static function config() { parent::config(); // load the default panel config file self::file(c::get('root.panel') . '/defaults/config/config.php'); $root = c::get('') . '/' . c::get('panel.folder') . '/config'; self::file($root . '/config.php'); self::file($root . '/config.' . server::get('server_name') . '.php'); }
<?php if (!defined('DINGO')) { die('External Access to File Denied'); } /** * DB Library For Dingo Framework * * @author Evan Byrne * @copyright 2008 - 2010 * @project page */ load::config('db'); function db($table = FALSE, $orm = FALSE, $connection = 'default') { // If no table given, return connection if (!$table) { return db::connection($connection); } // Otherwise, return table return $orm ? db::connection($connection)->table($table)->orm($orm) : db::connection($connection)->table($table); } class db { private static $connections = array(); private static $pdo = array('mysql', 'pgsql'); // Add Connection // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- public static function add_connection($name) { $config = config::get('db');
define('KIRBY', true); // check for a proper phpversion if (floatval(phpversion()) < 5.2) { die('Please upgrade to PHP 5.2 or higher'); } // include kirby require_once $rootKirby . '/lib/kirby.php'; // set the root c::set('root', $root); c::set('root.kirby', $rootKirby); c::set('', $rootSite); c::set('root.content', $rootContent); require_once $rootKirby . '/lib/load.php'; // load the rest of the system load::lib(); load::config(); load::parsers(); load::plugins(); // check for an exisiting content dir if (!is_dir(c::get('root.content'))) { die('The Kirby content directory could not be found'); } // check for an exisiting site dir if (!is_dir(c::get(''))) { die('The Kirby site directory could not be found'); } // set the timezone to make sure we // avoid errors in php 5.3 @date_default_timezone_set(c::get('timezone')); // switch on errors if (c::get('debug')) {
// Save // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- public function save() { $this->table->update(array('id' => $this->id, 'email' => $this->email, 'username' => $this->username, 'password' => $this->password, 'type' => $this->type, 'data' => json_encode($this->data)))->where('id', '=', $this->id)->execute(); return $this; } // Hash // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- public function hash($i) { return sha1($i); } } // Load config file load::config('user'); user::$types = config::get('user_types'); // Set database table user::$table = db(config::get('user_table'), NULL, config::get('user_connection')); // Get session data user::$_email = session::get('user_email'); user::$_password = session::get('user_password'); // Get information about current user if (user::$_email and user::$_password) { $user = user::$table->select('*')->where('email', '=', user::$_email)->clause('AND')->where('password', '=', user::$_password)->limit(1)->execute(); // If valid login credentials if (!empty($user[0])) { $user = $user[0]; user::$_id = $user->id; user::$_email = $user->email; user::$_username = $user->username;