  * Render item with all of its children.
  * This renders the li tag to fit into the parent ul as well as its
  * own nested ul tag if this menu item has children
  * @param integer $depth The depth each child should render
  * @return string
 protected function _renderItem(ioMenuItem $item, $depth = null)
     // if we don't have access or this item is marked to not be shown
     if (!$item->shouldBeRendered()) {
     // explode the class string into an array of classes
     $class = $item->getAttribute('class') ? explode(' ', $item->getAttribute('class')) : array();
     if ($item->isCurrent()) {
         $class[] = 'current';
     } elseif ($item->isCurrentAncestor($depth)) {
         $class[] = 'current_ancestor';
     if ($item->actsLikeFirst()) {
         $class[] = 'first';
     if ($item->actsLikeLast()) {
         $class[] = 'last';
     // retrieve the attributes and put the final class string back on it
     $attributes = $item->getAttributes();
     if (count($class) > 0) {
         $attributes['class'] = implode(' ', $class);
     // opening li tag
     $html = $this->_format($item->getLevel(), '<li' . _tag_options($attributes) . '>', 'li');
     // render the text/link inside the li tag
     $html .= $this->_format($item->getLevel(), $item->getRoute() ? $item->renderLink() : $item->renderLabel(), 'link');
     // renders the embedded ul if there are visible children
     $html .= $this->_render($item, $depth, true);
     // closing li tag
     $html .= $this->_format($item->getLevel(), '</li>', 'li');
     return $html;
Пример #2
  * Overridden to specify what the child class should be
 protected function _createChild($name, $route = null, $attributes = array(), $class = null)
     if ($class === null) {
         $class = $this->_childClass;
     return parent::_createChild($name, $route, $attributes, $class);
Пример #3
 public function executeBigMenu(sfWebRequest $request)
     // setup a menu with a variety of conditions difficult to test in unit tests
     $menu = new ioMenuItem('Root li', null, array('class' => 'root'));
     $pt1 = $menu->addChild('Parent 1', 'homepage');
     $ch1 = $pt1->addChild('Child 1', '/parent1/ch1');
     $ch2 = $pt1->addChild('Child 2', '/parent1/ch2');
     $ch3 = $pt1->addChild('Child 3', '/parent1/ch3');
     $pt2 = $menu->addChild('Parent 2');
     $ch4 = $pt2->addChild('Child 4');
     $gc1 = $ch4->addChild('Grandchild 1');
     // setup ch4 to be the current menu
     // setup ch3 to be hidden since we won't be authenticated
     // setup pt1 and ch1 to render absolutely, in two different ways
     $pt1->setUrlOptions(array('absolute' => true));
     $ch1->setLinkOptions(array('absolute' => true, 'query_string' => 'test=1'));
     $this->menu = $menu;
  * Persists an ioMenuItem tree to the database.
  * Typically, you'll persist your entire menu tree. This will save the root
  * menu item as a root in Doctrine's nested set with the whole tree under it:
  * $menu = new ioMenuItem('root');
  * $menu->addChild('Home', '@homepage');
  * Doctrine_Core::getTable('ioDoctrineMenuItem')->persist($menu);
  * You can also persist part of a tree or persist a full menu under an
  * existing Doctrine nested set node:
  * $menu->addChild('Links');
  * $menu['Links']->addChild('Sympal', 'http://www.sympalphp.org');
  * $tbl = Doctrine_Core::getTable('ioDoctrineMenuItem');
  * $node = $tbl->findOneByName('some name'); // find an existing node
  * // save the Links submenu under the above node
  * $tbl->persist($menu['Links'], $node);
  * @param  ioMenuItem $menu
  * @param  ioDoctrineMenuItem $parentDoctrineMenu Optional parent node, else
  *                                                it will save as root
  * @return ioDoctrineMenuItem
  * @throws sfException
 public function persist(ioMenuItem $menu, ioDoctrineMenuItem $parent = null)
     // run a few sanity checks and create the root node
     if (!$parent) {
         // protect against people calling persist on non-root objects, which
         // would otherwise cause those items to persist as new roots
         if (!$menu->isRoot()) {
             throw new sfException('Non-root menu items as root items. Either persist the entire
       tree or pass an ioDoctrineMenuItem parent as the second argument.');
         // Make sure the root has a name
         if (!$menu->getName()) {
             throw new sfException('A root object cannot be persisted without a name. Call setName()
       on the root menu item to set its name');
         $root = $this->fetchRootByName($menu->getName());
         if (!$root) {
             // create a new root
             $root = new ioDoctrineMenuItem();
             $root->name = $menu->getName();
         $parent = $root;
     // merge in the menu data into the parent menu
  * Retrieves a menu identified by the given name.
  * The name should correspond to a name on a root doctrine node 
  * @param  string $name The name of the root node to retrieve
  * @return ioMenuItem|null
 public function getMenu($name, $class = 'ioDoctrineMenuItem')
     $cacheKey = md5($name);
     if ($data = $this->getCache($cacheKey)) {
         $data = unserialize($data);
         return ioMenuItem::createFromArray($data);
     $menu = Doctrine_Core::getTable($class)->fetchMenu($name);
     if ($menu) {
         $this->setCache($cacheKey, serialize($menu->toArray()));
     return $menu;
Пример #6
  * Overridden to be displayed if at least one of the children menus
  * should be displayed
  * @see ioMenuItem
 public function checkUserAccess(sfBasicSecurityUser $user = null)
     $normalAccess = parent::checkUserAccess($user);
     // if we have no children, then just behave normally. This behavior
     // is intended to hide parents who have no children.
     if (count($this->getChildren()) == 0) {
         return $normalAccess;
     // if this item is normally accessible, then it still should be
     if (!$normalAccess) {
         return false;
     // if any of the children are accessible, then this should be also
     foreach ($this->getChildren() as $child) {
         if ($child->checkUserAccess($user)) {
             return true;
     return false;
$t->is($result['columns'], array('&ldquo;Root li&rdquo;'), '$result[columns] = array(Root li) .');

$t->is(count($result['items']), 2, '$result[items] count is 2 (pt1, pt2).');
$t->is(count($result['items'][0]['children']), 3, '$result[items][0][items] count is 3 (ch1, ch2, ch3).');
$t->is(count($result['items'][1]['children']), 1, '$result[items][1][items] count is 1 (ch4).');

$t->is($result['items'][0]['id'], $arr['pt1']->id, '$result[items][0][id] is pt1\'s id');
$t->is($result['items'][0]['level'], 1, '$result[items][0][level] is 1');
$t->is($result['items'][0]['info'], array('<strong>Parent 1</strong>'), '$result[items][0][info] is array(Parent 1)');

$t->is($result['items'][0]['children'][0]['level'], 2, '$result[items][0][children][0][level] is 2');
$t->is($result['items'][0], $expected['items'][0], '->generateNestedSortableArray() returns the correctly formatted array.');
$t->info('5 - Test the i18n functionality');
$t->info('  5.1 - Create an ioMenuItem with i18n labels and persist it');
sfConfig::set('sf_default_culture', 'en');
// make sure en is the default culture
$menu = new ioMenuItem('primary');
$menu->setLabel('Página principal', 'es');
$doctrineMenu = Doctrine_Core::getTable('ioDoctrineMenuItem')->persist($menu);
$t->is($doctrineMenu['Translation']['en']['label'], 'Homepage', 'The default label is set on the sf_default_culture Translation.');
$t->is($doctrineMenu['Translation']['es']['label'], 'Página principal', 'The es label was saved on the es Translation.');
$t->info('  5.2 - Fetch an i18n menu from the database');
$menu = Doctrine_Core::getTable('ioDoctrineMenuItem')->fetchMenu('primary');
$arr = $menu->toArray();
$t->is($arr['label'], 'Homepage', 'The sf_default_culture is set as the default label.');
$t->is($arr['i18n_labels'], array('en' => 'Homepage', 'es' => 'Página principal'), 'The i18n labels are loaded in correctly from the database.');
$t->is($menu->getLabel(), 'Página principal', 'For good measure, we can see that the spanish translation of the menu returns the spanish translation.');
Пример #8
$t->is($menu->render(), '<ul class="menu"><li class="first">c4</li><li>c3</li><li>c2</li><li class="last">c1</li></ul>', 'proper rendering after reorder');
// create the tree and make the variables available
extract(create_test_tree($t, 'ioMenuItemTest'));
$t->info('10 - Test copy');
check_test_tree($t, $menu);
// print the test tree
$menu2 = $menu->copy();
$t->ok($menu2 !== $menu, 'menu2 is another instance then menu');
$t->ok($menu2['Parent 1'] !== $menu['Parent 1'], 'menu2->pt1 is another instance than menu->pt1');
$t->ok($menu2['Parent 1']['Child 2'] !== $menu['Parent 1']['Child 2'], 'menu2->pt1->ch2 is another instance than menu->pt1->ch2');
$t->ok($menu2['Parent 1']['Child 2']->getParent() === $menu2['Parent 1'], 'menu2->pt1->ch2->parent is same instance as menu2->pt1');
$t->ok($menu2['Parent 1']->getParent() === $menu2, 'menu2->pt1->parent is same instance as menu2');
//$t->ok($menu2['Parent 1']->getParent() !== $menu['Parent 1'], 'menu2->pt1->ch2->parent is same instance as menu->pt1');
$t->info('11 - Test slice');
$menu = new ioMenuItem('root');
$menu2 = $menu->slice(0, 3);
$t->is(array_keys($menu2->getChildren()), array('c1', 'c2', 'c3'), 'slice 0, 3');
$menu2 = $menu->slice(0, "c3");
$t->is(array_keys($menu2->getChildren()), array('c1', 'c2', 'c3'), 'slice 0, c3');
$menu2 = $menu->slice("c1", "c3");
$t->is(array_keys($menu2->getChildren()), array('c1', 'c2', 'c3'), 'slice c1, c3');
$menu2 = $menu->slice($menu['c1'], $menu['c3']);
$t->is(array_keys($menu2->getChildren()), array('c1', 'c2', 'c3'), 'slice c1, c3');
$menu2 = $menu->slice(1, 2);
Пример #9
  * Moves child to specified position. Rearange other children accordingly.
  * @param ioMenuItem $child Child to move.
  * @param numeric $position Position to move child to.
 public function moveChildToPosition(ioMenuItem $child, $position)
     $name = $child->getName();
     $order = array_keys($this->_children);
     $oldPosition = array_search($name, $order);
     $order = array_values($order);
     array_splice($order, $position, 0, $name);
  * Creates an ioMenuItem tree where this object is the root
  * @return ioMenuItem
 public function createMenu()
     $hier = $this->_getMenuHierarchy();
     $data = self::_convertHierarchyToMenuArray($hier);
     return ioMenuItem::createFromArray($data);
function persist_menu(lime_test $t, ioDoctrineMenuItem $rt, ioMenuItem $menu)
    $timer = new sfTimer();
    $t->info(sprintf('### Menu took %s to persist (%s nodes/min)', round($timer->getElapsedTime(), 4), floor(8 * 60 / $timer->getElapsedTime())));
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../bootstrap/functional.php';
require_once $_SERVER['SYMFONY'] . '/vendor/lime/lime.php';
require_once sfConfig::get('sf_lib_dir') . '/test/unitHelper.php';
$t = new lime_test(183);
$t->info('1 - Test getChildrenIndexedByName().');
// create the tree and make its vars accessible
$children = $rt->getChildrenIndexedByName();
$t->is(count($children), 2, '->getChildrenIndexedByName() returns 2 for rt');
$t->is(array_keys($children), array('Parent 1', 'Parent 2'), '->getChildrenIndexedByName() has the correct indexes');
$t->is($children['Parent 1']->name, 'Parent 1', '->getChildrenIndexedByName() returns the correct items.');
$t->is(count($pt1->getChildrenIndexedByName()), 3, '->getChildrenIndexedByName() returns 3 item for pt1.');
$t->is(count($pt2->getChildrenIndexedByName()), 1, '->getChildrenIndexedByName() returns 1 item for pt2.');
$t->info('2 - Test persistFromMenuArray() in a varierty of situations.');
$menu = new ioMenuItem('Root li');
$t->info('  2.1 - First try it without any children - should just update root values.');
$t->info('    2.1.1 - Persist a menu with mostly blank fields.');
$rt = create_root('rt');
// clear the default "root" class attribute
$t->is($rt->getName(), 'Root li', '->getName() returns "Root li".');
$t->is($rt->getLabel(), null, '->getLabel() returns null.');
$t->is($rt->getRoute(), null, '->getRoute() returns null.');
$t->is($rt->getAttributes(), '', '->getAttributes() returns an empty string.');
$t->is($rt->getRequiresAuth(), false, '->getRequiresAuth() returns false.');
$t->is($rt->getRequiresNoAuth(), false, '->getRequiresNoAuth() returns false.');
$t->is(count($rt->Permissions), 0, '->Permissions matches 0 items');
// setup some interesting values to persist
Пример #13
  * Recursively finds current item.
  * @param ioMenuItem $item Item to start from
  * @return ioMenuItem current item or null
 protected function findCurrentItem(ioMenuItem $item)
     if ($item->matchCurrentLocation($this)) {
         return $item;
     foreach ($item->getChildren() as $child) {
         $current = $this->findCurrentItem($child);
         if ($current) {
             return $current;
     return null;
Пример #14
$t->is(array(array_keys($primary->getChildren()), array_keys($secondary->getChildren())), array(array('c1', 'c2'), array('c3', 'c4')), 'split c2');
$t->is(array(array_keys($primary->getChildren()), array_keys($secondary->getChildren())), array(array('c1', 'c2', 'c3', 'c4'), array()), 'split 4');
$t->is(array(array_keys($primary->getChildren()), array_keys($secondary->getChildren())), array(array('c1', 'c2', 'c3', 'c4'), array()), 'split c4');
$t->is(array(array_keys($primary->getChildren()), array_keys($secondary->getChildren())), array(array('c1', 'c2', 'c3', 'c4'), array()), 'split 5');
$t->is(array(array_keys($primary->getChildren()), array_keys($secondary->getChildren())), array(array('c1', 'c2', 'c3', 'c4'), array()), 'split c5');
$t->ok($primary['c1']->getParent() !== $secondary['c3']->getParent(), 'primary->c1 and secondary->c3 have two distinct fathers');
$t->is($primary->render(), '<ul class="menu"><li class="first">c1<ul class="menu_level_1"><li class="first">gc1</li><li class="last">gc2</li></ul></li><li class="last">c2</li></ul>', 'proper rendering of primary after slice');
$t->is($secondary->render(), '<ul class="menu"><li class="first">c3</li><li class="last">c4</li></ul>', 'proper rendering of secondary after slice');
$t->info('13 - Test menu tree property');
$menu = new ioMenuItem('root');
$c1 = $menu['c1'];
$t->ok($menu->getTree() === $c1->getTree(), 'root and c1 has same tree');
$t->ok($menu->getTree() !== $c1->getTree(), 'root and c1 has different tree');
$t->ok($menu->getTree()->getRootItem() === $menu, 'root->getTree()->getRootItem() returns root');
$t->ok($c1['gc1']->getTree()->getRootItem() === $c1, 'c1[gc1]->getTree()->getRootItem() returns c1');
$t->ok($menu->getTree() === $c1->getTree(), 'root and c1 has same tree');
$t->ok($c1['gc1']->getTree()->getRootItem() === $menu, 'c1[gc1]->getTree()->getRootItem() returns root');