public function update() { $data = array('id' => intval($this->input['id']), 'name' => trim($this->input['name'])); if (!$data['id']) { $this->errorOutput("ID不能为空"); } if (!$data['name']) { $this->errorOutput("运势名不能为空"); } $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'astro_app_fortuneinfo WHERE id = ' . $data['id']; $res = $this->db->query_first($sql); $astrofunimg = unserialize($res['astrofunimg']) ? unserialize($res['astrofunimg']) : array(); $logo['Filedata'] = $_FILES['logo']; if ($logo['Filedata']) { include_once ROOT_PATH . 'lib/class/material.class.php'; $material = new material(); $re = $material->addMaterial($logo); $logo = array(); $logo = array('host' => $re['host'], 'dir' => $re['dir'], 'filepath' => $re['filepath'], 'filename' => $re['filename']); } else { $logo = $astrofunimg; } $where = ' WHERE 1 '; $where .= ' AND id = ' . $data['id']; $sql = 'UPDATE ' . DB_PREFIX . 'astro_app_fortuneinfo' . ' SET astrofuncn = "' . $data['name'] . '", astrofunimg ="' . addslashes(serialize($logo)) . '"' . $where; //$this->errorOutput($sql); $this->db->query($sql); $this->constellation->updatetime_orerid($data['id'], 'fortuneinfo'); $data['logo'] = $logo; $this->addItem($data); $this->output(); }
public function insert_plataccount($picfiles) { $data = array('type' => urldecode($this->input['plat_type']), 'name' => urldecode($this->input['name']), 'offiaccount' => urldecode($this->input['offiaccount']), 'akey' => urldecode($this->input['apikey']), 'skey' => urldecode($this->input['secretkey']), 'oauthurl' => urldecode($this->input['oauthurl']), 'shareurl' => urldecode($this->input['shareurl']), 'userurl' => urldecode($this->input['userurl']), 'callback' => urldecode($this->input['callback']), 'accessurl' => urldecode($this->input['accessurl']), 'followurl' => urldecode($this->input['followurl']), 'status' => urldecode($this->input['status']), 'addtime' => time()); $sql = "INSERT INTO " . DB_PREFIX . "plat SET"; $sql_extra = $space = ' '; foreach ($data as $k => $v) { $sql_extra .= $space . $k . "='" . $v . "'"; $space = ','; } $sql .= $sql_extra; $this->db->query($sql); $id = $this->db->insert_id(); /*将图片提交到图片服务器*/ $files['Filedata'] = $picfiles; if ($files['Filedata']) { $material_pic = new material(); $img_info = $material_pic->addMaterial($files, $id, $this->input['module_id'], 'img10'); $img_thumb_info = $this->get_thumb_pic($img_info['filepath'], $img_info['filename']); //去请求一张缩略图 $data = array('platId' => $id, 'oldname' => $files['Filedata']['name'], 'newname' => $img_info['filename'], 'addtime' => time(), 'path' => $img_info['filepath']); //判断是否存在封面 如果不存在则以第一幅图片做为封面 $sql = 'UPDATE ' . DB_PREFIX . 'plat SET picurl = "' . $data['path'] . $data['newname'] . '" WHERE id = ' . $data['platId']; $this->db->query($sql); $sql = "INSERT INTO " . DB_PREFIX . "pics SET"; $sql_extra = $space = ' '; foreach ($data as $k => $v) { $sql_extra .= $space . $k . "='" . $v . "'"; $space = ','; } $sql .= $sql_extra; $this->db->query($sql); } return true; }
public function update() { if (!$this->input['id']) { $this->errorOutput(NOID); } $data = array('name' => $this->input['name'], 'description' => $this->input['description'], 'need_update' => intval($this->input['need_update'])); //处理logo图片 if ($_FILES['map_marker']) { $_FILES['Filedata'] = $_FILES['map_marker']; $material_pic = new material(); $img_info = $material_pic->addMaterial($_FILES); if ($img_info) { $map_marker = array('host' => $img_info['host'], 'dir' => $img_info['dir'], 'filepath' => $img_info['filepath'], 'filename' => $img_info['filename']); $data['map_marker'] = @serialize($map_marker); } } $ret = $this->mode->update($data, $this->input['id']); if ($ret) { $update_data = array('user_id' => $this->user['user_id'], 'user_name' => $this->user['user_name'], 'update_time' => TIMENOW, 'ip' => hg_getip()); $pre_data = $this->mode->update($update_data, $this->input['id']); $up_data = $data + $update_data; $this->addLogs('更新停车场类型', $pre_data, $up_data, $up_data['name']); } $this->addItem('success'); $this->output(); }
public function update() { if (!$this->input['id']) { $this->errorOutput(NOID); } $data = array('name' => $this->input['name'], 'enterprise_nature' => $this->input['enterprise_nature'], 'description' => $this->input['description'], 'tel' => $this->input['tel'], 'parking_num' => $this->input['parking_num'], 'address' => $this->input['address']); //处理logo图片 if ($_FILES['logo']) { $_FILES['Filedata'] = $_FILES['logo']; $material_pic = new material(); $img_info = $material_pic->addMaterial($_FILES); if ($img_info) { $logo = array('host' => $img_info['host'], 'dir' => $img_info['dir'], 'filepath' => $img_info['filepath'], 'filename' => $img_info['filename']); $data['logo'] = @serialize($logo); } } $ret = $this->mode->update($data, $this->input['id']); if ($ret) { $update_data = array('user_id' => $this->user['user_id'], 'user_name' => $this->user['user_name'], 'update_time' => TIMENOW, 'ip' => hg_getip()); $pre_data = $this->mode->update($update_data, $this->input['id']); $up_data = $data + $update_data; $this->addLogs('更新物业单位', $pre_data, $up_data, $up_data['name']); } $this->addItem('success'); $this->output(); }
public function update() { if (!$this->input['id']) { $this->errorOutput(NOID); } $name = $this->input['name']; $body_html = $this->input['body_html']; if (!$name) { $this->errorOutput(NO_TPL_NAME); } if (!$body_html) { $this->errorOutput(NO_TPL_HTML); } $update_data = array('name' => $name, 'body_html' => $body_html, 'type' => intval($this->input['type']), 'update_time' => TIMENOW); //更改图片 if (isset($_FILES['img_info']) && !$_FILES['img_info']['error']) { $_FILES['Filedata'] = $_FILES['img_info']; $material_pic = new material(); $img = $material_pic->addMaterial($_FILES); if ($img) { $img_info = array('host' => $img['host'], 'dir' => $img['dir'], 'filepath' => $img['filepath'], 'filename' => $img['filename'], 'imgwidth' => $img['imgwidth'], 'imgheight' => $img['imgheight']); $update_data['img_info'] = @serialize($img_info); } } $ret = $this->mode->update($this->input['id'], $update_data); if ($ret) { $this->addItem('success'); $this->output(); } }
/** * 上传图片 * */ public function upload_img() { $logo['Filedata'] = $_FILES['pic']; if ($logo['Filedata']) { $material_pic = new material(); $logo_info = $material_pic->addMaterial($logo); $logo = array(); $logo_pic = array('host' => $logo_info['host'], 'dir' => $logo_info['dir'], 'filepath' => $logo_info['filepath'], 'filename' => $logo_info['filename']); $img_info = addslashes(serialize($logo_pic)); } if (!$logo_pic) { $this->errorOutput('没有上传的图片信息'); } $logoid = intval($this->input['logoid']); if ($logoid) { $sql = 'SELECT id FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . "material WHERE id = " . $logoid; $ret = $this->db->query_first($sql); } if ($logoid && $ret['id']) { $sql = " UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "material SET img_info = '" . $img_info . "' WHERE id = " . $logoid; $query = $this->db->query($sql); $data['id'] = $logoid; } else { $sql = " INSERT INTO " . DB_PREFIX . "material SET img_info = '" . $img_info . "'"; $query = $this->db->query($sql); $vid = $this->db->insert_id(); $data['id'] = $vid; } $data['img_info'] = hg_fetchimgurl($logo_pic, 200, 160); $this->addItem($data); $this->output(); }
public function upload() { if ($_FILES['Filedata']) { if ($_FILES['Filedata']['error']) { $this->addItem(array('error' => '图片有误')); $this->output(); } else { /* $tmp = getimagesize($_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name']); if($tmp[0]<2100) { $this->addItem(array('error' => '图片宽度必须大于2100')); $this->output(); } if($tmp[1]<1400) { $this->addItem(array('error' => '图片高度必须大于1400')); $this->output(); } */ include_once ROOT_PATH . '/lib/class/material.class.php'; $obj_material = new material(); $ret = $obj_material->addMaterial($_FILES); if (!empty($ret)) { $this->addItem($ret); $this->output(); } } } }
public function water_config_list() { include_once ROOT_PATH . 'lib/class/material.class.php'; $material = new material(); $ret = $material->water_config_list(); $this->addItem($ret); $this->output(); }
public function update() { if (!$this->input['id']) { $this->errorOutput(NOID); } $update_data = array('name' => trim($this->input['name']), 'points_system' => $this->input['points_system'], 'is_login' => intval($this->input['is_login'])); //数据验证 $this->data_check($data, $this->input['old_name']); //上传索引图 $cover['Filedata'] = $_FILES['Filedata']; $cover2['Filedata'] = $_FILES['Filedata2']; include_once ROOT_PATH . 'lib/class/material.class.php'; $material = new material(); if ($cover['Filedata']) { $re = $material->addMaterial($cover); $cover = array(); $cover = array('host' => $re['host'], 'dir' => $re['dir'], 'filepath' => $re['filepath'], 'filename' => $re['filename']); $update_data['index_pic'] = addslashes(serialize($cover)); } //上传默认图 if ($cover2['Filedata']) { $re2 = $material->addMaterial($cover2); $cover2 = array(); $cover2 = array('host' => $re2['host'], 'dir' => $re2['dir'], 'filepath' => $re2['filepath'], 'filename' => $re2['filename']); $update_data['default_pic'] = addslashes(serialize($cover2)); } $ret = $this->mode->update($this->input['id'], $update_data); if ($ret) { //如果内容有更新才更新以下内容 $update_data['update_user_name'] = $this->user['user_name']; $update_data['update_user_id'] = $this->user['user_id']; $update_data['update_org_id'] = $this->user['org_id']; $update_data['update_time'] = TIMENOW; $update_data['update_ip'] = $this->user['ip']; $sql = "UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "grade_style SET \n\t\t\t\t\tupdate_user_name ='" . $update_data['update_user_name'] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\tupdate_user_id = '" . $update_data['update_user_id'] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\tupdate_org_id = '" . $update_data['update_org_id'] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\tupdate_ip = '" . $update_data['update_ip'] . "', \n\t\t\t\t\tupdate_time = '" . TIMENOW . "' WHERE id=" . $this->input['id']; $this->db->query($sql); //更新描述 if ($this->input['is_describe']) { $names = $this->input['name']; //简述词 $describes = $this->input['describe']; //描述 if ($names || $describes) { foreach ($names as $k => $v) { $describe_data = array('style_id' => $vid, 'star' => $k, 'name' => trim($v), 'describes' => trim($describes[$k])); $this->mode->update_describe($this->input['id'], $describe_data); } } } } //$this->addLogs('更新',$ret,'','更新' . $this->input['id']);此处是日志,自己根据情况加一下 $this->addItem('success'); $this->output(); }
public function img_upload($img_file) { $classfile = ROOT_PATH . 'lib/class/material.class.php'; if (is_file($classfile)) { class_exists('material') or (include $classfile); $material_pic = new material(); $img = array('Filedata' => $img_file); if (!$this->settings['App_material']) { return ''; } $img_info = $material_pic->addMaterial($img); $img_data = array('host' => $img_info['host'], 'dir' => $img_info['dir'], 'filepath' => $img_info['filepath'], 'filename' => $img_info['filename']); return maybe_serialize($img_data); } return ''; }
* @param Array $data */ public function count($data) { $condition = $this->get_condition($data); $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(id) AS total FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'message WHERE 1'; if ($condition) { $sql .= $condition; } return $this->db->query_first($sql); } /** * 获取单个微信信息 * @param Int $id */ public function detail($id) {
public function events() { if (!env('student')) { redirect('m=login'); } $updisciplineId = val($_REQUEST, 'updisciplineId'); $learningMode = val($_REQUEST, 'learningMode'); if (empty($updisciplineId) || empty($learningMode)) { throw new Exception('Missed required param', 404); } $updiscipline = entry_sql('SELECT * FROM updiscipline WHERE updisciplineId=:updisciplineId', array(':updisciplineId' => $updisciplineId)); if (empty($updiscipline)) { throw new Exception('Updiscipline not found', 404); } $groupPeriod = entry_sql('SELECT gp.* FROM group_history gh INNER JOIN group_period gp USING(groupPeriodId) WHERE gh.studentId=:studentId AND gp.sersemester=:sersemester', array('studentId' => studentId(), 'sersemester' => $updiscipline['sersemester'])); if (empty($groupPeriod)) { throw new Exception('Cannot detect groupPeriod', 404); } $events = entries_sql('SELECT * FROM event WHERE updisciplineId=:updisciplineId AND groupPeriodId=:groupPeriodId AND learningMode=:learningMode', array('groupPeriodId' => $groupPeriod['groupPeriodId'], 'updisciplineId' => $updiscipline['updisciplineId'], 'learningMode' => $learningMode)); array_walk($events, function (&$event, $k, $studentId) { $event['c'] = material::i($event['instanceType'])->c(); $event['grade'] = material::i($event['instanceType'])->get_grade($event['instanceId'], $studentId); }, studentId()); env('breadcrumbs', array(array(lng('up:disciplines'), '/?c=up'), array($updiscipline['disciplineName'], '/?c=up&m=events&updisciplineId=' . $updisciplineId . '&learningMode=' . $learningMode), lng('up:events'))); tpl('up/events', array('updiscipline' => $updiscipline, 'events' => $events, 'result' => entry_sql('SELECT * FROM result WHERE studentId=:studentId AND updisciplineId=:updisciplineId AND learningMode=:learningMode', array('studentId' => studentId(), 'updisciplineId' => $updiscipline['updisciplineId'], 'learningMode' => $learningMode)))); }
public function get_grade($instanceId, $studentId) { $attempt = entry_sql('SELECT * FROM quiz_attempt WHERE quizId=:quizId AND studentId=:studentId AND status=:status ORDER BY grade DESC LIMIT 1', array('quizId' => $instanceId, 'studentId' => $studentId, 'status' => STATUS_COMPLETE)); if (!$attempt) { return parent::get_grade($instanceId, $studentId); } return array('time' => $attempt['timeFinish'], 'coef' => $attempt['grade']); }
protected function _up_breadcrumbs($event) { $updiscipline = entry_sql('SELECT * FROM updiscipline WHERE updisciplineId=:updisciplineId', array(':updisciplineId' => $event['updisciplineId'])); if (empty($updiscipline)) { throw new Exception('Cannot fetch updiscipline "' . $event['updisciplineId'] . '"', 500); } return array(array(lng('up:disciplines'), '/?c=up'), array($updiscipline['disciplineName'], '/?c=up&m=events&updisciplineId=' . $event['updisciplineId'] . '&learningMode=' . $event['learningMode']), lng('up:events'), array($event['name'], '/?c=' . material::i($event['instanceType'])->c() . '&eventId=' . $event['eventId'] . '&id=' . $event['instanceId'])); }
/** * 上传图片 */ public function upload() { if (!$_FILES['Filedata']) { $this->errorOutput(PARAM_WRONG); } $material = new material(); $result = $material->addMaterial($_FILES, '', '', '', '', 'png'); if (!$result) { $this->errorOutput(FAILED); } $flag = !!$this->input['flag']; if ($flag) { $picData = array('material_id' => $result['id'], 'name' => $result['name'], 'mark' => $result['mark'], 'type' => $result['type'], 'filesize' => $result['filesize'], 'imgwidth' => $result['imgwidth'], 'imgheight' => $result['imgheight'], 'host' => $result['host'], 'dir' => $result['dir'], 'filepath' => $result['filepath'], 'filename' => $result['filename'], 'user_id' => $this->user['user_id'], 'user_name' => $this->user['user_name'], 'org_id' => $this->user['org_id'], 'create_time' => $result['create_time'], 'ip' => $result['ip']); $result = $this->api->create('app_material', $picData); } $this->addItem($result); $this->output(); }
public function show() { $dir = TARGET_DIR . 'livesnap/'; $time = $this->input['time'] ? $this->input['time'] : TIMENOW; $material = new material(); $handle = dir($dir); $snaps = array(); while ($file = $handle->read()) { if ($file == '.' || $file == '..' || !intval($file)) { continue; } if (!is_dir($dir . $file . '/')) { continue; } $sdir = $dir . $file . '/'; $handle1 = dir($sdir); $i = 0; while ($file1 = $handle1->read()) { if (!is_file($sdir . $file1)) { continue; } $vv = $sdir . $file1; $k = $file; @copy($vv, $dir . '/live_' . $k . '.png'); $vv = $dir . '/live_' . $k . '.png'; if (defined("TARGET_VIDEO_DOMAIN")) { $pic = 'http://' . ltrim(TARGET_VIDEO_DOMAIN, 'http://') . '/' . 'livesnap/live_' . $k . '.png'; } else { $pic = $this->settings['videouploads']['protocol'] . $this->settings['videouploads']['host'] . '/' . 'livesnap/live_' . $k . '.png'; } $kk = filemtime($vv); if (time() - $kk < 2) { $img_info = $material->addMaterialNodb($pic, 1, 'livesnap/img/' . date('Y', $kk) . '/' . date('m', $kk)); $this->addItem($img_info[0]); } else { @unlink($vv); } $i++; } } $this->output(); }
public function update() { $starttime = explode('-', $this->input['astrostart']); $astrostart = mktime(0, 0, 0, $starttime[0], $starttime[1], 0); unset($starttime); $endtime = explode('-', $this->input['astroend']); $astroend = mktime(0, 0, 0, $endtime[0], $endtime[1], 0); unset($endtime); $data = array('id' => intval($this->input['id']), 'name' => trim($this->input['name']), 'astrointroduction' => trim($this->input['astrointroduction']), 'astrostart' => trim($astrostart), 'astroend' => trim($astroend)); if (!$data['id']) { $this->errorOutput("ID不能为空"); } if (!$data['name']) { $this->errorOutput("星座名不能为空"); } $sql = 'SELECT astroimg FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'astro_app_info WHERE id = ' . $data['id']; $res = $this->db->query_first($sql); $astroimg = unserialize($res['astroimg']) ? unserialize($res['astroimg']) : array(); $logo['Filedata'] = $_FILES['logo']; if ($logo['Filedata']) { include_once ROOT_PATH . 'lib/class/material.class.php'; $material = new material(); $re = $material->addMaterial($logo); $logo = array(); $logo = array('host' => $re['host'], 'dir' => $re['dir'], 'filepath' => $re['filepath'], 'filename' => $re['filename']); } else { $logo = $astroimg; } $where = ' WHERE 1 '; $where .= ' AND id = ' . $data['id']; $sql = 'UPDATE ' . DB_PREFIX . 'astro_app_info' . ' SET astrocn = "' . $data['name'] . '",astrointroduction = "' . $data['astrointroduction'] . '", astroimg ="' . addslashes(serialize($logo)) . '",astrostart = "' . $data['astrostart'] . '",astroend = "' . $data['astroend'] . '"' . $where; //$this->errorOutput($sql); $this->db->query($sql); $this->constellation->updatetime_orerid($data['id'], 'info'); $data['logo'] = $logo; $this->addItem($data); $this->output(); }
public function delete($ids) { if ($ids) { $sql = "SELECT logo_id FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "res_sort WHERE id IN(" . $ids . ")"; $q = $this->db->query($sql); $mid = $space = ''; while ($row = $this->db->fetch_array($q)) { $mid .= $space . $row['logo_id']; $space = ','; } $sql = "DELETE FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "res_sort WHERE id IN(" . $ids . ")"; $this->db->query($sql); $sql = "DELETE FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "res WHERE sort_id IN(" . $ids . ")"; //删除res对应子项目 $this->db->query($sql); if ($mid) { include_once ROOT_PATH . 'lib/class/material.class.php'; $mater = new material(); $mater->delMaterialById($mid); } return array('id' => $ids); } }
/** * 创建数据 */ public function create() { $category_id = intval($this->input['category_id']); $iconFiles = $_FILES['iconFiles']; if ($category_id <= 0 || empty($iconFiles)) { $this->errorOutput(PARAM_WRONG); } $_FILES['Filedata'] = $iconFiles; unset($_FILES['iconFiles']); $imgzip = $iconFiles['type'] == 'application/zip' ? 1 : 0; $material = new material(); $iconInfo = $material->addMaterial($_FILES, '', '', '', $imgzip); if (!$iconInfo) { $this->errorOutput(FAILED); } $data = array('cate_id' => $category_id, 'user_id' => $this->user['user_id'], 'user_name' => $this->user['user_name'], 'org_id' => $this->user['org_id']); $condition = array('id' => $category_id); if ($imgzip) { foreach ($iconInfo as $icon) { $this->prepareData($data, $icon); $result = $this->api->create('app_material', $data); } //更新分类下图片数 $pic_count = count($iconInfo); $updateData = array('pic_count' => $pic_count); $this->api->update('icon_category', $updateData, $condition, true); } else { $this->prepareData($data, $iconInfo); $result = $this->api->create('app_material', $data); //更新分类下图片数 $updateData = array('pic_count' => 1); $this->api->update('icon_category', $updateData, $condition, true); } $this->addItem($result); $this->output(); }
public function delete() { if (empty($this->input['id'])) { $this->errorOutput("ID不能为空"); } $ids = urldecode($this->input['id']); include_once ROOT_PATH . 'lib/class/material.class.php'; $material = new material(); //删除圈子log $sql = "SELECT log FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "group WHERE id IN(" . $ids . ")"; $q = $this->db->query($sql); while ($row = $this->db->fetch_array($q)) { $row['log'] = json_decode($row['log'], 1); if ($row['log']) { $material->delMaterialById($row['log'][0]['id'], 2); } } $sql = "DELETE FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "group WHERE id IN(" . $ids . ")"; $this->db->query($sql); $this->addLogs('删除路况分类', '', '', '删除路况分类+' . $ids); $this->addItem($ids); $this->output(); }
public function insert_lbs($str, $sort_id = '') { if (!$str) { continue; } //explode:函数把字符串分割为数组。 if (stripos($str, ' ') !== false) { $str = $this->trimall($str); } $arr = array(); $arr = explode("\\", trim($str, "\\")); if (empty($arr)) { continue; } //file_put_contents('44.txt', var_export($arr,1));exit(); /*$arr = array( 0 => '机床1#',//名称 1 => '机床新村27#旁',//地址 2 => '120.278897',//经度 3 => '31.56376533',//纬度 4 => '120.278897',//百度坐标 5 => '31.56376533', 6 => '江苏省',//省 7 => '无锡市',//城市 8 => '滨湖区',//区 9 => '公共设施',//分类 10 => '客服:025-89809090|售前:025-87898009',//联系电话 11 => '9:00-18:00',//营业时间 12 => '',//索引图 13 => '简介',//简介 14 => 'HJSWUXBHQ00001',//地点编号 );*/ $data = array(); if ($arr[14]) { $data['local_id'] = $arr[14]; //判断数据是否导入过 /*$sql = "SELECT local_id FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "lbs WHERE local_id = '" . $data['local_id'] . "'"; $res = $this->db->query_first($sql); if($res['local_id']) { continue; }*/ } if ($arr[0]) { $data['title'] = $arr[0]; } if ($arr[1]) { $data['address'] = $arr[1]; } if ($arr[2]) { $data['GPS_longitude'] = $arr[2]; } if ($arr[3]) { $data['GPS_latitude'] = $arr[3]; } if ($arr[4]) { $data['baidu_longitude'] = $arr[4]; } if ($arr[5]) { $data['baidu_latitude'] = $arr[5]; } //处理省市区 if ($arr[6]) { $sql = "SELECT id FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "province WHERE name LIKE '%" . $arr[6] . "%'"; $res = $this->db->query_first($sql); if ($res['id']) { $data['province_id'] = $res['id']; } if ($data['province_id'] && $arr[7]) { $sql = "SELECT id FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "city WHERE province_id = " . $data['province_id'] . " AND city LIKE '%" . $arr[7] . "%'"; $city_res = $this->db->query_first($sql); if ($city_res['id']) { $data['city_id'] = $city_res['id']; } } if ($arr[8] && $data['city_id']) { $sql = "SELECT id FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "area WHERE city_id = " . $data['city_id'] . " AND area LIKE '%" . $arr[8] . "%'"; $area_res = $this->db->query_first($sql); if ($area_res['id']) { $data['area_id'] = $area_res['id']; } } } //处理分类 if ($sort_id) { $data['sort_id'] = $sort_id; } else { if ($arr[9]) { $sql = "SELECT id FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "sort WHERE name = '" . $arr[9] . "'"; $sort_res = $this->db->query_first($sql); if ($sort_res['id']) { $data['sort_id'] = $sort_res['id']; } } } //处理联系电话 if ($arr[10]) { $tel_arr = array(); if (stripos($arr[10], '|') !== false) { $tel = explode('|', trim($arr[10])); if (!empty($tel) && is_array($tel)) { foreach ($tel as $key => $val) { if (stripos($val, ':') !== false) { $tmp = explode(':', $val); } else { if (stripos($val, ':') !== false) { $tmp = explode(':', $val); } } if (!empty($tmp)) { $telname = $tmp[0] ? $tmp[0] : '联系电话' . ($key + 1); $tel_arr[] = array('telname' => $telname, 'tel' => $tmp[1]); } } } $data['tel'] = serialize($tel_arr); } else { if (stripos($arr[10], ':') !== false) { $tmp = explode(':', $arr[10]); } else { if (stripos($arr[10], ':') !== false) { $tmp = explode(':', $arr[10]); } } if (!empty($tmp)) { $telname = $tmp[0] ? $tmp[0] : '联系电话' . ($key + 1); $tel_arr[] = array('telname' => $telname, 'tel' => $tmp[1]); } $data['tel'] = serialize($tel_arr); } } //处理经营时间 if ($arr[11]) { if (stripos($arr[11], '-') !== false) { $jy_time = explode('-', $arr[11]); $ymd = date('Y-m-d', TIMENOW); $stime = strtotime($ymd . ' ' . $jy_time[0]); $etime = strtotime($ymd . ' ' . $jy_time[1]); $data['stime'] = $stime; $data['etime'] = $etime; } } //入库 if (empty($data)) { continue; } //如果百度坐标存在gps不存在的话,就转换为gps坐标也存起来 if ($data['baidu_longitude'] && $data['baidu_latitude']) { $gps = $this->lbs->FromBaiduToGpsXY($data['baidu_longitude'], $data['baidu_latitude']); $data['GPS_longitude'] = $gps['GPS_x']; $data['GPS_latitude'] = $gps['GPS_y']; } //如果GPS坐标存在并且百度坐标不存在的话,就转换为百度坐标也存起来 if (!$data['baidu_longitude'] && !$data['baidu_latitude'] && $data['GPS_longitude'] && $data['GPS_latitude']) { $baidu = array(); //防止网络崩溃,暂时注释 $baidu = $this->lbs->FromGpsToBaiduXY($data['GPS_longitude'], $data['GPS_latitude']); if (!empty($baidu)) { $data['baidu_longitude'] = $baidu['x']; $data['baidu_latitude'] = $baidu['y']; } } $data['create_time'] = TIMENOW; $data['org_id'] = $this->user['org_id']; $data['user_id'] = $this->user['user_id']; $data['user_name'] = $this->user['user_name']; $data['ip'] = $this->user['ip']; $lbs = $this->lbs->add_lbs($data); $id = $lbs['id']; if (!$id) { continue; } if ($arr[12]) { //对索引图的处理 include_once ROOT_PATH . 'lib/class/material.class.php'; $material_pic = new material(); $img_info = array(); $img_info = $material_pic->localMaterial($arr[12]); //图片本地化失败,重复请求3次 /*if(empty($img_info)) { for ($i=0;$i<3;$i++) { $img_info = $material_pic->localMaterial($arr[12]); if(!empty($img_info)) { break; } } }*/ if (!empty($img_info)) { $img_info = $img_info[0]; $img_data = array('host' => $img_info['host'], 'dir' => $img_info['dir'], 'filepath' => $img_info['filepath'], 'filename' => $img_info['filename']); $img_data['cid'] = $id; //lbs的id,直接置零 $img_data['original_id'] = $img_info['id']; $img_data['type'] = $img_info['type']; $img_data['mark'] = 'img'; $img_data['imgwidth'] = $img_info['imgwidth']; $img_data['imgheight'] = $img_info['imgheight']; $img_data['flag'] = 1; $vid = $this->lbs->insert_img($img_data); } if ($vid) { $sql = 'UPDATE ' . DB_PREFIX . 'lbs set indexpic = ' . $vid . ' WHERE id = ' . $id; $this->db->query($sql); } } //简介描述 if ($arr[13]) { $this->lbs->add_content($arr[13], $id); } }
$this->output(); } /** * 上传小组标识 */ public function upload() { include_once ROOT_PATH . 'lib/class/material.class.php'; $upload = new material(); $result = $upload->addMaterial($_FILES); $ret['data'] = serialize($result);
public function testTagCollection() { $material = new material(); $this->assertFalse($material->containsTag('t')); $material->addTag('t'); $this->assertTrue($material->containsTag('t')); $material->removeTag('t'); $this->assertFalse($material->containsTag('t')); //Repeat Tag $this->assertFalse($material->containsTag('t')); $material->addTag('t'); $material->addTag('t'); $this->assertTrue($material->containsTag('t')); $material->removeTag('t'); $this->assertFalse($material->containsTag('t')); $this->assertFalse($material->removeTag('t')); //containsAllTag and containsAnyTag $material->addTag('t1'); $material->addTag('t2'); $material->addTag('t3'); $this->assertTrue($material->containsAnyTag(array('t0', 't2'))); $this->assertTrue($material->containsAnyTag(array('t2', 't3'))); $this->assertFalse($material->containsAnyTag(array('t0', 't4'))); $this->assertTrue($material->containsAllTags(array('t1', 't2'))); $this->assertTrue($material->containsAllTags(array('t1'))); $this->assertFalse($material->containsAllTags(array('t0', 't2'))); $this->assertFalse($material->containsAllTags(array('t0', 't1', 't2', 't3'))); }
public function callback($video_id = 0) { if (!$video_id) { $video_id = intval($this->input['video_id']); if (!$video_id) { return false; } } $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'vod_extend WHERE content_id=' . $video_id; $local_video = $this->db->query_first($sql); if (!$local_video) { return false; } $this->user_unique = $this->settings['cloud_user']; $this->secret_key = $this->settings['cloud_secret_key']; $videoinfo = $this->videoGet($video_id); $videoinfo = json_decode($videoinfo, 1); if ($videoinfo['code'] == 109) { $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'vod_extend WHERE content_id=' . $video_id; $this->db->query($sql); $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'vodinfo WHERE id=' . intval($local_video['vodinfo_id']); $this->db->query($sql); } if (!$videoinfo['code']) { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'vodinfo WHERE id=' . intval($local_video['vodinfo_id']); $local_video_info = $this->db->query_first($sql); $swf = $this->videoGetPlayinterface($this->user_unique, $local_video['extend_data'], 'flash'); // exit($swf); $data = array('totalsize' => $videoinfo['data']['video_duration'] * 1000, 'duration' => $videoinfo['data']['initial_size'], 'update_time' => time(), 'is_link' => 1, 'swf' => $swf); if (!$local_video_info['comment']) { $data['comment'] = $videoinfo['data']['video_desc']; } if (!$local_video_info['keywords']) { $data['keywords'] = $videoinfo['data']['tag']; } if ($videoinfo['data']['status'] == 10) { if ($local_video_info['status'] < 1) { $data['status'] = 1; } } elseif ($videoinfo['data']['status'] == 20) { $data['status'] = -1; } else { if ($local_video_info['status'] == 2) { $data['status'] = 1; } } $img_info = unserialize($local_video_info['img_info']); if (!strstr($videoinfo['data']['img'], 'noimg') || !$img_info['filename']) { include_once ROOT_PATH . 'lib/class/material.class.php'; $material = new material(); $imgurl = pathinfo($videoinfo['data']['img']); $imgurl = $imgurl['dirname'] . '/' . $imgurl['filename'] . '_640_360.' . $imgurl['extension']; $img_info = $material->localMaterial($imgurl); $img_info = $img_info[0]; $image_info = array('host' => $img_info['host'], 'dir' => $img_info['dir'], 'filepath' => $img_info['filepath'], 'filename' => $img_info['filename'], 'imgwidth' => $img_info['imgwidth'], 'imgheight' => $img_info['imgheight']); $data['img_info'] = serialize($image_info); } if ($data) { $update = array(); foreach ($data as $k => $v) { $update[] = $k . "='" . $v . "'"; } $sql = 'UPDATE ' . DB_PREFIX . 'vodinfo SET ' . implode(',', $update) . ' WHERE id=' . intval($local_video_info['id']); $this->db->query($sql); return true; } } echo '<pre>'; print_r($data); print_r($videoinfo); print_r($local_video_info); return false; }
<?php trigger_reg('material.graded', function ($codeOrName, $id, $studentId) { global $CFG; $code = is_numeric($codeOrName) ? $codeOrName : array_search($codeOrName, $CFG->material); if (!is_numeric($code)) { throw new Exception('Cannot detect meterial type of "' . $codeOrName . '"', 500); } $updisciplines = entries_sql('SELECT ud.*,e.groupPeriodId,e.learningMode FROM event e, updiscipline ud, group_period gp, group_history gh WHERE e.updisciplineId=ud.updisciplineId AND ud.upId=gp.upId AND gp.groupPeriodId=gh.groupPeriodId AND e.instanceType=:type AND e.instanceId=:id AND gh.studentId=:studentId', array('type' => $code, 'id' => $id, 'studentId' => $studentId)); foreach ($updisciplines as $upd) { $events = entries_sql('SELECT * FROM event WHERE updisciplineId=:updisciplineId AND groupPeriodId=:groupPeriodId AND learningMode=:learningMode', array('groupPeriodId' => $upd['groupPeriodId'], 'updisciplineId' => $upd['updisciplineId'], 'learningMode' => $upd['learningMode'])); $result = array_reduce($events, function ($r, $e) { $r['sum'] += $e['weight']; $r['got'] += $e['weight'] * val(material::i($e['instanceType'])->get_grade($e['instanceId'], $r['studentId']), 'coef', 0); return $r; }, array('studentId' => $studentId, 'sum' => 0, 'got' => 0)); if (empty($result['sum'])) { continue; } entry_change('result', array('grade' => $result['got'] / $result['sum'] * 100), array('studentId' => $studentId, 'updisciplineId' => $upd['updisciplineId'], 'learningMode' => $upd['learningMode'])); } });
/** * 入素材库 * Enter description here ... * @param unknown_type $file * @param unknown_type $id */ public function add_material($file, $id) { include_once ROOT_PATH . 'lib/class/material.class.php'; $mMaterial = new material(); if (!$mMaterial) { return false; } $files['Filedata'] = $file; $material = $mMaterial->addMaterial($files, $id); $return = array(); if (!empty($material)) { $return['host'] = $material['host']; $return['dir'] = $material['dir']; $return['filepath'] = $material['filepath']; $return['filename'] = $material['filename']; } return $return; }
public function img_upload($img_file) { require_once ROOT_PATH . 'lib/class/material.class.php'; $img['Filedata'] = $img_file; if (!$this->settings['App_material']) { $this->errorOutput('图片服务器未安装!'); } $material_pic = new material(); $img_info = $material_pic->addMaterial($img); $img_data = array('host' => $img_info['host'], 'dir' => $img_info['dir'], 'filepath' => $img_info['filepath'], 'filename' => $img_info['filename']); return maybe_serialize($img_data); }
private function storage_data($video, $vod_config) { if ($video['column_id']) { $publish_column = new publishconfig(); $column_id = $video['column_id']; $column_id = $publish_column->get_columnname_by_ids('id,name', $column_id); $column_id = serialize($column_id); } $channel_id = $video['channel_id']; if ($video['create_time'] != -1) { $create_time = strtotime($video['create_time']); } $pathinfo = pathinfo($video['filepath']); //如果不存在分类就默认其分类与类型相同 $vod_leixing = $video['vod_leixing'] ? $video['vod_leixing'] : 1; if (!$video['vod_sort_id'] || intval($video['vod_sort_id']) == -1) { $video['vod_sort_id'] = $vod_leixing; } /************创建视频的权限控制**********/ if ($this->user['group_type'] > MAX_ADMIN_TYPE) { $prms['_action'] = 'create'; $prms['node'] = $video['vod_sort_id']; if (!$this->verify_self_prms($prms)) { $this->errorOutput('NO_PRIVILEGE'); //$this->addItem(array('return' => 'fail')); //$this->output(); } } foreach ($video as $k => $v) { if (is_string($v)) { $video[$k] = rawurldecode($v); } } $data = array('cur_clarity' => $vod_config['unique_id'], 'title' => $video['title'] ? $video['title'] : $this->dir_info['original'], 'source' => $video['source'], 'subtitle' => $video['subtitle'], 'keywords' => $video['keywords'], 'weight' => $video['weight'], 'comment' => $video['comment'], 'author' => $video['author'], 'vod_leixing' => $vod_leixing, 'bitrate' => $vod_config['video_bitrate'], 'vod_sort_id' => $video['vod_sort_id'], 'is_allow' => $video['is_mark'], 'starttime' => $video['starttime'] ? strtotime($video['starttime']) : '', 'hostwork' => defined("TARGET_VIDEO_DOMAIN") ? 'http://' . ltrim(TARGET_VIDEO_DOMAIN, 'http://') : $this->settings['videouploads']['protocol'] . $this->settings['videouploads']['host'], 'source_hostwork' => defined("SOURCE_VIDEO_DOMIAN") ? 'http://' . ltrim(SOURCE_VIDEO_DOMIAN, 'http://') : '', 'source_base_path' => UPLOAD_DIR, 'source_path' => rtrim($pathinfo['dirname'], '/') . '/', 'source_filename' => $pathinfo['basename'], 'video_base_path' => TARGET_DIR, 'video_path' => $this->dir_info['target_dir'], 'video_filename' => $this->dir_info['output_filename'] . '.' . $this->dir_info['output_format'], 'channel_id' => $channel_id, 'column_id' => $column_id, 'from_appid' => $this->user['appid'], 'from_appname' => $this->user['display_name'], 'user_id' => $video['_user_id'] ? $video['_user_id'] : ($this->input['user_id'] ? $this->input['user_id'] : $this->user['user_id']), 'addperson' => $video['_user_name'] ? $video['_user_name'] : ($this->input['user_name'] ? $this->input['user_name'] : $this->user['user_name']), 'org_id' => $this->input['org_id'] ? $this->input['org_id'] : $this->user['org_id'], 'create_time' => $create_time ? $create_time : TIMENOW, 'update_time' => TIMENOW, 'ip' => hg_getip(), 'app_uniqueid' => $video['app_uniqueid'] ? $video['app_uniqueid'] : 'livmedia', 'mod_uniqueid' => $video['mod_uniqueid'] ? $video['mod_uniqueid'] : MOD_UNIQUEID, 'morebitrate_config_id' => $video['vod_config_id'], 'template_sign' => $video['template_sign']); if ($video['is_time_shift']) { $sql = "UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "vodinfo SET "; } else { $sql = " INSERT INTO " . DB_PREFIX . "vodinfo SET "; } foreach ($data as $k => $v) { $sql .= " {$k} = '{$v}',"; } $sql = trim($sql, ','); if ($video['is_time_shift']) { $sql .= ' WHERE id = ' . $video['id']; } $this->db->query($sql); if ($video['is_time_shift']) { $vid = $video['id']; } else { $vid = $this->db->insert_id(); } //记录发布库栏目分发表 $this->update_pub_column($vid, $video['column_id']); //记录发布库栏目分发表 if ($video['index_pic']) { $material = new material(); $img_info = $material->localMaterial($video['index_pic'], $vid); $img_info = $img_info[0]; } else { //获取一张截图,并且提交到图片服务器 $img_info = getimage(UPLOAD_DIR . $video['filepath'], TARGET_DIR . $this->dir_info['target_dir'], $vid); if (!$img_info || !$img_info['filename']) { if ($this->settings['App_live'] && $channel_id) { include_once ROOT_PATH . 'lib/class/live.class.php'; $live = new live(); $channelinfo = $live->getChannelById($channel_id, 1, 1); if ($channelinfo && $channelinfo[0] && $channelinfo[0]['snap']) { $img_info = $channelinfo[0]['snap']; } } } } if ($img_info && is_array($img_info)) { $image_info = array('host' => $img_info['host'], 'dir' => $img_info['dir'], 'filepath' => $img_info['filepath'], 'filename' => $img_info['filename'], 'imgwidth' => $img_info['imgwidth'], 'imgheight' => $img_info['imgheight']); } else { $image_info = array(); } $sql = " UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "vodinfo SET video_order_id = {$vid},img_info = '" . serialize($image_info) . "' WHERE id = {$vid}"; $this->db->query($sql); //存储vod_extend表 if ($video['content_id']) { $extend_data = array('vodinfo_id' => $vid, 'content_id' => $video['content_id'], 'extend_data' => $video['extend_data']); $sql = " INSERT INTO " . DB_PREFIX . "vod_extend SET "; foreach ($extend_data as $k => $v) { $sql .= " {$k} = '{$v}',"; } $sql = trim($sql, ','); $this->db->query($sql); } //加入日志 $data['id'] = $vid; $this->addLogs('创建视频', '', $data, $data['title']); return array('vid' => $vid, 'img_info' => $image_info); }
public function upload_material() { if (!$_FILES['Filedata']) { $this->errorOutput("素材内容不能为空"); } include_once ROOT_PATH . 'lib/class/material.class.php'; $material_server = new material(); $responce = $material_server->addMaterial($_FILES); if ($responce['ErrorCode'] || $responce['ErrorTexts']) { $this->errorOutput($responce['ErrorCode'] . $responce['ErrorTexts']); } $this->addItem($responce); $this->output(); }
/** * 上传引导图 */ public function upload_guide_pic() { if (!$_FILES['guide_pic']) { $this->errorOutput(PARAM_WRONG); } $material = new material(); $_FILES['Filedata'] = $_FILES['guide_pic']; unset($_FILES['guide_pic']); $pic_info = $material->addMaterial($_FILES, '', '', '', '', 'png'); if (!$pic_info) { $this->errorOutput(FAILED); } $data = array('info' => serialize($pic_info), 'user_id' => $this->user['user_id'], 'user_name' => $this->user['user_name'], 'org_id' => $this->user['org_id'], 'create_time' => TIMENOW, 'ip' => hg_getip()); $result = $this->api->create('app_pic', $data); if ($result['id']) { $this->api->update('app_pic', array('sort_order' => $result['id']), array('id' => $result['id'])); $ret = array('id' => $result['id'], 'host' => $pic_info['host'], 'dir' => $pic_info['dir'], 'filepath' => $pic_info['filepath'], 'filename' => $pic_info['filename'], 'sort_order' => $result['id']); $this->addItem($ret); } $this->output(); }