/** * Outputs frontpage HTML * * @return Nothing */ function reportVideo() { global $database, $my, $acl, $mosConfig_absolute_path, $mosConfig_mailfrom, $mosConfig_fromname, $mosConfig_live_site, $Itemid, $mosConfig_sitename; $c = hwd_vs_Config::get_instance(); $db = & JFactory::getDBO(); $my = & JFactory::getUser(); if (!$my->id) { hwd_vs_tools::infomessage(1, 0, _HWDVIDS_TITLE_UPLDFAIL, _HWDVIDS_ALERT_LOG2FLAG, "exclamation.png", 1); return; } $userid = $my->id; $videoid = JRequest::getInt( 'videoid', 0, 'request' ); $where = ' WHERE a.videoid = '.$videoid; $db->SetQuery( 'SELECT count(*)' . ' FROM #__hwdvidsflagged_videos AS a' . $where ); $total = $db->loadResult(); if ( $total>0 ) { hwd_vs_tools::infomessage(1, 0, _HWDVIDS_TITLE_UPLDFAIL, _HWDVIDS_ALERT_ALREADYFLAG, "exclamation.png", 1); return; } $row = new hwdvids_flagvid($db); $_POST['userid'] = $userid; $_POST['videoid'] = $videoid; $_POST['status'] = "UNREAD"; $_POST['date'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); // bind it to the table if (!$row -> bind($_POST)) { echo "<script> alert('" .$row -> getError() ."'); window.history.go(-1); </script>\n"; exit(); } // store it in the db if (!$row -> store()) { echo "<script> alert('" .$row -> getError() ."'); window.history.go(-1); </script>\n"; exit(); } // mail admin notification if ($c->mailreportnotification == 1) { $jconfig = new jconfig(); $mailbody = ""._HWDVIDS_MAIL_BODY9.$jconfig->sitename.".\n"; $mailbody .= ""._HWDVIDS_MAIL_BODY10."\n"; if (isset($videoid)) { $mailbody .= "".JURI::root()."index.php?option=com_hwdvideoshare&Itemid=".$Itemid."&task=viewvideo&video_id=".$videoid."\n\n"; } $mailbody .= ""._HWDVIDS_MAIL_BODY11."\n"; $mailbody .= JURI::root()."administrator"; JUtility::sendMail( $jconfig->mailfrom, $jconfig->fromname, $c->mailnotifyaddress, _HWDVIDS_MAIL_SUBJECT4.$jconfig->sitename.' ', $mailbody ); } hwd_vs_tools::infomessage(1, 0, _HWDVIDS_TITLE_UPLDFAIL, _HWDVIDS_ALERT_SUCFLAGGED, "exclamation.png", 1); return; }
/** * Outputs frontpage HTML * * @return Nothing */ function reportVideo() { header('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); echo "<META NAME=\"ROBOTS\" CONTENT=\"NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW\">"; global $Itemid; $c = hwd_vs_Config::get_instance(); $db = & JFactory::getDBO(); $my = & JFactory::getUser(); if (!$my->id) { echo _HWDVIDS_AJAX_LOG2REPORT; exit; } $userid = $my->id; $videoid = JRequest::getInt( 'videoid', 0, 'request' ); $where = ' WHERE a.videoid = '.$videoid; $db->SetQuery( 'SELECT count(*)' . ' FROM #__hwdvidsflagged_videos AS a' . $where ); $total = $db->loadResult(); if ( $total>0 ) { echo _HWDVIDS_AJAX_ALREADYREPORT; exit; } $row = new hwdvids_flagvid($db); $_POST['userid'] = $userid; $_POST['videoid'] = $videoid; $_POST['status'] = "UNREAD"; $_POST['date'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); // bind it to the table if (!$row -> bind($_POST)) { echo "<script> alert('" .$row -> getError() ."'); window.history.go(-1); </script>\n"; exit(); } // store it in the db if (!$row -> store()) { echo "<script> alert('" .$row -> getError() ."'); window.history.go(-1); </script>\n"; exit(); } // mail admin notification if ($c->mailreportnotification == 1) { $jconfig = new jconfig(); $mailbody = ""._HWDVIDS_MAIL_BODY9.$jconfig->sitename.".\n"; $mailbody .= ""._HWDVIDS_MAIL_BODY10."\n"; if (isset($videoid)) { $mailbody .= "".JURI::root()."index.php?option=com_hwdvideoshare&Itemid=".$Itemid."&task=viewvideo&video_id=".$videoid."\n\n"; } $mailbody .= ""._HWDVIDS_MAIL_BODY11."\n"; $mailbody .= JURI::root()."administrator"; JUtility::sendMail( $jconfig->mailfrom, $jconfig->fromname, $c->mailnotifyaddress, _HWDVIDS_MAIL_SUBJECT4.$jconfig->sitename.' ', $mailbody ); } echo _HWDVIDS_AJAX_VIDREPORT; exit; }