public function parse($qstr) { global $ruleSet; if (str_replace([" ", "\t", "\n", "\r"], '', $qstr) === '') { echo "Error: No text submitted/empty file."; return ''; } //$t=microtime(); $nMatches = preg_match_all($this->qregex(), $qstr, $qtext); //echo '(TIME-millis:'.(microtime()-$t).':TIME)'; $qs = new qIO(); for ($i = 0; $i < $nMatches; $i++) { try { //0 full match //1 QPart //2 Number //3 Subj //4 QType //5 QuestionText //6-9 W-Z //10 Answer //Indices: 0 full match, Part, Number, Subject, MCQText, ChoicesW, ChoicesX, ChoicesY, ChoicesZ, SAQText, MCa, AnswerText $qs->addByArray(array(array("isB" => strpos('tb', strtolower(substr($qtext[1][$i], 0, 1))), "Subject" => array_search(strtolower(substr($qtext[2][$i], 0, 1)), $ruleSet["SubjChars"]), "isSA" => $qtext[4][$i] == 'Short Answer', "Question" => str_replace(["\r", "\n"], '', $qtext[5][$i]), "MCW" => $qtext[6][$i], "MCX" => $qtext[7][$i], "MCY" => $qtext[8][$i], "MCZ" => $qtext[9][$i], "MCa" => substr($qtext[10][$i], 0, 1), "Answer" => $qtext[10][$i]))); } catch (Exception $e) { echo "ERROR: " . $e->getMessage(); //--todo-- DISPLAY ERRORS? OR JUST IGNORING? OR IDK IT SHOULDN'T EVEN HAPPEN } } $qs->commit(); $parsedQIDs = $qs->getQIDs(); /*echo "Duplicates: none<br><br>";*/ echo "<b>Total uploaded Question-IDs: " . (count($parsedQIDs) == 0 ? "no questions entered" : arrayToRanges($parsedQIDs) . " (" . count($parsedQIDs) . " total entered)") . "</b>"; return preg_replace($this->qregex(), '', $qstr); //stuff remaining after questions detected }
Input of questions into the database. */ $unparsed = ''; $lastErr = error_get_clear(); if (isset($_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH']) && (int) $_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH'] > convert_to_bytes(ini_get('post_max_size'))) { echo 'File(s) too large.'; $error = true; } if (csrfVerify() && (posted("copypaste") || filed("fileupload") || posted("directentry"))) { echo '<div style="font-size:0.8em;border:solid 1px #000000;display:inline-block;padding:5px;"> <i>We are processing your questions right now...</i><br><br>'; if (posted("directentry")) { $err = ''; try { $q = new qIO(); $q->addByArray($_POST["Q"]); $q->commit(); } catch (Exception $e) { $err = "Error: " . $e->getMessage(); } if ($err == '') { echo "Questions entered successfully, with Question-IDs <b>" . arrayToRanges($q->getQIDs()) . "</b><br><br><br>"; } else { echo $err; } } else { require_class("qIO", "qParser"); $qp = new qParser(); $error = false; if (posted("copypaste")) { $unparsed = $qp->parse($_POST["copypaste"]);