function import($filename, $rawtext = "") { @ini_set("max_execution_time", 600); echo JText::sprintf("Importing events from ical file %s", $filename) . "<br/>"; $cfg =& JEVConfig::getInstance(); $option = JEV_COM_COMPONENT; // resultant data goes here if ($filename != "") { $file = $filename; if (!@file_exists($file)) { $file = JPATH_SITE . "/components/{$option}/" . $filename; } if (!file_exists($file)) { echo "I hope this is a URL!!<br/>"; $file = $filename; } // get name $isFile = false; if (isset($_FILES['upload']) && is_array($_FILES['upload'])) { $uploadfile = $_FILES['upload']; // MSIE sets a mime-type of application/octet-stream if ($uploadfile['size'] != 0 && ($uploadfile['type'] == "text/calendar" || $uploadfile['type'] == "text/csv" || $uploadfile['type'] == "application/octet-stream" || $uploadfile['type'] == "text/html")) { $this->srcURL = $uploadfile['name']; $isFile = true; } } if ($this->srcURL == "") { $this->srcURL = $file; } // $this->rawData = iconv("ISO-8859-1","UTF-8",file_get_contents($file)); if (!$isFile && is_callable("curl_exec")) { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, ($isFile ? "file://" : "") . $file); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $this->rawData = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); // try file_get_contents as a backup if ($isFile && $this->rawData === false) { $this->rawData = @file_get_contents($file); } } else { $this->rawData = @file_get_contents($file); } if ($this->rawData === false) { // file_get_contents: no or blocked wrapper for $file JError::raiseNotice(0, 'file_get_contents() failed, try fsockopen'); $parsed_url = parse_url($file); if ($parsed_url === false) { JError::raiseWarning(0, 'url not parsed: ' . $file); } else { if ($parsed_url['scheme'] == 'http' || $parsed_url['scheme'] == 'https' || $parsed_url['scheme'] == 'webcal') { // try socked connection $fsockhost = $parsed_url['host']; $fsockport = 80; if ($parsed_url['scheme'] == 'https') { $fsockhost = 'ssl://' . $fsockhost; $fsockport = 443; } if (array_key_exists('port', $parsed_url)) { $fsockport = $parsed_url['port']; } $fh = @fsockopen($fsockhost, $fsockport, $errno, $errstr, 3); if ($fh === false) { // fsockopen: no connect JError::raiseWarning(0, 'fsockopen: no connect for ' . $file . ' - ' . $errstr); return false; } else { $fsock_path = (array_key_exists('path', $parsed_url) ? $parsed_url['path'] : '') . (array_key_exists('query', $parsed_url) ? $parsed_url['query'] : '') . (array_key_exists('fragment', $parsed_url) ? $parsed_url['fragment'] : ''); fputs($fh, "GET {$fsock_path} HTTP/1.0\r\n"); fputs($fh, "Host: " . $parsed_url['host'] . "\r\n\r\n"); while (!feof($fh)) { $this->rawData .= fread($fh, 4096); } fclose($fh); $this->rawData = JString::substr($this->rawData, JString::strpos($this->rawData, "\r\n\r\n") + 4); } } } } // Returns true if $string is valid UTF-8 and false otherwise. /* $isutf8 = $this->detectUTF8($this->rawData); if ($isutf8) { $this->rawData = iconv("ISO-8859-1","UTF-8",$this->rawData); } */ } else { $this->srcURL = "n/a"; $this->rawData = $rawtext; } // get rid of spurious carriage returns and spaces //$this->rawData = preg_replace("/[\r\n]+ ([:;])/","$1",$this->rawData); // simplify line feed $this->rawData = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $this->rawData); // remove spurious lines before calendar start if (!JString::stristr($this->rawData, 'BEGIN:VCALENDAR')) { // check for CSV format $firstLine = JString::substr($this->rawData, 0, JString::strpos($this->rawData, "\n") + 1); if (JString::stristr($firstLine, 'SUMMARY') && JString::stristr($firstLine, 'DTSTART') && JString::stristr($firstLine, 'DTEND') && JString::stristr($firstLine, 'CATEGORIES') && JString::stristr($firstLine, 'TIMEZONE')) { $timezone = date_default_timezone_get(); $csvTrans = new CsvToiCal($file); $this->rawData = $csvTrans->getRawData(); date_default_timezone_set($timezone); } else { JError::raiseWarning(0, 'Not a valid VCALENDAR data file: ' . $this->srcURL); //JError::raiseWarning(0, 'Not a valid VCALENDAR or CSV data file: ' . $this->srcURL); // return false so that we don't remove a valid calendar because of a bad URL load! return false; } } $begin = JString::strpos($this->rawData, "BEGIN:VCALENDAR", 0); $this->rawData = JString::substr($this->rawData, $begin); // $this->rawData = preg_replace('/^.*\n(BEGIN:VCALENDAR)/s', '$1', $this->rawData, 1); // unfold content lines according the unfolding procedure of rfc2445 $this->rawData = str_replace("\n ", "", $this->rawData); $this->rawData = str_replace("\n\t", "", $this->rawData); // TODO make sure I can always ignore the second line // Some google calendars has spaces and carriage returns in their UIDs // Convert string into array for easier processing $this->rawData = explode("\n", $this->rawData); $skipuntil = null; foreach ($this->rawData as $vcLine) { //$vcLine = trim($vcLine); // trim one line if (!empty($vcLine)) { // skip unhandled block if ($skipuntil) { if (trim($vcLine) == $skipuntil) { // found end of block to skip $skipuntil = null; } continue; } $matches = explode(":", $vcLine, 2); if (count($matches) == 2) { list($this->key, $value) = $matches; //$value = str_replace('\n', "\n", $value); //$value = stripslashes($value); $append = false; // Treat Accordingly switch ($vcLine) { case "BEGIN:VTODO": // start of VTODO section $this->todoCount++; $parent = "VTODO"; break; case "BEGIN:VEVENT": // start of VEVENT section $this->eventCount++; $parent = "VEVENT"; break; case "BEGIN:VCALENDAR": case "BEGIN:DAYLIGHT": case "BEGIN:VTIMEZONE": case "BEGIN:STANDARD": $parent = $value; // save tu array under value key break; case "END:VTODO": case "END:VEVENT": case "END:VCALENDAR": case "END:DAYLIGHT": case "END:VTIMEZONE": case "END:STANDARD": $parent = "VCALENDAR"; break; default: // skip unknown BEGIN/END blocks if ($this->key == 'BEGIN') { $skipuntil = 'END:' . $value; break; } // Generic processing $this->add_to_cal($parent, $this->key, $value, $append); break; } } else { // ignore these lines go } } } // Sort the events into start date order // there's little point in doing this id an RRULE is present! // usort($this->cal['VEVENT'], array("iCalImport","comparedates")); // Populate vevent class - should do this first trawl through !! if (array_key_exists("VEVENT", $this->cal)) { foreach ($this->cal["VEVENT"] as $vevent) { // trap for badly constructed all day events if (isset($vevent["DTSTARTRAW"]) && isset($vevent["DTENDRAW"]) && $vevent["DTENDRAW"] == $vevent["DTSTARTRAW"]) { $vevent["DTEND"] += 86400; } $this->vevents[] = iCalEvent::iCalEventFromData($vevent); } } return $this; }
function save($array, &$queryModel, $rrule, $dryrun = false) { $cfg =& JEVConfig::getInstance(); $db =& JFactory::getDBO(); $user = JFactory::getUser(); // Allow plugins to check data validity $dispatcher =& JDispatcher::getInstance(); JPluginHelper::importPlugin("jevents"); $res = $dispatcher->trigger('onBeforeSaveEvent', array(&$array, &$rrule, $dryrun)); // TODO do error and hack checks here $ev_id = intval(JArrayHelper::getValue($array, "evid", 0)); $newevent = $ev_id == 0; $data = array(); // TODO add UID to edit form $data["UID"] = JArrayHelper::getValue($array, "uid", md5(uniqid(rand(), true))); $data["X-EXTRAINFO"] = JArrayHelper::getValue($array, "extra_info", ""); $data["LOCATION"] = JArrayHelper::getValue($array, "location", ""); $data["allDayEvent"] = JArrayHelper::getValue($array, "allDayEvent", "off"); $data["CONTACT"] = JArrayHelper::getValue($array, "contact_info", ""); $data["DESCRIPTION"] = JArrayHelper::getValue($array, "jevcontent", ""); $data["publish_down"] = JArrayHelper::getValue($array, "publish_down", "2006-12-12"); $data["publish_up"] = JArrayHelper::getValue($array, "publish_up", "2006-12-12"); $data["SUMMARY"] = JArrayHelper::getValue($array, "title", ""); $data["URL"] = JArrayHelper::getValue($array, "url", ""); // If user is jevents can deleteall or has backend access then allow them to specify the creator $jevuser = JEVHelper::getAuthorisedUser(); $creatorid = JRequest::getInt("jev_creatorid", 0); if ($creatorid > 0) { if (JVersion::isCompatible("1.6.0")) { //$access = JAccess::check($user->id, "core.deleteall","com_jevents"); $access = $user->authorise('core.admin', 'com_jevents'); } else { // Get an ACL object $acl =& JFactory::getACL(); $grp = $acl->getAroGroup($user->get('id')); $access = $acl->is_group_child_of($grp->name, 'Public Backend'); } if ($jevuser && $jevuser->candeleteall || $access) { $data["X-CREATEDBY"] = $creatorid; } } $ics_id = JArrayHelper::getValue($array, "ics_id", 0); if ($data["allDayEvent"] == "on") { $start_time = "00:00"; } else { $start_time = JArrayHelper::getValue($array, "start_time", "08:00"); } $publishstart = $data["publish_up"] . ' ' . $start_time . ':00'; $data["DTSTART"] = JevDate::strtotime($publishstart); if ($data["allDayEvent"] == "on") { $end_time = "00:00"; } else { $end_time = JArrayHelper::getValue($array, "end_time", "15:00"); } $publishend = $data["publish_down"] . ' ' . $end_time . ':00'; if (isset($array["noendtime"]) && $array["noendtime"]) { $publishend = $data["publish_down"] . ' 23:59:59'; } $data["DTEND"] = JevDate::strtotime($publishend); // iCal for whole day uses 00:00:00 on the next day JEvents uses 23:59:59 on the same day list($h, $m, $s) = explode(":", $end_time . ':00'); if ($h + $m + $s == 0 && $data["allDayEvent"] == "on" && $data["DTEND"] > $data["DTSTART"]) { //if (($h+$m+$s)==0 && $data["allDayEvent"]=="on" && $data["DTEND"]>=$data["DTSTART"]) { //$publishend = JevDate::strftime('%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59',($data["DTEND"]-86400)); $publishend = JevDate::strftime('%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59', $data["DTEND"]); $data["DTEND"] = JevDate::strtotime($publishend); } $data["RRULE"] = $rrule; $data["MULTIDAY"] = JArrayHelper::getValue($array, "multiday", "1"); $data["NOENDTIME"] = JArrayHelper::getValue($array, "noendtime", "0"); $data["X-COLOR"] = JArrayHelper::getValue($array, "color", ""); $data["LOCKEVENT"] = JArrayHelper::getValue($array, "lockevent", "0"); // Add any custom fields into $data array foreach ($array as $key => $value) { if (strpos($key, "custom_") === 0) { $data[$key] = $value; } } $vevent = iCalEvent::iCalEventFromData($data); $vevent->catid = JArrayHelper::getValue($array, "catid", 0); if (is_array($vevent->catid)) { JArrayHelper::toInteger($vevent->catid); } // if catid is empty then use the catid of the ical calendar if (is_string($vevent->catid) && $vevent->catid <= 0 || is_array($vevent->catid) && count($vevent->catid) == 0) { $query = "SELECT catid FROM #__jevents_icsfile WHERE ics_id={$ics_id}"; $db->setQuery($query); $vevent->catid = $db->loadResult(); } $vevent->access = intval(JArrayHelper::getValue($array, "access", 0)); if (!JVersion::isCompatible("1.6.0")) { $vevent->access = $vevent->access > $user->aid ? $user->aid : $vevent->access; } $vevent->state = intval(JArrayHelper::getValue($array, "state", 0)); // Shouldn't really do this like this $vevent->_detail->priority = intval(JArrayHelper::getValue($array, "priority", 0)); // FRONT END AUTO PUBLISHING CODE $frontendPublish = JEVHelper::isEventPublisher(); if (!$frontendPublish) { $frontendPublish = JEVHelper::canPublishOwnEvents($ev_id); } // Always unpublish if no Publisher otherwise publish automatically (for new events) // Should we always notify of new events $notifyAdmin = $cfg->get("com_notifyallevents", 0); if (!JFactory::getApplication()->isAdmin()) { if ($frontendPublish && $ev_id == 0) { $vevent->state = 1; } else { if (!$frontendPublish) { $vevent->state = 0; // In this case we send a notification email to admin $notifyAdmin = true; } } } $vevent->icsid = $ics_id; if ($ev_id > 0) { $vevent->ev_id = $ev_id; } $rp_id = intval(JArrayHelper::getValue($array, "rp_id", 0)); if ($rp_id > 0) { // I should be able to do this in one operation but that can come later $testevent = $queryModel->listEventsById(intval($rp_id), 1, "icaldb"); if (!JEVHelper::canEditEvent($testevent)) { JError::raiseError(403, JText::_('ALERTNOTAUTH')); } } $db =& JFactory::getDBO(); $success = true; //echo "class = ".get_class($vevent); if (!$dryrun) { if (!$vevent->store()) { echo $db->getErrorMsg() . "<br/>"; $success = false; JError::raiseWarning(101, JText::_('COULD_NOT_SAVE_EVENT_')); } } else { // need a value for eventid to pretend we have saved the event so we can get the repetitions if (!isset($vevent->ev_id)) { $vevent->ev_id = 0; } $vevent->rrule->eventid = $vevent->ev_id; } // Only update the repetitions if the event edit says the reptitions will have changed or a new event if ($newevent || JRequest::getInt("updaterepeats", 1)) { $repetitions = $vevent->getRepetitions(true); if (!$dryrun) { if (!$vevent->storeRepetitions()) { echo $db->getErrorMsg() . "<br/>"; $success = false; JError::raiseWarning(101, JText::_('COULD_NOT_SAVE_REPETITIONS')); } } } $res = $dispatcher->trigger('onAfterSaveEvent', array(&$vevent, $dryrun)); if ($dryrun) { return $vevent; } // If not authorised to publish in the frontend then notify the administrator if (!$dryrun && $success && $notifyAdmin && !JFactory::getApplication()->isAdmin()) { JLoader::register('JEventsCategory', JEV_ADMINPATH . "/libraries/categoryClass.php"); $cat = new JEventsCategory($db); $cat->load($vevent->catid); $adminuser = $cat->getAdminUser(); $adminEmail = $adminuser->email; $config = new JConfig(); $sitename = $config->sitename; $subject = JText::_('JEV_MAIL_ADDED') . ' ' . $sitename; $subject = $vevent->state == '1' ? '[Info] ' . $subject : '[Approval] ' . $subject; $Itemid = JEVHelper::getItemid(); // reload the event to get the reptition ids $evid = intval($vevent->ev_id); $testevent = $queryModel->getEventById($evid, 1, "icaldb"); $rp_id = $testevent->rp_id(); list($year, $month, $day) = JEVHelper::getYMD(); //http://joomlacode1.5svn/index.php?option=com_jevents&task=icalevent.edit&evid=1&Itemid=68&rp_id=72&year=2008&month=09&day=10&lang=cy $uri =& JURI::getInstance(JURI::base()); $root = $uri->toString(array('scheme', 'host', 'port')); $modifylink = '<a href="' . $root . JRoute::_('index.php?option=' . JEV_COM_COMPONENT . '&task=icalevent.edit&evid=' . $evid . '&rp_id=' . $rp_id . '&Itemid=' . $Itemid . "&year={$year}&month={$month}&day={$day}") . '"><b>' . JText::_('JEV_MODIFY') . '</b></a>' . "\n"; $viewlink = '<a href="' . $root . JRoute::_('index.php?option=' . JEV_COM_COMPONENT . '&task=icalrepeat.detail&evid=' . $rp_id . '&Itemid=' . $Itemid . "&year={$year}&month={$month}&day={$day}&login=1") . '"><b>' . JText::_('JEV_VIEW') . '</b></a>' . "\n"; $created_by = $user->name; if ($created_by == null) { $created_by = "Anonymous"; if (JRequest::getString("custom_anonusername", "") != "") { $created_by = JRequest::getString("custom_anonusername", "") . " (" . JRequest::getString("custom_anonemail", "") . ")"; } } JEV_CommonFunctions::sendAdminMail($sitename, $adminEmail, $subject, $testevent->title(), $testevent->content(), $created_by, JURI::root(), $modifylink, $viewlink); } if ($success) { return $vevent; } return $success; }