Пример #1
  * Static function that wipes document and words
  * @param int $id ID of document to wipe
 public function wipe_document($id)
     global $DB;
     // Delete existing document and occurrences.
     $DB->delete_records($this->get_occurrences_table(), array('documentid' => $id));
     $DB->delete_records($this->get_documents_table(), array('id' => $id));
     // If the course is currently being transferred we should get rid of it
     // from the new table too.
     if (isset($this->courseid) && year_tables::currently_transferring_course($this->courseid)) {
         $course = get_course($this->courseid);
         $year = year_tables::get_year_for_course($course);
         $otherdoc = new local_ousearch_document();
         if ($otherdoc->find('local_ousearch_docs_' . $year)) {
             $DB->delete_records($this->get_occurrences_table(), array('documentid' => $id));
             $DB->delete_records($this->get_documents_table(), array('id' => $id));
Пример #2
  * Does a chunk of work toward splitting the data into tables.
  * @param bool $output If true, calls mtrace to display output
  * @param array $results Output array (number of documents moved per course)
  * @param int $chunksize Number of items to include in chunk (roughly)
  * @return bool True to stop processing for this cron, false to continue
  * @throws coding_exception If not currently doing the transfer
 public static function split_tables_chunk($output = true, $chunksize = self::SPLIT_TABLES_CHUNK_SIZE)
     global $DB, $CFG;
     require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/local/ousearch/searchlib.php';
     $enabled = get_config('local_ousearch', self::CONFIG_ENABLED);
     if ($enabled != self::ENABLED_TRANSFERRING) {
         throw new \coding_exception('Cannot call this except during transfer');
     // Get course being transferred and set up initial data.
     $transferringid = get_config('local_ousearch', self::CONFIG_TRANSFERRING_COURSE);
     $params = array();
     if (!$transferringid) {
         // Do non-course stuff first.
         $where = 'courseid IS NULL';
         $course = null;
         self::cron_log($output, '  [Non-course]');
         $targetyear = self::NON_COURSE_YEAR;
     } else {
         $where = 'courseid = ?';
         $params[] = $transferringid;
         $course = get_course($transferringid);
         self::cron_log($output, '  ' . $course->shortname);
         $targetyear = self::get_year_for_course($course);
     // Work out table names.
     $targetdocs = 'local_ousearch_docs_' . $targetyear;
     $targetoccurs = 'local_ousearch_occurs_' . $targetyear;
     // Only get the records we haven't done yet.
     $doneupto = get_config('local_ousearch', self::CONFIG_TRANSFERRING_DONEUPTO);
     if ($doneupto) {
         $where .= ' AND timemodified > ?';
         $params[] = $doneupto;
     // Find all records that were added or modified since the last processed
     // time. Note we do not need to limit these results because it's a
     // recordset.
     $before = microtime(true);
     $transaction = $DB->start_delegated_transaction();
     $rs = $DB->get_recordset_select('local_ousearch_documents', $where, $params, 'timemodified', '*');
     self::cron_log($output, ' Select: ' . round(microtime(true) - $before, 1) . 's.');
     $count = 0;
     $lasttime = 0;
     $complete = true;
     $updates = 0;
     $creates = 0;
     $before = microtime(true);
     foreach ($rs as $document) {
         // If we have already processed the requested amount, stop processing
         // as soon as the last time changes. (The reason to wait until then
         // is that we can record that we've done everything up until that
         // time, without missing anything.)
         if ($count >= $chunksize) {
             if ($document->timemodified != $lasttime) {
                 $complete = false;
         // See if this document already exists. If so, delete and remake.
         $docobject = new \local_ousearch_document();
         if ($docobject->find($targetdocs)) {
             $DB->delete_records($targetoccurs, array('documentid' => $docobject->id));
             $DB->delete_records($targetdocs, array('id' => $docobject->id));
         } else {
         // Insert the document into the target table.
         $oldid = $document->id;
         $newid = $DB->insert_record($targetdocs, $document);
         // Copy all the SQL occurrences from source table.
         $DB->execute('INSERT INTO {' . $targetoccurs . '} (wordid, documentid, score)
             SELECT wordid, ?, score FROM {local_ousearch_occurrences} WHERE documentid = ?', array($newid, $oldid));
         $lasttime = $document->timemodified;
     self::cron_log($output, ' Copy: ' . $creates . ' creates, ' . $updates . ' updates, ' . round(microtime(true) - $before, 1) . 's.');
     if ($complete) {
         // After completing a course, add it to the course years list.
         if ($course) {
             $DB->insert_record('local_ousearch_courseyears', array('courseid' => $course->id, 'year' => $targetyear));
         // Look for the next course.
         $nextparams = array();
         if (!$transferringid) {
             $where = '';
         } else {
             $where = 'WHERE id > ?';
             $nextparams[] = $transferringid;
         $nextcourseid = $DB->get_field_sql("SELECT MIN(id) FROM {course} {$where}", $nextparams, IGNORE_MISSING);
         if ($nextcourseid) {
             // Move to next course.
             unset_config(self::CONFIG_TRANSFERRING_DONEUPTO, 'local_ousearch');
             set_config(self::CONFIG_TRANSFERRING_COURSE, $nextcourseid, 'local_ousearch');
             self::cron_log($output, ' Complete, moving to next course.', true);
             return false;
         } else {
             // Finished all courses!
             unset_config(self::CONFIG_TRANSFERRING_DONEUPTO, 'local_ousearch');
             unset_config(self::CONFIG_TRANSFERRING_COURSE, 'local_ousearch');
             set_config(self::CONFIG_ENABLED, self::ENABLED_ON, 'local_ousearch');
             // Delete all records from old tables. Doing this outside the
             // transaction allows it to use TRUNCATE to speed this up.
             $before = microtime(true);
             self::cron_log($output, ' All courses complete, tables deleted: ' . round(microtime(true) - $before, 1) . 's.', true);
             return true;
     } else {
         // If not complete, update the time processed up to.
         set_config(self::CONFIG_TRANSFERRING_DONEUPTO, $lasttime, 'local_ousearch');
         self::cron_log($output, ' Continuing...', true);
         return false;