Пример #1
        $zc_install->fileExists('demo/' . DB_TYPE . '_demo.sql', ERROR_TEXT_DEMO_SQL_NOTEXIST, ERROR_CODE_DEMO_SQL_NOTEXIST);
    if ($zc_install->error == false) {
        if ($_POST['demo_install'] == 'true') {
        // Close the database connection
        header('location: index.php?main_page=admin_setup' . zcInstallAddSID());
require '../includes/classes/db/' . DB_TYPE . '/query_factory.php';
$db = new queryFactory();
$db->Connect(DB_SERVER, DB_SERVER_USERNAME, DB_SERVER_PASSWORD, DB_DATABASE) or die("Unable to connect to database");
//if not submit, set some defaults
$sql = "select countries_id, countries_name from " . DB_PREFIX . "countries order by countries_name";
$country = $db->Execute($sql);
$country_string = '';
while (!$country->EOF) {
    $country_string .= '<option value="' . $country->fields['countries_id'] . '"' . setSelected($country->fields['countries_id'], $_POST['store_country']) . '>' . $country->fields['countries_name'] . '</option>';
$sql = "select zone_id, zone_name from " . DB_PREFIX . "zones";
// order by zone_country_id, zone_name
$zone = $db->Execute($sql);
$zone_string = '';
$zone_string .= '<option value="-1"' . setSelected('-1', $_POST['store_zone']) . '>' . '-- Please Select --' . '</option>';
$zone_string .= '<option value="0"' . setSelected('0', $_POST['store_zone']) . '>' . '-None-' . '</option>';
while (!$zone->EOF) {
Пример #2
         $zen_cart_database_connect_OK = true;
     if ($zc_install->error == true) {
         $zen_cart_previous_version_installed = false;
     //reset error-check class after connection attempt
     $zc_install->error = false;
     $zc_install->fatal_error = false;
     $zc_install->error_list = array();
 //endif check for db_type and db_name defined
 if ($zen_cart_database_connect_OK) {
     //open database connection to run queries against it
     $db_test = new queryFactory();
     $db_test->Connect($zdb_server, $zdb_user, $zdb_pwd, $zdb_name) or $zen_cart_database_connect_OK = false;
     if ($zen_cart_database_connect_OK) {
         //#2  This check is done again just in case connect fails on previous line
         //set database table prefix
         define('DB_PREFIX', $zdb_prefix);
         // Check to see if any Zen Cart tables exist
         $sql = "SHOW TABLES like '" . DB_PREFIX . "configuration'";
         $tables = $db_test->Execute($sql);
         if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG == true) {
             echo 'ZEN-Configuration (should be 1) = ' . $tables->RecordCount() . '<br>';
         if ($tables->RecordCount() > 0) {
             $zdb_configuration_table_found = true;
         if ($zdb_configuration_table_found) {
             // now check for database version levels
Пример #3
            //if upgrading, move onto the upgrade page
            //update the cache folder setting:
            $db = new queryFactory();
            $db->Connect($_POST['db_host'], $_POST['db_username'], $_POST['db_pass'], $_POST['db_name'], true);
            $sql = "update " . $_POST['db_prefix'] . "configuration set configuration_value='" . $_POST['sql_cache_dir'] . "' where configuration_key='SESSION_WRITE_DIRECTORY'";
            //update the phpbb setting:
            $sql = "update " . $_POST['db_prefix'] . "configuration set configuration_value='" . $_GET['use_phpbb'] . "' where configuration_key='PHPBB_LINKS_ENABLED'";
            header('location: index.php?main_page=database_upgrade&language=' . $language);
        } elseif (!$zc_install->fatal_error) {
            // not upgrading - load the fresh database
            //OK, files written -- now let's connect to the database and load the tables:
            $db = new queryFactory();
            $db->Connect($_POST['db_host'], $_POST['db_username'], $_POST['db_pass'], $_POST['db_name'], true);
            if ($zc_show_progress == 'yes') {
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<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<title>Zen Cart&trade; Installer</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="includes/templates/template_default/css/stylesheet.css">
<div id="wrap">
  <div id="header">
  <img src="includes/templates/template_default/images/zen_header_bg.jpg">
<div class="progress" align="center">Installation In Progress...<br /><br />
Пример #4
         $phreebooks_database_connect_OK = true;
     if ($zc_install->error == true) {
         $phreebooks_previous_version_installed = false;
     //reset error-check class after connection attempt
     $zc_install->error = false;
     $zc_install->fatal_error = false;
     $zc_install->error_list = array();
 //endif check for db_type and db_name defined
 if ($phreebooks_database_connect_OK) {
     //open database connection to run queries against it
     $db_test = new queryFactory();
     $db_test->Connect($zdb_server, $zdb_user, $zdb_pwd, $zdb_name) or $phreebooks_database_connect_OK = false;
     if ($phreebooks_database_connect_OK) {
         //#2  This check is done again just in case connect fails on previous line
         //set database table prefix
         define('DB_PREFIX', $zdb_prefix);
         // Check to see if any PhreeBooks tables exist
         $sql = "SHOW TABLES like '" . DB_PREFIX . "configuration'";
         $tables = $db_test->Execute($sql);
         if ($tables->RecordCount() > 0) {
             $zdb_configuration_table_found = true;
         if ($zdb_configuration_table_found) {
             // now check for database version levels
             // Check to see if this is v1.0 ... ie, is it really PhreeBooks?
             $sql = "select * from " . DB_PREFIX . "configuration where configuration_key = 'COMPANY_COUNTRY'";
             $result = $db_test->Execute($sql);