public function order() { /** * Setting base configuration */ define('CD_URL_RETORNO', HTTPS_SERVER . 'index.php?route=payment/cobredireto/retorno'); define('CD_URL_RECIBO', HTTPS_SERVER . 'index.php?route=payment/cobredireto/recibo'); define('CD_URL_ERRO', HTTPS_SERVER . 'index.php?route=payment/cobredireto/erro'); define('CD_CODLOJA', $this->config->get('cobredireto_cod_loja')); define('CD_AMBIENTE', $this->config->get('cobredireto_test') ? 'teste' : 'producao'); define('CD_USUARIO', $this->config->get('cobredireto_username')); define('CD_SENHA', $this->config->get('cobredireto_password')); require_once DIR_APPLICATION . 'model' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'payment' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'cobredireto' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'pagamento.php'; /** * Initializing the library */ $order = new pg($this->session->data['order_id']); /** * Including the Shipping cost */ $frete = number_format($this->currency->format($this->session->data['shipping_method']['cost'], '', FALSE, FALSE), 2, '', ''); $order->frete($frete); /** * Sending the shipping and the billing information */ $this->load->model('checkout/order'); $order_info = $this->model_checkout_order->getOrder($this->session->data['order_id']); $telephone = str_replace(' ', '', str_replace('(', '', str_replace(')', '', str_replace('-', '', $order_info['telephone'])))); $data = array('primeiro_nome' => $order_info['shipping_firstname'], 'meio_nome' => '', 'ultimo_nome' => $order_info['shipping_lastname'], 'email' => $order_info['email'], 'documento' => '', 'tel_casa' => array('area' => substr($telephone, 0, -8), 'numero' => substr($telephone, -8)), 'cep' => $order_info['shipping_postcode']); $order->endereco($data, 'ENTREGA'); $data = array('primeiro_nome' => $order_info['payment_firstname'], 'meio_nome' => '', 'ultimo_nome' => $order_info['payment_lastname'], 'email' => $order_info['email'], 'documento' => '', 'tel_casa' => array('area' => substr($telephone, 0, -8), 'numero' => substr($telephone, -8)), 'cep' => $order_info['payment_postcode']); $order->endereco($data, 'COBRANCA'); $order->endereco($data, 'CONSUMIDOR'); /** * Getting all the products from the order and including on the library */ $products = $this->cart->getProducts(); $prod = array(); foreach ($products as $k => $v) { $prod[] = array("descricao" => $v['name'] . ' Model(' . $v['model'] . ')', "valor" => $v['price'], "quantidade" => $v['quantity'], "id" => $v['product_id']); } $order->adicionar($prod); /** * Let's PAY... <o */ $order->pagar(); }
<?php require_once '../class/'; $pg = pg::getPg(); $q = $_REQUEST['q']; $hint = ""; if ($q != "") { $sql = "select count(id) from _user_ where md5(id)=md5('{$q}');"; $res = $pg->query($sql); $row = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM)[0]; if ($row) { $hint = "A felhasználónév foglalt!"; } else { $hint = " "; } echo $hint; }
public static function connect() { if (self::$connected) { return true; } if (pg_connect('host=localhost dbname=imos user=webdev')) { self::$connected = true; pg_query('SET search_path TO foodmanager, public;'); return true; } return false; }