public function schedulegrid() { $page = $this->get->page; // get the requested page $limit = $this->get->rows; // get how many rows we want to have into the grid $sidx = $this->get->sidx; // get index row - i.e. user click to sort $sord = $this->get->sord; // get the direction if (!$sidx) { $sidx = 1; } # # ?_search=true&nd=1270940867171&rows=20&page=1&sidx=flightnum&sord=asc&searchField=code&searchString=TAY&searchOper=eq /* Do the search using jqGrid */ $where = array(); if ($this->get->_search == 'true') { $searchstr = jqgrid::strip($this->get->filters); $where_string = jqgrid::constructWhere($searchstr); # Append to our search, add 1=1 since it comes with AND # from above $where[] = "1=1 {$where_string}"; } Config::Set('SCHEDULES_ORDER_BY', "{$sidx} {$sord}"); # Do a search without the limits so we can find how many records $count = SchedulesData::countSchedules($where); if ($count > 0) { $total_pages = ceil($count / $limit); } else { $total_pages = 0; } if ($page > $total_pages) { $page = $total_pages; } $start = $limit * $page - $limit; // do not put $limit*($page - 1) if ($start < 0) { $start = 0; } # And finally do a search with the limits $schedules = SchedulesData::findSchedules($where, $limit, $start); if (!$schedules) { $schedules = array(); } # Form the json header $json = array('page' => $page, 'total' => $total_pages, 'records' => $count, 'rows' => array()); # Add each row to the above array foreach ($schedules as $row) { if ($row->route != '') { $route = '<a href="#" onclick="showroute(\'' . $row->id . '\'); return false;">View</a>'; } else { $route = '-'; } $edit = '<a href="' . adminurl('/operations/editschedule?id=' . $row->id) . '">Edit</a>'; $delete = '<a href="#" onclick="deleteschedule(' . $row->id . '); return false;">Delete</a>'; $tmp = array('id' => $row->id, 'cell' => array($row->code, $row->flightnum, $row->depicao, $row->arricao, $row->aircraft, $row->registration, $route, Util::GetDaysCompact($row->daysofweek), $row->distance, $row->timesflown, $edit, $delete)); $json['rows'][] = $tmp; } header("Content-type: text/x-json"); echo json_encode($json); }
public function getpilotsjson() { $page = $this->get->page; // get the requested page $limit = $this->get->rows; // get how many rows we want to have into the grid $sidx = $this->get->sidx; // get index row - i.e. user click to sort $sord = $this->get->sord; // get the direction if (!$sidx) { $sidx = 1; } /* Do the search using jqGrid */ $where = array(); if ($this->get->_search == 'true') { $searchstr = jqgrid::strip($this->get->filters); $where_string = jqgrid::constructWhere($searchstr); # Append to our search, add 1=1 since it comes with AND # from above $where[] = "1=1 {$where_string}"; } Config::Set('PILOT_ORDER_BY', "{$sidx} {$sord}"); # Do a search without the limits so we can find how many records $count = count(PilotData::findPilots($where)); if ($count > 0) { $total_pages = ceil($count / $limit); } else { $total_pages = 0; } if ($page > $total_pages) { $page = $total_pages; } $start = $limit * $page - $limit; // do not put $limit*($page - 1) if ($start < 0) { $start = 0; } # And finally do a search with the limits $allpilots = PilotData::findPilots($where, $limit, $start); if (!$allpilots) { $allpilots = array(); } # Form the json header $json = array('page' => $page, 'total' => $total_pages, 'records' => $count, 'rows' => array()); # Add each row to the above array foreach ($allpilots as $row) { $pilotid = PilotData::getPilotCode($row->code, $row->pilotid); $status = $row->retired == 0 ? 'Active' : 'Retired'; $location = '<img src="' . Countries::getCountryImage($row->location) . '" alt="' . $row->location . '" />'; $edit = '<a href="' . adminurl('/pilotadmin/viewpilots?action=viewoptions&pilotid=' . $row->pilotid) . '">Edit</a>'; $tmp = array('id' => $row->id, 'cell' => array($row->id, $pilotid, $row->firstname, $row->lastname, $row->email, $location, $status, $row->rank, $row->totalflights, $row->totalhours, $row->lastip, $edit)); $json['rows'][] = $tmp; } header("Content-type: text/x-json"); echo json_encode($json); }