static function remove_metadata_field() { $migrated = modOpts::GetOption('metadata_migrated'); if ($migrated) { return; } try { $obj = utopia::GetInstance('uWidgets', false); $obj->BypassSecurity(true); $ds = database::query('SELECT * FROM tabledef_Widgets WHERE `block_type` = ? AND `__metadata` IS NOT NULL', array('uCustomWidget')); while ($row = $ds->fetch()) { $pk = $row['widget_id']; $meta = utopia::jsonTryDecode($row['__metadata']); foreach ($meta as $field => $val) { $obj->UpdateField($field, $val, $pk); } } $obj->BypassSecurity(false); $ds = database::query('UPDATE tabledef_Widgets SET `__metadata` = NULL WHERE `block_type` = ? AND `__metadata` IS NOT NULL', array('uCustomWidget')); } catch (Exception $e) { } try { $obj = utopia::GetInstance('uWidgets', false); $obj->BypassSecurity(true); $ds = database::query('SELECT * FROM tabledef_Widgets WHERE `block_type` = ? AND `__metadata` IS NOT NULL', array('uTextWidget')); while ($row = $ds->fetch()) { $pk = $row['widget_id']; $meta = utopia::jsonTryDecode($row['__metadata']); foreach ($meta as $field => $val) { $obj->UpdateField($field, $val, $pk); } } $obj->BypassSecurity(false); $ds = database::query('UPDATE tabledef_Widgets SET `__metadata` = NULL WHERE `block_type` = ? AND `__metadata` IS NOT NULL', array('uTextWidget')); } catch (Exception $e) { } try { $obj = utopia::GetInstance('uWidgets', false); $obj->BypassSecurity(true); $ds = database::query('SELECT * FROM tabledef_Widgets WHERE `block_type` = ? AND `__metadata` IS NOT NULL', array('uTwitterWidget')); while ($row = $ds->fetch()) { $pk = $row['widget_id']; $meta = utopia::jsonTryDecode($row['__metadata']); foreach ($meta as $field => $val) { $obj->UpdateField($field, $val, $pk); } } $obj->BypassSecurity(false); $ds = database::query('UPDATE tabledef_Widgets SET `__metadata` = NULL WHERE `block_type` = ? AND `__metadata` IS NOT NULL', array('uTwitterWidget')); } catch (Exception $e) { } $ds = database::query('SHOW TABLES'); while ($t = $ds->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM)) { try { database::query('ALTER TABLE ' . $t[0] . ' DROP `__metadata`'); } catch (Exception $e) { } } modOpts::SetOption('metadata_migrated', true); }
public static function Draw25() { if (modOpts::GetOption('site_online')) { return; } if (!uUserRoles::IsAdmin()) { return; } $modOptsObj = utopia::GetInstance('modOpts'); $row = $modOptsObj->LookupRecord('site_online'); echo '<p>This website is currently offline. Go Online? ' . $modOptsObj->GetCell('value', $row) . '</p>'; }
public static function uCMS_publish_update() { $done = modOpts::GetOption('cms_publish_update'); if ($done) { return; } $o = utopia::GetInstance('uCMS_Edit'); $o->BypassSecurity(true); $ds = $o->GetDataset(array('{content_published_time} > {content_time}')); while ($row = $ds->fetch()) { $o->UpdateFieldRaw('content_published_time', '`content_time`', $row['cms_id']); } $o->BypassSecurity(false); modOpts::SetOption('cms_publish_update', true); }
static function GetSiteURL() { if (!self::$siteurl) { self::$siteurl = rtrim(modOpts::GetOption('site_url'), '/'); } return self::$siteurl; }
public function RunModule() { if (!modOpts::GetOption('open_user_registration')) { echo '<h1>User Registration</h1>'; echo '<p>Sorry. User registrations have been disabled by the administrator.</p>'; return; } if ($usr = $this->RegisterForm()) { uVerifyEmail::VerifyAccount($usr); echo '<p>Thank you for creating an account. We need to verify your email before you can continue.</p>'; echo '<p>Please check your inbox, and follow the instructions we have sent you.</p>'; } }
public function ProcessDomDocument($o, $e, $doc) { $head = $doc->getElementsByTagName('head')->item(0); // add OG protocol if (isset($_GET['news_id'])) { $rec = $this->LookupRecord($_GET['news_id']); $img = 'http://' . utopia::GetDomainName() . uBlob::GetLink(get_class($this), 'image', $rec['news_id']); $meta = $doc->createElement('meta'); $meta->setAttribute('property', 'og:title'); $meta->setAttribute('content', $rec['heading']); $head->appendChild($meta); $meta = $doc->createElement('meta'); $meta->setAttribute('property', 'og:type'); $meta->setAttribute('content', 'article'); $head->appendChild($meta); $meta = $doc->createElement('meta'); $meta->setAttribute('property', 'og:url'); $meta->setAttribute('content', 'http://' . utopia::GetDomainName() . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); $head->appendChild($meta); if ($rec['image']) { // image exists? $meta = $doc->createElement('meta'); $meta->setAttribute('property', 'og:image'); $meta->setAttribute('content', $img); $head->appendChild($meta); } $meta = $doc->createElement('meta'); $meta->setAttribute('property', 'og:site_name'); $meta->setAttribute('content', modOpts::GetOption('site_name')); $head->appendChild($meta); $meta = $doc->createElement('meta'); $meta->setAttribute('property', 'og:description'); $meta->setAttribute('content', $rec['description']); $head->appendChild($meta); } // add RSS link $rssobj = utopia::GetInstance('module_NewsRSS'); $link = $doc->createElement('link'); $link->setAttribute('rel', 'alternate'); $link->setAttribute('type', 'application/atom+xml'); $link->setAttribute('title', modOpts::GetOption('site_name') . ' News Feed'); $link->setAttribute('href', $rssobj->GetURL()); $head->appendChild($link); }