällig Generiertes bekommt.", "purchase_history_for" => "Kauf-Historie für %1\$s", "quote_of" => "Zitat von", "race" => "Rasse", "raid" => "Raid", "raids" => "Raids", "raid_id" => "Raid ID", "raid_attendance_history" => "Raidbeteiligungs-Historie", "rank_distribution" => "Rang-Aufteilung", "reason" => "Grund", "result" => "Ergebnis", "select_month" => "Monat auswählen", "session_id" => "Sitzungs-ID", "settings" => "Einstellungen", "spent" => "Ausgegeben", "status" => "Status", "time" => "Zeit", "total" => "Gesamt", "total_earned" => "Gesamt verdient", "total_items" => "Gesamte Items", "total_raids" => "Gesamte Raids", "total_spent" => "Gesamt ausgegeben", "transfer_member_history" => "Charakter-Historie", "update" => "Aktualisieren", "updated_by" => "aktualisiert von", "user" => "Benutzer", "username" => "Benutzername", "value" => "Wert", "view" => "Ansehen", "view_logs" => "Logs ansehen", "listadj_footcount" => "... %1\$d Korrektur(en) gefunden / %2\$d pro Seite", "listevents_footcount" => "... %1\$d Ereignis(se) gefunden / %2\$d pro Seite", "listitems_footcount" => "... %1\$d einmalige(s) Item(s) gefunden / %2\$d pro Seite", "listmembers_compare_footcount" => "... vergleiche %1\$d Charaktere", "listmembers_footcount" => "... %1\$d Charakter(e) gefunden", "listnews_footcount" => "... %1\$d Newseinträge gefunden", "listraids_footcount" => "... %1\$d Raid(s) gefunden / %2\$d pro Seite", "viewitem_footcount" => "... %1\$d Item(s) gefunden", "viewraid_attendees_footcount" => "... %1\$d Teilnehmer gefunden", "viewraid_drops_footcount" => "... %1\$d Drop(s) gefunden", "hptt_default_footcount" => "... %1\$d Einträge gefunden", "hptt_default_part_footcount" => "... %1\$d Einträge gefunden / %2\$d werden angezeigt", "compare_members" => "Vergleiche Charaktere", "login" => "Anmelden", "logout" => "Abmelden", "logged_in" => "Angemeldet", "lost_password" => "Ich habe mein Passwort vergessen", "lost_password_email_info" => "Gib deinen Benutzernamen oder deine in den Benutzereinstellungen hinterlegte Email-Adresse an.", "no" => "Nein", "proceed" => "Fortfahren", "reset" => "Zurücksetzen", "submit" => "Abschicken", "yes" => "Ja", "back" => "Zurück", "admin_login" => "Administrator Login", "confirm_password_repeat_note" => "Wiederhole zur Sicherheit dein Passwort.", "confirm_password" => "Passwortbestätigung", "email" => "E-Mail", "email_confirm" => "E-Mail Adresse bestätigen", "email_address" => "E-Mail-Adresse", "ending_date" => "Enddatum", "from" => "Von", "language" => "Sprache", "password" => "Passwort", "remember_password" => "Mich bei jedem Besuch automatisch anmelden", "starting_date" => "Startdatum", "style" => "Stil", "to" => "Zu", "users" => "Benutzer", "next_page" => "Nächste Seite", "page" => "Seite", "previous_page" => "Vorherige Seite", "noauth" => "Der Zugriff auf diese Seite wird Dir verweigert, da Du nicht die erforderlichen Rechte besitzt.", "noauth_default_title" => "Zugriff verweigert", "noauth_hostmode" => "Dieses Feature steht im vereinfachten Modus nicht zur Verfügung", "noauth_u_event_view" => "Du hast keine Berechtigung Ereignisse zu sehen.", "noauth_u_item_view" => "Du hast keine Berechtigung Items zu sehen.", "noauth_u_member_view" => "Du hast keine Berechtigung Charaktere anzusehen.", "noauth_u_raid_view" => "Du hast keine Berechtigung Raids zu sehen.", "noauth_u_information_view" => "Du hast keine Berechtigung diese Seite anzusehen.", "add_itemvote_success" => "Deine Abstimmung zu dem Item wurde gespeichert.", "update_itemvote_success" => "Deine Abstimmung zu dem Item wurde aktualisiert.", "update_settings_success" => "Die Benutzereinstellungen wurden aktualisiert.", "fv_invalid_email" => "Die E-Mail-Adresse scheint nicht gültig zu sein.", "fv_required" => "Das Feld ist notwendig.", "fv_php_required" => 'Das Feld \'%s\' ist notwendig!', "fv_required_email" => "Bitte gib eine gültige Emailadresse ein", "fv_required_headline" => "Das Kopfzeilen-Feld ist notwendig.", "fv_required_message" => "Das Nachrichten-Feld ist notwendig.", "fv_required_name" => "Das Namens-Feld ist notwendig.", "fv_required_number" => "Das Feld ist notwendig und muss eine Zahl sein.", "fv_required_password" => "Du musst ein Passwort eingeben.", "fv_required_password_pattern" => "Du musst ein gültiges Passwort eingeben.", "fv_required_user" => "Das Benutzernamen-Feld ist notwendig.", "fv_required_username" => "Gib einen Benutzernamen an", "fv_username_toshort" => "Gib mindestens {0} Zeichen ein", "fv_username_alreadyuse" => "{0} ist schon belegt. Wähle einen anderen Namen", "fv_email_notvalid" => "Bitte gib eine gültige Emailadresse ein", "fv_email_alreadyuse" => "{0} wird bereits verwendet. Wähle eine andere E-Mailadresse", "fv_required_password_repeat" => "Die Passworter stimmen nicht überein.", "fv_required_email2" => "Wiederhole zur Sicherheit deine Email-Adresse.", "fv_recaptcha" => "Du musst die beiden obigen Wörter eingeben.", "fv_email_not_match" => "Die Emailadressen stimmen nicht überein", "fv_sample_pattern" => 'Bitte halte dich an das Beispielformat.', "fv_php_sample_pattern" => 'Die Eingabe für das Feld \'%s\' war ungültig!', "fv_password_placeholder" => 'Länge > %d', "fv_form_error" => 'Fehler im Formular', "template_preview" => "Templatevorschau", "anonymous" => "<em>Gast</em>", "added" => "Zugefügt", "additem_raidid_showall_note" => "Alle Raids anzeigen", "days" => "Tage", "deleted" => "Gelöscht", "edit" => "Bearbeiten", "error" => "Fehler", "id" => "ID", "group_key" => "Gruppenschlüssel", "itempool" => "Item-Pool", "list" => "Anzeigen", "chars" => "Charaktere", "charsmanage" => "eigene Charaktere bearbeiten", "charconnect" => "eigene Charaktere zuweisen", "charsdelete" => "eigene Charaktere löschen", "charsadd" => "eigene Charaktere hinzufügen", "cm_todo_txt" => "Es warten %1\$s Aufgabe(n) auf Erledigung", "cm_todo_head" => "Administrationsaufgaben", "list_groupadj" => "Liste der Gruppenkorrekturen", "list_events" => "Liste der Ereignisse", "list_indivadj" => "Liste der individuellen Korrekturen", "list_items" => "Liste der Items", "list_members" => "Liste der Charaktere", "list_news" => "Liste der News", "list_raids" => "Liste der Raids", "never" => "Niemals", "not_available" => "Nicht verfügbar", "no_news" => "Keine Newseinträge gefunden.", "of_raids" => "%1\$d%% von Raids", "or" => "Oder", "overview" => "Überblick", "preview" => "Vorschau", "registered_at" => "Registriert seit", "adduser_tab_registration_information" => "Benutzerinformationen", "adduser_tab_view_options" => "Anzeige-Optionen", "required_field_note" => "Mit * gekennzeichnete Felder sind Pflichtfelder.", "role" => "Rolle", "valid_email_note" => "Bitte beachte, dass du eine gültige E-Mail-Adresse angeben musst, bevor dein Benutzerkonto aktiviert wird. Du erhältst eine E-Mail an die angegebene Adresse, in der ein Aktivierungs-Schlüssel enthalten ist.", "select_existing" => "Wähle Vorhandene", "success" => "Erfolgreich", "transfer_member_history_description" => "Verschiebe die gesamte Historie (Raids, Items, Korrekturen) eines Charakters zu einem anderen Charakter.", "unknown" => "Unbekannt", "updated" => "Aktualisiert", "manage_news" => "News verwalten", "edit_news" => "News bearbeiten", "manage_users" => "Benutzer verwalten", "install_folder_warn" => "Bitte lösche das Installations-Verzeichnis <b>install/</b> von deinem Webspace oder benenne es um.", "sort_desc" => "Spalte absteigend sortieren", "sort_asc" => "Spalte aufsteigend sortieren", "licence_agreement" => "Datenschutzerklärung", "leaderboard" => "Leaderboard", "role_healer" => "Heiler", "role_tank" => "Tank", "role_range" => "Fernkämpfer", "role_melee" => "Nahkämpfer", "adjustments_per_page" => "Korrekturen pro Seite", "characters_per_page" => "Charaktere pro Seite", "events_per_page" => "Ereignisse pro Seite", "items_per_page" => "Items pro Seite", "news_per_page" => "Artikel pro Seite", "raids_per_page" => "Raids pro Seite", "associated_members" => "Verknüpfte Charaktere", "default_locale" => "Standard Gebietsschema", "error_account_inactive" => "Dein Account ist inaktiv.", "error_already_activated" => "Der Account ist bereits aktiviert.", "error_invalid_email" => "Es wurde keine gültige E-Mail-Adresse angegeben.", "error_invalid_event_provided" => "Es wurde keine gültige Ereignis-ID angegeben.", "error_invalid_item_provided" => "Es wurde keine gültige Item-ID angegeben.", "error_invalid_key" => "Du hast einen ungültigen Aktivierungs-Key angegeben.", "error_invalid_name_provided" => "Es wurde kein gültiger Charakterename angegeben.", "error_invalid_news_provided" => "Es wurde keine gültige News-ID angegeben.", "error_invalid_raid_provided" => "Es wurde keine gültige Raid-ID angegeben.", "error_user_not_found" => "Es wurde kein gültiger Benutzername angegeben.", "error_email_send" => "Senden der Email fehlgeschlagen.", "incorrect_password" => "Falsches Passwort", "invalid_login" => "Du hast einen ungültigen Benutzernamen oder ein falsches Passwort angegeben.", "invalid_login_goto_admin" => "<br />Solltest du Probleme mit deiner Anmeldung haben, wende dich an deinen Administrator.", "error_account_inactive_failed_logins" => "Dein Account ist inaktiv aufgrund zu vieler fehlerhafter Anmeldeversuche. Eine E-Mail mit weiteren Informationen wurde an dich gesendet.", "error_invalid_user_or_mail" => "Es existiert kein Benutzer mit dieser Kombination aus Benutzernamen und E-Mail-Adresse.", "error_invalid_session_key" => "Ungültiger oder fehlender Sitzungsschlüssel (session key). Bitte versuche es erneut.", "error_nohtml" => "Um diese Email ansehen zu können, wird ein HTML-fähiges Emailprogramm benötigt.", "account_activated_admin" => "Der Account wurde aktiviert. Dem Benutzer wurde eine Informationsmail über die Änderungen geschickt.", "account_activated_user" => "Dein Account wurde aktiviert und Du kannst Dich nun %1\$seinloggen%2\$s.", "password_sent" => "Eine Email mit Anweisungen zum Ändern deines Passwortes wurde versendet.", "password_reset_success" => "Dein Passwort wurde erfolgreich geändert.", "register_activation_self" => "Dein Account wurde erstellt. Bevor Du ihn nutzen kannst, muss er von Dir aktiviert werden.<br /><br />Eine E-Mail wurde an %1\$s gesendet mit den Informationen zur Aktivierung.", "register_activation_admin" => "Dein Account wurde erstellt. Bevor Du ihn nutzen kannst, muss er von einem Administrator aktiviert werden.<br /><br />Eine E-Mail mit mehr Informationen wurde an %1\$s gesendet.", "register_activation_none" => "Dein Account wurde erstellt und Du kannst Dich nun %1\$seinloggen%2\$s.<br /><br />Eine E-Mail mit mehr Informationen wurde an %3\$s gesendet.", "register_help_username" => "Der Benutzername muss zwischen 1 und 30 Zeichen lang sein.", "register_help_email" => "Gib hier Deine E-Mail-Adresse ein.", "register_help_email_confirm" => "Wiederhole zur Sicherheit deine Email-Adresse.", "register_help_name" => "Trage hier deinen Vornamen ein.", "register_help_gender" => "Wähle hier dein Geschlecht aus.", "register_help_language" => "Wähle die Sprache aus, in der das EQDKPlus für Dich angezeigt werden soll.", "register_help_country" => "Wähle das Land aus, aus dem Du kommst.", "register_help_disabled_username" => "Der Administrator hat das Ändern des Benutzernames nicht freigegeben. Wende dich an ihn, damit er deinen Benutzernamen für dich ändert.", "register_help_irc" => "Gib hier deinen Channel und deinen IRC-Server an, z.B. #eqdkp-plus@quakenet", "news_submitter" => "geschrieben von %1\$s um %2\$s Uhr", "Itemsearch_searchby" => "Suche nach: ", "Itemsearch_item" => "Item", "Itemsearch_buyer" => "Käufer", "Itemsearch_raid" => "Raid", "Multi_Accs" => "MultiDKP Konten", "Multi_kontoname_short" => "Kontoname", "Jump_to" => "Zum Video auf ", "MM_User_Confirm" => "Achtung, soll wirklich DEIN Admin Account ausgewählt werden?? Achtung, wenn Du dir selber die Rechte für das Ändern von User-Berechtigungen nimmst, kann das später nur in der Datenbank wieder rückgängig gemacht werden!! Im Zweifelsfall Bitte abbrechen!", "beta_warning" => "ACHTUNG du nutzt eine Beta Version von Eqdkp-Plus! Diese Version ist NICHT für den produktiven Einsatz auf eurem Live-System gedacht. Diese Version wird mit dem Release einer Stable Version nur noch kurze Zeit laufen. Überprüfe <a href=\"" . EQDKP_PROJECT_URL . "\" >" . EQDKP_PROJECT_URL . "</a> ob eine Stable Version verfügbar ist!", "comment" => "Kommentar", "comments" => "Kommentare", "comments_write" => "Kommentare schreiben", "comments_send_bttn" => "Kommentar speichern", "comments_savewait" => "Bitte warten, Kommentar wird gespeichert.", "comments_empty" => "Keine Kommentare vorhanden", "add_news" => "News zufügen", "news_nocomments" => "Kommentare deaktivieren", "news_permissions" => "News sichtbar für", "news_permissions_guest" => "Alle registrierte Benutzer", "news_permissions_member" => "Nur für Administratoren", "news_permissions_all" => "Für alle sichtbar", "news_readmore" => "Weiterlesen...", "login_bridge_notice" => "Da eine CMS-Bridge aktiv ist, musst Du dich mit den Login-Daten eures Forums/CMS anmelden.", "portalmanager" => "Portallayout verwalten", "more_plugins" => "Weitere Plugins findet ihr auf der Project Homepage unter <a href='" . EQDKP_DOWNLOADS_URL . "'>" . EQDKP_PROJECT_URL . "</a>.", "more_moduls" => "Weitere Module findet ihr auf der  Project Homepage unter <a href='" . EQDKP_DOWNLOADS_URL . "'>" . EQDKP_PROJECT_URL . "</a>.", "more_template" => "Weitere Templates findet ihr auf der Project Homepage unter <a href='" . EQDKP_DOWNLOADS_URL . "'>" . EQDKP_PROJECT_URL . "</a>", "lib_pupd_nochangelog" => "Es sind keine Changelog-Informationen bekannt.", "cl_bttn_ok" => "Ok", "menu_roster" => "Roster", "lib_cache_notwriteable" => "In den Ordner \"data\" kann nicht geschrieben werden. Bitte gib ihm CHMOD 777!", "pfh_safemode_error" => "PHP Safe Mode ist eingeschaltet. EQDKP-PLUS wird im Safe Mode nicht richtig funktionieren, da die Schreiboptionen nicht in vollem Umfang zur Verfügung stehen.", "spl_autoload_register_notavailable" => "Die PHP-Funktion \"spl_autoload_register\" konnte nicht gefunden werden. Dies liegt vermutlich daran, dass du bei einem Freehoster bist, der diese Funktion nicht zur Verfügung stellt.", "php_too_old" => "Deine PHP-Version %1\$s ist zu alt. Benötigt wird mindestens die PHP-Version %2\$s.", "requirements_notfilled" => "Dein Server erfüllt nicht die Voraussetzungen, um EQdkp Plus betreiben zu können.", "deny" => "Ablehnen", "accept" => "Akzeptieren", "guildrules" => "Gildenregeln", "sticky_news_prefix" => "<i class=\"fa fa-info-circle\"></i> Sticky:", "news_sticky" => "News immer oben anzeigen?", "menu_main" => "Hauptmenü", "menu_eqdkp" => "Menü", "menu_user" => "User-Menü", "menu_links" => "Links-Menü", "menu_links_short" => "Links", "portal" => "Portal", "forum" => "Forum", "dkp_system" => "%s-System", "version" => "Version", "images_not_available" => "Das eingebettete Bild ist zur Zeit leider nicht verfügbar.", "images_userposted" => "Hochgeladenes Bild", "manage_members" => "Charaktere verwalten", "show_hidden_ranks" => "Zeige versteckte Charaktere", "show_inactive" => "Zeige inaktive Charaktere", "show_twinks" => "Zeige Twinks", "images_not_available_admin" => "<b>Das eingebettete Bild konnte nicht überprüft werden</b><br/>Das kann folgende Gründe haben, bitte prüfe ob:<br/>- Dynamische Bilder sind aus Sicherheitsgründen deaktiviert<br/>- externe Verbindungen gesperrt: Versuche es mit Pfaden anstatt von URLs<br/>- Bild nicht länger verfügbar<br/>- PHP Safemode on: Safemode muss deaktiviert sein", "loot_distribution" => "Loot-Verteilung", "cl_on" => "Ein", "cl_off" => "Aus", "cl_all" => "Alle", "lib_captcha_head" => "Bestätigungscode", "lib_captcha_insertword" => "Gib die beiden Wörter ein, getrennt durch ein Leerzeichen.", "lib_captcha_insertnumbers" => "Gib die gehörten Nummern ein", "lib_captcha_send" => "Bestätigungscode absenden", "lib_captcha_reload" => "Neuen Bestätigungscode erzeugen", "lib_captcha_wrong" => "Der eingegebene Bestätigungscode ist fehlerhaft", "lib_starrating_cancel" => "Bewertung abbrechen", "lib_rss_readmore" => "weiterlesen", "lib_rss_loading" => "Feed lädt ...", "lib_loading" => "Laden...", "lib_rss_error" => "Fehler beim Seitenaufruf", "user_timezones" => "Zeitzone", "timepicker_title" => "Wähle eine Zeit", "timepicker_time" => "Uhrzeit", "timepicker_nowbutton" => "Jetzt", "timepicker_hour" => "Stunde", "timepicker_minute" => "Minute", "timepicker_second" => "Sekunde", "imageuploader_wintitle" => "Bild ändern", "imageuploader_editbutton" => "Bearbeiten", "imageuploader_file" => "Datei", "imageuploader_preview" => "Vorschau", "imageuploader_buttondo" => "Bild ändern", "imageuploader_e_noimg" => "Das gewählte Bild ist ungültig. Es konnten keine gültigen Dateiinformationen ermittelt werden.", "imageuploader_e_empty" => "Es wurde kein Bild ausgewählt.", "imageuploader_e_mime" => "Die Dateiendung und der MIME-Typ passen nicht zusammen!", "imageuploader_e_fsize" => "Maximale Höhe und Breite des Bildes überschritten. Die Maximalgröe ist %s x %s px.", "imageuploader_e_wrongtype" => "Falscher Dateityp, erlaubt sind: %s", "imageuploader_e_filesize" => "Maximale Dateigröße von %s kB überschritten. Bitte kleinere Datei hochladen.", "cancel" => "Abbrechen", "email_changepw" => "Um dein Passwort zu ändern, damit du dich anmelden kannst, klicke bitte auf folgenden Link:", "email_subject_activation_none" => "Account aktiviert", "email_subject_new_pw" => "Neues Passwort erstellen", "email_subject_activation_self" => "Account Aktivierung benötigt", "email_subject_activation_admin" => "Account Aktivierung offen", "email_subject_activation_admin_act" => "Account Aktivierungsanfrage", "email_subject_send_error" => "Beim senden der E-Mail ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.", "email_receiver" => "Empfänger", "uc_add_char" => "Charakter hinzufügen", "uc_add_char_plain" => "Neu erstellen", "uc_add_char_armory" => "Importieren", "uc_save_char" => "Charakter speichern", "overtake_char" => "Charakter zu deinem Account zuweisen", "uc_edit_char" => "Charakter bearbeiten", "uc_cache_update" => "Charaktere aktualisieren", "uc_ext_import_sh" => "Daten importieren", "uc_connectme" => "Speichern", "uc_add_massupdate" => "Alle aktualisieren", "uc_tab_Character" => "Charakter", "guild" => "Gilde", "save" => "Speichern", "uc_tab_notes" => "Notizen", "no_notes" => 'Keine Notizen vorhanden.', "uc_notes" => "Notizen", "uc_notes_help" => "Beliebige Notizen zu diesem Charakter", "uc_savedmsg_roles" => "Standardrolle wurde erfolgreich gespeichert", "uc_savedmsg_main" => "Main/Twinkverteilung wurde erfolgreich gespeichert", "manage_members_titl" => "Charaktere verwalten", "uc_del_warning" => "Soll der Charakter wirklick gelöscht werden? Alle Punkte und Gegenstände gehen unweigerlich verloren.", "member_active" => "Aktiv?", "uc_transfer_history" => "Historie verschieben", "uc_transfer_history_receiver" => "Empfänger der Historie auswählen", "uc_transfer_history_receiver_note" => "Alle Raids, Items, Korrekturen, ... des aktuellen Charakters werden auf den ausgewählten Charakter übertragen", "uc_not_loggedin" => "Du bist nicht angemeldet", "uc_no_prmissions" => "Du besitzt keine Berechtigung diese Seite zu betrachten. Bitte frage einen Administrator", "save_nosuc" => "Speichern nicht erfolgreich", "save_suc" => "Speichern erfolgreich", "maintenance_mode_warn" => "Dein System befindet sich momentan im Wartungsmodus und verweigert normalen Benutzern den Zugriff. Bitte überprüfe das <a href=\"" . registry::get_const('server_path') . "maintenance/index.php\">Wartungstool</a> und deaktiviere den Modus wenn alle Wartungen durchgeführt wurden.<ul><li><a href=\"" . registry::get_const('server_path') . "maintenance/index.php\">Zum Wartungsbereich</a></li><li><a href=\"" . registry::get_const('server_path') . "maintenance/index.php?disable=true\">Wartungsmodus beenden</a></li></ul>", "maintenance_mode_noauth_warn" => "Dein Wartungsmodus ist öffentlich erreichbar. Entferne bitte das Flag 'EQDKP_UPDATE' aus deiner config.php, sobald du mit deinen Wartungsarbeiten fertig bist.", "home_of_eqdkpplus" => "home of the EQDKP Plus Projekt", "manage_bridge" => "Bridge verwalten", "templates_error" => "Template-Fehler", "templates_error_desc" => "Fehler-Beschreibung", "templates_error_more" => "Weitere Informationen:", "templates_error1" => "Keine Template-Datei für den Handler '%s' angegeben.", "templates_error2" => "Die Template-Datei '%s' existiert nicht oder ist leer.<br /><br />Mögliche Ursachen: Template-Datei nicht mehr vorhanden. Template-Ordner nicht mehr vorhanden oder falsch geschrieben.", "option_false" => "Inaktiv", "option_true" => "Aktiv", "tab_points" => "Punkte", "tab_raids" => "Raids", "tab_items" => "Gegenstände", "tab_adjustments" => "Korrekturen", "tab_attendance" => "Raidteilnahme", "tab_notes" => "Notizen", "tab_customfields" => "Eigene Profildelder", "uc_last_update" => "Letzte Aktualisierung", "uc_delete_char" => "Charakter löschen", "no_connected_char" => "Du hast noch keine zugewiesenen Charaktere. Klicken um einen Charakter anzulegen.", "no_connected_char_info" => "Willkommen in deinem Charakter-Bereich. Hier kannst du neue Charaktere erstellen/importieren und bestehende bearbeiten.<br /><br />Du hast noch keine zugewiesenen Charaktere.<ul>\n\t\t\t<li>Taucht dein Charakter nicht bei den Verküpften Charakteren auf, erstelle dir einen neuen Charakter oder importiere ihn</li>\n\t\t\t<li>wähle ansonsten deinen Charakter aus und verknüpfe ihn mit dir</li></ul>", "no_connected_char_hide" => "Hier klicken, um diese Meldung zukünftig auszublenden", "user_list" => "Benutzerliste", "user_priv" => "Privatsphäre", "info_edit_user" => "Letzte Änderung: ", "info_edit_date" => " / ", "info_invalid_id_title" => "Seite nicht vorhanden", "info_invalid_id" => "Diese Seite ist nicht vorhanden.", "info_edit_page" => "Seite bearbeiten", "pages" => "Extraseiten", "user_image" => "Benutzer-Bild", "user_contact" => "Kontaktinformationen", "age" => "Alter", "user_more_information" => "Weitere Informationen über %s", "listusers_footcount" => "... %1\$d Benutzer / %2\$d pro Seite gefunden", "portalplugin_settings" => "Einstellungen", "portalplugin_winname" => "Portalmoduleinstellungen", "timezone_set_gmt" => "Da weder in der php.ini noch in den Settings eine default timezone gesetzt wurde wurde die Zeitzone vorrübergehend auf GMT gesetzt.", "event_name" => "Ereignis-Name", "belonging_mdkppools" => "Zugehörige MultiDKP-Pools", "belonging_itempools" => "Zugehörige Itempools", "information" => "Informationen", "uc_profile_updater" => "Lade Profilinformationen, bitte warten...", "info_overtaken_permissions" => "Du betrachtest das EQdkp Plus-System mit den Berechtigungen des Benutzers <b>%s</b>.", "link_overtaken_permissions" => "Klicke hier, um deine Berechtigungen wiederherzustellen.", "calendar_edit" => "Kalender bearbeiten", "menu_calendar" => "Kalender", "calendar" => "Kalender", "calendar_list" => "Raidliste", "calendar_allday" => "ganztägig", "calendar_allday_event" => "ganztägiges Ereignis", "calendar_win_edit" => "Kalendereintrag bearbeiten", "calendar_win_add" => "Kalendereintrag erstellen", "calendar_click_add" => "Klicke um Event anzulegen", "calendars_delete_title" => "Kalendereintrag löschen", "calendars_delete_text" => "Das Ereignis wird dauerhaft gelöscht und kann nicht wiederhergestellt werden. Sind Sie sicher dass das Ereignis gelöscht werden soll?", "calendar_deleteall_drpdwn_this" => "Lösche das Ereignis", "calendar_deleteall_drpdwn_all" => "Lösche das Ereignis inklusive allen Wiederholungen", "calendar_deleteall_drpdwn_future" => "Lösche das Ereignis inklusive zukünftiger Wiederholungen", "calendar_deleteall_drpdwn_past" => "Lösche das Ereignis inklusive vergangene Wiederholungen", "calendars" => "Kalender", "calendars_add_title" => "Kalendereintrag erstellen", "calendars_add_button" => "Eintrag speichern", "calendars_upd_button" => "Eintrag ändern", "calendars_del_button" => "Eintrag löschen", "calendar_repeat_weekly" => "wöchentlich", "calendar_repeat_daily" => "täglich", "calendar_repeat_2weeks" => "14 tägig", "calendar_repeat_custom" => "Eigene Eingabe", "calendar_log_repeat_0" => 'Einzelereignis', "calendar_log_repeat_7" => 'wöchentlich', "calendar_log_repeat_1" => 'täglich', "calendar_log_repeat_14" => '14 tägig', "calendar_role_distri" => "Rollenverteilung", "calendar_class_distri" => "Klassenverteilung", "calendar_no_distri" => "Ohne Verteilung", "calendar_distri" => "Raidmodus", "calendar_repeat" => "Wiederholen", "calendar_date" => "Start - und Endzeit", "calendar_startdate" => "Von", "calendar_enddate" => "Bis", "calendar_deadline_entity" => "Stunde(n) vor Raidbeginn", "calendar_deadline" => "Anmeldeschluss", "calendar_mode" => "Art des Ereignisses", "calendar_mode_raid" => "Raid", "calendar_mode_event" => "Termin", "calendar_event_clones_info" => "Du änderst ein wiederkehrenden Ereignis. Sollen die Änderungen nur für dieses Vorkommen oder für alle Vorkommen übernommen werden?", "calendar_event_editone" => "Nur dieses Ereignis", "calendar_event_editall" => "Alle Ereignisse", "calendar_event_editall_future" => "Alle zukünftigen Ereignisse", "calendar_event_name" => "Name des Ereignisses", "calendar_raidgroup" => "Raidgruppe", "calendar_location" => "Ort", "raideventlist_masssignin" => "Für ausgewählte Raids anmelden", "raideventlist_masssignbttn" => "Status ändern", "raideventlist_export_ical" => "Kalender exportieren", "raideventlist_export_ical_button" => "Exportieren", "calendar_export_head" => "Kalender exportieren", "calendar_export_feed" => "Link zum ical Feed für die Benutzung in externen Programmen wie Outlook oder google calendar. Dieser Link enthällt persönliche Daten und sollte daher nicht weitergegeben werden.", "calendar_export_feedurl" => "Feed URL", "calendar_export_dl_ical" => "Download *.ics", "calendar_export_download" => "Download Ereignisse", "calendar_export_type" => "Art der Ereignisse", "calendar_export_types" => array("Raids", "Termine", "Raids und Termine"), "raidevent_raidleader" => "Raidleiter", "raidevent_export_seperator" => "CSV Seperator", "raidevent_export_raidgroup" => "Raidgruppe", "raidevent_export_sorting" => "Sortierung:", "raidevent_no_guest_note" => 'Keine Notiz hinterlegt', "raidevent_autogroups" => "Autom. hinzufügen (Gruppe)", "calendar_sharing_receipients" => 'Benutzer einladen', "calendar_event_private" => 'Privater Termin', "raidevent_value" => "Punkte für Raid", "raidevent_template" => "gespeicherte Raidvorlagen", "raidevent_attendees" => "Teilnehmer", "raidevent_savetemplate" => "Als Vorlage speichern", "raidevent_templatename" => "Als Vorlage speichern", "raidevent_raidevent" => "Raidereignis", "raidevent_raidevent_add" => "Neues Raidereignis erstellen", "raidevent_raidevent_view" => "Raidansicht", "raidevent_raid_closed" => "Der Raid wurde von einem Raidleiter abgesagt.", "raidevent_raid_nochar" => "Deinem Benutzer sind bisher keine Charaktere zugeordnet. In der Charakterverwaltung kannst du dir vorhandene Charaktere zuweisen oder neue erstellen.<br/><a href=\"" . register('routing')->build('mycharacters') . "\">Zur Charakterverwaltung</a>", "raidevent_raid_note" => "Raidnotiz", "raidevent_raid_statuschange_warning" => "ACHTUNG: Bei einem Wechsel des Charakters wird dein Anmeldestatus auf 'Angemeldet' zurückgesetzt.", "raidevent_raid_addedby" => "Hinzugefügt von", "raidevent_raid_transform" => "In Raid umwandeln", "raidevent_raid_adminnote" => "Angemeldet von einem Raidleiter", "raidevent_raid_autosignoffnote" => "Automatisch wegen Abwesenheit abgemeldet", "raidevent_raid_export" => "Raiddaten exportieren", "raidevent_raid_edit" => "Raid bearbeiten", "raidevent_raid_next" => "Nächsten Raid ansehen", "raidevent_raid_confirmall" => "Alle Angemeldeten bestätigen", "raidevent_raid_settbutton" => "Einstellungen", "raidevent_raid_open" => "Raid öffnen", "raidevent_raid_close" => "Raid absagen", "raidevent_raid_statusbttn" => "Status ändern", "raidevent_raid_guests" => "Gäste", "raidevent_raid_addguest_win" => "Gast hinzufügen", "raidevent_raid_gbutton" => "Gast hinzufügen", "raidevent_raid_editguest_win" => "Gast bearbeiten", "raidevent_raid_guest_edit" => "Gast bearbeiten", "raidevent_raid_guest_del" => "Gast löschen", "raidevent_raid_export_win" => "Raiddaten exportieren", "raidevent_raid_export_selmodule" => "Wähle Ausgabemodul", "raidevent_raid_signedin" => "Angemeldet", "raidevent_raid_guest_delmsg" => "Bist Du sicher, dass Du diesen Gast löschen willst?", "raidevent_raid_memtt_roll" => "Zufallszahl", "raidevent_raid_export_indx" => "Bitte wähle eine Ausgabeart für die Daten des aktuellen Raids. Es stehen verschiedene Arten zur Verfügung, diese können durch das obenstehende Menü ausgewählt werden.", "raidevent_raid_export_titel" => "Kalender Raidereignis Export", "raidevent_raid_changed" => "Geändert", "raidevent_raid_unsigned_head" => "Noch nicht angemeldete Charaktere", "raidevent_raid_unsigned_search" => "Suche nach einem Charakter", "raidevent_raid_unsigned_active" => "Nur aktive Charakter zeigen", "raidevent_raid_unsigned_level" => "Filter: Level", "raidevent_raid_unsigned_level_help" => "0 = Alle, Zeigt alle Ergebnisse größer oder gleich der Eingabe an", "raidevent_raid_unsigned_button" => "Unangemeldete Chars", "raidevent_raid_status" => array(0 => 'Bestätigt', 1 => 'Angemeldet', 2 => 'Abgemeldet', 3 => 'Ersatzbank', 4 => 'Noch nicht angemeldet'), "raidevent_raid_msg_status" => array(0 => "Du bist bereits mit <b>%s</b> für diesen Raid bestätigt.", 1 => "Du nimmst bereits mit <b>%s</b> an diesem Raid teil.", 2 => "Du hast dich für diesen Raid abgemeldet", 3 => "Du bist mit <b>%s</b> auf der Ersatzbank für diesen Raid."), "raidevent_raid_modstatus" => "Status ändern", "raidevent_raid_modgroup" => 'Raidgruppe ändern', "raidevent_raid_noraidnote" => "Keine Raidnotiz vorhanden", "raidevent_raid_noeventnote" => 'Keine Notiz für diesen Termin vorhanden', "raidevent_raid_moderation" => "Moderation des Raids", "raidevent_raid_selected_attendees" => "# ausgewählte Teilnehmer", "raidevent_raid_time_till" => "bis", "raidevent_raid_time_from" => "von", "raidevent_raid_deadl_reach" => "Die Anmeldefrist für dieses Ereignis ist bereits überschritten.", "raidevent_raid_roleswoclass" => "Mindestens eine Rolle hat keine Klassen zugeweisen. Es kann zu Fehlern kommen, zB. das Rollen-Dropdown könnte leer sein! Ein Administrator kann dies im Rollenmanager prüfen!", "raidevent_raid_no_status" => "Es wurden kein Status (angemeldet, abgemeldet, usw.) im Administrationsbereich (Einstellungen, Kalender) gespeichert. Bitte neu setzen.", "raidevent_no_groups_avail" => 'Keine Raidgruppen verfügbar', "raidevent_raid_show_title" => "Kalender: %s", "raidevent_raid_move_succ" => "Das Verschieben des Kalendereintrages war erfolgreich", "raidevent_raid_move_fail" => "FEHLER: Das Verschieben des Kalendereintrages ist fehlgeschlagen", "raidevent_raid_nots_button" => "Anmelden", "raidevent_raid_mod_select" => "Ausgewählte Charaktere", "raidevent_raid_mod_raidgroup" => "Raidgruppe:", "raidevent_raid_nots_show" => "unangemeldete Charaktere", "raidevent_raid_added_on" => "Erstellt am", "raidevent_event_val_calid" => "Bitte wähle einen Kalender für den Termin aus", "raidevent_event_val_name" => "Bitte gib einen Namen für den Termin mit mindestens 3 Buchstaben ein", "raidevent_event_val_attnd" => "Bitte gib die Raidverteilung ein", "raidevent_raid_val_eventid" => "Bitte wähle ein Ereignis für den Raid aus", "raidevent_transform_confim" => "Bestätigte Charaktere übernehmen", "raidevent_transform_signin" => "Angemeldete Charaktere übernehmen", "raidevent_transform_notsure" => "Charaktere auf der Ersatzbank übernehmen", "raidevent_transform_unsigned" => "Abgemeldete Charaktere übernehmen", "raidevent_transform_leaders" => "Raidleiter mit übernehmen", "raidevent_transform_roleinfo" => 'Rolleninfo übernehmen', "raidevent_transform_raidgroup" => 'Nach Raidgruppe filtern: ', "raidevent_transform_button" => "Umwandeln", "twinks" => "Twinks", "raidevent_raid_errorhead" => "FEHLER", "raidevent_raid_val_addevent" => "Es wurde kein geeigneter Kalender zum Hinzufügen von Ereignissen gefunden. Bitte lege <a target=\"_parent\" href=\"../admin/manage_calendars.php\">hier</a> einen an.", "raidevent_raid_char_role" => "Charakter & Rolle", "raidevent_raid_signin" => "Raidanmeldung", "raidevent_raid_changesignin" => "Anmeldung ändern", "raidevent_raid_changecharmenu" => "Charakter wechseln", "calendar_admin_menu" => "Raidteilnehmer-Einstellungen", "raidevent_raid_groupsmenu" => "Raidgruppe", "raidevent_raid_all_raidgroups" => "Alle Raidgruppen", "raidevent_raid_changenotemenu" => "Notiz bearbeiten", "raidevent_raid_required" => "Benötigt", "raidevent_raid_notitle" => "[Event gelöscht]", "calendar_rss_title" => "Aktuelle Raidtermine", "calendar_rss_itemdesc" => "Freie Plätze: %1\$s, Anmeldeschluss %2\$s", "calendar_page_noid" => "Es wurde keine Raidevent ID angegeben. Es kann nichts angezeigt werden!", "calendar_page_noraid" => "Es wurde keine gültige Raidevent ID angegeben. Eventuell Versuchst du einen Termin anzuschauen.", "calendar_page_noevent" => 'Es wurde keine gültige Termin ID angegeben. Eventuell Versuchst du einen Raid anzuschauen.', "raidevent_mail_closed" => "abgesagt", "raidevent_mail_opened" => "wieder geöffnet", "raidevent_mail_subject_open" => "Raid von %s wurde wieder geöffnet.", "raidevent_mail_subject_close" => "Raid von %s wurde geschlossen.", "raidevent_mail_subject_schange" => "Dein Status im Raid \"%s\" vom %s wurde geändert", "raidevent_mail_subject_newraid" => "Es wurde ein neuer Raid \"%s\" am %s erstellt", "calendar_log_confirmedall" => "Alle angemeldeten Charactere bestätigt", "calendar_log_raidclosed" => "Raid wurde abgesagt", "calendar_log_raidopened" => "Raid wurde erneut geöffnet", "calendar_log_eventadded" => "Kalendereintrag erstellt", "calendar_log_eventupdated" => "Kalendereintrag aktualisiert", "calendar_log_charchanged" => "Charakter umgemeldet", "calendar_log_statuschanged" => "Characteranmeldestatus geändert", "calendar_log_groupchanged" => "Raidgruppe eines Charakters geändert", "calendar_log_eventadd_name" => "Name des Ereignisses", "calendar_log_eventadd_date" => "Datum des Ereignisses", "calendar_log_eventadd_modus" => "Modus des Ereignisses", "calendar_log_charadd_name" => "Name des Charakters", "calendar_log_charadd_names" => "Namen der Charaktere", "calendar_log_charadd_status" => "Anmeldestatus", "calendar_log_charadd_group" => "Raidgruppe", "calendar_log_eventdeleted" => "Kalendereintrag gelöscht", "calendar_log_deletedclones" => "Klone gelöscht", "calendar_log_twinkchanged" => "Twink gewechselt", "calendar_log_updatedgroup" => "Raidgruppe aktualisiert", "calendar_log_updatednote" => "Charakter-Notiz aktualisiert", "calendar_log_updatedrole" => "Charakter-Rolle aktualisiert", "pv_tab_skills" => "Skillung", "pv_tab_profiler" => "Profiler", "pv_tab_profession" => "Berufe", "pv_tab_character" => "Charakter", "uc_cat_skills" => "Spezialisierung", "uc_cat_profiler" => "Profil", "uc_cat_profession" => "Berufe", "uc_cat_character" => "Charakter", "search" => "Suche", "search_do" => "Suchen", "search_results_category" => "Suchergebnisse für Kategorie ", "search_no_results" => "Für den Suchbegriff \"%s\" konnten keine Ergebnisse gefunden werden.", "search_results" => "Die Suche nach \"%1\$s\" brachte %2\$s Ergebnisse:", "search_value_too_short" => "Der Suchbegriff ist zu kurz. Bitte gib einen Suchbegriff mit mindestens 3 Zeichen ein.", "search_value" => "Suchbegriff", "search_value_note" => "Der Suchbegriff sollte mindestens 3 Zeichen haben", "massmail_send" => "Massen-E-Mail versenden", "missing_values" => "Es fehlen folgende Eingaben: ", "icalfeed_name" => "Mein Kalender bei '%s'", "icalfeed_description" => "Der iCal-Feed wurde automatisch erstellt von EQDKP-PLUS", "grpleaders" => "Gruppenleiter", "group_members" => "Gruppenmitglieder", "notification_char_confirm_required" => "%s Charaktere zu bestätigen", "notification_char_delete_requested" => "%s Charaktere zu löschen", "notification_user_enable" => "%s Benutzer zu aktivieren", "notification_none" => "Keine Benachrichtigungen vorhanden", "notifications" => "Benachrichtigungen", "home" => "Home", "select_mdkppool" => "MultiDKP Konto auswählen", "select_leaderboard" => "Leaderboard auswählen", "mainchar_change_associated" => "Es existieren weitere Charaktere, die den selben vorherigen Maincharakter haben. Wenn du für diese Charaktere ebenfalls den neuen Maincharakter setzen willst, aktiviere die folgende Checkbox: ", "permalink" => "Permalink", "article" => "Artikel", "notify_unpublished_articles" => "%1\$s unveröffentlichte(r) Artikel in Kategorie %2\$s", "login_use_authmethods" => "Anmelden über Drittanbieter", "register_use_authmethods" => "Registrieren über Drittanbieter", "add_new_article" => "Artikel hinzufügen", "edit_article" => "Artikel bearbeiten", "readmore_button" => "Weiterlesen", "add_pagebreak" => "Seitenumbruch", "page_title" => "Seitentitel", "featured" => "Featured", "tags" => "Tags", "preview_image" => "Vorschaubild", "add_page_object" => "Seiten-Objekt einfügen", "alias" => "Alias", "published" => "Veröffentlicht", "headline" => "Überschrift", "description" => "Beschreibung", "page_object" => "Seiten-Objekt", "hide_header" => "Header ausblenden", "show_from" => "Angezeigt von", "show_to" => "Angezeigt bis", "info_comments" => "Kommentare erlauben", "info_voting" => "Bewertungen erlauben", "edit_article_category" => "Kategorie verwalten", "list_articles" => "Artikel auflisten", "delete_article" => "Artikel löschen", "delete_article_confirm" => "Bist du sicher, dass du diesen Artikel löschen willst?", "del_suc" => "Löschen erfolgreich", "article_unpublish_success" => "Artikel wurde unveröffentlicht", "article_unpublish" => "Artikel unveröffentlichen", "articles" => "Artikel", "article_categories" => "Kategorien", "article_unpublished" => "Dieser Artikel wurde nicht veröffentlicht.", "article_noauth" => "Du hast leider keine Berechtigung, diesen Artikel anzusehen.", "category_noauth" => "Du hast leider keine Berechtigung, diese Kategorie anzusehen.", "category_unpublished" => "Diese Kategorie wurde nicht veröffentlicht.", "article_not_found" => "Konnte Artikel bzw. Kategorie nicht finden.", "my_profile" => "Mein Profil", "reply" => "Antworten", "user_wall" => "Pinnwand", "user_last_activity" => "Letzte Aktivität am", "about_me" => "Über mich", "userwall_no_permission" => "Du kannst diese Pinnwand leider nicht sehen, da der Benutzer diese nicht für dich freigegeben hat.", "manraid_title" => "Raids verwalten", "manage_members" => "Charaktere verwalten", "adding_raid" => "Raid hinzufügen", "usergroup" => "Benutzergruppe", "tag" => "Tag", "user_avatar" => "Avatar", "login_twofactor" => "Zweifaktor Authentifizierung", "login_twofactor_connect" => "Zweifaktor Authentifizierung einrichten", "login_twofactor_explain" => "Die Zweifaktor-Authentifizierung hilft deinen Account zu schützen, in dem du bei jedem Login nach einem einmaligen Code gefragt wirst. Um die Zweifaktor-Authentifizierung nutzen zu können, brauchst du eine RFC 6238 kompatible App, wie z.B. der Google-Authenticator.", "login_twofactor_key" => "Zweifaktor-Schlüssel", "login_twofactor_qr_explain" => "Scanne den angezeiten QR-Code, oder gebe den angezeigten Zweifaktor-Schlüssel in deine App ein. Um die Zweifaktor-Authentifizierung zu aktivieren, lasse dir von deiner App einen Code generieren und gebe ihn in das Feld unterhalb ein.", "login_twofactor_code_init" => "Zweifaktor-Code", "login_twofactor_code_explain" => "Trage hier den von deiner App generierten Code ein, um die Zweifaktor-Authentifizierung zu aktivieren.", "login_twofactor_code_help" => "Trage hier den von deiner App generierten Code ein.", "login_twofactor_emergency_token" => "Notfall-Token (deaktiviert bei Eingabe die Zweifaktor-Authentifizierung)", "login_twofactor_remember" => "Auf diesem Rechner für 30 Tage nicht mehr fragen", "password_not_match" => "Die eingegebenen Passwörter stimmen nicht überein.", "password_too_long" => "Das eingegeben Passwort ist zu lang. Bitte verwende ein kürzeres Passwort.", "rsslink" => "RSS-Feed dieser Kategorie", "pluskernel_new_version" => "Es wurde eine neue Version von EQdkp Plus gefunden.<br />Bitte aktualisiere dein EQdkp Plus.", "lib_pupd_intro" => "Es sind neuere Versionen verfügbar:", "lib_pupd_updtxt_tt" => "<b>%1\$s</b>: Version %2\$s vom %4\$s", "extensions" => "Erweiterungen", "confirm_password" => "Passwort wiederholen", "points_for_this_char" => "Zeige die Punkte-Informationen nur für diesen Charakter an", "success_create_article" => "Der Artikel wurde erfolgreich gespeichert", "cookie_usage_hint" => "Diese Seite verwendet Cookies. Durch die Nutzung unserer Seite erklärst du dich damit einverstanden, dass wir Cookies setzen. <a href=\"{COOKIE_LINK}\">Weitere Informationen</a>", "team" => "Team-Mitglieder", "addchar_f_picture" => "Charakterbild", "other_items" => "Andere Items", "droprate" => "Droprate", "error_saving_char" => "Beim Speichern des Charakters ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Wahrscheinlich ist dieser Charakter schon im System vorhanden.", "userpf_location" => "Wohnort", "userpf_website" => "Webseite", "userpf_interests" => "Interessen", "userpf_occupation" => "Tätigkeit", "userpf_facebook" => "Facebook", "userpf_twitter" => "Twitter", "userpf_skype" => "Skype", "userpf_youtube" => "Youtube", "userpf_googleplus" => "Google Plus", "userpf_icq" => "ICQ", "userpf_mobile" => "Handynummer", "userpf_country" => "Land", "userpf_name" => "Vorname", "userpf_lastname" => "Nachname", "fv_php_minlength_error" => 'Die Eingabe für das Feld \'%s\' war zu kurz!', "fv_php_maxlength_error" => 'Die Eingabe für das Feld \'%s\' war zu lang!', "user_sett_f_priv_userprofile_age" => "Alter", "user_sett_f_priv_userprofile_country" => "Land", "user_sett_tab_notifications" => "Benachrichtigungen", "user_sett_fs_notifications" => "Benachrichtigungen", "user_sett_fs_info_notifications" => "Bitte beachte, dass du einige Benachrichtungen nur abhängig von deinen Berechtigungen bekommst, auch wenn du sie aboniert hast.", "user_sett_f_ntfy_calendarevent_char_statuschange" => "Statuswechsel eines Charakters im Kalenderevent", "user_sett_f_ntfy_calendarevent_invitation" => "Einladung zu einem privaten Kalenderevent", "user_sett_f_ntfy_comment_new_article" => "Neuer Kommentar in einem Artikel", "user_sett_f_ntfy_comment_new_userwall" => "Neuer Eintrag auf deiner Pinnwand", "user_sett_f_ntfy_comment_new_userwall_response" => "Neue Antwort auf deiner Pinnwand", "user_sett_f_ntfy_eqdkp_article_unpublished" => "Unveröffentlichter Artikel", "user_sett_f_ntfy_eqdkp_char_confirm_required" => "Charakter erfordert Freischaltung", "user_sett_f_ntfy_eqdkp_char_delete_requested" => "Charakter erfordert Löschung", "user_sett_f_ntfy_eqdkp_user_enable_requested" => "Benutzer erwartet Freischaltung", "user_sett_f_ntfy_calendarevent_mod_groupchange" => "Gruppenänderung durch Moderator im Kalenderevent", "user_sett_f_ntfy_calendarevent_mod_statuschange" => "Statusänderung durch Moderator im Kalenderevent", "user_sett_f_ntfy_calenderevent_closed" => "Kalenderevent wurde abgesagt", "user_sett_f_ntfy_calenderevent_opened" => "Kalenderevent wurde wieder geöffnet", "user_sett_f_ntfy_comment_new_response" => "Antwort auf meinen Kommentar", "user_sett_f_ntfy_comment_new_mentioned" => "Erwähnungen in Kommentaren", "user_sett_f_ntfy_calendarevent_new" => "Neues Kalenderevent", "mark_all_as_read" => "Alle als gelesen markieren", "show_all" => "Alle anzeigen", "notification_type_twitterdm" => "Twitter Direct Message", "notification_type_email" => "Email", "notification_type_xmpp" => "Jabber (XMPP)", "notification_type_none" => "Keine", "notification_type_eqdkp" => "EQdkp Plus", "new_notification" => "Neue Benachrichtigung", "notifications_persistent" => "Dauerhafte Benachrichtigungen", "notification_and_more" => " und %s weitere ", "notification_newcomment_userwall_grouped" => "{PRIMARY} haben an deine Pinnwand geschrieben", "notification_newcomment_userwall" => "{PRIMARY} hat an deine Pinnwand geschrieben", "notification_newcomment_userwall_response" => "{PRIMARY} hat auf einen Betrag an deiner Pinnwand geantwortet", "notification_newcomment_userwall_response_grouped" => "{PRIMARY} haben auf einen Betrag an deiner Pinnwand geantwortet", "notification_newcomment_article_grouped" => "{PRIMARY} haben einen Kommentar im Artikel \"{ADDITIONAL}\" geschrieben", "notification_newcomment_article" => "{PRIMARY} hat einen Kommentar im Artikel \"{ADDITIONAL}\" geschrieben", "notification_calendarevent_statuschange" => "{PRIMARY} hat seinen Status im Kalenderevent \"{ADDITIONAL}\" geändert", "notification_calendarevent_statuschange_grouped" => "{PRIMARY} haben ihren Status im Kalenderevent \"{ADDITIONAL}\" geändert", "notification_calendarevent_mod_statuschange" => "Dein Status im Kalenderevent \"{ADDITIONAL}\" wurde auf {PRIMARY} geändert", "notification_calendarevent_mod_statuschange_grouped" => "Dein Status im Kalenderevent \"{ADDITIONAL}\" wurde {COUNT} mal geändert", "notification_calendarevent_mod_groupchange" => "Deine Raidgruppe im Kalenderevent \"{ADDITIONAL}\" wurde auf {PRIMARY} geändert", "notification_calendarevent_mod_groupchange_grouped" => "Deine Raidgruppe im Kalenderevent \"{ADDITIONAL}\" wurde {COUNT} mal geändert", "notification_calendarevent_closed" => "Das Kalenderevent \"{ADDITIONAL}\" wurde abgesagt", "notification_calendarevent_opened" => "Das Kalenderevent \"{ADDITIONAL}\" wurde wieder geöffnet", "notification_newcomment_response" => "{PRIMARY} hat auf deinen Kommentar auf der Seite \"{ADDITIONAL}\" geantwortet", "notification_newcomment_response_grouped" => "{PRIMARY} haben auf deinen Kommentar auf der Seite \"{ADDITIONAL}\" geantwortet", "notification_newmention" => "{PRIMARY} hat dich in seinem Kommentar auf der Seite \"{ADDITIONAL}\" erwähnt", "notification_calendarevent_new" => "Es wurde ein neues Kalenderevent angelegt: {ADDITIONAL}, {PRIMARY}", "notification_calendarevent_invitation" => "{PRIMARY} hat dich zu einem privaten Termin eingeladen", "article_publish_success" => "Artikel wurde veröffentlicht", "article_publish" => "Artikel veröffentlichen", "article_unpublished_note" => "Hinweis: Dieser Artikel ist noch nicht veröffentlicht.", "copy" => "Eintrag duplizieren", "copy_info" => "Du arbeitest mit einer Kopie der Daten des alten Eintrages. Ein neuer Eintrag mit diesen Daten wird erst nach dem Speichern erstellt.", "sp_btn_twitter_share" => "Tweet", "sp_btn_facebook_share" => "Teilen", "pagination_goto" => "Gehe zu Seite", "pagination_goto_hint" => "Gebe einen Wert zwischen 1 und PAGE ein.", "mobile_version" => "Mobile Version", "desktop_version" => "Desktop Version", "redirection" => "Weiterleitung", "redirection_info" => "Hier klicken, wenn die automatische Weiterleitung nicht funktionieren sollte.", "change_style" => "Stil ändern", "additional_infos" => "Zusätzliche Informationen", "new_value" => "Neuer Wert", "old_value" => "Alter Wert", "statistics" => "Statistiken", "user_api_key" => "Privater API-Schlüssel", "user_sett_fs_notification_settings" => "Einstellungen", "user_sett_f_ntfy_xmpp_user" => "Jabber Account", "user_sett_f_help_ntfy_xmpp_user" => "Trage hier den Jabber Account ein, der Benachrichtigungen erhalten soll, z.B. user@jabber.org", "user_sett_f_ntfy_twitter_user" => "Twitter-Account", "user_sett_f_help_ntfy_twitter_user" => "Trage hier den Twitter-Account ein, der Benachrichtigungen erhalten soll. Er muss \"{TWITTER}\" auf Twitter folgen, um Nachrichten erhalten zu können.");
Пример #28

/*	Project:	EQdkp-Plus
 *	Package:	EQdkp-Plus Language File
 *	Link:		http://eqdkp-plus.eu
 *	Copyright (C) 2006-2015 EQdkp-Plus Developer Team
 *	This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *	it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
 *	by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *	(at your option) any later version.
 *	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *	GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 *	You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 *	along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
if (!defined('EQDKP_INC')) {
    die('You cannot access this file directly.');
//Language: English
//Created by EQdkp Plus Translation Tool on  2014-12-17 23:17
//File: language/english/lang_main.php
//Source-Language: german
$lang = array('LANG_VERSION' => '', "LANG_VERSION" => '', "XML_LANG" => 'en', "ISO_LANG_SHORT" => 'en_EN', "ISO_LANG_NAME" => 'English', "style_time" => 'h:i a', "style_date_long" => 'F j, Y', "style_date_short" => 'd/m/y', "style_date_short_noyear" => 'd/m', "style_jsdate_nrml" => 'DD/MM/YYYY', "style_jsdate_short" => 'D.M', "style_jstime" => 'hh:mm tt', "time_daynames" => array(0 => 'Monday', 1 => 'Tuesday', 2 => 'Wednesday', 3 => 'Thursday', 4 => 'Friday', 5 => 'Saturday', 6 => 'Sunday'), "time_daynames_short" => array(0 => 'Mon', 1 => 'Tue', 2 => 'Wed', 3 => 'Thu', 4 => 'Fri', 5 => 'Sat', 6 => 'Sun'), "time_monthnames" => array(0 => 'January', 1 => 'February', 2 => 'March', 3 => 'April', 4 => 'May', 5 => 'June', 6 => 'July', 7 => 'August', 8 => 'September', 9 => 'October', 10 => 'November', 11 => 'December'), "time_period" => array(0 => 'second', 1 => 'minute', 2 => 'hour', 3 => 'day', 4 => 'week', 5 => 'month', 6 => 'year', 7 => 'decade'), "time_periods" => array(0 => 'seconds', 1 => 'minutes', 2 => 'hours', 3 => 'days', 4 => 'weeks', 5 => 'months', 6 => 'years', 7 => 'decades'), "time_tense" => array(0 => 'from now', 1 => 'ago'), "nicetime_format" => '%2$s %1$s', "admin_title_prefix" => '%1$s %2$s Admin', "listitems_title" => 'Item Values', "listnews_title" => 'News Entries', "listmembers_title" => 'Character Standings', "listraids_title" => 'Raids Listing', "login_title" => 'Login', "message_title" => 'Message', "newsarchive_title" => 'News-Archive', "register_title" => 'Register', "settings_title" => 'Account Settings', "title_prefix" => '%1$s %2$s', "viewevent_title" => 'Viewing Recorded Raid History for %1$s', "viewitem_title" => 'Viewing Purchase History for %1$s', "viewmember_title" => 'History for %1$s', "viewraid_title" => 'Raid Summary', "viewraid_create_summ" => 'Create summary', "menu_admin_panel" => 'Administration Panel', "menu_events" => 'Events', "menu_itemhist" => 'Item History', "menu_itempools" => 'Item-Pools', "menu_news" => 'News', "menu_raids" => 'Raids', "menu_register" => 'Register', "menu_settings" => 'Settings', "menu_members" => 'Characters', "menu_standings" => 'Standings', "account" => 'Account', "action" => 'Action', "actions" => 'Actions', "active" => 'Active', "add" => 'Add', "added_by" => 'Added By', "adjustment" => 'Adjustment', "administration" => 'Administration', "admin_index" => 'Admin Index', "attendance_by_event" => 'Attendance by Event', "attendance" => 'Attendance', "attended" => 'Attended', "attendees" => 'Attendees', "average" => 'Average', "buyer" => 'Buyer', "buyers" => 'Buyers', "class" => 'Class', "type" => 'Type', "class_distribution" => 'Class Distribution', "configuration" => 'Settings', "create_raid_summary" => 'Create raid summary', "current" => 'Current', "date" => 'Date', "delete" => 'Delete', "delete_confirmation" => 'Delete Confirmation', "drops" => 'Drops', "earned" => 'Earned', "eqdkp_index" => 'EQdkp Index', "event" => 'Event', "events" => 'Events', "filter" => 'Filter', "first" => 'First', "rank" => 'Rank', "general_admin" => 'General Admin', "get_new_password" => 'Get a New Password', "no_account" => 'Don\'t have an account?', "no_activation_mail" => 'Got no confirmation mail?', "get_new_activation_mail" => 'Resend confirmation mail', "create_new_password" => 'Create new password', "individual_adjustments" => 'Individual Adjustments', "individual_adjustment_history" => 'Individual Adjustment History', "ip_address" => 'IP Address', "item" => 'Item', "items" => 'Items', "item_purchase_history" => 'Item Purchase History', "last_visit" => 'Last Visit', "level" => 'Level', "loot" => 'Loot', "mainchar" => 'Maincharacter', "mainchar_help" => 'If the new character is to be you main character select \'main character\', otherwise assign it to your existing main character', "manage" => 'Manage', "member" => 'Character', "members" => 'Characters', "members_present_at" => 'Characters Present at %1$s on %2$s', "name" => 'Name', "news" => 'News', "categories" => 'Categories', "category" => 'Category', "note" => 'Note', "creator" => 'Creator', "online" => 'Online', "options" => 'Options', "percent" => 'Percent', "permissions" => 'Permissions', "user_permissions" => 'User-Permissions', "admin_permissions" => 'Administrator-Permissions', "user_sett_tab_registration_info" => 'Registration information', "user_sett_fs_registration_info" => 'Registration information', "user_sett_f_current_password" => 'Current Password', "user_sett_f_help_current_password" => 'You have to confirm your current password if you want to change your username or password.', "user_sett_f_new_password" => 'New Password', "user_sett_f_help_new_password" => 'You only have to enter a password, if you want to change it.', "user_sett_f_confirm_password" => 'Confirm Password', "user_sett_f_help_confirm_password" => 'You only need to confirm your password if you changed it above.', "user_sett_tab_calendar" => "Calender", "user_sett_fs_calendar_awaymode_settings" => 'Away-Mode', "user_sett_f_awaymode_enabled" => "enable away-mode", "user_sett_f_help_awaymode_enabled" => "If the away mode is enabled, there won't be any new automatic raid-signins in this time frame and the chars will be marked in red.", "calendar_awaymode_enabled" => "Mode change of the away-mode", "calendar_awaymode_startdate" => "Start day of abscence", "calendar_awaymode_enddate" => "End day of abscence", "calendar_awaymode_note" => "Note", "calendar_log_awaymode" => "Calendar Away-mode", "user_sett_f_awaymode_startdate" => "Start absence", "user_sett_f_help_awaymode_startdate" => "The start date of the abscence", "user_sett_f_awaymode_enddate" => "Away until", "user_sett_f_help_awaymode_enddate" => "The date of return", "user_sett_f_awaymode_note" => "Note", "user_sett_f_help_awaymode_note" => "Write a short notice why you are abscence", "calendar_awaymode_start_tt" => "Start day", "calendar_awaymodeend_tt" => "End day", "calendar_user_is_away" => "Away-mode active", "calendar_eventparticipants" => "Attendee: ", "calendar_event_open" => "Public", "calendar_event_private" => "Private", "calendar_event_detail_invitedby" => "Invited by", "calendar_event_detail_createdby" => "Created by", "calendar_event_button_attend" => "Attend", "calendar_event_button_maybe" => "Maybe", "calendar_event_button_decline" => "Decline", "user_app_key" => 'Private Exchangekey', "user_create_new_appkey" => 'Generate new private keys', "user_create_new_appkey_success" => 'New private Keys have been created. Your old URLs are not longer valid.', "user_sett_fs_auth_accounts" => 'Connected accounts', "auth_accounts_help" => 'Connect your user with your account at the given provider, using it to log into EQdkp Plus', "auth_connect_account" => 'Connect account', "auth_connect_account_error" => 'There is no account or the account is connected with another user.', "user_sett_bridge_note" => 'This field is updated by CMS/Forum-Bridge. You can only edit it in the CMS/Forum.', "user_sett_f_send_new_pw" => 'Send new password', "user_sett_f_help_send_new_pw" => 'Send a new random password to this user', "user_sett_tab_profile" => 'Profile information', "user_sett_fs_profile" => 'Profile information', "user_sett_f_gender" => 'Gender', "gender_m" => 'Male', "gender_f" => 'Female', "user_sett_f_country" => 'Country', "user_sett_f_birthday" => 'Birthday', "user_sett_fs_user_avatar" => 'Avatar', "user_sett_f_user_avatar_type" => 'Avatar-Type', "user_avatar_type_own" => 'Own Avatar', "user_avatar_type_gravatar" => 'Gravatar', "user_sett_f_user_avatar" => 'Imagefile', "user_sett_f_user_gravatar_mail" => 'Gravatar Email-Address', "user_sett_f_help_user_gravatar_mail" => 'Insert here your Gravatar-Email-Address if it is different from your registration email.', "user_sett_fs_user_contact" => 'Contact information', "user_sett_tab_privacy_options" => 'Privacy', "user_sett_fs_user_priv" => 'Profileinformation', "user_sett_fs_user_priv_contact" => 'Contact', "user_sett_f_priv_userprofile_email" => 'Email-Address', "user_sett_f_priv_no_boardemails" => 'Disable email reception for board-mails like Calendar, Massmails, ...', "user_sett_f_priv_bday" => 'Display birthdate additionally to the age', "user_sett_fs_user_wall" => 'Wall', "user_sett_f_priv_wall_posts_read" => 'Posts on wall visible for', "user_sett_f_priv_wall_posts_write" => 'Who can create posts on your wall', "user_priv_all" => 'Public', "user_priv_user" => 'Signed in users', "user_priv_admin" => 'Only administrators', "user_priv_no" => 'No one', "user_priv_onlyme" => 'only me', "user_priv_set" => 'Visible to', "user_priv_gallery" => 'Hide own gallery pictures in the profile?', "user_sett_tab_view_options" => 'Display Options', "user_sett_fs_view_options" => 'Display Options', "user_sett_f_user_date_time" => 'Clock format', "user_sett_f_user_date_short" => 'Date format (short)', "user_sett_f_user_date_long" => 'Date format (long)', "user_sett_date_note" => 'The syntax matches the <a href="http://www.php.net/date" target="_blank">date()</a> function of PHP.', "adduser_send_mail" => 'Send email', "adduser_send_mail2" => 'Send email to "%s"', "adduser_send_mail_subject" => 'Subject', "adduser_send_mail_body" => 'Message', "adduser_send_mail_suc" => 'The email was successfully sent.', "adduser_send_mail_error_fields" => 'Error: Not all needed fields are given.', "adduser_passwordreset_note" => 'Attention: please supply the password again so that the user doesn\'t get a random password.', "purchase_history_for" => 'Purchase History for %1$s', "quote_of" => 'Cite by', "race" => 'Race', "raid" => 'Raid', "raids" => 'Raids', "raid_id" => 'Raid ID', "raid_attendance_history" => 'Raid Attendance History', "rank_distribution" => 'Rank Distribution', "reason" => 'Reason', "result" => 'Result', "select_month" => 'Choose month', "session_id" => 'Session ID', "settings" => 'Settings', "spent" => 'Spent', "status" => 'Status', "time" => 'Time', "total" => 'Total', "total_earned" => 'Total Earned', "total_items" => 'Total Items', "total_raids" => 'Total Raids', "total_spent" => 'Total Spent', "transfer_member_history" => 'Transfer character history', "update" => 'Update', "updated_by" => 'Updated By', "user" => 'User', "username" => 'Username', "value" => 'Value', "view" => 'View', "view_logs" => 'View Logs', "listadj_footcount" => '... found %1$d adjustment(s) / %2$d per page', "listevents_footcount" => '... found %1$d events / %2$d per page', "listitems_footcount" => '... found %1$d unique items / %2$d per page', "listmembers_compare_footcount" => '... comparing %1$d characters', "listmembers_footcount" => '... found %1$d characters', "listnews_footcount" => '... found %1$d news entries / %2$d per page', "listraids_footcount" => '... found %1$d raid(s) / %2$d per page', "viewitem_footcount" => '... found %1$d item(s)', "viewraid_attendees_footcount" => '... found %1$d attendee(s)', "viewraid_drops_footcount" => '... found %1$d drop(s)', "hptt_default_footcount" => '... %1$d entries found', "hptt_default_part_footcount" => '... %1$d entries found / %2$d are shown', "compare_members" => 'Compare characters', "login" => 'Login', "logout" => 'Logout', "logged_in" => 'Registered', "lost_password" => 'Lost Password', "lost_password_email_info" => 'You have to enter the email address which is set in your user settings. This is either the one you used for registration or a different one if you changed it subsequently.', "no" => 'No', "proceed" => 'Proceed', "reset" => 'Reset', "submit" => 'Submit', "yes" => 'Yes', "back" => 'Back', "admin_login" => 'Administrator Login', "confirm_password_repeat_note" => 'Please reenter your password for security reasons.', "confirm_password" => 'Confirm Password', "email" => 'Email', "email_confirm" => 'Confirm email address', "email_address" => 'Email Address', "ending_date" => 'Ending Date', "from" => 'From', "language" => 'Language', "password" => 'Password', "remember_password" => 'Remember me (cookie)', "starting_date" => 'Starting Date', "style" => 'Style', "to" => 'To', "users" => 'Users', "next_page" => 'Next Page', "page" => 'Page', "previous_page" => 'Previous Page', "noauth" => 'The access to this page isn\'t allowed for you, because you have insufficient permissions.', "noauth_default_title" => 'Permission Denied', "noauth_hostmode" => 'This feature is unavailable in easy mode', "noauth_u_event_view" => 'You do not have permission to view events.', "noauth_u_item_view" => 'You do not have permission to view items.', "noauth_u_member_view" => 'You do not have permission to view character history.', "noauth_u_raid_view" => 'You do not have permission to view raids.', "noauth_u_information_view" => 'You don\'t have permission to view this page', "add_itemvote_success" => 'Your vote on the item has been recorded.', "update_itemvote_success" => 'Your vote on the item has been updated.', "update_settings_success" => 'The user settings have been updated.', "fv_invalid_email" => 'The e-mail address does not appear to be valid.', "fv_required" => 'Required field!', "fv_php_required" => 'The field \'%s\' is required!', "fv_required_email" => 'The e-mail address field is required.', "fv_required_headline" => 'The headline field is required.', "fv_required_message" => 'The message field is required.', "fv_required_name" => 'The name field is required.', "fv_required_number" => 'This field is required and must be an integer', "fv_required_password" => 'The password field is required.', "fv_required_password_pattern" => 'Enter a valid password.', "fv_required_user" => 'The username field is required.', "fv_required_username" => 'Enter a username', "fv_username_toshort" => 'Enter at least {0} characters', "fv_username_alreadyuse" => '{0} is already taken. Please choose another name', "fv_email_notvalid" => 'Please enter a valid email address', "fv_email_alreadyuse" => '{0} already used by another account. Please choose another email adress', "fv_required_password_repeat" => 'You have to reenter the password for security reasons', "fv_required_email2" => 'Confirm your email adress', "fv_recaptcha" => 'You have to enter both words from above.', "fv_email_not_match" => 'The emailaddresses do not match.', "fv_sample_pattern" => 'Please follow the sample pattern.', "fv_php_sample_pattern" => 'The input in field \'%s\' was not valid!', "fv_password_placeholder" => 'length > %d', "fv_form_error" => 'Error in formular', "template_preview" => 'Template preview', "anonymous" => '<i>Guest</i>', "added" => 'Added', "additem_raidid_showall_note" => 'Showing all raids', "days" => 'days', "deleted" => 'Deleted', "edit" => 'Edit', "error" => 'Error', "id" => 'ID', "group_key" => 'Group Key', "itempool" => 'Item-pool', "list" => 'List', "chars" => 'Characters', "charsmanage" => 'Edit own characters', "charconnect" => 'Assign own characters', "charsdelete" => 'Delete own characters', "charsadd" => 'Add own characters', "cm_todo_txt" => '%1$s tasks are waiting for completion', "cm_todo_head" => 'Administration tasks', "list_groupadj" => 'List Group Adjustments', "list_events" => 'List Events', "list_indivadj" => 'List Individual Adjustments', "list_items" => 'List Items', "list_members" => 'List characters', "list_news" => 'List News', "list_raids" => 'List Raids', "never" => 'Never', "not_available" => 'Not Available', "no_news" => 'No news entries found.', "of_raids" => '%1$d%% of raids', "or" => 'Or', "overview" => 'Overview', "preview" => 'Preview', "registered_at" => 'Registered on', "adduser_tab_registration_information" => 'Registration information', "adduser_tab_view_options" => 'Display Options', "required_field_note" => 'Items marked with a * are required fields.', "role" => 'Role', "valid_email_note" => 'Please take into account that you have to specify a valid email address to activate you user account. An email containing your activation key will be sent to the specified address.', "select_existing" => 'Select Existing', "success" => 'Success', "transfer_member_history_description" => 'This transfers all of a character\'s history (raids, items, adjustments) to another character.', "unknown" => 'Unknown', "updated" => 'Updated', "manage_news" => 'News Management', "edit_news" => 'Edit news', "manage_users" => 'User Management', "install_folder_warn" => 'Please delete the installation directory <b>/install/</b> from your webspace or rename the folder.', "sort_desc" => 'sort column descending', "sort_asc" => 'sort column ascending', "licence_agreement" => 'Privacy Statement', "leaderboard" => 'Leaderboard', "role_healer" => 'Healer', "role_tank" => 'Tank', "role_range" => 'Range', "role_melee" => 'Melee', "adjustments_per_page" => 'Adjustments per Page', "characters_per_page" => 'Characters per page', "events_per_page" => 'Events per Page', "items_per_page" => 'Items per Page', "news_per_page" => 'Articles per Page', "raids_per_page" => 'Raids per Page', "associated_members" => 'Associated characters', "default_locale" => 'Default Locale', "error_account_inactive" => 'Your account is inactive.', "error_already_activated" => 'That account has already been activated.', "error_invalid_email" => 'A valid e-mail address was not provided.', "error_invalid_event_provided" => 'A valid event id was not provided.', "error_invalid_item_provided" => 'A valid item id was not provided.', "error_invalid_key" => 'You have provided an invalid activation key.', "error_invalid_name_provided" => 'A valid character name was not provided.', "error_invalid_news_provided" => 'A valid news id was not provided.', "error_invalid_raid_provided" => 'A valid raid id was not provided.', "error_user_not_found" => 'A valid username was not provided', "error_email_send" => 'Sending of the email failed.', "incorrect_password" => 'Incorrect password', "invalid_login" => 'You have provided an incorrect or invalid username or password.', "invalid_login_goto_admin" => '<br />If you have problems during your login process, please contact your administrator.', "error_account_inactive_failed_logins" => 'Your account is inactive because of too much failed login attempts. An e-mail has been sent to you with more information.', "error_invalid_user_or_mail" => 'There is no user existing with the provided combination of username and email address.', "error_invalid_session_key" => 'Invalid or missing session key. Please try again.', "error_nohtml" => 'To view this email, an HTML-capable email program is needed.', "account_activated_admin" => 'The account has been activated. An e-mail has been sent to the user informing them of this change.', "account_activated_user" => 'Your account has been activated and you can now %1$slog in%2$s.', "password_sent" => 'Your new account password has been e-mailed to you.', "password_reset_success" => 'Your password was changed successfully .', "register_activation_self" => 'Your account has been created, but before you can use it you need to activate it.<br /><br />An e-mail has been sent to %1$s with information on how to activate your account.', "register_activation_admin" => 'Your account has been created, but before you can use it an administrator needs to activate it.<br /><br />An e-mail has been sent to %1$s with more information.', "register_activation_none" => 'Your account has been created and you can now %1$slog in%2$s.<br /><br />An e-mail has been sent to %3$s with more information.', "register_help_username" => 'The username has to be between 1 and 30 characters long.', "register_help_email" => 'Please enter your email address here.', "register_help_email_confirm" => 'Please repeat your email address here.', "register_help_name" => 'Please enter your first name.', "register_help_gender" => 'Please select your gender.', "register_help_language" => 'Choose the language in which EQdkp Plus should be displayed for you.', "register_help_country" => 'Choose the country you come from.', "register_help_disabled_username" => 'The administrator didn\'t allow changing the username. Contact him so that he may change you username.', "register_help_irc" => 'Supply a channel and IRC-server, e.g. #eqdkp-plus@quakenet', "news_submitter" => 'written by %1$s at %2$s', "Itemsearch_searchby" => 'Search by :', "Itemsearch_item" => 'Item ', "Itemsearch_buyer" => 'Buyer ', "Itemsearch_raid" => 'Raid ', "Multi_Accs" => 'MultiDKP Pool', "Multi_kontoname_short" => 'Accountname:', "Jump_to" => 'Watch the video on ', "MM_User_Confirm" => 'Select your Admin Account? If you take of you Admin Permission, this can only be restored in the Database', "beta_warning" => 'Warning this EQDKP-Plus Beta Version must not be used on a live system! This Version stop working if a stable version is available. Check <a href="http://eqdkp-plus.eu" >http://eqdkp-plus.eu</a> for updates!', "comment" => 'Comment', "comments" => 'Comments', "comments_write" => 'Write comment', "comments_send_bttn" => 'Save comment', "comments_savewait" => 'Please wait, saving comment.', "comments_empty" => 'No comments available.', "add_news" => 'Add news', "news_nocomments" => 'Disallow Comments', "news_permissions" => 'Permissions', "news_permissions_guest" => 'Guest', "news_permissions_member" => 'Guest and characters (only Admin can see)', "news_permissions_all" => 'Free for all', "news_readmore" => 'Read more...', "login_bridge_notice" => 'Login - CMS-Bridge is active. Use your CMS/Board Data to login.', "portalmanager" => 'Portalmodule Management', "lib_pupd_nochangelog" => 'There is no changelog information available', "cl_bttn_ok" => 'Ok', "menu_roster" => 'Roster', "lib_cache_notwriteable" => 'The folder "eqdkp/data" is not writable. Please chmod 777!', "pfh_safemode_error" => 'PHP Safe Mode is activated. EQdkp Plus will not work correctly with activated safe mode, because of writing restrictions.', "spl_autoload_register_notavailable" => 'The PHP function "spl_autoload_register" could not be found. The reason of this may be that this EQdkp Plus is hosted at a so called "freehoster" which doesn\'t allow this function.', "php_too_old" => 'Your PHP version %1$s is too old. The minimum requirement is PHP version %2$s.', "requirements_notfilled" => 'Your server doesn\'t meet the requirements to run EQdkp Plus.', "deny" => 'Reject', "accept" => 'Accept', "guildrules" => 'Guild rules', "news_sticky" => 'Make it sticky?', "menu_main" => 'Mainmenu', "menu_eqdkp" => 'Menu', "menu_user" => 'Usermenu', "menu_links" => 'Link menu', "menu_links_short" => 'Links', "portal" => 'Portal', "forum" => 'Forum', "dkp_system" => '%s-System', "version" => 'Version', "images_not_available" => 'The embedded image is not available at the moment', "images_userposted" => 'User Posted Image', "manage_members" => 'Manage chars', "show_hidden_ranks" => 'Show hidden ranks', "show_inactive" => 'Show inactive', "show_twinks" => 'Show twinks', "images_not_available_admin" => '<b>The embedded image could not be checked</b><br/>There are several reasons why this could happen:<br/>- Dynamic generated images are disabled for security reasons<br/>- blocked external connections: Try paths instead of URL<br/>- Image not longer available<br/>- PHP safe mode on: must be disabled!', "loot_distribution" => 'Loot Distribution', "cl_on" => 'On', "cl_off" => 'Off', "cl_all" => 'All', "lib_captcha_head" => 'Confirmation Code', "lib_captcha_insertword" => 'Enter the words written below', "lib_captcha_insertnumbers" => 'Enter the spoken Numbers', "lib_captcha_send" => 'Send confirmation Code', "lib_captcha_reload" => 'Create new verification code', "lib_captcha_wrong" => 'The entered verification code is incorrect', "lib_starrating_cancel" => 'Cancel voting', "lib_rss_readmore" => 'Read more', "lib_rss_loading" => 'Feed is loading ...', "lib_loading" => 'Loading ...', "lib_rss_error" => 'Error requesting page', "user_timezones" => 'Timezone', "timepicker_title" => 'Choose a time', "timepicker_time" => 'time', "timepicker_nowbutton" => 'now', "timepicker_hour" => 'hour', "timepicker_minute" => 'minute', "timepicker_second" => 'second', "imageuploader_wintitle" => 'Change picture', "imageuploader_editbutton" => 'Edit', "imageuploader_file" => 'File', "imageuploader_preview" => 'Rreview', "imageuploader_buttondo" => 'Change picture', "imageuploader_e_noimg" => 'The selected image is not valid. Found no file information. ', "imageuploader_e_empty" => 'No image selected.', "imageuploader_e_mime" => 'The file extension and MIME-type do not match!', "imageuploader_e_fsize" => 'Maximum height and width of the image exceeded. The maximum size is %s x %s px.', "imageuploader_e_wrongtype" => 'Incorrect file type, permitted are: %s', "imageuploader_e_filesize" => 'Maximum file size of %s KB exceeded. Please upload a smaller file.', "cancel" => 'Cancel', "email_changepw" => 'To change your password in order to login, please follow this link:', "email_subject_activation_none" => 'Account enabled', "email_subject_new_pw" => 'New password, activation needed', "email_subject_activation_self" => 'Account activation required', "email_subject_activation_admin" => 'Account activation needed', "email_subject_activation_admin_act" => 'Account activation request', "email_subject_send_error" => 'An error occured when sending the email.', "email_receiver" => 'Recipient', "uc_add_char" => 'Add character', "uc_add_char_plain" => 'Create new', "uc_add_char_armory" => 'Import', "uc_save_char" => 'Save character', "overtake_char" => 'Assign character to your account', "uc_edit_char" => 'Edit character', "uc_cache_update" => 'Refresh characters', "uc_ext_import_sh" => 'Import data', "uc_connectme" => 'Save', "uc_add_massupdate" => 'Refresh all', "uc_tab_Character" => 'Character', "guild" => 'Guild', "save" => 'Save', "uc_tab_notes" => 'Notes', "no_notes" => 'No notes available.', "uc_notes" => 'Notes', "uc_notes_help" => 'Notes regarding this character', "uc_savedmsg_roles" => 'Default role saved successfully', "uc_savedmsg_main" => 'Main/twink distribution saved successfully', "manage_members_titl" => 'Manage characters', "uc_del_warning" => 'Should this character really be deleted? All points and items will be deleted, too.', "member_active" => 'Active?', "uc_transfer_history" => 'Move history', "uc_transfer_history_receiver" => 'Receiver of the history', "uc_transfer_history_receiver_note" => 'All raids, items, adjustments, ... of the current char will be transfered to the selected char', "uc_not_loggedin" => 'You are not signed in', "uc_no_prmissions" => 'You don\'t have the right to view this page. Please ask an administrator.', "save_nosuc" => 'Error while saving', "save_suc" => 'Saved successfully', "maintenance_mode_warn" => 'Your system is currently in maintenance mode, restricting normal user access. Please check the <a href="' . registry::get_const('server_path') . 'maintenance/index.php">maintenance tool</a> and disable the maintenance mode when done.<ul><li><a href="' . registry::get_const('server_path') . 'maintenance/index.php">Go to maintenance tool</a></li><li><a href="' . registry::get_const('server_path') . 'maintenance/index.php?disable=true">Deactivate Maintenance mode</a></li></ul>', "maintenance_mode_noauth_warn" => "Your maintenance mode is accessable for everyone. Please remove the Flag 'EQDKP_UPDATE' from your config.php, as soon as you have finished your work.", "home_of_eqdkpplus" => 'Home of the EQdkp Plus project', "manage_bridge" => 'Bridge Management', "templates_error" => 'Template error', "templates_error_desc" => 'Error description', "templates_error_more" => 'Further information:', "templates_error1" => 'No template file for the handler "%s" supplied.', "templates_error2" => 'The template file "%s" does not exist or is empty.<br /><br />Possible Causes: Template File not existing. Template Folder not existing or wrong named.', "tab_points" => 'Points', "tab_raids" => 'Raids', "tab_items" => 'Items', "tab_adjustments" => 'Adjustments', "tab_attendance" => 'Raid attendance', "tab_notes" => 'Notes', "tab_customfields" => 'Custom Profilefields', "uc_last_update" => 'Last update', "uc_delete_char" => 'Delete character', "no_connected_char" => 'You have no linked characters. Click to create a character.', "no_connected_char_info" => 'Welcome to your character-area. You can create/import characters here or edit existing ones.<br /><br />You don\'t have any linked characters.<ul><il>If your character isn\'t displayed in the characters list, create a new character or import one.</li><li>otherwise, select your character and link it with your account.</li></ul>', "no_connected_char_hide" => 'Click here to hide this message permanently.', "user_list" => 'Userlist', "user_priv" => 'Privacy', "info_edit_user" => 'Last change:', "info_edit_date" => '/', "info_invalid_id_title" => 'Page not available', "info_invalid_id" => 'This page is not available.', "info_edit_page" => 'Edit page', "pages" => 'Pages', "user_image" => 'User\'s picture', "user_contact" => 'Contact information', "age" => 'Age', "user_more_information" => 'More information about %s', "listusers_footcount" => '... found %1$d user(s) / %2$d per page', "portalplugin_settings" => 'Settings', "portalplugin_winname" => 'Portal module settings', "timezone_set_gmt" => 'Because of no time zone being set neither in the php.ini nor in the EQdkp Plus settings, your timezone has been set to GMT temporarily.', "event_name" => 'Event name', "belonging_mdkppools" => 'Linked MultiDKP pools', "belonging_itempools" => 'Linked item pools', "information" => 'Information', "uc_profile_updater" => 'Profil is loading, Please Wait...', "info_overtaken_permissions" => 'You are viewing the EQdkp Plus-System with the permissions of the user <b>%s</b>.', "link_overtaken_permissions" => 'Click here to restore your Permissions.', "option_false" => "false", "option_true" => "true", "calendar_edit" => 'Edit calendar', "menu_calendar" => 'Calendar', "calendar" => 'Calendar', "calendar_list" => 'Raid list', "calendar_allday" => 'All day', "calendar_allday_event" => 'All day event', "calendar_win_edit" => 'Edit calendar event', "calendar_win_add" => 'Add calendar event', "calendar_click_add" => 'Click to add Event', "calendars_delete_title" => 'Delete calendar event', "calendars_delete_text" => 'The Event is permanently deleted and can\'t be restored. Are you sure, you want to proceed?', "calendar_deleteall_drpdwn_this" => 'Delete this Event', "calendar_deleteall_drpdwn_all" => 'Delete this Event including all repetitions', "calendar_deleteall_drpdwn_future" => 'Delete this Event including all future repetitions', "calendar_deleteall_drpdwn_past" => 'Delete this Event including all past repetitions', "calendars" => 'Calendar', "calendars_add_title" => 'Add calendar event', "calendars_add_button" => 'Save event', "calendars_upd_button" => 'Change event', "calendars_del_button" => 'Delete event', "calendar_repeat_weekly" => 'weekly', "calendar_repeat_daily" => 'daily', "calendar_repeat_2weeks" => 'two weeks', "calendar_repeat_custom" => "custom", "calendar_log_repeat_0" => 'Single event', "calendar_log_repeat_7" => 'weekly', "calendar_log_repeat_1" => 'daily', "calendar_log_repeat_14" => 'two weeks', "calendar_role_distri" => 'Role distribution', "calendar_class_distri" => 'Class distribution', "calendar_no_distri" => 'No distribution', "calendar_distri" => 'Raidmode', "calendar_repeat" => 'Repeat', "calendar_date" => 'Start- and Endtime', "calendar_startdate" => 'from', "calendar_enddate" => 'to', "calendar_deadline_entity" => 'hour(s) for raid start', "calendar_deadline" => 'Signup deadline', "calendar_mode" => 'Type of event', "calendar_mode_raid" => 'Raid', "calendar_mode_event" => 'Event', "calendar_event_clones_info" => 'You are editing an recurring event. Should the changes affect only this occurence or all occurences?', "calendar_event_editone" => 'Just this event', "calendar_event_editall" => 'All events', "calendar_event_editall_future" => 'All future Events', "calendar_event_name" => 'Name of the event', "calendar_raidgroup" => 'Raidgroup', "calendar_location" => "Location", "raideventlist_masssignin" => 'Signup to selected raids', "raideventlist_masssignbttn" => 'Sign up', "raideventlist_export_ical" => 'Export calendar', "raideventlist_export_ical_button" => 'Export calendar', "calendar_export_head" => 'Export calendar', "calendar_export_type" => "Type of events", "calendar_export_types" => array("Raids", "Appointments", "Raids and appointments"), "calendar_export_feed" => 'Link to the ical feed for external programms such as Outlook or iCal. This is a personal link with a secret hash. Do not share with other persons.', "calendar_export_feedurl" => 'Feed URL', "calendar_export_dl_ical" => 'Download *.ics', "calendar_export_download" => 'Download Events', "raidevent_raidleader" => 'Raidleader', "raidevent_export_seperator" => "CSV Seperator", "raidevent_export_raidgroup" => "Raid group", "raidevent_export_sorting" => "Sort by:", "raidevent_no_guest_note" => 'No note available', "raidevent_autogroups" => 'Automatic adding (Groups)', "calendar_sharing_receipients" => 'Invite user', "calendar_event_private" => 'Private event', "raidevent_value" => 'Points for this raid', "raidevent_template" => 'Saved raid templates', "raidevent_attendees" => 'Attendees', "raidevent_savetemplate" => 'Save as template', "raidevent_templatename" => 'Save as template', "raidevent_raidevent" => 'Raid event', "raidevent_raidevent_add" => 'Add new raid event', "raidevent_raidevent_view" => 'Raid view', "raidevent_raid_closed" => 'This raid was canceled by a raidleader.', "raidevent_raid_nochar" => 'Your user ID has not been assigned any characters. In the Character Manager you can create and assign new characters or assign existing characters. <br/> <a href="' . register('routing')->build('mycharacters') . '">Character Manager</a>', "raidevent_raid_note" => 'Raid note', "raidevent_raid_statuschange_warning" => 'WARNING: if you change your character, your signup status will be resetted to "signed up".', "raidevent_raid_addedby" => 'added by', "raidevent_raid_transform" => 'Transform to raid', "raidevent_raid_adminnote" => 'Signed up by a raid leader', "raidevent_raid_autosignoffnote" => "Automatically signed-off because of enabled away-mode", "raidevent_raid_export" => 'Export raid data', "raidevent_raid_edit" => 'Edit raid', "raidevent_raid_next" => 'View next raid', "raidevent_raid_confirmall" => 'Confirm all signed up characters', "raidevent_raid_settbutton" => 'Settings', "raidevent_raid_open" => 'Reopen raid', "raidevent_raid_close" => 'Close raid', "raidevent_raid_statusbttn" => 'Change status', "raidevent_raid_guests" => 'Guests', "raidevent_raid_addguest_win" => 'Add guest', "raidevent_no_groups_avail" => 'No groups available', "raidevent_raid_gbutton" => 'Add guest', "raidevent_raid_editguest_win" => 'Edit guest', "raidevent_raid_guest_edit" => 'Edit guest', "raidevent_raid_guest_del" => 'Delete guest', "raidevent_raid_export_win" => 'Export raid data', "raidevent_raid_export_selmodule" => 'Select export module', "raidevent_raid_signedin" => 'Signed up', "raidevent_raid_guest_delmsg" => 'Are you sure you want to delete this guest?', "raidevent_raid_memtt_roll" => 'Random value', "raidevent_raid_export_indx" => 'Please choose an export format for the data of the actual raid. There are different options available, which can be chosen by the menu above.', "raidevent_raid_export_titel" => 'Calendar raid events export', "raidevent_raid_changed" => 'Changed', "raidevent_raid_unsigned_head" => 'Unsigned characters', "raidevent_raid_unsigned_search" => 'Search for a character', "raidevent_raid_unsigned_active" => 'Only show active character', "raidevent_raid_unsigned_level" => 'Filter: Level', "raidevent_raid_unsigned_level_help" => '0 = All, Show all results larger or equal to the selected level', "raidevent_raid_unsigned_button" => 'Unsigned chars', "raidevent_raid_status" => array(0 => 'confirmed', 1 => 'signed up', 2 => 'signed off', 3 => 'backup', 4 => 'unsigned'), "raidevent_raid_msg_status" => array(0 => 'You are already confirmed for that raid with your character <b>%s</b>', 1 => 'You are already signed into this raid with your character <b>%s</b>', 2 => 'You have signed in this raid', 3 => 'You are on the backup list of this raid with your character <b>%s</b>.'), "raidevent_raid_modstatus" => 'Change status', "raidevent_raid_modgroup" => 'Change raid group', "raidevent_raid_noraidnote" => 'No raid note available', "raidevent_raid_noeventnote" => 'No event note available', "raidevent_raid_moderation" => 'Moderation of the raid', "raidevent_raid_selected_attendees" => "# selected attendees", "raidevent_raid_time_till" => 'to', "raidevent_raid_time_from" => 'from', "raidevent_raid_deadl_reach" => 'The signup deadline already over', "raidevent_raid_roleswoclass" => 'At least one role has no classes assigned. Role select dropdown could be empty!', "raidevent_raid_no_status" => 'No status (confirmed, signed in, ...) has been selected. Go to settings and select status.', "raidevent_raid_show_title" => 'Calendar: %s', "raidevent_raid_move_succ" => 'Moving of the calendar event was successfull.', "raidevent_raid_move_fail" => 'ERROR: moving the calendar event failed.', "raidevent_raid_nots_button" => 'Signup', "raidevent_raid_mod_select" => 'Selected Chars:', "raidevent_raid_mod_raidgroup" => 'Raid group:', "raidevent_raid_nots_show" => 'Unsigned characters', "raidevent_raid_added_on" => 'created on', "raidevent_event_val_calid" => 'Please choose a calendar for this event', "raidevent_event_val_name" => 'Please enter a valid name for this event with at least 3 characters', "raidevent_event_val_attnd" => 'Please select a raid distribution', "raidevent_raid_val_eventid" => 'Please choose an event for the raid', "raidevent_transform_confim" => 'Convert confirmed characters', "raidevent_transform_signin" => 'Convert signed in characters', "raidevent_transform_notsure" => 'Convert backup characters', "raidevent_transform_unsigned" => 'Convert unsigned characters', "raidevent_transform_leaders" => 'Convert Raidleaders', "raidevent_transform_roleinfo" => 'Convert roles info', "raidevent_transform_raidgroup" => 'Filter by raid group: ', "raidevent_transform_button" => 'Transform', "twinks" => 'Twinks', "raidevent_raid_errorhead" => 'ERROR', "raidevent_raid_val_addevent" => 'There is no capable calendar for adding events. Please add one <a target="_parent" href=".admin/manage_calendars.php">here</a>', "raidevent_raid_char_role" => 'Character & role', "raidevent_raid_signin" => 'Raid signup', "raidevent_raid_changesignin" => 'Change signup', "raidevent_raid_changecharmenu" => 'Change character', "calendar_admin_menu" => 'Raid attendee settings', "raidevent_raid_groupsmenu" => 'Raid groups', "raidevent_raid_all_raidgroups" => 'All raid groups', "raidevent_raid_changenotemenu" => 'Edit note', "raidevent_raid_required" => 'required', "raidevent_raid_notitle" => '[Event deleted]', "calendar_rss_title" => 'Recent raid events', "calendar_rss_itemdesc" => 'free places: %1$s, signup deadline %2$s', "calendar_page_noid" => 'There\'s no raid ID, we cannot show any raid events....', "calendar_page_noraid" => 'The raid event ID you entered is not valid. Maybe you\'re trying to visit an event ID.', "calendar_page_noevent" => 'The event ID you entered is not valid. Maybe you\'re trying to visit an raid ID.', "raidevent_mail_closed" => 'closed', "raidevent_mail_opened" => 'reopened', "raidevent_mail_subject_open" => 'Raid of %s reopened.', "raidevent_mail_subject_close" => 'Raid of %s closed.', "raidevent_mail_subject_schange" => 'Your status in the raid "%s" on "%s" was changed', "raidevent_mail_subject_newraid" => 'A new raid "%s" was created on "%s"', "calendar_log_confirmedall" => 'Confirmed all characters', "calendar_log_raidclosed" => 'Raid closed', "calendar_log_raidopened" => 'Raid reopened', "calendar_log_eventadded" => 'Added calendar event', "calendar_log_eventupdated" => 'Updated calendar event', "calendar_log_charchanged" => 'Changed character signup', "calendar_log_statuschanged" => 'Signup status changed for characters', "calendar_log_groupchanged" => 'Raid group changed for characters', "calendar_log_eventadd_name" => 'Name of the event', "calendar_log_eventadd_date" => 'Date of the event', "calendar_log_eventadd_modus" => 'Mode of the event', "calendar_log_charadd_name" => 'Name of the character', "calendar_log_charadd_names" => 'Name of the characters', "calendar_log_charadd_status" => 'Signup status', "calendar_log_charadd_group" => 'Raid group', "calendar_log_eventdeleted" => 'Calendarevent deleted', "calendar_log_deletedclones" => 'Clones deleted', "calendar_log_twinkchanged" => 'Twink changed', "calendar_log_updatedgroup" => 'Raidgroup updated', "calendar_log_updatednote" => 'Character-Note updated', "pv_tab_skills" => 'Skills', "pv_tab_profiler" => 'Profiler', "pv_tab_profession" => 'Professions', "pv_tab_character" => 'Character', "uc_cat_skills" => 'Specialisation', "uc_cat_profiler" => 'Profile', "uc_cat_profession" => 'Profession', "uc_cat_character" => 'Character', "search" => 'Search', "search_do" => 'Search', "search_results_category" => 'No search results for this category', "search_no_results" => 'The search term "%s" delivered no results.', "search_results" => 'The search for "%1$s" delivered %2$s results:', "search_value_too_short" => 'The search term is too short. Please enter at least three chars.', "search_value" => 'Search term', "search_value_note" => 'The search term should be at least 3 chars long', "massmail_send" => 'Send Massmails', "missing_values" => 'The following values are missing:', "icalfeed_name" => 'My calendar at \'%s\'', "icalfeed_description" => 'An ical feed exported by EQDKP-PLUS', "grpleaders" => 'Groupleaders', "group_members" => 'Group members', "notification_char_confirm_required" => '%s Chars have to be confirmed', "notification_char_delete_requested" => '%s Chars have to be deleted', "notification_user_enable" => '%s Users have to be activated', "notification_none" => 'No notifications', "notifications" => 'Notifications', "home" => 'Home', "select_mdkppool" => 'Select MultiDKP-Pool', "select_leaderboard" => 'Select Leaderboard', "mainchar_change_associated" => 'There are more characters with the same previous Maincharacter. If you want to set the new Mainchar for them, too, please check the following checkbox:', "permalink" => 'Permalink', "article" => 'Article', "notify_unpublished_articles" => '%1$s unpublished articles in %2$s', "login_use_authmethods" => 'Third-Party Login', "register_use_authmethods" => 'Third-Party Registration', "add_new_article" => 'Add article', "edit_article" => 'Edit article', "readmore_button" => 'Read more', "add_pagebreak" => 'Pagebreak', "page_title" => 'Page title', "featured" => 'Featured', "tags" => 'Tags', "preview_image" => 'Preview Image', "add_page_object" => 'Insert Pageobject', "alias" => 'Alias', "published" => 'Published', "headline" => 'Headline', "description" => 'Description', "page_object" => 'Pageobject', "hide_header" => 'Hide Header', "show_from" => 'Show from', "show_to" => 'Show to', "info_comments" => 'Allow comments', "info_voting" => 'Allow votings', "edit_article_category" => 'Manage category', "list_articles" => 'List articles', "delete_article" => 'Delete article', "delete_article_confirm" => 'Are you sure you want to delete this article?', "del_suc" => 'Deletion was successful', "article_unpublish_success" => 'Article has been unpublished', "article_unpublish" => 'Unpublish article', "articles" => 'Article', "article_categories" => 'Categories', "article_unpublished" => 'This Article is not published.', "article_noauth" => 'You do not have permission to view this Article.', "category_noauth" => 'You do not have permission to view this Category.', "category_unpublished" => 'This Category is not published.', "article_not_found" => 'Cound not find Article or Category.', "my_profile" => 'My Profile', "reply" => 'Reply', "user_wall" => 'Wall', "user_last_activity" => 'Last activity on', "about_me" => 'About me', "userwall_no_permission" => 'You cannot see this wall, because the user does not share it with you.', "manraid_title" => 'Manage raids', "adding_raid" => 'Create new raid', "usergroup" => 'Usergroup', "tag" => 'Tag', "user_avatar" => 'Avatar', "login_twofactor" => 'Twofactor Authentification', "login_twofactor_connect" => 'Init Twofactor Authentification', "login_twofactor_explain" => 'The Twofactor Authentification helps you protecting your account, asking for a one-time Code on every Login. For using Twofactor Authentification, you need a RFC 6238 compatible App, e.g. the Google Authenticator.', "login_twofactor_key" => 'Twofactor Secret', "login_twofactor_qr_explain" => 'Scan the shown QR-Code or insert the Twofactor Secret into your app. To enable the Twofactor Authentification, insert a generated Twofactor Code into the field above.', "login_twofactor_code_init" => 'Twofactor Code', "login_twofactor_code_explain" => 'Insert here the Twofactor Code generated by your App to enable Twofactor Authentification.', "login_twofactor_code_help" => 'Insert here the generated Twofactor Code.', "login_twofactor_emergency_token" => 'Emergency Token (disables the Twofactor Authentification)', "login_twofactor_remember" => 'Don\'t ask for 30 days on this computer', "password_not_match" => 'The entered passwords do not match.', "password_too_long" => 'The password you entered is too long. Please use a shorter password.', "rsslink" => 'RSS-Feed for this category', "pluskernel_new_version" => 'A new version of EQDKP Plus was found.<br /> Please update your EQDKP Plus.', "lib_pupd_intro" => 'There are new Versions available:', "lib_pupd_updtxt_tt" => '<b>%1$s</b>: Version %2$s from %4$s', "extensions" => 'Extensions', "points_for_this_char" => 'Show the points information for this Char only', "success_create_article" => 'Article has been saved succesfully', "cookie_usage_hint" => 'This site uses cookies. By continuing to browse this site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. <a href="{COOKIE_LINK}">More details</a>', "team" => 'Team-Members', "addchar_f_picture" => 'Characterimage', "other_items" => 'Other Items', "droprate" => 'Droprate', "error_saving_char" => 'An error occured while saving this charcter. Maybe the character is already in the system.', "userpf_location" => 'Location', "userpf_website" => 'Website', "userpf_interests" => 'Interests', "userpf_occupation" => 'Occupation', "userpf_facebook" => 'Facebook', "userpf_twitter" => 'Twitter', "userpf_skype" => 'Skype', "userpf_youtube" => 'Youtube', "userpf_googleplus" => 'Google Plus', "userpf_icq" => 'ICQ', "userpf_mobile" => 'Mobile Number', "userpf_country" => 'County', "userpf_name" => 'Name', "userpf_lastname" => 'Lastname', "fv_php_minlength_error" => 'The input in field \'%s\' was too short!', "fv_php_maxlength_error" => 'The input in field \'%s\' was too long!', "user_sett_f_priv_userprofile_age" => 'Age', "user_sett_f_priv_userprofile_country" => 'Country', "user_sett_tab_notifications" => 'Notifications', "user_sett_fs_notifications" => 'Notifications', "user_sett_fs_info_notifications" => 'Please note that you get some notifications dependet of your permissions, even you enabled the notifications.', "user_sett_f_ntfy_calendarevent_char_statuschange" => 'Statuschange of a Character at a Raid', "user_sett_f_ntfy_calendarevent_invitation" => "Invitation to a private calendar event", "user_sett_f_ntfy_comment_new_article" => 'New comment at an article', "user_sett_f_ntfy_comment_new_userwall" => 'New entry at your userwall', "user_sett_f_ntfy_comment_new_userwall_response" => 'New answer at your userwall', "user_sett_f_ntfy_eqdkp_article_unpublished" => 'Unpublished article', "user_sett_f_ntfy_eqdkp_char_confirm_required" => 'Character requires activation', "user_sett_f_ntfy_eqdkp_char_delete_requested" => 'Character required deletion', "user_sett_f_ntfy_eqdkp_user_enable_requested" => 'User required activation', "user_sett_f_ntfy_calendarevent_mod_groupchange" => 'Groupchange by moderator at a Raid', "user_sett_f_ntfy_calendarevent_mod_statuschange" => 'Statuschange by moderator at a Raid', "user_sett_f_ntfy_calenderevent_closed" => 'Raid was canceled', "user_sett_f_ntfy_calenderevent_opened" => 'Raid was reopened', "user_sett_f_ntfy_comment_new_response" => 'Reply to a comment of mine', "user_sett_f_ntfy_comment_new_mentioned" => 'Mentions at comments', "user_sett_f_ntfy_calendarevent_new" => "New Raid", "mark_all_as_read" => 'Mark all as read', "show_all" => 'Show all', "notifications_persistent" => 'Persistent Notifications', "notification_and_more" => ' and %s more ', "notification_newcomment_userwall_grouped" => '{PRIMARY} wrote on your userwall', "notification_newcomment_userwall" => '{PRIMARY} wrote on your userwall', "notification_newcomment_userwall_response" => '{PRIMARY} has answered on a comment on your userwall', "notification_newcomment_userwall_response_grouped" => '{PRIMARY} have answered on a comment on your userwall', "notification_newcomment_article_grouped" => '{PRIMARY} wrote a comment in article "{ADDITIONAL}"', "notification_newcomment_article" => '{PRIMARY} wrote a comment in article "{ADDITIONAL}"', "notification_calendarevent_statuschange" => '{PRIMARY} has changed his status at Raid "{ADDITIONAL}"', "notification_calendarevent_statuschange_grouped" => '{PRIMARY} have changed their status at Raid "{ADDITIONAL}"', "notification_calendarevent_mod_statuschange" => 'Your status at Raid "{ADDITIONAL}" was changed to {PRIMARY}', "notification_calendarevent_mod_statuschange_grouped" => 'Your status at Raid "{ADDITIONAL}" was changed {COUNT} times', "notification_calendarevent_mod_groupchange" => 'Your raidgroup at Raid "{ADDITIONAL}" was changed to {PRIMARY}', "notification_calendarevent_mod_groupchange_grouped" => 'Your raidgroup at Raid "{ADDITIONAL}" was changed {COUNT} times', "notification_calendarevent_closed" => 'Raid "{ADDITIONAL}" was canceled', "notification_calendarevent_opened" => 'Raid "{ADDITIONAL}" was reopened', "notification_newcomment_response" => '{PRIMARY} answered to your comment in "{ADDITIONAL}"', "notification_newcomment_response_grouped" => '{PRIMARY} answered to your comment in "{ADDITIONAL}"', "notification_newmention" => '{PRIMARY} mentioned you in his comment in "{ADDITIONAL}"', "notification_calendarevent_new" => "A new Raid has been created: {ADDITIONAL}, {PRIMARY}", "notification_calendarevent_invitation" => "{PRIMARY} has invited you to a private calendar event", "notification_type_twitterdm" => "Twitter Direct Message", "notification_type_email" => "Email", "notification_type_xmpp" => "Jabber (XMPP)", "notification_type_none" => "None", "notification_type_eqdkp" => "EQdkp Plus", "new_notification" => "New Notificatin", "article_publish_success" => 'Article has been published', "article_publish" => 'Article published', "article_unpublished_note" => 'Note: this article is not published yet.', "sp_btn_twitter_share" => 'Tweet', "sp_btn_facebook_share" => 'Share', "pagination_goto" => "Go to page", "pagination_goto_hint" => "Insert a value between 1 and PAGE.", "mobile_version" => "Mobile Version", "desktop_version" => "Desktop Version", "copy" => "Duplicate entry", "copy_info" => "You're working with a copy of the old entry. A new entry will be created after saving this entry.", "redirection" => "Redirection", "redirection_info" => "Click here, if the automatic redirection doesn't work.", "change_style" => "Change style", "additional_infos" => "Additional information", "new_value" => 'New Value', "old_value" => 'Old Value', "statistics" => 'Statistics', "user_api_key" => "Private API-Key", "user_sett_fs_notification_settings" => "Settings", "user_sett_f_ntfy_xmpp_user" => "Jabber Account", "user_sett_f_help_ntfy_xmpp_user" => "Insert here the Jabber Account that will get the Notifications, e.g. user@jabber.org", "user_sett_f_ntfy_twitter_user" => "Twitter-Account", "user_sett_f_help_ntfy_twitter_user" => "Insert here the Twitter-Account that will get the Notifications. He must follow \"{TWITTER}\" at Twitter to receive the Notifications.");
 public function user_login_successful($arrOptions)
     $user_id = $arrOptions['user_id'];
     $blnAutologin = $arrOptions['autologin'];
     //Include SSO Class
     include_once $this->root_path . 'plugins/eqdkp_sso/includes/eqdkp_sso.class.php';
     $this->sso = register('eqdkp_sso_class');
     //Hole Daten aus Cache
     $arrMasterData = $this->pdc->get('eqdkp_sso_masterdata');
     if ($arrMasterData === NULL) {
         //Hole Daten aus Master
         $objMasterDB = $this->sso->getMasterConnection();
         if ($objMasterDB) {
             $objQuery = $objMasterDB->query('SELECT * FROM __plugin_sso');
             if ($objQuery) {
                 while ($drow = $objQuery->fetchAssoc()) {
                     $arrMasterData[(int) $drow['id']] = array('id' => (int) $drow['id'], 'name' => $drow['name'], 'domain' => $drow['domain'], 'uniqueid' => $drow['uniqueid'], 'db_type' => (int) $drow['db_type'], 'db_host' => $drow['db_host'], 'db_user' => $drow['db_user'], 'db_password' => $drow['db_password'], 'db_database' => $drow['db_database'], 'db_prefix' => $drow['db_prefix'], 'cookie_name' => $drow['cookie_name']);
             //Und Cache sie
             $this->pdc->put('eqdkp_sso_masterdata', $arrMasterData, 60 * 10);
         } else {
             //No connection to Master
     $strUsername = clean_username($this->pdh->get('user', 'name', array($user_id)));
     $strMyDomain = $this->env->server_name;
     $strMyCookiename = $this->config->get('cookie_name');
     $strMyUniqueID = $this->sso->get_uniqueid();
     $crypt = register('encrypt', array($this->sso->get_master_key()));
     foreach ($arrMasterData as $arrValue) {
         //UniqueID checken
         if ($arrValue['uniqueid'] != "" && $arrValue['uniqueid'] == $strMyUniqueID) {
         //Verbindung aufbauen
         $mydb = false;
         if ((int) $arrValue['db_type'] === 0) {
             //Same Connection as Master
             $mydb = isset($objMasterDB) ? $objMasterDB : $this->sso->getMasterConnection();
         } elseif ((int) $arrValue['db_type'] === 1) {
             //External Connection. Decrypt the data
             $arrValue['db_host'] = $crypt->decrypt($arrValue['db_host']);
             $arrValue['db_user'] = $crypt->decrypt($arrValue['db_user']);
             $arrValue['db_password'] = $crypt->decrypt($arrValue['db_password']);
             $arrValue['db_database'] = $crypt->decrypt($arrValue['db_database']);
             $arrValue['db_prefix'] = $crypt->decrypt($arrValue['db_prefix']);
             //Check if it's the same connection as ours
             if ($arrValue['db_user'] === registry::get_const('dbuser') && $arrValue['db_database'] === registry::get_const('dbname') && $arrValue['db_password'] === registry::get_const('dbpass')) {
                 $mydb = $this->sso->createConnection(0, $arrValue['db_host'], $arrValue['db_user'], $arrValue['db_password'], $arrValue['db_database'], $arrValue['db_prefix']);
             } else {
                 $mydb = $this->sso->createConnection(1, $arrValue['db_host'], $arrValue['db_user'], $arrValue['db_password'], $arrValue['db_database'], $arrValue['db_prefix']);
         if ($mydb) {
             //UserID suchen
             $objUserQuery = $mydb->prepare("SELECT * FROM __users WHERE LOWER(username)=?")->execute($strUsername);
             if ($objUserQuery) {
                 $arrUserdata = $objUserQuery->fetchAssoc();
                 $intUserID = $arrUserdata['user_id'];
                 if ($intUserID) {
                     //Session anlegen
                     $sid = substr(md5(generateRandomBytes(55)) . md5(generateRandomBytes()), 0, 40);
                     $strSessionKey = $this->user->generate_session_key();
                     $arrData = array('session_id' => $sid, 'session_user_id' => $intUserID, 'session_last_visit' => $this->time->time, 'session_start' => $this->time->time, 'session_current' => $this->time->time, 'session_ip' => $this->env->ip, 'session_browser' => $this->env->useragent, 'session_page' => $this->env->current_page ? utf8_strtolower($this->env->current_page) : '', 'session_key' => $strSessionKey, 'session_type' => defined('SESSION_TYPE') ? SESSION_TYPE : '');
                     $mydb->prepare('INSERT INTO __sessions :p')->set($arrData)->execute();
                     //Cookie Daten auslesen
                     $objCookieQuery = $mydb->prepare("SELECT * FROM __config")->execute();
                     if ($objCookieQuery) {
                         $lookingFor = array('cookie_name', 'cookie_path', 'cookie_domain');
                         while ($row = $objCookieQuery->fetchAssoc()) {
                             if (in_array($row['config_name'], $lookingFor)) {
                                 $arrCookieConf[$row['config_name']] = $row['config_value'];
                     //Cookie Domain
                     if (!isset($arrCookieConf['cookie_domain'])) {
                         $strDomain = $arrValue['domain'];
                         if (!strpos($strDomain, '://')) {
                             $strDomain = 'http://' . $strDomain;
                         $parsedURL = parse_url($strDomain);
                         $arrCookieConf['cookie_domain'] = $parsedURL['host'];
                     $arrCookieData['user_id'] = $intUserID;
                     if ($blnAutologin && $arrUserdata['user_login_key'] != "") {
                         $arrCookieData['auto_login_id'] = $arrUserdata['user_login_key'];
                     //Set Cookies
                     setcookie($arrCookieConf['cookie_name'] . '_sid', $sid, 0, $arrCookieConf['cookie_path'], $arrCookieConf['cookie_domain']);
                     setcookie($arrCookieConf['cookie_name'] . '_data', base64_encode(serialize($arrCookieData)), $this->time->time + 2592000, $arrCookieConf['cookie_path'], $arrCookieConf['cookie_domain']);
             //Verbindung beenden
Пример #30

/*	Project:	EQdkp-Plus
 *	Package:	EQdkp-Plus Language File
 *	Link:		http://eqdkp-plus.eu
 *	Copyright (C) 2006-2015 EQdkp-Plus Developer Team
 *	This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *	it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
 *	by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *	(at your option) any later version.
 *	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *	GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 *	You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 *	along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
if (!defined('EQDKP_INC')) {
    die('You cannot access this file directly.');
//Language: English
//Created by EQdkp Plus Translation Tool on  2014-12-17 23:17
//File: plugins/shoutbox/language/english/lang_main.php
//Source-Language: german
$lang = array("shoutbox" => 'Shoutbox', "sb_shoutbox" => 'Shoutbox', "shoutbox_name" => 'Shoutbox', "shoutbox_desc" => 'Shoutbox is a Plugin users are able to exchange short messages with.', "sb_short_desc" => 'Shoutbox', "sb_long_desc" => 'Shoutbox is a Plugin users are able to exchange short messages with.', "sb_plugin_not_installed" => 'Shoutbox Plugin not installed', "sb_php_version" => 'Shoutbox requires PHP %1$s or higher. Your server runs PHP %2$s', "sb_plus_version" => 'Shoutbox requires EQDKP-PLUS %1$s or higher. Your installed Version is %2$s', "sb_no_view_permission" => 'You don\'t have the permission to view shouts.', "sb_manage_archive" => 'Manage Archive', "sb_written_by" => 'written by', "sb_written_at" => 'at', "sb_delete_success" => 'Successfully deleted entries', "sb_settings_info" => 'Further Shoutbox settings could be found within the <a href="' . registry::get_const('root_path') . 'admin/manage_portal.php' . registry::get_const('SID') . '">Portalmodule settings</a>', "sb_use_users" => 'Use usernames instead of membernames', "sb_use_users_help" => 'On changing membernames to usernames all entries will be updated.<br/>On changing usernames to membernames all entries will be deleted!', "sb_convert_member_user_success" => 'All membernames within the entries have been successfully updated to usernames.', "sb_convert_user_member_success" => 'All entries were deleted.', "sb_config_saved" => 'Settings saved successfully', "sb_header_general" => 'General Shoutbox settings', "sb_f_output_count_limit" => 'Maximum number of shown Shoutbox entries.', "sb_show_date" => 'Show date also?', "sb_f_show_archive" => 'Show Archive?', "sb_f_max_text_length" => 'Maximum length of a text entry', "sb_f_input_box_location" => 'Location of input box', "sb_location_top" => 'Above entries', "sb_location_bottom" => 'Below entries', "sb_f_autoreload" => 'Time in seconds to wait for automatic reload of Shoutbox (Default 0 = Off)', "sb_f_help_autoreload" => 'Set to 0 to disable automatic reload', "sb_no_character_assigned" => 'No characters are connected yet. At least one character has to be connected to be able to post.', "sb_submit_text" => 'Send', "sb_save_wait" => 'Saving, please wait...', "sb_reload" => 'Reload', "sb_no_entries" => 'No entries', "sb_archive" => 'Archive', "sb_shoutbox_archive" => 'Shoutbox Archive', "sb_missing_char_id" => 'Invalid Member ID entered', "sb_missing_text" => 'Missing text to insert');