Пример #1
 public function browse()
     // Get user and last notice ID
     $lastID = (int) input::post_get('last_id', 0);
     // Get notices
     $notices = $this->timeline_notices_model->getNotices(session::item('user_id'), $lastID, config::item('notices_per_page', 'timeline'));
     // Set title
     view::setTitle(__('my_timeline_notifications', 'system_navigation'));
     // Dow we have new notifications?
     if (session::item('total_notices_new')) {
         // Reset new notifications counter
     // Load view
     if (input::isAjaxRequest()) {
         $output = view::load('timeline/notices/items', array('notices' => $notices), true);
     } else {
         view::load('timeline/notices/index', array('notices' => $notices));
Пример #2
 protected function parseQuerystring($max = 0)
     $qstring = array();
     // Set max page
     $maxpage = $max ? ceil($max / config::item('visitors_per_page', 'users')) : 0;
     // Get current page
     $qstring['page'] = (int) input::get('page', 1);
     $qstring['page'] = $qstring['page'] > 0 ? !$maxpage || $qstring['page'] <= $maxpage ? $qstring['page'] : $maxpage : 1;
     // Get search id
     $qstring['search_id'] = input::get('search_id');
     // Get order field and direction
     $qstring['orderby'] = input::post_get('o') && in_array(input::post_get('o'), array('post_date')) ? input::post_get('o') : 'post_date';
     $qstring['orderdir'] = input::post_get('d') && in_array(input::post_get('d'), array('asc', 'desc')) ? input::post_get('d') : 'desc';
     $qstring['order'] = $qstring['orderby'] ? array($qstring['orderby'] => $qstring['orderdir']) : array();
     // Create url string
     $qstring['url'] = ($qstring['search_id'] ? 'search_id=' . $qstring['search_id'] . '&' : '') . ($qstring['orderby'] ? 'o=' . $qstring['orderby'] . '&' : '') . ($qstring['orderby'] && $qstring['orderdir'] ? 'd=' . $qstring['orderdir'] . '&' : '');
     // Set limit
     $from = ($qstring['page'] - 1) * config::item('visitors_per_page', 'users');
     $qstring['limit'] = (!$max || $from <= $max ? $from : $max) . ', ' . (!$max || config::item('visitors_per_page', 'users') < $max ? config::item('visitors_per_page', 'users') : $max);
     // Assign vars
     view::assign(array('qstring' => $qstring));
     return $qstring;
Пример #3
 protected function parseQuerystring($max = 0)
     $qstring = array();
     // Set max page
     $maxpage = $max ? ceil($max / $this->usersPerPage) : 0;
     // Get current page
     $qstring['page'] = (int) input::get('page', 1);
     $qstring['page'] = $qstring['page'] > 0 ? !$maxpage || $qstring['page'] <= $maxpage ? $qstring['page'] : $maxpage : 1;
     // Get search id
     $qstring['search_id'] = input::get('search_id');
     // Get order field and direction
     $qstring['orderby'] = input::post_get('o') && in_array(input::post_get('o'), array('name1', 'join_date', 'total_views', 'total_rating', 'total_likes', 'total_comments')) ? input::post_get('o') : 'join_date';
     $qstring['orderdir'] = input::post_get('d') && in_array(input::post_get('d'), array('asc', 'desc')) ? input::post_get('d') : 'desc';
     $qstring['order'] = $qstring['orderby'] ? array($qstring['orderby'] => $qstring['orderdir']) : array();
     // Create url string
     $qstring['url'] = ($qstring['search_id'] ? 'search_id=' . $qstring['search_id'] . '&' : '') . ($qstring['orderby'] ? 'o=' . $qstring['orderby'] . '&' : '') . ($qstring['orderby'] && $qstring['orderdir'] ? 'd=' . $qstring['orderdir'] . '&' : '');
     // Set limit
     $from = ($qstring['page'] - 1) * $this->usersPerPage;
     $qstring['limit'] = (!$max || $from <= $max ? $from : $max) . ', ' . $this->usersPerPage;
     // Assign vars
     view::assign(array('qstring' => $qstring));
     return $qstring;
Пример #4
 protected function parseQuerystring()
     $qstring = array();
     // Get order field and direction
     $qstring['orderby'] = input::post_get('o') && in_array(input::post_get('o'), array('data_title_' . session::item('language'), 'total_views', 'total_rating', 'total_votes', 'total_likes', 'total_comments', 'order_id')) ? input::post_get('o') : '';
     $qstring['orderdir'] = input::post_get('d') && in_array(input::post_get('d'), array('asc', 'desc')) ? input::post_get('d') : 'desc';
     $qstring['order'] = $qstring['orderby'] ? array($qstring['orderby'] => $qstring['orderdir']) : array();
     // Create url string
     $qstring['url'] = ($qstring['orderby'] ? 'o=' . $qstring['orderby'] . '&' : '') . ($qstring['orderby'] && $qstring['orderdir'] ? 'd=' . $qstring['orderdir'] : '');
     // Assign vars
     view::assign(array('qstring' => $qstring));
     return $qstring;
Пример #5
 protected function _saveRecipients($newsletterID, $filters)
     // Check if demo mode is enabled
     if (input::demo()) {
         return false;
     $values = $params['join_columns'] = array();
     // Check extra user field
     $user = utf8::trim(input::post_get('user'));
     if ($user) {
         $params['join_columns'][] = $this->search_model->prepareValue($user, 'u', 'user');
         $values['user'] = $user;
     // Check extra verified field
     $verified = input::post_get('verified');
     if ($verified != '') {
         $params['join_columns'][] = '`u`.`verified`=' . (int) $verified;
         $values['verified'] = $verified;
     // Check extra status field
     $status = input::post_get('active');
     if ($status != '') {
         $params['join_columns'][] = '`u`.`active`=' . (int) $status;
         $values['active'] = $status;
     // Check extra group field
     $groups = input::post_get('groups');
     if ($groups) {
         foreach ($groups as $index => $group) {
             if (config::item('usergroups', 'core', $group)) {
                 $groups[$index] = (int) $group;
             } else {
         if ($groups) {
             $params['join_columns'][] = '`u`.`group_id` IN (' . implode(',', $groups) . ')';
             $values['groups'] = $groups;
     // Check extra type field
     $typeID = input::post_get('type_id');
     if ($typeID != '' && config::item('usertypes', 'core', 'keywords', $typeID)) {
         $params['join_columns'][] = '`u`.`type_id`=' . $typeID;
         $values['type_id'] = $typeID;
     // Search users
     $searchID = $values ? $this->search_model->searchData('profile', $filters, $params['join_columns'], $values, array('type_id' => $typeID)) : 'no_terms';
     // Do we have any search terms?
     if ($searchID == 'no_terms') {
         view::setError(__('search_no_terms', 'system'));
     } elseif ($searchID == 'no_results') {
         view::setError(__('search_no_results', 'system'));
     } else {
         // Get search
         if (!($search = $this->search_model->getSearch($searchID))) {
             view::setError(__('save_error', 'system'));
         $newsletter = array('params' => array('conditions' => $search['conditions'], 'values' => $search['values']), 'total_users' => $search['results'], 'total_sent' => 0);
         // Save recipients
         if (!$this->newsletters_model->saveNewsletter($newsletterID, $newsletter)) {
             view::setError(__('save_error', 'system'));
             return false;
         router::redirect('cp/content/newsletters/review/' . $newsletterID);
Пример #6
 public function vote()
     // Is user logged in?
     if (!users_helper::isLoggedin()) {
         view::ajaxError(__('no_login', 'system_info'), 403);
     // Get vars
     $resource = input::post_get('resource');
     $itemID = (int) input::post_get('item_id');
     $score = (int) input::post_get('score');
     // Get resource ID
     $resourceID = config::item('resources', 'core', $resource, 'resource_id');
     if (!$resourceID || !$itemID || $score < 1 || $score > 5) {
         return false;
     // Load votes model
     // Get resource item and vote if exists
     $item = $this->votes_model->getResourceVote($resource, $itemID);
     // Do resource or vote exist?
     if (!$item || $item['post_date']) {
         return false;
     // Save vote
     if (!$this->votes_model->saveVote($resource, isset($item['user_id']) ? $item['user_id'] : 0, $itemID, $score)) {
         if (!validate::getTotalErrors()) {
             view::setError(__('save_error', 'system'));
         return false;
     $rating = number_format(($item['total_score'] + $score) / ($item['total_votes'] + 1), 2);
     $params = array('resource' => $resource, 'itemID' => $itemID, 'votes' => $item['total_votes'] + 1, 'score' => $item['total_score'], 'rating' => $rating, 'voted' => $score, 'date' => date_helper::now());
     $output = view::load('comments/rating', $params, true);
Пример #7
 protected function parseQuerystring()
     $qstring = array();
     // Get order field and direction
     $qstring['orderby'] = input::post_get('o') && in_array(input::post_get('o'), array('name', 'total_views', 'total_clicks')) ? input::post_get('o') : 'name';
     $qstring['orderdir'] = input::post_get('d') && in_array(input::post_get('d'), array('asc', 'desc')) ? input::post_get('d') : 'asc';
     $qstring['order'] = $qstring['orderby'] ? array($qstring['orderby'] => $qstring['orderdir']) : array();
     // Create url string
     $qstring['url'] = ($qstring['orderby'] ? 'o=' . $qstring['orderby'] . '&' : '') . ($qstring['orderby'] && $qstring['orderdir'] ? 'd=' . $qstring['orderdir'] . '&' : '');
     // Assign vars
     view::assign(array('qstring' => $qstring));
     return $qstring;
Пример #8
 public function parseSearch($resource, $fields, $params = array())
     // Get resource
     $resource = config::item('resources', 'core', $resource);
     $columns = $items = $values = array();
     if (isset($fields['types']) && isset($params['type_id']) && $params['type_id']) {
         foreach ($fields['types'] as $typeField => $type) {
             if ($typeField == $params['type_id']) {
                 list($typeColumns, $typeItems, $typeValues) = $this->parseSearch($resource['keyword'], $type, $params);
                 $columns = $columns + $typeColumns;
                 $items = $items + $typeItems;
                 $values = $values + $typeValues;
     } else {
         // Loop through fields
         foreach ($fields as $index => $field) {
             // Is this a data field?
             if (isset($field['system'])) {
                 // Get post/get value
                 $keyword = 'data_' . $field['keyword'] . (isset($field['category_id']) && $field['category_id'] ? '_' . $field['category_id'] : '');
                 $value = input::post_get($keyword);
                 // Is this a checkbox?
                 if ($this->getValueFormat($field['type']) == 'multiple') {
                     // Do we have an array?
                     if (!is_array($value)) {
                         $value = array($value);
                     // Make sure only existing item IDs are present
                     $value = array_intersect($value, array_keys($field['items']));
                     // Do we have any IDs?
                     if ($value) {
                         $values[$keyword] = array_map('intval', $value);
                         $items[$field['field_id']] = array_map('intval', $value);
                 } else {
                     // Is this a multi-value type of field?
                     if ($this->isMultiValue($field['type'])) {
                         // Do we have a ranged search option
                         if (isset($field['config']['search_options']) && $field['config']['search_options'] == 'range') {
                             // Set new values
                             $from = input::post_get($keyword . '__from');
                             $to = input::post_get($keyword . '__to');
                             // Make sure only existing item IDs are present
                             if ($from && $to && isset($field['items'][$from]) && isset($field['items'][$to])) {
                                 // Switch values if $from is larger than $to
                                 if ($from > $to) {
                                     $temp = $from;
                                     $from = $to;
                                     $to = $temp;
                                 $values[$keyword . '__from'] = $from;
                                 $values[$keyword . '__to'] = $to;
                                 $columns[] = "`" . $resource['prefix'] . "`.`data_" . $field['keyword'] . "` BETWEEN " . $from . " AND " . $to;
                             } elseif ($from && isset($field['items'][$from])) {
                                 $values[$keyword . '__from'] = $from;
                                 $columns[] = "`" . $resource['prefix'] . "`.`data_" . $field['keyword'] . "`>=" . $from;
                             } elseif ($to && isset($field['items'][$to])) {
                                 $values[$keyword . '__to'] = $to;
                                 $columns[] = "`" . $resource['prefix'] . "`.`data_" . $field['keyword'] . "`<=" . $to;
                         } else {
                             // Do we have an array?
                             if (!is_array($value)) {
                                 $value = array($value);
                             // Make sure only existing item IDs are present
                             $value = array_intersect($value, array_keys($field['items']));
                             // Do we have any IDs?
                             if ($value) {
                                 // Do we have a single ID?
                                 if (count($value) == 1) {
                                     $values[$keyword] = isset($field['config']['search_options']) && $field['config']['search_options'] == 'multiple' ? $value : current($value);
                                     $columns[] = "`" . $resource['prefix'] . "`.`data_" . $field['keyword'] . '`=' . current($value);
                                 } else {
                                     $values[$keyword] = $value;
                                     $columns[] = "`" . $resource['prefix'] . "`.`data_" . $field['keyword'] . '` IN (' . implode(',', $value) . ')';
                     } elseif ($this->getValueFormat($field['type']) == 'birthday') {
                         // Set new values
                         $from = (int) input::post_get($keyword . '__from');
                         $to = (int) input::post_get($keyword . '__to');
                         // Make sure only existing item IDs are present
                         if ($from > 0 && $to > 0) {
                             // Switch values if $from is bigger than $to
                             if ($from > $to) {
                                 $temp = $from;
                                 $from = $to;
                                 $to = $temp;
                             $values[$keyword . '__from'] = $from;
                             $values[$keyword . '__to'] = $to;
                             $columns[] = "`" . $resource['prefix'] . "`.`data_" . $field['keyword'] . '` BETWEEN ' . (date('Y') - $to - 1) . date('md') . ' AND ' . (date('Y') - $from) . date('md');
                         } elseif ($to > 0) {
                             $values[$keyword . '__to'] = $to;
                             $columns[] = "`" . $resource['prefix'] . "`.`data_" . $field['keyword'] . '`>= ' . (date('Y') - $to - 1) . date('md');
                         } elseif ($from > 0) {
                             $values[$keyword . '__from'] = $from;
                             $columns[] = "`" . $resource['prefix'] . "`.`data_" . $field['keyword'] . '`<=' . (date('Y') - $from) . date('md');
                     } elseif ($this->getValueFormat($field['type']) == 'location') {
                         // Set country, state and city values
                         $location = input::post_get($keyword);
                         foreach (array('country', 'state', 'city') as $key) {
                             if (isset($location[$key]) && is_numeric($location[$key]) && $location[$key] > 0) {
                                 $values[$keyword][$key] = $location[$key];
                                 $columns[] = "`" . $resource['prefix'] . "`.`data_" . $field['keyword'] . ($key != 'country' ? '_' . $key : '') . '`=' . (int) $location[$key];
                     } else {
                         // Do we have a ranged search option
                         if (($this->getValueFormat($field['type']) == 'number' || $this->getValueFormat($field['type']) == 'double') && isset($field['config']['search_options']) && $field['config']['search_options'] == 'range') {
                             // Set new values
                             $from = input::post_get($keyword . '__from');
                             $to = input::post_get($keyword . '__to');
                             // Make sure only existing item IDs are present
                             if ($from != '' && $to != '' && is_numeric($from) && is_numeric($to)) {
                                 // Switch values if $from is larger than $to
                                 if ($from > $to) {
                                     $temp = $from;
                                     $from = $to;
                                     $to = $temp;
                                 $values[$keyword . '__from'] = $from;
                                 $values[$keyword . '__to'] = $to;
                                 $columns[] = "`" . $resource['prefix'] . "`.`data_" . $field['keyword'] . "` BETWEEN " . $from . " AND " . $to;
                             } elseif ($from != '' && is_numeric($from)) {
                                 $values[$keyword . '__from'] = $from;
                                 $columns[] = "`" . $resource['prefix'] . "`.`data_" . $field['keyword'] . "`>=" . $from;
                             } elseif ($to != '' && is_numeric($to)) {
                                 $values[$keyword . '__to'] = $to;
                                 $columns[] = "`" . $resource['prefix'] . "`.`data_" . $field['keyword'] . "`<=" . $to;
                         } else {
                             // Trim value
                             $value = utf8::trim($value);
                             // Do we have a value?
                             if ($value != '') {
                                 $values[$keyword] = $value;
                                 // Is this a numeric value?
                                 if (is_numeric($value)) {
                                     $columns[] = "`" . $resource['prefix'] . "`.`data_" . $field['keyword'] . (isset($params['multilang']) && $params['multilang'] && $field['multilang'] ? '_' . session::item('language') : '') . '`=' . $value;
                                 } else {
                                     $columns[] = "`" . $resource['prefix'] . "`.`data_" . $field['keyword'] . (isset($params['multilang']) && $params['multilang'] && $field['multilang'] ? '_' . session::item('language') : '') . "` LIKE '%" . trim($this->db->escapeLike($value), "'") . "%'";
     return array($columns, $items, $values);
Пример #9
 public function user()
     // Get user and last action ID
     $slugID = urldecode(utf8::trim(uri::segment(3)));
     $lastID = (int) input::post_get('last_id', 0);
     // Get user
     if (!($user = $this->users_model->getUser($slugID)) || !$user['active'] || !$user['verified']) {
     // Does user have permission to view this user group/type?
     if (!in_array($user['group_id'], session::permission('users_groups_browse', 'users')) || !in_array($user['type_id'], session::permission('users_types_browse', 'users'))) {
     } elseif (!$this->users_model->getPrivacyAccess($user['user_id'], isset($user['config']['privacy_profile']) ? $user['config']['privacy_profile'] : 1)) {
     // Get actions
     $actions = $this->timeline_model->getActions($user['user_id'], 1, $lastID, config::item('actions_per_page', 'timeline'));
     $ratings = array();
     // Do we have actions and are we logged in?
     if ($actions && users_helper::isLoggedin()) {
         foreach ($actions as $action) {
             if ($action['rating']) {
                 $ratings[$action['relative_resource']][] = $action['item_id'];
             } else {
                 $ratings['timeline'][] = $action['action_id'];
         // Load votes and like models
         // Get likes and votes
         $likes = $this->likes_model->getMultiLikes($ratings);
         $votes = $this->votes_model->getMultiVotes($ratings);
         $ratings = $likes + $votes;
     // Can we post messages?
     $post = session::permission('messages_post', 'timeline') && $this->users_model->getPrivacyAccess($user['user_id'], isset($user['config']['privacy_timeline_messages']) ? $user['config']['privacy_timeline_messages'] : 1, false) ? true : false;
     // Update comments pagination
     config::set('comments_per_page', config::item('comments_per_page', 'timeline'), 'comments');
     // Set meta tags
     $this->metatags_model->set('timeline', 'timeline_user', array('user' => $user));
     // Set title
     view::setTitle(__('timeline_recent', 'system_navigation'), false);
     // Set trail
     view::setTrail($user['slug'], $user['name']);
     // Load view
     if (input::isAjaxRequest()) {
         $output = view::load('timeline/actions', array('actions' => $actions, 'user' => $user, 'post' => $post, 'ratings' => $ratings), true);
     } else {
         view::load('timeline/index', array('actions' => $actions, 'user' => $user, 'post' => $post, 'ratings' => $ratings));