Пример #1
function sendWelcomeEmail()
    $my = JFactory::getUser();
    $docuLink = JNEWS_HOME_SITE . '/index.php?option=com_jlinks&controller=redirect&link=doc_jnews';
    $liveChatLink = JNEWS_HOME_SITE . '/index.php?option=com_jlinks&controller=redirect&link=live-chat';
    $moduleDocu = JNEWS_HOME_SITE . '/index.php?option=com_jlinks&controller=redirect&link=Mod_jnews';
    $content = 'Hi ' . $my->name . ',<br /><br />Welcome to jNews!<br />This is a welcome email to jNews and also an email to let you know that everything has been configured and you can now start using sending newsletter with jNews. In case you need more information here are some useful links:<br />
	 	<br />For jNews documentation <a href="' . $docuLink . '" target=_blank>Click here</a>.<br />
	 	<br />Talk to one of our representative through <a href="' . $liveChatLink . '" TARGET="_NEW">Live Chat</a>.<br />
	 	<br />Want to setup your newsletter module here is the documentation to <a href="' . $moduleDocu . '" TARGET="_NEW">configure jNews Module</a>.<br />
	 	<br />This is an automatic email sent by jNews to you after the installation. Please don\'t reply.<br /> All the best from the Joobi team!';
    $subject = 'Welcome to jNews, everything is setup properly.';
    return jNews_ProcessMail::sendExtraEmail($content, $subject, $my->email, $my->name);