$pdf->label_width = ($pdf->page_width - 2 * $pdf->left_margin) / $pdf->label_per_width; $pdf->label_per_height = 5; $pdf->label_height = ($pdf->page_height - 2 * $pdf->top_margin) / $pdf->label_per_height; $pdf->label_per_page = $pdf->label_per_width * $pdf->label_per_height; $order_counter = 0; //$labelpad = 4; $labelxpad = 55; $labelypad = 4; $labelxpos = 1; $labelypos = 1; foreach ($orders_array as $order_id) { $order = array(); if ($type == 'sp') { //RETRIEVED DATA SP $order_data = $class_jo->retrieveDetail($order_id); $items = $class_jo->retrieveItems($order_id); $order['customer'] = "{$order_data['customer_shipping_firstname']} {$order_data['customer_shipping_lastname']} "; $order['id'] = $order_data['order_id']; $order['shipment_id'] = $order_data['shipment_id']; $order['prefix_code'] = $sp_prefix[$order_data['jng_sp_id']]; } else { //RETRIEVED DATA JNG $order_data = $class_o->retrieveDetail($order_id); $items = $class_o->retrieveProducts($order_id); $order['id'] = $order_data['orders_no']; $order['customer'] = $order_data['delivery_name']; $order['prefix_code'] = ''; } if ($order_counter % $pdf->label_per_page == 0) { $pdf->AddPage(); }
$idcode_ret = $idcr[$i]; if ($shipment_id != '') { if (substr($ref, 0, 2) == 'JG') { $order_id = substr($ref, 2); $idcounter = 'JG' . $order_id; $items = $class_o->retrieveProducts($order_id); foreach ($items as $item) { if ($item['status'] == $REQUIRED_STATUS) { $class_o->updateProductStatus($item['orders_products_id'], $UPDATED_STATUS, $username); } if ($item['status'] == $REQUIRED_STATUS || $item['status'] == $UPDATED_STATUS) { $update_counter[] = $idcounter; } } } else { $items = $class_jo->retrieveItems($shipment_id, true); $idcounter = 'SP' . $shipment_id; foreach ($items as $item) { if ($item['status'] == $REQUIRED_STATUS) { $osda = array('shipment_date' => $shipment_date, 'idcode_ship' => $idcode_ship, 'idcode_ret' => $idcode_ret); tep_db_perform('jng_sp_orders', $osda, 'update', "shipment_id='{$shipment_id}'"); $class_jo->updateItemStatus($item['jng_sp_orders_items_id'], $UPDATED_STATUS, $username); } if ($item['status'] == $REQUIRED_STATUS || $item['status'] == $UPDATED_STATUS) { $update_counter[] = $idcounter; } } } } } $result = array();
$from_email_name = FROM_EMAIL_NAME; $from_email_address = FROM_EMAIL_ADDRESS; $sent = tep_mail($to_name, $to_email_address, $email_subject, $email_text, $from_email_name, $from_email_address); if ($sent) { $cron_result[] = "{$to_name} ({$to_email_address}) - {$oid}"; tep_mail(EMAIL_NAME_SERVICE, EMAIL_ADDRESS_SERVICE, $email_subject, $email_text, $from_email_name, $from_email_address); $sent_to = array(); $sent_to[] = $to_email_address; $sent_to[] = EMAIL_ADDRESS_SERVICE; if ($o['type'] == 'JG') { $items = $class_o->retrieveProducts($o['orders_id']); foreach ($items as $i) { $class_o->delayInfoSent($i['orders_products_id'], $timestamp, 'auto-sent', $sent_to); } } elseif ($o['type'] == 'SP') { $items = $class_jo->retrieveItems($o['orders_id']); foreach ($items as $i) { $class_jo->delayInfoSent($i['jng_sp_orders_items_id'], $timestamp, 'auto-sent', $sent_to); } } } } } $mt_finish = microtime(); list($old_usec, $old_sec) = explode(' ', $mt_start); list($new_usec, $new_sec) = explode(' ', $mt_finish); $old_mt = (double) $old_usec + (double) $old_sec; $new_mt = (double) $new_usec + (double) $new_sec; $runtime = $new_mt - $old_mt; $cron_result[] = 'Run in ' . $runtime . ' seconds'; //save result to a log file
} else { //If product is found if (strtoupper($ean_scan) != 'SKIP' && $ean_scan != $item['products_ean']) { $result .= printPackageTip(EAN_MISMATCH_ERROR, $item['products_ean'], $ean_scan); } else { if ($item['status'] < intval($old_status)) { //If product status is not yet finish $errinfo = $template_error_not_finish; $result .= printPackageTip('E', $box_date, $errinfo, $sp_name); } elseif ($item['status'] == $old_status) { //If product status is finish //$order = $class_jo->retrieveDetail($item['jng_sp_orders_id']); $order_date = strtotime($order['order_date']); $box_date = date('d. M', $order_date); //Retrieve all products from the order $items = $class_jo->retrieveItems($order['jng_sp_orders_id']); foreach ($items as $key => $i) { //Exclude any canceled products $iscanceled = $class_jo->statusIsCancelled($i['status']); if ($iscanceled) { unset($items[$key]); } } if ($item['order_item_total'] == '1' || count($items) == 1) { //If order only consist of 1 product $packages = $class_jp->getUsablePackages($order['jng_sp_id']); if (count($packages) == 0) { //If no usable package found for this SP, create 1 $package_id = $class_jp->createNew($order['jng_sp_id']); } else { //If usable package found fo this SP, use it
$col_subcol_width = array(); $col_subcol_width[1] = 13; $col_subcol_width[2] = 25; $col_subcol_width[3] = 20; $col_subcol_width[4] = 30; $col_subcol_width[5] = 100; $col_subcol_width[6] = 50; $col_subcol_width[7] = 25; $col_subcol_width[8] = 13; $col_subcol_imagepos = $col_subcol_width[1]; $col_subcol_eanpos = $col_subcol_width[1] + $col_subcol_width[2] + $col_subcol_width[3] + $col_subcol_width[4] + $col_subcol_width[5]; $colwidth = array_sum($col_subcol_width); $colheight = $col_subcol_width[2]; $order_counter++; $order = $class_jo->retrieveDetail($order_id); $items = $class_jo->retrieveItems($order_id, false, "ptc.categories_id, joi.price"); foreach ($items as $key => $item) { if ($class_jo->statusIsCancelled($item['status'])) { unset($items[$key]); } elseif (isset($items_array) && !in_array($item['jng_sp_orders_items_id'], $items_array)) { unset($items[$key]); } } $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->SetXY($margin, $pdf->ypos); //Order Items if (count($items) > 0) { //DRAW BARCODE $items_key = array_keys($items); $barcode_width = 35; $pdf->order_barcode = 'JR-' . $items[$items_key[0]]['jng_sp_orders_items_id'];