Пример #1
  * Excercise various helper methods
 public function test_helpers()
     $this->assertEqual('workshop', mlang_component::name_from_filename('/web/moodle/mod/workshop/lang/en/workshop.php'));
     $this->assertFalse(mlang_string::differ(new mlang_string('first', 'This is a test string'), new mlang_string('second', 'This is a test string')));
     $this->assertFalse(mlang_string::differ(new mlang_string('first', '  This is a test string  '), new mlang_string('second', 'This is a test string ')));
     $this->assertTrue(mlang_string::differ(new mlang_string('first', 'This is a test string'), new mlang_string('first', 'This is a test string!')));
     $this->assertTrue(mlang_string::differ(new mlang_string('empty', ''), new mlang_string('null', null)));
     $this->assertFalse(mlang_string::differ(new mlang_string('null', null), new mlang_string('anothernull', null)));
Пример #2
 // dump the given revision of the file to a temporary area
 $checkout = $commithash . '_' . str_replace('/', '_', $file);
 if (in_array($checkout, $MLANG_BROKEN_CHECKOUTS)) {
     fputs(STDERR, "BROKEN {$checkout}\n");
 $checkout = $tmp . '/' . $checkout;
 exec(AMOS_PATH_GIT . " show {$commithash}:{$file} > {$checkout}");
 // push the string on all branches where the English original is currently (or has ever been) defined
 // note that all English strings history must already be registered in AMOS repository
 // pushing into Moodle 1.x branches only to prevent conflicts with translations done via web
 foreach (array('MOODLE_19_STABLE') as $branch) {
     $version = mlang_version::by_branch($branch);
     // get the translated strings from PHP file - the lang repository in in 1.x format
     $component = mlang_component::from_phpfile($checkout, $langcode, $version, $timemodified, mlang_component::name_from_filename($file), 1);
     $encomponent = mlang_component::from_snapshot($component->name, 'en', $version, $timemodified);
     // keep just those defined in English on that branch - this is where we are reconstruct branching of lang packs.
     // langconfig.php is not compared with English because it may contain extra string like parentlanguage.
     if ($component->name !== 'langconfig') {
     } elseif ($version->code >= mlang_version::MOODLE_20) {
         if ($parentlanguage = $component->get_string('parentlanguage')) {
             if (substr($parentlanguage->text, -5) == '_utf8') {
                 $parentlanguage->text = substr($parentlanguage->text, 0, -5);
Пример #3
require_capability('local/amos:importfile', get_system_context());
navigation_node::override_active_url(new moodle_url('/local/amos/stage.php'));
$PAGE->set_title('AMOS ' . get_string('importfile', 'local_amos'));
$PAGE->set_heading('AMOS ' . get_string('importfile', 'local_amos'));
$importform = new local_amos_importfile_form(null, local_amos_importfile_options());
if ($data = $importform->get_data() and has_capability('local/amos:stage', get_system_context())) {
    $tmpdir = $CFG->dataroot . '/amos/temp/import-uploads/' . $USER->id;
    $filenameorig = basename($importform->get_new_filename('importfile'));
    $filename = $filenameorig . '-' . md5(time() . '-' . $USER->id . '-' . random_string(20));
    $pathname = $tmpdir . '/' . $filename;
    if ($importform->save_file('importfile', $pathname)) {
        if (substr($filenameorig, -4) === '.php') {
            $name = mlang_component::name_from_filename($filenameorig);
            $version = mlang_version::by_code($data->version);
            $component = new mlang_component($name, $data->language, $version);
            $parser = mlang_parser_factory::get_parser('php');
            try {
                $parser->parse(file_get_contents($pathname), $component);
            } catch (mlang_parser_exception $e) {
                notice($e->getMessage(), new moodle_url('/local/amos/stage.php'));
            $encomponent = mlang_component::from_snapshot($component->name, 'en', $version);
            if (!$component->has_string()) {
                notice(get_string('nostringtoimport', 'local_amos'), new moodle_url('/local/amos/stage.php'));
            $stage = mlang_persistent_stage::instance_for_user($USER->id, sesskey());
            $stage->add($component, true);
Пример #4
     // the original git commit's timestamp
     $timemodified = time();
     // when the commit was processed by AMOS
     $affected = array();
     // explicit list of strings affected by the commit
 if (in_array($commithash, $MLANG_IGNORE_COMMITS)) {
     fputs(STDOUT, "IGNORED {$commithash}\n");
 $parts = explode("\t", $line);
 $changetype = substr($parts[0], -1);
 // A (added new file), M (modified), D (deleted)
 $file = $parts[1];
 $componentname = mlang_component::name_from_filename($file);
 // series of checks that the file is proper language pack
 if ($version->code >= mlang_version::MOODLE_20 and $committime >= 1270884296) {
     // since Petr's commit 3a915b066765efc3cc166ae8186405f67c04ec2c
     // on 10th April 2010, strings are in 'en' folder again
     $enfolder = 'en';
 } else {
     $enfolder = 'en_utf8';
 if (!strstr($file, "lang/{$enfolder}/")) {
     // this is not a language file
 if (strstr($file, "lang/{$enfolder}/docs/") or strstr($file, "lang/{$enfolder}/help/")) {
     // ignore