Пример #1
 protected function initPlaylistFlavorAssetArray()
     list($entryIds, $durations, $mediaEntry) = myPlaylistUtils::executeStitchedPlaylist($this->entry);
     if (!$mediaEntry) {
     $this->duration = array_sum($durations) / 1000;
     $flavorAssets = array();
     if ($this->flavorIds) {
         $flavorAssets = assetPeer::retrieveReadyByEntryId($mediaEntry->getId(), $this->flavorIds);
         $flavorAssets = $this->removeNotAllowedFlavors($flavorAssets);
         $flavorAssets = $this->removeMaxBitrateFlavors($flavorAssets);
     if (!$flavorAssets) {
         $flavorAssets = assetPeer::retrieveReadyFlavorsByEntryId($mediaEntry->getId());
         $flavorAssets = $this->removeNotAllowedFlavors($flavorAssets);
         $flavorAssets = $this->removeMaxBitrateFlavors($flavorAssets);
         $flavorAssets = $this->deliveryAttributes->filterFlavorsByTags($flavorAssets);
Пример #2
 protected function servePlaylist($entry)
     // allow only manual playlist
     if ($entry->getMediaType() != entry::ENTRY_MEDIA_TYPE_TEXT) {
     // get request parameters
     $flavorParamIds = $this->getRequestParameter("flavorParamIds");
     if ($flavorParamIds) {
         $flavorParamIds = explode(',', $flavorParamIds);
     $version = $this->getRequestParameter("v");
     // execute the playlist
     if ($version) {
     list($entryIds, $durations, $referenceEntry) = myPlaylistUtils::executeStitchedPlaylist($entry);
     if (!$referenceEntry) {
     // load the flavor assets
     // Note: not filtering by $flavorParamIds here, so that in case some flavor is missing
     //		we can fill in the gap using some other flavor params
     $c = new Criteria();
     $c->add(assetPeer::ENTRY_ID, $entryIds, Criteria::IN);
     $c->add(assetPeer::STATUS, flavorAsset::FLAVOR_ASSET_STATUS_READY);
     $flavorTypes = assetPeer::retrieveAllFlavorsTypes();
     $c->add(assetPeer::TYPE, $flavorTypes, Criteria::IN);
     $flavorAssets = assetPeer::doSelect($c);
     // group the flavors by entry and flavor params
     $groupedFlavors = array();
     foreach ($flavorAssets as $flavor) {
         if (!isset($groupedFlavors[$flavor->getEntryId()])) {
             $groupedFlavors[$flavor->getEntryId()] = array();
         $groupedFlavors[$flavor->getEntryId()][$flavor->getFlavorParamsId()] = $flavor;
     // remove entries that don't have flavors
     for ($i = count($entryIds) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
         $entryId = $entryIds[$i];
         if (isset($groupedFlavors[$entryId])) {
     // get the flavor params of the reference entry that should be returned
     $referenceEntryFlavorParamsIds = array_keys($groupedFlavors[$referenceEntry->getId()]);
     if ($flavorParamIds) {
         $flavorParamIds = array_intersect($referenceEntryFlavorParamsIds, $flavorParamIds);
     } else {
         $flavorParamIds = $referenceEntryFlavorParamsIds;
     if (!$flavorParamIds) {
     // build the sequences
     $storeCache = true;
     $sequences = array();
     foreach ($flavorParamIds as $flavorParamsId) {
         $referenceFlavor = $groupedFlavors[$referenceEntry->getId()][$flavorParamsId];
         // build the clips of the current sequence
         $clips = array();
         foreach ($entryIds as $entryId) {
             if (isset($groupedFlavors[$entryId][$flavorParamsId])) {
                 $flavor = $groupedFlavors[$entryId][$flavorParamsId];
             } else {
                 // don't have a flavor for this entry in the desired flavor params,
                 // choose the one with the closest bitrate
                 $flavor = null;
                 foreach ($groupedFlavors[$entryId] as $curFlavor) {
                     if (!$flavor || abs($curFlavor->getBitrate() - $referenceFlavor->getBitrate()) < abs($flavor->getBitrate() - $referenceFlavor->getBitrate())) {
                         $flavor = $curFlavor;
             // get the file path of the flavor
             $syncKey = $flavor->getSyncKey(flavorAsset::FILE_SYNC_FLAVOR_ASSET_SUB_TYPE_ASSET);
             list($fileSync, $local) = kFileSyncUtils::getReadyFileSyncForKey($syncKey, false, false);
             if ($fileSync) {
                 $resolvedFileSync = kFileSyncUtils::resolve($fileSync);
                 $path = $resolvedFileSync->getFullPath();
             } else {
                 error_log('missing file sync for flavor ' . $flavor->getId() . ' version ' . $flavor->getVersion());
                 $path = '';
                 $storeCache = false;
             $clips[] = array('type' => 'source', 'path' => $path);
         $sequences[] = array('clips' => $clips);
     // build the json
     $mediaSet = array('durations' => $durations, 'sequences' => $sequences);
     $json = json_encode($mediaSet);
     $renderer = new kRendererString($json, self::JSON_CONTENT_TYPE);
     if ($storeCache) {
         $this->storeCache($renderer, $entry->getPartnerId());
Пример #3
 private function setContextDataFlavorAssets($flavorTags)
     if ($this->entry->getType() == entryType::PLAYLIST && $this->entry->getMediaType() == entry::ENTRY_MEDIA_TYPE_TEXT) {
         list($entryIds, $durations, $mediaEntry) = myPlaylistUtils::executeStitchedPlaylist($this->entry);
         if (!$mediaEntry) {
         $mediaEntryId = $mediaEntry->getId();
         $this->msDuration = array_sum($durations);
     } else {
         $mediaEntryId = $this->entry->getId();
         $this->msDuration = $this->entry->getLengthInMsecs();
     $flavorParamsIds = null;
     $flavorParamsNotIn = false;
     if (!$this->isAdmin) {
         foreach ($this->contextDataResult->getActions() as $action) {
             if ($action->getType() == RuleActionType::BLOCK) {
                 //in case of block action do not set the list of flavors
             if ($action->getType() == RuleActionType::LIMIT_FLAVORS) {
                 /* @var $action kAccessControlLimitFlavorsAction */
                 $flavorParamsIds = explode(',', $action->getFlavorParamsIds());
                 $flavorParamsNotIn = $action->getIsBlockedList();
     $flavorAssets = array();
     if (is_null($this->asset)) {
         if (count($flavorParamsIds)) {
             $flavorAssets = assetPeer::retrieveReadyByEntryIdAndFlavorParams($mediaEntryId, $flavorParamsIds, $flavorParamsNotIn);
         } else {
             $flavorAssets = assetPeer::retrieveFlavorsByEntryIdAndStatus($mediaEntryId, null, array(flavorAsset::ASSET_STATUS_READY));
         if ($mediaEntryId != $this->entry->getId()) {
             // hack: setting the entry id of the flavors to the original playlist id
             //		since the player uses it in the playManifest url
             foreach ($flavorAssets as $flavorAsset) {
     } else {
         $flavorAllowed = true;
         if (count($flavorParamsIds)) {
             $flavorAllowed = $this->isFlavorAllowed($this->asset->getFlavorParamsId(), $flavorParamsIds, $flavorParamsNotIn);
         if ($flavorAllowed) {
             $flavorAssets[] = $this->asset;
     $this->filterFlavorAssetsByTags($flavorAssets, $flavorTags);