public function init() { $token = isset($_SESSION['token']) ? $_SESSION['token'] : $_COOKIE['token']; $personal_id = isset($_SESSION['person']) ? $_SESSION['person'] : $_COOKIE['person']; $user_ip = system::getInstance()->getRealIp(); // data 1st raw check before sql is used if (strlen($token) == 32 && (filter_var($personal_id, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) || strlen($personal_id) > 0 && system::getInstance()->isLatinOrNumeric($personal_id))) { $query = "SELECT * FROM\r\n " . property::getInstance()->get('db_prefix') . "_user a,\r\n " . property::getInstance()->get('db_prefix') . "_user_access_level b,\r\n " . property::getInstance()->get('db_prefix') . "_user_custom c\r\n WHERE ( = ? OR a.login = ?) AND a.token = ? AND a.token_ip = ? AND a.aprove = 0 AND a.access_level = b.group_id AND ="; $stmt = database::getInstance()->con()->prepare($query); $stmt->bindParam(1, $personal_id, \PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt->bindParam(2, $personal_id, \PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt->bindParam(3, $token, \PDO::PARAM_STR, 32); $stmt->bindParam(4, $user_ip, \PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt->execute(); if ($stmt->rowCount() == 1) { $result = $stmt->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $stmt = null; if (time() - $result[0]['token_start'] < property::getInstance()->get('token_time')) { $this->userindex = $result[0]['id']; foreach ($result[0] as $column_index => $column_data) { $this->userdata[$this->userindex][$column_index] = $column_data; } // set template variables template::getInstance()->set(template::TYPE_USER, 'id', $this->userindex); template::getInstance()->set(template::TYPE_USER, 'name', $this->userdata[$this->userindex]['nick']); template::getInstance()->set(template::TYPE_USER, 'admin', permission::getInstance()->have('global/owner')); template::getInstance()->set(template::TYPE_USER, 'admin_panel', permission::getInstance()->have('admin/main')); template::getInstance()->set(template::TYPE_USER, 'news_add', extension::getInstance()->getConfig('enable_useradd', 'news', extension::TYPE_COMPONENT, 'bol')); template::getInstance()->set(template::TYPE_USER, 'balance', $this->userdata[$this->userindex]['balance']); } } } }
public function update_permission($array) { global $webdb; if ($array["group_id"]) { $id_category = "group_id"; } else { $id_category = "admin_id"; } $id = $array[$id_category]; $pary = $array['perm']; if (permission::check('_sys_group_perm', 'e_tag')) { $sql = "delete from _sys_group_perm where " . $id_category . "='" . $id . "';"; $webdb->query($sql); // foreach($pary as $perm_id => $data){ // if(in_array($perm_id,$array['perm_id'])){ // $data['group_id']=$id; // $data['perm_id']=$perm_id; // $webdb->insert($data,'_sys_group_perm'); // } // } foreach ($array['perm_id'] as $perm_id) { $data = array(); if ($pary[$perm_id]) { $data = $pary[$perm_id]; } $data[$id_category] = $id; $data['perm_id'] = $perm_id; $webdb->insert($data, '_sys_group_perm'); unset($data); } } }
public static function permissions_page() { page::title("Permissions"); $out = page::link("admin/permissions/scan", "scan for more permissions"); $out .= "<form method='post' action='" . page::url("admin/permissions/update") . "'>"; $array = array(); $header = array("permissions"); $groups = user_access::get_all_roles(); foreach ($groups as $g) { $header[] = $g->groupname; } $perms = permission::get_all_permissions(); foreach ($perms as $p) { $t_array = array(); $t_array[] = "<b>{$p->permission}</b> <i>{$p->description}</i>"; foreach ($groups as $g) { $o = "<input type='checkbox' name='permissions[" . $p->permission . "][" . $g->gid . "]' "; if (user::has_permission($p->permission, $g->gid)) { $o .= "checked"; } $o .= "/>"; $t_array[] = $o; } $array[] = $t_array; } $out .= theme::t_table($array, $header); $out .= "<input type='submit' value='update'/>"; $out .= "</form>"; return $out; }
private static function getCacheFile() { self::$accessRule = F('access/rule'); if (!self::$accessRule) { //生成公共模块缓存 $rsPub = M('admin_node')->field('n_group,n_action')->where(array('is_public_action' => 1))->findAll(); if ($rsPub) { foreach ($rsPub as $val) { self::$accessRule['public'][$val['n_group']][$val['n_action']] = 1; } } else { self::$accessRule['public'] = array(); } //生成用户组缓存 $rsUser = M('admin_access')->field('group_id,n_group,n_action,n_model')->findAll(); if ($rsUser) { foreach ($rsUser as $val) { self::$accessRule['user'][$val['group_id']][$val['n_group']][$val['n_action']][$val['n_model']] = 1; } } else { self::$accessRule['user'] = array(); } F('access/rule', self::$accessRule); } return true; }
public function getCMSFields() { $fields = parent::getCMSFields(); $fields->addFieldToTab("Root.Main", new HTMLEditorField("RedirectText", "Text Explaining PayPal Redirect"), "Metadata"); if (permission::check('ADMIN')) { $fields->addFieldToTab("Root.PayPalSettings", new TextField("PayPalAccount", "PayPal Account (email address)")); } return $fields; }
function show_permission_list($template_name) { global $TPL; $roles = permission::get_roles(); if ($_REQUEST["submit"] || $_REQUEST["filter"] != "") { $where = " where tableName like '%" . db_esc($_REQUEST["filter"]) . "%' "; // TODO: Add filtering to permission list } $db = new db_alloc(); $db->query("SELECT * FROM permission {$where} ORDER BY tableName, sortKey"); while ($db->next_record()) { $permission = new permission(); $permission->read_db_record($db); $permission->set_values(); $TPL["actions"] = $permission->describe_actions(); $TPL["odd_even"] = $TPL["odd_even"] == "odd" ? "even" : "odd"; $TPL["roleName"] = $roles[$TPL["roleName"]]; include_template($template_name); } }
/** * Run the database seeds. * * @return void */ public function run() { permission::create(['id' => 1, 'permission' => 'Administrar Permisos', 'key_permission' => 'all_task']); permission::create(['id' => 2, 'permission' => 'Crear Anuncio', 'key_permission' => 'store_post']); permission::create(['id' => 3, 'permission' => 'Ver Anuncio', 'key_permission' => 'show_post']); permission::create(['id' => 4, 'permission' => 'Editar Anuncio', 'key_permission' => 'update_post']); permission::create(['id' => 5, 'permission' => 'Eliminar Anuncio', 'key_permission' => 'destroy_post']); permission::create(['id' => 6, 'permission' => 'Crear usuario', 'key_permission' => 'store_user']); permission::create(['id' => 7, 'permission' => 'Ver usuario', 'key_permission' => 'show_user']); permission::create(['id' => 8, 'permission' => 'Editar usuario', 'key_permission' => 'update_user']); permission::create(['id' => 9, 'permission' => 'Eliminar usuario', 'key_permission' => 'destroy_user']); }
public function updateCMSFields(FieldList $fields) { $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Main.Metadata', $keywordsField = new TextareaField('MetaKeywords', 'Meta Keywords'), "ExtraMeta"); $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Main.Metadata', new TextField('MetaTitle', 'Meta Title'), 'MetaDescription'); foreach (array('MetaTitle', 'MetaDescription', 'MetaKeywords') as $MetaFieldName) { $oldField = $fields->dataFieldByName($MetaFieldName); $oldField->setTitle($oldField->Title() . '<span class="field_count">' . strlen($this->owner->{$MetaFieldName}) . '</span>'); } $keywordsField->setRows(1); if (permission::check('ADMIN')) { $fields->addFieldToTab("Root.Main", new CheckboxField("NoFollow", "Set nav link to no-follow?"), "MetaDescription"); $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Main.Metadata', new TextareaField('URLRedirects', '301 Redirects')); } return $fields; }
public function make() { if (!property::getInstance()->get('maintenance')) { // is not a maintenance mod return; } if (permission::getInstance()->have('admin/main')) { // not show for admin return; } $login_form = extension::getInstance()->call(extension::TYPE_COMPONENT, 'user')->viewLogin(); // call to login view & worker $tpl = template::getInstance()->twigRender('maintenance.tpl', array('login_form' => $login_form)); // render with login form template::getInstance()->justPrint($tpl, array()); }
public function updateCMSFields(FieldList $fields) { if (permission::check('ADMIN')) { $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.AdditionalCode', $codeField = new CodeEditorField('AdditionalCode', 'Additional HTML/JS/CSS Code', 50)); $codeField->addExtraClass('stacked'); $codeField->setRows(45); $codeField->setMode('html'); } if ($this->owner->ClassName == "Page") { $fields->addFieldToTab("Root.Columns", new HTMLEditorField("LeftColumn", "Left Column Content")); $fields->addFieldToTab("Root.Columns", new HTMLEditorField("CenterColumn", "Center Column Content")); $fields->addFieldToTab("Root.Columns", new HTMLEditorField("RightColumn", "Right Column Content")); $fields->addFieldToTab("Root.Sidebar", new HTMLEditorField("SidebarContent", "Sidebar Content")); } return $fields; }
/** * 用户登出 * @return true删除成功,不为true是删除失败提示 */ public static function userLoginOut() { if (isset($_SESSION['userid']) && !empty($_SESSION['userid'])) { permission::usermodeDeleteByUserid($_SESSION['userid']); //删除状态临时表该用户的数据 } $static_session = self::$static_session; foreach ($static_session as $s_key => $value) { if (isset($_SESSION[$s_key])) { $static_session[$s_key] = $_SESSION[$s_key]; //session 保存 } } $_SESSION = array(); foreach ($static_session as $s_key => $value) { if (!empty($value)) { $_SESSION[$s_key] = $static_session[$s_key]; } } $cookie = new CHttpCookie('userinfo', Yii::app()->params['web_server_host']); $cookie->expire = time() - 3600 * 24; //删除cookie Yii::app()->request->cookies['userinfo'] = $cookie; }
protected function twigLoader() { $twig_cache = root . '/cache/'; $tpl_name = $this->getIfaceTemplate(); switch (loader) { case 'front': case 'api': $twig_cache .= user::getInstance()->get('id') < 1 ? 'guest' : 'uid' . user::getInstance()->get('id'); break; case 'back': $twig_cache .= 'admintmp'; break; case 'install': $twig_cache .= 'installtmp'; break; } $template_path_root = root . '/' . property::getInstance()->get('tpl_dir') . '/' . $tpl_name; if (!file_exists($template_path_root)) { // mb default template is available ? if (file_exists(root . '/' . property::getInstance()->get('tpl_dir') . '/default') && in_array(loader, array('front', 'api'))) { property::getInstance()->set('tpl_name', 'default'); $template_path_root = root . '/' . property::getInstance()->get('tpl_dir') . '/default'; } else { exit("Template " . $tpl_name . " is not founded! Exit"); } logger::getInstance()->log(logger::LEVEL_ERR, 'Template ' . $tpl_name . ' is not founded. Use default template.'); } require_once root . "/resource/Twig/Autoloader.php"; \Twig_Autoloader::register(); $this->twig_file = new \Twig_Environment(new \Twig_Loader_Filesystem($template_path_root), array('cache' => $twig_cache, 'charset' => 'utf-8', 'autoescape' => false, 'strict_variables' => false)); if (loader == 'install' || permission::getInstance()->have('global/owner')) { // auto rebuild cache for owner $this->twig_file->enableAutoReload(); } $this->twig_string = new \Twig_Environment(new \Twig_Loader_String()); }
public static function update_permissions($changes = array(), $profile_id = 0, $user_id = 0) { if (!is_array($changes)) { return; } foreach ($changes as $key => $value) { $key = str_replace(array('[', ']'), '', $key); $ws = null; if (strpos($key, "wid") === 0) { list($ws, $key) = explode('.', $key, 2); $ws = str_replace("wid", "", $ws); } $permission = new permission(); $permission->load($key, intval($profile_id), intval($user_id), $ws); $permission->value = $value; $permission->save(); } }
function system_update_cache() { permission::update_list(); module_manager::scan_and_update_list(); theme::scan_theme_folder(); }
* Created by PhpStorm. * User: Alex * Date: 28.05.2015 * Time: 12:09 */ require_once dirname(dirname(dirname(__DIR__))) . '/config.php'; $group = new Group(); $groupAngebotseingabe = $group->getGroupLKByName('Angebotseingabe'); $groupAngebotseinkauf = $group->getGroupLKByName('Angebotseinkauf'); $groupGesucheingabe = $group->getGroupLKByName('Gesucheingabe'); $groupGesuchverkauf = $group->getGroupLKByName('Gesuchverkauf'); $groupSammelbestellung = $group->getGroupLKByName('Sammelbestellung'); $permission = new permission(); $permissionAngebotseingabe = $permission->getPermissionLKByName('Angebotseingabe'); $permissionAngebotseinkauf = $permission->getPermissionLKByName('Angebotseinkauf'); $permissionGesucheingabe = $permission->getPermissionLKByName('Gesucheingabe'); $permissionGesuchverkauf = $permission->getPermissionLKByName('Gesuchverkauf'); $permissionSammelbestellung = $permission->getPermissionLKByName('Sammelbestellung'); $connections = [ 'ConnUserGroup' => [ 1 => [ $groupAngebotseingabe, $groupAngebotseinkauf, $groupGesucheingabe, $groupGesuchverkauf, $groupSammelbestellung ]
} else { Permission::denyAccess(PERM_USER); } } elseif ($_GET['section'] == 'insert_add') { if (Permission::checkPermission(PERM_USER)) { $dns_ressource_record = new DnsRessourceRecord(false, (int) $_POST['dns_zone_id'], (int) $_SESSION['user_id'], $_POST['host'], $_POST['type'], $_POST['pri'], (int) $_POST['destination']); if ($dns_ressource_record->store()) { $message[] = array('Der Ressource Record ' . $dns_ressource_record->getHost() . ' wurde gespeichert.', 1); } else { $message[] = array('Der Ressource Record konnte nicht gespeichert werden.', 2); } Message::setMessage($message); header('Location: ./dns_zone.php?dns_zone_id=' . $_POST['dns_zone_id']); } else { Permission::denyAccess(PERM_USER); } } elseif ($_GET['section'] == 'delete') { $dns_ressource_record = new DnsRessourceRecord((int) $_GET['dns_ressource_record_id']); $dns_ressource_record->fetch(); if (permission::checkIfUserIsOwnerOrPermitted(PERM_ROOT, $dns_ressource_record->getUserId())) { if ($dns_ressource_record->delete()) { $message[] = array('Der Ressource Record ' . $dns_ressource_record->getHost() . ' wurde gelöscht.', 1); } else { $message[] = array('Der Ressource Record ' . $dns_ressource_record->getHost() . ' konnte nicht gelöscht werden.', 2); } Message::setMessage($message); header('Location: ./dns_zone.php?dns_zone_id=' . $dns_ressource_record->getDnsZoneId()); } else { Permission::denyAccess(PERM_ROOT, $dns_ressource_record->getUserId()); } }
public static function getRolesByPermission($permission) { $roles = permission::getAllRoles(); $roles_edit = array(); foreach ($roles as $key => $role) { if (Permission::checkPermissionByPermission(pow(2, $role), $permission)) { $roles_edit[] = $role; } } return $roles_edit; }
$class = new $className(); if ($_POST) { if ($_POST['id']) { $_POST['id'] = (int) $_GET["id"]; $class->edit($_POST, $_POST['id']); $altmsg = '修改' . $classStr . '成功'; } else { $class->add($_POST); // go(urlkill('altmsg').'&altmsg='.urlencode('新增'.$classStr.'成功')); $altmsg = '新增' . $classStr . '成功'; } } if ($_GET['id']) { $info = $class->getInfo($_GET['id']); } else { if (!permission::check($class->tableName, "a_tag")) { echo "<script>alert('對不起你沒有該操作的權限');</script>"; exit; } } ?> <form method="post" onsubmit="return checkForm(this);" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <?php if ($_GET['id']) { ?> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $_GET['id']; ?> "><?php } ?>
/** Sets the permissions for a group. */ function set_permissions() { global $__in, $__out; try { $group = new group($__in['id']); $__out['group'] = $group->this_to_array(); $permission = new permission(); $__out['arr_permissions'] = $permission->assoc_array_from_result_array($permission->getall(), "id", "description"); $__out['selected_permission_ids'] = $group->get_selected_permission_ids(); if ($__in['__is_form_submitted']) { // if form is submitted $group->set_permissions($__in['group']['permissions']); return dispatcher::redirect(array("action" => "getall"), "updated_successfully"); } } catch (ValidationException $ex) { $ex->publish_errors(); } catch (Exception $ex) { throw $ex; } return true; }
public function getCMSFields() { $fields = parent::getCMSFields(); $fields->addFieldToTab("Root.Sidebar", new HTMLEditorField("SidebarContent", "Sidebar Content Top")); $fields->addFieldToTab("Root.Sidebar", new HTMLEditorField("SidebarBottom", "Sidebar Content Bottom")); $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.MapDetails', new GridField('ServiceAreasLocations', 'Locations', $this->ServiceAreasLocations(), GridFieldConfig_RecordEditor::create()->addComponent(new GridFieldSortableRows('SortOrder'), 'GridFieldButtonRow'))); if (permission::check('ADMIN')) { $fields->addFieldToTab("Root.MapDetails", new UploadField("MapIcon", "Map Marker Image")); } $fields->addFieldToTab("Root.MapDetails", new DropdownField("MapType", "Map Display Type", array("ROADMAP" => "Roadmap", "SATELLITE" => "Satellite", "HYBRID" => "Hybrid", "TERRAIN" => "Terrain"), "Roadmap")); $fields->addFieldToTab("Root.FormControls.Fields", new CheckboxSetField("FirstName_Control", "First Name", array("Enabled" => "Enabled", "Required" => "Required"))); $fields->addFieldToTab("Root.FormControls.Fields", new CheckboxSetField("LastName_Control", "Last Name", array("Enabled" => "Enabled", "Required" => "Required"))); $fields->addFieldToTab("Root.FormControls.Fields", new CheckboxSetField("Address_Control", "Address", array("Enabled" => "Enabled", "Required" => "Required"))); $fields->addFieldToTab("Root.FormControls.Fields", new CheckboxSetField("Address2_Control", "Address 2", array("Enabled" => "Enabled", "Required" => "Required"))); $fields->addFieldToTab("Root.FormControls.Fields", new CheckboxSetField("City_Control", "City", array("Enabled" => "Enabled", "Required" => "Required"))); $fields->addFieldToTab("Root.FormControls.Fields", new CheckboxSetField("State_Control", "State", array("Enabled" => "Enabled", "Required" => "Required"))); $fields->addFieldToTab("Root.FormControls.Fields", new CheckboxSetField("ZipCode_Control", "Zip Code", array("Enabled" => "Enabled", "Required" => "Required"))); $fields->addFieldToTab("Root.FormControls.Fields", new CheckboxSetField("Phone_Control", "Phone Number", array("Enabled" => "Enabled", "Required" => "Required"))); $fields->addFieldToTab("Root.FormControls.Fields", new CheckboxSetField("Email_Control", "Email Address", array("Enabled" => "Enabled", "Required" => "Required"))); $fields->addFieldToTab("Root.FormControls.Fields", new CheckboxSetField("Comments_Control", "Comments", array("Enabled" => "Enabled", "Required" => "Required"))); $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.FormSubmissions', new GridField('ServiceAreasFormSubmissions', 'Submissions', $this->ServiceAreasFormSubmissions(), GridFieldConfig_RecordEditor::create()->addComponent($exportBtn = new GridFieldExportButton(), 'GridFieldButtonRow'))); $ExportFields = array("Date" => "Date", "FirstName" => "First Name", "LastName" => "Last Name", "Address" => "Address", "City" => "City", "State" => "State", "ZipCode" => "Zip Code", "Email" => "Email Address", "Phone" => "Phone Number", "PageURL" => "Page URL", "Comments" => "Comments"); $this->extend('updateExportFields', $ExportFields); $exportBtn->setExportColumns($ExportFields); $fields->addFieldToTab("Root.FormControls.Recipients", new LiteralField("Desc1", "<h3>Forms will be submitted to all addresses below.</h3><br>")); $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.FormControls.Recipients', new GridField('FormRecipients', 'Recipients', $this->FormRecipients(), GridFieldConfig_RecordEditor::create()->addComponent(new GridFieldSortableRows('SortOrder'), 'GridFieldButtonRow'))); $fields->addFieldToTab("Root.FormControls.ThankYouText", new HTMLEditorField("ThankYouText", "Text on Submission")); if (permission::check('ADMIN')) { $fields->addFieldToTab("Root.PageCreation", new LiteralField("M0", "<h1>This tool lets you create service area pages with base content. YOU MUST REFRESH the admin area after saving this page to see your new content.</h1>")); $fields->addFieldToTab("Root.PageCreation", new LiteralField("M1", "<p>Enter some content below, and it will be the default content for all pages made with this tool.</p><p>You may optionally add {NAME} to the content, and it will be magically replaced with the page name</p>")); $fields->addFieldToTab("Root.PageCreation", new HTMLEditorField("BaseContent", "Base Content")); $fields->addFieldToTab("Root.PageCreation", new TextField("BasePageTitle", "Base Page Title")); $fields->addFieldToTab("Root.PageCreation", new TextField("BaseMetaTitle", "Base Meta Title")); $fields->addFieldToTab("Root.PageCreation", new TextAreaField("BaseMetaKeywords", "Base Meta Keywords")); $fields->addFieldToTab("Root.PageCreation", new TextAreaField("BaseMetaDescription", "Base Meta Description")); $fields->addFieldToTab("Root.PageCreation", new LiteralField("M2", "<br><br><h3>Below you can enter page names for automatic generation.</h3><p>One page name per line</p><p>First level pages can simply be typed on a line.</p><p>Children pages must start with a tilde ~ for each level of nesting.</p><h4>Example:</h4><p>Heading Page Name</p><p>~Child Page Name</p><p>~Child Page Name</p><p>~~Sub Child Page Name</p><p>Heading Page Name</p><p>~Child Page Name</p>")); $fields->addFieldToTab("Root.PageCreation", new TextAreaField("PageStructure", "Page Structure")); } return $fields; }
/** * 添加用户 * @param $userinfo数组 * ( * username:用户名, password:密码, * permissions:权限, type:类型, * brandid:品牌号, touchid:触摸屏id * createtime:创建时间,endtime到期时间 * ) * @return "true"为成功,不为"true"为失败提示 */ public static function userForAdd($userinfo = NULL) { $message = "true"; if (!empty($userinfo)) { $beuUserArray = new beu_users(); //首先判断这些字段是否存在,这些都是必填项 if (isset($userinfo['username']) && isset($userinfo['password']) && isset($userinfo['permissions']) && isset($userinfo['type']) && isset($userinfo['brandid']) && isset($userinfo['touchid']) && isset($userinfo['createtime']) && isset($userinfo['endtime'])) { try { Comm::checkValue($userinfo['username'], yii::t('beu_users', "用户名"), 0, 1, 20); //用户名 //查询该用户是否注册过,如果被注册就返回 $count = permission::userSelectByParm("", $userinfo['username'], ""); if (count($count) > 0) { $message = yii::t('beu_users', "该账号已被占用"); } else { $beuUserArray->username = $userinfo['username']; } } catch (BeubeuException $e) { $message = $e->getMessage(); } try { Comm::checkValue($userinfo['password'], yii::t('beu_users', "密码"), 0, 1); //密码 $beuUserArray->password = md5("beubeu" . md5($userinfo['password'])); } catch (BeubeuException $e) { $message = $e->getMessage(); } try { Comm::checkValue($userinfo['permissions'], yii::t('beu_users', "权限"), 0, 1, 512); //权限 $beuUserArray->permissions = $userinfo['permissions']; } catch (BeubeuException $e) { $message = $e->getMessage(); } try { Comm::checkValue($userinfo['type'], yii::t('beu_users', "用户类型"), 1, 1, 127); //用户类型 $beuUserArray->type = $userinfo['type']; } catch (BeubeuException $e) { $message = $e->getMessage(); } try { Comm::checkValue($userinfo['brandid'], yii::t('public', "品牌号"), 0, 1, 255); //品牌ID号 $beuUserArray->brandid = $userinfo['brandid']; } catch (BeubeuException $e) { $message = $e->getMessage(); } try { Comm::checkValue($userinfo['touchid'], yii::t('public', "触摸屏号"), 0, 1, 255); //触摸屏ID号 $beuUserArray->touchid = $userinfo['touchid']; } catch (BeubeuException $e) { $message = $e->getMessage(); } try { Comm::checkValue($userinfo['createtime'], yii::t('beu_users', "创建时间"), 1, 1); //创建时间 $beuUserArray->createtime = $userinfo['createtime']; } catch (BeubeuException $e) { $message = $e->getMessage(); } try { Comm::checkValue($userinfo['endtime'], yii::t('beu_users', "到期时间"), 1, 1); //到期时间 $beuUserArray->endtime = $userinfo['endtime']; } catch (BeubeuException $e) { $message = $e->getMessage(); } if ($message == "true") { try { $count = $beuUserArray->save(); if ($count > 0) { } else { $message = yii::t('public', "插入数据失败"); //插入数据失败 } } catch (Exception $e) { $message = yii::t('public', "插入数据失败"); } } } else { $message = yii::t('public', "插入数据失败"); //插入数据失败 } } else { $message = yii::t('public', "插入数据失败"); } return $message; }
<?php if ($_POST) { group_perm::update($_POST['group_id'], 'group_id', $_POST['perm']); $altmsg = '權限修改成功'; } !$_GET['group_id'] && ($_GET['group_id'] = 1); $group = new group(); $group->setLimit(0, 1000); $group = $group->getArray(); $permission = permission::getList(); $group_perm = new group_perm(); $tmpary = $group_perm->getGroupPerm($_GET['group_id']); $perm = array(); foreach ($tmpary as $ary) { $perm[$ary['perm_id']] = $ary; } ?> <form id="editForm" method="post" onsubmit="return checkForm(this)"> <h1 class="title"><span>權限管理</span></h1> <div class="pidding_5"> <div class="search"> <span> <select name="group_id" onchange="window.location.href='<?php echo urlkill('group_id'); ?> &group_id='+this.value"> <?php foreach ($group as $gp) { ?> <option <?php
Contributor(s): Mark J Crane <*****@*****.**> */ //check permisions if (!$included) { include "root.php"; require_once "resources/require.php"; require_once "resources/check_auth.php"; if (permission_exists('group_edit')) { //access granted } else { echo "access denied"; return; } } //add multi-lingual support $language = new text(); $text = $language->get(); //permission restore default require_once "core/users/resources/classes/permission.php"; $permission = new permission(); $permission->db = $db; $permission->restore(); //redirect the users if (!$included) { //show a message to the user $_SESSION["message"] = $text['message-restore']; header("Location: groups.php"); return; }
function run() { global $user; global $layout; global $DB; $out = ''; $item = new profile(); switch ($_REQUEST['act']) { case 'json': case 1: // json data retrieval & operations switch ($_REQUEST['oper']) { case 'del': // remove rows $ids = $_REQUEST['ids']; foreach ($ids as $id) { $item->load($id); $item->delete(); } echo json_encode(true); break; default: // list or search $page = intval($_REQUEST['page']); $max = intval($_REQUEST['rows']); $offset = ($page - 1) * $max; $orderby = $_REQUEST['sidx'] . ' ' . $_REQUEST['sord']; $where = " 1=1 "; if ($_REQUEST['_search'] == 'true' || isset($_REQUEST['quicksearch'])) { if (isset($_REQUEST['quicksearch'])) { $where .= $item->quicksearch($_REQUEST['quicksearch']); } else { if (isset($_REQUEST['filters'])) { $where .= navitable::jqgridsearch($_REQUEST['filters']); } else { // single search $where .= ' AND ' . navitable::jqgridcompare($_REQUEST['searchField'], $_REQUEST['searchOper'], $_REQUEST['searchString']); } } } $DB->queryLimit('id,name', 'nv_profiles', $where, $orderby, $offset, $max); $dataset = $DB->result(); $total = $DB->foundRows(); //echo $DB->get_last_error(); $out = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($dataset); $i++) { $out[$i] = array(0 => $dataset[$i]['id'], 1 => $dataset[$i]['name']); } navitable::jqgridJson($out, $page, $offset, $max, $total); break; } session_write_close(); exit; break; case 'edit': case 2: // edit/new form if (!empty($_REQUEST['id'])) { $item->load(intval($_REQUEST['id'])); } if (isset($_REQUEST['form-sent'])) { $item->load_from_post(); try { $item->save(); permission::update_permissions(json_decode($_REQUEST['navigate_permissions_changes'], true), $item->id, 0); $layout->navigate_notification(t(53, "Data saved successfully."), false, false, 'fa fa-check'); } catch (Exception $e) { $layout->navigate_notification($e->getMessage(), true, true); } } $out = profiles_form($item); break; case 'delete': case 4: // remove if (!empty($_REQUEST['id'])) { $item->load(intval($_REQUEST['id'])); if ($item->delete() > 0) { $layout->navigate_notification(t(55, 'Item removed successfully.'), false); $out = profiles_list(); } else { $layout->navigate_notification(t(56, 'Unexpected error.'), false); $out = profiles_form($item); } } break; case 'list': case 0: // list / search result // list / search result default: $out = profiles_list(); break; } return $out; }
<?php /** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: Alex * Date: 28.05.2015 * Time: 12:09 */ require_once dirname(dirname(dirname(__DIR__))) . '/config.php'; $group = new Group(); $groupBenutzer = $group->getGroupLKByName('Benutzer'); $groupModerator = $group->getGroupLKByName('Moderator'); $groupAdministrator = $group->getGroupLKByName('Administrator'); $permission = new permission(); $permissionBenutzer = $permission->getpermissionLKByName('Benutzer'); $permissionModerator = $permission->getpermissionLKByName('Moderator'); $permissionAdministrator = $permission->getpermissionLKByName('Administrator'); $connections = [ 'ConnUserGroup' => [ 1 => [ $groupBenutzer, $groupModerator, $groupAdministrator ] ], 'ConnGroupRight' => [ $groupBenutzer => [$permissionBenutzer], $groupModerator => [$permissionModerator],
} else { Permission::denyAccess(PERM_ROOT, $networkinterface->getRouter()->getUserId()); } } elseif ($_GET['section'] == 'insert_add') { $networkinterface = new Networkinterface((int) $_GET['interface_id']); $networkinterface->fetch(); if (permission::checkIfUserIsOwnerOrPermitted(PERM_ROOT, $networkinterface->getRouter()->getUserId())) { $ip = new Ip(false, (int) $_GET['interface_id'], (int) $_POST['network_id'], $_POST['ip']); if ($ip->store()) { $message[] = array('Die IP ' . $_POST['ip'] . ' wurde angelegt.', 1); Message::setMessage($message); } else { $message[] = array('Die IP ' . $_POST['ip'] . ' konnte nicht angelegt werden.', 2); Message::setMessage($message); } header('Location: ./router.php?router_id=' . $_GET['router_id']); } else { Permission::denyAccess(PERM_ROOT, $networkinterface->getRouter()->getUserId()); } } elseif ($_GET['section'] == 'delete') { $ip = new Ip((int) $_GET['ip_id']); $ip->fetch(); if (permission::checkIfUserIsOwnerOrPermitted(PERM_ROOT, $ip->getNetworkinterface()->getRouter()->getUserId())) { $ip->delete(); $message[] = array('Die IP ' . $ip->getIp() . '/' . $ip->getNetwork()->getNetmask() . ' wurde gelöscht.', 1); Message::setMessage($message); header('Location: ./router.php?router_id=' . $_GET['router_id']); } else { Permission::denyAccess(PERM_ROOT, $ip->getNetworkinterface()->getRouter()->getUserId()); } }
function getone() { global $__in, $__out; $permission = new permission($__in['id']); $__out['permission'] = $permission->this_to_array(); return true; }
function delete($id) { global $webdb; //print_r($this->permCheck && !permission::check($this->tableName,'d_tag'));exit; if ($this->tableName && $this->permCheck && !permission::check($this->tableName, 'd_tag')) { permission::errMsg(); return false; } return $webdb->query("delete from " . $this->tableName . " where " . $this->key . "='" . $id . "'"); }
* * allocPSA is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * allocPSA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public * License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with allocPSA. If not, see <>. */ require_once "../alloc.php"; $permission = new permission(); $permissionID = $_POST["permissionID"] or $permissionID = $_GET["permissionID"]; if ($permissionID) { $permission->set_id($permissionID); $permission->select(); } $actions_array = $_POST["actions_array"]; if (is_array($actions_array)) { $actions = 0; foreach ($actions_array as $k => $a) { $actions = $actions | $a; } } $permission->read_globals(); $permission->set_values(); if (!$permission->get_value("tableName")) {
/** * 验证表单 * */ public function actiongetlogin() { $ret = array('status' => 1, 'msg' => '', 'data' => 10); try { $unmae = trim(urldecode(Yii::app()->request->getParam("unmae"))); $upwo = Yii::app()->request->getParam('upwo'); $code = Yii::app()->request->getParam('code'); if (!$this->login_type && $code != $_SESSION['Checknum']) { $ret['data'] = 1; //验证码错误 throw new Exception('验证码错误'); } $ret = permission::userLogin($unmae, $upwo); if ($this->login_type) { //C# 软件登录 $ret['msg'] = $ret['data']; $ret['data'] = array(); if ($ret['msg'] == 4) { //获取用户访问权限 $user = WebUser::getusersById($_SESSION['user_id']); if ($user['status'] == 0) { throw new Exception(2); } if (empty($user['data']->touchid)) { throw new Exception(6); } $touch_arr = json_decode($user['data']->touchid, true); //用户绑定的搭配屏 $touch_ret = Touch::touchSelectById($touch_arr[0]); //根据搭配屏获取品牌 if ($touch_ret['status'] == 0 || empty($touch_ret['data']['brandid'])) { throw new Exception(6); } try { $brand_ret = Brand::brandSelectById($touch_ret['data']['brandid']); if (count($brand_ret) == 0) { throw new Exception(''); } $qiniu = new erp_qiniu(); //七牛的接口类 $brand_qiniu_account = $qiniu->getAccountByBrand($touch_ret['data']['brandid']); //获取品牌的七牛子账号信息 if (count($brand_qiniu_account) == 0) { throw new Exception('品牌暂未绑定七牛帐号'); } $ret['data']['domain'] = $brand_qiniu_account[0]['domain']; $ret['data']['brandname'] = $brand_ret[0]['name']; $ret['data']['erpak'] = empty($brand_ret[0]['erpak']) ? '' : $brand_ret[0]['erpak']; $ret['data']['erpsk'] = empty($brand_ret[0]['erpsk']) ? '' : $brand_ret[0]['erpsk']; $ret['data']['code_start'] = $brand_ret[0]['code_start']; $ret['data']['code_end'] = $brand_ret[0]['code_end']; } catch (Exception $e) { throw new Exception(6); } $ret['data']['brandid'] = $touch_ret['data']['brandid']; $ret['data']['type'] = $_SESSION['type']; } } else { $ret['href'] = '/erp/manage'; } $ret['status'] = 1; } catch (Exception $e) { $ret['mag'] = $e->getMessage(); } echo json_encode($ret); }