Пример #1
 final function _writeDescription($a_obj_id, $a_desc)
     return parent::_writeDescription($a_obj_id, $a_desc);
  * Meta data update listener
  * Important note: Do never call create() or update()
  * method of ilObject here. It would result in an
  * endless loop: update object -> update meta -> update
  * object -> ...
  * Use static _writeTitle() ... methods instead.
  * @param	string		$a_element
 function MDUpdateListener($a_element)
     include_once 'Services/MetaData/classes/class.ilMD.php';
     switch ($a_element) {
         case 'General':
             // Update Title and description
             $md = new ilMD(0, $this->getId(), $this->getType());
             $md_gen = $md->getGeneral();
             if (is_object($md_gen)) {
                 ilObject::_writeTitle($this->getId(), $md_gen->getTitle());
                 foreach ($md_gen->getDescriptionIds() as $id) {
                     $md_des = $md_gen->getDescription($id);
                     ilObject::_writeDescription($this->getId(), $md_des->getDescription());
     return true;
Пример #3
  * Imports an extracted SCORM 2004 module from ilias-data dir into database
  * @access       public
  * @return       string title of package
 public function il_import($packageFolder, $packageId, $ilias, $validate, $reimport = false)
     global $ilDB, $ilLog, $ilErr;
     $title = "";
     if ($reimport === true) {
         $this->packageId = $packageId;
     $this->packageFolder = $packageFolder;
     $this->packageId = $packageId;
     $this->imsmanifestFile = $this->packageFolder . '/' . 'imsmanifest.xml';
     //step 1 - parse Manifest-File and validate
     $this->imsmanifest = new DOMDocument();
     $this->imsmanifest->async = false;
     if (!@$this->imsmanifest->load($this->imsmanifestFile)) {
         $this->diagnostic[] = 'XML not wellformed';
         return false;
     //step 2 tranform
     $this->manifest = $this->transform($this->imsmanifest, self::DB_ENCODE_XSL);
     if (!$this->manifest) {
         $this->diagnostic[] = 'Cannot transform into normalized manifest';
         return false;
     //setp 2.5 if only a single item, make sure the scormType of it's linked resource is SCO
     $path = new DOMXpath($this->manifest);
     $path->registerNamespace("scorm", "http://www.openpalms.net/scorm/scorm13");
     $items = $path->query("//scorm:item");
     if ($items->length == 1) {
         $n = $items->item(0);
         $resource = $path->query("//scorm:resource");
         foreach ($resource as $res) {
             if ($res->getAttribute('id') == $n->getAttribute("resourceId")) {
                 $res->setAttribute('scormType', 'sco');
     //step 3 validation -just for normalized XML
     if ($validate == "y") {
         if (!$this->validate($this->manifest, self::VALIDATE_XSD)) {
             $ilErr->raiseError("<b>The uploaded SCORM 1.2 / SCORM 2004 is not valid. You can try to import the package without the validation option checked on your own risk. </b><br><br>Validation Error(s):</b><br> Normalized XML is not conform to " . self::VALIDATE_XSD, $ilErr->MESSAGE);
     if (file_exists($this->packageFolder . '/' . 'index.xml')) {
         $doc = simplexml_load_file($this->packageFolder . '/' . 'index.xml');
         $l = $doc->xpath("/ContentObject/MetaData");
         if ($l[0]) {
             include_once 'Services/MetaData/classes/class.ilMDXMLCopier.php';
             $mdxml =& new ilMDXMLCopier($l[0]->asXML(), $packageId, $packageId, ilObject::_lookupType($packageId));
     } else {
         include_once "./Modules/Scorm2004/classes/class.ilSCORM13MDImporter.php";
         $importer = new ilSCORM13MDImporter($this->imsmanifest, $packageId);
         $title = $importer->getTitle();
         $description = $importer->getDescription();
         if ($description != "") {
             ilObject::_writeDescription($packageId, $description);
     //step 5
     $x = simplexml_load_string($this->manifest->saveXML());
     $x['persistPreviousAttempts'] = $this->packageData['persistprevattempts'];
     $x['online'] = $this->packageData['c_online'];
     $x['defaultLessonMode'] = $this->packageData['default_lesson_mode'];
     $x['credit'] = $this->packageData['credit'];
     $x['autoReview'] = $this->packageData['auto_review'];
     $j = array();
     // first read resources into flat array to resolve item/identifierref later
     $r = array();
     foreach ($x->resource as $xe) {
         $r[strval($xe['id'])] = $xe;
     // iterate through items and set href and scoType as activity attributes
     foreach ($x->xpath('//*[local-name()="item"]') as $xe) {
         // get reference to resource and set href accordingly
         if ($b = $r[strval($xe['resourceId'])]) {
             $xe['href'] = strval($b['base']) . strval($b['href']);
             if (strval($b['scormType']) == 'sco') {
                 $xe['sco'] = true;
     // iterate recursivly through activities and build up simple php object
     // with items and associated sequencings
     // top node is the default organization which is handled as an item
     self::jsonNode($x->organization, $j['item']);
     foreach ($x->sequencing as $s) {
         self::jsonNode($s, $j['sequencing'][]);
     // combined manifest+resources xml:base is set as organization base
     $j['item']['base'] = strval($x['base']);
     // package folder is base to whole playing process
     $j['base'] = $packageFolder . '/';
     $j['foreignId'] = floatval($x['foreignId']);
     // manifest cp_node_id for associating global (package wide) objectives
     $j['id'] = strval($x['id']);
     // manifest id for associating global (package wide) objectives
     //last step - build ADL Activity tree
     $act = new SeqTreeBuilder();
     $adl_tree = $act->buildNodeSeqTree($this->imsmanifestFile);
     $ilDB->update('cp_package', array('xmldata' => array('clob', $x->asXML()), 'jsdata' => array('clob', json_encode($j)), 'activitytree' => array('clob', json_encode($adl_tree['tree'])), 'global_to_system' => array('integer', (int) $adl_tree['global']), 'shared_data_global_to_system' => array('integer', (int) $adl_tree['dataglobal'])), array('obj_id' => array('integer', (int) $this->packageId)));
     // title retrieved by importer
     if ($title != "") {
         return $title;
     return $j['item']['title'];