function handleUserInit() { global $jzSERVICES, $jzUSER, $jz_language, $node, $skin, $include_path, $css, $image_dir, $my_frontend, $fe, $jz_path, $web_path, $USER_SETTINGS_OVERRIDE; writeLogData("messages", "Index: Testing the language file for security and including"); $USER_SETTINGS_OVERRIDE = array(); // for use by user agents checkUserAgent(); handleSetLanguage(); handleSetFrontend(); writeLogData("messages", "Index: Testing the theme file for security and including"); handleSetTheme(); handleJukeboxVars(); if (!($node === false)) { if (!($dir = $jzUSER->getSetting('home_dir')) === false && $jzUSER->getSetting('home_read') === true) { if (strpos(strtolower($jz_path), strtolower($dir)) === false) { $jz_path = ""; } } $node = new jzMediaNode($jz_path); if (isset($_GET['depth'])) { $node->setNaturalDepth($_GET['depth']); } else { doNaturalDepth($node); } } // Let's setup our stylesheet and icons // Should this be moved to display.php:preHeader()? if (stristr($skin, "/")) { $css = $include_path . "{$skin}/default.php"; $image_dir = $web_path . "{$skin}/"; } else { $css = $include_path . "style/{$skin}/default.php"; $image_dir = $web_path . "style/{$skin}/"; } }