public function __construct($identifier = null) { $this->struct = array('external-dependencies' => array('name' => null, 'package_manager' => null, 'aliases' => array(), 'packages' => array())); if (PTS_IS_CLIENT) { $xml = PTS_EXDEP_PATH . 'xml/' . $identifier . '-packages.xml'; $xml_parser = new nye_XmlReader($xml); $this->struct['external-dependencies']['name'] = $xml_parser->getXMLValue('PhoronixTestSuite/ExternalDependencies/Information/Name'); $this->struct['external-dependencies']['package_manager'] = $xml_parser->getXMLValue('PhoronixTestSuite/ExternalDependencies/Information/PackageManager'); $generic_package = $xml_parser->getXMLArrayValues('PhoronixTestSuite/ExternalDependencies/Package/GenericName'); $distro_package = $xml_parser->getXMLArrayValues('PhoronixTestSuite/ExternalDependencies/Package/PackageName'); $file_check = $xml_parser->getXMLArrayValues('PhoronixTestSuite/ExternalDependencies/Package/FileCheck'); $arch_specific = $xml_parser->getXMLArrayValues('PhoronixTestSuite/ExternalDependencies/Package/ArchitectureSpecific'); $os_version_specific = $xml_parser->getXMLArrayValues('PhoronixTestSuite/ExternalDependencies/Package/VersionSpecific'); $os_version = phodevi::read_property('system', 'os-version'); foreach (array_keys($generic_package) as $i) { if (empty($generic_package[$i])) { continue; } $os_version_compliant = empty($os_version_specific[$i]) || in_array($os_version, pts_strings::comma_explode($os_version_specific[$i])); if ($os_version_compliant == false) { continue; } $this->struct['external-dependencies']['packages'][$generic_package[$i]] = $this->get_package_format($distro_package[$i], $file_check[$i], $arch_specific[$i]); } $aliases = $xml_parser->getXMLValue('PhoronixTestSuite/ExternalDependencies/Information/Aliases'); if ($aliases != null) { $aliases = pts_strings::trim_explode(',', $aliases); foreach ($aliases as $alias) { if ($alias != null) { $this->struct['external-dependencies']['aliases'][] = $alias; } } } } }
public static function init_files() { // Don't let the process run multiple times... if (pts_config::$init_process_ran) { return false; } pts_config::$init_process_ran = true; // The main PTS user client config pts_config::user_config_generate(); // Generate the graph config $json_pre = null; if (is_file(PTS_USER_PATH . 'graph-config.json')) { $json_pre = file_get_contents(PTS_USER_PATH . 'graph-config.json'); } else { if (PTS_IS_CLIENT && is_file($t = PTS_CORE_STATIC_PATH . 'graph-config-template-' . phodevi::read_property('system', 'vendor-identifier') . '.json')) { $json_pre = file_get_contents($t); } else { if (is_file(PTS_CORE_STATIC_PATH . 'graph-config-template.json')) { $json_pre = file_get_contents(PTS_CORE_STATIC_PATH . 'graph-config-template.json'); } } } $json_graph = array(); pts_Graph::set_default_graph_values($json_graph); if ($json_pre != null) { $json_pre = json_decode($json_pre, true); if (is_array($json_pre)) { $json_graph = array_merge($json_graph, $json_pre); } } pts_Graph::init_graph_config($json_graph); file_put_contents(PTS_USER_PATH . 'graph-config.json', pts_arrays::json_encode_pretty_string($json_graph)); }
public function __construct($new_values = null) { if (PTS_IS_DAEMONIZED_SERVER_PROCESS || is_file('/etc/phoronix-test-suite.xml') && is_writable('/etc/phoronix-test-suite.xml')) { $file = '/etc/phoronix-test-suite.xml'; } else { if (PTS_IS_CLIENT && is_file(pts_config::get_config_file_location())) { $file = pts_config::get_config_file_location(); } else { if (PTS_USER_PATH . 'user-config.xml' != pts_config::get_config_file_location() && is_file(PTS_USER_PATH . 'user-config.xml')) { $file = PTS_USER_PATH . 'user-config.xml'; } else { if (PTS_IS_CLIENT && is_file($t = PTS_CORE_STATIC_PATH . phodevi::read_property('system', 'vendor-identifier') . '-user-config-template.xml')) { $file = $t; } else { if (is_file(PTS_CORE_STATIC_PATH . 'user-config-template.xml')) { $file = PTS_CORE_STATIC_PATH . 'user-config-template.xml'; } else { if (is_file(PTS_CORE_STATIC_PATH . 'user-config-defaults.xml')) { $file = PTS_CORE_STATIC_PATH . 'user-config-defaults.xml'; } else { $file = null; } } } } } } $this->override_values = is_array($new_values) ? $new_values : false; parent::__construct($file); }
public static function device_notes() { $notes = array(); if (($disk_scheduler = phodevi::read_property('disk', 'scheduler')) != null) { array_push($notes, 'Disk Scheduler: ' . $disk_scheduler); } return $notes; }
public static function cpu_string() { $model = phodevi::read_property('cpu', 'model'); // Append the processor frequency to string if (($freq = phodevi::read_property('cpu', 'default-frequency')) > 0) { $model = str_replace($freq . 'GHz', null, $model); // we'll replace it if it's already in the string $model .= ' @ ' . $freq . 'GHz'; } $core_count = phodevi::read_property('cpu', 'core-count'); return $model . ' (' . pts_strings::plural_handler($core_count, 'Core') . ')'; }
public static function render_page_process($PATH) { $component_modal = array('CPU' => array(phodevi::read_property('cpu', 'model'), phodevi::read_property('cpu', 'core-count') . ' Logical Cores - ' . phodevi::read_property('cpu', 'default-frequency') . ' GHz'), 'Motherboard' => array(phodevi::read_property('motherboard', 'identifier'), phodevi::read_property('chipset', 'identifier')), 'Memory' => array(phodevi::read_property('memory', 'identifier'), null), 'Disk' => array(phodevi::read_property('disk', 'identifier'), phodevi::read_property('disk', 'scheduler')), 'Graphics' => array(phodevi::read_property('gpu', 'model'), phodevi::read_property('gpu', 'frequency') . ' - ' . phodevi::read_property('monitor', 'identifier'))); echo '<div style="overflow: hidden; text-align: center; height: inherit; vertical-align: center; margin: auto auto;">'; foreach ($component_modal as $component) { echo '<div class="pts_system_component_bar"><h1>' . $component[0] . '</h1><p>' . $component[1] . '</p></div>'; } echo '</div>'; echo '<div id="large_svg_graphs" style="margin: 10px 0; text-align: center;"></div>'; echo '<div id="system_log_viewer"><select id="log_viewer_selector" onchange="javascript:log_viewer_change(); return true;"></select><div id="system_log_display"></div></div>'; echo '<script text="text/javascript"> pts_web_socket.submit_event("available-system-logs", "available_system_logs", "update_system_log_viewer"); pts_web_socket.submit_event("user-large-svg-system-graphs", "large_svg_graphs", "update_large_svg_graph_space"); setInterval(function(){if(pts_web_socket.is_connected()) { pts_web_socket.send("user-large-svg-system-graphs"); }},1000); </script>'; }
public static function read_sun_ddu_dmi_info($find_objects, $args = null) { // Read Sun's Device Driver Utility for OpenSolaris $values = array(); if (in_array(phodevi::read_property('system', 'kernel-architecture'), array('i686', 'x86_64'))) { $dmi_info = '/usr/ddu/bin/i386/dmi_info'; } else { $dmi_info = '/usr/ddu/bin/sparc/dmi_info'; } if (is_executable($dmi_info) || is_executable($dmi_info = '/usr/ddu/bin/dmi_info')) { $info = shell_exec($dmi_info . ' ' . $args . ' 2>&1'); $lines = explode("\n", $info); $find_objects = pts_arrays::to_array($find_objects); for ($i = 0; $i < count($find_objects) && count($values) == 0; $i++) { $objects = pts_strings::comma_explode($find_objects[$i]); $this_section = null; if (count($objects) == 2) { $section = $objects[0]; $object = $objects[1]; } else { $section = null; $object = $objects[0]; } foreach ($lines as $line) { $line = pts_strings::colon_explode($line); $line_object = isset($line[0]) ? str_replace(' ', null, $line[0]) : null; $this_value = count($line) > 1 ? $line[1] : null; if (empty($this_value) && !empty($section)) { $this_section = $line_object; } if ($line_object == $object && ($this_section == $section || pts_strings::proximity_match($section, $this_section)) && !empty($this_value) && $this_value != 'Unknown') { array_push($values, $this_value); } } } } return $values; }
public static function init() { self::$flags = 0; self::$os_identifier_sha1 = sha1(phodevi::read_property('system', 'vendor-identifier')); self::$is_live_cd = 1 << 1; self::$no_network_communication = 1 << 2; self::$no_openbenchmarking_reporting = 1 << 3; self::$user_agreement_skip = 1 << 4; self::$skip_md5_checks = 1 << 5; self::$remove_test_on_completion = 1 << 6; self::$no_phodevi_cache = 1 << 7; self::$no_external_dependencies = 1 << 8; self::$upload_to_openbenchmarking = 1 << 9; switch (self::$os_identifier_sha1) { case 'b28d6a7148b34595c5b397dfcf5b12ac7932b3dc': // Moscow 2011-04 client self::$flags = self::$is_live_cd | self::$no_network_communication | self::$no_openbenchmarking_reporting | self::$user_agreement_skip | self::$skip_md5_checks | self::$remove_test_on_completion; break; } if (pts_client::read_env('NO_FILE_HASH_CHECKS') != false || pts_client::read_env('NO_MD5_CHECKS') != false) { self::$flags |= self::$skip_md5_checks; } if (pts_config::read_bool_config('PhoronixTestSuite/Options/Testing/RemoveTestInstallOnCompletion', 'FALSE')) { self::$flags |= self::$remove_test_on_completion; } if (pts_config::read_bool_config('PhoronixTestSuite/Options/Testing/AlwaysUploadResultsToOpenBenchmarking', 'FALSE')) { self::$flags |= self::$upload_to_openbenchmarking; } if (pts_client::read_env('NO_PHODEVI_CACHE') != false) { self::$flags |= self::$no_phodevi_cache; } if (pts_client::read_env('NO_EXTERNAL_DEPENDENCIES') != false || pts_client::read_env('SKIP_EXTERNAL_DEPENDENCIES') == 1) { // NO_EXTERNAL_DEPENDENCIES was deprecated in PTS 3.6 and replaced by more versatile SKIP_EXTERNAL_DEPENDENCIES self::$flags |= self::$no_external_dependencies; } }
public static function memory_string() { $mem_string = null; $mem_prefix = null; $mem_size = false; $mem_speed = false; $mem_type = false; $mem_manufacturer = false; $mem_part = false; if (phodevi::is_macosx()) { $mem_size = phodevi_osx_parser::read_osx_system_profiler('SPMemoryDataType', 'Size', true, array('Empty')); $mem_speed = phodevi_osx_parser::read_osx_system_profiler('SPMemoryDataType', 'Speed'); $mem_type = phodevi_osx_parser::read_osx_system_profiler('SPMemoryDataType', 'Type'); } else { if (phodevi::is_solaris()) { $mem_size = phodevi_solaris_parser::read_sun_ddu_dmi_info('MemoryDevice*,InstalledSize'); $mem_speed = phodevi_solaris_parser::read_sun_ddu_dmi_info('MemoryDevice*,Speed'); $mem_type = phodevi_solaris_parser::read_sun_ddu_dmi_info('MemoryDevice*,MemoryDeviceType'); if (is_array($mem_speed) && count($mem_speed) > 0) { $mem_speed = array_shift($mem_speed); } $mem_speed = str_replace('MHZ', 'MHz', $mem_speed); } else { if (phodevi::is_windows()) { $mem_size = phodevi_windows_parser::read_cpuz('DIMM #', 'Size', true); foreach ($mem_size as $key => &$individual_size) { $individual_size = pts_arrays::first_element(explode(' ', $individual_size)); if (!is_numeric($individual_size)) { unset($mem_size[$key]); } } $mem_type = phodevi_windows_parser::read_cpuz('Memory Type', null); $mem_speed = intval(phodevi_windows_parser::read_cpuz('Memory Frequency', null)) . 'MHz'; } else { if (phodevi::is_linux()) { $mem_size = phodevi_linux_parser::read_dmidecode('memory', 'Memory Device', 'Size', false, array('Not Installed', 'No Module Installed', 'Undefined')); $mem_speed = phodevi_linux_parser::read_dmidecode('memory', 'Memory Device', 'Speed', true, array('Unknown', 'Undefined')); $mem_type = phodevi_linux_parser::read_dmidecode('memory', 'Memory Device', 'Type', true, array('Unknown', 'Other', 'Flash', 'Undefined')); $mem_manufacturer = phodevi_linux_parser::read_dmidecode('memory', 'Memory Device', 'Manufacturer', true, array('Unknown', 'Undefined')); $mem_part = phodevi_linux_parser::read_dmidecode('memory', 'Memory Device', 'Part Number', true, array('Unknown', 'Undefined')); } } } } if (is_array($mem_type)) { $mem_type = array_pop($mem_type); } if ($mem_size != false && (!is_array($mem_size) || count($mem_size) != 0)) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($mem_size); $i++) { switch (substr($mem_size[$i], -1)) { case 'K': // looks like sometimes Solaris now reports flash chip as memory. its string ends with K unset($mem_size[$i]); unset($mem_speed[$i]); unset($mem_type[$i]); break; case 'M': // report megabytes as MB, just not M, as on Solaris $mem_size[$i] .= 'B'; break; case 'B': if (strtolower(substr($mem_size[$i], -2, 1)) == 'k') { // some hardware on Linux via dmidecode reports flash chips unset($mem_size[$i]); //unset($mem_speed[$i]); //unset($mem_type[$i]); } break; } } foreach ($mem_size as $i => $mem_stick) { if (!is_numeric(substr($mem_stick, 0, 3)) && stripos($mem_stick, 'GB') == false) { // If the memory size isn't at least three digits (basically 128MB+), chances are something is wrong, i.e. reporting flash chip from dmidecode, so get rid of it. unset($mem_size[$i]); } } $mem_count = count($mem_size); if (!empty($mem_type)) { if (($cut = strpos($mem_type, ' ')) > 0) { $mem_type = substr($mem_type, 0, $cut); } if (!in_array($mem_type, array('Other')) && (pts_strings::keep_in_string($mem_type, pts_strings::CHAR_NUMERIC | pts_strings::CHAR_LETTER) == $mem_type || phodevi::is_windows())) { $mem_prefix = $mem_type; } } else { $mem_prefix = null; } if (!empty($mem_speed)) { if (($cut = strpos($mem_speed, ' (')) > 0) { $mem_speed = substr($mem_speed, 0, $cut); } if (!empty($mem_prefix)) { $mem_prefix .= '-'; } $mem_prefix .= str_replace(' ', null, $mem_speed); } // TODO: Allow a combination of both functions below, so like 2 x 2GB + 3 x 1GB DDR2-800 if ($mem_count > 1 && count(array_unique($mem_size)) > 1) { $mem_string = implode(' + ', $mem_size) . ' ' . $mem_prefix; } else { if ($mem_count * $mem_size[0] != phodevi::read_property('memory', 'capacity') && phodevi::read_property('memory', 'capacity') % $mem_size[0] == 0) { // This makes sure the correct number of RAM modules is reported... // On at least Linux with dmidecode on an AMD Opteron multi-socket setup it's only showing the data for one socket if ($mem_size[0] < 1024) { $mem_size[0] *= 1024; } $mem_count = phodevi::read_property('memory', 'capacity') / $mem_size[0]; } $product_string = null; if (isset($mem_manufacturer[2]) && ctype_alpha($mem_manufacturer[0]) && stripos($mem_manufacturer, 'manufacturer') === false && stripos($mem_manufacturer, 'part') === false && stripos($mem_manufacturer, 'module') === false && stripos($mem_manufacturer, 'dimm') === false && isset($mem_manufacturer[2]) && ctype_alpha($mem_manufacturer)) { $product_string .= ' ' . $mem_manufacturer; } if (isset($mem_part[2]) && stripos($mem_part, 'part') === false && stripos($mem_part, 'module') === false && stripos($mem_part, 'dimm') === false && substr($mem_part, 0, 2) != '0x' && !isset($mem_part[24]) && ctype_alnum($mem_part)) { $product_string .= ' ' . $mem_part; } if (is_numeric($mem_size[0]) && stripos($mem_size[0], 'b') === false) { if ($mem_size >= 1024) { $mem_size[0] .= ' MB'; } else { $mem_size[0] .= ' GB'; } } $mem_string = $mem_count . ' x ' . $mem_size[0] . ' ' . $mem_prefix . $product_string; } } if (empty($mem_string)) { $mem_string = phodevi::read_property('memory', 'capacity'); if ($mem_string != null) { $mem_string .= 'MB'; } } return trim($mem_string); }
public static function run($r) { if (pts_client::create_lock(PTS_USER_PATH . 'phoromatic_server_lock') == false) { trigger_error('The Phoromatic Server is already running.', E_USER_ERROR); return false; } pts_file_io::unlink(getenv('PTS_EXT_LAUNCH_SCRIPT_DIR') . '/phoromatic-server-launcher'); if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 50400) { echo 'Running an unsupported PHP version. PHP 5.4+ is required to use this feature.' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; return false; } if (!function_exists('socket_create_listen')) { echo 'PHP Sockets support is needed to use the Phoromatic Server.' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; return false; } $server_launcher = '#!/bin/sh' . PHP_EOL; $web_port = 0; $remote_access = pts_config::read_user_config('PhoronixTestSuite/Options/Server/RemoteAccessPort', 'RANDOM'); $fp = false; $errno = null; $errstr = null; if ($remote_access == 'RANDOM') { do { if ($fp) { fclose($fp); } $remote_access = rand(8000, 8999); } while (($fp = fsockopen('', $remote_access, $errno, $errstr, 5)) != false); echo 'Port ' . $remote_access . ' chosen as random port for this instance. Change the default port via the Phoronix Test Suite user configuration file.' . PHP_EOL; } $remote_access = is_numeric($remote_access) && $remote_access > 1 ? $remote_access : false; $blocked_ports = array(2049, 3659, 4045, 6000, 9000); if ($remote_access) { // ALLOWING SERVER TO BE REMOTELY ACCESSIBLE $server_ip = ''; if (($fp = fsockopen('', $remote_access, $errno, $errstr, 5)) != false) { fclose($fp); trigger_error('Port ' . $remote_access . ' is already in use by another server process. Close that process or change the Phoronix Test Suite server port via' . pts_config::get_config_file_location() . ' to proceed.', E_USER_ERROR); return false; } else { $web_port = $remote_access; $web_socket_port = pts_config::read_user_config('PhoronixTestSuite/Options/Server/WebSocketPort', ''); while ($web_socket_port == null || !is_numeric($web_socket_port) || ($fp = fsockopen('', $web_socket_port, $errno, $errstr, 5)) != false) { if ($fp) { fclose($fp); } $web_socket_port = rand(8000, 8999); } } } else { echo PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . 'You must first configure the remote web / Phoromatic settings via:' . PHP_EOL . ' ' . pts_config::get_config_file_location() . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . 'The RemoteAccessPort should be a network port to use for HTTP communication while WebSocketPort should be set to another available network port. Set to RANDOM if wishing to use randomly chosen available ports.' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; return false; } if (!extension_loaded('sqlite3')) { echo PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . 'PHP SQLite3 support must first be enabled before accessing the Phoromatic server (e.g. installing the php5-sqlite or php-pdo package depending on the distribution).' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; return false; } // Setup server logger define('PHOROMATIC_SERVER', true); // Just create the logger so now it will flush it out $pts_logger = new pts_logger(); $pts_logger->clear_log(); echo pts_core::program_title(true) . ' starting Phoromatic Server' . PHP_EOL; $pts_logger->log(pts_core::program_title(true) . ' starting Phoromatic Server on ' . pts_network::get_local_ip()); echo 'Phoronix Test Suite User-Data Directory Path: ' . PTS_USER_PATH . PHP_EOL; echo 'Phoronix Test Suite Configuration File: ' . pts_config::get_config_file_location() . PHP_EOL; echo 'Phoromatic Server Log File: ' . $pts_logger->get_log_file_location() . PHP_EOL; $pts_logger->log('PTS_USER_PATH = ' . PTS_USER_PATH); $pts_logger->log('PTS_DOWNLOAD_CACHE_PATH = ' . PTS_DOWNLOAD_CACHE_PATH); $pts_logger->log('XML Configuration File = ' . pts_config::get_config_file_location()); // WebSocket Server Setup $server_launcher .= 'export PTS_WEB_PORT=' . $web_port . PHP_EOL; $server_launcher .= 'export PTS_WEBSOCKET_PORT=' . $web_socket_port . PHP_EOL; $server_launcher .= 'export PTS_WEBSOCKET_SERVER=PHOROMATIC' . PHP_EOL; $server_launcher .= 'export PTS_NO_FLUSH_LOGGER=1' . PHP_EOL; $server_launcher .= 'export PTS_PHOROMATIC_SERVER=1' . PHP_EOL; $server_launcher .= 'export PTS_PHOROMATIC_LOG_LOCATION=' . $pts_logger->get_log_file_location() . PHP_EOL; $server_launcher .= 'cd ' . getenv('PTS_DIR') . ' && PTS_MODE="CLIENT" ' . getenv('PHP_BIN') . ' pts-core/phoronix-test-suite.php start-ws-server &' . PHP_EOL; $server_launcher .= 'websocket_server_pid=$!' . PHP_EOL; $pts_logger->log('Starting WebSocket process on port ' . $web_socket_port); $server_launcher .= 'cd ' . getenv('PTS_DIR') . ' && PTS_MODE="CLIENT" ' . getenv('PHP_BIN') . ' pts-core/phoronix-test-suite.php start-phoromatic-event-server &' . PHP_EOL; $server_launcher .= 'event_server_pid=$!' . PHP_EOL; // HTTP Server Setup if (false && pts_client::executable_in_path('nginx') && is_file('/run/php-fpm/')) { // NGINX $nginx_conf = 'error_log /tmp/error.log; pid /tmp/; worker_processes 1; events { worker_connections 1024; } http { client_body_temp_path /tmp/client_body; fastcgi_temp_path /tmp/fastcgi_temp; proxy_temp_path /tmp/proxy_temp; scgi_temp_path /tmp/scgi_temp; uwsgi_temp_path /tmp/uwsgi_temp; tcp_nopush on; tcp_nodelay on; keepalive_timeout 180; types_hash_max_size 2048; include /etc/nginx/mime.types; index index.php; server { listen ' . $web_port . '; listen [::]:' . $web_port . ' default ipv6only=on; access_log /tmp/access.log; error_log /tmp/error.log; root ' . PTS_CORE_PATH . 'phoromatic/public_html; index index.php; try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php; location / { autoindex on; } location ~ \\.php$ { include /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root/$fastcgi_script_name; fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\\.php)(/.+)$; fastcgi_pass; fastcgi_index index.php; } } }'; $nginx_conf_file = tempnam(PTS_USER_PATH, 'nginx_conf_'); file_put_contents($nginx_conf_file, $nginx_conf); $server_launcher .= 'nginx -c ' . $nginx_conf_file . PHP_EOL . 'rm -f ' . $nginx_conf_file . PHP_EOL; } else { if (($mongoose = pts_client::executable_in_path('mongoose')) && ($php_cgi = pts_client::executable_in_path('php-cgi'))) { // Mongoose Embedded Web Server $server_launcher .= $mongoose . ' -p ' . $web_port . ' -r ' . PTS_CORE_PATH . 'phoromatic/public_html/ -I ' . $php_cgi . ' -i index.php > /dev/null 2>> $PTS_PHOROMATIC_LOG_LOCATION &' . PHP_EOL; //2> /dev/null } else { if (strpos(getenv('PHP_BIN'), 'hhvm')) { echo PHP_EOL . 'Unfortunately, the HHVM built-in web server has abandoned upstream. Users will need to use the PHP binary or other alternatives.' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; return; } else { // PHP Web Server $server_launcher .= getenv('PHP_BIN') . ' -S ' . $server_ip . ':' . $web_port . ' -t ' . PTS_CORE_PATH . 'phoromatic/public_html/ > /dev/null 2>> $PTS_PHOROMATIC_LOG_LOCATION &' . PHP_EOL; //2> /dev/null } } } $server_launcher .= 'http_server_pid=$!' . PHP_EOL; $server_launcher .= 'sleep 1' . PHP_EOL; $server_launcher .= 'echo "The Phoromatic Web Interface Is Accessible At: http://localhost:' . $web_port . '"' . PHP_EOL; $pts_logger->log('Starting HTTP process @ http://localhost:' . $web_port); // Avahi for zeroconf network discovery support if (pts_config::read_user_config('PhoronixTestSuite/Options/Server/AdvertiseServiceZeroConf', 'TRUE')) { if (is_dir('/etc/avahi/services') && is_writable('/etc/avahi/services')) { file_put_contents('/etc/avahi/services/phoromatic-server.service', '<?xml version="1.0" standalone=\'no\'?> <!DOCTYPE service-group SYSTEM "avahi-service.dtd"> <service-group> <name replace-wildcards="yes">phoromatic-server-%h</name> <service> <type>_http._tcp</type> <port>' . $web_port . '</port> </service> </service-group>'); } else { if (pts_client::executable_in_path('avahi-publish')) { $hostname = phodevi::read_property('system', 'hostname'); $hostname = $hostname == null ? rand(0, 99) : $hostname; $server_launcher .= 'avahi-publish -s phoromatic-server-' . $hostname . ' _http._tcp ' . $web_port . ' "Phoronix Test Suite Phoromatic" > /dev/null 2> /dev/null &' . PHP_EOL; $server_launcher .= 'avahi_publish_pid=$!' . PHP_EOL; } } } // Wait for input to shutdown process.. if (!PTS_IS_DAEMONIZED_SERVER_PROCESS) { $server_launcher .= PHP_EOL . 'echo -n "Press [ENTER] to kill server..."' . PHP_EOL; $server_launcher .= PHP_EOL . 'read var_name'; } else { $server_launcher .= PHP_EOL . 'while [ ! -f "/var/lib/phoronix-test-suite/end-phoromatic-server" ];'; $server_launcher .= PHP_EOL . 'do'; $server_launcher .= PHP_EOL . 'sleep 1'; $server_launcher .= PHP_EOL . 'done'; $server_launcher .= PHP_EOL . 'rm -f /var/lib/phoronix-test-suite/end-phoromatic-server' . PHP_EOL; } // Shutdown / Kill Servers $server_launcher .= PHP_EOL . 'kill $http_server_pid'; $server_launcher .= PHP_EOL . 'kill $websocket_server_pid'; $server_launcher .= PHP_EOL . 'kill $event_server_pid'; if (is_writable('/etc/avahi/services') && is_file('/etc/avahi/services/phoromatic-server.service')) { $server_launcher .= PHP_EOL . 'rm -f /etc/avahi/services/phoromatic-server.service'; } else { $server_launcher .= PHP_EOL . 'kill $avahi_publish_pid'; } $server_launcher .= PHP_EOL . 'rm -f ~/.phoronix-test-suite/run-lock*'; file_put_contents(getenv('PTS_EXT_LAUNCH_SCRIPT_DIR') . '/phoromatic-server-launcher', $server_launcher); }
public static function test_profile_system_compatibility_check(&$test_profile, $report_errors = false) { $valid_test_profile = true; $test_type = $test_profile->get_test_hardware_type(); $skip_tests = pts_client::read_env('SKIP_TESTS') ? pts_strings::comma_explode(pts_client::read_env('SKIP_TESTS')) : false; $skip_test_subsystems = pts_client::read_env('SKIP_TESTING_SUBSYSTEMS') ? pts_strings::comma_explode(strtolower(pts_client::read_env('SKIP_TESTING_SUBSYSTEMS'))) : false; $display_driver = phodevi::read_property('system', 'display-driver'); $gpu = phodevi::read_name('gpu'); if ($test_profile->is_supported(false) == false) { $valid_test_profile = false; } else { if ($test_type == 'Graphics' && pts_client::read_env('DISPLAY') == false && pts_client::read_env('WAYLAND_DISPLAY') == false && phodevi::is_windows() == false && phodevi::is_macosx() == false) { $report_errors && pts_client::$display->test_run_error('No display server was found, cannot run ' . $test_profile); $valid_test_profile = false; } else { if ($test_type == 'Graphics' && in_array($display_driver, array('vesa', 'nv', 'cirrus')) && stripos($gpu, 'LLVM') === false) { // These display drivers end up being in known configurations without 3D hardware support so unless an LLVM-based string is reported as the GPU, don't advertise 3D tests $report_errors && pts_client::$display->test_run_error('3D acceleration support not available, cannot run ' . $test_profile); $valid_test_profile = false; } else { if ($test_type == 'Disk' && stripos(phodevi::read_property('system', 'filesystem'), 'SquashFS') !== false) { $report_errors && pts_client::$display->test_run_error('Running on a RAM-based live file-system, cannot run ' . $test_profile); $valid_test_profile = false; } else { if (pts_client::read_env('NO_' . strtoupper($test_type) . '_TESTS') || $skip_tests && (in_array($test_profile, $skip_tests) || in_array($test_type, $skip_tests) || in_array($test_profile->get_identifier(false), $skip_tests) || in_array($test_profile->get_identifier_base_name(), $skip_tests))) { $report_errors && pts_client::$display->test_run_error('Due to a pre-set environmental variable, skipping ' . $test_profile); $valid_test_profile = false; } else { if ($skip_test_subsystems && in_array(strtolower($test_profile->get_test_hardware_type()), $skip_test_subsystems)) { $report_errors && pts_client::$display->test_run_error('Due to a pre-set environmental variable, skipping ' . $test_profile); $valid_test_profile = false; } else { if ($test_profile->is_root_required() && $this->batch_mode && phodevi::is_root() == false) { $report_errors && pts_client::$display->test_run_error('Cannot run ' . $test_profile . ' in batch mode as root access is required.'); $valid_test_profile = false; } } } } } } } if ($valid_test_profile == false && pts_client::read_env('SKIP_ALL_TEST_SUPPORT_CHECKS')) { $report_errors && pts_client::$display->test_run_error('SKIP_ALL_TEST_SUPPORT_CHECKS is set for ' . $test_profile . '.'); $valid_test_profile = true; } return $valid_test_profile; }
public static function run($r) { pts_openbenchmarking::refresh_repository_lists(); pts_client::$display->generic_heading('Interactive Benchmarking'); echo 'System Hardware:' . PHP_EOL . phodevi::system_hardware(true) . (phodevi::read_property('motherboard', 'serial-number') != null ? PHP_EOL . 'System Serial Number: ' . phodevi::read_property('motherboard', 'serial-number') : null) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; $reboot_on_exit = false; do { $options = array('RUN_TEST' => 'Run A Test', 'RUN_SUITE' => 'Run A Suite [A Collection Of Tests]', 'RUN_SYSTEM_TEST' => 'Run Complex System Test', 'SHOW_INFO' => 'Show System Hardware / Software Information', 'SHOW_SENSORS' => 'Show Auto-Detected System Sensors', 'SET_RUN_COUNT' => 'Set Test Run Repetition'); if (count(pts_client::saved_test_results()) > 0) { $options['BACKUP_RESULTS_TO_USB'] = 'Backup Results To Media Storage'; } $options['EXIT'] = $reboot_on_exit ? 'Exit & Reboot' : 'Exit'; $response = pts_user_io::prompt_text_menu('Select Task', $options, false, true); switch ($response) { case 'RUN_TEST': $supported_tests = pts_openbenchmarking::available_tests(); $supported_tests = pts_types::identifiers_to_test_profile_objects($supported_tests, false, true); $longest_title_length = 0; foreach ($supported_tests as $i => &$test_profile) { if ($test_profile->get_title() == null) { unset($supported_tests[$i]); continue; } $longest_title_length = max($longest_title_length, strlen($test_profile->get_title())); } $t = array(); foreach ($supported_tests as $i => &$test_profile) { if ($test_profile instanceof pts_test_profile) { $t[$test_profile->get_identifier()] = sprintf('%-' . ($longest_title_length + 1) . 'ls - %-10ls', $test_profile->get_title(), $test_profile->get_test_hardware_type()); } } $supported_tests = $t; asort($supported_tests); $tests_to_run = pts_user_io::prompt_text_menu('Select Test', $supported_tests, true, true); $tests_to_run = explode(',', $tests_to_run); pts_test_installer::standard_install($tests_to_run); $run_manager = new pts_test_run_manager(false, 2); $run_manager->standard_run($tests_to_run); if ($run_manager != false) { pts_client::display_web_page(PTS_SAVE_RESULTS_PATH . $run_manager->get_file_name() . '/index.html', null, true, true); } break; case 'RUN_SUITE': $possible_suites = pts_openbenchmarking::available_suites(); foreach (array_map('strtolower', pts_types::subsystem_targets()) as $subsystem) { array_push($possible_suites, 'pts/' . $subsystem); } $suites_to_run = pts_user_io::prompt_text_menu('Select Suite', $possible_suites, true); foreach (explode(',', $suites_to_run) as $suite_to_run) { pts_test_installer::standard_install($suite_to_run); $run_manager = new pts_test_run_manager(false, 2); $run_manager->standard_run($suite_to_run); } break; case 'SELECT_DRIVE_MOUNT': self::select_drive_mount(); break; case 'RUN_SYSTEM_TEST': pts_client::$display->generic_heading('System Test'); $system_tests = array('apache', 'c-ray', 'ramspeed', 'postmark'); pts_test_installer::standard_install($system_tests); $run_manager = new pts_test_run_manager(false, 2); $run_manager->standard_run($system_tests); if ($run_manager != false) { pts_client::display_web_page(PTS_SAVE_RESULTS_PATH . $run_manager->get_file_name() . '/index.html', null, true, true); } break; case 'SHOW_INFO': pts_client::$display->generic_heading('System Software / Hardware Information'); echo 'Hardware:' . PHP_EOL . phodevi::system_hardware(true) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; echo 'Software:' . PHP_EOL . phodevi::system_software(true) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; break; case 'SHOW_SENSORS': pts_client::$display->generic_heading('Detected System Sensors'); foreach (phodevi::supported_sensors() as $sensor) { echo phodevi::sensor_name($sensor) . ': ' . phodevi::read_sensor($sensor) . ' ' . phodevi::read_sensor_unit($sensor) . PHP_EOL; } break; case 'SET_RUN_COUNT': $run_count = pts_user_io::prompt_user_input('Set the minimum number of times each test should repeat', false); putenv('FORCE_TIMES_TO_RUN=' . trim($run_count)); break; case 'BACKUP_RESULTS_TO_USB': pts_client::$display->generic_heading('Backing Up Test Results'); foreach (pts_file_io::glob('/media/*') as $media_dir) { if (!is_writable($media_dir)) { echo PHP_EOL . $media_dir . ' is not writable.' . PHP_EOL; continue; } echo PHP_EOL . 'Writing Test Results To: ' . $media_dir . PHP_EOL; pts_file_io::copy(PTS_SAVE_RESULTS_PATH, $media_dir . '/'); break; } break; } echo PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; } while ($response != 'EXIT'); if ($reboot_on_exit) { if (is_dir('/media/pts-auto-mount')) { pts_file_io::delete('/media/pts-auto-mount/pts', null, true); exec('umount /media/pts-auto-mount 2>&1'); } exec('reboot'); } }
public static function sw_display_driver($with_version = true) { if (phodevi::is_windows()) { return null; } $display_driver = phodevi::read_property('system', 'dri-display-driver'); if (empty($display_driver)) { if (phodevi::is_ati_graphics() && phodevi::is_linux()) { $display_driver = 'fglrx'; } else { if (phodevi::is_nvidia_graphics() || is_file('/proc/driver/nvidia/version')) { $display_driver = 'nvidia'; } else { if ((phodevi::is_mesa_graphics() || phodevi::is_bsd()) && stripos(phodevi::read_property('gpu', 'model'), 'NVIDIA') !== false) { if (is_file('/sys/class/drm/version')) { // If there's DRM loaded and NVIDIA, it should be Nouveau $display_driver = 'nouveau'; } else { // The dead xf86-video-nv doesn't use any DRM $display_driver = 'nv'; } } else { // Fallback to hopefully detect the module, takes the first word off the GPU string and sees if it is the module // This works in at least the case of the Cirrus driver $display_driver = strtolower(pts_strings::first_in_string(phodevi::read_property('gpu', 'model'))); } } } } if (!empty($display_driver)) { $driver_version = phodevi_parser::read_xorg_module_version($display_driver . '_drv'); if ($driver_version == false || $driver_version == '1.0.0') { switch ($display_driver) { case 'amd': // See if it's radeon driver $driver_version = phodevi_parser::read_xorg_module_version('radeon_drv'); if ($driver_version != false) { $display_driver = 'radeon'; } break; case 'vmwgfx': // See if it's VMware driver $driver_version = phodevi_parser::read_xorg_module_version('vmware_drv'); if ($driver_version != false) { $display_driver = 'vmware'; } break; case 'radeon': // RadeonHD driver also reports DRI driver as 'radeon', so try reading that instead $driver_version = phodevi_parser::read_xorg_module_version('radeonhd_drv'); if ($driver_version != false) { $display_driver = 'radeonhd'; } break; case 'nvidia': case 'NVIDIA': case 'nouveau': // NVIDIA's binary driver usually ends up reporting 1.0.0 if ($nvs_value = phodevi_parser::read_nvidia_extension('NvidiaDriverVersion')) { $display_driver = 'NVIDIA'; $driver_version = $nvs_value; } else { // NVIDIA's binary driver appends their driver version on the end of the OpenGL version string $glxinfo = phodevi_parser::software_glxinfo_version(); if (($pos = strpos($glxinfo, 'NVIDIA ')) != false) { $display_driver = 'NVIDIA'; $driver_version = substr($glxinfo, $pos + 7); } } break; default: if (is_readable('/sys/class/graphics/fb0/name')) { // This path works for at least finding NVIDIA Tegra 2 DDX (via tegra_fb) $display_driver = file_get_contents('/sys/class/graphics/fb0/name'); $display_driver = str_replace(array('drm', '_fb'), null, $display_driver); $driver_version = phodevi_parser::read_xorg_module_version($display_driver . '_drv'); } break; } } if ($driver_version == false) { // If the version is empty, chances are the DDX driver string is incorrect $display_driver = null; // See if the VESA or fbdev driver is in use foreach (array('modesetting', 'fbdev', 'vesa') as $drv) { $drv_version = phodevi_parser::read_xorg_module_version($drv . '_drv'); if ($drv_version) { $display_driver = $drv; $driver_version = $drv_version; break; } } } if (!empty($driver_version) && $with_version && $driver_version != '0.0.0') { $display_driver .= ' ' . $driver_version; // XXX: The below check is disabled since the Catalyst Version no longer seems reliably reported (circa Catalyst 13.x) if (false && phodevi::is_ati_graphics() && strpos($display_driver, 'fglrx') !== false) { $catalyst_version = phodevi_linux_parser::read_amd_pcsdb('AMDPCSROOT/SYSTEM/LDC,Catalyst_Version'); if ($catalyst_version != null && $catalyst_version > 10.1 && $catalyst_version != 10.5 && $catalyst_version != 11.8) { // This option was introduced around Catalyst 10.5 but seems to not be updated properly until Catalyst 10.11/10.12 $display_driver .= ' Catalyst ' . $catalyst_version . ''; } } } } return $display_driver; }
public static function render_page_process($PATH) { $COMPONENT = trim(str_replace('%20', ' ', $PATH[0])); switch ($COMPONENT) { case 'CPU': $model = phodevi::read_property('cpu', 'model'); $ob_type = 'Processor'; $sensor_flag = 'all.cpu'; $cpu_flags = phodevi_cpu::get_cpu_flags(); $features = array(array('Frequency', phodevi::read_property('cpu', 'mhz-default-frequency') . ' MHz'), array('Core Count', phodevi_cpu::cpuinfo_core_count()), array('Thread Count', phodevi_cpu::cpuinfo_thread_count()), array('Cache Size', phodevi_cpu::cpuinfo_cache_size() . ' KB'), array('Instruction Set Extensions', phodevi_cpu::instruction_set_extensions()), array('AES Encryption', $cpu_flags & phodevi_cpu::get_cpu_feature_constant('aes') ? 'YES' : 'NO'), array('Energy Performance Bias', $cpu_flags & phodevi_cpu::get_cpu_feature_constant('epb') ? 'YES' : 'NO'), array('Virtualization', phodevi_cpu::virtualization_technology() ? phodevi_cpu::virtualization_technology() : 'NO'), array('Scaling Governor', phodevi::read_property('cpu', 'scaling-governor'))); $software_features = array(); break; case 'GPU': $model = phodevi::read_property('gpu', 'model'); $ob_type = 'Graphics'; $sensor_flag = 'all.gpu'; $features = array(array('Frequency', implode(' / ', phodevi::read_property('gpu', 'stock-frequency')) . ' MHz'), array('vRAM Capacity', phodevi::read_property('gpu', 'memory-capacity') . ' MB'), array('Compute Cores', phodevi::read_property('gpu', 'compute-cores')), array('Screen Resolution', phodevi::read_property('gpu', 'screen-resolution-string')), array('2D Acceleration', phodevi::read_property('gpu', '2d-acceleration'))); $software_features = array(array('Video Driver', phodevi::read_property('system', 'display-driver-string')), array('OpenGL Driver', phodevi::read_property('system', 'opengl-driver')), array('Kernel', phodevi::read_property('system', 'kernel')), array('Video Drivers', phodevi::read_property('system', 'display-driver-string')), array('Display Server', phodevi::read_property('system', 'display-server'))); break; case 'Motherboard': $model = phodevi::read_property('motherboard', 'identifier'); $ob_type = 'System'; $sensor_flag = 'all.sys'; $features = array(array('Chipset', phodevi::read_property('chipset', 'identifier')), array('Serial Number', phodevi::read_property('motherboard', 'serial-number')), array('Network', phodevi::read_property('network', 'identifier')), array('Audio', phodevi::read_property('audio', 'identifier'))); $software_features = array(); break; case 'Disk': $model = phodevi::read_property('disk', 'identifier'); $ob_type = 'Disk'; $sensor_flag = 'all.hdd'; $mo = phodevi::read_property('disk', 'mount-options'); $mo = isset($mo['mount-options']) ? $mo['mount-options'] : null; $features = array(array('I/O Scheduler', phodevi::read_property('disk', 'scheduler')), array('Mount Options', $mo), array('File-System', phodevi::read_property('system', 'filesystem'))); $software_features = array(); break; case 'Memory': $model = phodevi::read_property('memory', 'identifier'); $ob_type = 'Memory'; $sensor_flag = 'all.memory'; $features = array(); $software_features = array(); break; case 'Software': $model = phodevi::read_property('system', 'operating-system'); $ob_type = ''; $sensor_flag = 'all.sys'; $features = array(array('Kernel', phodevi::read_property('system', 'kernel-string')), array('Compiler', phodevi::read_property('system', 'compiler')), array('Desktop', phodevi::read_property('system', 'desktop-environment')), array('Display Server', phodevi::read_property('system', 'display-server')), array('Display Driver', phodevi::read_property('system', 'display-driver-string')), array('OpenGL Driver', phodevi::read_property('system', 'opengl-driver')), array('File-System', phodevi::read_property('system', 'filesystem')), array('System Layer', phodevi::read_property('system', 'system-layer'))); $software_features = array(array('Kernel Parameters', phodevi::read_property('system', 'kernel-parameters')), array('Hostname', phodevi::read_property('system', 'hostname')), array('Local IP Address', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])); break; } echo '<h1>' . $model . '</h1>'; echo '<div id="pts_side_pane" style="max-width: 30%;">'; if (!empty($features)) { echo '<h2>' . $COMPONENT . ' Features</h2>'; echo '<ul>'; foreach ($features as $feature) { if (isset($feature[1])) { $feature[0] .= ':'; if ($feature[1] == null) { $feature[1] = 'N/A'; } } $feature[0] = '<strong>' . $feature[0] . '</strong>'; echo '<li>' . implode(' ', $feature) . '</li>' . PHP_EOL; } echo '</ul>'; echo '<hr />'; } if (!empty($software_features)) { echo '<h2>' . $COMPONENT . ' Software Features</h2>'; echo '<ul>'; foreach ($software_features as $feature) { if (isset($feature[1])) { $feature[0] .= ':'; if ($feature[1] == null) { $feature[1] = 'N/A'; } } $feature[0] = '<strong>' . $feature[0] . '</strong>'; echo '<li>' . implode(' ', $feature) . '</li>' . PHP_EOL; } echo '</ul>'; echo '<hr />'; } echo '<div class="pts_pane_window">Log-in to to gain access to more functionality.</div>'; echo '</div>'; echo '<div id="svg_graphs" style="margin: 10px 0; text-align: right;"></div>'; echo '<div id="tests_by_popularity" style="margin: 10px 0; text-align: left;"></div>'; echo '<div id="system_log_viewer"><select id="log_viewer_selector" onchange="javascript:log_viewer_change(); return true;"></select><div id="system_log_display"></div></div>'; echo '<script text="text/javascript"> pts_web_socket.submit_event("user-svg-system-graphs ' . $sensor_flag . '", "svg_graphs", "update_svg_graph_space"); pts_web_socket.submit_event("available-system-logs System ' . $COMPONENT . '", "available_system_logs", "update_system_log_viewer"); pts_web_socket.submit_event("tests-by-popularity 6 ' . $ob_type . '", "tests_by_popularity", "tests_by_popularity_display"); setInterval(function(){if(pts_web_socket.is_connected()) { pts_web_socket.send("user-svg-system-graphs ' . $sensor_flag . '"); }},1000); </script>'; }
public static function run($r) { $is_moscow = pts_flags::os_identifier_hash() == 'b28d6a7148b34595c5b397dfcf5b12ac7932b3dc'; if ($is_moscow) { // Auto mount? $drives = pts_file_io::glob('/dev/sda*'); sort($drives); if (false && count($drives) > 0 && !is_dir('/media/pts-auto-mount') && is_writable('/media/')) { $last_drive = array_pop($drives); echo PHP_EOL . 'Attempting to auto-mount drive: ' . $last_drive . PHP_EOL; mkdir('/media/pts-auto-mount'); exec('mount ' . $last_drive . ' /media/pts-auto-mount'); putenv('PTS_TEST_INSTALL_ROOT_PATH=/media/pts-auto-mount/'); } // Auto save results $test_results_name = phodevi::read_property('motherboard', 'serial-number'); if ($test_results_name == null) { $test_results_name = phodevi::read_name('motherboard'); } if ($test_results_name == null) { $test_results_name = phodevi::read_property('system', 'vendor-identifier'); } putenv('TEST_RESULTS_NAME=' . str_replace(' ', null, $test_results_name)); putenv('TEST_RESULTS_IDENTIFIER=' . $test_results_name); putenv('TEST_RESULTS_DESCRIPTION=Tests using ' . phodevi::read_property('system', 'operating-system') . ' on ' . date('d F Y') . ' of ' . $test_results_name . '.'); self::select_drive_mount(); } pts_openbenchmarking::refresh_repository_lists(); pts_client::$display->generic_heading('Interactive Benchmarking'); echo 'System Hardware:' . PHP_EOL . phodevi::system_hardware(true) . (phodevi::read_property('motherboard', 'serial-number') != null ? PHP_EOL . 'System Serial Number: ' . phodevi::read_property('motherboard', 'serial-number') : null) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; $reboot_on_exit = pts_flags::is_live_cd() && pts_client::user_home_directory() == '/root/'; do { $options = array('RUN_TEST' => 'Run A Test', 'RUN_SUITE' => 'Run A Suite [A Collection Of Tests]', 'RUN_SYSTEM_TEST' => 'Run Complex System Test', 'SHOW_INFO' => 'Show System Hardware / Software Information', 'SHOW_SENSORS' => 'Show Auto-Detected System Sensors', 'SET_RUN_COUNT' => 'Set Test Run Repetition'); if ($is_moscow) { unset($options['RUN_SUITE']); // $options['SELECT_DRIVE_MOUNT'] = 'Select Disk Drive To Use For Testing'; } if (count(pts_client::saved_test_results()) > 0) { $options['BACKUP_RESULTS_TO_USB'] = 'Backup Results To Media Storage'; } $options['EXIT'] = $reboot_on_exit ? 'Exit & Reboot' : 'Exit'; $response = pts_user_io::prompt_text_menu('Select Task', $options, false, true); switch ($response) { case 'RUN_TEST': $supported_tests = pts_openbenchmarking::available_tests(); $supported_tests = pts_types::identifiers_to_test_profile_objects($supported_tests, false, true); $longest_title_length = 0; foreach ($supported_tests as $i => &$test_profile) { if ($test_profile->get_title() == null || pts_test_run_manager::test_profile_system_compatibility_check($test_profile) == false) { unset($supported_tests[$i]); continue; } if ($is_moscow && pts_test_install_request::test_files_available_locally($test_profile) == false) { // Don't show tests where files need to be downloaded unset($supported_tests[$i]); continue; } $longest_title_length = max($longest_title_length, strlen($test_profile->get_title())); } $t = array(); foreach ($supported_tests as $i => &$test_profile) { if ($test_profile instanceof pts_test_profile) { $t[$test_profile->get_identifier()] = sprintf('%-' . ($longest_title_length + 1) . 'ls - %-10ls', $test_profile->get_title(), $test_profile->get_test_hardware_type()); } } $supported_tests = $t; asort($supported_tests); $tests_to_run = pts_user_io::prompt_text_menu('Select Test', $supported_tests, true, true); $tests_to_run = explode(',', $tests_to_run); pts_test_installer::standard_install($tests_to_run); $run_manager = pts_test_run_manager::standard_run($tests_to_run, pts_c::defaults_mode | pts_c::auto_mode); if ($run_manager != false) { pts_client::display_web_page(PTS_SAVE_RESULTS_PATH . $run_manager->get_file_name() . '/index.html', null, true, true); } break; case 'RUN_SUITE': $possible_suites = pts_openbenchmarking::available_suites(); foreach (array_map('strtolower', pts_types::subsystem_targets()) as $subsystem) { array_push($possible_suites, 'pts/' . $subsystem); } $suites_to_run = pts_user_io::prompt_text_menu('Select Suite', $possible_suites, true); foreach (explode(',', $suites_to_run) as $suite_to_run) { pts_test_installer::standard_install($suite_to_run); pts_test_run_manager::standard_run($suite_to_run, pts_c::defaults_mode | pts_c::auto_mode); } break; case 'SELECT_DRIVE_MOUNT': self::select_drive_mount(); break; case 'RUN_SYSTEM_TEST': pts_client::$display->generic_heading('System Test'); $system_tests = array('apache', 'c-ray', 'ramspeed', 'postmark'); pts_test_installer::standard_install($system_tests); $run_manager = pts_test_run_manager::standard_run($system_tests, pts_c::defaults_mode | pts_c::auto_mode); if ($run_manager != false) { pts_client::display_web_page(PTS_SAVE_RESULTS_PATH . $run_manager->get_file_name() . '/index.html', null, true, true); } break; case 'SHOW_INFO': pts_client::$display->generic_heading('System Software / Hardware Information'); echo 'Hardware:' . PHP_EOL . phodevi::system_hardware(true) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; echo 'Software:' . PHP_EOL . phodevi::system_software(true) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; break; case 'SHOW_SENSORS': pts_client::$display->generic_heading('Detected System Sensors'); foreach (phodevi::supported_sensors() as $sensor) { echo phodevi::sensor_name($sensor) . ': ' . phodevi::read_sensor($sensor) . ' ' . phodevi::read_sensor_unit($sensor) . PHP_EOL; } break; case 'SET_RUN_COUNT': $run_count = pts_user_io::prompt_user_input('Set the minimum number of times each test should repeat', false); putenv('FORCE_TIMES_TO_RUN=' . trim($run_count)); break; case 'BACKUP_RESULTS_TO_USB': pts_client::$display->generic_heading('Backing Up Test Results'); if ($is_moscow) { $drives = pts_file_io::glob('/dev/sd*'); sort($drives); if (count($drives) > 0 && is_writable('/media/')) { $select_drive = pts_user_io::prompt_text_menu('Select Drive / Partition To Save Results', $drives); echo PHP_EOL . 'Attempting to mount: ' . $select_drive . PHP_EOL; mkdir('/media/00-results-backup'); exec('mount ' . $select_drive . ' /media/00-results-backup'); } } foreach (pts_file_io::glob('/media/*') as $media_dir) { if (!is_writable($media_dir)) { echo PHP_EOL . $media_dir . ' is not writable.' . PHP_EOL; continue; } echo PHP_EOL . 'Writing Test Results To: ' . $media_dir . PHP_EOL; pts_file_io::copy(PTS_SAVE_RESULTS_PATH, $media_dir . '/'); break; } if ($is_moscow && is_dir('/media/00-results-backup')) { exec('umount /media/00-results-backup'); rmdir('/media/00-results-backup'); } break; } echo PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; } while ($response != 'EXIT'); if ($reboot_on_exit) { if (is_dir('/media/pts-auto-mount')) { pts_file_io::delete('/media/pts-auto-mount/pts', null, true); exec('umount /media/pts-auto-mount 2>&1'); } exec('reboot'); } }
private static function vendor_identifier($type) { $os_vendor = phodevi::read_property('system', 'vendor-identifier'); switch ($type) { case 'package-list': $file_check_success = is_file(PTS_EXDEP_PATH . 'xml/' . $os_vendor . '-packages.xml'); break; case 'installer': $file_check_success = is_file(PTS_EXDEP_PATH . 'scripts/install-' . $os_vendor . ''); break; } if ($file_check_success == false) { // Check the aliases to figure out the upstream distribution $os_vendor = false; $exdep_generic_parser = new pts_exdep_generic_parser(); foreach ($exdep_generic_parser->get_vendors_list() as $this_vendor) { $exdep_platform_parser = new pts_exdep_platform_parser($this_vendor); $aliases = $exdep_platform_parser->get_aliases(); if (in_array($os_vendor, $aliases)) { $os_vendor = $this_vendor; break; } } if ($os_vendor == false) { // Attempt to match the current operating system by seeing what package manager matches foreach ($exdep_generic_parser->get_vendors_list() as $this_vendor) { $exdep_platform_parser = new pts_exdep_platform_parser($this_vendor); $package_manager = $exdep_platform_parser->get_package_manager(); if ($package_manager != null && pts_client::executable_in_path($package_manager)) { $os_vendor = $this_vendor; break; } } } } return $os_vendor; }
public static function render_page_process($PATH) { echo '<div style="background: #CCC; padding: 10px; margin: 10px 20px;">Thanks for trying out the Phoronix Test Suite GUI. With Phoronix Test Suite 5.0 the GUI is still considered in an <strong>experimental / tech preview state</strong>. The GUI should be more end-user friendly and reach feature parity with the command-line interface in forthcoming releases. Your feedback is appreciated on the GUI while the command-line interface continues to be our primary focus along with remotely-managed enterprise features like <a href="">Phoromatic</a> and <a href=""></a>. <a href="/early">Read more details on the GUI</a>.</div>'; echo '<h1>' . pts_core::program_title(false) . '</h1>'; echo '<div id="pts_side_pane">'; $hw_component_modal = array('CPU' => phodevi::read_property('cpu', 'model'), 'Motherboard' => phodevi::read_property('motherboard', 'identifier'), 'Memory' => phodevi::read_property('memory', 'identifier'), 'Disk' => phodevi::read_property('disk', 'identifier'), 'GPU' => phodevi::read_property('gpu', 'model')); echo '<ul>'; foreach ($hw_component_modal as $type => $component) { echo '<a href="/?component/' . $type . '"><li>' . $component . '</li></a>'; } echo '</ul>'; echo '<hr />'; $sw_component_modal = array(1 => phodevi::read_property('system', 'operating-system'), 2 => phodevi::read_property('system', 'kernel-string'), 3 => phodevi::read_property('system', 'display-driver-string'), 4 => phodevi::read_property('system', 'opengl-driver'), 5 => phodevi::read_property('system', 'compiler')); echo '<ul>'; foreach ($sw_component_modal as $type => $component) { echo '<a href="/?component/Software"><li>' . $component . '</li></a>'; } echo '</ul>'; echo '<div class="pts_pane_window"><strong></strong><br />Log-in to gain access to additional features.</div>'; echo '<ul>'; echo '<a href="/?settings"><li>Software Settings</li></a>'; echo '<a href="/?about"><li>About The Phoronix Test Suite</li></a>'; echo '</ul>'; echo '</div>'; echo '<div id="pts_search_bar">'; echo 'SEARCH: <input type="text" size="30" id="pts_search" name="search" onkeydown="if(event.keyCode == 13) { if(document.getElementById(\'pts_search\').value.length < 3) { alert(\'Please enter a longer search query.\'); return false; } else { window.location.href = \'/?search/\' + document.getElementById(\'pts_search\').value; } return false; }" />'; echo '</div>'; // Graphs echo '<div id="svg_graphs" style="margin: 10px 0; text-align: right;"></div>'; echo '<div style="overflow: hidden;">'; echo '<div class="pts_list_box">'; $results = pts_tests::test_results_by_date(); $result_count = count($results); $results = array_slice($results, 0, 10, true); echo '<ol>'; echo '<li><u>Recent Benchmark Results</u></li>'; foreach ($results as $result) { $result_file = new pts_result_file($result); echo '<a href="?result/' . $result . '"><li>' . $result_file->get_title() . '</li></a>'; } echo '<a href="?results"><li><strong>' . $result_count . ' Results Saved</strong></li></a>'; echo '</ol>'; echo '</div>'; echo '<div class="pts_list_box">'; $tests = pts_openbenchmarking_client::recently_updated_tests(10); echo '<ol>'; echo '<li><u>Recently Updated Tests</u></li>'; foreach ($tests as $test) { $test_profile = new pts_test_profile($test); echo '<a href="?test/' . $test . '"><li>' . $test_profile->get_title() . '</li></a>'; } echo '<a href="?tests"><li><strong>' . pts_openbenchmarking_client::tests_available() . ' Tests Available</strong></li></a>'; echo '</ol>'; echo '</div>'; echo '<div class="pts_list_box">'; $tests = pts_openbenchmarking_client::popular_tests(10); echo '<ol>'; echo '<li><u>Most Popular Tests</u></li>'; foreach ($tests as $test) { $test_profile = new pts_test_profile($test); echo '<a href="?test/' . $test . '"><li>' . $test_profile->get_title() . '</li></a>'; } echo '<a href="?tests"><li><strong>' . pts_openbenchmarking_client::tests_available() . ' Tests Available</strong></li></a>'; echo '</ol>'; echo '</div>'; echo '</div>'; echo '<script text="text/javascript"> pts_web_socket.add_onopen_event("user-svg-system-graphs"); setInterval(function(){if(pts_web_socket.is_connected()) { pts_web_socket.send("user-svg-system-graphs"); }},1000); pts_web_socket.add_onmessage_event("svg_graphs", "update_svg_graph_space"); </script>'; }
public static function __startup() { $halt_screensaver = pts_module::read_variable('HALT_SCREENSAVER'); if (!empty($halt_screensaver) && !pts_strings::string_bool($halt_screensaver) || phodevi::read_property('system', 'display-server') == null) { return pts_module::MODULE_UNLOAD; } if (phodevi::is_macosx()) { // Right now there doesn't appear to be a better way to disable OS X screensaver automatically... return pts_module::MODULE_UNLOAD; } // GNOME Screensaver? if (($gt = pts_client::executable_in_path('gconftool')) != false || ($gt = pts_client::executable_in_path('gconftool-2')) != false) { self::$gnome_gconftool = $gt; } if (self::$gnome_gconftool != false) { $is_gnome_screensaver_enabled = trim(shell_exec(self::$gnome_gconftool . ' -g /apps/gnome-screensaver/idle_activation_enabled 2>&1')); if ($is_gnome_screensaver_enabled == 'true') { // Stop the GNOME Screensaver shell_exec(self::$gnome_gconftool . ' --type bool --set /apps/gnome-screensaver/idle_activation_enabled false 2>&1'); self::$gnome2_screensaver_halted = true; } $sleep_display_ac = trim(shell_exec(self::$gnome_gconftool . ' -g /apps/gnome-power-manager/timeout/sleep_display_ac 2>&1')); if ($sleep_display_ac != 0) { // Don't sleep the display when on AC power shell_exec(self::$gnome_gconftool . ' --type int --set /apps/gnome-power-manager/timeout/sleep_display_ac 0 2>&1'); self::$sleep_display_ac = $sleep_display_ac; } } if (pts_client::executable_in_path('qdbus')) { // KDE Screensaver? $is_kde_screensaver_enabled = trim(shell_exec('qdbus org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver /ScreenSaver org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver.GetActive 2>&1')); if ($is_kde_screensaver_enabled == 'true') { // Stop the KDE Screensaver shell_exec('qdbus org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver /ScreenSaver SimulateUserActivity 2>&1'); self::$kde_screensaver_halted = true; } } if (self::$gnome2_screensaver_halted == false && pts_client::executable_in_path('gsettings')) { // GNOME 3.x Screensaver? $is_gnome3_screensaver_enabled = trim(shell_exec('gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.session idle-delay 2>&1')); if (stripos($is_gnome3_screensaver_enabled, 'no such key') === false && pts_strings::last_in_string($is_gnome3_screensaver_enabled) > 0) { // Stop the GNOME 3.x Screensaver shell_exec('gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.session idle-delay 0 2>&1'); self::$gnome3_screensaver_halted = pts_strings::last_in_string($is_gnome3_screensaver_enabled); } // GNOME 3.x Lock-Screen $is_gnome3_lockscreen_enabled = trim(shell_exec('gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.lockdown disable-lock-screen 2>&1')); if (stripos($is_gnome3_lockscreen_enabled, 'no such key') === false && pts_strings::last_in_string($is_gnome3_lockscreen_enabled) == 'false') { // Stop the GNOME 3.x Lock Screen shell_exec('gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.lockdown disable-lock-screen true 2>&1'); self::$gnome3_lockscreen_disabled = true; } // This GNOME3 GSettings method is deprecated on distributions like GNOME 3.8 with Fedora 19 $is_gnome3_screensaver_enabled_old = trim(shell_exec('gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.screensaver idle-activation-enabled 2>&1')); if ($is_gnome3_screensaver_enabled_old == 'true') { // Stop the GNOME 3.x Screensaver shell_exec('gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.screensaver idle-activation-enabled false 2>&1'); self::$gnome3_screensaver_halted_old = true; } // GNOME 3.x Sleep Dispaly? $is_gnome3_sleep = trim(shell_exec('gsettings get org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power sleep-display-ac 2>&1')); if ($is_gnome3_sleep > 0) { // Stop the GNOME 3.x Display Sleep shell_exec('gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power sleep-display-ac 0 2>&1'); self::$sleep_display_ac = $is_gnome3_sleep; } } if (pts_client::executable_in_path('xfconf-query')) { $is_xfce_screensaver_enabled = stripos(shell_exec('xfconf-query -c xfce4-session -p /startup/screensaver/enabled 2>&1'), 'false') !== false; if ($is_xfce_screensaver_enabled) { shell_exec('xfconf-query -c xfce4-session -n -t bool -p /startup/screensaver/enabled -s false 2>&1'); self::$xfce_screensaver_halted = true; } } if (getenv('DISPLAY') != false && (self::$xset = pts_client::executable_in_path('xset'))) { shell_exec('xset s off 2>&1'); } else { if (getenv('DISPLAY') == false && pts_client::executable_in_path('setterm')) { shell_exec('setterm -powersave off -blank 0 2>&1'); } } if (self::$gnome2_screensaver_halted || self::$gnome3_screensaver_halted || self::$gnome3_screensaver_halted_old || self::$kde_screensaver_halted || self::$xfce_screensaver_halted) { self::$screensaver_halted = true; } if (($xdg = pts_client::executable_in_path('xdg-screensaver')) == false) { self::$xdg_screensaver_available = $xdg; } if ($xscreensaver = pts_client::executable_in_path('xscreensaver-command')) { shell_exec($xscreensaver . ' -exit 2>&1'); } }
public static function gpu_model() { // Report graphics processor string $info = phodevi_parser::read_glx_renderer(); $video_ram = phodevi::read_property('gpu', 'memory-capacity'); if (phodevi::is_ati_graphics() && phodevi::is_linux()) { $crossfire_status = phodevi_linux_parser::read_amd_pcsdb('SYSTEM/Crossfire/chain/*,Enable'); $crossfire_status = pts_arrays::to_array($crossfire_status); $crossfire_card_count = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < count($crossfire_status); $i++) { if ($crossfire_status[$i] == '0x00000001') { $crossfire_card_count += 2; // For now assume each chain is 2 cards, but proper way would be NumSlaves + 1 } } $adapters = phodevi_linux_parser::read_amd_graphics_adapters(); if (count($adapters) > 0) { $video_ram = $video_ram > 64 ? ' ' . $video_ram . 'MB' : null; // assume more than 64MB of vRAM if ($crossfire_card_count > 1 && $crossfire_card_count <= count($adapters)) { $unique_adapters = array_unique($adapters); if (count($unique_adapters) == 1) { if (strpos($adapters[0], 'X2') > 0 && $crossfire_card_count > 1) { $crossfire_card_count -= 1; } $info = $crossfire_card_count . ' x ' . $adapters[0] . $video_ram . ' CrossFire'; } else { $info = implode(', ', $unique_adapters) . ' CrossFire'; } } else { $info = $adapters[0] . $video_ram; } } } else { if (phodevi::is_macosx()) { $system_profiler_info = implode(' + ', phodevi_osx_parser::read_osx_system_profiler('SPDisplaysDataType', 'ChipsetModel', true)); if (!empty($system_profiler_info)) { $info = $system_profiler_info; } } else { if (phodevi::is_nvidia_graphics()) { if ($info == null) { if (pts_client::executable_in_path('nvidia-settings')) { $nv_gpus = shell_exec('nvidia-settings -q gpus 2>&1'); // TODO: search for more than one GPU $nv_gpus = substr($nv_gpus, strpos($nv_gpus, '[0]')); $nv_gpus = substr($nv_gpus, strpos($nv_gpus, '(') + 1); $nv_gpus = substr($nv_gpus, 0, strpos($nv_gpus, ')')); if (stripos($nv_gpus, 'GeForce') !== false || stripos($nv_gpus, 'Quadro') !== false) { $info = $nv_gpus; } } } $sli_mode = phodevi_parser::read_nvidia_extension('SLIMode'); if (!empty($sli_mode) && $sli_mode != 'Off') { $info .= ' SLI'; } } else { if (phodevi::is_solaris()) { if (($cut = strpos($info, 'DRI ')) !== false) { $info = substr($info, $cut + 4); } if (($cut = strpos($info, ' Chipset')) !== false) { $info = substr($info, 0, $cut); } if ($info == false && isset(phodevi::$vfs->xorg_log)) { $xorg_log = phodevi::$vfs->xorg_log; if (($x = strpos($xorg_log, '(0): Chipset: ')) !== false) { $xorg_log = substr($xorg_log, $x + 14); $xorg_log = str_replace(array('(R)', '"'), null, substr($xorg_log, 0, strpos($xorg_log, PHP_EOL))); if (($c = strpos($xorg_log, '[')) || ($c = strpos($xorg_log, '('))) { $xorg_log = substr($xorg_log, 0, $c); } if (phodevi::is_product_string($xorg_log)) { $info = $xorg_log; } } } } else { if (phodevi::is_bsd()) { $drm_info = phodevi_bsd_parser::read_sysctl('dev.drm.0.%desc'); if (!$drm_info) { $drm_info = phodevi_bsd_parser::read_sysctl('dev.nvidia.0.%desc'); } if (!$drm_info) { $agp_info = phodevi_bsd_parser::read_sysctl('dev.agp.0.%desc'); if ($agp_info != false) { $info = $agp_info; } } else { $info = $drm_info; } if ($info == null && isset(phodevi::$vfs->xorg_log)) { $xorg_log = phodevi::$vfs->xorg_log; if (($e = strpos($xorg_log, ' at 01@00:00:0')) !== false) { $xorg_log = substr($xorg_log, 0, $e); $info = substr($xorg_log, strrpos($xorg_log, 'Found ') + 6); } } } else { if (phodevi::is_windows()) { $info = phodevi_windows_parser::read_cpuz('Display Adapters', 'Name'); } } } } } } if (empty($info) || strpos($info, 'Mesa ') !== false || strpos($info, 'Gallium ') !== false) { if (phodevi::is_windows() == false) { $info_pci = phodevi_linux_parser::read_pci('VGA compatible controller', false); if (!empty($info_pci)) { $info = $info_pci; if (strpos($info, 'Intel 2nd Generation Core Family') !== false || strpos($info, 'Gen Core') !== false) { // Try to come up with a better non-generic string $was_reset = false; if (isset(phodevi::$vfs->xorg_log)) { /* $ cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep -i Chipset [ 8.421] (II) intel: Driver for Intel Integrated Graphics Chipsets: i810, [ 8.421] (II) VESA: driver for VESA chipsets: vesa [ 8.423] (II) intel(0): Integrated Graphics Chipset: Intel(R) Sandybridge Mobile (GT2+) [ 8.423] (--) intel(0): Chipset: "Sandybridge Mobile (GT2+)" */ $xorg_log = phodevi::$vfs->xorg_log; if (($x = strpos($xorg_log, 'Integrated Graphics Chipset: ')) !== false) { $xorg_log = substr($xorg_log, $x + 29); $xorg_log = str_replace(array('(R)', '"'), null, substr($xorg_log, 0, strpos($xorg_log, PHP_EOL))); if (stripos($xorg_log, 'Intel') === false) { $xorg_log = 'Intel ' . $xorg_log; } // if string is too long, likely not product if (!isset($xorg_log[45])) { $info = $xorg_log; $was_reset = true; } } else { if (($x = strpos($xorg_log, '(0): Chipset: ')) !== false) { $xorg_log = substr($xorg_log, $x + 14); $xorg_log = str_replace(array('(R)', '"'), null, substr($xorg_log, 0, strpos($xorg_log, PHP_EOL))); if (stripos($xorg_log, 'Intel') === false) { $xorg_log = 'Intel ' . $xorg_log; } // if string is too long, likely not product if (!isset($xorg_log[45])) { $info = $xorg_log; $was_reset = true; } } } } if ($was_reset == false && isset(phodevi::$vfs->i915_capabilities)) { $i915_caps = phodevi::$vfs->i915_capabilities; if (($x = strpos($i915_caps, 'gen: ')) !== false) { $gen = substr($i915_caps, $x + 5); $gen = substr($gen, 0, strpos($gen, PHP_EOL)); if (is_numeric($gen)) { $info = 'Intel Gen' . $gen; if (strpos($i915_caps, 'is_mobile: yes') !== false) { $info .= ' Mobile'; } } } } } } } if (($start_pos = strpos($info, ' DRI ')) > 0) { $info = substr($info, $start_pos + 5); } if (empty($info) && isset(phodevi::$vfs->xorg_log)) { $log_parse = phodevi::$vfs->xorg_log; $log_parse = substr($log_parse, strpos($log_parse, 'Chipset') + 8); $log_parse = substr($log_parse, 0, strpos($log_parse, 'found')); if (strpos($log_parse, '(--)') === false && strlen(str_ireplace(array('ATI', 'NVIDIA', 'VIA', 'Intel'), '', $log_parse)) != strlen($log_parse)) { $info = $log_parse; } } if (empty($info) && is_readable('/sys/class/graphics/fb0/name')) { switch (pts_file_io::file_get_contents('/sys/class/graphics/fb0/name')) { case 'omapdrm': $info = 'Texas Instruments OMAP'; // The OMAP DRM driver currently is for OMAP2/3/4 hardware break; case 'exynos': $info = 'Samsung EXYNOS'; // The Exynos DRM driver break; case 'tegra_fb': $info = 'NVIDIA TEGRA'; // The Exynos DRM driver break; default: if (is_file('/dev/mali')) { $info = 'ARM Mali'; // One of the ARM Mali models } break; } } if (substr($info, -1) == ')' && ($open_p = strrpos($info, '(')) != false) { $end_check = strpos($info, ' ', $open_p); $to_check = substr($info, $open_p + 1, $end_check - $open_p - 1); // Don't report card revision from PCI info if ($to_check == 'rev') { $info = substr($info, 0, $open_p - 1); } } } if (($bracket_open = strpos($info, '[')) !== false) { // Report only the information inside the brackets if it's more relevant... // Mainly with Linux systems where the PCI information is reported like 'nVidia GF104 [GeForce GTX 460]' if (($bracket_close = strpos($info, ']', $bracket_open + 1)) !== false) { $inside_bracket = substr($info, $bracket_open + 1, $bracket_close - $bracket_open - 1); if (stripos($inside_bracket, 'Quadro') !== false || stripos($inside_bracket, 'GeForce') !== false) { $info = $inside_bracket . ' ' . substr($info, $bracket_close + 1); } else { if (stripos($inside_bracket, 'Radeon') !== false || stripos($inside_bracket, 'Fire') !== false || stripos($inside_bracket, 'Fusion') !== false) { $info = $inside_bracket . ' ' . substr($info, $bracket_close + 1); } } } } if (stripos($info, 'NVIDIA') === false && (stripos($info, 'Quadro') !== false || stripos($info, 'GeForce') !== false)) { $info = 'NVIDIA' . ' ' . $info; } else { if (stripos($info, 'ATI') === false && stripos($info, 'AMD') === false && (stripos($info, 'Radeon') !== false || stripos($info, 'Fire') !== false || stripos($info, 'Fusion') !== false)) { // Fire would be for FireGL or FirePro hardware $info = 'AMD ' . $info; } } if (phodevi::is_linux() && ($vendor = phodevi_linux_parser::read_pci_subsystem_value('VGA compatible controller')) != null && stripos($info, $vendor) === false && (stripos($info, 'AMD') !== false || stripos($info, 'NVIDIA') !== false)) { $info = $vendor . ' ' . $info; } if ($video_ram > 64 && strpos($info, $video_ram) == false) { $info .= ' ' . $video_ram . 'MB'; } $clean_phrases = array('OpenGL Engine'); $info = str_replace($clean_phrases, null, $info); return $info; }
public static function is_root() { return phodevi::read_property('system', 'username') == 'root'; }
public static function monitor_modes() { // Determine resolutions for each monitor $resolutions = array(); if (phodevi::read_property('monitor', 'count') == 1) { array_push($resolutions, phodevi::read_property('gpu', 'screen-resolution-string')); } else { foreach (phodevi_parser::read_xdpy_monitor_info() as $monitor_line) { $this_resolution = substr($monitor_line, strpos($monitor_line, ':') + 2); $this_resolution = substr($this_resolution, 0, strpos($this_resolution, ' ')); array_push($resolutions, $this_resolution); } } return implode(',', $resolutions); }
public function is_supported($report_warnings = true) { $test_supported = true; if (PTS_IS_CLIENT && pts_client::read_env('SKIP_TEST_SUPPORT_CHECKS')) { // set SKIP_TEST_SUPPORT_CHECKS=1 environment variable for debugging purposes to run tests on unsupported platforms return true; } else { if ($this->is_test_architecture_supported() == false) { PTS_IS_CLIENT && $report_warnings && pts_client::$display->test_run_error($this->get_identifier() . ' is not supported on this architecture: ' . phodevi::read_property('system', 'kernel-architecture')); $test_supported = false; } else { if ($this->is_test_platform_supported() == false) { PTS_IS_CLIENT && $report_warnings && pts_client::$display->test_run_error($this->get_identifier() . ' is not supported by this operating system: ' . phodevi::operating_system()); $test_supported = false; } else { if ($this->is_core_version_supported() == false) { PTS_IS_CLIENT && $report_warnings && pts_client::$display->test_run_error($this->get_identifier() . ' is not supported by this version of the Phoronix Test Suite: ' . PTS_VERSION); $test_supported = false; } else { if (PTS_IS_CLIENT && ($custom_support_check = $this->custom_test_support_check()) !== true) { // A custom-self-generated error occurred, see code comments in custom_test_support_check() PTS_IS_CLIENT && $report_warnings && is_callable(array(pts_client::$display, 'test_run_error')) && pts_client::$display->test_run_error($this->get_identifier() . ': ' . $custom_support_check); $test_supported = false; } else { if (PTS_IS_CLIENT) { foreach ($this->extended_test_profiles() as $extension) { if ($extension->is_supported($report_warnings) == false) { $test_supported = false; break; } } } } } } } } return $test_supported; }
public static function run($r) { pts_client::$display->generic_heading('Random Test Execution'); $allow_new_tests_to_be_installed = pts_user_io::prompt_bool_input('Allow new tests to be installed', true); $allow_new_dependencies_to_be_installed = $allow_new_tests_to_be_installed ? pts_user_io::prompt_bool_input('Allow new test external dependencies to be installed', false) : false; $limit_test_subsystem = pts_user_io::prompt_bool_input('Limit tests to a given subsystem', false); $limit_test_subsystem = $limit_test_subsystem ? pts_user_io::prompt_text_menu('Select subsystem(s) to test', pts_types::subsystem_targets(), true) : false; $upload_to_openbenchmarking = pts_user_io::prompt_bool_input('Auto-upload test results to', true); while (1) { $to_test = array(); if ($limit_test_subsystem) { foreach (explode(',', $limit_test_subsystem) as $test_type) { $tests = pts_openbenchmarking_client::popular_tests(-1, $test_type); $to_test = array_merge($to_test, $tests); } if (empty($to_test)) { pts_client::$display->generic_sub_heading('No tests could be found to run.'); return false; } shuffle($to_test); $to_test = array_slice($to_test, 0, rand(1, 12)); } else { if (rand(1, 6) == 2) { $ob_ids = pts_openbenchmarking_client::popular_openbenchmarking_results(); $ob_type = rand(0, 1) == 1 ? 'recent_popular_results' : 'recent_results'; if (isset($ob_ids[$ob_type]) && !empty($ob_ids[$ob_type])) { shuffle($ob_ids[$ob_type]); $to_test = array(array_pop($ob_ids[$ob_type])); } } } if (empty($to_test)) { // Randomly pick some installed tests $installed_tests = pts_tests::installed_tests(); if ($installed_tests > 3) { shuffle($installed_tests); $to_test = array_slice($installed_tests, 0, rand(1, 8)); } if (!isset($to_test[2]) && $allow_new_tests_to_be_installed) { $available_tests = pts_openbenchmarking::available_tests(); shuffle($available_tests); $to_test = array_merge($to_test, array_slice($available_tests, 0, rand(1, 10))); } } if (empty($to_test)) { pts_client::$display->generic_sub_heading('No tests could be found to run.'); return false; } echo PHP_EOL; pts_client::$display->generic_sub_heading('Tests To Run: ' . implode(', ', $to_test)); // QUERY FROM OB $random_titles = array(phodevi::read_property('cpu', 'model') . ' Benchmarks', phodevi::read_property('system', 'operating-system') . ' Benchmarks', phodevi::read_property('system', 'operating-system') . ' Performance', phodevi::read_property('cpu', 'model') . ' Performance', phodevi::read_property('cpu', 'model') . ' + ' . phodevi::read_property('gpu', 'model') . ' + ' . phodevi::read_property('motherboard', 'identifier'), phodevi::read_property('motherboard', 'identifier') . ' On ' . phodevi::read_property('system', 'operating-system'), phodevi::read_property('cpu', 'model') . ' On ' . phodevi::read_property('system', 'operating-system'), phodevi::read_property('system', 'kernel') . ' + ' . phodevi::read_property('system', 'operating-system') . ' Tests'); shuffle($random_titles); $title = array_pop($random_titles); if ($limit_test_subsystem) { $subsystems_to_test = explode(',', $limit_test_subsystem); $subsystems_to_avoid = array_diff(pts_types::subsystem_targets(), $subsystems_to_test); pts_client::pts_set_environment_variable('SKIP_TESTING_SUBSYSTEMS', implode(',', $subsystems_to_avoid)); } if ($allow_new_tests_to_be_installed) { pts_test_installer::standard_install($to_test, false, true, $allow_new_dependencies_to_be_installed); } $batch_mode_settings = array('UploadResults' => false, 'SaveResults' => true, 'PromptForTestDescription' => false, 'RunAllTestCombinations' => false, 'PromptSaveName' => false, 'PromptForTestIdentifier' => false, 'OpenBrowser' => false); if ($upload_to_openbenchmarking) { $batch_mode_settings['UploadResults'] = true; pts_openbenchmarking_client::override_client_setting('UploadSystemLogsByDefault', true); } pts_test_run_manager::set_batch_mode($batch_mode_settings); $test_run_manager = new pts_test_run_manager($batch_mode_settings, 2); if ($test_run_manager->initial_checks($to_test) != false) { if ($test_run_manager->load_tests_to_run($to_test)) { // SETUP $test_run_manager->auto_save_results($title, null, 'Various open-source benchmarks by the ' . pts_core::program_title(true) . '.', true); $test_run_manager->auto_generate_results_identifier(); echo PHP_EOL; pts_client::$display->generic_sub_heading('Result File: ' . $test_run_manager->get_file_name()); pts_client::$display->generic_sub_heading('Result Identifier: ' . $test_run_manager->get_results_identifier()); // BENCHMARK $test_run_manager->pre_execution_process(); $test_run_manager->call_test_runs(); $test_run_manager->post_execution_process(); pts_client::remove_saved_result_file($test_run_manager->get_file_name()); } } echo PHP_EOL; sleep(30); } }
protected static function upload_to_remote_server($to_post, $server_address = null, $server_http_port = null, $account_id = null) { static $last_communication_minute = null; static $communication_attempts = 0; if ($last_communication_minute == date('i') && $communication_attempts > 8) { // Something is wrong, Phoromatic shouldn't be communicating with server more than four times a minute return false; } else { if (date('i') != $last_communication_minute) { $last_communication_minute = date('i'); $communication_attempts = 0; } $communication_attempts++; } if ($server_address == null && self::$server_address != null) { $server_address = self::$server_address; } if ($server_http_port == null && self::$server_http_port != null) { $server_http_port = self::$server_http_port; } if ($account_id == null && self::$account_id != null) { $account_id = self::$account_id; } $to_post['aid'] = $account_id; $to_post['pts'] = PTS_VERSION; $to_post['pts_core'] = PTS_CORE_VERSION; $to_post['gsid'] = defined('PTS_GSID') ? PTS_GSID : null; $to_post['lip'] = pts_network::get_local_ip(); $to_post['h'] = phodevi::system_hardware(true); $to_post['nm'] = pts_network::get_network_mac(); $to_post['nw'] = implode(', ', pts_network::get_network_wol()); $to_post['s'] = phodevi::system_software(true); $to_post['n'] = phodevi::read_property('system', 'hostname'); $to_post['msi'] = PTS_MACHINE_SELF_ID; return pts_network::http_upload_via_post('http://' . $server_address . ':' . $server_http_port . '/phoromatic.php', $to_post); }
public static function update_gsid() { if (!pts_network::internet_support_available()) { return false; } $payload = array('client_version' => PTS_VERSION, 'client_os' => phodevi::read_property('system', 'vendor-identifier')); pts_openbenchmarking::make_openbenchmarking_request('update_gsid', $payload); }
public static function generate_test_notes(&$test_result_objects) { // TODO XXX: Integrate with system table notes static $check_processes = null; $test_types = array(); $test_tags = array(); foreach ($test_result_objects as $test_result) { pts_arrays::unique_push($test_types, $test_result->test_profile->get_test_hardware_type()); foreach ($test_result->test_profile->get_internal_tags() as $tag) { pts_arrays::unique_push($test_tags, $tag); } } if (in_array('Java', $test_tags)) { self::add_note(phodevi::read_property('system', 'java-version')); } if (in_array('Python', $test_tags)) { self::add_note(phodevi::read_property('system', 'python-version')); } if (in_array('Wine', $test_tags)) { self::add_note(phodevi::read_property('system', 'wine-version')); } if (in_array('OpenCL', $test_tags)) { $cores = phodevi::read_property('gpu', 'compute-cores'); if ($cores > 0) { self::add_note('GPU Compute Cores: ' . $cores); } } /* if(phodevi::is_bsd() == false) { if(empty($check_processes)) { $check_processes = array( 'Compiz' => array('compiz', 'compiz.real'), 'Firefox' => array('firefox', 'mozilla-firefox', 'mozilla-firefox-bin'), 'Thunderbird' => array('thunderbird', 'mozilla-thunderbird', 'thunderbird-bin'), 'BOINC' => array('boinc', 'boinc_client') ); } self::add_note(self::process_running_string($check_processes)); } */ // Check if Security Enhanced Linux was enforcing, permissive, or disabled if (is_readable('/etc/sysconfig/selinux')) { if (stripos(file_get_contents('/etc/sysconfig/selinux'), 'selinux=disabled') === false) { self::add_note('SELinux: Enabled'); } } else { if (isset(phodevi::$vfs->cmdline)) { if (stripos(phodevi::$vfs->cmdline, 'selinux=1') != false) { self::add_note('SELinux: Enabled'); } } } /* // Encrypted file-system? if(phodevi::is_linux() && is_readable('/sys/fs/ecryptfs/version')) { self::add_note('eCryptfs was active.'); } */ self::add_note(phodevi::read_property('motherboard', 'power-mode')); if (in_array('Graphics', $test_types) || in_array('System', $test_types)) { $aa_level = phodevi::read_property('gpu', 'aa-level'); $af_level = phodevi::read_property('gpu', 'af-level'); if (!empty($aa_level)) { self::add_note('Antialiasing: ' . $aa_level); } if (!empty($af_level)) { self::add_note('Anisotropic Filtering: ' . $af_level); } } $notes_string = trim(implode('. ', self::$notes)); if ($notes_string != null) { $notes_string .= '.'; } self::$notes = array(); return $notes_string; }
public static function current_user() { // Current system user return ($pts_user = pts_openbenchmarking_client::user_name()) != null ? $pts_user : phodevi::read_property('system', 'username'); }
public static function auto_process_test_option($test_identifier, $option_identifier, &$option_names, &$option_values, &$option_messages) { // Some test items have options that are dynamically built switch ($option_identifier) { case 'auto-resolution': // Base options off available screen resolutions if (count($option_names) == 1 && count($option_values) == 1) { if (PTS_IS_CLIENT && phodevi::read_property('gpu', 'screen-resolution') && phodevi::read_property('gpu', 'screen-resolution') != array(-1, -1) && !defined('PHOROMATIC_SERVER')) { $available_video_modes = phodevi::read_property('gpu', 'available-modes'); } else { $available_video_modes = array(); } if (empty($available_video_modes)) { // Use hard-coded defaults $available_video_modes = array(array(800, 600), array(1024, 768), array(1280, 768), array(1280, 960), array(1280, 1024), array(1366, 768), array(1400, 1050), array(1600, 900), array(1680, 1050), array(1600, 1200), array(1920, 1080), array(2560, 1600), array(3840, 2160)); } $format_name = $option_names[0]; $format_value = $option_values[0]; $option_names = array(); $option_values = array(); foreach ($available_video_modes as $video_mode) { $this_name = str_replace('$VIDEO_WIDTH', $video_mode[0], $format_name); $this_name = str_replace('$VIDEO_HEIGHT', $video_mode[1], $this_name); $this_value = str_replace('$VIDEO_WIDTH', $video_mode[0], $format_value); $this_value = str_replace('$VIDEO_HEIGHT', $video_mode[1], $this_value); array_push($option_names, $this_name); array_push($option_values, $this_value); } } break; case 'auto-disk-partitions': case 'auto-disk-mount-points': // Base options off available disk partitions if (PTS_IS_CLIENT == false) { echo 'ERROR: This option is not supported in this configuration.'; return; } /*if(phodevi::is_linux()) { $all_devices = array_merge(pts_file_io::glob('/dev/hd*'), pts_file_io::glob('/dev/sd*')); } else if(phodevi::is_bsd()) { $all_devices = array_merge(pts_file_io::glob('/dev/ad*'), pts_file_io::glob('/dev/ada*')); } else { $all_devices = array(); }*/ $all_devices = array_merge(pts_file_io::glob('/dev/hd*'), pts_file_io::glob('/dev/sd*'), pts_file_io::glob('/dev/md*'), pts_file_io::glob('/dev/nvme*')); foreach ($all_devices as &$device) { if (!is_numeric(substr($device, -1))) { unset($device); } } $all_devices = array_merge($all_devices, pts_file_io::glob('/dev/mapper/*')); $option_values = array(); foreach ($all_devices as $partition) { array_push($option_values, $partition); } if ($option_identifier == 'auto-disk-mount-points') { $partitions_d = $option_values; $option_values = array(); $option_names = array(); $mounts = is_file('/proc/mounts') ? file_get_contents('/proc/mounts') : null; array_push($option_values, ''); array_push($option_names, 'Default Test Directory'); foreach ($partitions_d as $partition_d) { $mount_point = substr($a = substr($mounts, strpos($mounts, $partition_d) + strlen($partition_d) + 1), 0, strpos($a, ' ')); if (is_dir($mount_point) && is_writable($mount_point) && !in_array($mount_point, array('/boot', '/boot/efi'))) { array_push($option_values, $mount_point); array_push($option_names, $mount_point); // ' [' . $partition_d . ']' } } } else { $option_names = $option_values; } break; case 'auto-disks': // Base options off attached disks if (PTS_IS_CLIENT == false) { echo 'ERROR: This option is not supported in this configuration.'; return; } $all_devices = array_merge(pts_file_io::glob('/dev/hd*'), pts_file_io::glob('/dev/sd*'), pts_file_io::glob('/dev/md*'), pts_file_io::glob('/dev/nvme*')); foreach ($all_devices as $i => &$device) { if (is_numeric(substr($device, -1))) { unset($all_devices[$i]); } } $option_values = array(); foreach ($all_devices as $disk) { array_push($option_values, $disk); } $option_names = $option_values; break; case 'auto-removable-media': if (PTS_IS_CLIENT == false) { echo 'ERROR: This option is not supported in this configuration.'; return; } foreach (array_merge(pts_file_io::glob('/media/*/'), pts_file_io::glob('/Volumes/*/')) as $media_check) { if (is_dir($media_check) && is_writable($media_check)) { array_push($option_names, $media_check); array_push($option_values, $media_check); } } break; case 'auto-file-select': if (PTS_IS_CLIENT == false) { echo 'ERROR: This option is not supported in this configuration.'; return; } $names = $option_names; $values = $option_values; $option_names = array(); $option_values = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($names) && $i < count($values); $i++) { if (is_file($values[$i])) { array_push($option_names, $names[$i]); array_push($option_values, $values[$i]); } } break; case 'auto-directory-select': if (PTS_IS_CLIENT == false) { echo 'ERROR: This option is not supported in this configuration.'; return; } $names = $option_names; $values = $option_values; $option_names = array(); $option_values = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($names) && $i < count($values); $i++) { if (is_dir($values[$i]) && is_writable($removable_media[$i])) { array_push($option_names, $names[$i]); array_push($option_values, $values[$i]); } } break; } }