$attachments = $Parser->getAttachments(); if (count($attachments)) { $tmp_uploadedOn = get_currentPHPTimestamp(); foreach ($attachments as $attachment) { $upload_filename = $attachment->filename; $TMP_SOMENAME = '/tmp/' . getaRandomString(9); if ($fp = fopen($TMP_SOMENAME, 'w')) { while ($bytes = $attachment->read()) { fwrite($fp, $bytes); } fclose($fp); $fp = fopen($TMP_SOMENAME, 'r'); $TMP_SOMENAME_SIZE = filesize($TMP_SOMENAME); $TMP_SOMENAME_CONTENT = bin2hex(fread($fp, $TMP_SOMENAME_SIZE)); $success = execute_sqlInsert('attachments', array('workid' => $WORK_ID, 'uploadname' => $upload_filename, 'uploadedby' => $SUBDOMAIN_USER, 'filecontent' => $TMP_SOMENAME_CONTENT, 'filesize' => $TMP_SOMENAME_SIZE, 'uploadedOn' => $tmp_uploadedOn)); fclose($fp); unlink($TMP_SOMENAME); } } } } } if ($before_underscore == 'notes') { $manageNotes = new manageNotes(); $manageNotes->USERNAME = $SUBDOMAIN_USER; $note_body = "{$thisemail_subject} \n --------------------- \n {$thisemail_body} "; $manageNotes->insertNote($note_body); } $processemail_debugoutput = " \n before_underscore is {$before_underscore} "; // email $processemail_debugoutput to your email id to see the debug information exit(0);
$nid = get_POST_var('noteId'); $emailTo = get_POST_var('emailTo'); $manageNotes = new manageNotes(); $note_content = $manageNotes->getNoteWithID($nid); $email = new sendaMail(); $email->messageTo($emailTo); $email->subject("Note from Discrete Events"); $email->body($note_content); $email->send(); send_Action_Response('Success', "Note Emailed !"); exit; break; case 'UpdateNote': $nid = get_POST_var('noteId'); $updatedContent = get_POST_var('updatedContent'); $manageNotes = new manageNotes(); $manageNotes->updateNote($nid, $updatedContent); send_Action_Response('Success', "Note Updated !"); exit; break; case 'editTaskField': $workid = get_POST_var('workid'); $fieldName = get_POST_var('fieldName'); $fieldValue = get_POST_var('fieldValue'); if (!checkPermissions_canUserEditTask($USERNAME, $workid)) { send_Action_Response('Fail', 'insufficient privilege !'); return; } switch ($fieldName) { case 'userAssigned': $actualFieldName = 'work_userAssigned';