<?php if (!defined("PMX_ENTRANCE")) { header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); exit; } pmx_require_header("Item Detail"); pmx_require_nav(".nav-left-proj"); $pmxItem = new pmxProjectItem(); $id = isset($_GET['id']) ? $_GET["id"] : ""; if (!$pmxItem->isExistID($id)) { die("Error: The item id is invalid."); } $detail = $pmxItem->getDetail($id); $data = json_decode($detail['data'], true); unset($detail["data"]); ?> <div class="main"> <div class="main-item-single main-item-projs-item-detail pull-left"> <div class="projs-item-detail-body"> <table class="table table-condensed table-bordered"> <?php foreach ($detail as $index => $detail_item) { if ($detail_item != "") { ?> <tr> <td><b><?php echo esc_html($index); ?> </b></td>
$saltid = substr($uri[2], 0, 8); $pmxProj = new pmxProject(); if ($pmxProj->isExistSaltID($saltid) == FALSE) { exit; } $id = $pmxProj->getIDbySlatID($saltid); $detail = $pmxProj->getDetail($id); if ($detail['status'] == 0) { exit; } $request_data = isset($_REQUEST) ? $_REQUEST : array(); $location = isset($_REQUEST["location"]) ? $_REQUEST["location"] : ""; $toplocation = isset($_REQUEST["toplocation"]) ? $_REQUEST["toplocation"] : ""; $cookies = isset($_REQUEST["cookies"]) ? $_REQUEST["cookies"] : ""; if (isset($request_data["location"])) { unset($request_data["location"]); } if (isset($request_data["toplocation"])) { unset($request_data["toplocation"]); } if (isset($request_data["cookies"])) { unset($request_data["cookies"]); } $data = $request_data; $pmxProjItem = new pmxProjectItem($id, $location, $toplocation, $cookies, $data); if (!$pmxProjItem->addItem()) { exit; } if ($detail['mailAlert'] == 1 && trim($detail['mail']) != "") { pmx_mail($detail['mail'], "You got a new message from " . get_ip(), $cookies); }
<?php /** * 删除某项目内的记录 */ if (!defined("PMX_ENTRANCE")) { header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); exit; } header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); /** * 校验TOKEN */ if (!pmx_validate_token()) { die("Error: Token is incorrect."); } $id = isset($_GET["id"]) ? intval($_GET["id"]) : NULL; $pmxProjectItem = new pmxProjectItem(); if (!$pmxProjectItem->isExistID($id)) { die("Error: The item id is non-existent."); } if ($pmxProjectItem->delItem($id)) { echo "Success: You have deleted item {$id} successful."; }