/** * Get completion list */ static function getList($a_str) { global $ilDB; include_once './Services/Search/classes/class.ilSearchSettings.php'; if (ilSearchSettings::getInstance()->enabledLucene()) { return self::getLuceneList($a_str); } $a_str = str_replace('"', "", $a_str); $settings = new ilSearchSettings(); $object_types = array('cat', 'dbk', 'crs', 'fold', 'frm', 'grp', 'lm', 'sahs', 'glo', 'mep', 'htlm', 'exc', 'file', 'qpl', 'tst', 'svy', 'spl', 'chat', 'icrs', 'icla', 'webr', 'mcst', 'sess', 'pg', 'st', 'gdf', 'wiki'); $set = $ilDB->query("SELECT title, obj_id FROM object_data WHERE " . $ilDB->like('title', 'text', $a_str . "%") . " AND " . $ilDB->in('type', $object_types, false, 'text') . " ORDER BY title"); $max = $settings->getAutoCompleteLength() > 0 ? $settings->getAutoCompleteLength() : 10; $cnt = 0; $list = array(); $checked = array(); $lim = ""; while (($rec = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($set)) && $cnt < $max) { if (strpos($rec["title"], " ") > 0 || strpos($rec["title"], "-") > 0) { $rec["title"] = '"' . $rec["title"] . '"'; } if (!in_array($rec["title"], $list) && !in_array($rec["obj_id"], $checked)) { if (ilSearchAutoComplete::checkObjectPermission($rec["obj_id"])) { $list[] = $lim . $rec["title"]; $cnt++; } $checked[] = $rec["obj_id"]; } } $set = $ilDB->query("SELECT rbac_id,obj_id,obj_type, keyword FROM il_meta_keyword WHERE " . $ilDB->like('keyword', 'text', $a_str . "%") . " AND " . $ilDB->in('obj_type', $object_types, false, 'text') . " ORDER BY keyword"); while (($rec = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($set)) && $cnt < $max) { if (strpos($rec["keyword"], " ") > 0) { $rec["keyword"] = '"' . $rec["keyword"] . '"'; } if (!in_array($rec["keyword"], $list) && !in_array($rec["rbac_id"], $checked)) { if (ilSearchAutoComplete::checkObjectPermission($rec["rbac_id"])) { $list[] = $lim . $rec["keyword"]; $cnt++; } } $checked[] = $rec["rbac_id"]; } $i = 0; $result = array(); foreach ($list as $l) { $result[$i] = new stdClass(); $result[$i]->value = $l; $i++; } include_once './Services/JSON/classes/class.ilJsonUtil.php'; return ilJsonUtil::encode($result); }
/** * Data resource for autoComplete */ function autoComplete() { $q = $_REQUEST["term"]; include_once "./Services/Search/classes/class.ilSearchAutoComplete.php"; $list = ilSearchAutoComplete::getList($q); echo $list; exit; }