Пример #1
 public function tender_work_hand($work_info)
     global $kekezu, $_K;
     global $_lang;
     if ($this->check_if_can_hand() === true) {
         $this->_task_bid_obj->setWhere("task_id = {$this->_task_id} and uid = {$this->_uid} and bid_status=0");
         $is_hand = $this->_task_bid_obj->count_keke_witkey_task_bid();
         if ($is_hand) {
             return $_lang['you_haved_tender'];
         if ($this->_task_info['workhide'] == 1) {
         $res = $this->_task_bid_obj->create_keke_witkey_task_bid();
         $work_info['workhide'] == 1 and keke_payitem_class::payitem_cost("workhide", '1', 'work', 'spend', $res, $this->_task_id);
         $url = '<a href ="' . $_K['siteurl'] . '/index.php?do=task&id=' . $this->_task_id . '">' . $this->_task_title . '</a>';
         $v_arr = array($_lang['username'] => "{$this->_gusername}", $_lang['user'] => $this->_username, $_lang['call'] => $_lang['you'], $_lang['task_title'] => $url, $_lang['website_name'] => $kekezu->_sys_config['website_name']);
         keke_shop_class::notify_user($this->_guid, $this->_gusername, 'task_hand', $_lang['hand_work_notice'], $v_arr);
         $feed_arr = array("feed_username" => array("content" => $this->_uid, "url" => "index.php?do=seller&id={$this->_uid}"), "action" => array("content" => '报名', "url" => ""), "event" => array("content" => $this->_task_title, "url" => "index.php?do=task&id={$this->_task_id}"));
         kekezu::save_feed($feed_arr, $this->_uid, $this->_username, 'task_baoming', $this->_task_id);
         $feed_arr = array("feed_username" => array("content" => $this->_username, "url" => "index.php?do=seller&id={$this->_uid}"), "action" => array("content" => '被报名', "url" => ""), "event" => array("content" => $this->_task_title, "url" => "index.php?do=task&id={$this->_task_id}"));
         $arrTaskInfo = db_factory::get_one("select * from " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_task where task_id=" . intval($this->_task_id));
         kekezu::save_feed($feed_arr, $arrTaskInfo['uid'], $arrTaskInfo['username'], 'task_baoming_bei', $this->_task_id);
         return true;
Пример #2
 public function work_hand($work_desc, $file_ids, $hidework = '2', $work_hidden = '0')
     global $_K;
     global $_lang;
     $resText = $this->check_if_can_hand();
     if (true === $resText) {
         $work_obj = new Keke_witkey_task_work_class();
         $work_obj->_work_id = null;
         $work_obj->setWork_title($this->_task_title . $_lang['de_work']);
         if ($this->_task_info['workhide'] == 1) {
         if ($file_ids) {
             $file_arr = array_unique(array_filter(explode(',', $file_ids)));
             $f_ids = implode(',', $file_arr);
             $work_obj->setWork_file(implode(',', $file_arr));
         $work_id = $work_obj->create_keke_witkey_task_work();
         $hidework == '1' and keke_payitem_class::payitem_cost("workhide", '1', 'work', 'spend', $work_id, $this->_task_id);
         if ($work_id) {
             $f_ids and db_factory::execute(sprintf(" update %switkey_file set work_id='%d',task_title='%s',obj_id='%d' where file_id in (%s)", TABLEPRE, $work_id, $this->_task_title, $work_id, $f_ids));
             $notice_url = "<a href=\"" . $_K['siteurl'] . "/index.php?do=task&id=" . $this->_task_id . "\">" . $this->_task_title . "</a>";
             $g_notice = array($_lang['user'] => $this->_username, $_lang['call'] => $_lang['you'], $_lang['task_title'] => $notice_url);
             $this->notify_user("task_hand", $_lang['task_hand'], $g_notice);
             $feed_arr = array("feed_username" => array("content" => $this->_uid, "url" => "index.php?do=seller&id={$this->_uid}"), "action" => array("content" => '投稿', "url" => ""), "event" => array("content" => $this->_task_title, "url" => "index.php?do=task&id={$this->_task_id}"));
             kekezu::save_feed($feed_arr, $this->_uid, $this->_username, 'task_tur', $this->_task_id);
             $feed_arr = array("feed_username" => array("content" => $this->_username, "url" => "index.php?do=seller&id={$this->_uid}"), "action" => array("content" => '被投稿', "url" => ""), "event" => array("content" => $this->_task_title, "url" => "index.php?do=task&id={$this->_task_id}"));
             $arrTaskInfo = db_factory::get_one("select * from " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_task where task_id=" . intval($this->_task_id));
             kekezu::save_feed($feed_arr, $arrTaskInfo['uid'], $arrTaskInfo['username'], 'task_tur_bei', $this->_task_id);
             return true;
         return '很遗憾,交稿失败';
     } else {
         return $resText;
Пример #3
    $arrSearch = db_factory::query("select * from " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_hotwords where words = '{$ky}'");
    if ($arrHwStatus[0]['v'] == 'open') {
        if ($arrUpdateStatus[0]['v'] == 'auto') {
            if (count($arrSearch)) {
                db_factory::updatetable(TABLEPRE . "witkey_hotwords", array('count' => $arrSearch[0]['count'] + 1, 'time' => time()), array('words' => $arrSearch[0]['words']));
            } else {
                db_factory::inserttable(TABLEPRE . "witkey_hotwords", array('words' => $ky, 'time' => time(), 'auto' => '1'));
        } else {
            if (count($arrSearch)) {
                db_factory::updatetable(TABLEPRE . "witkey_hotwords", array('count' => $arrSearch[0]['count'] + 1, 'time' => time()), array('words' => $arrSearch[0]['words'], 'auto' => '0'));
$arrPayitemConfig = keke_payitem_class::get_payitem_config(null, null, null, 'item_id');
$arrIndusAll = $kekezu->_indus_arr;
$arrModelLabel = array(0 => '未知', 1 => '单人', 2 => '多人', 3 => '计件', 4 => '招标', 5 => '订金', 6 => '文件', 7 => '服务');
$page and $intPage = intval($page);
$intPage = intval($intPage) ? $intPage : 1;
$intPagesize = intval($intPagesize) ? $intPagesize : 10;
$strSql = "select a.*,substring(payitem_time,instr(a.payitem_time,'top')+4+LENGTH('top'),10) as top_time\n\t\t   from " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_service as a where ";
$strWhere = " service_status=2 ";
if (intval($i)) {
    $strWhere .= " and a.indus_id = " . intval($i);
if (intval($pd)) {
    $strWhere .= " and a.indus_pid = " . intval($pd);
if (intval($m)) {
    $strWhere .= " and a.model_id = " . intval($m);
Пример #4
            case "freeze":
                $res = keke_task_config::task_freeze($task_id);
            case "unfreeze":
                $res = keke_task_config::task_unfreeze($task_id);
            case "pass":
                $res = keke_task_config::task_audit_pass(array($task_id));
            case "nopass":
                $res = keke_task_config::task_audit_nopass($task_id);
    } else {
        $process_arr = keke_task_config::can_operate($task_info['task_status'], $task_info['is_top']);
        $file_list = db_factory::query(sprintf(" select * from %switkey_file where task_id='%d' and obj_type='task' ", TABLEPRE, $task_id));
        $status_arr = sreward_task_class::get_task_status();
        $payitem_list = keke_payitem_class::get_payitem_config('employer');
        $indus_arr = $kekezu->_indus_arr;
        $temp_arr = array();
        $indus_option_arr = $indus_arr;
        kekezu::get_tree($indus_option_arr, $temp_arr, "option", $task_info['indus_id']);
        $indus_option_arr = $temp_arr;
    if ($res) {
        kekezu::admin_show_msg($_lang['task_operate_success'], "index.php?do=model&model_id={$model_id}&view=list", 3, '', 'success');
} else {
    require S_ROOT . '/task/' . $model_info['model_dir'] . '/admin/task_misc.php';
require $kekezu->_tpl_obj->template('task/' . $model_info['model_dir'] . '/admin/tpl/task_edit_' . $op);
Пример #5
                    keke_payitem_class::update_service_payitem_time($service_info['payitem_time'], $add_time, $v);
                $res = goods_shop_class::set_service_status($key_ids, 2);
                $action = $_lang['mulit_pass'];
            case $_lang['mulit_nopass']:
                $res = goods_shop_class::set_service_status($key_ids, 4);
                foreach ($key_ids as $v) {
                    PayitemClass::refundPayitem($v, 'goods');
                $action = '批量审核不通过';
            case $_lang['batch_shelves']:
                foreach ($key_ids as $v) {
                    $service_info = kekezu::get_table_data("*", "witkey_service", "service_id = {$v}");
                    $service_info = $service_info['0'];
                    $add_time = time() - $service_info['on_time'];
                    keke_payitem_class::update_service_payitem_time($service_info['payitem_time'], $add_time, $v);
                $res = goods_shop_class::set_service_status($key_ids, 2);
                $action = $_lang['shelves'];
            case $_lang['batch_off_the_shelf']:
                $res = goods_shop_class::set_service_status($key_ids, 3);
                $action = $_lang['off_the_shelf'];
        $res and kekezu::admin_show_msg($_lang['mulit'] . $action . $_lang['success'], $url_str, 2, $_lang['mulit'] . $action . $_lang['success'], 'success') or kekezu::admin_show_msg($_lang['mulit'] . $action . $_lang['fail'], $url_str, 2, $_lang['mulit'] . $action . $_lang['fail'], "warning");
require keke_tpl_class::template('shop/' . $model_info['model_dir'] . '/admin/tpl/goods_' . $view);
Пример #6
 public function bid_hand($quote, $cycle, $area, $work_desc, $plan_amount, $start_time, $end_time, $plan_title, $is_hide = 2, $work_hidden = '0')
     global $_K;
     global $_lang;
     $resText = $this->check_bid();
     if (true === $resText) {
         $resText = $this->check_if_can_hand();
         if (true === $resText) {
             $bid_obj = new Keke_witkey_task_bid_class();
             $bid_obj->_bid_id = null;
             if ($this->_task_info['workhide'] == 1) {
             $bid_id = $bid_obj->create_keke_witkey_task_bid();
             $is_hide == '1' and keke_payitem_class::payitem_cost("workhide", '1', 'work', 'spend', $bid_id, $this->_task_id);
             if ($bid_id) {
                 $size = sizeof($plan_amount);
                 for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) {
                     $plan_info = array('plan_amount' => $plan_amount[$i], 'plan_desc' => '', 'plan_step' => $i + 1, 'plan_title' => $plan_title[$i], 'start_time' => strtotime($start_time[$i]), 'end_time' => strtotime($end_time[$i]));
                     $this->plan_add($bid_id, $plan_info);
                 $notice_url = $this->_task_url;
                 $g_notice = array($_lang['user'] => $this->_username, $_lang['call'] => $_lang['you'], $_lang['task_title'] => $notice_url);
                 $this->notify_user("task_hand", $_lang['task_tender'], $g_notice, 2, $this->_guid);
                 $feed_arr = array("feed_username" => array("content" => $this->_uid, "url" => "index.php?do=seller&id={$this->_uid}"), "action" => array("content" => '报名', "url" => ""), "event" => array("content" => $this->_task_title, "url" => "index.php?do=task&id={$this->_task_id}"));
                 kekezu::save_feed($feed_arr, $this->_uid, $this->_username, 'task_baoming', $this->_task_id);
                 $feed_arr = array("feed_username" => array("content" => $this->_username, "url" => "index.php?do=seller&id={$this->_uid}"), "action" => array("content" => '被报名', "url" => ""), "event" => array("content" => $this->_task_title, "url" => "index.php?do=task&id={$this->_task_id}"));
                 $arrTaskInfo = db_factory::get_one("select * from " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_task where task_id=" . intval($this->_task_id));
                 kekezu::save_feed($feed_arr, $arrTaskInfo['uid'], $arrTaskInfo['username'], 'task_baoming_bei', $this->_task_id);
                 return true;
             } else {
                 return $_lang['sorry_tender_fail'];
         return $resText;
     } else {
         return $resText;
Пример #7
 public function work_hand($work_desc, $file_ids, $hidework = '2', $work_hidden = '0', $url = '', $output = 'normal')
     global $_lang;
     global $_K;
     $strText = $this->check_if_can_hand($url, $output);
     if ($strText === true) {
         $strCheckWork = $this->check_work_if_standard('hand');
         if ($strCheckWork === true) {
             $work_obj = new Keke_witkey_task_work_class();
             if ($this->_task_info['workhide'] == 1) {
             if ($file_ids) {
                 $file_arr = array_unique(array_filter(explode(',', $file_ids)));
                 $f_ids = implode(',', $file_arr);
             $work_id = $work_obj->create_keke_witkey_task_work();
             $hidework == '1' and keke_payitem_class::payitem_cost("workhide", '1', 'work', 'spend', $work_id, $this->_task_id);
             if ($work_id) {
                 $f_ids and db_factory::execute(sprintf("update %switkey_file set work_id='%d',task_title='%s',obj_id='%d' where file_id in (%s)", TABLEPRE, $work_id, $this->_task_title, $work_id, $f_ids));
                 $notice_url = "<a href=\"{$_K['siteurl']}/index.php?do=task&id={$this->_task_id}\">{$this->_task_title}</a>";
                 $g_notice = array($_lang['user'] => $this->_username, $_lang['call'] => $_lang['you'], $_lang['task_title'] => $notice_url);
                 $this->notify_user('task_hand', $_lang['task_hand'], $g_notice, '2', $this->_guid);
                 $feed_arr = array("feed_username" => array("content" => $this->_uid, "url" => "index.php?do=seller&id={$this->_uid}"), "action" => array("content" => '投稿', "url" => ""), "event" => array("content" => $this->_task_title, "url" => "index.php?do=task&id={$this->_task_id}"));
                 kekezu::save_feed($feed_arr, $this->_uid, $this->_username, 'task_tur', $this->_task_id);
                 $feed_arr = array("feed_username" => array("content" => $this->_username, "url" => "index.php?do=seller&id={$this->_uid}"), "action" => array("content" => '被投稿', "url" => ""), "event" => array("content" => $this->_task_title, "url" => "index.php?do=task&id={$this->_task_id}"));
                 $arrTaskInfo = db_factory::get_one("select * from " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_task where task_id=" . intval($this->_task_id));
                 kekezu::save_feed($feed_arr, $arrTaskInfo['uid'], $arrTaskInfo['username'], 'task_tur_bei', $this->_task_id);
                 return true;
             } else {
                 return $_lang['hand_work_fail_and_operate_agian'];
         } else {
             return $_lang['hand_work_fail_for_the_work_full'];
     } else {
         return $strText;
Пример #8
 function get_payitem_str()
     global $_K;
     $str = '';
     $item_config = keke_payitem_class::get_payitem_config(null, null, null, 'item_id');
     $item_arr = array_filter(explode(",", $this->_task_info['pay_item']));
     if (!empty($item_arr) && is_array($item_arr)) {
         foreach ($item_arr as $v) {
             $item_config[$v]['item_code'] and $str .= $item_config[$v]['item_code'] . ',';
     return $str;