Пример #1
 public static function add_to_log($message)
     static $logger = null;
     if ($logger == null) {
         $logger = new pts_logger();
    public static function run($r)
        if (pts_client::create_lock(PTS_USER_PATH . 'phoromatic_server_lock') == false) {
            trigger_error('The Phoromatic Server is already running.', E_USER_ERROR);
            return false;
        pts_file_io::unlink(getenv('PTS_EXT_LAUNCH_SCRIPT_DIR') . '/phoromatic-server-launcher');
        if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 50400) {
            echo 'Running an unsupported PHP version. PHP 5.4+ is required to use this feature.' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
            return false;
        if (!function_exists('socket_create_listen')) {
            echo 'PHP Sockets support is needed to use the Phoromatic Server.' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
            return false;
        $server_launcher = '#!/bin/sh' . PHP_EOL;
        $web_port = 0;
        $remote_access = pts_config::read_user_config('PhoronixTestSuite/Options/Server/RemoteAccessPort', 'RANDOM');
        $fp = false;
        $errno = null;
        $errstr = null;
        if ($remote_access == 'RANDOM') {
            do {
                if ($fp) {
                $remote_access = rand(8000, 8999);
            } while (($fp = fsockopen('', $remote_access, $errno, $errstr, 5)) != false);
            echo 'Port ' . $remote_access . ' chosen as random port for this instance. Change the default port via the Phoronix Test Suite user configuration file.' . PHP_EOL;
        $remote_access = is_numeric($remote_access) && $remote_access > 1 ? $remote_access : false;
        $blocked_ports = array(2049, 3659, 4045, 6000, 9000);
        if ($remote_access) {
            $server_ip = '';
            if (($fp = fsockopen('', $remote_access, $errno, $errstr, 5)) != false) {
                trigger_error('Port ' . $remote_access . ' is already in use by another server process. Close that process or change the Phoronix Test Suite server port via' . pts_config::get_config_file_location() . ' to proceed.', E_USER_ERROR);
                return false;
            } else {
                $web_port = $remote_access;
                $web_socket_port = pts_config::read_user_config('PhoronixTestSuite/Options/Server/WebSocketPort', '');
                while ($web_socket_port == null || !is_numeric($web_socket_port) || ($fp = fsockopen('', $web_socket_port, $errno, $errstr, 5)) != false) {
                    if ($fp) {
                    $web_socket_port = rand(8000, 8999);
        } else {
            echo PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . 'You must first configure the remote web / Phoromatic settings via:' . PHP_EOL . '    ' . pts_config::get_config_file_location() . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . 'The RemoteAccessPort should be a network port to use for HTTP communication while WebSocketPort should be set to another available network port. Set to RANDOM if wishing to use randomly chosen available ports.' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
            return false;
        if (!extension_loaded('sqlite3')) {
            echo PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . 'PHP SQLite3 support must first be enabled before accessing the Phoromatic server (e.g. installing the php5-sqlite or php-pdo package depending on the distribution).' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
            return false;
        // Setup server logger
        define('PHOROMATIC_SERVER', true);
        // Just create the logger so now it will flush it out
        $pts_logger = new pts_logger();
        echo pts_core::program_title(true) . ' starting Phoromatic Server' . PHP_EOL;
        $pts_logger->log(pts_core::program_title(true) . ' starting Phoromatic Server on ' . pts_network::get_local_ip());
        echo 'Phoronix Test Suite User-Data Directory Path: ' . PTS_USER_PATH . PHP_EOL;
        echo 'Phoronix Test Suite Configuration File: ' . pts_config::get_config_file_location() . PHP_EOL;
        echo 'Phoromatic Server Log File: ' . $pts_logger->get_log_file_location() . PHP_EOL;
        $pts_logger->log('PTS_USER_PATH = ' . PTS_USER_PATH);
        $pts_logger->log('PTS_DOWNLOAD_CACHE_PATH = ' . PTS_DOWNLOAD_CACHE_PATH);
        $pts_logger->log('XML Configuration File = ' . pts_config::get_config_file_location());
        // WebSocket Server Setup
        $server_launcher .= 'export PTS_WEB_PORT=' . $web_port . PHP_EOL;
        $server_launcher .= 'export PTS_WEBSOCKET_PORT=' . $web_socket_port . PHP_EOL;
        $server_launcher .= 'export PTS_WEBSOCKET_SERVER=PHOROMATIC' . PHP_EOL;
        $server_launcher .= 'export PTS_NO_FLUSH_LOGGER=1' . PHP_EOL;
        $server_launcher .= 'export PTS_PHOROMATIC_SERVER=1' . PHP_EOL;
        $server_launcher .= 'export PTS_PHOROMATIC_LOG_LOCATION=' . $pts_logger->get_log_file_location() . PHP_EOL;
        $server_launcher .= 'cd ' . getenv('PTS_DIR') . ' && PTS_MODE="CLIENT" ' . getenv('PHP_BIN') . ' pts-core/phoronix-test-suite.php start-ws-server &' . PHP_EOL;
        $server_launcher .= 'websocket_server_pid=$!' . PHP_EOL;
        $pts_logger->log('Starting WebSocket process on port ' . $web_socket_port);
        $server_launcher .= 'cd ' . getenv('PTS_DIR') . ' && PTS_MODE="CLIENT" ' . getenv('PHP_BIN') . ' pts-core/phoronix-test-suite.php start-phoromatic-event-server &' . PHP_EOL;
        $server_launcher .= 'event_server_pid=$!' . PHP_EOL;
        // HTTP Server Setup
        if (false && pts_client::executable_in_path('nginx') && is_file('/run/php-fpm/php-fpm.pid')) {
            // NGINX
            $nginx_conf = 'error_log /tmp/error.log;
			pid /tmp/nginx.pid;
			worker_processes 1;

			events {
			  worker_connections 1024;

			http {
			  client_body_temp_path /tmp/client_body;
			  fastcgi_temp_path /tmp/fastcgi_temp;
			  proxy_temp_path /tmp/proxy_temp;
			  scgi_temp_path /tmp/scgi_temp;
			  uwsgi_temp_path /tmp/uwsgi_temp;
			  tcp_nopush on;
			  tcp_nodelay on;
			  keepalive_timeout 180;
			  types_hash_max_size 2048;
			  include /etc/nginx/mime.types;
			  index index.php;

			  server {
			    listen ' . $web_port . ';
			    listen [::]:' . $web_port . ' default ipv6only=on;
			    access_log /tmp/access.log;
			    error_log /tmp/error.log;
			    root ' . PTS_CORE_PATH . 'phoromatic/public_html;
				index index.php;
			      try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php;
				location / {
				autoindex on;
				location ~ \\.php$ {
				     include        /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params;
				     fastcgi_param  SCRIPT_FILENAME  $document_root/$fastcgi_script_name;
				     fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\\.php)(/.+)$;
				     fastcgi_index  index.php;
            $nginx_conf_file = tempnam(PTS_USER_PATH, 'nginx_conf_');
            file_put_contents($nginx_conf_file, $nginx_conf);
            $server_launcher .= 'nginx -c ' . $nginx_conf_file . PHP_EOL . 'rm -f ' . $nginx_conf_file . PHP_EOL;
        } else {
            if (($mongoose = pts_client::executable_in_path('mongoose')) && ($php_cgi = pts_client::executable_in_path('php-cgi'))) {
                // Mongoose Embedded Web Server
                $server_launcher .= $mongoose . ' -p ' . $web_port . ' -r ' . PTS_CORE_PATH . 'phoromatic/public_html/ -I ' . $php_cgi . ' -i index.php > /dev/null 2>> $PTS_PHOROMATIC_LOG_LOCATION &' . PHP_EOL;
                //2> /dev/null
            } else {
                if (strpos(getenv('PHP_BIN'), 'hhvm')) {
                    echo PHP_EOL . 'Unfortunately, the HHVM built-in web server has abandoned upstream. Users will need to use the PHP binary or other alternatives.' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
                } else {
                    // PHP Web Server
                    $server_launcher .= getenv('PHP_BIN') . ' -S ' . $server_ip . ':' . $web_port . ' -t ' . PTS_CORE_PATH . 'phoromatic/public_html/ > /dev/null 2>> $PTS_PHOROMATIC_LOG_LOCATION &' . PHP_EOL;
                    //2> /dev/null
        $server_launcher .= 'http_server_pid=$!' . PHP_EOL;
        $server_launcher .= 'sleep 1' . PHP_EOL;
        $server_launcher .= 'echo "The Phoromatic Web Interface Is Accessible At: http://localhost:' . $web_port . '"' . PHP_EOL;
        $pts_logger->log('Starting HTTP process @ http://localhost:' . $web_port);
        // Avahi for zeroconf network discovery support
        if (pts_config::read_user_config('PhoronixTestSuite/Options/Server/AdvertiseServiceZeroConf', 'TRUE')) {
            if (is_dir('/etc/avahi/services') && is_writable('/etc/avahi/services')) {
                file_put_contents('/etc/avahi/services/phoromatic-server.service', '<?xml version="1.0" standalone=\'no\'?>
<!DOCTYPE service-group SYSTEM "avahi-service.dtd">
  <name replace-wildcards="yes">phoromatic-server-%h</name>
    <port>' . $web_port . '</port>
            } else {
                if (pts_client::executable_in_path('avahi-publish')) {
                    $hostname = phodevi::read_property('system', 'hostname');
                    $hostname = $hostname == null ? rand(0, 99) : $hostname;
                    $server_launcher .= 'avahi-publish -s phoromatic-server-' . $hostname . ' _http._tcp ' . $web_port . ' "Phoronix Test Suite Phoromatic" > /dev/null 2> /dev/null &' . PHP_EOL;
                    $server_launcher .= 'avahi_publish_pid=$!' . PHP_EOL;
        // Wait for input to shutdown process..
            $server_launcher .= PHP_EOL . 'echo -n "Press [ENTER] to kill server..."' . PHP_EOL;
            $server_launcher .= PHP_EOL . 'read var_name';
        } else {
            $server_launcher .= PHP_EOL . 'while [ ! -f "/var/lib/phoronix-test-suite/end-phoromatic-server" ];';
            $server_launcher .= PHP_EOL . 'do';
            $server_launcher .= PHP_EOL . 'sleep 1';
            $server_launcher .= PHP_EOL . 'done';
            $server_launcher .= PHP_EOL . 'rm -f /var/lib/phoronix-test-suite/end-phoromatic-server' . PHP_EOL;
        // Shutdown / Kill Servers
        $server_launcher .= PHP_EOL . 'kill $http_server_pid';
        $server_launcher .= PHP_EOL . 'kill $websocket_server_pid';
        $server_launcher .= PHP_EOL . 'kill $event_server_pid';
        if (is_writable('/etc/avahi/services') && is_file('/etc/avahi/services/phoromatic-server.service')) {
            $server_launcher .= PHP_EOL . 'rm -f /etc/avahi/services/phoromatic-server.service';
        } else {
            $server_launcher .= PHP_EOL . 'kill $avahi_publish_pid';
        $server_launcher .= PHP_EOL . 'rm -f ~/.phoronix-test-suite/run-lock*';
        file_put_contents(getenv('PTS_EXT_LAUNCH_SCRIPT_DIR') . '/phoromatic-server-launcher', $server_launcher);