function get_trend_data($ids, $grouping = "post", $type = "article", $period = "over", $last = 1, $over = 30, $multi_id = 0) { global $wpdb, $table_prefix; $strtodate = gdFunctionsGDSR::mysql_version(); $strtodate = $strtodate == 4 ? $strtodate = "date_add(d.vote_date, interval 0 day)" : ($strtodate = "str_to_date(d.vote_date, '%Y-%m-%d')"); if ($period == "over") { $where = sprintf("%s BETWEEN DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL %s DAY) AND DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL %s DAY)", $strtodate, $last + $over, $last); } else { $where = sprintf("%s BETWEEN DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL %s DAY) AND NOW()", $strtodate, $last); } $from = $join = $sql = ""; switch ($grouping) { case "post": $select = $type == "multis" ? "d.post_id" : ""; break; case "user": $select = ""; $join = " = and p.post_status = 'publish' and = p.post_author and "; break; case "category": $select = "t.term_id"; $join = " = and p.post_status = 'publish' and t.term_taxonomy_id = r.term_taxonomy_id and r.object_id = and t.taxonomy = 'category' and t.term_id = x.term_id and "; break; } if ($type == "multis") { switch ($grouping) { case "post": $from = sprintf("%sgdsr_multis_trend d", $table_prefix); break; case "user": $from = sprintf("%s u, %sposts p, %sgdsr_multis_trend d", $wpdb->users, $table_prefix, $table_prefix); break; case "category": $from = sprintf("%sterm_taxonomy t, %sterm_relationships r, %sterms x, %sposts p, %sgdsr_multis_trend d", $table_prefix, $table_prefix, $table_prefix, $table_prefix, $table_prefix); break; } $sql = sprintf("SELECT %s as id, sum(d.total_votes_users) as user_voters, sum(d.average_rating_users * d.total_votes_users) as user_votes, sum(d.total_votes_visitors) as visitor_voters, sum(d.average_rating_visitors * d.total_votes_visitors) as visitor_votes FROM %s WHERE %s%s and %s in (%s) and multi_id = %s group by %s order by %s asc", $select, $from, $join, $where, $select, $ids, $multi_id, $select, $select); } else { switch ($grouping) { case "post": $from = sprintf("%sgdsr_votes_trend d", $table_prefix); break; case "user": $from = sprintf("%s u, %sposts p, %sgdsr_votes_trend d", $wpdb->users, $table_prefix, $table_prefix); break; case "category": $from = sprintf("%sterm_taxonomy t, %sterm_relationships r, %sterms x, %sposts p, %sgdsr_votes_trend d", $table_prefix, $table_prefix, $table_prefix, $table_prefix, $table_prefix); break; } $sql = sprintf("SELECT %s as id, sum(d.user_voters) as user_voters, sum(d.user_votes) as user_votes, sum(d.visitor_voters) as visitor_voters, sum(d.visitor_votes) as visitor_votes FROM %s WHERE %s%s and d.vote_type = '%s' AND %s IN (%s) GROUP BY %s ORDER BY %s asc", $select, $from, $join, $where, $type == "thumbs" ? "artthumb" : "article", $select, $ids, $select, $select); } return $wpdb->get_results($sql); }
function trends_daily($id, $vote_type = 'article', $show = "", $days = 30) { global $wpdb, $table_prefix; $mysql4_strtodate = "date_add(vote_date, interval 0 day)"; $mysql5_strtodate = "str_to_date(vote_date, '%Y-%m-%d')"; $strtodate = ""; $voters = $votes = 0; switch (gdFunctionsGDSR::mysql_version()) { case "4": $strtodate = $mysql4_strtodate; break; case "5": default: $strtodate = $mysql5_strtodate; break; } $sql = sprintf("SELECT user_voters, user_votes, visitor_voters, visitor_votes, %s as vote_date FROM %sgdsr_votes_trend where vote_type = '%s' and id = %s and %s between DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL %s DAY) AND NOW() order by vote_date asc", $strtodate, $table_prefix, $vote_type, $id, $strtodate, $days); $results = $wpdb->get_results($sql); $data = array(); for ($i = $days; $i > 0; $i--) { $day = date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d") - $i, date("Y"))); $data[$day] = array("votes" => 0, "rating" => 0); } foreach ($results as $row) { if ($show == "user") { $voters = $row->user_voters; $votes = $row->user_votes; } else { if ($show == "visitor") { $voters = $row->visitor_voters; $votes = $row->visitor_votes; } else { $voters = $row->visitor_voters + $row->user_voters; $votes = $row->visitor_votes + $row->user_votes; } } $data[$row->vote_date]["rating"] = $voters > 0 ? number_format($votes / $voters, 1) : 0; $data[$row->vote_date]["votes"] = $voters; } return $data; }