public function value($tag) { $categoryApp = iPHP::app("category"); if ($tag['cid']) { $category = $categoryApp->category($tag['cid'], false); $tag['category'] = $categoryApp->get_lite($category); } if ($tag['tcid']) { $tag_category = $categoryApp->category($tag['tcid'], false); $tag['tag_category'] = $categoryApp->get_lite($tag_category); } $tag['iurl'] = iURL::get('tag', array($tag, $category, $tag_category)); $tag['url'] or $tag['url'] = $tag['iurl']->href; $tag['link'] = '<a href="' . $tag['url'] . '" class="tag" target="_blank">' . $tag['name'] . '</a>'; if ($category['mode'] && stripos($tag['url'], '.php?') === false) { iCMS::set_html_url($tag['iurl']); } $tag['metadata'] && ($tag['meta'] = json_decode($tag['metadata'])); $tag['related'] && ($tag['relArray'] = explode(',', $tag['related'])); $tag['appid'] = iCMS_APP_TAG; $tag['pic'] = get_pic($tag['pic']); $tag['bpic'] = get_pic($tag['bpic']); $tag['mpic'] = get_pic($tag['mpic']); $tag['spic'] = get_pic($tag['spic']); return $tag; }
public function API_list() { iPHP::app('user.class', 'static'); user::get_cookie() or iPHP::code(0, 'iCMS:!login', 0, 'json'); iPHP::app('favorite.func'); $array = favorite_list(array('userid' => user::$userid)); iPHP::json($array); }
function do_login() { if ($this->uid) { $user = iDB::row("SELECT * FROM `#iCMS@__user` WHERE `uid`='{$this->uid}' LIMIT 1;", ARRAY_A); iPHP::app('user.class', 'static'); user::set_cookie($user['username'], $user['password'], $user); $url = iPHP::router(array('/{uid}/', $this->uid), iPHP_ROUTER_REWRITE); iPHP::gotourl($url); } }
function favorite_list($vars = null) { $maxperpage = isset($vars['row']) ? (int) $vars['row'] : "10"; $where_sql = "WHERE 1=1 "; isset($vars['userid']) && ($where_sql .= " AND `uid`='" . (int) $vars['userid'] . "' "); isset($vars['fid']) && ($where_sql .= " AND `fid`='" . (int) $vars['fid'] . "' "); isset($vars['mode']) && ($where_sql .= " AND `mode`='" . (int) $vars['mode'] . "'"); isset($vars['appid']) && ($where_sql .= " AND `appid`='" . (int) $vars['appid'] . "' "); $cache_time = isset($vars['time']) ? (int) $vars['time'] : -1; $by = $vars['by'] == "ASC" ? "ASC" : "DESC"; switch ($vars['orderby']) { case 'hot': $order_sql = " ORDER BY `count` {$by}"; break; default: $order_sql = " ORDER BY `id` {$by}"; } $md5 = md5($where_sql . $order_sql); $offset = 0; if ($vars['page']) { $total = iPHP::total($md5, "SELECT count(*) FROM `#iCMS@__favorite` {$where_sql} "); iPHP::assign("fav_total", $total); $multi = iCMS::page(array('total' => $total, 'perpage' => $maxperpage, 'unit' => iPHP::lang('iCMS:page:list'), 'nowindex' => $GLOBALS['page'])); $offset = $multi->offset; } if ($vars['cache']) { $cache_name = iPHP_DEVICE . '/favorite/' . $md5 . "/" . (int) $GLOBALS['page']; $resource = iCache::get($cache_name); } if (empty($resource)) { $rs = iDB::all("SELECT * FROM `#iCMS@__favorite` {$where_sql} {$order_sql} LIMIT {$offset},{$maxperpage}"); iPHP_SQL_DEBUG && iDB::debug(1); $resource = array(); $vars['user'] && iPHP::app('user.class', 'static'); if ($rs) { foreach ($rs as $key => $value) { $value['url'] = iPHP::router(array('/favorite/{id}/', $value['id']), iPHP_ROUTER_REWRITE); $vars['user'] && ($value['user'] = user::info($value['uid'], $value['nickname'])); if (isset($vars['loop'])) { $resource[$key] = $value; } else { $resource[$value['id']] = $value; } } } $vars['cache'] && iCache::set($cache_name, $resource, $cache_time); } return $resource; }
public static function run($app = NULL, $do = NULL, $args = NULL, $prefix = "do_") { //empty($app) && $app = $_GET['app']; //单一入口 if (empty($app)) { $fi = iFS::name(__SELF__); $app = $fi['name']; } if (!in_array($app, self::$apps) && iPHP_DEBUG) { iPHP::throw404('运行出错!找不到应用程序: <b>' . $app . '</b>', '0001'); } self::$app_path = iPHP_APP_DIR . '/' . $app; self::$app_file = self::$app_path . '/' . $app . '.app.php'; is_file(self::$app_file) or iPHP::throw404('运行出错!找不到文件: <b>' . $app . '.app.php</b>', '0002'); if ($do === NULL) { $do = iPHP_APP; $_GET['do'] && ($do = iS::escapeStr($_GET['do'])); } if ($_POST['action']) { $do = iS::escapeStr($_POST['action']); $prefix = 'ACTION_'; } self::$app_name = $app; self::$app_do = $do; self::$app_method = $prefix . $do; self::$app_tpl = iPHP_APP_DIR . '/' . $app . '/template'; self::$app_vars = array("MOBILE" => iPHP::$mobile, 'COOKIE_PRE' => iPHP_COOKIE_PRE, 'REFER' => __REF__, 'CONFIG' => self::$config, "APP" => array('NAME' => self::$app_name, 'DO' => self::$app_do, 'METHOD' => self::$app_method)); iPHP::$iTPL->_iTPL_VARS['SAPI'] .= self::$app_name; iPHP::$iTPL->_iTPL_VARS += self::$app_vars; self::$app = iPHP::app($app); if (self::$app_do && self::$app->methods) { in_array(self::$app_do, self::$app->methods) or iPHP::throw404('运行出错! <b>' . self::$app_name . '</b> 类中找不到方法定义: <b>' . self::$app_method . '</b>', '0003'); $method = self::$app_method; $args === null && ($args = self::$app_args); if ($args) { if ($args === 'object') { return self::$app; } return call_user_func_array(array(self::$app, $method), (array) $args); } else { method_exists(self::$app, self::$app_method) or iPHP::throw404('运行出错! <b>' . self::$app_name . '</b> 类中 <b>' . self::$app_method . '</b> 方法不存在', '0004'); return self::$app->{$method}(); } } else { iPHP::throw404('运行出错! <b>' . self::$app_name . '</b> 类中 <b>' . self::$app_method . '</b> 方法不存在', '0005'); } }
public function ACTION_add() { if (!iCMS::$config['comment']['enable']) { iPHP::code(0, 'iCMS:comment:close', 0, 'json'); } iPHP::app('user.class', 'static'); user::get_cookie() or iPHP::code(0, 'iCMS:!login', 0, 'json'); $seccode = iS::escapeStr($_POST['seccode']); if (iCMS::$config['comment']['seccode']) { iPHP::seccode($seccode, true) or iPHP::code(0, 'iCMS:seccode:error', 'seccode', 'json'); } iPHP::app('user.msg.class', 'static'); $appid = (int) $_POST['appid']; $iid = (int) $_POST['iid']; $cid = (int) $_POST['cid']; $suid = (int) $_POST['suid']; $reply_id = (int) $_POST['id']; $reply_uid = (int) $_POST['userid']; $reply_name = iS::escapeStr($_POST['name']); $title = iS::escapeStr($_POST['title']); $content = iS::escapeStr($_POST['content']); $iid or iPHP::code(0, 'iCMS:article:empty_id', 0, 'json'); $content or iPHP::code(0, 'iCMS:comment:empty', 0, 'json'); $fwd = iCMS::filter($content); $fwd && iPHP::code(0, 'iCMS:comment:filter', 0, 'json'); $appid or $appid = iCMS_APP_ARTICLE; $addtime = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']; $ip = iPHP::getIp(); $userid = user::$userid; $username = user::$nickname; $status = iCMS::$config['comment']['examine'] ? '0' : '1'; $up = '0'; $down = '0'; $quote = '0'; $floor = '0'; $fields = array('appid', 'cid', 'iid', 'suid', 'title', 'userid', 'username', 'content', 'reply_id', 'reply_uid', 'reply_name', 'addtime', 'status', 'up', 'down', 'ip', 'quote', 'floor'); $data = compact($fields); $id = iDB::insert('comment', $data); iDB::query("UPDATE `#iCMS@__article` SET comments=comments+1 WHERE `id` ='{$iid}' limit 1"); user::update_count($userid, 1, 'comments'); if (iCMS::$config['comment']['examine']) { iPHP::code(0, 'iCMS:comment:examine', $id, 'json'); } iPHP::code(1, 'iCMS:comment:success', $id, 'json'); }
/** * @package iCMS * @copyright 2007-2010, iDreamSoft * @license iDreamSoft * @author coolmoo <*****@*****.**> * @$Id: category.tpl.php 2379 2014-03-19 02:37:47Z coolmoo $ */ function category_array($vars) { $cid = (int) $vars['cid']; return iPHP::app("category")->category($cid, false); }
<?php /** * iCMS - i Content Management System * Copyright (c) 2007-2012 iiimon Inc. All rights reserved. * * @author coolmoo <*****@*****.**> * @site * @licence * @version 6.0.0 * @$Id: 2406 2014-04-28 02:24:46Z coolmoo $ */ defined('iPHP') or exit('What are you doing?'); iPHP::app('tag.class', 'static'); class tagsApp { public $callback = array(); function __construct() { $this->appid = iCMS_APP_TAG; $this->id = (int) $_GET['id']; $this->tagcategory = iACP::app('tagcategory'); $this->categoryApp = iACP::app('category', 'all'); } function do_add() { $this->id && ($rs = iDB::row("SELECT * FROM `#iCMS@__tags` WHERE `id`='{$this->id}' LIMIT 1;", ARRAY_A)); $rs['metadata'] && ($rs['metadata'] = json_decode($rs['metadata'])); include iACP::view('tags.add'); } function do_update()
/** * 运行应用程序 * @param string $app 应用程序名称 * @param string $do 动作名称 * @return iCMS */ public static function run($app = NULL, $do = NULL, $args = NULL, $prefix = "do_") { //empty($app) && $app = $_GET['app']; //单一入口 if (empty($app)) { $fi = iFS::name(__SELF__); $app = $fi['name']; } if (!in_array($app, self::$apps) && iPHP_DEBUG) { iPHP::throw404('运行出错!找不到应用程序: <b>' . $app . '</b>', '0001'); } self::$app_path = iPHP_APP_DIR . '/' . $app; self::$app_file = self::$app_path . '/' . $app . '.app.php'; is_file(self::$app_file) or iPHP::throw404('运行出错!找不到文件: <b>' . $app . '.app.php</b>', '0002'); if ($do === NULL) { $do = iPHP_APP; $_GET['do'] && ($do = iS::escapeStr($_GET['do'])); } if ($_POST['action']) { $do = iS::escapeStr($_POST['action']); $prefix = 'ACTION_'; } self::$app_name = $app; self::$app_do = $do; self::$app_method = $prefix . $do; self::$app_tpl = iPHP_APP_DIR . '/' . $app . '/template'; self::$app_vars = array('VERSION' => iCMS_VER, "MOBILE" => iPHP::$mobile, 'API' => iCMS_API, 'UI' => iCMS_UI, 'UI_URL' => iCMS_UI_URL, 'SAPI' => iCMS_API . '?app=' . self::$app_name, 'COOKIE_PRE' => iPHP_COOKIE_PRE, 'REFER' => __REF__, 'CONFIG' => self::$config, "APP" => array('NAME' => self::$app_name, 'DO' => self::$app_do, 'METHOD' => self::$app_method), "APPID" => array('ARTICLE' => iCMS_APP_ARTICLE, 'CATEGORY' => iCMS_APP_CATEGORY, 'TAG' => iCMS_APP_TAG, 'PUSH' => iCMS_APP_PUSH, 'COMMENT' => iCMS_APP_COMMENT, 'PROP' => ICMS_APP_PROP, 'MESSAGE' => iCMS_APP_MESSAGE, 'FAVORITE' => iCMS_APP_FAVORITE, 'USER' => iCMS_APP_USER)); define('iCMS_API_URL', iCMS_API . '?app=' . self::$app_name); iPHP::$iTPL->_iTPL_VARS = self::$app_vars; self::$app = iPHP::app($app); if (self::$app_do && self::$app->methods) { in_array(self::$app_do, self::$app->methods) or iPHP::throw404('运行出错! <b>' . self::$app_name . '</b> 类中找不到方法定义: <b>' . self::$app_method . '</b>', '0003'); $method = self::$app_method; $args === null && ($args = self::$app_args); if ($args) { if ($args === 'object') { return self::$app; } return call_user_func_array(array(self::$app, $method), (array) $args); } else { method_exists(self::$app, self::$app_method) or iPHP::throw404('运行出错! <b>' . self::$app_name . '</b> 类中 <b>' . self::$app_method . '</b> 方法不存在', '0004'); return self::$app->{$method}(); } } else { iPHP::throw404('运行出错! <b>' . self::$app_name . '</b> 类中 <b>' . self::$app_method . '</b> 方法不存在', '0005'); } }
function __article_array($vars, $variable) { $resource = array(); if ($variable) { $articleApp = iPHP::app("article"); $vars['category_lite'] = true; foreach ($variable as $key => $value) { $value = $articleApp->value($value, false, $vars); if ($value === false) { continue; } if ($vars['page']) { $value['page'] = $GLOBALS['page'] ? $GLOBALS['page'] : 1; $value['total'] = $total; } if ($vars['archive'] == "date") { $_date = archive_date($value['postime']); //var_dump($_date); //$_date = get_date($value['postime'],'Ymd'); unset($resource[$key]); $resource[$_date][$key] = $value; } else { $resource[$key] = $value; } } } return $resource; }
<?php /** * iCMS - i Content Management System * Copyright (c) 2007-2012 iiimon Inc. All rights reserved. * * @author coolmoo <*****@*****.**> * @site * @licence * @version 6.0.0 * @$Id: 2406 2014-04-28 02:24:46Z coolmoo $ */ defined('iPHP') or exit('What are you doing?'); iPHP::app('category.class', 'include'); class categoryApp extends category { protected $category_uri = APP_URI; protected $category_furi = APP_FURI; protected $category_name = "栏目"; protected $_app = 'article'; protected $_app_name = '文章'; protected $_app_table = 'article'; protected $_app_cid = 'cid'; protected $_app_indexTPL = '{iTPL}/category.index.htm'; protected $_app_listTPL = '{iTPL}/category.list.htm'; protected $_app_contentTPL = '{iTPL}/article.htm'; function __construct($appid = null) { $this->cid = (int) $_GET['cid']; $this->appid = iCMS_APP_ARTICLE; $appid && ($this->appid = $appid);
<?php /** * @package iCMS * @copyright 2007-2010, iDreamSoft * @license iDreamSoft * @author coolmoo <*****@*****.**> * @$Id: user.tpl.php 1392 2013-05-20 12:28:08Z coolmoo $ */ defined('iPHP') or exit('What are you doing?'); iPHP::app('user.class', 'static'); function user_data($vars = null) { $vars['uid'] or iPHP::warning('iCMS:user:data 标签出错! 缺少"uid"属性或"uid"值为空.'); $uid = $vars['uid']; if ($uid == 'me') { $uid = 0; $auth = user::get_cookie(); $auth && ($uid = user::$userid); } if (strpos($uid, ',') === false) { $user = (array) user::get($uid); if ($vars['data']) { $user += (array) user::data($uid); } } else { $uid_array = explode(',', $uid); foreach ($uid_array as $key => $value) { $user[$key] = (array) user::get($uid); if ($vars['data']) { $user[$key] += (array) user::data($uid);
function __tag_array($vars, $resource) { $tagApp = iPHP::app("tag"); if ($resource) { foreach ($resource as $key => $value) { $resource[$key] = $tagApp->value($value); } } return $resource; }
public function openid() { if (!isset($_GET['sign'])) { return; } $sign = $_GET['sign']; $code = $_GET['code']; $state = $_GET['state']; $platform_map = array('WX' => 1, 'QQ' => 2, 'WB' => 3, 'TB' => 4); $class_name = strtoupper($sign); $platform = $platform_map[$class_name]; $bind = $sign; if ($platform) { iPHP::app('' . $class_name . '.class', 'static'); $api = new $class_name(); $api->appid = iCMS::$config['open'][$class_name]['appid']; $api->appkey = iCMS::$config['open'][$class_name]['appkey']; $redirect_uri = rtrim(iCMS::$config['open'][$class_name]['redirect'], '/'); $api->url = user::login_uri($redirect_uri) . 'sign=' . $sign; if (isset($_GET['bind']) && $_GET['bind'] == $sign) { $api->get_openid(); } else { $api->callback(); } $userid = user::openid($api->openid, $platform); if ($userid) { $user = user::get($userid, false); user::set_cookie($user->username, $user->password, array('uid' => $userid, 'username' => $user->username, 'nickname' => $user->nickname, 'status' => $user->status)); $api->cleancookie(); iPHP::gotourl($this->forward); } else { if (isset($_GET['bind'])) { $user = array(); $user['openid'] = $api->openid; $user['platform'] = $platform; $api->cleancookie(); iPHP::assign('user', $user); iPHP::view('iCMS://user/login.htm'); } else { $user = $api->get_user_info(); $user['openid'] = $api->openid; $user['platform'] = $platform; iDB::value("SELECT `uid` FROM `#iCMS@__user` where `nickname`='" . $user['nickname'] . "' LIMIT 1") && ($user['nickname'] = $sign . '_' . $user['nickname']); iPHP::assign('user', $user); iPHP::assign('query', compact(array('sign', 'code', 'state', 'bind'))); iPHP::view('iCMS://user/register.htm'); } exit; } } }
function delArticle($id, $uid = '0', $postype = '1') { $id = (int) $id; $id or iPHP::alert("请选择要删除的文章"); $uid && ($sql = "and `userid`='{$uid}' and `postype`='{$postype}'"); $art = articleTable::row($id, 'cid,pic,tags', $sql); iACP::CP($art['cid'], 'cd', 'alert'); $frs = articleTable::select_filedata_indexid($id); for ($i = 0; $i < count($frs); $i++) { if ($frs[$i]) { $path = $frs[$i]['path'] . '/' . $frs[$i]['filename'] . '.' . $frs[$i]['ext']; iFS::del(iFS::fp($frs[$i]['path'], '+iPATH')); $msg .= $this->del_msg($path . ' 文件删除'); } } if ($art['tags']) { iPHP::app('tag.class', 'static'); $msg .= tag::del($art['tags']); } iDB::query("DELETE FROM `#iCMS@__category_map` WHERE `iid` = '{$id}' AND `appid` = '" . $this->appid . "';"); iDB::query("DELETE FROM `#iCMS@__prop_map` WHERE `iid` = '{$id}' AND `appid` = '" . $this->appid . "' ;"); articleTable::del_filedata($id, 'indexid'); $msg .= $this->del_msg('相关文件数据删除'); articleTable::del_comment($id); $msg .= $this->del_msg('评论数据删除'); articleTable::del($id); articleTable::del_data($id); $msg .= $this->del_msg('文章数据删除'); $this->categoryApp->update_count_one($art['cid'], '-'); $msg .= $this->del_msg('栏目数据更新'); $msg .= $this->del_msg('删除完成'); return $msg; }
public static function del($tags, $field = 'name', $iid = 0) { $tagArray = explode(",", $tags); $iid && ($sql = "AND `iid`='{$iid}'"); foreach ($tagArray as $k => $v) { $tag = iDB::row("SELECT * FROM `#iCMS@__tags` WHERE `{$field}`='{$v}' LIMIT 1;"); $tRS = iDB::all("SELECT `iid` FROM `#iCMS@__tags_map` WHERE `node`='{$tag->id}' AND `appid`='" . TAG_APPID . "' {$sql}"); foreach ((array) $tRS as $TL) { $idA[] = $TL['iid']; } if ($idA) { $ids = iPHP::get_ids($idA, null); if ($ids) { iPHP::app('apps.class', 'static'); $table = APPS::table(TAG_APPID); iDB::query("\n UPDATE `#iCMS@__{$table}`\n SET `tags`= REPLACE(tags, '{$tag->name},',''),\n `tags`= REPLACE(tags, ',{$tag->name}','')\n WHERE id IN({$ids})\n "); } } self::$remove && iDB::query("DELETE FROM `#iCMS@__tags` WHERE `{$field}`='{$v}'"); iDB::query("\n DELETE FROM\n `#iCMS@__tags_map`\n WHERE `node`='{$tag->id}'\n AND `appid`='" . TAG_APPID . "' {$sql}"); $ckey = self::tkey($tag->cid); iCache::delete($ckey); } }
public function value($article, $art_data = "", $vars = array(), $page = 1, $tpl = false) { $article['appid'] = iCMS_APP_ARTICLE; $categoryApp = iPHP::app("category"); $category = $categoryApp->category($article['cid'], false); if ($tpl) { $category or iPHP::throw404('运行出错!找不到该文章的栏目缓存<b>cid:' . $article['cid'] . '</b> 请更新栏目缓存或者确认栏目是否存在', 10002); } else { if (empty($category)) { return false; } } if ($category['status'] == 0) { return false; } if (iPHP::$iTPL_MODE == "html" && $tpl && (strstr($category['contentRule'], '{PHP}') || $category['outurl'] || $category['mode'] == "0")) { return false; } $_iurlArray = array($article, $category); $article['iurl'] = iURL::get('article', $_iurlArray, $page); $article['url'] = $article['iurl']->href; $article['link'] = "<a href='{$article['url']}'>{$article['title']}</a>"; $tpl && $category['mode'] == '1' && iCMS::gotohtml($article['iurl']->path, $article['iurl']->href); if ($vars['category_lite']) { $article['category'] = $categoryApp->get_lite($category); } else { $article['category'] = $category; } $this->taoke = false; if ($art_data) { $pageurl = $article['iurl']->pageurl; // if(strpos($art_data['body'], '#--iCMS.ArticleData--#')!==false){ // iPHP::app('article.table'); // $art_data['body'] = articleTable::get_text($article['id']); // } $art_data['body'] = $this->ubb($art_data['body']); preg_match_all("/<img.*?src\\s*=[\"|'|\\s]*(http:\\/\\/.*?\\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|bmp|png)).*?>/is", $art_data['body'], $pic_array); $p_array = array_unique($pic_array[1]); if ($p_array) { foreach ($p_array as $key => $_pic) { $article['pics'][$key] = trim($_pic); } } if (strpos($art_data['body'], '#--iCMS.Markdown--#') !== false) { $art_data['body'] = iPHP::Markdown($art_data['body']); } $body = explode('#--iCMS.PageBreak--#', $art_data['body']); $count = count($body); $total = $count + intval(iCMS::$config['article']['pageno_incr']); $article['body'] = $this->keywords($body[intval($page - 1)]); $article['body'] = $this->taoke($article['body']); $article['subtitle'] = $art_data['subtitle']; $article['taoke'] = $this->taoke; unset($art_data); if ($total > 1) { $flag = 0; $num_nav = ''; for ($i = $page - 3; $i <= $page - 1; $i++) { if ($i < 1) { continue; } $num_nav .= "<a href='" . iPHP::p2num($pageurl, $i) . "' target='_self'>{$i}</a>"; $flag++; } $num_nav .= '<span class="current">' . $page . '</span>'; for ($i = $page + 1; $i <= $total; $i++) { $num_nav .= "<a href='" . iPHP::p2num($pageurl, $i) . "' target='_self'>{$i}</a>"; $flag++; if ($flag == 6) { break; } } $index_nav = '<a href="' . $article['url'] . '" class="first" target="_self">' . iPHP::lang('iCMS:page:index') . '</a>'; $prev_url = iPHP::p2num($pageurl, $page - 1 > 1 ? $page - 1 : 1); $prev_nav = '<a href="' . $prev_url . '" class="prev" target="_self">' . iPHP::lang('iCMS:page:prev') . '</a>'; $next_url = iPHP::p2num($pageurl, $total - $page > 0 ? $page + 1 : $page); $next_nav = '<a href="' . $next_url . '" class="next" target="_self">' . iPHP::lang('iCMS:page:next') . '</a>'; $end_nav = '<a href="' . iPHP::p2num($pageurl, $total) . '" class="end" target="_self">共' . $total . '页</a>'; $text_nav = $index_nav . $prev_nav . '<span class="current">第' . $page . '页</span>' . $next_nav . $end_nav; $pagenav = $index_nav . $prev_nav . $num_nav . $next_nav . $end_nav; } $article['page'] = array('total' => $total, 'count' => $count, 'current' => $page, 'num' => $num_nav, 'text' => $text_nav, 'nav' => $pagenav, 'prev' => $prev_url, 'next' => $next_url, 'pageurl' => $pageurl, 'last' => $page == $count ? true : false, 'end' => $page == $total ? true : false); unset($index_nav, $prev_nav, $num_nav, $next_nav, $end_nav, $pagenav); //var_dump($page,$total,$count); if ($pic_array[0]) { $img_array = array_unique($pic_array[0]); foreach ($img_array as $key => $img) { $img = str_replace('<img', '<img title="' . $article['title'] . '" alt="' . $article['title'] . '"', $img); if (iCMS::$config['article']['pic_center']) { $img_replace[$key] = '<p align="center">' . $img . '</p>'; } else { $img_replace[$key] = $img; } if (iCMS::$config['article']['pic_next'] && $count > 1) { $clicknext = '<a href="' . $next_url . '"><b>' . iPHP::lang('iCMS:article:clicknext') . '</b></a>'; $clickimg = '<a href="' . $next_url . '" title="' . $article['title'] . '" class="img">' . $img . '</a>'; if (iCMS::$config['article']['pic_center']) { $img_replace[$key] = '<p align="center">' . $clicknext . '</p>'; $img_replace[$key] .= '<p align="center">' . $clickimg . '</p>'; } else { $img_replace[$key] = '<p>' . $clicknext . '</p>'; $img_replace[$key] .= '<p>' . $clickimg . '</p>'; } } } $article['body'] = str_replace($img_array, $img_replace, $article['body']); } } if ($vars['prev_next'] && iCMS::$config['article']['prev_next']) { //上一篇 $prev_cache = iPHP_DEVICE . '/article/' . $article['id'] . '/prev'; $prev_array = iCache::get($prev_cache); if (empty($prev_array)) { $prev_array = array('empty' => true, 'title' => iPHP::lang('iCMS:article:first'), 'pic' => array(), 'url' => 'javascript:;'); $prevrs = iDB::row("SELECT * FROM `#iCMS@__article` WHERE `id` < '{$article['id']}' AND `cid`='{$article['cid']}' AND `status`='1' order by id DESC LIMIT 1;"); if ($prevrs) { $prev_array = array('empty' => false, 'title' => $prevrs->title, 'pic' => get_pic($prevrs->pic), 'url' => iURL::get('article', array((array) $prevrs, $category))->href); } iCache::set($prev_cache, $prev_array); } $article['prev'] = $prev_array; //下一篇 $next_cache = iPHP_DEVICE . '/article/' . $article['id'] . '/next'; $next_array = iCache::get($next_cache); if (empty($next_array)) { $next_array = array('empty' => true, 'title' => iPHP::lang('iCMS:article:last'), 'pic' => array(), 'url' => 'javascript:;'); $nextrs = iDB::row("SELECT * FROM `#iCMS@__article` WHERE `id` > '{$article['id']}' and `cid`='{$article['cid']}' AND `status`='1' order by id ASC LIMIT 1;"); if ($nextrs) { $next_array = array('empty' => false, 'title' => $nextrs->title, 'pic' => get_pic($nextrs->pic), 'url' => iURL::get('article', array((array) $nextrs, $category))->href); } iCache::set($next_cache, $next_array); } $article['next'] = $next_array; } if ($vars['tags']) { $article['tags_fname'] = $category['name']; if ($article['tags']) { $tagApp = iPHP::app("tag"); $tagArray = $tagApp->get_array($article['tags']); $article['tag_array'] = array(); foreach ((array) $tagArray as $tk => $tag) { $article['tag_array'][$tk]['name'] = $tag['name']; $article['tag_array'][$tk]['url'] = $tag['url']; $article['tag_array'][$tk]['link'] = $tag['link']; $article['tags_link'] .= $tag['link']; $tag_name_array[] = $tag['name']; } $tag_name_array && ($article['tags_fname'] = $tag_name_array[0]); unset($tagApp, $tagArray, $tag_name_array); } } if ($vars['meta']) { if ($article['metadata']) { $article['meta'] = unserialize($article['metadata']); unset($article['metadata']); } } if ($vars['user']) { iPHP::app('user.class', 'static'); if ($article['postype']) { $article['user'] = user::empty_info($article['userid'], '#' . $article['editor']); } else { $article['user'] = user::info($article['userid'], $article['author']); } } if (strstr($article['source'], '||')) { list($s_name, $s_url) = explode('||', $article['source']); $article['source'] = '<a href="' . $s_url . '" target="_blank">' . $s_name . '</a>'; } if (strstr($article['author'], '||')) { list($a_name, $a_url) = explode('||', $article['author']); $article['author'] = '<a href="' . $a_url . '" target="_blank">' . $a_name . '</a>'; } $article['hits'] = array('script' => iCMS_API . '?app=article&do=hits&cid=' . $article['cid'] . '&id=' . $article['id'], 'count' => $article['hits'], 'today' => $article['hits_today'], 'yday' => $article['hits_yday'], 'week' => $article['hits_week'], 'month' => $article['hits_month']); $article['comment'] = array('url' => iCMS_API . "?app=article&do=comment&appid={$article['appid']}&iid={$article['id']}&cid={$article['cid']}", 'count' => $article['comments']); if ($article['picdata']) { $picdata = unserialize($article['picdata']); } unset($article['picdata']); $article['pic'] = get_pic($article['pic'], $picdata['b'], get_twh($vars['btw'], $vars['bth'])); $article['mpic'] = get_pic($article['mpic'], $picdata['m'], get_twh($vars['mtw'], $vars['mth'])); $article['spic'] = get_pic($article['spic'], $picdata['s'], get_twh($vars['stw'], $vars['sth'])); $article['param'] = array("appid" => $article['appid'], "iid" => $article['id'], "cid" => $article['cid'], "suid" => $article['userid'], "title" => $article['title'], "url" => $article['url']); return $article; }
function do_allcategory($dialog = true) { $category = iPHP::app('category.class'); $category->cache(true); $dialog && iPHP::success('更新完成'); }
public function value($article, $art_data = "", $vars = array(), $page = 1, $tpl = false) { $article['appid'] = iCMS_APP_ARTICLE; $categoryApp = iPHP::app("category"); $category = $categoryApp->category($article['cid'], false); if ($tpl) { $category or iPHP::throw404('运行出错!找不到该文章的栏目缓存<b>cid:' . $article['cid'] . '</b> 请更新栏目缓存或者确认栏目是否存在', 10002); } else { if (empty($category)) { return false; } } if ($category['status'] == 0) { return false; } if (iPHP::$iTPL_MODE == "html" && $tpl && (strstr($category['contentRule'], '{PHP}') || $category['outurl'] || $category['mode'] == "0")) { return false; } $_iurlArray = array($article, $category); $article['iurl'] = iURL::get('article', $_iurlArray, $page); $article['url'] = $article['iurl']->href; $article['link'] = "<a href='{$article['url']}'>{$article['title']}</a>"; $tpl && $category['mode'] == '1' && iCMS::gotohtml($article['iurl']->path, $article['iurl']->href); if ($vars['category_lite']) { $article['category'] = $categoryApp->get_lite($category); } else { $article['category'] = $category; } $this->taoke = false; if ($art_data) { $pkey = intval($page - 1); $pageurl = $article['iurl']->pageurl; if ($article['chapter']) { $chapterArray = $art_data; $count = count($chapterArray); $adid = $chapterArray[$pkey]['id']; $art_data = iDB::row("SELECT body,subtitle FROM `#iCMS@__article_data` WHERE aid='" . (int) $article['id'] . "' AND id='" . (int) $adid . "' LIMIT 1;", ARRAY_A); } $art_data['body'] = $this->ubb($art_data['body']); preg_match_all("/<img.*?src\\s*=[\"|'|\\s]*(http:\\/\\/.*?\\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|bmp|png)).*?>/is", $art_data['body'], $pic_array); $p_array = array_unique($pic_array[1]); if ($p_array) { foreach ($p_array as $key => $_pic) { $article['pics'][$key] = trim($_pic); } } if (substr($art_data['body'], 0, 19) == '#--iCMS.Markdown--#') { // $art_data['body'] = iPHP::Markdown($art_data['body']); $art_data['body'] = substr($art_data['body'], 19); $article['markdown'] = ture; } if ($article['chapter']) { $article['body'] = $art_data['body']; } else { $body = explode('#--iCMS.PageBreak--#', $art_data['body']); $count = count($body); $article['body'] = $body[$pkey]; } $total = $count + intval(iCMS::$config['article']['pageno_incr']); $article['body'] = $this->keywords($article['body']); $article['body'] = $this->taoke($article['body']); $article['taoke'] = $this->taoke; $article['subtitle'] = $art_data['subtitle']; unset($body, $art_data); $pageArray = array(); if ($total > 1) { iPHP::loadClass("Pages"); $_GLOBALS_iPage = $GLOBALS['iPage']; $category['mode'] && iCMS::set_html_url($article['iurl']); $pageconf = array('page_name' => 'p', 'url' => $pageurl, 'total' => $total, 'perpage' => 1, 'nowindex' => (int) $_GET['p'], 'lang' => iPHP::lang(iPHP_APP . ':page')); if ($article['chapter']) { foreach ((array) $chapterArray as $key => $value) { $pageconf['titles'][$key + 1] = $value['subtitle']; } } $iPages = new iPages($pageconf); unset($GLOBALS['iPage']); $GLOBALS['iPage'] = $_GLOBALS_iPage; unset($_GLOBALS_iPage); $pageArray['list'] = $iPages->list_page(); $pageArray['index'] = $iPages->first_page('array'); $pageArray['prev'] = $iPages->prev_page('array'); $pageArray['next'] = $iPages->next_page('array'); $pageArray['endof'] = $iPages->last_page('array'); $pagenav = $iPages->show(0); $pagetext = $iPages->show(10); } $article['page'] = array('pn' => $page, 'total' => $total, 'count' => $count, 'current' => $page, 'nav' => $pagenav, 'pageurl' => $pageurl, 'text' => $pagetext, 'PAGES' => $iPages, 'args' => iS::escapeStr($_GET['pageargs']), 'first' => $page == "1" ? true : false, 'last' => $page == $count ? true : false, 'end' => $page == $total ? true : false) + $pageArray; $next_url = $pageArray['next']['url']; unset($pagenav, $pagetext, $iPages, $pageArray); if ($pic_array[0]) { $img_array = array_unique($pic_array[0]); foreach ($img_array as $key => $img) { $img = str_replace('<img', '<img title="' . $article['title'] . '" alt="' . $article['title'] . '"', $img); if (iCMS::$config['article']['pic_center']) { $img_replace[$key] = '<p align="center">' . $img . '</p>'; } else { $img_replace[$key] = $img; } if (iCMS::$config['article']['pic_next'] && $count > 1) { $clicknext = '<a href="' . $next_url . '"><b>' . iPHP::lang('iCMS:article:clicknext') . '</b></a>'; $clickimg = '<a href="' . $next_url . '" title="' . $article['title'] . '" class="img">' . $img . '</a>'; if (iCMS::$config['article']['pic_center']) { $img_replace[$key] = '<p align="center">' . $clicknext . '</p>'; $img_replace[$key] .= '<p align="center">' . $clickimg . '</p>'; } else { $img_replace[$key] = '<p>' . $clicknext . '</p>'; $img_replace[$key] .= '<p>' . $clickimg . '</p>'; } } } $article['body'] = str_replace($img_array, $img_replace, $article['body']); } } if ($vars['tags']) { $article['tags_fname'] = $category['name']; if ($article['tags']) { $tagApp = iPHP::app("tag"); $tagArray = $tagApp->get_array($article['tags']); $article['tag_array'] = array(); foreach ((array) $tagArray as $tk => $tag) { $article['tag_array'][$tk] = $tag; $article['tags_link'] .= $tag['link']; $tag_name_array[] = $tag['name']; } $tag_name_array && ($article['tags_fname'] = $tag_name_array[0]); unset($tagApp, $tagArray, $tag_name_array); } } if ($vars['meta']) { if ($article['metadata']) { $article['meta'] = unserialize($article['metadata']); unset($article['metadata']); } } if ($vars['user']) { iPHP::app('user.class', 'static'); if ($article['postype']) { $article['user'] = user::empty_info($article['userid'], '#' . $article['editor']); } else { $article['user'] = user::info($article['userid'], $article['author']); } } if (strstr($article['source'], '||')) { list($s_name, $s_url) = explode('||', $article['source']); $article['source'] = '<a href="' . $s_url . '" target="_blank">' . $s_name . '</a>'; } if (strstr($article['author'], '||')) { list($a_name, $a_url) = explode('||', $article['author']); $article['author'] = '<a href="' . $a_url . '" target="_blank">' . $a_name . '</a>'; } $article['hits'] = array('script' => iCMS_API . '?app=article&do=hits&cid=' . $article['cid'] . '&id=' . $article['id'], 'count' => $article['hits'], 'today' => $article['hits_today'], 'yday' => $article['hits_yday'], 'week' => $article['hits_week'], 'month' => $article['hits_month']); $article['comment'] = array('url' => iCMS_API . "?app=article&do=comment&appid={$article['appid']}&iid={$article['id']}&cid={$article['cid']}", 'count' => $article['comments']); if ($article['picdata']) { $picdata = unserialize($article['picdata']); } unset($article['picdata']); $article['pic'] = get_pic($article['pic'], $picdata['b'], get_twh($vars['btw'], $vars['bth'])); $article['mpic'] = get_pic($article['mpic'], $picdata['m'], get_twh($vars['mtw'], $vars['mth'])); $article['spic'] = get_pic($article['spic'], $picdata['s'], get_twh($vars['stw'], $vars['sth'])); $article['param'] = array("appid" => $article['appid'], "iid" => $article['id'], "cid" => $article['cid'], "suid" => $article['userid'], "title" => $article['title'], "url" => $article['url']); return $article; }
/** * [API_weixin 向下兼容] */ public function API_weixin() { $weixinApp = iPHP::app("weixin"); $weixinApp->API_interface(); }