/** * Copyright (c) 2016 Jorge Patricio Castro Castillo MIT License..s */ include "../BladeOne.php"; include "../BladeOneHtml.php"; include "../BladeOneHtmlBootstrap.php"; use eftec\bladeone; $views = __DIR__ . '/views'; $compiledFolder = __DIR__ . '/compiled'; class myBlade extends bladeone\BladeOne { use bladeone\BladeOneHtmlBootstrap; } define("BLADEONE_MODE", 1); // (optional) 1=forced (test),2=run fast (production), 0=automatic, default value. $blade = new myBlade($views, $compiledFolder); //<editor-fold desc="Example data"> $countries = array(); $country = new stdClass(); $country->id = 1; $country->cod = 'ar'; $country->name = "Argentina"; $country->continent = "America"; $countries[] = $country; $country = new stdClass(); $country->id = 2; $country->cod = 'ca'; $country->name = "Canada"; $country->continent = "America"; $countries[] = $country; $country = new stdClass();
<?php /** * Copyright (c) 2016 Jorge Patricio Castro Castillo MIT License. */ include "../BladeOne.php"; include "../BladeOneCache.php"; use eftec\bladeone; $views = __DIR__ . '/views'; $compiledFolder = __DIR__ . '/compiled'; class myBlade extends bladeone\BladeOne { use bladeone\BladeOneCache; } $blade = new myBlade($views, $compiledFolder); define("BLADEONE_MODE", 0); // (optional) 1=forced (test),2=run fast (production), 0=automatic, default value. //<editor-fold desc="Example data"> if ($blade->cacheExpired('TestCache.hellocache', 1, 5)) { echo "<b>Logic layer</b>: cache expired, re-reading the list<br>"; $list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; } else { echo "<b>Logic layer</b>: cache active, i don't read the list<br>"; $list = []; } $random = rand(0, 9999); $time = date('h:i:s A', time()); $timeUpTo = date('h:i:s A', time() + 5); // plus 5 seconds //</editor-fold> echo $blade->run("TestCache.hellocache", ["random" => $random, 'time' => $time, 'list' => $list, 'timeUpTo' => $timeUpTo]);
<?php /** * Copyright (c) 2016 Jorge Patricio Castro Castillo MIT License. */ include "../BladeOne.php"; include "../BladeOneHtml.php"; include "../BladeOneLogic.php"; use eftec\bladeone; $views = __DIR__ . '/views'; $compiledFolder = __DIR__ . '/compiled'; class myBlade extends bladeone\BladeOne { use bladeone\BladeOneLogic, bladeone\BladeOneHtml; } $blade = new myBlade($views, $compiledFolder); define("BLADEONE_MODE", 1); // (optional) 1=forced (test),2=run fast (production), 0=automatic, default value. //<editor-fold desc="Example data"> $countries = array(); $country = new stdClass(); $country->id = 1; $country->cod = 'ar'; $country->name = "Argentina"; $country->continent = "America"; $countries[] = $country; $country = new stdClass(); $country->id = 2; $country->cod = 'ca'; $country->name = "Canada"; $country->continent = "America";