function login() { if ($username == null) { echo "E-Mail is a required field."; } else { if ($password == null) { echo "Password is a required field."; } else { ProgressIndicator::Show(); $url = ""; $httpClient_post = new httpClient(); $inputMetodo = new InputText(); $inputMetodo->setValue("login"); $httpClient_post->addVariable('username', $username); $httpClient_post->addVariable('password', $password); $result = $httpClient_post->Execute('POST', $url); $id_user = new InputText(); $struct = array("response" => DataType::Character(50)); Data::FromJson($struct, $result); $id_user = $struct['response']; ProgressIndicator::Hide(); if ($id_user != "0") { StorageAPI::Set("token", $id_user); AndroidAction::GoHome(); } else { echo "Wrong user or password"; } } } }
function save() { if ($email == null) { echo "EMail is a required field."; } else { if ($password == null) { echo "Password is a required field."; } else { if ($password != $password_2) { echo "Please make sure your passwords match."; } else { ProgressIndicator::Show(); $url = ""; $http = new httpClient(); $http->addVariable('username', $email); $http->addVariable('passcode', $password); //lo de pasar la clave a md5 lo hace el Register.php $result = $http->Execute('POST', $url); $struct = array("id_usuario" => DataType::Character(101)); Data::FromJson($struct, $result); $id_user = new InputText(100); $id_user = $struct['id_usuario']; if ($id_user == "0") { echo "User already signed up"; } else { echo "Signed up succesfully."; StorageAPI::Set("token", $id_user); AndroidAction::GoHome(); } } } } }
function login() { if ($email == null) { echo "E-Mail is a required field."; } else { if ($pass == null) { echo "Password is a required field."; } else { ProgressIndicator::Show(); $url = ""; $httpClient_post = new httpClient(); $httpClient_post->addVariable('email', $email); $httpClient_post->addVariable('password', $pass); $result = $httpClient_post->Execute('POST', $url); $customerToken = new InputText(); $userName = new InputText(); $response = array("customerToken" => DataType::Character(150), "userName" => DataType::Character(150)); Data::FromJson($response, $result); $customerToken = $response['customerToken']; $userName = $response['userName']; ProgressIndicator::Hide(); if ($customerToken != "") { StorageAPI::Set("token", $customerToken); StorageAPI::Set("userName", $userName); AndroidAction::GoHome(); } else { echo "Invalid user"; } } } }
function save() { if ($username == null) { echo "E-Mail is a required field."; } else { if ($password == null) { echo "Password is a required field."; } else { if ($password != $password2) { echo "Please make sure your passwords match."; } else { ProgressIndicator::Show(); $url = ""; $httpClient_post = new httpClient(); $inputMetodo = new InputText(); $inputMetodo->setValue("login"); $httpClient_post->addVariable('username', $username); $httpClient_post->addVariable('password', $password); $httpClient_post->addVariable('id', $token); $result = $httpClient_post->Execute('POST', $url); $id_user = new InputText(); $struct = array("response" => DataType::Character(50)); Data::FromJson($struct, $result); $id_user = $struct['response']; ProgressIndicator::Hide(); AndroidAction::GoHome(); } } } }
function confirm() { $token = StorageAPI::Get("token"); ProgressIndicator::ShowWithTitle("Adding budget..."); $httpUpdate = new httpClient(); $httpUpdate->addVariable('money', $money_value); $httpUpdate->addVariable('dates', $input_date); $httpUpdate->addVariable("id", $token); $httpUpdate->Execute('POST', ""); ProgressIndicator::Hide(); AndroidAction::GoHome(); }
function save() { ProgressIndicator::Show(); $httpUpdate = new httpClient(); $httpUpdate->addVariable('id', $id); $httpUpdate->addVariable('name', $name); $httpUpdate->addVariable('address', $address); $httpUpdate->addVariable('phone', $phone); $httpUpdate->addVariable('image', $image); $httpUpdate->Execute('POST', ""); ProgressIndicator::Hide(); return; }
function save() { ProgressIndicator::Show(); $request = new httpClient(); $request->addVariable('taskID', $id); $request->addVariable('status', $status); $request->addVariable('task', $name); $request->addVariable('imagen', $imagen); $result = $request->Execute('POST', ""); $sdtError = array("response" => type::Character(100)); Data::FromJson($sdtError, $result); $rsValue = new InputText(100); $rsValue = $sdtError['response']; ProgressIndicator::Hide(); $win->Open("main"); }
function save() { if ($name == null) { echo "Name is a required field."; } else { if ($lastname == null) { echo "Last name is a required field."; } else { if ($email == null) { echo "E-Mail is a required field."; } else { if ($password == null) { echo "Password is a required field."; } else { if ($password != $password_2) { echo "Please make sure your passwords match."; } else { ProgressIndicator::Show(); $url = ""; $http = new httpClient(); $http->addVariable('name', $name); $http->addVariable('lastname', $lastname); $http->addVariable('email', $email); $http->addVariable('password', $password); $rs = $http->Execute("POST", $url); $sdt_rs = array("error" => DataType::Character(300)); Data::FromJson($sdtError, $rs); $rs = new InputText(300); $rs = $sdt_rs['error']; ProgressIndicator::Hide(); if ($rs == "0") { echo "User created successfully!"; $win->Open("Login"); } else { echo $rs; } } } } } } }
function clientStart() { $token = StorageAPI::Get("token"); $url = ""; $httpClient = new httpClient(); $httpClient->addVariable("id", $token); $result = $httpClient->Execute('POST', $url); $struct = array("money" => DataType::Numeric(11)); Data::FromJson($struct, $result); $input = $struct['money']; }
function save() { ProgressIndicator::Show(); $url = ""; $hc = new httpClient(); $hc->addVariable("name", $name); $hc->addVariable("lastname", $last_name); $hc->addVariable("email", $email); $hc->addVariable("customerToken", $token); $rs = $hc->Execute("POST", $url); $sdt_rs = array("error" => DataType::Character(300)); Data::FromJson($sdtError, $rs); $rs = new InputText(300); $rs = $sdt_rs['error']; ProgressIndicator::Hide(); if ($rs == "0") { echo "User updated successfully!"; $win->Refresh(); } else { echo $rs; } }
function delete() { $isOk = new InputBoolean(); $isOk = Interop::Confirm("Do you want to delete company ?"); if ($isOk == true) { ProgressIndicator::Show(); $httpC = new httpClient(); $httpC->addVariable("CompanyId", $id); $httpC->Execute('POST', ""); ProgressIndicator::Hide(); return; } }
function save() { ProgressIndicator::Show(); //Make JSON request with variables $request = new httpClient(); $request->addVariable('task', $name); $request->addVariable('taskID', $id); $request->addVariable('created_at', $date); $request->addVariable('description', $description); $url = ""; $result = $request->Execute("POST", $url); //Cast response data type $sdtError = array("response" => DataType::Character(100)); Data::FromJson($sdtError, $result); $rsValue = new InputText(100); $rsValue = $sdtError['response']; if ($addToCalendar) { Calendar::Schedule($name, $date, $date, "10:00:00", "11:00:00", $name); } ProgressIndicator::Hide(); $win->Open("main"); }
function save() { //Check form values if ($name == null) { echo "Name is a required field."; } else { $compareDefaultDate = new InputDate(); if ($date == $compareDefaultDate) { echo "Date is a required field."; } else { if ($description == null) { echo "Please provide a description"; } else { ProgressIndicator::Show(); //Make JSON request with variables $request = new httpClient(); $request->addVariable('task', $name); $request->addVariable('taskID', $id); $request->addVariable('created_at', $date); $request->addVariable('description', $description); $url = ""; $result = $request->Execute("POST", $url); //Cast response data type $sdtError = array("response" => DataType::Character(100)); Data::FromJson($sdtError, $result); $rsValue = new InputText(100); $rsValue = $sdtError['response']; if ($addToCalendar) { Calendar::Schedule($name, $date, $date, "10:00:00", "11:00:00", $name); } ProgressIndicator::Hide(); //returns to the app home page. AndroidAction::GoHome(); } } } }
function confirm() { $token = StorageAPI::Get("token"); ProgressIndicator::ShowWithTitle("Inserting movement..."); $httpUpdate = new httpClient(); $httpUpdate->addVariable('value', $input_value); $httpUpdate->addVariable('moveType', $moveType); $httpUpdate->addVariable('description', $input_desc); $httpUpdate->addVariable("id", $token); $httpUpdate->addVariable('idCat', $dc_cat); $httpUpdate->addVariable('dates', $input_date); $httpUpdate->Execute('POST', ""); ProgressIndicator::Hide(); AndroidAction::GoHome(); }
function delete() { $input_boolean = new InputBoolean(); $input_boolean = Interop::Confirm("Are you sure you want to delete this movement?"); if ($input_boolean) { ProgressIndicator::ShowWithTitle("Deleting..."); $httpC = new httpClient(); $httpC->addVariable("idMov", $idMov_trans); $httpC->addVariable('value', $value); $httpC->addVariable('dates', $date); $httpC->addVariable('move_type', $move_type); $httpC->addVariable("id", $token); $httpC->Execute('POST', ""); ProgressIndicator::Hide(); return; } }