Пример #1
Файл: qbURL.php Проект: scy/qb
  * Return the virtual filename.
  * Starts with a slash, but does not end with one.
  * This is the virtual file the client requested, ie. if qb manages the
  * /blog/ directory and the URL http://example.com/blog/foo/bar is called,
  * the virtual filename is /foo/bar.
 public static function getVFile()
     $path = QB_URIPATH;
     // PATH_INFO is set for Apache's "Alias" directive, it has precedence.
     if (isset($_SERVER['PATH_INFO']) && $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] != '') {
         $path = $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'];
     } else {
         if (qbString::startsWith(self::getHandler(), $path)) {
             $path = substr($path, strlen(self::getHandler()));
     // Cut off the query string, normalize slashes, be done!
     return '/' . trim(preg_replace('/\\?.+$/', '', $path), '/');
Пример #2
Файл: qb-0.2.php Проект: scy/qb
function qb_buildpage($path, $template = 'html')
    // Set $filename to the real filename.
    $filename = QB_SRC . $path . QB_SUF_SRC;
    // Check whether that really is under the source directory.
    if (!qbString::startsWith(realpath(QB_SRC), realpath($filename), false)) {
        return '';
    // Set $t to the contents of the file.
    if (($t = @file_get_contents($filename)) === false) {
        // If the file doesn't exist, return an error.
        // TODO: This never happens, because main logic already checks for the
        // existence of the file.
        return qb_template(QB_TPL_PAGE . '.' . $template, array('title' => 'file not found', 'content' => '<p class=\'qb_error\'>The file ' . htmlspecialchars($path) . ' could not be found.</p>'));
    } else {
        // File exists. Let $page[0] be the first line, $page[1] be the rest.
        $page = explode("\n", $t, 2);
        // Throw all tags in the first line into $tokens.
        preg_match_all('|<(.*):(.*)>(?!>)|U', $page[0], $tokens, PREG_SET_ORDER);
        // Initialize $meta as empty array.
        $meta = array();
        foreach ($tokens as $token) {
            // Let $k be the name of the tag, $v its value.
            $k = $token[1];
            $v = $token[2];
            if ($k == '') {
                // Special case: the <:...> tag is a shortcut for <title:...>
                $k = 'title';
            if ($k == 'tags') {
                // Special case: expand the "tags" tag via a freaky regex that
                // splits them by spaces, multiword tags can be supplied by
                // using quotation marks. Should resemble Flickr's tag parsing
                // logic somehow.
                preg_match_all('%"(?! )([^"]+)(?<! )"|([^ ]+)%', $v, $tags, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
                // Initialize $parsedtags.
                $parsedtags = array();
                foreach ($tags[0] as $tag) {
                    // Remove quotation marks and spaces.
                    $tag = str_replace('"', '', trim($tag));
                    // If there's something left, add it to $parsedtags array.
                    if (strlen($tag) > 0) {
                        $parsedtags[] = $tag;
                // Remove duplicate values, save the result in $v.
                $v = array_unique($parsedtags);
                if (count($v) > 0) {
                    // If there are any tags left, create a "spantags" template
                    // variable and put them in it. The "tags" variable stays
                    // an array. No idea what's the use in it, but whatever.
                    $meta['spantags'] = '<span class=\'tag\'>' . implode('</span> <span class=\'tag\'>', $v) . '</span>';
                    // Create a funky "ultags" for people who prefer that.
                    $meta['ultags'] = '<ul class=\'tag\'><li>' . implode("</li>\n<li>", $v) . '</li></ul>';
            // Create a template variable with that value.
            $meta[$k] = $v;
        // "path" contains the handler plus $path, double slashes removed.
        $meta['path'] = preg_replace('|/+|', '/', qbURL::getHandler() . $path);
        // "content" contains the second and all following lines.
        $meta['content'] = $page[1];
        // "escapedcontent" is like "content", but with escaped HTML characters.
        $meta['escapedcontent'] = htmlspecialchars($meta['content']);
        // "created" is the date the file was created.
        if (!array_key_exists('created', $meta)) {
            $meta['created'] = qb_created($path);
        // "modified" is the modification date of the file.
        // "modified" and "created" can be overriden in the meta line.
        if (!array_key_exists('modified', $meta)) {
            $meta['modified'] = filemtime($filename);
        if ($meta['modified'] == '!' || abs($meta['modified'] - $meta['created']) <= QB_OOPSTIME) {
            // If set to ! or in oops tolerance, simulate an unmodified file.
            $meta['modified'] = $meta['created'];
        // If the two timestamps differ, set "wasmodified".
        if ($meta['created'] != $meta['modified']) {
            $meta['wasmodified'] = $meta['modified'];
        // Run the template, return the result.
        return qb_template(QB_TPL_ARTICLE . '.' . $template, $meta);