Пример #1
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Modified version of class done by David Marco Martinez
require_once "lib/cls/Web.cls.php";
require_once "cls/install.cls.php";
// Record the start time of execution
$mtime = microtime(true);
// Start php session BEFORE ANY output
// Load conf
//require_once( 'conf/user.conf.php' );
require_once 'conf/system.conf.php';
// Build the base of the app
$web = Web::getClass('install');
// Page specific operations and display
if (is_writable(DIR_TPL_COMPILE)) {
} else {
    echo "Template dir " . DIR_TPL_COMPILE . " is not writable for webserver. Please change permissions and reload this page.";
// Record end time
$ftime = microtime(true);
$total = $ftime - $mtime;
//echo "total: " . $total . 's<br />';
// If end time is shorter than 0.5 segons sleep untill then
if ($total < MIN_TIME) {