Пример #1
 public function update_user($user_id, $data)
     include_once 'pc_form_framework.php';
     $form_fw = new pc_form();
     // wp-sync init
     if ($this->wp_user_sync) {
         include_once 'wp_user_sync.php';
         global $pc_wp_user;
         $is_wp_synced = $pc_wp_user->pvtc_is_synced($user_id);
     } else {
         $is_wp_synced = false;
     // put array elements in $_POST globval to use validator
     foreach ((array) $data as $key => $val) {
         $_POST[$key] = $val;
     /*** form structure ***/
     $form_fields = array();
     $require = isset($data['email']) && $form_fw->mail_is_required ? array('email') : array();
     // add $data fields
     foreach ((array) $data as $key => $val) {
         $form_fields[] = $key;
     /* PC-FILTER - customize required fields for user update */
     $require = apply_filters('pc_update_user_required_fields', $require);
     $form_structure = array('include' => array_unique($form_fields), 'require' => array_unique($require));
     // if WP synced - ignore username
     if ($this->wp_user_sync && $is_wp_synced) {
         if (($key = array_search('username', $form_structure['include'])) !== false) {
     // if password is empty - ignore
     if (in_array('psw', $form_structure['include']) && (!isset($data['psw']) || empty($data['psw']))) {
         if (($key = array_search('psw', $form_structure['include'])) !== false) {
     // if password is ok but repeat password doesn't exist - set it
     if (in_array('psw', $form_structure['include']) && !isset($data['check_psw'])) {
         $_POST['check_psw'] = $data['psw'];
         $data['check_psw'] = $_POST['check_psw'];
     // validation structure
     $indexes = $form_fw->generate_validator($form_structure);
     // add index for disable_pvt_page
     if (in_array('disable_pvt_page', $form_fields)) {
         $indexes[] = array('index' => 'disable_pvt_page', 'label' => __("Disable private page", 'pc_ml'), 'type' => 'int', 'max_len' => 1);
     /*** standard validation ***/
     $is_valid = $form_fw->validate_form($indexes, array(), $user_id);
     $fdata = $form_fw->form_data;
     /*** advanced/custom validations ***/
     if ($is_valid) {
         $params = array('fdata' => $fdata, 'user_id' => $user_id, 'wp_synced' => $is_wp_synced);
         $this->specific_user_check('update', $params);
         if (!empty($this->validation_errors)) {
             return false;
         /* PC-FILTER - custom data validation before user insertion - pass/return HTML code for error message */
         $this->validation_errors = apply_filters('pc_update_user_data_check', $this->validation_errors, $fdata);
         if (!empty($this->validation_errors)) {
             return false;
     // abort or update
     if (!$is_valid) {
         $this->validation_errors = $form_fw->errors;
         return false;
     } else {
         $this->validation_errors = '';
         /*** update user ***/
         // prepare query array with fixed fields
         $query_arr = array();
         foreach ($this->fixed_fields as $ff) {
             if (isset($fdata[$ff])) {
                 switch ($ff) {
                     case 'categories':
                         $val = serialize((array) $fdata[$ff]);
                     case 'psw':
                         $val = $this->encrypt_psw($fdata[$ff]);
                         $val = isset($fdata[$ff]) ? $fdata[$ff] : false;
                 if ($val !== false) {
                     $query_arr[$ff] = $val;
                 // sanitize known data for saving
                 if (isset($query_arr['disable_pvt_page'])) {
                     $query_arr['disable_pvt_page'] = (int) $query_arr['disable_pvt_page'];
         // only if there are fixed fields to save
         if (!empty($query_arr)) {
             $result = $this->db->update(PC_USERS_TABLE, $query_arr, array('id' => (int) $user_id));
         } else {
             $result = 0;
             // simulate "no fields updated" response
         if ($result === false) {
             // if data is same, returns 0. Check for false
             $this->debug_note(__('Error updating user data into database', 'pc_ml'));
             $this->validation_errors = __('Error updating user data into database', 'pc_ml');
             return false;
         } else {
             // if is wp-synced
             if ($this->wp_user_sync && $is_wp_synced) {
                 $wp_user_id = $pc_wp_user->sync_wp_user($fdata, $is_wp_synced->ID);
             // update metas
             $this->save_meta_fields($user_id, $form_structure['include'], $fdata);
             /* PC-ACTION - triggered when user is updated - passes user id */
             do_action('pc_user_updated', $user_id);
             return true;
Пример #2
function pc_register_user()
    global $wpdb, $pc_users;
    if (isset($_POST['type']) && $_POST['type'] == 'pc_registration') {
        require_once PC_DIR . '/classes/pc_form_framework.php';
        require_once PC_DIR . '/classes/recaptchalib.php';
        include_once PC_DIR . '/functions.php';
        ////////// VALIDATION ////////////////////////////////////
        $term = get_term((int) $_REQUEST['form_id'], 'pc_reg_form');
        if (!$term) {
            $mess = json_encode(array('resp' => 'error', 'mess' => __('Form not found', 'pc_ml')));
        $GLOBALS['pc_custom_cat_name'] = true;
        $f_fw = new pc_form(array('use_custom_cat_name' => true, 'strip_no_reg_cats' => true));
        $form_structure = unserialize(base64_decode($term->description));
        $antispam = get_option('pg_antispam_sys', 'honeypot');
        // custom validation indexes
        $custom_indexes = array();
        $indexes = $f_fw->generate_validator($form_structure, $custom_indexes);
        //// prior custom validation
        $cust_errors = array();
        if ($antispam == 'honeypot') {
            if (!$f_fw->honeypot_validaton()) {
                $cust_errors[] = "Antispam - we've got a bot here!";
        } else {
            $privatekey = "6LfQas0SAAAAAIzpthJ7UC89nV9THR9DxFXg3nVL";
            $resp = pc_recaptcha_check_answer($privatekey, $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], $_POST['recaptcha_challenge_field'], $_POST['recaptcha_response_field']);
            if (!$resp->is_valid) {
                $cust_errors[] = "reCAPTCHA - " . __("wasn't entered correctly", 'pc_ml');
        // check disclaimer
        if (get_option('pg_use_disclaimer') && !isset($_POST['pc_disclaimer'])) {
            $cust_errors[] = __("Disclaimer", 'pc_ml') . " - " . __("must be accepted to proceed with registration", 'pc_ml');
        // validation wrap-up
        $is_valid = $f_fw->validate_form($indexes, $cust_errors, false, false);
        $fdata = $f_fw->form_data;
        if (!$is_valid) {
            $error = $f_fw->errors;
        } else {
            $status = get_option('pg_registered_pending') ? 3 : 1;
            $allow_wp_sync_fail = !get_option('pg_require_wps_registration') ? true : false;
            // if no categories field - use forced or default ones
            if (!isset($fdata['categories'])) {
                $fdata['categories'] = isset($_POST['pc_cc']) && !empty($_POST['pc_cc']) ? explode(',', $_POST['pc_cc']) : get_option('pg_registration_cat');
                if (isset($_POST['pc_cc']) && !empty($_POST['pc_cc'])) {
                    $GLOBALS['pc_escape_no_reg_cats'] = true;
                // flag to bypass reg cats restrictions
            // private page switch - put in form data
            $fdata['disable_pvt_page'] = get_option('pg_registered_pvtpage') ? 0 : 1;
            // insert user
            $result = $pc_users->insert_user($fdata, $status, $allow_wp_sync_fail);
            if (!$result) {
                $error = $pc_users->validation_errors;
        // results
        if (isset($error) && !empty($error)) {
            $mess = json_encode(array('resp' => 'error', 'mess' => $error));
        } else {
            // PC-ACTION - registered user - passes new user ID and status
            do_action('pc_registered_user', $result, $status);
            // success message
            $mess = json_encode(array('resp' => 'success', 'mess' => pc_get_message('pc_default_sr_mex'), 'redirect' => pc_man_redirects('pg_registered_user_redirect')));
        // security block
Пример #3
function pcud_handle_custom_form()
    if (isset($_POST['type']) && $_POST['type'] == 'pcud_cf_submit') {
        require_once PC_DIR . '/classes/pc_form_framework.php';
        require_once PCUD_DIR . '/functions.php';
        global $wpdb, $pc_users;
        $f_fw = new pc_form();
        $form_id = (int) $_POST['pcud_fid'];
        // check for logged users
        $pc_logged = pc_user_logged(false);
        if (!$pc_logged && !current_user_can(get_option('pg_min_role', 'upload_files'))) {
            die(json_encode(array('resp' => 'error', 'mess' => __('You must be logged to use this form', 'pcud_ml'))));
        ////////// VALIDATION ////////////////////////////////////
        // get form structure
        $term = get_term_by('id', $form_id, 'pcud_forms');
        if (empty($term)) {
            die(json_encode(array('resp' => 'error', 'mess' => __('Form not found', 'pcud_ml'))));
        if (empty($term->description)) {
            // retrocompatibility
            $form_fields = (array) get_option('pcud_form_' . $form_id, array());
        } else {
            $form_fields = unserialize(base64_decode($term->description));
        $indexes = $f_fw->generate_validator(pcud_v2_field_names_sanitize($form_fields));
        $is_valid = $f_fw->validate_form($indexes, $cust_errors = array(), false, false);
        $fdata = $f_fw->form_data;
        if (!$is_valid) {
            $error = $f_fw->errors;
        } else {
            // check for redirects
            if (isset($form_fields['redirect']) && !empty($form_fields['redirect'])) {
                $redirect = $form_fields['redirect'] == 'custom' ? $form_fields['cust_redir'] : get_permalink($form_fields['redirect']);
            } else {
                $redirect = '';
            // if not PC user - stop here
            if (!$pc_logged) {
                die(json_encode(array('resp' => 'success', 'mess' => __('Form submitted successfully.<br/> Not logged as PrivateContent user, nothing has been saved', 'pcud_ml'), 'redirect' => $redirect)));
            // update user
            $result = $pc_users->update_user($GLOBALS['pc_user_id'], $fdata);
            if (!$result) {
                $error = $pc_users->validation_errors;
        // results
        if (isset($error) && !empty($error)) {
            die(json_encode(array('resp' => 'error', 'mess' => $error)));
        } else {
            // if is updating password - sync also cookie
            if (isset($fdata['psw'])) {
                $encrypted = $pc_users->get_user_field($user_id, $field);
                setcookie('pc_user', $GLOBALS['pc_user_id'] . '|||' . $encrypted, time() + 3600 * 6, '/');
            // PCUD-ACTION - user updated its data - passes form data
            do_action('pcud_user_updated_data', $fdata);
            // success message
            $mess = json_encode(array('resp' => 'success', 'mess' => __('Data saved succesfully', 'pc_ml'), 'redirect' => $redirect));
        // security block