Пример #1
    static function reportsDisplay($linkIDType, $linkID = 0)
        global $User, $DB;
        if ($linkIDType != 'User' && $linkIDType != 'Game' && $linkIDType != 'All') {
            throw new Exception("Invalid note link-ID-type given: '" . $linkIDType . "', only User/Game allowed");
        $linkID = (int) $linkID;
        $sql = "SELECT m.linkIDType, m.linkID, m.fromUserID, u.username, m.type, m.note, m.timeSent FROM wD_ModeratorNotes m INNER JOIN wD_Users u ON ( u.id = m.fromUserID ) WHERE 1=1 ";
        if (!$User->type['Moderator']) {
            $sql .= "AND ( m.type='Report' OR m.type='PublicNote' )";
        if ($linkIDType != 'All' || !$User->type['Moderator']) {
            $sql .= "AND m.linkIDType='" . $linkIDType . "' AND m.linkID=" . $linkID;
        $sql .= " ORDER BY m.timeSent DESC LIMIT " . ($linkIDType == 'All' ? '50' : '5');
        $tabl = $DB->sql_tabl($sql);
        $html = '';
        while ($note = $DB->tabl_hash($tabl)) {
            $html .= '<tr>
				' . ($linkIDType == 'All' ? '<td><a href="' . ($note['linkIDType'] == 'User' ? 'profile.php?userID=' . $note['linkID'] . '">Go to user</a>' : 'board.php?gameID=' . $note['linkID'] . '">Go to game</a>') . '</td>' : '') . '
				' . ($User->type['Moderator'] ? '<td><a href="?modNoteDelete=' . $note['linkIDType'] . '_' . $note['linkID'] . '_' . $note['timeSent'] . '">Delete</a></td>' : '') . '
				<td><a href="profile.php?userID=' . $note['fromUserID'] . '">' . $note['username'] . '</a></td>
				<td>' . libTime::text($note['timeSent']) . '</td>
				<td>' . $note['type'] . '</td>
				<td>' . $note['note'] . '</td>
        if ($html) {
            return '<table><tr>' . ($linkIDType == 'All' ? '<th>Link</th>' : '') . ($User->type['Moderator'] ? '<th>Control</th>' : '') . '<th>From</th><th>Sent</th><th>Type</th><th>Text</th></tr>' . $html . '</table>';
        } else {
            switch ($linkIDType) {
                case 'User':
                    return 'No reports/notes exist for this user.';
                case 'Game':
                    return 'No reports/notes exist for this game.';
                case 'All':
                    return 'No reports/notes exist';
                    return 'Unknown type "' . $linkIDType . '"';
Пример #2
 private static function footerStats()
     global $DB, $Misc, $User;
     $buf = '';
     // Run time, select queries, insert queries
     $buf .= l_t('Rendered in: <strong>%ssec</strong> - ' . 'Data retrievals: <strong>%s</strong> - ' . 'Data insertions: <strong>%s</strong>', round(microtime(true) - $GLOBALS['scriptStartTime'], 2), $DB->getqueries, $DB->putqueries) . ' ';
     if (function_exists('memory_get_usage')) {
         $buf .= ' - ' . l_t('Memory used: <strong>%sMB</strong>', round(memory_get_usage() / 1024 / 1024, 3)) . ' ';
     $buf .= '<br /><br />';
     $stats = array('Logged on' => $Misc->OnlinePlayers, 'Playing' => $Misc->ActivePlayers, 'Registered' => $Misc->TotalPlayers);
     $first = true;
     foreach ($stats as $name => $stat) {
         if ($first) {
             $first = false;
         } else {
             $buf .= ' - ';
         $buf .= l_t($name) . ': <strong>' . $stat . '</strong> ';
     $buf .= ' - ' . l_t('Pages served: <strong>%s</strong>', $Misc->Hits);
     $buf .= '<br />';
     $stats = array('Starting games' => $Misc->GamesNew, 'Joinable games' => $Misc->GamesOpen, 'Active games' => $Misc->GamesActive, 'Finished games' => $Misc->GamesFinished);
     $first = true;
     foreach ($stats as $name => $stat) {
         if ($first) {
             $first = false;
         } else {
             $buf .= ' - ';
         $buf .= l_t($name) . ': <strong>' . $stat . '</strong> ';
     if (!isset($User) || !$User->type['Moderator']) {
         return $buf;
     $buf .= '<br /><br />';
     $stats = array('<a href="gamemaster.php" class="light">' . l_t('Last process') . '</a>' => $Misc->LastProcessTime ? libTime::text($Misc->LastProcessTime) : l_t('Never'), '<a href="admincp.php?tab=Control%20Panel%20Logs" class="light">' . l_t('Last mod action') . '</a>' => $Misc->LastModAction ? libTime::text($Misc->LastModAction) : l_t('Never'), '<a href="admincp.php?tab=Status%20lists" class="light">' . l_t('Error logs') . '</a>' => $Misc->ErrorLogs, l_t('Paused games') => $Misc->GamesPaused, '<a href="admincp.php?tab=Status%20lists" class="light">' . l_t('Crashed games') . '</a>' => $Misc->GamesCrashed);
     $first = true;
     foreach ($stats as $name => $stat) {
         if ($first) {
             $first = false;
         } else {
             $buf .= ' - ';
         $buf .= $name . ': <strong>' . $stat . '</strong> ';
     return $buf;
Пример #3
  * A textual display of this user's last log-in time
  * @return string Last log-in time
 function lastLoggedInTxt()
     return libTime::timeLengthText(time() - $this->timeLoggedIn) . ' (' . libTime::text($this->timeLoggedIn) . ')';
Пример #4
 private function printTimeDataRow($row, $lastRow = false)
     static $alternate;
     if (!isset($alternate)) {
         $alternate = false;
     $alternate = !$alternate;
     print '<tr class="replyalternate' . (2 - $alternate) . ' replyborder' . (2 - $alternate) . '">';
     foreach ($row as $name => $part) {
         print '<td>';
         if ($name == 'userID') {
             if ($part == $this->aUserID) {
                 print '<strong>' . $part . '</strong>';
             } else {
                 print $part;
         if ($lastRow) {
             if ($name == 'lastRequest') {
                 $timeComparison = l_t('(%s earlier)', libTime::remainingText($lastRow['lastRequest'], $part));
                 if ($lastRow['lastRequest'] - $part < 15 * 60) {
                     print '<span class="Austria">' . $timeComparison . '</span>';
                 } elseif ($lastRow['lastRequest'] - $part < 30 * 60) {
                     print '<span class="Turkey">' . $timeComparison . '</span>';
                 } elseif ($lastRow['lastRequest'] - $part < 45 * 60) {
                     print '<span class="Italy">' . $timeComparison . '</span>';
                 } else {
                     print $timeComparison;
             } else {
                 if ($part == $lastRow[$name]) {
                     print '<span class="Austria">' . $part . '</span>';
                 } else {
                     print $part;
         } else {
             if ($name == 'lastRequest') {
                 print libTime::text($part);
             } else {
                 print $part;
         print '</td>';
     print '</tr>';
Пример #5
 private function writeLog()
     if (!isset(Config::$pointsLogFile) || !Config::$pointsLogFile) {
     $before = $this->logBefore;
     $after = $this->pointsInfoLog();
     $log = array('gameID' => $this->Game->id);
     foreach ($before as $name => $value) {
         $log[$name] = array('before' => $value, 'after' => $after[$name]);
     if (!file_put_contents(Config::$pointsLogFile, libTime::text() . ":\n" . print_r($log, true) . "\n-----\n\n", FILE_APPEND)) {
         trigger_error("Couldn't write points log to log file");
Пример #6
 public function changePhaseLength(array $params)
     global $DB;
     require_once l_r('objects/game.php');
     $newPhaseMinutes = (int) $params['phaseMinutes'];
     if ($newPhaseMinutes < 5 || $newPhaseMinutes > 10 * 24 * 60) {
         throw new Exception(l_t("Given phase minutes out of bounds (5 minutes to 10 days)"));
     $Variant = libVariant::loadFromGameID($params['gameID']);
     $Game = $Variant->Game($params['gameID']);
     if ($Game->processStatus != 'Not-processing' || $Game->phase == 'Finished') {
         throw new Exception(l_t("Game is either crashed/paused/finished/processing, and so the next-process time cannot be altered."));
     $oldPhaseMinutes = $Game->phaseMinutes;
     $Game->phaseMinutes = $newPhaseMinutes;
     $Game->processTime = time() + $newPhaseMinutes * 60;
     $DB->sql_put("UPDATE wD_Games SET\r\n\t\t\tphaseMinutes = " . $Game->phaseMinutes . ",\r\n\t\t\tprocessTime = " . $Game->processTime . "\r\n\t\t\tWHERE id = " . $Game->id);
     return l_t('Process time changed from %s to %s. Next process time is %s.', libTime::timeLengthText($oldPhaseMinutes * 60), libTime::timeLengthText($Game->phaseMinutes * 60), libTime::text($Game->processTime));
Пример #7
 public function timeSent()
     return libTime::text($this->timeSent);
Пример #8
 public static function stats()
     global $Misc;
     $errorTimes = self::errorTimes();
     $count = count($errorTimes);
     $Misc->ErrorLogs = $count;
     return $count . ' error log files' . ($count > 0 ? ', last error log at ' . libTime::text($errorTimes[0]) : '');
Пример #9
print '<div class="leftHalf" style="width:50%">';
if ($UserProfile->type['Banned']) {
    print '<p><strong>' . l_t('Banned') . '</strong></p>';
if ($UserProfile->comment) {
    print '<p class="profileComment">"' . $UserProfile->comment . '"</p>';
print '<p><ul class="formlist">';
if ($UserProfile->type['Moderator'] || $UserProfile->type['ForumModerator'] || $UserProfile->type['Admin']) {
    print '<li><strong>' . l_t('Mod/Admin team') . '</strong></li>';
    print '<li>&nbsp;</li>';
if ($UserProfile->online) {
    print '<li><strong>' . l_t('Currently logged in.') . '</strong> (' . libHTML::loggedOn($UserProfile->id) . ')</li>';
} else {
    print '<li><strong>' . l_t('Last visited:') . '</strong> ' . libTime::text($UserProfile->timeLastSessionEnded) . '</li>';
list($posts) = $DB->sql_row("SELECT (\r\n\t\tSELECT COUNT(fromUserID) FROM `wD_ForumMessages` WHERE type='ThreadStart' AND fromUserID = " . $UserProfile->id . "\r\n\t\t) + (\r\n\t\tSELECT COUNT(fromUserID) FROM `wD_ForumMessages` WHERE type='ThreadReply' AND fromUserID = " . $UserProfile->id . "\r\n\t\t)");
// Doing the query this way makes MySQL use the type, fromUserID index
if (is_null($posts)) {
    $posts = 0;
list($likes) = $DB->sql_row("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM wD_LikePost WHERE userID=" . $UserProfile->id);
list($liked) = $DB->sql_row("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM wD_ForumMessages fm \r\n\tINNER JOIN wD_LikePost lp ON lp.likeMessageID = fm.id \r\n\tWHERE fm.fromUserID=" . $UserProfile->id);
$likes = $likes ? '<strong>' . l_t('Likes:') . '</strong> ' . $likes : '';
$liked = $liked ? '<strong>' . l_t('Liked:') . '</strong> ' . $liked : '';
print '<li><strong>' . l_t('Forum posts:') . '</strong> ' . $posts . '<br />';
//<strong>'.l_t('View:').'</strong> <a class="light" href="profile.php?detail=threads&userID='.$UserProfile->id.'">'.l_t('Threads').'</a>,
//	<a class="light" href="profile.php?detail=replies&userID='.$UserProfile->id.'">'.l_t('replies').'</a>';
print '<br/>' . implode(' / ', array($likes, $liked)) . '
Пример #10
 * Display the error logs and other lists useful for admins
 * @package Admin
if ($User->type['Admin']) {
    //There may be sensitive info that would allow privilege escalation in these error logs
    print '<p><strong>' . l_t('Error logs:') . '</strong> ' . libError::stats() . ' (' . libHTML::admincp('clearErrorLogs', null, 'Clear') . ')</p>';
    $dir = libError::directory();
    $errorlogs = libError::errorTimes();
    $alternate = false;
    print '<TABLE class="credits">';
    foreach ($errorlogs as $errorlog) {
        $alternate = !$alternate;
        print '<tr class="replyalternate' . ($alternate ? '1' : '2') . '">';
        print '<td class="left time">' . libTime::text($errorlog) . '</td>';
        print '<td class="right message"><a class="light" href="admincp.php?viewErrorLog=' . $errorlog . '">Open</a></td>';
        print '</tr>';
    print '</TABLE>';
 * Fill a named table from a single column query
 * @param string $name The table's name
 * @param string $query The single columned query which will return the data to display
function adminStatusTable($name, $query)
    global $DB;
    print '<p><strong>' . $name . '</strong></p>';
Пример #11
    public function renderMessages($msgCountryID, $messages)
        global $DB, $User, $Member, $Game;
        $messagestxt = "";
        $alternate = false;
        for ($i = count($messages); $i >= 1; --$i) {
            $message = $messages[$i - 1];
            $alternate = !$alternate;
            // If member info is hidden and the message isn't from me
            if ($Game->isMemberInfoHidden() && (!is_object($Member) || $message['fromCountryID'] != $Member->countryID)) {
                 * Take the last 2^12 bits off the timestamp (~70 mins), to fudge
                 * it so players can't use it to compare to who was online/offline
                 * at the time.
                // 1010-1010-1010-1010-1010-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx -> 1010-1010-1010-1010-1010-0000-0000-0000
                $message['timeSent'] &= 0xfffff000;
                $approxIndicator = '~';
            } else {
                $approxIndicator = '';
            $messagestxt .= '<TR class="replyalternate' . ($alternate ? '1' : '2') . ' gameID' . $Game->id . 'countryID' . $message['fromCountryID'] . '">' . '<TD class="left time">' . $approxIndicator . libTime::text($message['timeSent']);
            $messagestxt .= '</TD>
					<TD class="right ';
            if ($message['fromCountryID'] != 0) {
                // If the message isn't from the GameMaster color it in the countryID's color
                $messagestxt .= 'country' . $message['fromCountryID'];
            $messagestxt .= '">';
            if ($msgCountryID == -1 && isset($Member)) {
                if ($Member->countryID == $message['fromCountryID']) {
                    $fromtxt = l_t(', from <strong>you</strong>');
                } elseif (0 == $message['fromCountryID']) {
                    $fromtxt = l_t(', from <strong>Gamemaster</strong>');
                } else {
                    $fromtxt = l_t(', from <strong>%s</strong>', l_t($this->countryName($message['fromCountryID'])));
                if ($Member->countryID == $message['toCountryID']) {
                    $messagestxt .= '(' . l_t('To: <strong>You</strong>') . $fromtxt . ') - ';
                } else {
                    $messagestxt .= '(' . l_t('To: <strong>%s</strong>', l_t($this->countryName($message['toCountryID']))) . $fromtxt . ') - ';
            if ($message['turn'] < $Game->turn) {
                $messagestxt .= '<strong>' . $Game->datetxt($message['turn']) . '</strong>: ';
            if (is_object($Member) && $message['fromCountryID'] == $Member->countryID) {
                $message['message'] = '<span class="messageFromMe">' . $message['message'] . '</span>';
            // Display the country name in front of the text (for colorblind people)
            if ($User->options->value['colourblind'] != 'No') {
                if (isset($Member) && $Member->countryID == $message['fromCountryID']) {
                    $messagestxt .= '<strong>You:</strong> ';
                } elseif ($message['fromCountryID'] != 0) {
                    $messagestxt .= '<strong>' . $this->countryName($message['fromCountryID']) . ':</strong> ';
            $messagestxt .= $message['message'] . '</TD>
        return $messagestxt;
Пример #12
   along with webDiplomacy.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
defined('IN_CODE') or die('This script can not be run by itself.');
 * This script displays the 20 most recent admin/moderator actions made with the adminActionsForms class.
 * @package Admin
if (!isset($_REQUEST['full'])) {
    print '<a href="admincp.php?tab=Control Panel Logs&full=on">' . l_t('View all logs') . '</a>';
print '<table class="credits">';
$alternate = 1;
$tabl = $DB->sql_tabl("SELECT a.name, u.username, a.time, a.details, a.params\r\n\t\tFROM wD_AdminLog a INNER JOIN wD_Users u ON ( a.userID = u.id )\r\n\t\tORDER BY a.time DESC " . (isset($_REQUEST['full']) ? '' : "LIMIT 20"));
while ($row = $DB->tabl_hash($tabl)) {
    $row['time'] = libTime::text($row['time']);
    $params = $row['params'];
    $params = @unserialize($row['params']);
    if( count($params) )
    	foreach($params as $name=>$value) {
    		if( $name=='userID' )
    			$value = '<a href="profile.php?userID='.$value.'" class="light">'.$value.'</a>';
    		elseif( $name=='gameID' )
    			$value = '<a href="board.php?gameID='.$value.'" class="light">'.$value.'</a>';
    	$params='<br />Params: '.implode(', ',$p);
Пример #13
    static function forumNew()
        // Select by id, prints replies and new threads
        global $DB, $Misc;
        $tabl = $DB->sql_tabl("\r\n\t\t\tSELECT m.id as postID, t.id as threadID, m.type, m.timeSent, IF(t.replies IS NULL,m.replies,t.replies) as replies,\r\n\t\t\t\tIF(t.subject IS NULL,m.subject,t.subject) as subject,\r\n\t\t\t\tu.id as userID, u.username, u.points, IF(s.userID IS NULL,0,1) as online, u.type as userType,\r\n\t\t\t\tSUBSTRING(m.message,1,100) as message, m.latestReplySent, t.fromUserID as threadStarterUserID\r\n\t\t\tFROM wD_ForumMessages m\r\n\t\t\tINNER JOIN wD_Users u ON ( m.fromUserID = u.id )\r\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN wD_Sessions s ON ( m.fromUserID = s.userID )\r\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN wD_ForumMessages t ON ( m.toID = t.id AND t.type = 'ThreadStart' AND m.type = 'ThreadReply' )\r\n\t\t\tORDER BY m.timeSent DESC\r\n\t\t\tLIMIT 50");
        $oldThreads = 0;
        $threadCount = 0;
        $threadIDs = array();
        $threads = array();
        while (list($postID, $threadID, $type, $timeSent, $replies, $subject, $userID, $username, $points, $online, $userType, $message, $latestReplySent, $threadStarterUserID) = $DB->tabl_row($tabl)) {
            if ($threadID) {
                $iconMessage = libHTML::forumMessage($threadID, $postID);
            } else {
                $iconMessage = libHTML::forumMessage($postID, $postID);
            if ($type == 'ThreadStart') {
                $threadID = $postID;
            if (!isset($threads[$threadID])) {
                if (strlen($subject) > 30) {
                    $subject = substr($subject, 0, 40) . '...';
                $threadIDs[] = $threadID;
                $threads[$threadID] = array('subject' => $subject, 'replies' => $replies, 'posts' => array(), 'threadStarterUserID' => $threadStarterUserID);
            $message = Message::refilterHTML($message);
            if (strlen($message) >= 50) {
                $message = substr($message, 0, 50) . '...';
            $message = '<div class="message-contents threadID' . $threadID . '" fromUserID="' . $userID . '">' . $message . '</div>';
            $threads[$threadID]['posts'][] = array('iconMessage' => $iconMessage, 'userID' => $userID, 'username' => $username, 'message' => $message, 'points' => $points, 'online' => $online, 'userType' => $userType, 'timeSent' => $timeSent);
        $buf = '';
        $threadCount = 0;
        foreach ($threadIDs as $threadID) {
            $data = $threads[$threadID];
            $buf .= '<div class="hr userID' . $threads[$threadID]['threadStarterUserID'] . ' threadID' . $threadID . '"></div>';
            $buf .= '<div class="homeForumGroup homeForumAlt' . ($threadCount % 2 + 1) . ' userID' . $threads[$threadID]['threadStarterUserID'] . ' threadID' . $threadID . '">
				<div class="homeForumSubject homeForumTopBorder">' . libHTML::forumParticipated($threadID) . ' ' . $data['subject'] . '</div> ';
            if (count($data['posts']) < $data['replies']) {
                $buf .= '<div class="homeForumPost homeForumMessage homeForumPostAlt' . libHTML::alternate() . ' ">

            $data['posts'] = array_reverse($data['posts']);
            foreach ($data['posts'] as $post) {
                $buf .= '<div class="homeForumPost homeForumPostAlt' . libHTML::alternate() . ' userID' . $post['userID'] . '">

					<div class="homeForumPostTime">' . libTime::text($post['timeSent']) . ' ' . $post['iconMessage'] . '</div>
					<a href="profile.php?userID=' . $post['userID'] . '" class="light">' . $post['username'] . '</a>
						' . libHTML::loggedOn($post['userID']) . ' (' . $post['points'] . libHTML::points() . User::typeIcon($post['userType']) . ')

					<div style="clear:both"></div>
					<div class="homeForumMessage">' . $post['message'] . '</div>
            $buf .= '<div class="homeForumLink">
					<div class="homeForumReplies">' . l_t('%s replies', '<strong>' . $data['replies'] . '</strong>') . '</div>
					<a href="forum.php?threadID=' . $threadID . '#' . $threadID . '">' . l_t('Open') . '</a>
        if ($buf) {
            return $buf;
        } else {
            return '<div class="homeNoActivity">' . l_t('No forum posts found, why not ' . '<a href="forum.php?postboxopen=1#postbox" class="light">start one</a>?');
Пример #14
 print '<a name="' . $reply['id'] . '"></a>';
 if ($new['id'] == $reply['id']) {
     print '<a name="postbox"></a>';
     $messageAnchor = '';
 } elseif ($User->timeLastSessionEnded < $reply['timeSent']) {
     print $messageAnchor;
     $messageAnchor = '';
 } elseif ($reply['id'] == $maxReplyID) {
     print $messageAnchor;
     $messageAnchor = '';
 print '<div class="message-head replyalternate' . $replyswitch . ' leftRule">';
 print '<strong><a href="profile.php?userID=' . $reply['fromUserID'] . '">' . $reply['fromusername'] . ' ' . libHTML::loggedOn($reply['fromUserID']) . ' (' . $reply['points'] . ' ' . libHTML::points() . User::typeIcon($reply['userType']) . ')</a>' . '</strong><br />';
 print libHTML::forumMessage($message['id'], $reply['id']);
 print '<em>' . libTime::text($reply['timeSent']) . '</em>';
 print '<br />' . $User->likeMessageToggleLink($reply['id'], $reply['fromUserID']) . libHTML::likeCount($reply['likeCount']);
 if ($User->type['Admin'] || $User->type['ForumModerator']) {
     if (Silence::isSilenced($reply)) {
         $silence = new Silence($reply);
     } else {
     print '<br />';
     if (isset($silence) && $silence->isEnabled()) {
         print '<a class="light likeMessageToggleLink" href="admincp.php?tab=Control%20Panel&amp;silenceID=' . $silence->id . '#disableSilence">' . l_t('Disable silence') . '</a>';
     } else {
         print '<a class="light likeMessageToggleLink" href="admincp.php?tab=Control%20Panel&amp;postID=' . $reply['id'] . '&amp;userID=' . $reply['fromUserID'] . '#createUserThreadSilence">' . l_t('Silence user') . '</a>';
 print '</div>';
Пример #15
  * The next-process data, depending on whether paused/crashed/finished/etc
  * @return string
 function gameTimeRemaining()
     if ($this->phase == 'Finished') {
         return '<span class="gameTimeRemainingNextPhase">' . l_t('Finished:') . '</span> ' . libTime::text($this->processTime);
     if ($this->processStatus == 'Paused') {
         return $this->pausedInfo();
     } elseif ($this->processStatus == 'Crashed') {
         return l_t('Crashed');
     if (!isset($timerCount)) {
         static $timerCount = 0;
     if ($this->phase == 'Pre-game') {
         $buf = '<span class="gameTimeRemainingNextPhase">' . l_t('Start:') . '</span> ' . $this->processTimetxt() . ' (' . libTime::text($this->processTime) . ')';
     } else {
         $buf = '<span class="gameTimeRemainingNextPhase">' . l_t('Next:') . '</span> ' . $this->processTimetxt() . ' (' . libTime::text($this->processTime) . ')';
         //if ( $this->Members->isJoined() )
         //$buf .= ' <span class="gameTimeRemainingFixed">('.libTime::text($this->processTime).')</span>';
     return $buf;
Пример #16
  * The time this user joined
  * @return string Date joined
 function timeJoinedtxt()
     return libTime::text($this->timeJoined);
Пример #17
 public function toString()
     $Moderator = new User($this->moderatorUserID);
     $startTime = libTime::text($this->startTime);
     $endTime = $this->length == 0 ? l_t("Indefinite") : libTime::text($this->startTime + $this->length * 60 * 60 * 24);
     $silenceData = array('Status' => '<b>' . ($this->enabled ? $this->isExpired() ? l_t('Ended') : l_t('Active') : l_t('Disabled')) . '</b>', 'Mod' => $Moderator->profile_link(), 'Started' => $startTime, 'Ends' => $endTime, 'Reason' => $this->reason);
     if ($this->userID) {
         $SilencedUser = new User($this->userID);
         $silenceData['User'] = $SilencedUser->profile_link();
     if ($this->postID) {
         $silenceData['Thread'] = libHTML::threadLink($this->postID);
     $strArr = array('<ul class="formlist"><li>');
     foreach ($silenceData as $k => $v) {
         $strArr[] = l_t($k) . ": <i>" . $v . "</i>";
     $strArr[] = '</li></ul>';
     return implode("</li><li>", $strArr);