Пример #1
    $return['errorText'] .= '<li>' . $email . ' is an invalid email address</li>';
} else {
    if (empty($password)) {
        $return['error'] = true;
        $return['errorText'] .= '<li>Your password is not valid</li>';
    } else {
        $q = new myQuery("SELECT id, firstname, lastname, email, password, status FROM user WHERE LCASE(email)=LCASE('{$email}')");
        if ($q->get_num_rows() == 1) {
            $res = $q->get_one_array();
            $id = intval($res['id']);
            $hash = $res['password'];
            $salt = substr($hash, 0, 28) . '$';
            $hash_check = crypt($password, $salt);
            if ($res['status'] == 'requested') {
                $q = new myQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) as c, COUNT(IF(id <= {$id},1,NULL)) as me FROM user WHERE status='requested'");
                $wait_list = $q->get_one_row();
                $return['error'] = true;
                $return['errorText'] .= "<li>Your account has not been authorized yet. \n                                        Because WebMorph is in alpha testing, we are limiting the number of users. \n                                        You are number {$wait_list['me']} of {$wait_list['c']} on the wait list.</li>";
            } else {
                if ($res['status'] == 'disabled') {
                    $return['error'] = true;
                    $return['errorText'] .= "<li>Your account has been disabled.</li>";
                } else {
                    if ($hash == $hash_check) {
                        $return['user'] = $id;
                        $q = new myQuery("INSERT INTO login (user_id, logintime) VALUES ({$id}, NOW())");
                        // set session variables
                        $_SESSION['user_id'] = $id;
                        if ($id == 1) {
                            $_SESSION['superuser'] = true;