Пример #1
 /* Create the pChart object */
 $myPicture = new pImage($xsize, $ysize, $MyData);
 $Settings = array("StartR" => 219, "StartG" => 231, "StartB" => 139, "EndR" => 1, "EndG" => 138, "EndB" => 68, "Alpha" => 50);
 $myPicture->drawGradientArea(0, 0, $xsize, $ysize, DIRECTION_VERTICAL, $Settings);
 /* Draw the border */
 $myPicture->drawRectangle(0, 0, $xsize - 1, $ysize - 1, array("R" => 0, "G" => 0, "B" => 0));
 /* Write the title */
 $myPicture->setFontProperties(array("FontName" => "../../fonts/verdana.ttf", "FontSize" => 9));
 $myPicture->drawText(70, 45, $title, array("FontSize" => 20, "Align" => TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMLEFT));
 /* Draw the 1st scale */
 $myPicture->setGraphArea(70, 60, $xsize - 40, $ysize - 30);
 $myPicture->drawFilledRectangle(70, 60, $xsize - 40, $ysize - 30, array("R" => 255, "G" => 255, "B" => 255, "Surrounding" => -200, "Alpha" => 10));
 $AxisBoundaries = array(0 => array("Min" => $minscale, "Max" => $maxscale));
 $myPicture->drawScale(array("DrawSubTicks" => TRUE, "CycleBackground" => TRUE, "Mode" => SCALE_MODE_MANUAL, "ManualScale" => $AxisBoundaries));
 /* Draw the 1st stock chart */
 $mystockChart = new pStock($myPicture, $MyData);
 $myPicture->setShadow(TRUE, array("X" => 1, "Y" => 1, "R" => 0, "G" => 0, "B" => 0, "Alpha" => 30));
 /* Reset the display mode because of the graph small size */
 /* Draw the 2nd scale */
 /* Draw the 2nd stock chart */
 //$mystockChart = new pStock($myPicture,$MyData);
 /* Render the picture (choose the best way) */
$MyData->addPoints(array(37, 32, 33, 29, 29, 25, 22, 34, 29, 31), "Max");
$MyData->addPoints(array(30, 20, 21, 24, 22, 18, 18, 24, 22, 24), "Median");
$MyData->setAxisDisplay(0, AXIS_FORMAT_CURRENCY, "\$");
$MyData->addPoints(array("Dec 13", "Dec 14", "Dec 15", "Dec 16", "Dec 17", "Dec 20", "Dec 21", "Dec 22", "Dec 23", "Dec 24"), "Time");
/* Create the pChart object */
$myPicture = new pImage(700, 230, $MyData);
/* Retrieve the image map */
if (isset($_GET["ImageMap"]) || isset($_POST["ImageMap"])) {
    $myPicture->dumpImageMap("ImageMapStockChart", IMAGE_MAP_STORAGE_FILE, "StockChart", "../tmp");
/* Set the image map name */
$myPicture->initialiseImageMap("ImageMapStockChart", IMAGE_MAP_STORAGE_FILE, "StockChart", "../tmp");
/* Turn of AAliasing */
$myPicture->Antialias = FALSE;
/* Draw the border */
$myPicture->drawRectangle(0, 0, 699, 229, array("R" => 0, "G" => 0, "B" => 0));
$myPicture->setFontProperties(array("FontName" => FONT_PATH . "/pf_arma_five.ttf", "FontSize" => 6));
/* Define the chart area */
$myPicture->setGraphArea(60, 30, 650, 190);
/* Draw the scale */
$scaleSettings = array("GridR" => 200, "GridG" => 200, "GridB" => 200, "DrawSubTicks" => TRUE, "CycleBackground" => TRUE);
/* Create the pStock object */
$mystockChart = new pStock($myPicture, $MyData);
/* Draw the stock chart */
$stockSettings = array("RecordImageMap" => TRUE, "BoxUpR" => 255, "BoxUpG" => 255, "BoxUpB" => 255, "BoxDownR" => 0, "BoxDownG" => 0, "BoxDownB" => 0, "SerieMedian" => "Median");
/* Render the picture (choose the best way) */
Пример #3
function buildgraph($MyData, $xsize, $ysize, $title, $minscale, $maxscale, $date, $type, $imagefilename)
    /* Create and populate the pData object */
    $MyData = new pData();
    load_nmc_data($MyData, $date, $type, $minscale, $maxscale);
    //echo $minscale." ".$maxscale; exit;
    //printf("minscale: $minscale maxscale: $maxscale <br />\n");
    //buildgraph( $MyData, $xsize, $ysize, $title  );
    $MyData->setAxisDisplay(0, AXIS_FORMAT_CURRENCY, "฿");
    //$MyData->setAxisName(0,"Price in BTC");
    //$MyData->setSerieDescription("Time","Hour of the day");
    /* Create the pChart object */
    $myPicture = new pImage($xsize, $ysize, $MyData);
    /* Draw the background */
    $Settings = array("R" => 170, "G" => 183, "B" => 87, "Dash" => 1, "DashR" => 190, "DashG" => 203, "DashB" => 107);
    $myPicture->drawFilledRectangle(0, 0, $xsize, $ysize, $Settings);
    /* Overlay with a gradient */
    $Settings = array("StartR" => 219, "StartG" => 231, "StartB" => 139, "EndR" => 1, "EndG" => 138, "EndB" => 68, "Alpha" => 50);
    $myPicture->drawGradientArea(0, 0, $xsize, $ysize, DIRECTION_VERTICAL, $Settings);
    /* Draw the border */
    $myPicture->drawRectangle(0, 0, $xsize - 1, $ysize - 1, array("R" => 0, "G" => 0, "B" => 0));
    /* Write the title */
    $myPicture->setFontProperties(array("FontName" => dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../fonts/verdana.ttf", "FontSize" => 9));
    $myPicture->drawText(70, 45, $title, array("FontSize" => 20, "Align" => TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMLEFT));
    /* Draw the 1st scale */
    $myPicture->setGraphArea(70, 60, $xsize - 40, $ysize - 30);
    $myPicture->drawFilledRectangle(70, 60, $xsize - 40, $ysize - 30, array("R" => 255, "G" => 255, "B" => 255, "Surrounding" => -200, "Alpha" => 10));
    // Y scale
    $AxisBoundariesY = array(0 => array("Min" => $minscale, "Max" => $maxscale));
    $myPicture->drawScale(array("DrawSubTicks" => TRUE, "CycleBackground" => TRUE, "Mode" => SCALE_MODE_MANUAL, "ManualScale" => $AxisBoundariesY));
    //X scale
    //$AxisBoundariesX = array("01","02","03","04","05","06","07","08","09","10","11","12","13","14","15","16","17","18","19","20","21","22","23");
    $MyData->setXAxisDisplay(0, AXIS_FORMAT_TIME, "H");
    /* Draw the 1st stock chart */
    $mystockChart = new pStock($myPicture, $MyData);
    $myPicture->setShadow(TRUE, array("X" => 1, "Y" => 1, "R" => 0, "G" => 0, "B" => 0, "Alpha" => 30));
    /* Reset the display mode because of the graph small size */
    /* Draw the 2nd scale */
    /* Draw the 2nd stock chart */
    //$mystockChart = new pStock($myPicture,$MyData);
    /* Render the picture (choose the best way) */
    $current_time = time();
    $graphgendate = $current_time;
    return $graphgendate;