function isTriggered() { if (!isset($this->data['text'])) { $this->printUsage(); return; } $input = explode(',', $this->data['text']); if (empty($input[1])) { $this->reply(sprintf($this->usage, $this->data['trigger'])); return; } $terms = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < 2; $i++) { $terms[$i] = trim($input[$i]); if (str_word_count($terms[$i]) == 1) { $terms[$i] = '"' . $terms[$i] . '"'; } } $word1Hits = libInternet::googleResults($terms[0]); $word2Hits = libInternet::googleResults($terms[1]); if ($word1Hits + $word2Hits == 0) { $zero = array('zero', 'oh', 'null', 'nil', 'nought'); $this->reply('I can\'t compare ' . $zero[rand(0, 4)] . ' with ' . $zero[rand(0, 4)] . '.'); return; } $this->reply('(' . number_format($word1Hits, 0, ',', '.') . ") " . $input[0] . " " . $this->getBar($word1Hits, $word2Hits) . " " . $input[1] . " (" . number_format($word2Hits, 0, ',', '.') . ")"); }
function isTriggered() { if (!isset($this->data['text'])) { $this->printUsage(); return; } $this->reply(sprintf('%s (Results: %s)', "" . urlencode($this->data['text']) . "&hl=" . $this->getConfig('language') . "&safe=off", number_format(libInternet::googleResults($this->data['text']), 0, ',', '.'))); }
function isTriggered() { if (!isset($this->info['text'])) { $this->sendOutput(sprintf($this->CONFIG['no_term'], $this->info['triggerUsed'])); return; } $link = "" . urlencode($this->info['text']) . "&hl=" . $this->CONFIG['lang'] . "&safe=off"; $results = number_format(libInternet::googleResults($this->info['text']), 0, ',', '.'); $output = $link . " (Results: "; if (!$results) { $output .= "0"; } else { $output .= "~ "; } $output .= $results . ")"; $this->sendOutput($output); }
function isTriggered() { if (!isset($this->info['text'])) { $this->sendOutput(sprintf($this->CONFIG['no_term'], $this->info['triggerUsed'])); return; } $input = explode(",", $this->info['text']); if ($input[1] == "") { $this->sendOutput(sprintf($this->CONFIG['no_term'], $this->info['triggerUsed'])); return; } $word1Hits = libInternet::googleResults($input[0]); $word2Hits = libInternet::googleResults($input[1]); if ($word1Hits + $word2Hits == 0) { $zero = array("zero", "oh", "null", "nil", "nought"); $this->sendOutput("I can't compare " . $zero[rand(0, 4)] . " with " . $zero[rand(0, 4)] . "."); return; } $this->sendOutput("(" . number_format($word1Hits, 0, ',', '.') . ") " . $input[0] . " " . $this->getBar($word1Hits, $word2Hits) . " " . $input[1] . " (" . number_format($word2Hits, 0, ',', '.') . ")"); }
function addWord($word) { $old_word = $word; $word = libString::convertUmlaute($word); $word = libString::capitalize($word); if (preg_match("/[^a-zA-Z]/", $word)) { $this->sendOutput("Your word must contain only letters."); return; } $sql = "SELECT id FROM hangman WHERE word='" . addslashes($word) . "'"; $res = $this->MySQL->sendQuery($sql); if ($res['count'] != 0) { $this->sendOutput("This word is already in the database."); return; } $google_results = libInternet::googleResults($old_word); if ($google_results < $this->CONFIG['google_min']) { //$output = sprintf($this->CONFIG['googlemin_text'], // $this->CONFIG['google_min'] // ); $this->sendOutput($this->CONFIG['googlemin_text']); return; } $blacklist = array("add", "del", "stats", "start", "stop"); if (array_search(strtolower($word), $blacklist) !== false) { $this->sendOutput("Stuuuuupiiid!"); return; } $sql = "INSERT INTO\n\t\t\t\t\thangman\n\t\t\t\t\t(word, author, created)\n\t\t\t\tVALUES (\n\t\t\t\t\t'" . addslashes($word) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t'" . addslashes($this->info['nick']) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\tNOW()\n\t\t\t\t)"; $this->MySQL->sendQuery($sql); $this->sendOutput("Word '" . $word . "' has been added to the database."); return; }