if ($salary_cap_enabled == "Y") { $query = "select count(*) d1 from joueurs_nhl\n where\n id_pool = {$id_pool}\n and saison_id = {$id_saison}\n and id_player = {$id_player}"; $resultID = mysql_query($query, $pool->handle); $data = mysql_fetch_array($resultID); mysql_free_result($resultID); $data = $data['d1']; if ($data > 0) { if ($kit_afficher_joueurs_prot != "Y") { continue; } $style_row = "background-color:lightgray;"; } } if ($salary_cap_enabled == "Y") { unset($playerSalariesA); $playerSalariesA = $pool->getPlayerSalaries($id_pool, $id_saison, $id_player, $where_saison_id); } // pools avec cap salarial: // - si le salaire du joueur est 0, alors on affiche la ligne en gris et il est impossible de le cocher ou d'ajouter un salaire... if ($salary_cap_enabled == "Y") { if ($salaire == 0 && $resultat == 0 && $contrat_fin != $pool->todayDate->format('Y')) { $actif = 'N'; $kit_actif_disabled = "disabled"; $text_color = "color:#999999"; } else { $kit_actif_disabled = ""; $text_color = ""; } } else { $kit_actif_disabled = ""; $text_color = "";
$itemA = explode(":", $item); $id_ballotage = $itemA[0]; $id_gerant_soumetteur = $itemA[1]; $nickname = $itemA[2]; $id_player = $itemA[3]; $player = $itemA[4]; $team_abbr = $itemA[5]; $pos = $itemA[6]; $reponse = $itemA[7]; $nbre_reponse = $itemA[8]; $nbre_oui = $itemA[9]; $nbre_non = $itemA[10]; $points = $itemA[11]; $show_salary = ""; if ($salary_cap_enabled == "Y") { $player_salary = $pool->getPlayerSalaries($id_pool, $id_saison, $id_player, $id_saison); $player_salary_formatted = number_format($player_salary[$id_saison], 0, ".", ","); $show_salary = "({$player_salary_formatted} \$)"; } echo "<div id=\"ajax\">\n"; echo "<div class=\"rounded\" style=\"width:425px;\">\n"; echo "<TABLE CLASS=\"ballotage\" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 id=\"table{$no_menu_contextuel}\">\n"; echo "<TR>\n"; if ($pool->isPlayerInjured($id_player, $pool->today, $id_saison)) { echo "<TD COLSPAN=3 style=\"padding-left:3px;padding-top:5px;height:30px;\">" . "<b>{$nickname}</b> soumet <font style=\"font-weight:bold;color:red;\" class=\"injury_icon\" id=\"{$id_player}\"><a id=\"{$id_player}\" class=\"player\" alt=\"{$player}\" style=\"color:red;text-decoration:underline;\">{$player}</a></font><b>, {$pos} ({$team_abbr}) - {$points} pts {$show_salary}</b> au ballotage. Etes-vous intéressé ?!?</TD>\n"; } else { echo "<TD COLSPAN=3 style=\"padding-left:3px;padding-top:5px;height:30px;\">" . "<b>{$nickname}</b> soumet <b><a class=\"player\" id=\"{$id_player}\" alt=\"{$player}\" style=\"text-decoration:underline;\">{$player}</a>, {$pos} ({$team_abbr}) - {$points} pts {$show_salary}</b> au ballotage. Etes-vous intéressé ?!?</TD>\n"; } echo "</TR>\n"; echo "<TR>\n"; echo "<TD COLSPAN=3><hr width=\"98%\"></hr></TD>\n";