Пример #1
 private function _update_watchers()
     $watchers = $this->list_watchers();
     if (empty($watchers)) {
     $diff = $this->_get_diff();
     if (empty($diff)) {
         // No sense to email empty diffs
     // Construct the message
     $message = array();
     $user_string = midcom::get('i18n')->get_string('anonymous', 'net.nemein.wiki');
     if (midcom::get('auth')->user) {
         $user = midcom::get('auth')->user->get_storage();
         $user_string = $user->name;
     // Title for long notifications
     $message['title'] = sprintf(midcom::get('i18n')->get_string('page %s has been updated by %s', 'net.nemein.wiki'), $this->title, $user_string);
     // Content for long notifications
     $message['content'] = "{$message['title']}\n\n";
     // TODO: Get RCS diff here
     $message['content'] .= midcom::get('i18n')->get_string('page modifications', 'net.nemein.wiki') . ":\n";
     $message['content'] .= "\n{$diff}\n\n";
     $message['content'] .= midcom::get('i18n')->get_string('link to page', 'net.nemein.wiki') . ":\n";
     $message['content'] .= midcom::get('permalinks')->create_permalink($this->guid);
     // Content for short notifications
     $topic = new midcom_db_topic($this->topic);
     $message['abstract'] = sprintf(midcom::get('i18n')->get_string('page %s has been updated by %s in wiki %s', 'net.nemein.wiki'), $this->title, $user_string, $topic->extra);
     debug_add("Processing list of Wiki subscribers");
     // Send the message out
     foreach ($watchers as $recipient) {
         debug_add("Notifying {$recipient}...");
         org_openpsa_notifications::notify('net.nemein.wiki:page_updated', $recipient, $message);
Пример #2
 private function _report_abuse($data)
     // Report the abuse
     $moderators = $this->_config->get('moderators');
     if ($this->_comment->report_abuse() && $moderators) {
         // Prepare notification message
         $message = array();
         $message['title'] = sprintf($data['l10n']->get('comment %s reported as abuse'), $this->_comment->title);
         $message['content'] = '';
         $logs = $this->_comment->get_logs();
         if (count($logs) > 0) {
             $message['content'] .= $data['l10n']->get('moderation history') . ":\n\n";
             foreach ($logs as $time => $log) {
                 $reported = strftime('%x %X', strtotime("{$time}Z"));
                 $message['content'] .= $data['l10n']->get(sprintf('%s: %s by %s (from %s)', "{$reported}:\n", $data['l10n']->get($log['action']), $log['reporter'], $log['ip'])) . "\n\n";
         $message['content'] = "\n\n" . midcom::get('permalinks')->create_permalink($this->_comment->objectguid);
         $message['abstract'] = sprintf($data['l10n']->get('comment %s reported as abuse'), $this->_comment->title);
         $message['abstract'] = " " . midcom::get('permalinks')->create_permalink($this->_comment->objectguid);
         // Notify moderators
         $moderator_guids = explode('|', $moderators);
         foreach ($moderator_guids as $moderator_guid) {
             if (empty($moderator_guid)) {
             org_openpsa_notifications::notify('net.nehmer.comments:report_abuse', $moderator_guid, $message);
Пример #3
 function _send_notifications($method = 'updated')
     $message = $this->_construct_message($method);
     $subscriptions = array();
     $tmp_subscriptions = $this->list_parameters('fi.kilonkipinat.todos:subscribe');
     if (!empty($subscriptions)) {
         //Go through each subscription
         foreach ($tmp_subscriptions as $user_guid => $subscription_time) {
             $subscriptions[$user_guid] = true;
     if ($this->person != 0 && $this->person != '') {
         $person = new fi_kilonkipinat_account_person_dba($this->person);
         if ($this->person == $person->id) {
             $subscriptions[$person->guid] = true;
     if ($this->supervisor != 0 && $this->supervisor != '') {
         $person = new fi_kilonkipinat_account_person_dba($this->supervisor);
         if ($this->supervisor == $person->id) {
             $subscriptions[$person->guid] = true;
     if ($this->grp != 0 && $this->grp != '') {
         $grp = new midcom_db_group($this->grp);
         if ($this->grp == $grp->id) {
             $mc = midcom_db_member::new_collector('sitegroup', $_MIDGARD['sitegroup']);
             $mc->add_constraint('gid', '=', $this->grp);
             $tmp_keys = $mc->list_keys();
             foreach ($tmp_keys as $guid => $tmp_key) {
                 $person = new fi_kilonkipinat_account_person_dba($mc->get_subkey($guid, 'uid'));
                 if ($person->id != '' && $person->id != 0 && $person->guid != '') {
                     $subscriptions[$person->guid] = true;
     if (isset($subscriptions[$_MIDCOM->auth->user->guid])) {
         $subscriptions[$_MIDCOM->auth->user->guid] = false;
     if (count($subscriptions) > 0) {
         foreach ($subscriptions as $user_guid => $status) {
             if ($status) {
                 // Send notice
                 org_openpsa_notifications::notify('fi.kilonkipinat.todos:subscribe', $user_guid, $message);
Пример #4
 private function _send_notifications()
     //Get the parent object
     try {
         $parent = midcom::get('dbfactory')->get_object_by_guid($this->objectguid);
     } catch (midcom_error $e) {
         return false;
     if (empty($this->title) && empty($this->content)) {
         // No need to send notifications about empty rating entries
         return false;
     // Construct the message
     $message = $this->_construct_message();
     $authors = explode('|', substr($parent->metadata->authors, 1, -1));
     if (empty($authors)) {
         // Fall back to original creator if authors are not set for some reason
         $authors = array();
         $authors[] = $parent->metadata->creator;
     if (!empty($authors)) {
         //Go through all the authors
         foreach ($authors as $author) {
             // Send the notification to each author of the original document
             org_openpsa_notifications::notify('net.nehmer.comments:comment_posted', $author, $message);
     //Get all the subscriptions
     $subscriptions = $parent->list_parameters('net.nehmer.comments:subscription');
     if (!empty($subscriptions)) {
         //Go through each subscription
         foreach ($subscriptions as $user_guid => $subscription_time) {
             // Send notice
             org_openpsa_notifications::notify('net.nehmer.comments:subscription', $user_guid, $message);
Пример #5
 public function load_schemadb()
     $notifier = new org_openpsa_notifications();
     return $notifier->load_schemadb();
Пример #6
 function notify($type = 'update', $event = false, $nl = "\n")
     $l10n = midcom::get('i18n')->get_l10n('org.openpsa.calendar');
     $recipient = $this->get_person_obj();
     if (!$recipient) {
         debug_add('recipient could not be gotten, aborting', MIDCOM_LOG_WARN);
         return false;
     //In general we should have the event passed to us since we might be notifying about changes that have not been committed yet
     if (!$event) {
         $event = $this->get_event_obj();
     if ($recipient->id == midcom_connection::get_user() && !$event->send_notify_me) {
         //Do not send notification to current user
         debug_add('event->send_notify_me is false and recipient is current user, aborting notify');
         return false;
     $message = array();
     $action = 'org.openpsa.calendar:noevent';
     switch ($type) {
         //Event information was updated
         case 'update':
             //PONDER: This in theory should have the old event title
             $action = 'org.openpsa.calendar:event_update';
             $message['title'] = sprintf($l10n->get('event "%s" was updated'), $event->title);
             $message['abstract'] = sprintf($l10n->get('event "%s" (%s) was updated'), $event->title, $event->format_timeframe());
             $message['content'] = sprintf($l10n->get('event "%s" was modified, updated information below.') . "{$nl}{$nl}", $event->title);
             $message['content'] .= $event->details_text(false, $this, $nl);
             //Participant was added to the event
         //Participant was added to the event
         case 'add':
             $action = 'org.openpsa.calendar:event_add';
             $message['title'] = sprintf($l10n->get('you have been added to event "%s"'), $event->title);
             $message['abstract'] = sprintf($l10n->get('you have been added to event "%s" (%s)'), $event->title, $event->format_timeframe());
             $message['content'] = sprintf($l10n->get('you have been added to event "%s" participants list, event information below.') . "{$nl}{$nl}", $event->title);
             $message['content'] .= $event->details_text(false, $this, $nl);
             //Participant was removed from event
         //Participant was removed from event
         case 'remove':
             $action = 'org.openpsa.calendar:event_remove';
             $message['title'] = sprintf($l10n->get('you have been removed from event "%s"'), $event->title);
             $message['abstract'] = sprintf($l10n->get('you have been removed from event "%s" (%s)'), $event->title, $event->format_timeframe());
             $message['content'] = sprintf($l10n->get('you have been removed from event "%s" (%s) participants list.'), $event->title, $event->format_timeframe());
             //Event was cancelled (=deleted)
         //Event was cancelled (=deleted)
         case 'cancel':
             $action = 'org.openpsa.calendar:event_cancel';
             $message['title'] = sprintf($l10n->get('event "%s" was cancelled'), $event->title);
             $message['abstract'] = sprintf($l10n->get('event "%s" (%s) was cancelled'), $event->title, $event->format_timeframe());
             $message['content'] = sprintf($l10n->get('event "%s" (%s) was cancelled.'), $event->title, $event->format_timeframe());
             debug_add("action '{$type}' is invalid, aborting notification", MIDCOM_LOG_ERROR);
             return false;
     if ($type == 'cancel' || $type == 'remove') {
         // TODO: Create iCal export with correct delete commands
     } else {
         $encoder = new org_openpsa_calendar_vcal();
         $vcal_data = $encoder->get_headers();
         $vcal_data .= $encoder->export_event($event);
         $vcal_data .= $encoder->get_footers();
         $message['attachments'] = array(array('name' => midcom_helper_misc::generate_urlname_from_string(sprintf('%s on %s', $event->title, date('Ymd_Hi', $event->start))) . '.ics', 'mimetype' => 'text/calendar', 'content' => $vcal_data));
     return org_openpsa_notifications::notify($action, $recipient->guid, $message);
Пример #7
  * Function to send a notification to owner of the deliverable - guid of deliverable is passed
 public function new_notification_message($args, &$handler)
     if (!isset($args['deliverable'])) {
         $msg = 'deliverable GUID not set, aborting';
         debug_add($msg, MIDCOM_LOG_ERROR);
         return false;
     try {
         $deliverable = new org_openpsa_sales_salesproject_deliverable_dba($args['deliverable']);
     } catch (midcom_error $e) {
         $msg = 'no deliverable with passed GUID: ' . $args['deliverable'] . ' , aborting';
         debug_add($msg, MIDCOM_LOG_ERROR);
         return false;
     //get the owner of the salesproject the deliverable belongs to
     try {
         $project = new org_openpsa_sales_salesproject_dba($deliverable->salesproject);
     } catch (midcom_error $e) {
         $msg = 'Failed to load salesproject: ' . $e->getMessage();
         debug_add($msg, MIDCOM_LOG_ERROR);
         return false;
     $content = sprintf($this->_l10n->get('agreement %s ends on %s. click here: %s'), $deliverable->title, strftime('%x', $deliverable->end), midcom::get('permalinks')->create_permalink($deliverable->guid));
     $message = array('title' => sprintf($this->_l10n->get('notification for agreement %s'), $deliverable->title), 'content' => $content);
     return org_openpsa_notifications::notify('org.openpsa.sales:new_notification_message', $project->owner, $message);
Пример #8
 private function _notify_owner($calculator, $cycle_number, $next_run, $invoiced_sum, $tasks_completed, $tasks_not_completed, $new_task = null)
     $siteconfig = org_openpsa_core_siteconfig::get_instance();
     $message = array();
     $salesproject = org_openpsa_sales_salesproject_dba::get_cached($this->_deliverable->salesproject);
     try {
         $owner = midcom_db_person::get_cached($salesproject->owner);
     } catch (midcom_error $e) {
     $customer = $salesproject->get_customer();
     if (is_null($next_run)) {
         $next_run_label = midcom::get('i18n')->get_string('no more cycles', 'org.openpsa.sales');
     } else {
         $next_run_label = strftime('%x %X', $next_run);
     // Title for long notifications
     $message['title'] = sprintf(midcom::get('i18n')->get_string('subscription cycle %d closed for agreement %s (%s)', 'org.openpsa.sales'), $cycle_number, $this->_deliverable->title, $customer->get_label());
     // Content for long notifications
     $message['content'] = "{$message['title']}\n\n";
     $message['content'] .= midcom::get('i18n')->get_string('invoiced', 'org.openpsa.sales') . ": {$invoiced_sum}\n\n";
     if ($invoiced_sum > 0) {
         $invoice = $calculator->get_invoice();
         $message['content'] .= midcom::get('i18n')->get_string('invoice', 'org.openpsa.invoices') . " {$invoice->number}:\n";
         $url = $siteconfig->get_node_full_url('org.openpsa.invoices');
         $message['content'] .= $url . 'invoice/' . $invoice->guid . "/\n\n";
     if (count($tasks_completed) > 0) {
         $message['content'] .= "\n" . midcom::get('i18n')->get_string('tasks completed', 'org.openpsa.sales') . ":\n";
         foreach ($tasks_completed as $task) {
             $message['content'] .= "{$task->title}: {$task->reportedHours}h\n";
     if (count($tasks_not_completed) > 0) {
         $message['content'] .= "\n" . midcom::get('i18n')->get_string('tasks not completed', 'org.openpsa.sales') . ":\n";
         foreach ($tasks_not_completed as $task) {
             $message['content'] .= "{$task->title}: {$task->reportedHours}h\n";
     if ($new_task) {
         $message['content'] .= "\n" . midcom::get('i18n')->get_string('created new task', 'org.openpsa.sales') . ":\n";
         $message['content'] .= "{$task->title}\n";
     $message['content'] .= "\n" . midcom::get('i18n')->get_string('next run', 'org.openpsa.sales') . ": {$next_run_label}\n\n";
     $message['content'] .= midcom::get('i18n')->get_string('agreement', 'org.openpsa.projects') . ":\n";
     $url = $siteconfig->get_node_full_url('org.openpsa.sales');
     $message['content'] .= $url . 'deliverable/' . $this->_deliverable->guid . '/';
     // Content for short notifications
     $message['abstract'] = sprintf(midcom::get('i18n')->get_string('%s: closed subscription cycle %d for agreement %s. invoiced %d. next cycle %s', 'org.openpsa.sales'), $customer->get_label(), $cycle_number, $this->_deliverable->title, $invoiced_sum, $next_run_label);
     // Send the message out
     org_openpsa_notifications::notify('org.openpsa.sales:new_subscription_cycle', $owner->guid, $message);