public function action_index() { // clear buffer helper_ob::clean_all(); // validating do { $options = application::get('flag.numbers.backend.cron.base'); // token if (!empty($options['token']) && request::input('token') != $options['token']) { break; } // ip if (!empty($options['ip']) && !in_array(request::ip(), $options['ip'])) { break; } // get date parts $date_parts = format::now('parts'); print_r($date_parts); echo "GOOD\n"; } while (0); // we need to validate token //$token = request::input('token'); echo "OK\n"; // exit exit; }
/** * Destroy everything */ public static function destroy() { $__run_only_bootstrap = application::get(['flag', 'global', '__run_only_bootstrap']); // we need to set working directory again chdir(application::get(['application', 'path_full'])); // error processing if (empty(error_base::$flag_error_already)) { $last_error = error_get_last(); $flag_render = false; if (in_array($last_error['type'], [E_COMPILE_ERROR, E_PARSE, E_ERROR])) { error_base::error_handler($last_error['type'], $last_error['message'], $last_error['file'], $last_error['line']); error_base::$flag_error_already = true; $flag_render = true; } if ($flag_render || error_base::$flag_exception) { error_base::$flag_error_already = true; if ($__run_only_bootstrap) { helper_ob::clean_all(); print_r(error_base::$errors); } else { // set mvc + process application::set_mvc('/error/_error/500'); application::process(); } } } // write sessions session_write_close(); // final benchmark if (debug::$debug) { debug::benchmark('application end'); } // debugging toolbar last if (debug::$toolbar && !$__run_only_bootstrap) { echo str_replace('<!-- [numbers: debug toolbar] -->', debug::render(), helper_ob::clean()); } // flush data to client flush(); // closing caches before db $cache = factory::get(['cache']); if (!empty($cache)) { foreach ($cache as $k => $v) { $object = $v['object']; if (!empty(cache::$reset_caches[$k])) { $object->gc(1, cache::$reset_caches[$k]); } $object->close(); } } // destroy i18n if (i18n::$initialized) { i18n::destroy(); } // close db connections $dbs = factory::get(['db']); if (!empty($dbs)) { foreach ($dbs as $k => $v) { $object = $v['object']; $object->close(); } } // emails with erros if (debug::$debug && !empty(debug::$email)) { debug::send_errors_to_admin(); } }
/** * Render * * @param string $type * @return string */ public function render($type) { $result = ''; $session = new session(); // main switch switch ($type) { case 'pdf': // document properties $this->header['pdf']['orientation'] = isset($this->header['pdf']['orientation']) ? $this->header['pdf']['orientation'] : 'P'; $this->header['pdf']['unit'] = 'mm'; $this->header['pdf']['format'] = isset($this->header['pdf']['format']) ? $this->header['pdf']['format'] : 'LETTER'; $this->header['pdf']['encoding'] = isset($this->header['pdf']['encoding']) ? $this->header['pdf']['encoding'] : 'UTF-8'; $this->header['pdf']['font'] = isset($this->header['pdf']['font']) ? $this->header['pdf']['font'] : array('family' => 'helvetica', 'style' => '', 'size' => 8); //include 'tcpdf/tcpdf.php'; // create new PDF document $pdf = new TCPDF($this->header['pdf']['orientation'], $this->header['pdf']['unit'], $this->header['pdf']['format'], true, $this->header['pdf']['encoding'], false); // set margins $pdf->SetMargins(0, 0, 0); $pdf->setPrintHeader(false); // disable auto break $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(false, 0); // set default font subsetting mode $pdf->setFontSubsetting(true); // set color for background $pdf->SetFillColor(255, 255, 255); // set font $pdf->SetFont($this->header['pdf']['font']['family'], $this->header['pdf']['font']['style'], $this->header['pdf']['font']['size']); // stats $page_counter = 1; $page_y = 0; $flag_new_page = true; $flag_filter = true; $flag_first_row = true; $columns = array(); $all_columns = array(); // gethering all columns foreach ($this->data as $k => $v) { if ($v['t'] == 'columns') { $all_columns[] = $v; } } // looping through the data foreach ($this->data as $k => $v) { if ($v['t'] == 'columns') { continue; } if ($flag_new_page) { // add new page $pdf->AddPage($this->header['pdf']['orientation'], '', true); // drawing header $pdf->MultiCell(40, 5, format::datetime(format::now()), 0, 'L', 1, 0, 5, 5, true, 0, false, true, 10, 'T'); // company + book name $pw = $pdf->getPageWidth(); $pdf->SetFont($this->header['pdf']['font']['family'], 'B', $this->header['pdf']['font']['size']); // todo: fix here $pdf->MultiCell($pw - 90, 5, $session->company_name . ': ' . $session->book_name, 0, 'C', 1, 0, 40, 5, true, 0, false, true, 10, 'T'); // page counter $pdf->SetFont($this->header['pdf']['font']['family'], '', $this->header['pdf']['font']['size']); $pdf->MultiCell(40, 5, 'Page ' . $page_counter, 0, 'R', 1, 0, $pw - 45, 5, true, 0, false, true, 10, 'T'); // report name $pdf->SetFont($this->header['pdf']['font']['family'], 'B', $this->header['pdf']['font']['size']); $report_name = $this->header['name'] . ' (' . implode('-', application::get(array('mvc', 'controllers'))) . ')'; $pdf->MultiCell($pw - 10, 5, $report_name, 0, 'L', 1, 0, 5, 10, true, 0, false, true, 10, 'T'); if (isset($this->header['description'])) { $pdf->SetFont($this->header['pdf']['font']['family'], 'B', $this->header['pdf']['font']['size']); $pdf->MultiCell(205, 5, $this->header['description'], 0, 'L', 1, 0, 5, 15, true, 0, false, true, 10, 'T'); $page_y = 25; } else { $page_y = 20; } // if we need to add a filter if ($flag_filter) { if (isset($this->header['filter'])) { foreach ($this->header['filter'] as $k2 => $v2) { $pdf->SetFont($this->header['pdf']['font']['family'], 'B', $this->header['pdf']['font']['size']); $pdf->MultiCell(50, 5, $k2 . ':', 0, 'L', 1, 0, 5, $page_y, true, 0, false, true, 10, 'T'); $pdf->SetFont($this->header['pdf']['font']['family'], '', $this->header['pdf']['font']['size']); $number_of_cells = $pdf->MultiCell($pdf->getPageWidth() - 60, 5, $v2, 0, 'L', 1, 0, 55, $page_y, true, 0, false, true, 10, 'T'); if ($number_of_cells > 1) { $page_y += 5 * ($number_of_cells - 1); } $page_y += 5; } } $flag_filter = false; // adding one line space $page_y += 5; } // page counter $page_counter++; $flag_new_page = false; } // rendering rows if ($flag_first_row) { if (empty($columns)) { $columns = current($all_columns); // repopulate width $count_empty = 0; $taken = 0; foreach ($columns['d'] as $k2 => $v2) { if (empty($v2['w'])) { $count_empty++; } else { $taken += $v2['w']; } } if (!empty($count_empty)) { $new_width = floor(($pdf->getPageWidth() - 10 - $taken) / $count_empty); foreach ($v['d'] as $k2 => $v2) { $columns['d'][$k2]['w'] = $new_width; } } } $flag_first_row = false; // columns foreach ($all_columns as $k20 => $v20) { $x = 5; foreach ($columns['d'] as $k10 => $v10) { foreach (array('v', 'c', 'a', 'b', 's', 't', 'u') as $v30) { if (isset($v20['d'][$k10][$v30])) { $v10[$v30] = $v20['d'][$k10][$v30]; } } $new_width = @$v10['w']; if (!empty($v10['c'])) { // we need to get width of next elements for ($i = $k10 + 1; $i < $k10 + $v10['c']; $i++) { $new_width += $columns['d'][$k10]['w']; } } $align = str_replace(array('left', 'right', 'center'), array('L', 'R', 'C'), @$v10['a']); if (empty($align)) { $align = 'L'; } if (@$v10['b']) { $pdf->SetFont($this->header['pdf']['font']['family'], 'B', $this->header['pdf']['font']['size']); } else { $pdf->SetFont($this->header['pdf']['font']['family'], '', $this->header['pdf']['font']['size']); } $pdf->MultiCell($new_width, 5, @$v10['v'], $this->flag_pdf_show_borders, $align, 1, 0, $x, $page_y, true, 0, false, true, 10, 'T'); // underline if (@$v10['u']) { $pdf->SetLineStyle(array('width' => 0, 'cap' => 'butt', 'join' => 'miter', 'dash' => 0, 'color' => array(0, 0, 0))); $pdf->Line($x, $page_y + 5, $x + @$v10['w'], $page_y + 5); } $x += @$v10['w']; } $page_y += 5; } } $pdf->SetFont($this->header['pdf']['font']['family'], '', $this->header['pdf']['font']['size']); $x = 5; foreach ($columns['d'] as $k10 => $v10) { // we do do render cells if no data if (isset($v['d'][$k10]['v'])) { $align = str_replace(array('left', 'right', 'center'), array('L', 'R', 'C'), @$v['d'][$k10]['a']); if (empty($align)) { $align = 'L'; } if (@$v['d'][$k10]['b']) { $pdf->SetFont($this->header['pdf']['font']['family'], 'B', $this->header['pdf']['font']['size']); } else { $pdf->SetFont($this->header['pdf']['font']['family'], '', $this->header['pdf']['font']['size']); } // if we override width $width = $v10['w']; if (isset($v['d'][$k10]['w'])) { $width = $v['d'][$k10]['w']; } else { if (isset($v['d'][$k10]['c'])) { // colspan // we need to get width of next elements for ($i = $k10 + 1; $i < $k10 + $v['d'][$k10]['c']; $i++) { $width += @$columns['d'][$i]['w']; } } } $value = @$v['d'][$k10]['v']; $value = str_replace(' ', ' ', $value); // rendering cell $pdf->MultiCell($width, 5, $value, $this->flag_pdf_show_borders, $align, 1, 0, $x, $page_y, true, 0, false, true, 10, 'T'); // underline if (@$v['d'][$k10]['u']) { $pdf->SetLineStyle(array('width' => 0, 'cap' => 'butt', 'join' => 'miter', 'dash' => 0, 'color' => array(0, 0, 0))); $pdf->Line($x, $page_y + 5, $x + $v10['w'], $page_y + 5); } // subtotal if (@$v['d'][$k10]['s']) { $pdf->SetLineStyle(array('width' => 0, 'cap' => 'butt', 'join' => 'miter', 'dash' => 0, 'color' => array(0, 0, 0))); $pdf->Line($x + 1, $page_y, $x + $v10['w'] - 1, $page_y); } // total if (@$v['d'][$k10]['t']) { $pdf->SetLineStyle(array('width' => 0, 'cap' => 'butt', 'join' => 'miter', 'dash' => 0, 'color' => array(0, 0, 0))); $pdf->Line($x + 1, $page_y, $x + $v10['w'] - 1, $page_y); $pdf->Line($x + 1, $page_y - 0.75, $x + $v10['w'] - 1, $page_y - 0.75); } } $x += @$v10['w']; } // incrementing $page_y += 5; if ($page_y > $pdf->getPageHeight() - 10) { $flag_new_page = true; $flag_first_row = true; } } $pdf->Output($this->header['name'] . '.pdf', 'I'); exit; break; case 'csv': case 'txt': case 'xlsx': $sheet = strip_tags($this->header['name']); $sheet = str_replace(['/', '\\'], '', $sheet); // generating header $header = []; $header[$sheet][] = [format::datetime(format::now()), '', $session->company_name . ': ' . $session->book_name, '', 'Page 1']; $controllers = application::get(['mvc', 'controllers']); $header[$sheet][] = [strip_tags($this->header['name']) . ' (' . implode('-', $controllers) . ')']; if (isset($this->header['description'])) { $header[$sheet][] = [$this->header['description']]; } $header[$sheet][] = [' ']; $temp = $header; // displaying filter if (isset($this->header['filter'])) { $temp2 = []; foreach ($this->header['filter'] as $k => $v) { $temp[$sheet][] = [strip_tags($k), strip_tags($v)]; } $temp[$sheet][] = [' ']; } // converting data foreach ($this->data as $k => $v) { $temp2 = []; foreach ($v['d'] as $k2 => $v2) { if (is_array($v2)) { $value = $v2['v'] ?? null; } else { $value = $v2; } // replaces $value = str_replace(' ', ' ', $value); $temp2[] = strip_tags($value); } $temp[$sheet][] = $temp2; } // get output buffering helper_ob::clean_all(); // content switch ($type) { case 'xlsx': echo io::array_to_excel($temp, io::$formats[$type]['excel_code'], null); break; default: // csv or text header('Content-Type: ' . numbers_frontend_exports_csv_base::$formats[$type]['content_type']); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $sheet . '.' . $type . '"'); header('Cache-Control: max-age=0'); echo numbers_frontend_exports_csv_base::array_to_csv($temp, numbers_frontend_exports_csv_base::$formats[$type]['delimiter'], numbers_frontend_exports_csv_base::$formats[$type]['enclosure']); } exit; break; case 'html': case 'html2': default: // rendering data $table = ['options' => []]; $counter = 1; foreach ($this->data as $k => $v) { $flag_colspan = 0; $row = []; if (!empty($v['d'])) { foreach ($v['d'] as $k2 => $v2) { if ($flag_colspan > 0) { $flag_colspan--; continue; } $colspan = ''; if ($v2['c'] ?? null) { $colspan = $v2['c']; $flag_colspan = $v2['c'] - 1; } $align = 'left'; $title = ''; $style = ''; if (is_array($v2)) { $value = $v2['v'] ?? null; if (!empty($v2['h'])) { $v2['h']['value'] = $value; $value = html::a($v2['h']); } if (!empty($v2['a'])) { $align = $v2['a']; } if (!empty($v2['l'])) { $title = $v2['l']; } // bold lines if ($v2['b'] ?? null) { $value = '<b>' . $value . '</b>'; } // todo: convert styles to classes if ($v2['s'] ?? null) { $style .= 'border-top: 1px solid #000;'; } if ($v2['t'] ?? null) { $style .= 'border-top: 3px double #000;'; } if ($v2['u'] ?? null) { $style .= 'border-bottom: 1px solid #000;'; } } else { $value = $v2; } $row[$k2] = ['value' => $value, 'align' => $align, 'colspan' => $colspan, 'style' => $style, 'title' => $title, 'nowrap' => true]; } } else { $row[0] = ['value' => ' ']; } $table['options'][$counter] = $row; $counter++; } $result = html::table($table); // printable export if ($type == 'html2') { $header = ['options' => []]; $header['options'][] = [0 => format::datetime(format::now()), 1 => '', 2 => $session->company_name . ': ' . $session->book_name, 3 => '', 4 => 'Page 1']; $controllers = application::get(['mvc', 'controllers']); $header['options'][] = [['value' => strip_tags($this->header['name']) . ' (' . implode('-', $controllers) . ')', 'colspan' => 5]]; if (isset($this->header['description'])) { $header['options'][] = [$this->header['description']]; } $header['options'][] = [' ']; // displaying filter if (isset($this->header['filter'])) { $temp2 = []; foreach ($this->header['filter'] as $k => $v) { $header['options'][] = [strip_tags($k) . ':', strip_tags($v)]; } $header['options'][] = [' ']; } $header = html::table($header); layout::render_as($header . $result, 'text/html'); } } return $result; }
/** * Render as content type, non html output should go though this function * * @param mixed $data * @param string $content_type */ public static function render_as($data, $content_type) { // clena up output buffer helper_ob::clean_all(); application::set('', $content_type); application::set('', 1); header("Content-type: " . $content_type); switch ($content_type) { case 'application/json': echo json_encode($data); break; case 'text/html': helper_ob::start(); require application::get(['application', 'path_full']) . 'layout/blank.html'; $from = ['<!-- [numbers: document title] -->', '<!-- [numbers: document body] -->']; $to = [layout::render_document_title(), $data]; echo str_replace($from, $to, helper_ob::clean()); break; default: echo $data; } exit; }