Пример #1
  * Get the recursive HTML display for a recursivelinks, if it passes the condition of course.
  * @param CMS_page $parsedPage The page in which the linx tag is
  * @param integer $level The current level of recursivity
  * @param multidimentionnal array $recursiveTree The tree to display
  * @param array $pages array of pages objects (indexed by id)
  * @param boolean $public Is the page data to show the public or edited one ?
  * @param array $lineage The lineage of the pages (used to see wich recursions need to be done in closed link display mode)
  * @return string The html of the recursive link
  * @access public
 function getRecursiveOutput(&$parsedPage, $level = 0, $recursiveTree, &$pages, $public, $lineage = array())
     $html = '';
     if (is_array($recursiveTree) && $recursiveTree) {
         $rank = 1;
         $levelhtml = '';
         foreach ($recursiveTree as $pageID => $subPages) {
             //get Page Object
             $page = $pages[$pageID];
             //instanciate page if not exists as object
             if (!is_object($page) && sensitiveIO::isPositiveInteger($page)) {
                 $page = CMS_tree::getPageByID($page);
             $pagehtml = '';
             //check if page pass the condition
             if (is_object($page) && (!$this->hasCondition() || $this->pagePassesConditions($parsedPage, $page, $public, $rank)) && (!$public || $public && $page->isUseable() && $page->getPublication() == RESOURCE_PUBLICATION_PUBLIC)) {
                 //get pages infos
                 $linkTitle = $page->getLinkTitle($public);
                 $title = $page->getTitle($public);
                 //set pages infos in html template
                 $replace = array("{{title}}" => io::sanitizeHTMLString($linkTitle), "{{jstitle}}" => io::sanitizeHTMLString($linkTitle), "{{pagetitle}}" => io::sanitizeHTMLString($title), "{{jspagetitle}}" => io::sanitizeHTMLString($title), "{{desc}}" => io::sanitizeHTMLString($page->getDescription($public)), "{{href}}" => $page->getURL(), "{{id}}" => $page->getID(), "{{codename}}" => $page->getCodename($public), "{{number}}" => $rank - 1, "{{modulo}}" => ($rank - 1) % 2, "{{lvlClass}}" => "CMS_lvl" . ($level + 1), "{{currentClass}}" => $parsedPage->getID() == $page->getID() ? "CMS_current" : "", 'id="{{currentID}}"' => $parsedPage->getID() == $page->getID() ? 'id="CMS_current"' : "");
                 if (io::strpos($this->_htmlTemplate, '{{isParent}}') !== false) {
                     //only if needed because getLineage require a lot of query
                     $pagelineage = CMS_tree::getLineage($page->getID(), $parsedPage->getID(), false);
                     $replace['class="{{isParent}}"'] = is_array($pagelineage) && in_array($parsedPage->getID(), $pagelineage) ? 'class="CMS_parent"' : "";
                     $replace['{{isParent}}'] = is_array($pagelineage) && in_array($parsedPage->getID(), $pagelineage) ? 'CMS_parent' : "";
                     $replace['id="{{isParent}}"'] = is_array($pagelineage) && in_array($parsedPage->getID(), $pagelineage) ? 'id="CMS_parent"' : "";
                 if (io::strpos($this->_htmlTemplate, '{{website') !== false) {
                     //only if needed because getWebsite require a lot of query
                     $website = $page->getWebsite();
                     $replace['{{websitetitle}}'] = $website->getLabel();
                     $replace['{{websitecodename}}'] = $website->getCodename($public);
                 $pagehtml = str_replace(array_keys($replace), $replace, $this->_htmlTemplate);
                 if ($level == 0 && ($this->_root === 'false' || !$this->_root)) {
                     $pagehtml = str_replace(array_keys($replace), $replace, $this->getRecursiveOutput($parsedPage, $level + 1, $subPages, $pages, $public, $lineage));
                 } else {
                     //check if link is in open or closed mode
                     if ($this->_mode == "open") {
                         //if it is open mode recurse indefinitely (until end of tree)
                         //then mark info of sublevels or not
                         $replace = array("{{typeClass}}" => $subPages ? "CMS_sub" : "CMS_nosub", "{{sublevel}}" => $this->getRecursiveOutput($parsedPage, $level + 1, $subPages, $pages, $public));
                         $pagehtml = str_replace(array_keys($replace), $replace, $pagehtml);
                     } else {
                         //if it is 'close' mode recurse only for pages in current lineage
                         $recurse = false;
                         if (is_array($lineage)) {
                             $recurse = in_array($page->getID(), $lineage) ? true : false;
                         //then mark info of sublevels or not and if level is open or not
                         $sub = $recurse ? "CMS_open" : "CMS_sub";
                         $replace = array("{{typeClass}}" => $subPages ? $sub : "CMS_nosub", "{{sublevel}}" => $recurse ? $this->getRecursiveOutput($parsedPage, $level + 1, $subPages, $pages, $public, $lineage) : "");
                         if (!$recurse) {
                             //needed to update link targets which is used after to register watched links
                             $it = new RecursiveArrayIterator($subPages);
                             foreach ($it as $pageID => $element) {
                         $pagehtml = str_replace(array_keys($replace), $replace, $pagehtml);
                 //add APPLICATION_ENFORCES_ACCESS_CONTROL php access checking
                 if (APPLICATION_ENFORCES_ACCESS_CONTROL && $public) {
                     $pagehtml = $this->_addSlashAroundPHPContent($pagehtml);
                     $replace = array("<?php" => "';", "?>" => "echo '");
                     $pagehtml = str_replace(array_keys($replace), $replace, $pagehtml);
                     $pagehtml = '<?php if ($cms_user->hasPageClearance(' . $page->getID() . ', CLEARANCE_PAGE_VIEW)) {' . "\n" . 'echo \'' . $pagehtml . '\';' . "\n" . '}' . "\n" . '?>';
             } else {
                 //needed to update link targets which is used after to register watched links
             $levelhtml .= $pagehtml;
         if ($level == 0 && ($this->_root === 'false' || !$this->_root)) {
             $html = $levelhtml;
         } else {
             if ($levelhtml && io::strpos($this->_subleveltemplate, "{{sublevel}}") !== false) {
                 $replace = array("{{sublevel}}" => $levelhtml, "{{lvlClass}}" => "CMS_lvl" . ($level + 1));
                 $html = str_replace(array_keys($replace), $replace, $this->_subleveltemplate);
             } else {
                 $html = $levelhtml;
     return $html;