function __construct($table) { logfile::write($table . "\n"); parent::__construct(); preg_match("/^[\\w'-]*\\./", $table, $matches); $_schema = $matches[0]; preg_match("/[\\w'-]*\$/", $table, $matches); $_table = $matches[0]; if (!$_schema) { $table = $this->postgisschema . "." . $table; } logfile::write($table . "\n"); $this->tableWithOutSchema = $_table; $sql = "select 1 from {$table}"; $this->execQuery($sql); if ($this->PDOerror) { $this->exits = false; } else { $this->table = $table; $this->metaData = $this->getMetaData($this->table); $this->geomField = $this->getGeometryColumns($this->table, "f_geometry_column"); $this->geomType = $this->getGeometryColumns($this->table, "type"); $this->primeryKey = $this->getPrimeryKey($this->table); //$this->id = $this->getGeometryColumns($this->table, "id"); $this->setType(); $this->exits = true; } }
function __construct($gmlSource) { parent::__construct(); include_once "libs/class_xml_check.php"; $check = new XML_check(); if ($check->check_string($gmlSource)) { print "GML is well-formed\n"; //print("Elements : ".$check->get_xml_elements()); //print("Attributes : ".$check->get_xml_attributes()); //print("Size : ".$check->get_xml_size()); //print("Text sections : ".$check->get_xml_text_sections()); //print("Text size : ".$check->get_xml_text_size()); } else { print "GML is not well-formed. "; print $check->get_full_error() . "\n"; print "Script terminated\n"; die; } $this->gmlSource = $gmlSource; $this->gmlCon = new gmlConverter(); require_once "XML/Unserializer.php"; $unserializer_options = array('parseAttributes' => TRUE); $unserializer = new XML_Unserializer($unserializer_options); // Serialize the data structure $status = $unserializer->unserialize($this->gmlSource); $this->gmlArray = $unserializer->getUnserializedData(); print date('l jS \\of F Y h:i:s A') . " GML serialized\n"; // Check if XML is a ServiceException if ($unserializer->getRootName() == "ServiceExceptionReport") { print "The server returned an exception:\n"; print $this->gmlSource . "\n"; print "Script terminated\n"; die; } }
function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $geometryColumnsObj = new table("settings.geometry_columns_view"); $this->rows = $geometryColumnsObj->getRecords(); $this->rows = $this->rows['data']; }
function __construct($screenName, $userId = NULL, $tok = NULL, $sec = NULL) { parent::__construct(); $this->screenName = $screenName; $this->postgisdb = "mygeocloud"; $sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE screenname='{$screenName}'"; $row = $this->fetchRow($this->execQuery($sql)); if (!$row['screenname'] && $userId && $tok && $sec) { // We create twitter user if not exits $sql = "INSERT INTO users(userid,screenname,tok,sec) VALUES({$userId},'{$screenName}','{$tok}','{$sec}')"; $result = $this->execQuery($sql); $this->userId = $userId; $this->tok = $tok; $this->sec = $sec; } elseif ($row['userid'] && $row['tok'] && $row['sec']) { // Twitter user exits $this->userId = $row['userid']; $this->tok = $row['tok']; $this->sec = $row['sec']; } elseif (!$row['screenname'] && !$userId && !$tok && !$sec) { $sql = "INSERT INTO users(userid,screenname,tok,sec) VALUES(NULL,'{$screenName}','NULL','NULL')"; $result = $this->execQuery($sql); $this->userId = NULL; $this->tok = NULL; $this->sec = NULL; } elseif ($row['screenname']) { $this->userId = NULL; $this->tok = NULL; $this->sec = NULL; } else { //die("Could not init user object"); } }
/** * * * @param unknown $safeFile * @param unknown $srid * @param unknown $file * @param unknown $pdo */ function __construct($safeFile, $srid, $file, $pdo) { parent::__construct(); $this->safeFile = $safeFile; $this->srid = $srid; $this->file = $file; $this->pdo = $pdo; fb($pdo); }
function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM settings.geometry_columns_view order by sort_id"; $result = $this->execQuery($sql); $this->rows = $this->fetchAll($result); /* $geometryColumnsObj = new table("settings.geometry_columns_view"); $this->rows = $geometryColumnsObj->getRecords(); $this->rows = $this->rows['data']; */ }
function makeTileCacheFile($user, $extentLayer = NULL) { //return; global $basePath; global $postgisdb; global $postgishost; global $postgispw; global $hostName; global $postgisschema; $postgisdb = $user; $table = $extentLayer; $postgisObject = new postgis(); $srs = "900913"; $geomField = $postgisObject->getGeometryColumns($table, "f_geometry_column"); if ($extentLayer) { $sql = "SELECT xmin(EXTENT(transform(" . $geomField . ",{$srs}))) AS TXMin,xmax(EXTENT(transform(" . $geomField . ",{$srs}))) AS TXMax, ymin(EXTENT(transform(" . $geomField . ",{$srs}))) AS TYMin,ymax(EXTENT(transform(" . $geomField . ",{$srs}))) AS TYMax FROM " . $table; $result = $postgisObject->execQuery($sql); //print_r($postgisObject->PDOerror); $row = $postgisObject->fetchRow($result); } ob_start(); echo "[cache]\n"; echo "type=Disk\n"; echo "base={$basePath}/tmp/{$user}\n\n"; //echo "type=AWSS3\n"; //echo "access_key=AKIAIZUYE3I462NPVANQ\n"; //echo "secret_access_key=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\n"; $sql = "SELECT * FROM settings.geometry_columns_view"; //echo $sql; $result = $postgisObject->execQuery($sql); if ($postgisObject->PDOerror) { makeExceptionReport($postgisObject->PDOerror); } while ($row = $postgisObject->fetchRow($result)) { echo "[{$row['f_table_schema']}.{$row['f_table_name']}]\n"; echo "type=WMS\n"; echo "url={$basePath}/wms/mapfiles/{$user}_{$row['f_table_schema']}.map\n"; echo "extension=png\n"; echo "bbox=-20037508.3427892,-20037508.3427892,20037508.3427892,20037508.3427892\n"; echo "maxResolution=156543.0339\n"; echo "metaTile=yes\n"; echo "metaSize=5,5\n"; echo "srs=EPSG:900913\n\n"; } $data = ob_get_clean(); @unlink("{$basePath}wms/cfgfiles/{$user}.tilecache.cfg"); $newFile = "{$basePath}wms/cfgfiles/{$user}.tilecache.cfg"; $fh = fopen($newFile, 'w'); fwrite($fh, $data); fclose($fh); }
function UserIDCheck($sValue, &$oStatus) { global $sTable; global $postgisObject; //$sUserID = addslashes($sValue); $sUserID = postgis::toAscii($sValue, NULL, "_"); $oStatus->bValid = false; $oStatus->sErrMsg = "<span class='label label-warning'>User ID '{$sValue}' already exist</span>"; $sQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM {$sTable} WHERE screenname = '{$sUserID}'"; $res = $postgisObject->execQuery($sQuery); $row = $postgisObject->fetchRow($res); //echo($row['count']); //die(); if ($row['count'] > 0) { $oStatus->bValid = 0; $postgisObject->numRows($res); } else { $oStatus->bValid = 1; } }
function UserIDCheck($sValue, &$oStatus) { global $sTable; global $postgisObject; global $sUserID; $sUserID = postgis::toAscii($sValue, NULL, "_"); $sPassword = VDFormat($_POST['Password'], true); $sPassword = Settings_viewer::encryptPw($sPassword); ings_viewerssword; $oStatus->bValid = false; $oStatus->sErrMsg = "User ID '{$sValue}' already exist"; $sQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM {$sTable} WHERE screenname = '{$sUserID}' AND pw='{$sPassword}'"; $res = $postgisObject->execQuery($sQuery); $row = $postgisObject->fetchRow($res); //echo($sQuery); //die(); if ($row['count'] > 0) { $oStatus->bValid = 1; $postgisObject->numRows($res); } else { $oStatus->bValid = 0; } }
function __construct($table) { parent::__construct(); $this->table = $table; }
<?php die("What are u doing?"); include "../conf/main.php"; include "../libs/functions.php"; include "../models/Database.php"; //echo "test"; $dbList = new databases(); $arr = $dbList->listAllDbs(); $postgisdb = "mygeocloud"; $conn = new postgis(); foreach ($arr['data'] as $db) { if ($db != "template1" and $db != "template0" and $db != "postgres" and $db != "postgis_template" and $db != "mhoegh" and $db != "mygeocloud") { $sql = "DROP DATABASE {$db}"; $result = $conn->execQuery($sql, "PDO", "transaction"); echo "<p>{$conn->PDOerror[0]} SQL loaded in {$db}</p>"; $conn->PDOerror = NULL; echo "<p>---------------------</p>"; $conn->db = NULL; $conn = NULL; } }
<?php include "../"; $db = new postgis(); $db->execQuery("set client_encoding='UTF8'", "PDO"); $response = $db->sql($_REQUEST['q']); include_once "../";
/** * * * @param unknown $arr * @return unknown */ function parseFilter($filter, $table, $operator = "=") { global $postgisObject; global $postgisschema; //global $forUseInSpatialFilter; global $srs; $st = postgis::explodeTableName($table); if (!$st['schema']) { $st['schema'] = $postgisschema; } $primeryKey = $postgisObject->getPrimeryKey($st['schema'] . "." . $st['table']); $serializer_options = array('indent' => ' '); $Serializer =& new XML_Serializer($serializer_options); if (!is_array($filter[0]) && isset($filter) && !(isset($filter['And']) or isset($filter['Or']) or isset($filter['Not']))) { $filter = array(0 => $filter); } $sridOfTable = $postgisObject->getGeometryColumns($table, "srid"); $i = 0; foreach ($filter as $key => $arr) { if ($key == "And" || $key == "Or") { $BoolOperator = $key; } if (isset($arr['Not'])) { //$where[] = parseFilter($arr['Not'],$table,"<>"); } if (isset($arr['And']) || isset($arr['Or'])) { // Recursive call $where[] = parseFilter($arr, $table); } // PropertyIsEqualTo $arr['PropertyIsEqualTo'] = addDiminsionOnArray($arr['PropertyIsEqualTo']); if (is_array($arr['PropertyIsEqualTo'])) { foreach ($arr['PropertyIsEqualTo'] as $value) { $where[] = $value['PropertyName'] . "=" . $postgisObject->quote($value['Literal']); } } // PropertyIsNotEqualTo $arr['PropertyIsNotEqualTo'] = addDiminsionOnArray($arr['PropertyIsNotEqualTo']); if (is_array($arr['PropertyIsNotEqualTo'])) { foreach ($arr['PropertyIsNotEqualTo'] as $value) { $where[] = $value['PropertyName'] . "<>'" . $value['Literal'] . "'"; } } // FeatureID if (!is_array($arr['FeatureId'][0]) && isset($arr['FeatureId'])) { $arr['FeatureId'] = array(0 => $arr['FeatureId']); } if (is_array($arr['FeatureId'])) { foreach ($arr['FeatureId'] as $value) { $value['fid'] = preg_replace("/{$table}\\./", "", $value['fid']); // remove table name $where[] = "{$primeryKey['attname']}=" . $value['fid']; } } // GmlObjectId $arr['GmlObjectId'] = addDiminsionOnArray($arr['GmlObjectId']); if (is_array($arr['GmlObjectId'])) { foreach ($arr['GmlObjectId'] as $value) { $value['id'] = preg_replace("/{$table}\\./", "", $value['id']); // remove table name $where[] = "{$primeryKey['attname']}=" . $value['id']; } } //Intersects $arr['Intersects'] = addDiminsionOnArray($arr['Intersects']); if (is_array($arr['Intersects'])) { foreach ($arr['Intersects'] as $value) { $status = $Serializer->serialize($value); $gmlCon = new gmlConverter(); //logfile::write($Serializer->getSerializedData()."\n\n"); $wktArr = $gmlCon->gmlToWKT($Serializer->getSerializedData(), array()); $sridOfFilter = $wktArr[1][0]; if (!$sridOfFilter) { $sridOfFilter = $srs; } // If no filter on BBOX we think it must be same as the requested srs if (!$sridOfFilter) { $sridOfFilter = $sridOfTable; } // If still no filter on BBOX we set it to native srs $where[] = "intersects" . "(public.transform(public.GeometryFromText('" . $wktArr[0][0] . "'," . $sridOfFilter . "),{$sridOfTable})," . $value['PropertyName'] . ")"; unset($gmlCon); unset($wktArr); } } //BBox if ($arr['BBOX']) { if (is_array($arr['BBOX']['Box']['coordinates'])) { $arr['BBOX']['Box']['coordinates']['_content'] = str_replace(" ", ",", $arr['BBOX']['Box']['coordinates']['_content']); $coordsArr = explode(",", $arr['BBOX']['Box']['coordinates']['_content']); } else { $arr['BBOX']['Box']['coordinates'] = str_replace(" ", ",", $arr['BBOX']['Box']['coordinates']); $coordsArr = explode(",", $arr['BBOX']['Box']['coordinates']); } $sridOfFilter = gmlConverter::parseEpsgCode($arr['BBOX']['Box']['srsName']); if (!$sridOfFilter) { $sridOfFilter = $srs; } // If no filter on BBOX we think it must be same as the requested srs if (!$sridOfFilter) { $sridOfFilter = $sridOfTable; } // If still no filter on BBOX we set it to native srs /* $coordsArr[0] = floor($coordsArr[0]/1000)*1000; $coordsArr[1] = floor($coordsArr[1]/1000)*1000; $coordsArr[2] = ceil($coordsArr[2]/1000)*1000; $coordsArr[3] = ceil($coordsArr[3]/1000)*1000; */ $where[] = "intersects" . "(public.transform(public.GeometryFromText('POLYGON((" . $coordsArr[0] . " " . $coordsArr[1] . "," . $coordsArr[0] . " " . $coordsArr[3] . "," . $coordsArr[2] . " " . $coordsArr[3] . "," . $coordsArr[2] . " " . $coordsArr[1] . "," . $coordsArr[0] . " " . $coordsArr[1] . "))'," . $sridOfFilter . "),{$sridOfTable})," . $arr['BBOX']['PropertyName'] . ")"; } // End of filter parsing $i++; } if (!$BoolOperator) { $BoolOperator = "OR"; } return "(" . implode(" " . $BoolOperator . " ", $where) . ")"; }
<?php include_once ""; //$geometryColumns = new GeometryColumns(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM settings.geometry_columns_view order by sort_id"; $result = $postgisObject->execQuery($sql); $rows = pg_fetch_all($result); //print_r($rows); if ($_REQUEST['layer']) { $_REQUEST['layers'] = $_REQUEST['layer']; } $layers = explode(";", $_REQUEST['layers']); $response['html'] .= "<table>"; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($layers); $i++) { if ($layers[$i]) { $st = postgis::explodeTableName($layers[$i]); $wmsUrl = getValueFromKey($layers[$i] . ".the_geom", "wmssource"); //echo "test".$wmsUrl; if (!$wmsUrl) { $layerConnectionString = "http://{$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']}/wms/{$postgisdb}/{$st["schema"]}"; $response['html'] .= "<tr><td><img src='{$layerConnectionString}/?LAYER={$layers[$i]}&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=getlegendgraphic&FORMAT=image/png'/></td></tr>"; } else { $layerConnectionString = $wmsUrl; $response['html'] .= str_replace("layers", "layer", "<tr><td><img src='{$layerConnectionString}&REQUEST=getlegendgraphic&FORMAT=image/png'/></td></tr>"); } } } $response['html'] .= "</table>"; function getValueFromKey($_key_, $column) { global $rows;
include '../libs/FirePHPCore/FirePHP.class.php'; include '../libs/FirePHPCore/fb.php'; include '../model/geometry_columns.php'; //$userFromUri = "mhoegh"; // for testing logfile::write($userFromUri . "\n\n"); if (!$gmlNameSpace) { $gmlNameSpace = $userFromUri; } if (!$gmlNameSpaceUri) { $gmlNameSpaceUri = "http://twitter/{$userFromUri}"; } // We connect to the users db $postgisdb = $userFromUri; $srs = $srsFromUri; $postgisschema = $schemaFromUri; $postgisObject = new postgis(); //$user = new users($userFromUri); //$version = new version($user); $geometryColumnsObj = new GeometryColumns(); function microtime_float() { list($utime, $time) = explode(" ", microtime()); return (double) $utime + (double) $time; } $startTime = microtime_float(); //ini_set("display_errors", "On"); $thePath = "http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL']; //$thePath= "http://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; $server = "http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; $BBox = null; //end added
function wfs_server() { // Manually tested this piece of code in order to check the requests. // Code based on a similar idea but build in Java header('Content-Type:text/xml; charset=UTF-8', TRUE); header('Connection:close', TRUE); //$userFromUri = "mhoegh"; // for testing logfile::write($userFromUri . "\n\n"); // We connect to the users db $postgisdb = $userFromUri; $srs = $srsFromUri; $postgisschema = $schemaFromUri; $postgisObject = new postgis(); //$user = new users($userFromUri); //$version = new version($user); $geometryColumnsObj = new GeometryColumns(); function microtime_float() { list($utime, $time) = explode(" ", microtime()); return (double) $utime + (double) $time; } $startTime = microtime_float(); //ini_set("display_errors", "On"); $thePath = "http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL']; //$thePath= "http://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; $server = "http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; $BBox = null; //end added $currentTable = null; $currentTag = null; $gen = array(); $gen[0] = ""; $level = 0; $depth = 0; $tables = array(); $fields = array(); $wheres = array(); $limits = array(); logfile::write("\nRequest\n\n"); logfile::write($HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA . "\n\n"); $unserializer_options = array('parseAttributes' => TRUE, 'typeHints' => FALSE); $unserializer = new XML_Unserializer($unserializer_options); /*$HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><wfs:Transaction service="WFS" version="1.0.0" xmlns="" xmlns:mrhg="http://twitter/mrhg" xmlns:ogc="" xmlns:xsi=""><wfs:Insert idgen="GenerateNew"><mrhg:hej><the_geom><gml:MultiPolygon srsName="urn:x-ogc:def:crs:EPSG:6.9:4326"><gml:polygonMember><gml:Polygon><gml:exterior><gml:LinearRing><gml:coordinates>5.0657329559,-41.1107215881 8.4824724197,-39.3435783386 4.3241734505,-34.6001853943 5.0657329559,-41.1107215881 </gml:coordinates></gml:LinearRing></gml:exterior></gml:Polygon></gml:polygonMember></gml:MultiPolygon></the_geom></mrhg:hej></wfs:Insert></wfs:Transaction>';*/ /*$HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA = '<?xml version="1.0"?><DescribeFeatureType version="1.1.0" service="WFS" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <TypeName>california_coastline</TypeName></DescribeFeatureType>'; */ // Post method is used if ($HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA) { //$forUseInSpatialFilter = $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA; // We store a unaltered version of the raw request $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA = dropNameSpace($HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA); logfile::write($HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA . "\n\n"); $status = $unserializer->unserialize($HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA); $arr = $unserializer->getUnserializedData(); $request = $unserializer->getRootName(); //print_r($arr); switch ($request) { case "GetFeature": if (!is_array($arr['Query'][0])) { $arr['Query'] = array(0 => $arr['Query']); } for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($arr['Query']); $i++) { if (!is_array($arr['Query'][$i]['PropertyName'])) { $arr['Query'][$i]['PropertyName'] = array(0 => $arr['Query'][$i]['PropertyName']); } } $HTTP_FORM_VARS["REQUEST"] = "GetFeature"; foreach ($arr['Query'] as $queries) { $HTTP_FORM_VARS["TYPENAME"] .= $queries['typeName'] . ","; if ($queries['PropertyName'][0]) { foreach ($queries['PropertyName'] as $PropertyNames) { // We check if typeName is prefix and add it if its not if (strpos($PropertyNames, ".")) { $HTTP_FORM_VARS["PROPERTYNAME"] .= $PropertyNames . ","; } else { $HTTP_FORM_VARS["PROPERTYNAME"] .= $queries['typeName'] . "." . $PropertyNames . ","; } } } if (is_array($queries['Filter']) && $arr['version'] == "1.0.0") { @($checkXml = simplexml_load_string($queries['Filter'])); if ($checkXml === FALSE) { makeExceptionReport("Filter is not valid"); } $wheres[$queries['typeName']] = parseFilter($queries['Filter'], $queries['typeName']); } } $HTTP_FORM_VARS["TYPENAME"] = dropLastChrs($HTTP_FORM_VARS["TYPENAME"], 1); $HTTP_FORM_VARS["PROPERTYNAME"] = dropLastChrs($HTTP_FORM_VARS["PROPERTYNAME"], 1); break; case "DescribeFeatureType": $HTTP_FORM_VARS["REQUEST"] = "DescribeFeatureType"; $HTTP_FORM_VARS["TYPENAME"] = $arr['TypeName']; //if (!$HTTP_FORM_VARS["TYPENAME"]) $HTTP_FORM_VARS["TYPENAME"] = $arr['typeName']; break; case "GetCapabilities": $HTTP_FORM_VARS["REQUEST"] = "GetCapabilities"; break; case "Transaction": $HTTP_FORM_VARS["REQUEST"] = "Transaction"; if (isset($arr["Insert"])) { $transactionType = "Insert"; } if ($arr["Update"]) { $transactionType = "update"; } if ($arr["Delete"]) { $transactionType = "Delete"; } break; } } else { if (sizeof($_GET) > 0) { logfile::write($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] . "\n\n"); $HTTP_FORM_VARS = $_GET; $HTTP_FORM_VARS = array_change_key_case($HTTP_FORM_VARS, CASE_UPPER); // Make keys case insensative $HTTP_FORM_VARS["TYPENAME"] = dropNameSpace($HTTP_FORM_VARS["TYPENAME"]); // We remove name space, so $where will get key without it. if ($HTTP_FORM_VARS['FILTER']) { @($checkXml = simplexml_load_string($HTTP_FORM_VARS['FILTER'])); if ($checkXml === FALSE) { makeExceptionReport("Filter is not valid"); } //$forUseInSpatialFilter = $HTTP_FORM_VARS['FILTER']; $status = $unserializer->unserialize(dropNameSpace($HTTP_FORM_VARS['FILTER'])); $arr = $unserializer->getUnserializedData(); $wheres[$HTTP_FORM_VARS['TYPENAME']] = parseFilter($arr, $HTTP_FORM_VARS['TYPENAME']); } } else { $HTTP_FORM_VARS = array(""); } } //HTTP_FORM_VARS is set in script if POST is used $HTTP_FORM_VARS = array_change_key_case($HTTP_FORM_VARS, CASE_UPPER); // Make keys case $HTTP_FORM_VARS["TYPENAME"] = dropNameSpace($HTTP_FORM_VARS["TYPENAME"]); $tables = explode(",", $HTTP_FORM_VARS["TYPENAME"]); $properties = explode(",", dropNameSpace($HTTP_FORM_VARS["PROPERTYNAME"])); $featureids = explode(",", $HTTP_FORM_VARS["FEATUREID"]); $bbox = explode(",", $HTTP_FORM_VARS["BBOX"]); // Start HTTP basic authentication //if(!$_SESSION["oauth_token"]) { $auth = $postgisObject->getGeometryColumns($postgisschema . "." . $HTTP_FORM_VARS["TYPENAME"], "authentication"); //} // End HTTP basic authentication print "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"; ob_start(); if (!empty($properties[0])) { foreach ($properties as $property) { $__u = explode(".", $property); // Is it "/" for get method? // We first check if typeName is namespace if ($__u[1]) { foreach ($tables as $table) { if ($table == $__u[0]) { $fields[$table] .= $__u[1] . ","; } } } else { foreach ($tables as $table) { $fields[$table] .= $property . ","; } } } } if (!empty($featureids[0])) { foreach ($featureids as $featureid) { $__u = explode(".", $featureid); foreach ($tables as $table) { $primeryKey = $postgisObject->getPrimeryKey($postgisschema . "." . $table); if ($table == $__u[0]) { $wheresArr[$table][] = "{$primeryKey['attname']}={$__u[1]}"; } $wheres[$table] = implode(" OR ", $wheresArr[$table]); } } } //get the request switch (strtoupper($HTTP_FORM_VARS["REQUEST"])) { case "GETCAPABILITIES": getCapabilities($postgisObject); break; case "GETFEATURE": if (!$gmlFeatureCollection) { $gmlFeatureCollection = "wfs:FeatureCollection"; } print "<" . $gmlFeatureCollection . "\n"; print "xmlns=\"\"\n"; print "xmlns:wfs=\"\"\n"; print "xmlns:gml=\"\"\n"; print "xmlns:xsi=\"\"\n"; print "xmlns:{$gmlNameSpace}=\"{$gmlNameSpaceUri}\"\n"; if ($gmlSchemaLocation) { print "xsi:schemaLocation=\"{$gmlSchemaLocation}\""; } else { //print "xsi:schemaLocation=\"{$gmlNameSpaceUri} {$thePath}?REQUEST=DescribeFeatureType&TYPENAME=".$HTTP_FORM_VARS["TYPENAME"]." ".str_replace("server.php","",$thePath)."schemas/wfs/1.0.0/WFS-basic.xsd\""; print "xsi:schemaLocation=\"{$gmlNameSpaceUri} {$thePath}?REQUEST=DescribeFeatureType&TYPENAME=" . $HTTP_FORM_VARS["TYPENAME"] . "\""; } print ">\n"; doQuery("Select"); print "</" . $gmlFeatureCollection . ">"; break; case "DESCRIBEFEATURETYPE": getXSD($postgisObject); break; case "TRANSACTION": doParse($arr); break; default: makeExceptionReport("Don't know that request"); break; } }
<?php include "../conf/main.php"; include "../libs/functions.php"; include "../model/databases.php"; include "../model/dbchecks.php"; include '../model/settings_viewer.php'; $dbList = new databases(); try { $arr = $dbList->listAllDbs(); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage() . "\n"; die; } $postgisdb = "mygeocloud"; $postgis = new postgis(); $i = 1; foreach ($arr['data'] as $db) { if ($db != "template1" and $db != "template0" and $db != "postgres" and $db != "postgis_template") { $postgisdb = $db; //$dbc = new dbcheck(); $viewer = new Settings_viewer(); $arr = $viewer->get(); $sql = "INSERT INTO users(screenname,pw) VALUES('{$db}','{$arr['data']['pw']}')"; $postgis->execQuery($sql); echo $sql . "\n"; $i++; } //if ($i>10) die(); }
function __construct($srs = "900913") { parent::__construct(); $this->srs = $srs; }
function __construct() { parent::__construct(); }
function __construct() { parent::__construct(); /** URL for REST request, see: **/ $this->settings = array('oauth_access_token' => "1252476258-DVO9x6mwnz05f5VL8WIsTx4XmpeUbOjDSs9hLXc", 'oauth_access_token_secret' => "regt6Vo082Bq3uaSDKyrGnHYPNSccncU6woXN1Mlw", 'consumer_key' => "AtDjL4UxITwrwBIMBicCQ", 'consumer_secret' => "GsFWDIR8bCuuigshxVhj9ZFK0lU00ecMm0ZeEd2Go"); }
<?php ini_set("display_errors", "On"); error_reporting(3); session_start(); include '../../../conf/main.php'; include 'libs/functions.php'; include 'inc/user_name_from_uri.php'; include 'libs/FirePHPCore/FirePHP.class.php'; include 'libs/FirePHPCore/fb.php'; include 'model/tables.php'; $postgisdb = $parts[3]; $postgisObject = new postgis(); ?> <table border="0" width="100%" height="200" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tbody><tr> <td class="boxtopblueleft"><img src="/gifs/apps/holbaektemaplaner/dottrans.gif" width="5px" height="5px"></td> <td class="boxmainblue"><img src="/gifs/apps/holbaektemaplaner/dottrans.gif" width="195px" height="1px"></td> <td class="boxtopblueright"><img src="/gifs/apps/holbaektemaplaner/dottrans.gif" width="5px" height="5px"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="boxmainblue"></td> <td class="boxbluecontent"> <p class="h3">Staus</p> <div class="blueshade"></div> <p class="focusheader"> <?php
function getUtmZone($table, $field, $value) { $query = "SELECT X(Centroid(the_geom)) as x FROM {$table} WHERE {$field}={$value}"; $result = $this->execQuery($query); $row = postgis::fetchRow($result); $zone = floor((180 + $row['x']) / 6); if ($zone < 10) { $zone = "0" . $zone; } return $zone; }
include 'libs/functions.php'; include 'inc/user_name_from_uri.php'; include 'model/users.php'; include 'model/databases.php'; include 'model/classes.php'; include 'model/wmslayers.php'; include 'model/settings_viewer.php'; // we need to get pw for http authentication include 'libs/FirePHPCore/FirePHP.class.php'; include 'libs/FirePHPCore/fb.php'; if ($parts[1] == "store" || $parts[1] == "editor") { $db = new databases(); if (!$parts[2]) { die("<script>window.location='/?db=false'</script>"); } if ($db->doesDbExist(postgis::toAscii($parts[2], NULL, "_"))) { $postgisdb = $parts[2]; } else { die("<script>window.location='/?db=false'</script>"); } include "inc/oauthcheck.php"; } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>MapCentia GeoCloud</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/> <meta name="description" content="Analyze and visualize your data. Use a powerful API for adding maps to your own apps."/> <meta name="description"
// Start HTML doc include "html_header.php"; ?> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/style.css" type="text/css" media="screen" /> </head> <body> <div id="outercontainer"> <div id="innercontainer"> <div id='stylized' class="myform"> <?php if (!$_REQUEST['name']) { echo "<h1>Need a name!</h1>"; echo "<p></p>"; } else { $name = postgis::toAscii($_REQUEST['name'], NULL, "_"); $db = new databases(); $dbObj = $db->createdb($name, $databaseTemplate, "LATIN1"); // databaseTemplate is set in conf/main.php if ($dbObj) { echo "<h1>Your geocloud \"{$name}\" was created!</h1>"; echo "<p>When asked type in \"{$name}\" and use \"1234\" for password. Remember to change it!</p>"; echo "<button onclick=\"window.location.href='/store/{$name}'\">Take me to my cloud</button>"; } else { echo "<h1>Sorry, something went wrong. Try again</h1>"; } } ?> <div class="spacer"></div> </div> </div>
$targetPath = "{$_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]}/tmp/"; $fileName = $_SESSION['screen_name'] . "_" . time(); $file = $targetPath . $fileName; $response['uploaded'] = true; $SafeFile = $_FILES['shp']['name']; $SafeFile = str_replace("#", "No.", $SafeFile); $SafeFile = str_replace("-", "_", $SafeFile); $SafeFile = str_replace("\$", "Dollar", $SafeFile); $SafeFile = str_replace("%", "Percent", $SafeFile); $SafeFile = str_replace("^", "", $SafeFile); $SafeFile = str_replace("&", "and", $SafeFile); $SafeFile = str_replace("*", "", $SafeFile); $SafeFile = str_replace("?", "", $SafeFile); $SafeFile = str_replace(".shp", "", $SafeFile); $SafeFile = strtolower($SafeFile); $SafeFile = postgis::toAscii($SafeFile, array(), "_"); $SafeFile = $postgisschema . "." . $SafeFile; if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['shp']['tmp_name'], $file . ".shp")) { } else { $response['uploaded'] = false; } if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['dbf']['tmp_name'], $file . ".dbf")) { } else { $response['uploaded'] = false; } if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['shx']['tmp_name'], $file . ".shx")) { } else { $response['uploaded'] = false; } if ($response['uploaded']) { $shapeFile = new shapefile($SafeFile, $_REQUEST['srid'], $file, $_REQUEST['pdo']);
<?php ini_set("display_errors", "On"); error_reporting(3); include '../../../../../conf/main.php'; include 'libs/functions.php'; $postgisdb = "cowitrack"; $db = new postgis(); $sql = "INSERT INTO dhl (id,mytime,the_geom,speed,accuracy) VALUES('" . strtolower($_POST['id']) . "',{$_POST['mytime']},geomfromtext('POINT({$_POST['lon']} {$_POST['lat']})',4326),{$_POST['speed']},{$_POST['accuracy']})"; if ($_POST['id']) { $db->execQuery($sql, "PDO"); } echo $sql;
function __construct($userId) { parent::__construct(); $this->userId = $userId; $this->postgisdb = "mapcentia"; }
function __construct() { if (\app\inc\Input::getPath()->part(3) == "tilecache") { $postgisschema = \app\inc\Input::getPath()->part(4); } else { $postgisschema = \app\inc\Input::getPath()->part(3); } $db = \app\inc\Input::getPath()->part(2); $dbSplit = explode("@", $db); if (sizeof($dbSplit) == 2) { $db = $dbSplit[1]; } $path = App::$param['path'] . "/app/wms/mapfiles/"; $name = $db . "_" . $postgisschema . ".map"; $oMap = new \mapObj($path . $name); $request = new \OWSRequestObj(); if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'GET') { foreach ($_GET as $k => $v) { if (strtolower($k) == "layers" || strtolower($k) == "layer" || strtolower($k) == "typename" || strtolower($k) == "typenames") { $layers = $v; } $request->setParameter($k, $v); } } else { $request->loadParams(); } if ($_SESSION['http_auth'] != $db) { \app\models\Database::setDb($db); $postgisObject = new \app\inc\Model(); foreach (explode(",", $layers) as $layer) { $auth = $postgisObject->getGeometryColumns($layer, "authentication"); $layerSplit = explode(".", $layer); $HTTP_FORM_VARS["TYPENAME"] = $layerSplit[1]; if ($auth == "Read/write") { include 'inc/http_basic_authen.php'; } else { include 'inc/http_basic_authen_subuser.php'; } } } if ($_GET['sql_layer']) { include '../libs/functions.php'; include '../conf/main.php'; $postgisdb = "mydb"; $request->setParameter("SLD_BODY", "<StyledLayerDescriptor version='1.1.0'><NamedLayer><Name>sql</Name><UserStyle><Title>xxx</Title><FeatureTypeStyle><Rule><LineSymbolizer><Stroke><CssParameter name='stroke'>#FFFF00</CssParameter><CssParameter name='stroke-width'>15</CssParameter></Stroke></LineSymbolizer></Rule></FeatureTypeStyle></UserStyle></NamedLayer></StyledLayerDescriptor>\n "); $postgisObj = new postgis(); $postgisObj2 = new postgis(); $view = "public.hello"; $sqlView = "CREATE VIEW {$view} as " . urldecode($_GET['sql_layer']); $postgisObj->connect(); $postgisObj->execQuery($sqlView); $postgisObj->execQuery("CREATE SEQUENCE _serial START 1"); $arrayWithFields = $postgisObj2->getMetaData($view); foreach ($arrayWithFields as $key => $arr) { if ($arr['type'] == "geometry") { $fieldsArr[] = "transform(" . $key . ",900913) as the_geom"; } else { $fieldsArr[] = $key; } } $fieldsArr[] = "nextval('_serial') as _serial"; $sql = implode(",", $fieldsArr); $sql = "SELECT {$sql} FROM {$view}"; $request->setParameter("LAYERS", $_GET['LAYERS'] . ",sql"); $layer = ms_newLayerObj($oMap); $layer->updateFromString("\n\tLAYER\n\t\tNAME 'sql'\n\t\tSTATUS off\n\t\tPROCESSING 'CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER'\n\t\tDATA \"the_geom from ({$sql}) as foo using unique _serial using srid=900913\"\n\t\tTYPE POLYGON\n\t\tCONNECTIONTYPE POSTGIS\n\t\tCONNECTION 'user=postgres dbname=mydb host='\n\t\tMETADATA\n\t\t 'wms_title' 'sql'\n\t\t 'wms_srs' 'EPSG:4326'\n\t\t 'wms_name' 'sql'\n\t\tEND\n\t\tPROJECTION\n\t\t 'init=epsg:900913'\n\t\tEND\n\t\tCLASS\n\t\t NAME 'New style'\n\t\t STYLE\n\t\t\tOUTLINECOLOR 255 0 0\n\t\t END\n \t\tEND\n \tEND\n\t"); } ms_ioinstallstdouttobuffer(); $oMap->owsdispatch($request); if ($_GET['sql_layer']) { $sql = "DROP VIEW {$view}"; $result = $postgisObj->execQuery($sql); } $contenttype = ms_iostripstdoutbuffercontenttype(); if ($contenttype == 'image/png') { header('Content-type: image/png'); } else { header('Content-type: text/xml'); } ms_iogetStdoutBufferBytes(); ms_ioresethandlers(); }
<?php include "../conf/main.php"; include "../libs/functions.php"; include "../model/databases.php"; include "sqls.php"; $postgisdb = $_REQUEST['db']; $conn = new postgis(); try { $conn->connect(); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage() . "\n"; die; } $conn->begin(); //Try to drop schema /* $result = $conn->execQuery("DROP SCHEMA settings CASCADE","PDO","transaction"); if (!$conn->PDOerror[0]) { echo "Schema dropped<br/>"; } else { echo "Something went wrong; {$conn->PDOerror[0]}"; $conn->rollback(); } */ //Try to create schema $result = $conn->execQuery($sqls['schema'], "PDO", "transaction"); if (!$conn->PDOerror[0]) { echo "Schema created<br/>"; } else {
function __construct($userObj) { parent::__construct(); $this->userObj = $userObj; }