Пример #1
* to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or
* is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or
* other free or open source software licenses.
* See COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details.
// no direct access
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
// Include the syndicate functions only once
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/helper.php';
$season_id = $params->get('season_id');
$team_id = $params->get('team_id');
$embl_is = $params->get('embl_is');
$match_count = $params->get('match_count');
$single = modBlResHelper::getStype($params);
$list = modBlResHelper::getList($params);
$et = modBlResHelper::getET($params);
// New parameters added for Match Result Configuration
$emblem_width = $params->get('emblem_width');
$emblem_height = $params->get('emblem_height');
$result_layout = $params->get('result_layout');
$matchday_reference = $params->get('matchday_reference');
$align_matchday_ref = $params->get('align_matchday_ref');
$align_home_emblem = $params->get('align_home_emblem');
$align_away_emblem = $params->get('align_away_emblem');
$align_home_team = $params->get('align_home_team');
$align_away_team = $params->get('align_away_team');
$link_emblem = $params->get('link_emblem');
$tooltip_emblem = $params->get('tooltip_emblem');
$link_team = $params->get('link_team');
$link_score = $params->get('link_score');
$border_score = $params->get('border_score');
Пример #2
         if ($old_md != $match->mdid || $old_date != $match->m_date . ' ' . $match->m_time) {
             $date_matchday_ouput = date_bl($match->m_date, $match->m_time) . ' - ' . $match->m_name;
     case 3:
         // Matchday - Date output
         if ($old_md != $match->mdid || $old_date != $match->m_date . ' ' . $match->m_time) {
             $date_matchday_ouput = $match->m_name . ' - ' . date_bl($match->m_date, $match->m_time);
 $old_date = $match->m_date . ' ' . $match->m_time;
 $old_md = $match->mdid;
 if ($single || isset($match->ssingle) && $match->ssingle) {
     $match->emb1 = modBlResHelper::getPhoto($match->hm_id);
     $match->emb2 = modBlResHelper::getPhoto($match->aw_id);
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 // Presentation of match results depending of configuration parameters
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 switch ($result_layout) {
     case 0:
     case 1:
     case 2:
         // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         // Joomsport presentation on several lines
         // Print results layout:
         // Case 0 : Matchday separation             Case 1 : Matchday separation
         //          Home_Emblem        Away_Emblem           Home_Emblem  Score  Away_Emblem
         //          Home_Team   Score  Away_Team             Home_Team           Away_Team
Пример #3
if (count($list)) {
    foreach ($list as $match) {
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------
        // Common configuration for one match - all kind of layout
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------
        if ($tooltip_emblem_next) {
            // Generate CSS Emblem tooltip
            $tooltip_home = 'title="' . htmlspecialchars($match->home) . '"';
            $tooltip_away = 'title="' . htmlspecialchars($match->away) . '"';
        // Check if teams names are not too long : if YES, insert a 'blank' in team name to generate a carriage return in the layout result
        if ($team_name_max_length_next) {
            // check Home and Away Team names and split if necessary
            $match->home = modBlResHelper::checkTEAMLength($match->home, $team_name_max_length_next);
            $match->away = modBlResHelper::checkTEAMLength($match->away, $team_name_max_length_next);
        // Generate the hyperlink on teams ?
        if ($link_team_next) {
            if ($single || isset($match->ssingle) && $match->ssingle) {
                $link_team_home_a = '<a href="' . JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_joomsport&task=player&id=' . $match->hm_id . '&sid=' . $s_id . '&Itemid=' . $cItemId) . '">' . $match->home . '</a>';
                $link_team_away_a = '<a href="' . JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_joomsport&task=player&id=' . $match->aw_id . '&sid=' . $s_id . '&Itemid=' . $cItemId) . '">' . $match->away . '</a>';
            } else {
                $link_team_home_a = '<a href="' . JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_joomsport&task=team&tid=' . $match->hm_id . '&sid=' . $s_id . '&Itemid=' . $cItemId) . '">' . $match->home . '</a>';
                $link_team_away_a = '<a href="' . JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_joomsport&task=team&tid=' . $match->aw_id . '&sid=' . $s_id . '&Itemid=' . $cItemId) . '">' . $match->away . '</a>';
        } else {
            $link_team_home_a = $match->home;
            $link_team_away_a = $match->away;
        // Generate the hyperlink on emblems ?