public function gui($url) { $bls = $this->getServers(); if (isset($_POST['bls'])) { try { $this->core->blog->settings->setNameSpace('antispam'); $this->core->blog->settings->put('antispam_dnsbls', $_POST['bls'], 'string', 'Antispam DNSBL servers', true, false); http::redirect($url . '&upd=1'); } catch (Exception $e) { $core->error->add($e->getMessage()); } } /* DISPLAY ---------------------------------------------- */ $res = ''; $res .= '<form action="' . html::escapeURL($url) . '" method="post">' . '<fieldset><legend>' . __('IP Lookup servers') . '</legend>' . '<p>' . __('Add here a coma separated list of servers.') . '</p>' . '<p>' . form::textarea('bls', 40, 3, html::escapeHTML($bls), 'maximal') . '</p>' . '<p><input type="submit" value="' . __('Save') . '" />' . $this->core->formNonce() . '</p>' . '</fieldset>' . '</form>'; return $res; }
public function gui($url) { $bls = $this->getServers(); if (isset($_POST['bls'])) { try { $this->core->blog->settings->addNamespace('antispam'); $this->core->blog->settings->antispam->put('antispam_dnsbls', $_POST['bls'], 'string', 'Antispam DNSBL servers', true, false); dcPage::addSuccessNotice(__('The list of DNSBL servers has been succesfully updated.')); http::redirect($url); } catch (Exception $e) { $core->error->add($e->getMessage()); } } /* DISPLAY ---------------------------------------------- */ $res = dcPage::notices(); $res .= '<form action="' . html::escapeURL($url) . '" method="post" class="fieldset">' . '<h3>' . __('IP Lookup servers') . '</h3>' . '<p><label for="bls">' . __('Add here a coma separated list of servers.') . '</label>' . form::textarea('bls', 40, 3, html::escapeHTML($bls), 'maximal') . '</p>' . '<p><input type="submit" value="' . __('Save') . '" />' . $this->core->formNonce() . '</p>' . '</form>'; return $res; }
public function gui($url) { $core =& $this->core; # Create list if (!empty($_POST['createlist'])) { try { $this->defaultWordsList(); http::redirect($url . '&list=1'); } catch (Exception $e) { $core->error->add($e->getMessage()); } } # Adding a word if (!empty($_POST['swa'])) { $globalsw = !empty($_POST['globalsw']) && $core->auth->isSuperAdmin(); try { $this->addRule($_POST['swa'], $globalsw); http::redirect($url . '&added=1'); } catch (Exception $e) { $core->error->add($e->getMessage()); } } # Removing spamwords if (!empty($_POST['swd']) && is_array($_POST['swd'])) { try { $this->removeRule($_POST['swd']); http::redirect($url . '&removed=1'); } catch (Exception $e) { $core->error->add($e->getMessage()); } } /* DISPLAY ---------------------------------------------- */ $res = ''; if (!empty($_GET['list'])) { $res .= '<p class="message">' . __('Words have been successfully added.') . '</p>'; } if (!empty($_GET['added'])) { $res .= '<p class="message">' . __('Word has been successfully added.') . '</p>'; } if (!empty($_GET['removed'])) { $res .= '<p class="message">' . __('Words have been successfully removed.') . '</p>'; } $res .= '<form action="' . html::escapeURL($url) . '" method="post">' . '<fieldset><legend>' . __('Add a word') . '</legend>' . '<p>' . form::field('swa', 20, 128) . ' '; if ($core->auth->isSuperAdmin()) { $res .= '<label class="classic">' . form::checkbox('globalsw', 1) . ' ' . __('Global word') . '</label> '; } $res .= $core->formNonce() . '<input type="submit" value="' . __('Add') . '"/></p>' . '</fieldset>' . '</form>'; $rs = $this->getRules(); if ($rs->isEmpty()) { $res .= '<p><strong>' . __('No word in list.') . '</strong></p>'; } else { $res .= '<form action="' . html::escapeURL($url) . '" method="post">' . '<fieldset><legend>' . __('List') . '</legend>' . '<div style="' . $this->style_list . '">'; while ($rs->fetch()) { $disabled_word = false; $p_style = $this->style_p; if (!$rs->blog_id) { $disabled_word = !$core->auth->isSuperAdmin(); $p_style .= $this->style_global; } $res .= '<p style="' . $p_style . '"><label class="classic">' . form::checkbox(array('swd[]'), $rs->rule_id, false, '', '', $disabled_word) . ' ' . html::escapeHTML($rs->rule_content) . '</label></p>'; } $res .= '</div>' . '<p>' . form::hidden(array('spamwords'), 1) . $core->formNonce() . '<input class="submit" type="submit" value="' . __('Delete selected words') . '"/></p>' . '</fieldset></form>'; } if ($core->auth->isSuperAdmin()) { $res .= '<form action="' . html::escapeURL($url) . '" method="post">' . '<p><input type="submit" value="' . __('Create default wordlist') . '" />' . form::hidden(array('spamwords'), 1) . form::hidden(array('createlist'), 1) . $core->formNonce() . '</p>' . '</form>'; } return $res; }
echo '<form action="comments_actions.php" method="post">'; } echo '<h3>' . __('Trackbacks') . '</h3>'; if (!$trackbacks->isEmpty()) { showComments($trackbacks, $has_action); } else { echo '<p>' . __('No trackback') . '</p>'; } echo '<h3>' . __('Comments') . '</h3>'; if (!$comments->isEmpty()) { showComments($comments, $has_action); } else { echo '<p>' . __('No comment') . '</p>'; } if ($has_action) { echo '<div class="two-cols">' . '<p class="col checkboxes-helpers"></p>' . '<p class="col right">' . __('Selected comments action:') . ' ' . form::combo('action', $combo_action) . form::hidden('redir', html::escapeURL($redir_url) . '&id=' . $post_id . '&co=1') . $core->formNonce() . '<input type="submit" value="' . __('ok') . '" /></p>' . '</div>' . '</form>'; } echo '</div>'; } /* Add a comment -------------------------------------------------------- */ if ($post_id) { echo '<div class="multi-part" id="add-comment" title="' . __('Add a comment') . '">' . '<h3>' . __('Add a comment') . '</h3>' . '<form action="comment.php" method="post" id="comment-form">' . '<fieldset class="constrained">' . '<p><label class="required" title="' . __('Required field') . '">' . __('Name:') . form::field('comment_author', 30, 255, html::escapeHTML($core->auth->getInfo('user_cn'))) . '</label></p>' . '<p><label>' . __('Email:') . form::field('comment_email', 30, 255, html::escapeHTML($core->auth->getInfo('user_email'))) . '</label></p>' . '<p><label>' . __('Web site:') . form::field('comment_site', 30, 255, html::escapeHTML($core->auth->getInfo('user_url'))) . '</label></p>' . '<p class="area"><label for="comment_content" class="required" title="' . __('Required field') . '">' . __('Comment:') . '</label> ' . form::textarea('comment_content', 50, 8, html::escapeHTML('')) . '</p>' . '<p>' . form::hidden('post_id', $post_id) . $core->formNonce() . '<input type="submit" name="add" value="' . __('save') . '" /></p>' . '</fieldset>' . '</form>' . '</div>'; } # Show comments or trackbacks function showComments(&$rs, $has_action) { echo '<table class="comments-list"><tr>' . '<th colspan="2">' . __('Author') . '</th>' . '<th>' . __('Date') . '</th>' . '<th class="nowrap">' . __('IP address') . '</th>' . '<th>' . __('Status') . '</th>' . '<th> </th>' . '</tr>'; while ($rs->fetch()) { $comment_url = 'comment.php?id=' . $rs->comment_id; $img = '<img alt="%1$s" title="%1$s" src="images/%2$s" />';
private static function debugInfo() { $global_vars = implode(', ', array_keys($GLOBALS)); $res = '<div id="debug"><div>' . '<p>memory usage: ' . memory_get_usage() . ' (' . files::size(memory_get_usage()) . ')</p>'; if (function_exists('xdebug_get_profiler_filename')) { $res .= '<p>Elapsed time: ' . xdebug_time_index() . ' seconds</p>'; $prof_file = xdebug_get_profiler_filename(); if ($prof_file) { $res .= '<p>Profiler file : ' . xdebug_get_profiler_filename() . '</p>'; } else { $prof_url = http::getSelfURI(); $prof_url .= strpos($prof_url, '?') === false ? '?' : '&'; $prof_url .= 'XDEBUG_PROFILE'; $res .= '<p><a href="' . html::escapeURL($prof_url) . '">Trigger profiler</a></p>'; } /* xdebug configuration: zend_extension = /.../ xdebug.auto_trace = On xdebug.trace_format = 0 xdebug.trace_options = 1 xdebug.show_mem_delta = On xdebug.profiler_enable = 0 xdebug.profiler_enable_trigger = 1 xdebug.profiler_output_dir = /tmp xdebug.profiler_append = 0 xdebug.profiler_output_name = timestamp */ } $res .= '<p>Global vars: ' . $global_vars . '</p>' . '</div></div>'; return $res; }
function mediaItemLine($f, $i) { global $core, $page_url, $popup, $post_id; $fname = $f->basename; if ($f->d) { $link = html::escapeURL($page_url) . '&d=' . html::sanitizeURL($f->relname); if ($f->parent) { $fname = '..'; } } else { $link = 'media_item.php?id=' . $f->media_id . '&popup=' . $popup . '&post_id=' . $post_id; } $class = 'media-item media-col-' . $i % 2; $res = '<div class="' . $class . '"><a class="media-icon media-link" href="' . $link . '">' . '<img src="' . $f->media_icon . '" alt="" /></a>' . '<ul>' . '<li><a class="media-link" href="' . $link . '">' . $fname . '</a></li>'; if (!$f->d) { $res .= '<li>' . $f->media_title . '</li>' . '<li>' . $f->media_dtstr . ' - ' . files::size($f->size) . ' - ' . '<a href="' . $f->file_url . '">' . __('open') . '</a>' . '</li>'; } $res .= '<li class="media-action"> '; if ($post_id && !$f->d) { $res .= '<form action="post_media.php" method="post">' . '<input type="image" src="images/plus.png" alt="' . __('Attach this file to entry') . '" ' . 'title="' . __('Attach this file to entry') . '" /> ' . form::hidden('media_id', $f->media_id) . form::hidden('post_id', $post_id) . form::hidden('attach', 1) . $core->formNonce() . '</form>'; } if ($popup && !$f->d) { $res .= '<a href="' . $link . '"><img src="images/plus.png" alt="' . __('Insert this file into entry') . '" ' . 'title="' . __('Insert this file into entry') . '" /></a> '; } if ($f->del) { $res .= '<a class="media-remove" ' . 'href="' . html::escapeURL($page_url) . '&d=' . rawurlencode($GLOBALS['d']) . '&remove=' . rawurlencode($f->basename) . '">' . '<img src="images/trash.png" alt="' . __('delete') . '" title="' . __('delete') . '" /></a>'; } $res .= '</li>'; if ($f->type == 'audio/mpeg3') { $res .= '<li>' . dcMedia::mp3player($f->file_url, 'index.php?pf=player_mp3.swf') . '</li>'; } $res .= '</ul></div>'; return $res; }
public function gui($url) { $blog =& $this->core->blog; $ak_key = $blog->settings->ak_key; $ak_verified = null; if (isset($_POST['ak_key'])) { try { $ak_key = $_POST['ak_key']; $blog->settings->setNameSpace('akismet'); $blog->settings->put('ak_key', $ak_key, 'string'); http::redirect($url . '&up=1'); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->core->error->add($e->getMessage()); } } if ($blog->settings->ak_key) { try { $ak = new akismet($blog->url, $blog->settings->ak_key); $ak_verified = $ak->verify(); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->core->error->add($e->getMessage()); } } $res = '<form action="' . html::escapeURL($url) . '" method="post">' . '<p><label class="classic">' . __('Akismet API key:') . ' ' . form::field('ak_key', 12, 128, $ak_key) . '</label>'; if ($ak_verified !== null) { if ($ak_verified) { $res .= ' <img src="images/check-on.png" alt="" /> ' . __('API key verified'); } else { $res .= ' <img src="images/check-off.png" alt="" /> ' . __('API key not verified'); } } $res .= '</p>'; $res .= '<p><a href="">' . __('Get your own API key') . '</a></p>' . '<p><input type="submit" value="' . __('save') . '" />' . $this->core->formNonce() . '</p>' . '</form>'; return $res; }
private function displayForms($url, $type, $title) { $res = '<h3>' . $title . '</h3>' . '<form action="' . html::escapeURL($url) . '" method="post">' . '<fieldset><legend>' . __('m_antispam_Add_IP_address') . '</legend><p>' . form::hidden(array('ip_type'), $type) . form::text(array('addip'), 18, 255) . ' '; $res .= adminPage::formtoken() . '<input type="submit" value="' . __('c_c_action_Add') . '"/></p>' . '</fieldset></form>'; $rs = $this->getRules($type); if ($rs->isEmpty()) { $res .= '<p><strong>' . __('m_antispam_No_IP_address_in_list') . '</strong></p>'; } else { $res .= '<form action="' . html::escapeURL($url) . '" method="post">' . '<fieldset><legend>' . __('m_antispam_IP_list') . '</legend>' . '<div style="' . $this->style_list . '">'; while ($rs->fetch()) { $bits = explode(':', $rs->rule_content); $pattern = $bits[0]; $ip = $bits[1]; $bitmask = $bits[2]; $p_style = $this->style_p; $res .= '<p style="' . $p_style . '"><label class="classic">' . form::checkbox(array('delip[]'), $rs->rule_id, false) . ' ' . html::escapeHTML($pattern) . '</label></p>'; } $res .= '</div>' . '<p><input type="submit" value="' . __('c_c_action_Delete') . '"/>' . adminPage::formtoken() . form::hidden(array('ip_type'), $type) . '</p>' . '</fieldset></form>'; } return $res; }
public function gui($url) { $blog =& $this->core->blog; $blog->settings->addNamespace('akismet'); $ak_key = $blog->settings->akismet->ak_key; $ak_verified = null; if (isset($_POST['ak_key'])) { try { $ak_key = $_POST['ak_key']; $blog->settings->akismet->put('ak_key', $ak_key, 'string'); dcPage::addSuccessNotice(__('Filter configuration have been successfully saved.')); http::redirect($url); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->core->error->add($e->getMessage()); } } if ($blog->settings->akismet->ak_key) { try { $ak = new akismet($blog->url, $blog->settings->akismet->ak_key); $ak_verified = $ak->verify(); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->core->error->add($e->getMessage()); } } $res = dcPage::notices(); $res .= '<form action="' . html::escapeURL($url) . '" method="post" class="fieldset">' . '<p><label for="ak_key" class="classic">' . __('Akismet API key:') . '</label> ' . form::field('ak_key', 12, 128, $ak_key); if ($ak_verified !== null) { if ($ak_verified) { $res .= ' <img src="images/check-on.png" alt="" /> ' . __('API key verified'); } else { $res .= ' <img src="images/check-off.png" alt="" /> ' . __('API key not verified'); } } $res .= '</p>'; $res .= '<p><a href="">' . __('Get your own API key') . '</a></p>' . '<p><input type="submit" value="' . __('Save') . '" />' . $this->core->formNonce() . '</p>' . '</form>'; return $res; }
public function gui($url) { $core =& $this->core; # Create list if (!empty($_POST['createlist'])) { try { $this->defaultWordsList(); dcPage::addSuccessNotice(__('Words have been successfully added.')); http::redirect($url); } catch (Exception $e) { $core->error->add($e->getMessage()); } } # Adding a word if (!empty($_POST['swa'])) { $globalsw = !empty($_POST['globalsw']) && $core->auth->isSuperAdmin(); try { $this->addRule($_POST['swa'], $globalsw); dcPage::addSuccessNotice(__('Word has been successfully added.')); http::redirect($url); } catch (Exception $e) { $core->error->add($e->getMessage()); } } # Removing spamwords if (!empty($_POST['swd']) && is_array($_POST['swd'])) { try { $this->removeRule($_POST['swd']); dcPage::addSuccessNotice(__('Words have been successfully removed.')); http::redirect($url); } catch (Exception $e) { $core->error->add($e->getMessage()); } } /* DISPLAY ---------------------------------------------- */ $res = dcPage::notices(); $res .= '<form action="' . html::escapeURL($url) . '" method="post" class="fieldset">' . '<p><label class="classic" for="swa">' . __('Add a word ') . '</label> ' . form::field('swa', 20, 128); if ($core->auth->isSuperAdmin()) { $res .= '<label class="classic" for="globalsw">' . form::checkbox('globalsw', 1) . __('Global word (used for all blogs)') . '</label> '; } $res .= $core->formNonce() . '</p>' . '<p><input type="submit" value="' . __('Add') . '"/></p>' . '</form>'; $rs = $this->getRules(); if ($rs->isEmpty()) { $res .= '<p><strong>' . __('No word in list.') . '</strong></p>'; } else { $res .= '<form action="' . html::escapeURL($url) . '" method="post" class="fieldset">' . '<h3>' . __('List of bad words') . '</h3>' . '<div class="antispam">'; $res_global = ''; $res_local = ''; while ($rs->fetch()) { $disabled_word = false; $p_style = ''; if (!$rs->blog_id) { $disabled_word = !$core->auth->isSuperAdmin(); $p_style .= ' global'; } $item = '<p class="' . $p_style . '"><label class="classic" for="word-' . $rs->rule_id . '">' . form::checkbox(array('swd[]', 'word-' . $rs->rule_id), $rs->rule_id, false, '', '', $disabled_word) . ' ' . html::escapeHTML($rs->rule_content) . '</label></p>'; if ($rs->blog_id) { // local list if ($res_local == '') { $res_local = '<h4>' . __('Local words (used only for this blog)') . '</h4>'; } $res_local .= $item; } else { // global list if ($res_global == '') { $res_global = '<h4>' . __('Global words (used for all blogs)') . '</h4>'; } $res_global .= $item; } } $res .= '<div class="local">' . $res_local . '</div>'; $res .= '<div class="global">' . $res_global . '</div>'; $res .= '</div>' . '<p>' . form::hidden(array('spamwords'), 1) . $core->formNonce() . '<input class="submit delete" type="submit" value="' . __('Delete selected words') . '"/></p>' . '</form>'; } if ($core->auth->isSuperAdmin()) { $res .= '<form action="' . html::escapeURL($url) . '" method="post">' . '<p><input type="submit" value="' . __('Create default wordlist') . '" />' . form::hidden(array('spamwords'), 1) . form::hidden(array('createlist'), 1) . $core->formNonce() . '</p>' . '</form>'; } return $res; }
} dcPage::open(__('Users'), dcPage::jsLoad('js/_users_actions.js') . $core->callBehavior('adminUsersActionsHeaders'), $breadcrumb); if (!isset($action)) { dcPage::close(); exit; } $hidden_fields = ''; foreach ($users as $u) { $hidden_fields .= form::hidden(array('users[]'), $u); } if (isset($_POST['redir']) && strpos($_POST['redir'], '://') === false) { $hidden_fields .= form::hidden(array('redir'), html::escapeURL($_POST['redir'])); } else { $hidden_fields .= form::hidden(array('q'), html::escapeHTML($_POST['q'])) . form::hidden(array('sortby'), $_POST['sortby']) . form::hidden(array('order'), $_POST['order']) . form::hidden(array('page'), $_POST['page']) . form::hidden(array('nb'), $_POST['nb']); } echo '<p><a class="back" href="' . html::escapeURL($redir) . '">' . __('Back to user profile') . '</a></p>'; # --BEHAVIOR-- adminUsersActionsContent $core->callBehavior('adminUsersActionsContent', $core, $action, $hidden_fields); # Blog list where to set permissions if (!empty($users) && empty($blogs) && $action == 'blogs') { try { $rs = $core->getBlogs(); $nb_blog = $rs->count(); } catch (Exception $e) { } foreach ($users as $u) { $user_list[] = '<a href="' . $core->adminurl->get("admin.user", array('id' => $u)) . '">' . $u . '</a>'; } echo '<p>' . sprintf(__('Choose one or more blogs to which you want to give permissions to users %s.'), implode(', ', $user_list)) . '</p>'; if ($nb_blog == 0) { echo '<p><strong>' . __('No blog') . '</strong></p>';
function mediaItemLine($f, $i, $query, $table = false) { global $core, $page_url, $popup, $select, $post_id, $plugin_id, $page_url_params; $fname = $f->basename; $file = $query ? $f->relname : $f->basename; $class = $table ? '' : 'media-item media-col-' . $i % 2; if ($f->d) { // Folder $link = $core->adminurl->get('', array_merge($page_url_params, array('d' => html::sanitizeURL($f->relname)))); if ($f->parent) { $fname = '..'; $class .= ' media-folder-up'; } else { $class .= ' media-folder'; } } else { // Item $params = new ArrayObject(array('id' => $f->media_id, 'plugin_id' => $plugin_id, 'popup' => $popup, 'select' => $select, 'post_id' => $post_id)); $core->callBehavior('adminMediaURLParams', $params); $params = (array) $params; $link = $core->adminurl->get('', $params); } $maxchars = 36; if (strlen($fname) > $maxchars) { $fname = substr($fname, 0, $maxchars - 4) . '...' . ($f->d ? '' : files::getExtension($fname)); } $act = ''; if (!$f->d) { if ($select > 0) { if ($select == 1) { // Single media selection button $act .= '<a href="' . $link . '"><img src="images/plus.png" alt="' . __('Select this file') . '" ' . 'title="' . __('Select this file') . '" /></a> '; } else { // Multiple media selection checkbox $act .= form::checkbox(array('medias[]', 'media_' . rawurlencode($file)), $file); } } else { // Item if ($post_id) { // Media attachment button $act .= '<a class="attach-media" title="' . __('Attach this file to entry') . '" href="' . $core->adminurl->get("", array('media_id' => $f->media_id, 'post_id' => $post_id, 'attach' => 1)) . '">' . '<img src="images/plus.png" alt="' . __('Attach this file to entry') . '"/>' . '</a>'; } if ($popup) { // Media insertion button $act .= '<a href="' . $link . '"><img src="images/plus.png" alt="' . __('Insert this file into entry') . '" ' . 'title="' . __('Insert this file into entry') . '" /></a> '; } } } if ($f->del) { // Deletion button or checkbox if (!$popup && !$f->d) { if ($select < 2) { // Already set for multiple media selection $act .= form::checkbox(array('medias[]', 'media_' . rawurlencode($file)), $file); } } else { $act .= '<a class="media-remove" ' . 'href="' . html::escapeURL($page_url) . '&plugin_id=' . $plugin_id . '&d=' . rawurlencode($GLOBALS['d']) . '&q=' . rawurlencode($GLOBALS['q']) . '&remove=' . rawurlencode($file) . '">' . '<img src="images/trash.png" alt="' . __('Delete') . '" title="' . __('delete') . '" /></a>'; } } // Render markup if (!$table) { $res = '<div class="' . $class . '"><p><a class="media-icon media-link" href="' . rawurldecode($link) . '">' . '<img src="' . $f->media_icon . '" alt="" />' . ($query ? $file : $fname) . '</a></p>'; $lst = ''; if (!$f->d) { $lst .= '<li>' . $f->media_title . '</li>' . '<li>' . $f->media_dtstr . ' - ' . files::size($f->size) . ' - ' . '<a href="' . $f->file_url . '">' . __('open') . '</a>' . '</li>'; } $lst .= $act != '' ? '<li class="media-action"> ' . $act . '</li>' : ''; // Show player if relevant $file_type = explode('/', $f->type); if ($file_type[0] == 'audio') { $lst .= '<li>' . dcMedia::audioPlayer($f->type, $f->file_url, $core->adminurl->get("admin.home", array('pf' => 'player_mp3.swf')), null, $core->blog->settings->system->media_flash_fallback) . '</li>'; } $res .= $lst != '' ? '<ul>' . $lst . '</ul>' : ''; $res .= '</div>'; } else { $res = '<tr class="' . $class . '">'; $res .= '<td class="media-action">' . $act . '</td>'; $res .= '<td class="maximal" scope="row"><a class="media-flag media-link" href="' . rawurldecode($link) . '">' . '<img src="' . $f->media_icon . '" alt="" />' . ($query ? $file : $fname) . '</a>' . '<br />' . ($f->d ? '' : $f->media_title) . '</td>'; $res .= '<td class="nowrap count">' . ($f->d ? '' : $f->media_dtstr) . '</td>'; $res .= '<td class="nowrap count">' . ($f->d ? '' : files::size($f->size) . ' - ' . '<a href="' . $f->file_url . '">' . __('open') . '</a>') . '</td>'; $res .= '</tr>'; } return $res; }
} echo '</ul>'; } } if ($file->type == 'image/jpeg') { echo '<h3>' . __('Image details') . '</h3>'; if (count($file->media_meta) == 0) { echo '<p>' . __('No detail') . '</p>'; } else { echo '<ul>'; foreach ($file->media_meta as $k => $v) { if ((string) $v) { echo '<li><strong>' . $k . ':</strong> ' . html::escapeHTML($v) . '</li>'; } } echo '</ul>'; } } if ($file->editable && $core_media_writable) { if ($file->media_type == 'image') { echo '<form class="clear" action="' . html::escapeURL($page_url) . '" method="post">' . '<fieldset><legend>' . __('Update thumbnails') . '</legend>' . '<p>' . __('This will create or update thumbnails for this image.') . '</p>' . '<p><input type="submit" name="thumbs" value="' . __('update thumbnails') . '" />' . form::hidden(array('id'), $id) . $core->formNonce() . '</p>' . '</fieldset></form>'; } if ($file->type == 'application/zip') { $inflate_combo = array(__('Extract in a new directory') => 'new', __('Extract in current directory') => 'current'); echo '<form class="clear" id="file-unzip" action="' . html::escapeURL($page_url) . '" method="post">' . '<fieldset><legend>' . __('Extract archive') . '</legend>' . '<ul>' . '<li><strong>' . __('Extract in a new directory') . '</strong> : ' . __('This will extract archive in a new directory that should not exists yet.') . '</li>' . '<li><strong>' . __('Extract in current directory') . '</strong> : ' . __('This will extract archive in current directory and will overwrite existing files or directory.') . '</li>' . '</ul>' . '<p><label class="classic">' . __('Extract mode:') . ' ' . form::combo('inflate_mode', $inflate_combo, 'new') . '</label> ' . '<input type="submit" name="unzip" value="' . __('extract') . '" />' . form::hidden(array('id'), $id) . $core->formNonce() . '</p>' . '</fieldset></form>'; } echo '<form class="clear" action="' . html::escapeURL($page_url) . '" method="post">' . '<fieldset><legend>' . __('Change media properties') . '</legend>' . '<p><label>' . __('File name:') . form::field('media_file', 30, 255, html::escapeHTML($file->basename)) . '</label></p>' . '<p><label>' . __('File title:') . form::field('media_title', 30, 255, html::escapeHTML($file->media_title)) . '</label></p>' . '<p><label>' . __('File date:') . form::field('media_dt', 16, 16, html::escapeHTML($file->media_dtstr)) . '</label></p>' . '<p><label class="classic">' . form::checkbox('media_private', 1, $file->media_priv) . ' ' . __('Private') . '</label></p>' . '<p><label>' . __('New directory:') . form::combo('media_path', $dirs_combo, dirname($file->relname)) . '</label></p>' . '<p><input type="submit" accesskey="s" value="' . __('save') . '" />' . form::hidden(array('id'), $id) . $core->formNonce() . '</p>' . '</fieldset></form>'; echo '<form class="clear" action="' . html::escapeURL($page_url) . '" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">' . '<fieldset><legend>' . __('Change file') . '</legend>' . '<div>' . form::hidden(array('MAX_FILE_SIZE'), DC_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE) . '</div>' . '<p><label>' . __('Choose a file:') . ' (' . sprintf(__('Maximum size %s'), files::size(DC_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE)) . ') ' . '<input type="file" name="upfile" size="35" />' . '</label></p>' . '<p><input type="submit" value="' . __('send') . '" />' . form::hidden(array('id'), $id) . $core->formNonce() . '</p>' . '</fieldset></form>'; } echo '</div>' . '</div>'; call_user_func($close_f);
function mediaItemLine($f, $i) { global $okt, $page_url, $popup; $fname = $f->basename; if ($f->d) { $link = html::escapeURL($page_url) . '&d=' . html::sanitizeURL($f->relname); if ($f->parent) { $fname = '..'; } } else { $link = 'module.php?m=media_manager&action=item&id=' . $f->media_id . '&popup=' . $popup; } $class = 'media-item media-col-' . $i % 2; $res = '<div class="' . $class . '"><a class="media-icon media-link" href="' . $link . '">' . '<img src="' . $f->media_icon . '" alt="" /></a>' . '<ul>' . '<li><a class="media-link" href="' . $link . '">' . $fname . '</a></li>'; if (!$f->d) { $res .= '<li>' . $f->media_title . '</li>' . '<li>' . $f->media_dtstr . ' - ' . util::l10nFileSize($f->size) . ' - ' . '<a href="' . $f->file_url . '">' . __('c_c_action_open') . '</a>' . '</li>'; } $res .= '<li class="media-action"> '; if ($popup && !$f->d) { $res .= '<a href="' . $link . '"><img src="' . OKT_PUBLIC_URL . '/img/ico/plus.png" alt="' . __('Insert this file') . '" ' . 'title="' . __('Insert this file') . '" /></a> '; } if ($f->del) { $res .= '<a href="' . html::escapeURL($page_url) . '&d=' . rawurlencode($GLOBALS['d']) . '&remove=' . rawurlencode($f->basename) . '" class="icon delete">' . __('c_c_action_delete') . '</a>'; } $res .= '</li>'; if ($f->type == 'audio/mpeg3') { $res .= '<li>' . oktMedia::mp3player($f->file_url, 'index.php?pf=player_mp3.swf') . '</li>'; } $res .= '</ul></div>'; return $res; }
private function displayForms($url, $type, $title) { $core =& $this->core; $res = '<div class="multi-part" id="tab_' . $type . '" title="' . $title . '">' . '<form action="' . html::escapeURL($url) . '" method="post">' . '<fieldset><legend>' . __('Add an IP address') . '</legend><p>' . form::hidden(array('ip_type'), $type) . form::field(array('addip'), 18, 255) . ' '; if ($core->auth->isSuperAdmin()) { $res .= '<label class="classic">' . form::checkbox(array('globalip'), 1) . ' ' . __('Global IP') . '</label> '; } $res .= $core->formNonce() . '<input type="submit" value="' . __('Add') . '"/></p>' . '</fieldset></form>'; $rs = $this->getRules($type); if ($rs->isEmpty()) { $res .= '<p><strong>' . __('No IP address in list.') . '</strong></p>'; } else { $res .= '<form action="' . html::escapeURL($url) . '" method="post">' . '<fieldset><legend>' . __('IP list') . '</legend>' . '<div style="' . $this->style_list . '">'; while ($rs->fetch()) { $bits = explode(':', $rs->rule_content); $pattern = $bits[0]; $ip = $bits[1]; $bitmask = $bits[2]; $disabled_ip = false; $p_style = $this->style_p; if (!$rs->blog_id) { $disabled_ip = !$core->auth->isSuperAdmin(); $p_style .= $this->style_global; } $res .= '<p style="' . $p_style . '"><label class="classic">' . form::checkbox(array('delip[]'), $rs->rule_id, false, '', '', $disabled_ip) . ' ' . html::escapeHTML($pattern) . '</label></p>'; } $res .= '</div>' . '<p><input class="submit" type="submit" value="' . __('Delete') . '"/>' . $core->formNonce() . form::hidden(array('ip_type'), $type) . '</p>' . '</fieldset></form>'; } $res .= '</div>'; return $res; }
$limit = 1000; echo '<p>' . sprintf(__('Indexing entry %d to %d.'), $start, $start + $limit) . '</p>'; $new_start = $core->indexAllPosts($start, $limit); if ($new_start) { $new_url = $p_url . '&action=index&indexposts=1&start=' . $new_start; echo '<script type="text/javascript">' . "\n" . "//<![CDATA\n" . "window.location = '" . $new_url . "'\n" . "//]]>\n" . '</script>' . '<noscript><p><a href="' . html::escapeURL($new_url) . '">' . __('next') . '</a></p></noscript>'; } else { echo '<p class="message">' . __('Entries index done.') . '</p>'; echo '<p><a class="back" href="' . $p_url . '">' . __('Back') . '</a></p>'; } } elseif ($action == 'index' && !empty($_GET['indexcomments'])) { $limit = 1000; echo '<p>' . sprintf(__('Indexing comment %d to %d.'), $start, $start + $limit) . '</p>'; $new_start = $core->indexAllComments($start, $limit); if ($new_start) { $new_url = $p_url . '&action=index&indexcomments=1&start=' . $new_start; echo '<script type="text/javascript">' . "\n" . "//<![CDATA\n" . "window.location = '" . $new_url . "'\n" . "//]]>\n" . '</script>' . '<noscript><p><a href="' . html::escapeURL($new_url) . '">' . __('next') . '</a></p></noscript>'; } else { echo '<p class="message">' . __('Comments index done.') . '</p>'; echo '<p><a class="back" href="' . $p_url . '">' . __('Back') . '</a></p>'; } } else { echo '<h3>' . __('Optimize database room') . '</h3>' . '<form action="plugin.php" method="post">' . '<p><input type="submit" value="' . __('Vacuum tables') . '" /> ' . $core->formNonce() . form::hidden(array('action'), 'vacuum') . form::hidden(array('p'), 'maintenance') . '</p>' . '</form>'; echo '<h3>' . __('Counters') . '</h3>' . '<form action="plugin.php" method="post">' . '<p><input type="submit" value="' . __('Reset comments and ping counters') . '" /> ' . $core->formNonce() . form::hidden(array('action'), 'commentscount') . form::hidden(array('p'), 'maintenance') . '</p>' . '</form>'; echo '<h3>' . __('Search engine index') . ' (' . __('This may take a very long time') . ')</h3>' . '<form action="plugin.php" method="get">' . '<p><input type="submit" name="indexposts" value="' . __('Index all posts') . '" /> ' . '<input type="submit" name="indexcomments" value="' . __('Index all comments') . '" /> ' . form::hidden(array('action'), 'index') . form::hidden(array('p'), 'maintenance') . '</p>' . '</form>'; echo '<h3>' . __('Empty templates cache directory') . '</h3>' . '<form action="plugin.php" method="post">' . '<p><input type="submit" value="' . __('Empty directory') . '" /> ' . $core->formNonce() . form::hidden(array('action'), 'empty_cache') . form::hidden(array('p'), 'maintenance') . '</p>' . '</form>'; } ?> </body> </html>
} if (preg_match('#<meta\\s+name="video_height"\\s+content="(\\d+?)"#ms', $content, $m)) { $h = $m[1]; } if (preg_match('#<meta\\s+name="video_width"\\s+content="(\\d+?)"#ms', $content, $m)) { $w = $m[1]; } $m_object = '<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="' . $movie . '" width="' . $w . '" height="' . $h . '">' . "\n" . ' <param name="movie" value="' . $movie . '" />' . "\n" . ' <param name="wmode" value="transparent" />' . "\n" . ' <param name="FlashVars" value="autoplay=0&fullscreen=1&show_title=1&show_byline=1" />' . "\n" . '</object>'; } break; case 'youtube': if (preg_match('#<input.+?\\s+name="embed_code".+?\\s+value="(.+?)"#ms', $content, $m)) { $cap = html::decodeEntities($m[1]); $movie = ''; if (preg_match('#param\\s+name="movie"\\s+value="(.+?)"#s', $cap, $M)) { $movie = html::escapeURL($M[1]); } if (preg_match('#<title>Youtube\\s+-\\s+(.+?)</title>#si', $content, $M)) { $m_title = $M[1]; } if ($movie) { $m_object = '<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="' . $movie . '" width="425" height="350">' . "\n" . ' <param name="movie" value="' . $movie . '" />' . "\n" . ' <param name="wmode" value="transparent" />' . "\n" . '</object>'; } } break; case 'jamendo': if (preg_match('#^http://(www.)?[a-z]{2}/(playlist|album|track)/([0-9]+)#', $media_page, $m)) { $type = $m[2]; $id = $m[3]; $req = 'name'; if ($type == 'track') {
public function gui($url) { # Create list if (!empty($_POST['createlist'])) { try { $this->defaultWordsList(); http::redirect($url . '&list=1'); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->okt->error->set($e->getMessage()); } } # Adding a word if (!empty($_POST['swa'])) { try { $this->addRule($_POST['swa']); http::redirect($url . '&added=1'); } catch (Exception $e) { $okt->error->add($e->getMessage()); } } # Removing spamwords if (!empty($_POST['swd']) && is_array($_POST['swd'])) { try { $this->removeRule($_POST['swd']); http::redirect($url . '&removed=1'); } catch (Exception $e) { $okt->error->add($e->getMessage()); } } /* DISPLAY ---------------------------------------------- */ global $okt; $okt->page->messages->success('list', __('m_antispam_Words_successfully_added')); $okt->page->messages->success('added', __('m_antispam_Word_successfully_added')); $okt->page->messages->success('removed', __('m_antispam_Words_successfully_removed')); $res = ''; $res .= '<form action="' . html::escapeURL($url) . '" method="post">' . '<fieldset><legend>' . __('m_antispam_Add_word') . '</legend>' . '<p>' . form::text('swa', 20, 128) . ' '; $res .= adminPage::formtoken() . '<input type="submit" value="' . __('c_c_action_Add') . '"/></p>' . '</fieldset>' . '</form>'; $rs = $this->getRules(); if ($rs->isEmpty()) { $res .= '<p><strong>' . __('m_antispam_No_word_in_list') . '</strong></p>'; } else { $res .= '<form action="' . html::escapeURL($url) . '" method="post">' . '<fieldset><legend>' . __('m_antispam_List') . '</legend>' . '<div style="' . $this->style_list . '">'; while ($rs->fetch()) { $disabled_word = false; $p_style = $this->style_p; $res .= '<p style="' . $p_style . '"><label class="classic">' . form::checkbox(array('swd[]'), $rs->rule_id, false) . ' ' . html::escapeHTML($rs->rule_content) . '</label></p>'; } $res .= '</div>' . '<p>' . form::hidden(array('spamwords'), 1) . adminPage::formtoken() . '<input type="submit" value="' . __('m_antispam_Delete_selected_words') . '"/></p>' . '</fieldset></form>'; } $res .= '<form action="' . html::escapeURL($url) . '" method="post">' . '<p><input type="submit" value="' . __('m_antispam_Create_default_wordlist') . '" />' . form::hidden(array('spamwords'), 1) . form::hidden(array('createlist'), 1) . adminPage::formtoken() . '</p>' . '</form>'; return $res; }
public function getPostPublicURL($type, $post_url, $escaped = true) { if (!isset($this->post_types[$type])) { $type = 'post'; } $url = sprintf($this->post_types[$type]['public_url'], $post_url); return $escaped ? html::escapeURL($url) : $url; }
private function displayForms($url, $type, $title) { $core =& $this->core; $res = '<div class="multi-part" id="tab_' . $type . '" title="' . $title . '">' . '<form action="' . html::escapeURL($url) . '" method="post" class="fieldset">' . '<p>' . form::hidden(array('ip_type'), $type) . '<label class="classic" for="addip_' . $type . '">' . __('Add an IP address: ') . '</label> ' . form::field(array('addip', 'addip_' . $type), 18, 255); if ($core->auth->isSuperAdmin()) { $res .= '<label class="classic" for="globalip_' . $type . '">' . form::checkbox(array('globalip', 'globalip_' . $type), 1) . ' ' . __('Global IP (used for all blogs)') . '</label> '; } $res .= $core->formNonce() . '</p>' . '<p><input type="submit" value="' . __('Add') . '"/></p>' . '</form>'; $rs = $this->getRules($type); if ($rs->isEmpty()) { $res .= '<p><strong>' . __('No IP address in list.') . '</strong></p>'; } else { $res .= '<form action="' . html::escapeURL($url) . '" method="post">' . '<h3>' . __('IP list') . '</h3>' . '<div class="antispam">'; $res_global = ''; $res_local = ''; while ($rs->fetch()) { $bits = explode(':', $rs->rule_content); $pattern = $bits[0]; $ip = $bits[1]; $bitmask = $bits[2]; $disabled_ip = false; $p_style = ''; if (!$rs->blog_id) { $disabled_ip = !$core->auth->isSuperAdmin(); $p_style .= ' global'; } $item = '<p class="' . $p_style . '"><label class="classic" for="' . $type . '-ip-' . $rs->rule_id . '">' . form::checkbox(array('delip[]', $type . '-ip-' . $rs->rule_id), $rs->rule_id, false, '', '', $disabled_ip) . ' ' . html::escapeHTML($pattern) . '</label></p>'; if ($rs->blog_id) { // local list if ($res_local == '') { $res_local = '<h4>' . __('Local IPs (used only for this blog)') . '</h4>'; } $res_local .= $item; } else { // global list if ($res_global == '') { $res_global = '<h4>' . __('Global IPs (used for all blogs)') . '</h4>'; } $res_global .= $item; } } $res .= $res_local . $res_global; $res .= '</div>' . '<p><input class="submit delete" type="submit" value="' . __('Delete') . '"/>' . $core->formNonce() . form::hidden(array('ip_type'), $type) . '</p>' . '</form>'; } $res .= '</div>'; return $res; }
echo '<p>' . __('No detail') . '</p>'; } else { echo '<ul>'; foreach ($file->media_meta as $k => $v) { if ((string) $v) { echo '<li><strong>' . $k . ':</strong> ' . html::escapeHTML($v) . '</li>'; } } echo '</ul>'; } } if ($file->editable && $core_media_writable) { if ($file->media_type == 'image') { echo '<form class="clear" action="' . html::escapeURL($page_url) . '" method="post">' . '<fieldset><legend>' . __('Update thumbnails') . '</legend>' . '<p>' . __('This will create or update thumbnails for this image.') . '</p>' . '<p><input type="submit" name="thumbs" value="' . __('update thumbnails') . '" />' . form::hidden(array('id'), $id) . adminPage::formtoken() . '</p>' . '</fieldset></form>'; } if ($file->type == 'application/zip') { $inflate_combo = array(__('Extract in a new directory') => 'new', __('Extract in current directory') => 'current'); echo '<form class="clear" id="file-unzip" action="' . html::escapeURL($page_url) . '" method="post">' . '<fieldset><legend>' . __('Extract archive') . '</legend>' . '<ul>' . '<li><strong>' . __('Extract in a new directory') . '</strong> : ' . __('This will extract archive in a new directory that should not exists yet.') . '</li>' . '<li><strong>' . __('Extract in current directory') . '</strong> : ' . __('This will extract archive in current directory and will overwrite existing files or directory.') . '</li>' . '</ul>' . '<p><label class="classic">' . __('Extract mode:') . ' ' . form::select('inflate_mode', $inflate_combo, 'new') . '</label> ' . '<input type="submit" name="unzip" value="' . __('c_c_action_extract') . '" />' . form::hidden(array('id'), $id) . adminPage::formtoken() . '</p>' . '</fieldset></form>'; } echo '<form class="clear" action="' . html::escapeURL($page_url) . '" method="post">' . '<fieldset><legend>' . __('Change media properties') . '</legend>' . '<p class="field"><label>' . __('File name:') . '</label>' . form::text('media_file', 30, 255, html::escapeHTML($file->basename)) . '</p>' . '<p class="field"><label>' . __('File title:') . '</label>' . form::text('media_title', 30, 255, html::escapeHTML($file->media_title)) . '</p>' . '<p class="field"><label>' . __('File date:') . '</label>' . form::text('media_dt', 16, 16, html::escapeHTML($file->media_dtstr)) . '</p>' . '<p class="field"><label class="classic">' . form::checkbox('media_private', 1, $file->media_priv) . ' ' . __('Private') . '</label></p>' . '<p class="field"><label>' . __('New directory:') . '</label>' . form::select('media_path', $dirs_combo, dirname($file->relname)) . '</p>' . '<p><input type="submit" value="' . __('c_c_action_save') . '" />' . form::hidden(array('id'), $id) . adminPage::formtoken() . '</p>' . '</fieldset></form>'; echo '<form class="clear" action="' . html::escapeURL($page_url) . '" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">' . '<fieldset><legend>' . __('Change file') . '</legend>' . '<div>' . form::hidden(array('MAX_FILE_SIZE'), OKT_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE) . '</div>' . '<p class="field"><label for="upfile">' . __('Choose a file:') . '</label>' . '<input type="file" id="upfile" name="upfile" size="35" /></p>' . '<p class="note">' . sprintf(__('c_c_maximum_file_size_%s'), util::l10nFileSize(OKT_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE)) . '</p>' . '<p><input type="submit" value="' . __('c_c_action_send') . '" />' . form::hidden(array('id'), $id) . adminPage::formtoken() . '</p>' . '</fieldset></form>'; } echo '</div>'; echo '</div>'; echo '</div>'; # Pied-de-page if ($popup) { require OKT_ADMIN_FOOTER_SIMPLE_FILE; } else { require OKT_ADMIN_FOOTER_FILE; }
if (isset($_POST['redir']) && strpos($_POST['redir'], '://') === false) { $hidden_fields .= form::hidden(array('redir'), html::escapeURL($_POST['redir'])); } else { $hidden_fields .= form::hidden(array('user_id'), $_POST['user_id']) . form::hidden(array('cat_id'), $_POST['cat_id']) . form::hidden(array('status'), $_POST['status']) . form::hidden(array('selected'), $_POST['selected']) . form::hidden(array('month'), $_POST['month']) . form::hidden(array('lang'), $_POST['lang']) . form::hidden(array('sortby'), $_POST['sortby']) . form::hidden(array('order'), $_POST['order']) . form::hidden(array('page'), $_POST['page']) . form::hidden(array('nb'), $_POST['nb']); } if (isset($_POST['post_type'])) { $hidden_fields .= form::hidden(array('post_type'), $_POST['post_type']); } # --BEHAVIOR-- adminPostsActionsContent $core->callBehavior('adminPostsActionsContent', $core, $action, $hidden_fields); if ($action == 'category') { echo '<h2>' . __('Change category for entries') . '</h2>'; # categories list # Getting categories $categories_combo = array(' ' => ''); try { $categories = $core->blog->getCategories(array('post_type' => 'post')); while ($categories->fetch()) { $categories_combo[] = new formSelectOption(str_repeat(' ', $categories->level - 1) . '• ' . html::escapeHTML($categories->cat_title), $categories->cat_id); } } catch (Exception $e) { } echo '<form action="posts_actions.php" method="post">' . '<p><label class="classic">' . __('Category:') . ' ' . form::combo('new_cat_id', $categories_combo, '') . '</label> '; echo $hidden_fields . $core->formNonce() . form::hidden(array('action'), 'category') . '<input type="submit" value="' . __('save') . '" /></p>' . '</form>'; } elseif ($action == 'author' && $core->auth->check('admin', $core->blog->id)) { echo '<h2>' . __('Change author for entries') . '</h2>'; echo '<form action="posts_actions.php" method="post">' . '<p><label class="classic">' . __('Author ID:') . ' ' . form::field('new_auth_id', 20, 255) . '</label> '; echo $hidden_fields . $core->formNonce() . form::hidden(array('action'), 'author') . '<input type="submit" value="' . __('save') . '" /></p>' . '</form>'; } echo '<p><a class="back" href="' . html::escapeURL($redir) . '">' . __('back') . '</a></p>'; dcPage::close();