function check_test_tree(lime_test $t, ioMenuItem $menu) { $t->info('### Running checks on the integrity of the test tree.'); $t->is(count($menu), 2, 'count(rt) returns 2 children'); $t->is(count($menu['Parent 1']), 3, 'count(pt1) returns 3 children'); $t->is(count($menu['Parent 2']), 1, 'count(pt2) returns 1 child'); $t->is(count($menu['Parent 2']['Child 4']), 1, 'count(ch4) returns 1 child'); $t->is_deeply($menu['Parent 2']['Child 4']['Grandchild 1']->getName(), 'Grandchild 1', 'gc1 has the name "Grandchild 1"'); }
<?php include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../bootstrap/Doctrine.php'; $t = new lime_test(7, new lime_output_color()); $t->info("findLinked method"); $conn = Doctrine_Manager::connection(); $staging_ids = array(); $staging_ids_all = $conn->fetchAll("SELECT id FROM staging"); foreach ($staging_ids_all as $staging_id_val) { $staging_ids[] = $staging_id_val['id']; } $s = Doctrine::getTable("Staging")->findLinked($staging_ids); $t->is(count($s), 1, 'Number of distinct related template_table_record_ref records is well "1"'); $t->is(2, $s[0]['record_id'], 'Staging record referenced is well "2"...'); $t->is(1, $s[0]['cnt'], '... and is well counted "1" time'); $conn->execute("\n INSERT INTO staging_people (id, referenced_relation, record_id, formated_name, people_type)\n VALUES (2, 'staging', 2, 'Bricolux', 'preparator')\n "); $conn->execute("\n INSERT INTO codes (id, referenced_relation, record_id, code)\n VALUES (1024, 'staging', 1, 'Codex-1')\n "); $s = Doctrine::getTable("Staging")->findLinked($staging_ids); $t->is(count($s), 2, 'Number of distinct related template_table_record_ref records is well "2" now'); $t->is(1, $s[0]['cnt'], 'The first one (record_id "1") is well counted "1" time...'); $t->is(2, $s[1]['cnt'], '... and the second one (record_id "2") is well counted "2" time (two staging_people entries)'); $t->is(2, $s[1]['record_id'], 'Second one is well record_id "2" :)'); $conn->close();
<?php include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../bootstrap/Doctrine.php'; $t = new lime_test(14, new lime_output_color()); $taxs = Doctrine::getTable('Taxonomy')->findOneByName('Falco Peregrinus eliticus'); $t->info('findWithParents($id)'); $taxa = Doctrine::getTable('Taxonomy')->findWithParents($taxs->getId()); $t->isnt($taxa, null, 'we got a taxa'); $t->is($taxa->count(), 9, 'we got all parent of the taxa'); $t->is($taxa[7]->getId(), $taxs->getParentRef(), 'Parent is correct'); $t->is($taxa[1]->Level->__toString(), 'kingdom', 'get Level'); $t->is($taxs->getNameWithFormat(), '<i>Falco Peregrinus eliticus</i>', 'get Name without extinct'); $taxs->setExtinct('true'); $t->is($taxs->getNameWithFormat(), '<i>Falco Peregrinus eliticus</i> †', 'get Name without extinct'); $t->is(DarwinTable::getFilterForTable('classification_syonymies'), "ClassificationSyonymiesFormFilter", 'Filter Form name'); $t->is(DarwinTable::getFormForTable('classification_syonymies'), "ClassificationSyonymiesForm", 'Form Name'); $t->is(DarwinTable::getModelForTable('classification_syonymies'), "ClassificationSyonymies", 'Model Name'); $t->is(Doctrine::getTable('Taxonomy')->find(4)->toArray(), true, 'We got the record with find'); $t->is(Doctrine::getTable('Taxonomy')->find(-1)->toArray(), true, 'Record bellow 0 are found with find'); $keywords = Doctrine::getTable('ClassificationKeywords')->findForTable('taxonomy', 4); $t->is(count($keywords), 0, 'No KW per default'); $kw_full = ClassificationKeywords::getTags('taxonomy'); $avail_kw = array_keys($kw_full); $kw = new ClassificationKeywords(); $kw->setReferencedRelation('taxonomy'); $kw->setRecordId(4); $kw->setKeywordType($avail_kw[1]); $kw->setKeyword('Falco Peregrinus'); $kw->save(); $keywords = Doctrine::getTable('ClassificationKeywords')->findForTable('taxonomy', 4); $t->is(count($keywords), 1, 'The new Keyword');
<?php require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../bootstrap/unit.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../lib/sfDynamics.class.php'; $testCount = 1; class ManagerMock extends sfDynamicsManager { } $t = new lime_test($testCount, new lime_output_color()); $t->comment('::getManager()'); if (!sfContext::hasInstance()) { require_once $_SERVER['SYMFONY'] . '/autoload/sfCoreAutoload.class.php'; sfCoreAutoload::register(); require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../fixtures/project/config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php'; sfContext::createInstance(ProjectConfiguration::getApplicationConfiguration('frontend', 'test', isset($debug) ? $debug : true)); if (!sfContext::hasInstance()) { $t->error('A context instance is required'); die; } $t->info('A frontend context has been initialized for tests'); } sfConfig::set('app_sfDynamicsPlugin_manager', 'ManagerMock'); $t->isa_ok(sfDynamics::getManager(), 'ManagerMock', '::getManager() the manager class can be customized in app.yml');
<?php $app = 'sympal'; $refresh_assets = true; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../bootstrap/unit.php'; $t = new lime_test(30); // initialize some asset objects $sync = new sfSympalAssetSynchronizer($configuration->getEventDispatcher()); $sync->run(); $asset = Doctrine_Core::getTable('sfSympalAsset')->findOneBySlug('sympal-info')->getAssetObject(); $asset2 = Doctrine_Core::getTable('sfSympalAsset')->findOneBySlug('screens-sympalphp')->getAssetObject(); $t->info('1 - Run some basic functions on the asset'); $t->is($asset->isImage(), false, '->isImage() returns false'); $t->is($asset->getType(), 'text', '->getType() returns "text"'); $t->is($asset->exists(), true, '->exists() returns true as the file does exist'); $t->is($asset->getTypeFromExtension(), 'text', '->getTypeFromExtension() returns text'); $t->is($asset->getIcon(), '/sfSympalAssetsPlugin/images/icons/txt.png', '->getIcon() returns the txt.png icon'); $t->is($asset->getExtension(), 'txt', '->getExtension() returns .txt'); $t->is($asset->getPath(), sfConfig::get('sf_upload_dir') . '/sympal info.txt', '->getPath() returns the correct path'); $t->is($asset->getRelativePath(), '/sympal info.txt', '->getRelativePath() returns the web url for the asset'); $t->is($asset->getRelativePathDirectory(), '', '->getRelativePathDirectory() returns a blank string'); $t->is($asset->getFilePath(), '/sympal info.txt', '->getFilePath() returns /sympal info.txt'); $t->is($asset2->getPath(), sfConfig::get('sf_upload_dir') . '/screens/sympalphp.png', '->getPath() returns the correct path'); $t->is($asset2->getRelativePath(), '/screens/sympalphp.png', '->getRelativePath() returns the web url for the asset'); $t->is($asset2->getRelativePathDirectory(), '/screens', '->getRelativePathDirectory() returns "/screens"'); $t->is($asset2->getFilePath(), '/screens/sympalphp.png', '->getFilePath() returns /sympal info.txt'); $t->like($asset2->getUrl(), '/uploads\\/screens\\/sympalphp\\.png/', '->getFilePath() contains /uploads/screens/sympalphp.png'); $t->like($asset2->getUrl(), '/http\\:\\/\\//', '->getFilePath() contains http://'); $t->is($asset->getName(), 'sympal info.txt', '->getName() return "sympal info.txt"'); $t->is($asset2->getSize(), '275', '->getSize() returns 275 for a 274.7kb file'); $original = $asset->getOriginal();
<?php include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../bootstrap/Doctrine.php'; $t = new lime_test(3, new lime_output_color()); $userEvil = Doctrine::getTable('Users')->findOneByFamilyName('Evil')->getId(); $ids_userEvil = Doctrine::getTable('Loans')->getMyLoans($userEvil)->execute(); $t->info('getFromLoans()'); $cat = Doctrine::getTable('LoanStatus')->getFromLoans(getIdsArrayFrom($ids_userEvil)); $t->is(count($cat), 5, '5 last loans status are returnes for evil'); $status = Doctrine::getTable('LoanStatus')->getDistinctStatus(); $t->is(count($status), 6, '6 status for loans are possible'); $allstatus = Doctrine::getTable('LoanStatus')->getallLoanStatus(1); $t->is(count($allstatus), 3, '3 status exist for loans Dog of Goyet'); /* little helper function to construct an array of ids */ function getIdsArrayFrom($ids) { $de_ids = array(); foreach ($ids as $id) { $de_ids[] = $id->getId(); } return $de_ids; }
public function generateJsHtml() { return '<script type="text/javascript" src="/dynamics/foo.js"></script>'; } } $t = new lime_test(7, new lime_output_color()); if (!sfContext::hasInstance()) { require_once $_SERVER['SYMFONY'] . '/autoload/sfCoreAutoload.class.php'; sfCoreAutoload::register(); require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../fixtures/project/config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php'; sfContext::createInstance(ProjectConfiguration::getApplicationConfiguration('frontend', 'test', isset($debug) ? $debug : true)); if (!sfContext::hasInstance()) { $t->error('A context instance is required'); die; } $t->info('A frontend context has been initialized for tests'); } $t->comment('->addSfDynamicsTags()'); sfConfig::set('app_sfDynamicsPlugin_manager', 'ManagerMock'); $manager = sfDynamics::getManager(); $t->info('New placeholder system'); $content = <<<END <html> <head> <!-- Include sfDynamics css tags --> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="/bar.css" /> </head> <body> <p>Lorem ipsum</p> <!-- Include sfDynamics js tags -->
<?php // Bring in functional so we have an application configuration // This will help us to find layouts etc that are in the application require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../bootstrap/unit.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../bootstrap/functional.php'; $t = new lime_test(5); // Setup a cache driver $cachePath = '/tmp/theme_tookit'; sfToolkit::clearDirectory($cachePath); $cacheDriver = new sfFileCache(array('cache_dir' => $cachePath)); $toolkit = new sfThemeToolkit($configuration); $toolkit->setCacheDriver($cacheDriver); $t->is($toolkit->getCacheDriver(), $cacheDriver, '->getCacheDriver() returns the correct object'); $t->info('1 - Test getLayouts()'); $layouts = array('plugins/sfThemeTestPlugin/templates/plugin_test_layout.php' => 'plugin_test_layout', 'apps/frontend/templates/app_test_layout.php' => 'app_test_layout', 'apps/frontend/templates/layout.php' => 'layout'); $t->is($toolkit->getLayouts(), $layouts, '->getLayouts() returns 2 layouts from the app and 1 from a plugin'); $t->info(' 1.1 - Mutate the cache, it should return the mutated version'); $cacheDriver->set('theme.configuration.layouts', serialize(array('/path/to/layout.php' => 'layout'))); // Need to create a new toolkit class, because the layous are "cached" as a property on the object $toolkit = new sfThemeToolkit($configuration); $toolkit->setCacheDriver($cacheDriver); $t->is($toolkit->getLayouts(), array('/path/to/layout.php' => 'layout'), '->getLayouts() returns from cache'); $t->info('2 - Test the createInstance() static method'); $toolkit = sfThemeToolkit::createInstance($configuration); $t->is(get_class($toolkit), 'sfThemeTestToolkit', 'The toolkit has the class defined in app.yml'); $t->is(get_class($toolkit->getCacheDriver()), 'sfFileCache', 'The cache driver is set correctly');
<?php // bootstrap in the functional configuration since the theme manager is context-dependent require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../bootstrap/unit.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../bootstrap/functional.php'; $t = new lime_test(31); $t->info('1 - Test some basics of getting themes, theme objects'); // we'll use this to test the theme object $themeConfig = array('layout' => 'testing'); $theme = new sfTheme($themeConfig); $manager = new sfThemeManager($context); $t->is($manager->getThemes(), array(), '->getThemes() returns an empty array to start.'); $manager = new sfThemeManager($context, array('test_theme' => $themeConfig)); $t->is($manager->getThemes(), array('test_theme' => $themeConfig), 'Themes can be set via the constructor.'); $manager = new sfThemeManager($context); $manager->addTheme('test_theme', $themeConfig); $t->is($manager->getThemes(), array('test_theme' => $themeConfig), 'Themes can be set via addTheme() passing in an array.'); $t->is($manager->getThemeObject('test_theme')->getConfig(), $theme->getConfig(), '->getThemeObject() returns the correct theme object'); $manager = new sfThemeManager($context); $manager->addTheme('test_theme', $theme); $t->is($manager->getThemes(), array('test_theme' => $themeConfig), 'Themes can be set via addTheme() passing in an sfTheme object.'); $t->is($manager->getThemeObject('test_theme'), $theme, '->getThemeObject() returns the correct theme object'); $t->info(' 1.1 - Trying to retrieve a non-existent theme object throws an exception'); try { $manager->getThemeObject('fake'); $t->fail('No exception thrown'); } catch (sfException $e) { $t->pass($e->getMessage()); } $t->info(' 1.2 - Play with the current theme'); $t->is($manager->getCurrentTheme(), false, '->getCurrentTheme() returns false when there is no theme set');
$timer = new sfTimer(); // stub class used for testing class ioMenuItemTest extends ioMenuItem { // resets the isCurrent property so we can test for current repeatedly. public function resetIsCurrent() { $this->_isCurrent = null; } // resets the userAccess property so we can test for current repeatedly. public function resetUserAccess() { $this->_userAccess = null; } } $t->info('1 - Test basic getters, setters and constructor'); $menu = new ioMenuItem('test menu', '@homepage', array('title' => 'my menu')); $t->is($menu->getName(), 'test menu', '->getName() returns the given name.'); $menu->setName('new menu name'); $t->is($menu->getName(), 'new menu name', '->setName() sets the name correctly.'); $t->is($menu->getLabel(), 'new menu name', '->getLabel() returns the name if the label does not exist.'); $menu->setLabel('menu label'); $t->is($menu->getLabel(), 'menu label', 'Once set, ->getLabel() returns the actual label.'); $t->is($menu->getRoute(), '@homepage', '->getRoute() returns the given route.'); $menu->setRoute(''); $t->is($menu->getRoute(), '', '->setRoute() sets the route correctly.'); $t->is($menu->getAttributes(), array('title' => 'my menu'), '->getAttributes() returns the attributes array.'); $menu->setAttributes(array('id' => 'unit_test')); $t->is($menu->getAttributes(), array('id' => 'unit_test'), '->setAttributes() sets the attributes array.'); $t->is($menu->getAttribute('id', 'default'), 'unit_test', '->getAttribute() returns an existing attribute correctly.'); $t->is($menu->getAttribute('fake', 'default'), 'default', '->getAttribute() returns the default for a non-existent attribute.');
<?php $app = 'sympal'; $refresh_assets = true; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../bootstrap/unit.php'; $t = new lime_test(6); $assetNum = 3; // the number of test assets $sync = new sfSympalAssetSynchronizer($configuration->getEventDispatcher()); $t->info('1 - Test that the synchronizer loads in the assets'); $assets = Doctrine_Core::getTable('sfSympalAsset')->findAll(); $t->is(count($assets), 0, 'There are 0 assets before the synchronizer is run'); $sync->run(); $assets = Doctrine_Core::getTable('sfSympalAsset')->findAll(); $t->is(count($assets), $assetNum, sprintf('There are %s assets after the synchronizer is run', $assetNum)); $t->info('2 - Test that the assets were loaded with the correct data'); check_asset_values($t, $assets[0], array('name' => 'sympal info.txt', 'path' => '', 'slug' => 'sympal-info')); check_asset_values($t, $assets[1], array('name' => 'sympalphp.png', 'path' => '/screens', 'slug' => 'screens-sympalphp')); check_asset_values($t, $assets[2], array('name' => 'symfony-logo.gif', 'path' => '/logos', 'slug' => 'logos-symfony-logo')); $t->info('3 - Delete a file and rerun the synchronizer'); unlink(sfConfig::get('sf_upload_dir') . '/logos/symfony-logo.gif'); $sync->run(); $assets = Doctrine_Core::getTable('sfSympalAsset')->findAll(); $t->is(count($assets), $assetNum - 1, sprintf('There are %s assets after the synchronizer is run', $assetNum - 1)); function check_asset_values(lime_test $t, sfSympalAsset $asset, $values) { $savedValues = $asset->toArray(); unset($savedValues['id']); $t->is($savedValues, $values, sprintf('The asset "%s" has the correct values', $values['name'])); }
<?php // Bringing in functional to have context for the createInstance() method require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../bootstrap/unit.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../bootstrap/functional.php'; $t = new lime_test(4); $t->info('1 - Test the basics, like getOptions()'); $controller = new sfThemeController(array('test' => 'foo')); $t->is($controller->getOption('test', 'ignore'), 'foo', '->getOption() returns existent options'); $t->is($controller->getOption('fake', 'default'), 'default', '->getOption() returns the default for nonexistent options'); $t->info('2 - Test the createInstance() method'); $controller = sfThemeController::createInstance(); $t->is(get_class($controller), 'sfThemeTestController', 'Class is sfThemeTestController, as set in app.yml'); $t->is($controller->getOption('default_theme'), 'app_test', 'Controller options were loaded correctly');
<?php include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../bootstrap/unit.php'; $conn = lyMediaFolderTable::getInstance()->getConnection(); $root = lyMediaFolderTable::getInstance()->createRoot('test_root'); $fs = new lyMediaFileSystem(); $t = new lime_test(30, new lime_output_color()); $t->info('Create first level folder'); $folder = new lyMediaFolder(); $folder->setName('test'); $folder->create($root); $folder->refresh(); /* * test_root * -- test */ $t->is($folder->getName(), 'test', '->getName()'); $t->is($folder->getRelativePath(), 'test_root/test/', '->getRelativePath()'); $t->ok($folder->getNode()->isValidNode(), 'Folder is a valid node'); $t->is($folder->getNode()->getPath('/', true), 'test_root/test', 'Folder has right path'); $t->ok($fs->is_dir($folder->getRelativePath()), 'Folder exists in filesystem'); $t->info('Create sub-folder'); $sub = new lyMediaFolder(); $sub->setName('test-sub'); $sub->create($folder); $sub->refresh(); /* * test_root * -- test * -- -- test-sub */
<?php require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../bootstrap/unit.php'; $t = new lime_test(10); // Default sympal theme $t->info('1 - Test on the default sympal theme'); $theme = $themeManager->getThemeObject('sympal'); $t->is($theme->getLayoutPath(), $dir . '/templates/sympal.php', '->getLayoutPath() returns the correct path to sympal.php'); $t->is($theme->getStylesheets(), array('/sfSympalThemePlugin/css/sympal.css'), '->getStylesheets() returns the correct stylesheets'); $t->is($theme->getJavascripts(), array(), '->getJavascripts() returns no javascripts in this case'); $t->is($theme->getName(), 'sympal', '->getName() returns the correct name of the theme'); // Theme from another plugin $t->info('2 - Test on a theme that lives inside a plugin'); $theme = $themeManager->getThemeObject('test_theme'); $t->is($theme->getLayoutPath(), $dir . '/test/fixtures/project/plugins/sfSympalThemeTestPlugin/templates/layout_for_testing.php', '->getLayoutPath() returns the custom layout name in the correct path'); $t->is($theme->getStylesheets(), array('/sfSympalThemeTestPlugin/css/test_theme.css'), '->getStylesheets() automatically finds a css file matching the name of the theme'); $t->is($theme->getJavascripts(), array('/sfSympalThemeTestPlugin/js/testing.js'), '->getJavascripts() returns the correct javascript'); // Theme from application $t->info('3 - Test a plugin that lives inside the app'); $theme = $themeManager->getThemeObject('app_test'); $t->is($theme->getLayoutPath(), $dir . '/test/fixtures/project/apps/frontend/templates/app_test_layout.php', '->getLayoutPath() returns "app_test_layout" - the custom layout name given'); $t->is($theme->getStylesheets(), array('app_test'), '->getStylesheets() finds "app_test" by default as a css to include'); $t->is($theme->getJavascripts(), array(), '->getJavascripts() returns an empty array');
<?php include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../bootstrap/Doctrine.php'; $t = new lime_test(15, new lime_output_color()); $t->info('distinct SubGroup()'); $sgroups = Doctrine::getTable('TagGroups')->getDistinctSubGroups('administrative area'); $t->is(count($sgroups), 3, 'Get all administrative sub groups'); $t->is($sgroups['country'], 'country', 'Country is set'); $sgroups = Doctrine::getTable('TagGroups')->getDistinctSubGroups('brol'); $t->is(count($sgroups), 1, 'Get administrative sub groups for this unused'); $t->is($sgroups[''], '', 'thre is only the empty'); $t->info('getPropositions'); $props = Doctrine::getTable('TagGroups')->getPropositions('brussels'); $t->is(count($props), 4, 'We got 4 props'); $props = Doctrine::getTable('TagGroups')->getPropositions('Bruselo'); $t->is(count($props), 2, 'Got 2 prop'); $t->is($props[0]['tag'], 'Brussels', 'Brussels is showed'); $props = Doctrine::getTable('TagGroups')->getPropositions('brussels', 'administrative area', 'city'); $t->is(count($props), 3, 'We got 3 props'); $t->isnt($props[0]['tag'], 'Big White Mountain', 'Purpose from only 1 group'); $t->info('fetchTag'); $gtu = Doctrine::getTable('Gtu')->findOneByCode('irsnb'); $tags = Doctrine::getTable('TagGroups')->fetchTag(array($gtu->getId())); $t->is(count($tags), 1, 'We got 1 gtu'); $t->is(count($tags[$gtu->getId()]), 2, 'We got 2 group'); $t->is($tags[$gtu->getId()][0]->getGroupName(), 'administrative area', 'administrative is the group'); $t->is($tags[$gtu->getId()][0]->getSubGroupName(), 'country', 'country is the sub group'); $t->is(count($tags[$gtu->getId()][0]->Tags), 4, 'We got 4 tags'); $t->is(TagGroups::getGroup('populated'), 'Populated Places', 'Get a Tag group');
* file and the NOTICE file that were distributed with this source code. */ $_app = 'mobile_frontend'; include(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../bootstrap/unit.php'); include dirname(__FILE__).'/../../bootstrap/functional.php'; include dirname(__FILE__).'/../../bootstrap/database.php'; $t = new lime_test(); $browser = new opTestFunctional(new opBrowser(), $t); $browser->setMobile(); $browser->setCulture('en'); $table = Doctrine::getTable('IntroFriend'); $t->info('-- If removed the friend test --'); $t->diag('Before removing friend'); $t->is($table->createQuery()->count(), 6, 'count of intro_friend'); $t->isa_ok($table->find(1), 'IntroFriend', 'introductory of friend is exist(1 > 3)'); $t->isa_ok($table->find(2), 'IntroFriend', 'introductory of friend is exist(3 > 1)'); $browser ->info('Login') ->login('*****@*****.**', 'password') ->info('unlink friend') ->get('/friend/unlink/3') ->click('Yes') ;
if ($contentTypeModelName) { $t->is($contentTypeName, $contentTypeModelName, sprintf('getContentTypeForPlugin() returns the content type "%s"', $contentTypeName)); $contentType = Doctrine_Core::getTable('sfSympalContentType')->findOneByName($contentTypeName); $t->is($contentType['name'], $contentTypeName, 'Test content type name set'); $t->is($contentType['label'], sfInflector::humanize(sfInflector::tableize(str_replace('sfSympal', null, $contentTypeName))), 'Test content type label set'); $contentList = Doctrine_Core::getTable('sfSympalContentList')->findOneByContentTypeId($contentType['id']); $t->is($contentList instanceof sfSympalContentList, true, 'Test sample content list was created.'); $menuItem = Doctrine_Core::getTable('sfSympalMenuItem')->findOneByContentId($contentList['content_id']); $t->is($menuItem instanceof sfSympalMenuItem, true, 'Test menu item to sample content list was created.'); } else { $t->is($contentTypeName, false, '->getContentTypeForPlugin() return false, there is not content type'); } } function uninstallPlugin($name, $t, $delete = true) { $manager = sfSympalPluginManager::getActionInstance($name, 'uninstall'); $manager->uninstall($delete); $t->is(file_exists(sfConfig::get('sf_plugins_dir') . '/' . $name), !$delete, 'Test plugin was was deleted'); $t->is(file_exists(sfConfig::get('sf_lib_dir') . '/model/doctrine/' . $name), !$delete, 'Test plugin models were deleted'); $t->is(file_exists(sfConfig::get('sf_lib_dir') . '/form/doctrine/' . $name), !$delete, 'Test plugin forms were deleted'); $t->is(file_exists(sfConfig::get('sf_lib_dir') . '/filter/doctrine/' . $name), !$delete, 'Test plugin form filters were deleted'); $t->is(file_exists(sfConfig::get('sf_web_dir') . '/' . $name), !$delete, 'Test plugin assets symlink was removed'); } $t->info('1 - Uninstalling sfSympalBlogPlugin...'); uninstallPlugin('sfSympalBlogPlugin', $t, false); $t->info('2 - Installing sfSympalBlogPlugin...'); installPlugin('sfSympalBlogPlugin', $t, 'sfSympalBlogPost'); $t->info('3 - Uninstalling sfSympalCommentsPlugin...'); uninstallPlugin('sfSympalCommentsPlugin', $t, false); $t->info('4 - Installing sfSympalCommentsPlugin'); installPlugin('sfSympalCommentsPlugin', $t, false);
<?php require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../bootstrap/bootstrap.php'; $t = new lime_test(); $categories = Doctrine::getTable('SortableArticleCategory')->findAll(); $t->info('Create Sortable Sample Set'); Doctrine::getTable('SortableArticleUniqueBy')->createQuery()->delete()->execute(); $a1 = new SortableArticleUniqueBy(); $a1->name = 'First Article'; $a1->Category = $categories[0]; $a1->save(); $a2 = new SortableArticleUniqueBy(); $a2->name = 'Second Article'; $a2->Category = $categories[0]; $a2->save(); $a3 = new SortableArticleUniqueBy(); $a3->name = 'Third Article'; $a3->Category = $categories[1]; $a3->save(); $a4 = new SortableArticleUniqueBy(); $a4->name = 'Fourth Article'; $a4->Category = $categories[1]; $a4->save(); $a5 = new SortableArticleUniqueBy(); $a5->name = 'Fifth Article'; $a5->Category = $categories[1]; $a5->save(); $t->info('Assert articles have the correct position'); $t->is($a1['position'], 1, 'First item saved has position of 1 (first in category 1)'); $t->is($a2['position'], 2, 'Second item saved has position of 2 (second in category 1)'); $t->is($a3['position'], 1, 'Third item saved has position of 1 (first in category 2)');
<?php require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../bootstrap/functional.php'; require_once $_SERVER['SYMFONY'] . '/vendor/lime/lime.php'; require_once sfConfig::get('sf_lib_dir') . '/test/unitHelper.php'; $t = new lime_test(188); $t->info('1 - Test getChildrenIndexedByName().'); extract(create_doctrine_test_tree($t)); // create the tree and make its vars accessible print_test_tree($t); $children = $rt->getChildrenIndexedByName(); $t->is(count($children), 2, '->getChildrenIndexedByName() returns 2 for rt'); $t->is(array_keys($children), array('Parent 1', 'Parent 2'), '->getChildrenIndexedByName() has the correct indexes'); $t->is($children['Parent 1']->name, 'Parent 1', '->getChildrenIndexedByName() returns the correct items.'); $t->is(count($pt1->getChildrenIndexedByName()), 3, '->getChildrenIndexedByName() returns 3 item for pt1.'); $t->is(count($pt2->getChildrenIndexedByName()), 1, '->getChildrenIndexedByName() returns 1 item for pt2.'); $t->info('2 - Test persistFromMenuArray() in a varierty of situations.'); $menu = new ioMenuItem('Root li'); $t->info(' 2.1 - First try it without any children - should just update root values.'); $t->info(' 2.1.1 - Persist a menu with mostly blank fields.'); $rt = create_root('rt'); $menu->setAttributes(array()); // clear the default "root" class attribute $rt->persistFromMenuArray($menu->toArray(false)); $t->is($rt->getName(), 'Root li', '->getName() returns "Root li".'); $t->is($rt->getLabel(), null, '->getLabel() returns null.'); $t->is($rt->getRoute(), null, '->getRoute() returns null.'); $t->is($rt->getAttributes(), '', '->getAttributes() returns an empty string.'); $t->is($rt->getRequiresAuth(), false, '->getRequiresAuth() returns false.'); $t->is($rt->getRequiresNoAuth(), false, '->getRequiresNoAuth() returns false.'); $t->is(count($rt->Permissions), 0, '->Permissions matches 0 items');
<?php include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../bootstrap/Doctrine.php'; $t = new lime_test(5, new lime_output_color()); $t->info('Get informations for User "root"'); $users = Doctrine::getTable('Users')->getUserByPassword("root", "evil"); $userInfo = Doctrine::getTable('UsersLoginInfos')->getInfoForUser($users->getId()); $t->is($userInfo->count(), 1, '"1" Login info'); $t->is($userInfo[0]->getLoginType(), 'local', 'The login type is well "local"'); $t->is($userInfo[0]->getLoginSystem(), '', 'There are "no" login system encoded'); $userInfo[0]->setLoginSystem('local'); $userInfo[0]->save(); $t->is($userInfo[0]->getLoginSystem(), 'local', 'The login system is well "local" now'); $t->info('Test to get users with system brol :)'); $userInfo = Doctrine::getTable('UsersLoginInfos')->getInfoForUser($users->getId(), 'brol'); $t->is($userInfo->count(), 0, '"No" user with system Brol... and it is normal ! :)');
<?php include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../bootstrap/Doctrine.php'; $t = new lime_test(3, new lime_output_color()); $userEvil = Doctrine::getTable('Users')->findOneByFamilyName('Evil')->getId(); $t->info('getEncodingRightsForUser( Evil )'); $cat = Doctrine::getTable('LoanRights')->getEncodingRightsForUser($userEvil); $t->is(count($cat), 5, 'Number of loan rights for user Evil: "5"'); $t->is(Doctrine::getTable('LoanRights')->isAllowed($userEvil, 3), FALSE, 'Evil don\'t have right on loan "3"'); $t->is(Doctrine::getTable('LoanRights')->isAllowed($userEvil, 6), 'view', 'Evil only have read right on loan "6"');
<?php include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../bootstrap/Doctrine.php'; $t = new lime_test(2, new lime_output_color()); $t->info('Get languages for person "root"'); $personId = Doctrine::getTable('People')->findOneByFamilyName('Root')->getId(); $personLanguage = new PeopleLanguages(); $personLanguage->setPeopleRef($personId); $personLanguage->setLanguageCountry('fr_be'); $personLanguage->setPreferredLanguage(true); $personLanguage->save(); $personLanguages = Doctrine::getTable('PeopleLanguages')->findByPeopleRef($personId); $t->is($personLanguages[0]->getPreferredLanguage(), true, 'Language "' . $personLanguages[0]->getLanguageCountry() . '" is well the "preferred" language'); $t->info('Reset now preferred languages'); Doctrine::getTable('PeopleLanguages')->removeOldPreferredLang($personId); $personLanguages = Doctrine::getTable('PeopleLanguages')->findByPeopleRef($personId); $t->is($personLanguages[0]->getPreferredLanguage(), false, 'Language "' . $personLanguages[0]->getLanguageCountry() . '" is now "preferred" language "no more"');
<?php $app = 'sympal'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../bootstrap/unit.php'; $t = new lime_test(5); $t->info('1 - Test that the delete recurses on the application level to the sfSympalContent records'); $site = Doctrine_Core::getTable('sfSympalSite')->findOneBySlug('sympal'); $pages = Doctrine_Core::getTable('sfSympalPage')->createQuery()->execute(); $t->isnt(count($site->Content), 0, 'Sanity check: the sfSympalSite record has at least one Content record'); $t->isnt(count($pages), 0, 'Sanity check: We begin with more than 0 sfSympalPage objects'); $site->delete(); $site->refreshRelated('Content'); $pages = Doctrine_Core::getTable('sfSympalPage')->createQuery()->execute(); $t->is(count($site->Content), 0, 'The site now has no content. This would happen with or without the application-level delete recursion'); $t->is(count($pages), 0, 'All of the sfSympalPage records are gone due to the application-level delete recursion onto sfSympalContent'); $t->info('2 - Quick check on ->deleteApplication'); $site->deleteApplication(); $t->is(file_exists(sfConfig::get('sf_app_dir')), false, 'The application directory no longer exists');
<?php require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../bootstrap/functional.php'; require_once $_SERVER['SYMFONY'] . '/vendor/lime/lime.php'; $t = new lime_test(3); class ioMenuItemTest extends ioMenuItem { } $t->info('1 - Basic checks on the ioMenu object'); $menu = new ioMenu(array('class' => 'root'), 'ioMenuItemTest'); $ch1 = $menu->addChild('ch1'); $t->is($menu->getName(), null, 'The menu item has a null name'); $t->is($menu->getRoute(), null, 'The menu item has a null route'); $t->is(get_class($ch1), 'ioMenuItemTest', 'The children are created with the class passed into the constructor.');
<?php include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../bootstrap/Doctrine.php'; $t = new lime_test(6, new lime_output_color()); $t->info('Get autocomplete results'); $entries = Doctrine::getTable('Taxonomy')->completeAsArray('', 'Falco peregrinus', '', 30, ''); $t->info('Get "Falco peregrinus" count'); $t->is(count($entries), 5, 'There is a good number of results'); $t->info('Get "Falco peregrinus tun" count'); $entries = Doctrine::getTable('Taxonomy')->completeAsArray('', 'Falco peregrinus tun', '', 30, ''); $t->is(count($entries), 1, 'There is a good number of results'); $t->info('Get "Falco" entries allowed to be connected as parent for a species count'); $entries = Doctrine::getTable('Taxonomy')->completeAsArray('', 'Falco', '', 30, 48); $t->is(count($entries), 4, 'There is a good number of results'); $t->info('Get "Falco" entries allowed to be connected as parent for a genus count'); $entries = Doctrine::getTable('Taxonomy')->completeAsArray('', 'Falco', '', 30, 41); $t->is(count($entries), 3, 'There is a good number of results'); $t->info('Get "Falco Fam" entries allowed to be connected as parent for a genus with exact option activated count'); $entries = Doctrine::getTable('Taxonomy')->completeAsArray('', 'Falco Fam', '1', 30, 41); $t->is(count($entries), 1, 'There is a good number of results'); $t->info('Test other method: completeWithLevelAsArray'); $entries = Doctrine::getTable('Taxonomy')->completeWithLevelAsArray('', 'Falco Fam', '1', 30, 41); $t->is(count($entries), 1, 'There is a good number of results');
<?php include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../bootstrap/bootstrap.php'; include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../lib/vendor/amazon/sdk.class.php'; $t = new lime_test(); $aws_access_key = sfConfig::get('app_sf_amazon_plugin_access_key'); $aws_secret_key = sfConfig::get('app_sf_amazon_plugin_secret_key'); $t->info($aws_access_key); $t->info($aws_secret_key); if (!$aws_access_key || !$aws_secret_key) { $t->fail('Set your keys'); exit; } $ec2 = new AmazonEC2($aws_access_key, $aws_secret_key);
<?php include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../bootstrap/Doctrine.php'; $t = new lime_test(4, new lime_output_color()); $tools = Doctrine::getTable('CollectingTools')->fetchTools(); $t->is(count($tools), 2, '"2" Tools defined by default'); $t->info('Insert a new value'); $newVal = new CollectingTools(); $newVal->setTool('Bourouche'); $newVal->save(); $newValIndex = $newVal->getId(); $tools = Doctrine::getTable('CollectingTools')->fetchTools(); $t->is(count($tools), 3, '"3" Tools defined now'); $t->is($tools[$newValIndex], 'Bourouche', 'The new value inserted is well "Bourouche"'); $iteration = 1; foreach ($tools as $value) { if ($iteration == 2) { $t->is($value, 'Bourouche', 'The new value ("Bourouche") is well the "second" one to be in the list brought by "fetchTools"'); break; } $iteration++; }
<?php require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../bootstrap/functional.php'; require_once $_SERVER['SYMFONY'] . '/vendor/lime/lime.php'; $dispatcher = $configuration->getEventDispatcher(); $t = new lime_test(); $t->info('1 - Test some basic getters and setters'); $service = new ioEditableContentService($context->getUser(), $dispatcher, array('test_option' => 'test_val')); $t->is($service->getOption('test_option', 'default'), 'test_val', '->getOption() works for options passed in the constructor'); $service->setOption('new_option', 'foo'); $t->is($service->getOption('new_option'), 'foo', '->setOption() sets the option value correctly'); $t->is($service->getOption('fake_option', 'bar'), 'bar', '->getOption() on a nonexistent option returns the default value.'); $t->info('2 - Test shouldShowEditor()'); $service = new ioEditableContentService($context->getUser(), $dispatcher); $t->is($service->shouldShowEditor(null, true), false, '->shouldShowEditor() returns false: no credential passed in, but we still require auth.'); $context->getUser()->setAuthenticated(true); $t->is($service->shouldShowEditor(null, true), true, '->shouldShowEditor() returns true if no credential is passed to require.'); $service->setOption('admin_credential', 'test_edit_credential'); $t->is($service->shouldShowEditor(null, true), false, '->shouldShowEditor() returns false: the user does not have the credential'); $context->getUser()->addCredential('test_edit_credential'); $t->is($service->shouldShowEditor(null, true), true, '->shouldShowEditor() returns true: the user has the proper credential'); $t->info('3 - Test getContent()'); $service = new ioEditableContentService($context->getUser(), $dispatcher); $blog = new Blog(); $blog->title = 'Unit test blog'; $blog->body = 'Lorem Ipsum'; $blog->save(); $t->info(' 3.1 - Test a single-field, no partial rendering'); $result = $service->getContent($blog, array('title')); $t->is($result, 'Unit test blog', '->getContent() returns the correct value'); $t->info(' 3.2 - Test multiple fields, no partial - throws an exception');
<?php include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../bootstrap/unit.php'; $t = new lime_test(4, new lime_output_color()); $t->info('Get the tags for "Telephone" type'); $tags = Doctrine::getTable('UsersComm')->getTags('phone/fax'); $t->is(count($tags), 7, 'There are well "7" tags'); $t->is($tags['cell'], 'Cell', 'Tags "Cell" is well defined'); $tags = Doctrine::getTable('UsersComm')->getTags('e-mail'); $t->is(count($tags), 4, 'There are well "4" tags'); $t->is($tags['cell'], '', 'Tags "Cell" is not defined... normal :)');
<?php include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../bootstrap/unit.php'; $t = new lime_test(79, new lime_output_color()); $t->info('FuzzyDateTime instanciation'); $t->isa_ok(new FuzzyDateTime(), 'FuzzyDateTime', 'New creates an object of the right class'); $t->can_ok(new FuzzyDateTime(), 'getDateTimeStringFromArray', 'Object FuzzyDateTime has a method named: getDateTimeStringFromArray'); $t->can_ok(new FuzzyDateTime(), 'checkDateArray', 'Object FuzzyDateTime has a method named: checkDateArray'); $t->can_ok(new FuzzyDateTime(), 'setMask', 'Object FuzzyDateTime has a method named: setMask'); $t->can_ok(new FuzzyDateTime(), 'setStart', 'Object FuzzyDateTime has a method named: setStart'); $t->can_ok(new FuzzyDateTime(), 'setWithTime', 'Object FuzzyDateTime has a method named: setWithTime'); $t->can_ok(new FuzzyDateTime(), 'setdateFormat', 'Object FuzzyDateTime has a method named: setDateFormat'); $t->can_ok(new FuzzyDateTime(), 'setTimeFormat', 'Object FuzzyDateTime has a method named: setTimeFormat'); $t->can_ok(new FuzzyDateTime(), 'getMask', 'Object FuzzyDateTime has a method named: getMask'); $t->can_ok(new FuzzyDateTime(), 'getStart', 'Object FuzzyDateTime has a method named: getStart'); $t->can_ok(new FuzzyDateTime(), 'getWithTime', 'Object FuzzyDateTime has a method named: getWithTime'); $t->can_ok(new FuzzyDateTime(), 'getDateFormat', 'Object FuzzyDateTime has a method named: getDateFormat'); $t->can_ok(new FuzzyDateTime(), 'getTimeFormat', 'Object FuzzyDateTime has a method named: getTimeFormat'); $t->can_ok(new FuzzyDateTime(), 'setMaskFromDate', 'Object FuzzyDateTime has a method named: setMaskFromDate'); $t->can_ok(new FuzzyDateTime(), 'getMaskFromDate', 'Object FuzzyDateTime has a method named: getMaskFromDate'); $t->can_ok(new FuzzyDateTime(), 'getMaskFor', 'Object FuzzyDateTime has a method named: getMaskFor'); $t->can_ok(new FuzzyDateTime(), 'getDateTime', 'Object FuzzyDateTime has a method named: getDateTime'); $t->can_ok(new FuzzyDateTime(), 'getDateTimeAsArray', 'Object FuzzyDateTime has a method named: getDateTimeAsArray'); $t->can_ok(new FuzzyDateTime(), 'getDateMasked', 'Object FuzzyDateTime has a method named: getDateMasked'); $t->can_ok(new FuzzyDateTime(), '__ToString', 'Object FuzzyDateTime has a method named: __ToString'); $fdt = new FuzzyDateTime(); $currentDate = $fdt->format('d/m/Y'); $currentDateTime = $fdt->format('d/m/Y H:i:s'); $t->is($fdt->getDateTime(), $currentDate, 'Get the date coming with the FuzzyDateTime object instanciation'); $t->is($fdt->getDateTime(true), $currentDateTime, 'Get the date and time coming with the FuzzyDateTime object instanciation: ok'); $fdt->setStart(false);