setSingleSignoutCallback() публичный статический Метод

Set a callback function to be run when a single-signout request is received. The callback function will be passed a $logoutTicket as its first parameter, followed by any $additionalArgs you pass. The $logoutTicket parameter is an opaque string that can be used to map a session-id to the logout request in order to support single-signout in applications that manage their own sessions (rather than letting phpCAS start and destroy the session).
public static setSingleSignoutCallback ( string $function, array $additionalArgs = [] ) : void
$function string Callback function
$additionalArgs array optional array of arguments
Результат void
Пример #1
function casSetup()
    global $CASAuth;
    global $casIsSetUp;
    require_once $CASAuth["phpCAS"] . "/CAS.php";
    phpCAS::client($CASAuth["Version"], $CASAuth["Server"], $CASAuth["Port"], $CASAuth["Url"], false);
    phpCAS::handleLogoutRequests(true, isset($CASAuth["LogoutServers"]) ? $CASAuth["LogoutServers"] : false);
    $casIsSetUp = true;
Пример #2
  * @todo make this options usable.
  * @todo move to other class
  * @param string $providerName defined in Settings.yaml
  * @throws \TYPO3\Flow\Exception
  * @return void
 private function setOptionalClientSettings($providerName)
     $casClientSettings = $this->getClientSettingsByProviderName($providerName);
     try {
         if (!empty($casClientSettings['serverLoginURL'])) {
         if (!empty($casClientSettings['serverLogoutURL'])) {
         if (!empty($casClientSettings['serverProxyValidateURL'])) {
         if (!empty($casClientSettings['serverSamlValidateURL'])) {
         if (!empty($casClientSettings['serverServiceValidateURL'])) {
         // since CAS 4.0 disbled
         if (!empty($casClientSettings['singleSignoutCallback'])) {
     } catch (\Exception $exc) {
         throw new \TYPO3\Flow\Exception('Can not set some optianal property in Jasigs phpCAS broken on: ' . $exc->getCode() . ' with message: ' . $exc->getMessage(), 1372519681);
Пример #3
		// Le premier argument est la version du protocole CAS
		// Le dernier argument a été ajouté par patchage manuel de phpCAS.
		settype($cas_port, "integer");
		phpCAS::client(CAS_VERSION_2_0, $cas_host, $cas_port, $cas_root, true, $url_base);

		// redirige vers le serveur d'authentification si aucun utilisateur authentifié n'a
		// été trouvé par le client CAS.

    // On a une demande de logout envoyée par le serveur CAS :
    //   il faut initialiser la session tout de suite, pour pouvoir la détruire complètement
    if (isset($logout_request)) {
      $session_gepi = new Session();
  		// Gestion du single sign-out
      phpCAS::setSingleSignoutCallback(array($session_gepi, 'cas_logout_callback'));
		// Authentification
    // Initialisation de la session, avec blocage de l'initialisation de la
    // session php ainsi que des tests de timeout et update de logs,
    // car l'authentification CAS n'est pas encore validée côté Gepi !
    $session_gepi = new Session(true);
} else {
  $session_gepi = new Session();

Пример #4
function casSetup()
    global $CASAuth;
    if (!defined('PHPCAS_VERSION') || !class_exists('phpCAS')) {
        require_once $CASAuth["phpCAS"] . "/CAS.php";
    static $casIsSetUp = false;
    if ($casIsSetUp) {
        // phpCAS cannot be initialized twice.
    phpCAS::client($CASAuth["Version"], $CASAuth["Server"], $CASAuth["Port"], $CASAuth["Url"], false);
    phpCAS::handleLogoutRequests(true, isset($CASAuth["LogoutServers"]) ? $CASAuth["LogoutServers"] : false);
    $casIsSetUp = true;