Пример #1
 static function AgeOfTrack($day_distance, $month_distance, $year_distance, $time_art)
      * result of the age of the article ************************************************************
     $config = JFactory::getConfig();
     //$plural_hours_minArray = Array("/x/");
     $plural_hours_minArray = array("/10 " . JText::_('TCE_PLG_DISTANCE_HOURS') . " " . JText::_('TCE_PLG_DISTANCE_AND') . "/", "/11 " . JText::_('TCE_PLG_DISTANCE_HOURS') . " " . JText::_('TCE_PLG_DISTANCE_AND') . "/", "/20 " . JText::_('TCE_PLG_DISTANCE_HOURS') . " " . JText::_('TCE_PLG_DISTANCE_AND') . "/", "/21 " . JText::_('TCE_PLG_DISTANCE_HOURS') . " " . JText::_('TCE_PLG_DISTANCE_AND') . "/", "/0 " . JText::_('TCE_PLG_DISTANCE_HOURS') . " " . JText::_('TCE_PLG_DISTANCE_AND') . "/", "/00 " . JText::_('TCE_PLG_DISTANCE_HOURS') . "/", "/1 " . JText::_('TCE_PLG_DISTANCE_HOURS') . " " . JText::_('TCE_PLG_DISTANCE_AND') . "/");
     $plural_hours_min_replace_Array = array("10 " . JText::_('TCE_PLG_DISTANCE_HOURS'), "11 " . JText::_('TCE_PLG_DISTANCE_HOURS'), "20 " . JText::_('TCE_PLG_DISTANCE_HOURS'), "21 " . JText::_('TCE_PLG_DISTANCE_HOURS'), " ", " ", " " . JText::_('TCE_PLG_DISTANCE_ONEHOURS'));
     $plural_mon_yearArray = array("/10 " . JText::_('TCE_PLG_DISTANCE_YEARS') . " " . JText::_('TCE_PLG_DISTANCE_AND') . " 0 " . JText::_('TCE_PLG_DISTANCE_MONTHS') . "/", "/10 " . JText::_('TCE_PLG_DISTANCE_YEARS') . "/", "/11 " . JText::_('TCE_PLG_DISTANCE_YEARS') . " " . JText::_('TCE_PLG_DISTANCE_AND') . " 0 " . JText::_('TCE_PLG_DISTANCE_MONTHS') . "/", "/11 " . JText::_('TCE_PLG_DISTANCE_YEARS') . "/", "/1 " . JText::_('TCE_PLG_DISTANCE_YEARS') . "/", "/1 " . JText::_('TCE_PLG_DISTANCE_MONTHS') . "/");
     $plural_mon_year_replace_Array = array("10 " . JText::_('TCE_PLG_DISTANCE_YEARS'), "11 " . JText::_('TCE_PLG_DISTANCE_YEARS'), "11 " . JText::_('TCE_PLG_DISTANCE_YEARS'), " " . JText::_('TCE_PLG_DISTANCE_ONEYEAR'), " " . JText::_('TCE_PLG_DISTANCE_ONEMONTH'));
     $start_time = strtotime($year_distance . "-" . $month_distance . "-" . $day_distance . " " . $time_art);
      * Date and time stamp with Timezone correction
     $start_time = $start_time + modLastPlayedHelper::TimezoneServer();
     $current_time = modLastPlayedHelper::UtcTimestamp() + modLastPlayedHelper::TimezoneSetting();
     //Current date and time stamp with UTC server correction
     $diff_time = $current_time - $start_time;
     if (modLastPlayedHelper::MonthsAndDaysCounter($day_distance, $month_distance, $year_distance, "months") <= 2 && modLastPlayedHelper::MonthsAndDaysCounter($day_distance, $month_distance, $year_distance, "days") >= 2) {
         return " " . modLastPlayedHelper::MonthsAndDaysCounter($day_distance, $month_distance, $year_distance, "days") . "&nbsp;" . JText::_('TCE_PLG_DISTANCE_DAYS');
     } elseif (modLastPlayedHelper::MonthsAndDaysCounter($day_distance, $month_distance, $year_distance, "months") <= 2 && modLastPlayedHelper::MonthsAndDaysCounter($day_distance, $month_distance, $year_distance, "days") == 0 || modLastPlayedHelper::MonthsAndDaysCounter($day_distance, $month_distance, $year_distance, "days") == 1 && $diff_time <= 86400) {
          * diff_time = 60s = 1Mnin, and so on...  
          * self day
         if ($diff_time <= 120) {
             return " " . JText::_('TCE_PLG_DISTANCE_ONEMINUTE');
         } elseif ($diff_time >= 121) {
             $result_hour_min = floor($diff_time / 3600) . " " . JText::_('TCE_PLG_DISTANCE_HOURS') . " " . JText::_('TCE_PLG_DISTANCE_AND') . " " . floor($diff_time / 60 - floor($diff_time / 3600) * 60) . " " . JText::_('TCE_PLG_DISTANCE_MINUTES');
             return $result_hour_min = preg_replace($plural_hours_minArray, $plural_hours_min_replace_Array, $result_hour_min);
             //ohne Korrektur
             //return $result_hour_min;
     } elseif (modLastPlayedHelper::MonthsAndDaysCounter($day_distance, $month_distance, $year_distance, "months") <= 2 && modLastPlayedHelper::MonthsAndDaysCounter($day_distance, $month_distance, $year_distance, "days") == 1) {
         // Next 2 Days after article created
         $result_hour_min = " " . JText::_('TCE_PLG_DISTANCE_ONEDAY') . " " . JText::_('TCE_PLG_DISTANCE_AND') . " " . gmstrftime('%H ' . JText::_('TCE_PLG_DISTANCE_HOURS') . ' %M ' . JText::_('TCE_PLG_DISTANCE_MINUTES'), $diff_time);
         return $result_hour_min = preg_replace($plural_hours_minArray, $plural_hours_min_replace_Array, $result_hour_min);
     } elseif (modLastPlayedHelper::MonthsAndDaysCounter($day_distance, $month_distance, $year_distance, "months") == 12) {
         return " " . JText::_('TCE_PLG_DISTANCE_ONEYEAR');
     } elseif (modLastPlayedHelper::MonthsAndDaysCounter($day_distance, $month_distance, $year_distance, "months") > 12) {
         $numbers_of_years = floor(modLastPlayedHelper::MonthsAndDaysCounter($day_distance, $month_distance, $year_distance, "months") / 12);
         //immer auf ganze Zahl abgerundet!
         $numbers_of_rest_month = modLastPlayedHelper::MonthsAndDaysCounter($day_distance, $month_distance, $year_distance, "months") - 12 * $numbers_of_years;
         //Berechnung der Restmonate zum vollem Jahr hin
         $result_mon_year = $numbers_of_years . " " . JText::_('TCE_PLG_DISTANCE_YEARS') . " " . JText::_('TCE_PLG_DISTANCE_AND') . " " . $numbers_of_rest_month . " " . JText::_('TCE_PLG_DISTANCE_MONTHS');
         return $result_mon_year = preg_replace($plural_mon_yearArray, $plural_mon_year_replace_Array, $result_mon_year);
     } else {
         return " " . modLastPlayedHelper::MonthsAndDaysCounter($day_distance, $month_distance, $year_distance, "months") . " " . JText::_('TCE_PLG_DISTANCE_MONTHSAGO');