function domanage() { $mid = $_GET['mid']; $model = model::data($mid); $table = $model['tbn']; $forum = new forum(); $fid = (int) $_GET['fid']; $type = $_GET['type']; $sql = " where "; switch ($type) { //postype: [0:用户][1:管理员] status:[0:草稿][1:正常][2:回收] case 'draft': //草稿 $sql .= "`status` ='0' AND `postype`='1'"; $_ptxt = array(0 => '发布', 1 => '转成草稿'); $position = UI::lang("menu_article_draft"); break; case 'trash': //回收站 $sql .= "`status` ='2'"; $_ptxt = array(0 => '还原', 1 => '放入回收站'); $position = UI::lang("menu_article_trash"); break; case 'user': //用户 if ($_GET['act'] == "draft") { $sql .= "`status` ='0'"; //用户审核 $position = UI::lang("menu_article_user_draft"); } elseif ($_GET['act'] == "trash") { $sql .= "`status` ='2'"; //用户回收站 $position = UI::lang("menu_article_user_trash"); } else { $sql .= "`status` ='1'"; $position = UI::lang("menu_article_user_manage"); } $sql .= " AND `postype`='0'"; $_ptxt = array(0 => '通过审核', 1 => '取消审核'); break; default: $sql .= " `status` ='1' AND `postype`='1'"; $position = ''; $fid && ($position = $forum->forum[$fid]['name']); } $position && ($position = " » " . $position); if ($_GET['keywords']) { if ($_GET['st'] == "title") { $sql .= " AND `title` REGEXP '{$_GET['keywords']}'"; } else { if ($_GET['st'] == "top") { $sql .= " AND `top`='{$_GET['keywords']}'"; } else { if ($_GET['st'] == "id") { $sql .= " AND `id` REGEXP '{$_GET['keywords']}'"; } } } } $_GET['title'] && ($sql .= " AND `title` like '%{$_GET['title']}%'"); $_GET['tag'] && ($sql .= " AND `tags` REGEXP '[[:<:]]" . preg_quote(rawurldecode($_GET['tag']), '/') . "[[:>:]]'"); isset($_GET['at']) && $_GET['at'] != '-1' && ($sql .= " AND `type` ='" . $_GET['at'] . "'"); isset($_GET['userid']) && ($sql .= " AND `userid`='" . (int) $_GET['userid'] . "'"); $fid = member::CP($fid) ? $fid : "0"; if ($fid) { $fidIN = $forum->fid($fid) . $fid; if (isset($_GET['sub']) && strstr($fidIN, ',')) { $sql .= " AND fid IN(" . $fidIN . ")"; } else { $sql .= " AND fid ='{$fid}'"; } //$sql.=" OR `vlink` REGEXP '[[:<:]]".preg_quote($fid, '/')."[[:>:]]')"; } else { member::$cpower && ($sql .= " AND fid IN(" . implode(',', (array) member::$cpower) . ")"); } $_GET['starttime'] && ($sql .= " and `pubdate`>='" . strtotime($_GET['starttime']) . "'"); $_GET['endtime'] && ($sql .= " and `pubdate`<='" . strtotime($_GET['endtime']) . "'"); $act == 'user' && ($uri .= '&act=user'); $_GET['type'] == 'draft' && ($uri .= '&type=draft'); isset($_GET['userid']) && ($uri .= '&userid=' . (int) $_GET['userid']); isset($_GET['keyword']) && ($uri .= '&keyword=' . $_GET['keyword']); isset($_GET['tag']) && ($uri .= '&tag=' . $_GET['tag']); $orderby = $_GET['orderby'] ? $_GET['orderby'] : "id DESC"; $maxperpage = (int) $_GET['perpage'] > 0 ? $_GET['perpage'] : 20; $total = $page == 1 || empty($_GET['rowNum']) ? iCMS_DB::getValue("SELECT count(*) FROM `#iCMS@__{$table}` {$sql}") : (int) $_GET['rowNum']; page($total, $maxperpage, "条记录"); $rs = iCMS_DB::getArray("SELECT * FROM `#iCMS@__{$table}` {$sql} order by {$orderby} LIMIT {$this->firstcount} , {$maxperpage}"); $_count = count($rs); include admincp::tpl(); }
function select($currentid = "0", $fid = "0", $level = 1, $attr = NULL, $mid = NULL, $url = NULL) { foreach ((array) $this->_array[$fid] as $root => $F) { if ($F['modelid'] == $mid || $mid === NULL) { if (member::CP($F['fid'])) { $t = $level == '1' ? "" : "├ "; $selected = $currentid == $F['fid'] ? "selected='selected'" : ""; $text = str_repeat("│ ", $level - 1) . $t . $F['name'] . "[FID:{$F['fid']}][" . ($F['attr'] ? "★" : "☆") . "]" . ($F['url'] ? "[∞]" : ""); if (empty($F['url'])) { if ($attr === NULL) { if ($F['attr']) { $option .= "<option value='{$F['fid']}' {$selected}>{$text}</option>"; } else { $option .= "<optgroup label=\"{$text}\"></optgroup>"; } } elseif ($attr == 'all') { $option .= "<option value='{$F['fid']}' {$selected}>{$text}</option>"; } else { $attr == $F['attr'] && ($option .= "<option value='{$F['fid']}' {$selected}>{$text}</option>"); } } else { if ($url) { $option .= "<option value='{$F['fid']}' {$selected}>{$text}</option>"; } else { $option .= "<optgroup label=\"{$text}\"></optgroup>"; } } } $option .= $this->select($currentid, $F['fid'], $level + 1, $attr, $mid); } } return $option; }
function doDel() { $fid = (int) $_GET['fid']; member::CP($fid, 'Permission_Denied', __SELF__ . '?mo=forums'); $forum = new forum(); $msg = '请选择要删除的栏目!'; if (empty($forum->_array[$id])) { iCMS_DB::query("DELETE FROM `#iCMS@__forum` WHERE `fid` = '{$fid}'"); $this->iCMS->iCache->delete('system/forum/' . $fid); $art = iCMS_DB::getArray("SELECT id FROM `#iCMS@__article` WHERE `fid` = '{$fid}'"); foreach ((array) $art as $a) { delArticle($a['fid']); } $forum = new forum(); $forum->cache(); $msg = '删除成功!'; } else { $msg = '请先删除本栏目下的子栏目!'; } // javascript::dialog($msg,'url:'.__SELF__.'?mo=forums'); javascript::dialog($msg, 'js:parent.$("#fid-' . $fid . '").parent().remove();parent.iCMS.closeDialog();'); }
function doarticle() { $forum = new forum(); $callback = $_GET['callback']; $fid = (int) $_GET['fid']; $sql = " where "; $sql .= $_GET['type'] == 'draft' ? "`status` ='0'" : "`status` ='1'"; $sql .= $act == 'user' ? " AND `postype`='0'" : " AND `postype`='1'"; $_GET['keywords'] && ($sql .= " AND CONCAT(title,keywords,description) REGEXP '{$_GET['keywords']}'"); $fid = member::CP($fid) ? $fid : "0"; if ($fid) { if (isset($_GET['sub'])) { $sql .= " AND ( fid IN(" . $forum->fid($fid) . $fid . ")"; } else { $sql .= " AND ( fid ='{$fid}'"; } $sql .= " OR `vlink` REGEXP '[[:<:]]" . preg_quote($fid, '/') . "[[:>:]]')"; } else { member::$cpower && ($sql .= " AND fid IN(" . implode(',', member::$cpower) . ")"); } isset($_GET['keyword']) && ($uri .= '&keyword=' . $_GET['keyword']); $maxperpage = 8; $total = $page == 1 || empty($_GET['rowNum']) ? iCMS_DB::getValue("SELECT count(*) FROM `#iCMS@__article` {$sql}") : (int) $_GET['rowNum']; page($total, $maxperpage, "篇文章"); $rs = iCMS_DB::getArray("SELECT * FROM `#iCMS@__article`{$sql} order by id DESC LIMIT {$this->firstcount} , {$maxperpage}"); $_count = count($rs); include admincp::tpl(); }
<form name="cpform" method="post" action="<?php echo __ADMINCP__; ?> =forums" id="cpform" target="iCMS_FRAME"> <input name="do" type="hidden" id="do" value="save" /> <input name="fid" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $rs['fid']; ?> " /> <table class="adminlist" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="margin-top:0px;"> <tbody id="tabs-base"> <tr> <td class="td80">上级版块:</td> <td class="rowform"><?php if (member::CP($rootid) || empty($rootid)) { ?> <select name="rootid"> <option value="0">======顶级版块=====</option> <?php echo $forum->select($rootid, 0, 1, 'all', NULL, true); ?> </select> <?php } else { ?> <input name="rootid" id="rootid" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $rootid; ?> " /> <input readonly="true" value="<?php