Пример #1
  * Sets a new title in the database;
  * @param string|null $title set null to derive from PID
 public function setTitle($title)
     if ($title === null) {
         $title = noNS($this->pid);
     // only one of these will succeed
     $sql = "UPDATE OR IGNORE titles SET title = ? WHERE pid = ?";
     $this->sqlite->query($sql, array($title, $this->pid));
     $sql = "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO titles (title, pid) VALUES (?,?)";
     $this->sqlite->query($sql, array($title, $this->pid));
     $this->title = $title;
  * retrieve the data saved for the page from the database. Usually there is no need to call this function.
  * Call @see SchemaData::getData instead.
 protected function getDataFromDB()
     list($sql, $opt) = $this->buildGetDataSQL();
     $res = $this->sqlite->query($sql, $opt);
     $data = $this->sqlite->res2arr($res);
     return $data;
Пример #3
  * Delete all data associated with this schema
  * This is really all data ever! Be careful!
 public function delete()
     if (!$this->id) {
         throw new StructException('can not delete unsaved schema');
     $this->sqlite->query('BEGIN TRANSACTION');
     $sql = "DROP TABLE ?";
     $this->sqlite->query($sql, 'data_' . $this->table);
     $this->sqlite->query($sql, 'multi_' . $this->table);
     $sql = "DELETE FROM schema_assignments WHERE tbl = ?";
     $this->sqlite->query($sql, $this->table);
     $sql = "DELETE FROM schema_assignments_patterns WHERE tbl = ?";
     $this->sqlite->query($sql, $this->table);
     $sql = "SELECT T.id\n                  FROM types T, schema_cols SC, schemas S \n                 WHERE T.id = SC.tid\n                   AND SC.sid = S.id\n                   AND S.tbl = ?";
     $sql = "DELETE FROM types WHERE id IN ({$sql})";
     $this->sqlite->query($sql, $this->table);
     $sql = "SELECT id\n                  FROM schemas \n                 WHERE tbl = ?";
     $sql = "DELETE FROM schema_cols WHERE sid IN ({$sql})";
     $this->sqlite->query($sql, $this->table);
     $sql = "DELETE FROM schemas WHERE tbl = ?";
     $this->sqlite->query($sql, $this->table);
     $this->sqlite->query('COMMIT TRANSACTION');
     // a deleted schema should not be used anymore, but let's make sure it's somewhat sane anyway
     $this->id = 0;
     $this->chksum = '';
     $this->columns = array();
     $this->maxsort = 0;
     $this->ts = 0;
 public function test_build_update()
     // arrange
     $initialdata = array();
     $initialdata['new']['new1']['sort'] = 70;
     $initialdata['new']['new1']['label'] = 'testcolumn';
     $initialdata['new']['new1']['ismulti'] = 0;
     $initialdata['new']['new1']['config'] = '{"prefix": "", "postfix": ""}';
     $initialdata['new']['new1']['class'] = 'Text';
     $initialdata['new']['new1']['isenabled'] = '1';
     $testname = 'testTable';
     $testname = Schema::cleanTableName($testname);
     $builder = new SchemaBuilder($testname, $initialdata);
     $result = $builder->build();
     $this->assertSame($result, '1', 'Prerequiste setup  in order to have basis which to change during act');
     $updatedata = array();
     $updatedata['id'] = "1";
     $updatedata['cols']['1']['sort'] = 65;
     $updatedata['cols']['1']['label'] = 'testColumn';
     $updatedata['cols']['1']['ismulti'] = 1;
     $updatedata['cols']['1']['config'] = '{"prefix": "pre", "postfix": "fix"}';
     $updatedata['cols']['1']['class'] = 'Text';
     $updatedata['cols']['1']['isenabled'] = '1';
     // act
     $builder = new SchemaBuilder($testname, $updatedata);
     $result = $builder->build();
     $res = $this->sqlite->query("SELECT * FROM types");
     $actual_types = $this->sqlite->res2arr($res);
     $expected_types = array(array('id' => "1", 'class' => 'Text', 'ismulti' => "0", 'label' => "testcolumn", 'config' => '{"prefix": "", "postfix": ""}'), array('id' => "2", 'class' => 'Text', 'ismulti' => "1", 'label' => "testColumn", 'config' => '{"prefix": "pre", "postfix": "fix"}'));
     // assert
     $this->assertSame($result, '2');
     $this->assertEquals($actual_types, $expected_types);
  * Add an additional column to the existing data table
  * @param int $index the new column index to add
  * @return bool
 protected function addDataTableColumn($index)
     $tbl = 'data_' . $this->table;
     $sql = " ALTER TABLE {$tbl} ADD COLUMN col{$index} DEFAULT ''";
     if (!$this->sqlite->query($sql)) {
         return false;
     return true;
  * fetch all pages where the schema isn't assigned, yet and reevaluate the page assignments for those pages and assign when needed
  * @param $table
 public function propagatePageAssignments($table)
     $sql = 'SELECT pid FROM schema_assignments WHERE tbl != ? OR assigned != 1';
     $res = $this->sqlite->query($sql, $table);
     $pagerows = $this->sqlite->res2arr($res);
     foreach ($pagerows as $row) {
         $tables = $this->getPageAssignments($row['pid'], true);
         if (in_array($table, $tables)) {
             $this->assignPageSchema($row['pid'], $table);
Пример #7
  * Execute this search and return the result
  * The result is a two dimensional array of Value()s.
  * This will always query for the full result (not using offset and limit) and then
  * return the wanted range, setting the count (@see getCount) to the whole result number
  * @return Value[][]
 public function execute()
     list($sql, $opts) = $this->getSQL();
     /** @var \PDOStatement $res */
     $res = $this->sqlite->query($sql, $opts);
     if ($res === false) {
         throw new StructException("SQL execution failed for\n\n{$sql}");
     $this->result_pids = array();
     $result = array();
     $cursor = -1;
     $pageidAndRevOnly = array_reduce($this->columns, function ($pageidAndRevOnly, Column $col) {
         return $pageidAndRevOnly && $col->getTid() == 0;
     }, true);
     while ($row = $res->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
         if ($cursor < $this->range_begin) {
         if ($this->range_end && $cursor >= $this->range_end) {
         $C = 0;
         $resrow = array();
         $isempty = true;
         foreach ($this->columns as $col) {
             $val = $row["C{$C}"];
             if ($col->isMulti()) {
                 $val = explode(self::CONCAT_SEPARATOR, $val);
             $value = new Value($col, $val);
             $isempty &= $this->isEmptyValue($value);
             $resrow[] = $value;
         // skip empty rows
         if ($isempty && !$pageidAndRevOnly) {
         $this->result_pids[] = $row['PID'];
         $result[] = $resrow;
     $this->count = $cursor + 1;
     return $result;
 public function test_saveData()
     // arrange
     $testdata = array('testcolumn' => 'value1_saved', 'testMulitColumn' => array("value2.1_saved", "value2.2_saved", "value2.3_saved"));
     // act
     $schemaData = meta\AccessTable::byTableName('testtable', 'testpage', time());
     $result = $schemaData->saveData($testdata);
     // assert
     /** @noinspection SqlResolve */
     $res = $this->sqlite->query("SELECT pid, col1, col2 FROM data_testtable WHERE pid = ? ORDER BY rev DESC LIMIT 1", array('testpage'));
     $actual_saved_single = $this->sqlite->res2row($res);
     $expected_saved_single = array('pid' => 'testpage', 'col1' => 'value1_saved', 'col2' => 'value2.1_saved');
     /** @noinspection SqlResolve */
     $res = $this->sqlite->query("SELECT colref, row, value FROM multi_testtable WHERE pid = ? ORDER BY rev DESC LIMIT 3", array('testpage'));
     $actual_saved_multi = $this->sqlite->res2arr($res);
     $expected_saved_multi = array(array('colref' => '2', 'row' => '1', 'value' => "value2.1_saved"), array('colref' => '2', 'row' => '2', 'value' => "value2.2_saved"), array('colref' => '2', 'row' => '3', 'value' => "value2.3_saved"));
     $this->assertTrue($result, 'should be true on success');
     $this->assertEquals($expected_saved_single, $actual_saved_single, 'single value fields');
     $this->assertEquals($expected_saved_multi, $actual_saved_multi, 'multi value fields');
 private function getTestPageId()
     $res = $this->db->query('SELECT pid FROM pages WHERE page = ?', 'test');
     $pid = (int) $this->db->res2single($res);
     return $pid;