Пример #1
  * check if passed string is secured compatible operations in `GetSecureString()` function
  * @param \zinux\kernel\security\type $target_string
  * @param array $based_upon
  * @param string $for_uri Explicitly define the uri that request has come from(default: @$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])
  * @param type $has_expire_date
 public static function __validate_request(array $target_array, array $based_upon = array(), $has_expire_date = 0)
     # generating security fields name
     $tn = "__s_" . substr(sha1('t'), 0, 5);
     $hn = "__s_" . substr(sha1('h'), 0, 5);
     $en = "__s_" . substr(sha1('e'), 0, 5);
     $rn = "__s_" . substr(sha1('r'), 0, 5);
     # assertion array for security checking
     $asserts = array();
     # final $based_upon array for asserting $target_array
     $isSecure_based_upon = array($tn, $hn, $rn);
     # essential component of secure Array
     self::IsSecure($target_array, $isSecure_based_upon);
     # add time value of array to $based_upon[] required for hash
     $based_upon[] = $target_array[$tn];
     $based_upon[] = @session_id();
     # if array should has expiration value
     if ($has_expire_date) {
         # check expiration field existance
         self::IsSecure($target_array, array($en));
         # if it does not exists we will never reach this line be cause of exception arising in above line
     # if we make here and $has_expire_date is enabled? OR naturally $target_array contains an expiration field
     if ($has_expire_date || isset($target_array[$en])) {
         # then for sure the exipration field is exists
         # adding expiration value of array to $based_upon[] required for hash
         $based_upon[] = $target_array[$en];
         # adding expiration value of array to $isSecure_based_upon[] required for hash
         $isSecure_based_upon[] = $en;
         # anonymous function for asserting expiration value
         $expire_checkFunc = function ($en) {
             # check if the expiration value is less than current time or not
             return $en <= time();
         # register expiration assertion function/value
         $asserts[$en] = $expire_checkFunc;
     # get referer URI
     $refer = self::getRefererURI();
     # require hashing module
     require_once 'hash.php';
     # final checking of $target_array via its assertions
     self::IsSecure($target_array, $isSecure_based_upon, $asserts, array($hn => hash::Generate(implode("", $based_upon)), $rn => self::getURIHash(@$target_array[$tn] . $refer)));
     # if we reach this line its all OK
     return true;